Unit 5

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Introduction Problem of economic load scheduling Performance curves Constraints in economic operation of power systems Spinning reserve Solution to economic load dispatch (i) Solution to ELD without inequality constraints (ii) Solution to ELD with capacity constraints (iii) Solution to ELD with Transmission losses considered- PENALTY FACTOR METHOD (iv) Solution to ELD with Transmission losses considered- LOSS COEFFICIENTS METHOD (Transmission loss as a function of plant generation- B Coefficients) Examples

INTRODUCTION Electric Power Systems (EPS): Economic Aspects: In EPS, the first step is to properly assess the load requirement of a given area where electrical power is to be supplied. This power is to be supplied using the available units such as thermal, hydroelectric, nuclear, etc. Many factors are required to be considered while choosing a type of generation such as: kind of fuel available, fuel cost, availability of suitable sites for major station, nature of load to be supplied, etc. Variable load: The load is not constant due to the varying demands at the different times of the day. The EPS is expected to supply reliable and quality power. It should ensure the continuity of power supply at all times. {Qn.: write a note on the choice of the number and size of the generating units at a power station from economic operation point of view} Single unit Vs. multiple units: the use of a single unit to supply the complete load demand is not practical since, it would not be a reliable one. Alternately, a large number of smaller units can be used to fit the load curve as closely as possible. Again, with a large number of units, the operation and maintenance costs will increase. Further, the capital cost of large number of units of smaller size is more as compared to a small number of units of larger size. Thus, there has to be compromise in the selection of size and number of generating units within a power plant or a station. Electric Power Systems (EPS): Operational Aspects: Electric energy is generated at large power stations that are far away from the load centers. Large and long transmission lines (grid lines) wheel the generated power to the substations at load centers. Many electrical equipment are used for proper transmission and distribution of the generated power. The grid lines are such that: GRID: The transmission system of a given area.

Regional GRID: Different grids are interconnected through transmission lines. National GRID: Interconnection of several regional grids through tie lines.

Each grid operates independently, although power can be exchanged between various grids. Economic loading of generators and interconnected stations: Optimum economic efficiency is achieved when all the generators which are running in parallel are loaded in such a way that the fuel cost of their power generation is the minimum. The units then share the load to minimize the overall cost of generation. This economical approach of catering to the load requirement is called as economic dispatch. The main factor in economic operation of power systems is the cost of generating the real power. In any EPS, the cost has two components as under: The Fixed Costs: Capital investment, interest charged on the money borrowed, tax paid, labour, salary, etc. which are independent of the load variations. The Variable Costs: which are dependant on the load on the generating units, the losses, daily load requirements, purchase or sale of power, etc.

The current discussion on economic operation of power systems is concerned about minimizing the variable costs only. Further, the factors affecting the operating cost of the generating units are: generator efficiency, transmission losses, fuel cost, etc. Of these, the fuel cost is the most important factor. Since a given power system is a mix of various types of generating units, such as hydel, thermal, nuclear, hydro-thermal, wind, etc., each type of unit contributes its share for the total operating cost. Since fuel cost is a predominating factor in thermal (coal fired) plants, economic load dispatch (ELD) is considered usually for a given set of thermal plants in the foregoing discussion. PROBLEM OF ECONOMIC LOAD SCHEDULING: There are two problem areas of operation strategy to obtain the economic operation of power systems. They are: problem of economic scheduling and the problem of optimal power flow. * The problem of economic scheduling: This is again divided into two categories: The unit commitment problem (UCP): Here, the objective is to determine the various generators to be in operation among the available ones in the system, satisfying the constraints, so that the total operating cost is the minimum. This problem is solved for specified time duration, usually a day in advance, based on the forecasted load for that time duration. The economic load dispatch (ELD): Here, the objective is to determine the generation (MW power output) of each presently operating (committed or put on) units to meet the specified load demand (including the losses), such hat the total fuel cost s minimized.

* The problem of optimal power flow: Here, it deals with delivering the real power to the load points with minimum loss. For this, the power flow in each line is to be optimized to minimize the system losses. {Qn.: compare ELD and UCP and hence bring out their importance and objectives.} PERFORMANCE CURVES: The Performance Curves useful for economic load dispatch studies include many different types of input-output curves as under: 1. Input Output Curve: A plot of fuel input in Btu/Hr. as a function of the MW output of the unit. 2. Heat Rate Curve: A plot of heat rate in Btu/kWH, as a function of the MW output of the unit. Thus, it is the slope of the I-O curve at any point. The reciprocal of heat rate is termed as the Fuel Efficiency. 3. Incremental Fuel Rate Curve: A plot of incremental fuel rate (IFC) in Btu/kWH as a function of the MW output of the unit, where, IFC= input/output = Incremental change in fuel input/ Incremental change in power output (1) 4. Incremental Fuel Cost Curve: A plot of incremental fuel cost (IFC) in Rs./kWH as a function of the MW output of the unit, where, IFC in Rs./kWH = (Incremental fuel rate in Btu/kWH) (Fuel cost in Rs./Btu) (2) The IFC is a measure of how costlier it will be to produce an increment of power output by that unit. The Cost Curve can be approximated by: * Quadratic Curve by the function: Ci(Pi) = ai+biPi+ciPi2 Rs./Hr. * Linear curve by the function: d(Ci)/dPi =bi+2ciPi Rs./MWHr.

(3) (4)

Generally, the quadratic curve is used widely to represent the cost curve, with the IC curve given by the linear curve as above. CONSTRAINTS IN ECONOMIC OPERATION OF POWER SYSTEMS: Various constraints are imposed on the problem of economic operation of power systems as listed below: 1. Primary constraints (equality constraints): Power balance equations: Pi - PDi - Pl =0; Qi - QDi - Ql =0; i=buses of the system where, Pl= ViVjYij cos (ij-ij); Ql= ViVjYij sin (ij-ij); j = 1,2,.n, are the power flow to the neighboring system.



The above constraints arise due to the need for the system to balance the generation and load demand of the system.

2. Secondary constraints (inequality constraints): These arise due to physical and operational limitations of the units and components. Pimin Pi Pimax Qimin Qi Qimax i = 1,2,.n, the number of generating units in the system. (7)

3. Spare Capacity Constraints: These are used to account for the errors in load prediction, any sudden or fast change in load demand, inadvertent loss of scheduled generation, etc. Here, the total generation available at any time should be in excess of the total anticipated load demand and any system loss by an amount not less than a specified minimum spare capacity, PSP (called the Spinning Reserve) given by: PlG (Generation) Pl (Losses) + PSP + PDj (Load) (8) 4. Thermal Constraints: For transmission lines of the given system: - Simin Sbi Simax i = 1,2,.nb, the number of branches, where, Sbi is the branch transfer MVA.


5. Bus voltage and Bus angle Constraints: Bus voltage and Bus angle Constraints are needed to maintain a flat bus voltage profile and to limit the overloading respectively. - Vimin Vi Vimax i = 1,2,.n min max - ij ij ij i = 1,2,.n; j = 1,2,.m (10) where, n is the number of nodes and m is the number of nodes neighboring each node with interconnecting branches. 6. Other Constraints: In case of transformer taps, during optimization, it is required to satisfy the constraint: Timin Ti Timax (11) where Ti is the percentage tap setting of the tap changing transformer used. In case of phase shifting transformers, it is required to satisfy the constraint: PSimin PSi PSimax where PSi is the phase shift obtained from the phase shifting transformer used. SPINNING RESERVE Spinning reserve (SR) is the term used to describe the total amount of generation available from all the synchronized (spinning) units of the system minus the present load plus the losses being supplied. i.e., Sp.Res., PSP = {Total generation, PlG} - { PDj(load) + Pl (losses)} (13) (12)

The SR must be made available in the system so that the loss of one or more units does not cause a large drop in system frequency. SR must be allocated to different units based on typical Council rules. One such rule is as follows: SR must be capable of making up for the loss of the most heavily loaded unit in the system Reserves must be spread around the system to avoid the problem of bottling of reserves and to allow for the various parts of the system to run as islands, whenever they become electrically disconnected. {Qn.: Write a brief note on the following: Spinning Reserve, constraints in economic operation, performance curves} SOLUTION TO ECONOMIC LOAD DISPATCH {Qn.: Derive the EIC criterion for economic operation of power systems with transmission losses neglected, MW limits considered/ not considered} The solution to economic load dispatch problem is obtained as per the equal incremental cost criterion (EIC), which states that: All the units must operate at the same incremental fuel cost for economic operation This EIC criterion can be derived as per LaGrangian multiplier method for different cases as under. CASE (i) Solution to ELD without inequality constraints: Consider a system with N generating units supplying a load PD MW. Let the unit MW limits and the transmission losses are negligible. Suppose the fuel cost of unit i is given by: Ci(Pi) = ai+ biPi+ ciPi2 Rs./Hr. so that ICi = d(Ci)/dPi = bi+ 2ciPi Rs./MWHr. (14) i= 1,2, N Hence, the total cost, CT = Ci(Pi) The ELD problem can thus be stated mathematically as follows: Minimize Such that CT = Ci(Pi) Pi = PD i = 1,2, N (15)

where, CT is the total fuel cost of the system in Rs./Hr., PD is the total demand in MW and Pi is the MW power output of unit i. The above optimization problem can be solved by LaGranjes method as follows. The LaGranje function L is given by: L = CT + (PD Pi) The minimum cost value is obtained when: L/Pi = 0; and L/ = 0



CT/Pi = 0 and PD - Pi = 0 (which is same as the constraint given)

Further, since the cost of a given unit depends only on its own power output, we have, CT/Pi = Ci/Pi = dCi/dPi i= 1,2, N (18) Thus, dCi/dPi = 0 i = 1,2, N or dC1/dP1 = dC2/dP2 = .. = dCi/dPi = . = dCN/dPN (19) = , a common value of the incremental fuel cost of generator I, in Rs./MWHr. The equation above is stated in words as under: For the optimum generation (power output) of the generating units, all the units must operate at equal incremental cost (EIC) Expression for System Lambda, : Consider equation (14); Simplifying, we get, ICi = d(Ci)/dPi = bi+2ciPi Rs./MWHr. Pi = [-bi]/2ci MW so that Pi = PD = [-bi]/2ci = {PD + [bi/2ci]}/ { [1/2ci]} (20)

Solving, we get,

CASE (ii) Solution to ELD with capacity constraints: Consider a system with N generating units supplying a load PD MW. Let the unit MW limits be considerable and the transmission losses be negligible. Suppose the fuel cost of unit i is given by: Ci(Pi) = ai+ biPi+ ciPi2 Rs./Hr. so that the total cost, CT = Ci(Pi) i= 1,2, N The ELD problem can now be stated mathematically as follows: Minimize Such that CT = Ci(Pi) i = 1,2, N Pi = PD and Pimin Pi Pimax


where, CT is the total fuel cost of the system in Rs./Hr., PD is the total demand in MW, Pi is the MW power output of unit i, Pimin is the minimum MW power output and Pimax is the maximum power output by the unit i. The necessary conditions for the solution of the above optimization problem can be obtained as follows: i = dCi/dPi = Rs./MWHr. for Pimin Pi Pimax i = dCi/dPi Rs./MWHr. for Pi = Pimax i = dCi/dPi Rs./MWHr. for Pi = Pimin


From the above equations, if the outputs of the unit, according to optimality rule, is: * Less than its minimum value, then it is set to Pimin, the corresponding IC will be greater than the system ,

* More than its maximum value, then it is set to Pimax, the corresponding IC will be less than the system , * With in its maximum and minimum values, then the corresponding IC will be equal to the system . In other words, the sequential procedural steps are as follows: 1. First, find the power output according to the optimality rule (EIC Criterion) 2. If the power output of any unit is less than its minimum value, then set the value to be equal to its Pimin, 3. Similarly, if the power output of any unit is more than its maximum value, then set the value to be equal to its Pimax, 4. Adjust the demand for the remaining units after accounting for the settings made for the above units (those units which have violated the limits) 5. Finally, apply the EIC criterion, for the remaining units. Here, the system lambda is determined by only those units whose power output values are with in the specified MW limits.

CASE (iii) Solution to ELD with Transmission losses considered- PENALTY FACTOR METHOD {Qn.: Derive the EIC criterion for economic operation of power systems with transmission losses considered. Use penalty factor method}

Consider a system with N generating units supplying a load PD MW. Let the transmission losses be considerable. Suppose the fuel cost of unit i is given by: so that the total cost, Ci(Pi) = ai+ biPi+ ciPi2 Rs./Hr. CT = Ci(Pi) i= 1,2, N Let PL be the total transmission losses in the system. The ELD problem can now be stated mathematically as follows:

Minimize Such that

CT = Ci(Pi) Pi = PD + PL

i = 1,2, N (23)

where, CT is the total fuel cost of the system in Rs./Hr., PD is the total demand in MW, Pi is the MW power output of unit i, PL is the transmission losses in the system. This above optimization problem can be solved by LaGranjes method as follows. The LaGranje function L is given by: L = CT - (Pi - PD PL) The minimum cost value is obtained when: L/Pi = 0; and L/ = 0



CT/Pi (1-PL/Pi)=0 and Pi-PDPL=0 (which is same as the constraint given)

Further, since the cost of a given unit depends only on its own power output, we have, CT/Pi = Ci/Pi = dCi/dPi i= 1,2, N Thus, dCi/dPi (1- dPL/dPi) = 0 i = 1,2, N or

dCi/dPi = ICi = (1- dPL/dPi) So that we have for optimal operation, = ICi /(1- dPL/dPi) = ICi (1- dPL/dPi)-1 = Pni ICi Where, Pni is the penalty factor of unit i = (1- dPL/dPi)-1 = (1-ITLi)-1 ; ITLi = dPL/dPi is the Incremental Transmission Loss of unit i, and is in Rs./MWHr. (26) The equation above is stated in words as under: For the optimum generation (power output) of the generating units, when the transmission losses are considered, all the units must operate such that the product of the incremental fuel cost and their penalty factor must be the same for all units Note: in equation (26), if losses are negligible as in case (i) above, then, ITLi = dPL/dPi = 0, Pni=1.0 so that = ICi i = 1,2, N, as before. CASE (iv) Solution to ELD with Transmission losses considered- LOSS COEFFICIENTS METHOD {Qn.: Derive the EIC criterion for economic operation of power systems with transmission losses considered. Use B- Coefficients method OR Derive an expression for the transmission loss as a function of the plant generations.} Consider a system with two generating units supplying currents I1 and I2 respectively to the load current IL. Let Ik1 and Ik2 be the respective currents flowing through a general transmission branch element k of resistance Rk, with current Ik as shown in figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Branch currents in a 2 unit system

Ik = Ik1 + Ik2 = Nk1 I1 + Nk2I2


Where, Nk1 and Nk2 (assumed to be real values) are the current distribution factors of units 1 and 2 respectively. It is assumed that the currents Ik1 and IL as well as Ik2 and IL have the same phase angle or they have a zero phase shift. Thus, they can be added as real numbers as under. Let I1 = I11 = I1cos 1+ jI1sin 1 I2 = I22 = I2cos 2+ jI2sin 2


Where 1 and 2 are the phase angles of currents. Consider now, the magnitude of current Ik, in branch k, given by Ik = {Nk1I1cos 1+ j Nk1I1sin 1} + {Nk2I2cos 2+ j Nk2I2sin 2} = {Nk1I1cos 1+ Nk2I2cos 2} + j{Nk1I1sin 1+ Nk2I2sin 2} Thus, Ik2 = Nk1I12 + Nk2I22 + 2 Nk1Nk2I1I2 cos(1-2) However, we have, P1 = 3V1I1cos1; P2 = 3V2I2cos2; PL = 3Ik2Rk (29)


where, P1 and P2 are the MW power output values by the units 1 and 2 respectively, V1 and V2 are the respective line voltages and 1, 2 are the respective power factor angles and PL is the transmission loss in the system. From equations (29) and (30),

after simplification, an expression for the transmission loss as a function of plant generation can be obtained as: PL = Nk12RkP12/(V12cos21) + Nk22RkP22/(V22cos22) + 2 Nk1Nk2RkP1P2 cos(1-2)/ (V1V2cos1cos2) = B11P12 + B22P22 + 2 B12P1P2


Where, the B coefficients are called as the loss coefficients. Thus, in general, for a system of n units we have, PL = PiBijPj
i j

Where, (32)

Bij = {cos(i-j)/ (ViVjcosicosj) NkiNkjRk

Note: 1. The B coefficients are represented in units of reciprocal MW, (MW-1) 2. For a three unit system , equation (32) takes the form: PL = B11P12 + B22P22 + B33P32 + 2 B12P1P2+2 B13P1P3+ 2 B23P2P3 = PTBP (33) Where, P = [P1 P2 P3], the vector of unit power output values and B = [B11 B12 B13; B21 B22 B23; B31 B32 B33] the loss coefficient matrix for the 3 unit system. 3. The B coefficient matrix is a square, symmetric matrix of order n, n being the number of generating units present in the system. 4. The following are the assumptions made during the above analysis: All load currents maintain a constant ratio to load current (Nki=constant). The voltage at any bus remains constant. The power factor of each bus source is constant (i=constant). The voltage phase angle at load buses is constant (i=constant). 5. The Incremental Transmission loss, ITLi of a given unit can be expressed in terms of its MW power output values as under: Consider, PL = PjBjkPk j k = PjBjkPk + PjBjiPi j ki j = PjBjkPk + PjBjiPi + BiiPi2 j ki ji = PjBjkPk + PiBikPk + PjBjiPi + BiiPi2 ji ki ki ji (34) Thus, ITLi = dPL/dPi = 0+ BikPk + PjBji + 2 BiiPi ki ji = 2 PkBik

(35) -----------


Examples on Economic operation of power systems Part A: Transmission losses negligible

Example-1: The I-O characteristics of two steam plants can be expressed analytically as under (with P1 and P2 in MW): F1 =(2.3P1+0.0062 P12 + 25)106 kCals/Hr. F2 =(1.5P1+0.01 P22 + 35)106 kCals/Hr. The calorific value of coal at plant#1 and plant#2 are respectively equal to 4000 kCals/kg. and 5000 kCals/kg. The corresponding cost of coal is Rs.55/- and Rs.65/per Ton. Find the following: (i)Incremental Fuel Rate in kCals/MWHr (ii)Incremental Fuel Cost in Rs./MWHr and (iii)Incremental Production Cost in Rs./MWHr if the cost of other items can be taken as 10% of the incremental fuel cost/plant.

Solution: (i)Incremental Fuel Rate in kCals/MWHr IFR1=dF1/dP1 = (2.3+0.0124P1)106 kCals/MWHr IFR2=dF2/dP2 = (1.5+0.02P2)106 kCals/MWHr (ii)Incremental Fuel Cost in Rs./MWHr IC1= [dF1/dP1 in kCals/MWHr] [cost of coal in Rs./ton] [calorific value-1 in kg./kCals] 10-3 = (2.3+0.0124P1)106 (55) (1/4000) (10-3) = 31.625 + 0.1705 P1 Rs./MWHr. IC2= [dF2/dP2 in kCals/MWHr] [cost of coal in Rs./ton] [calorific value-1 in kg./kCals] 10-3 = (1.5+0.02P2)106 (65) (1/5000) (10-3) = 19.9 + 0.26 P2 Rs./MWHr. (iii)Incremental Production Cost in Rs./MWHr if the cost of other items can be taken as 10% of the incremental fuel cost/plant. Effective value of IC are given by: IC1eff = 1.1 (IC1) = 1.1 (31.625 + 0.1705 P1) Rs./MWHr. = 34.7878 + 0.1875 P2 Rs./MWHr.


IC2eff = 1.1 (IC2) = 1.1 (19.9 + 0.26 P2) Rs./MWHr. = 21.45 + 0.286 P2 Rs./MWHr.

Example-2: The incremental costs of a two unit system are given by: IC1 = (0.008 PG1 + 8.0); IC2 = (0.0096 PG2 + 6.4) Find the incremental cost and the distribution of loads between the two units for optimal operation for a total load of 1000 MW. What is this value if the same total load is equally shared among the two units?

Solution: For the total load values of PT = 1000 MW, if the load is shared equally among the two units then: PG1 = 500 MW; PG2 = 500 MW with 1 = 12 Rs./MWHr and 2 = 11.2 Rs./MWHr. (unequal lambda values) Now, for optimal operation, we have as per EIC principle, the ICs to be equal. i.e., IC1=IC2; PT = P1+P2 = 1000

are the equations to be solved for the output power values. Thus, IC1 =0.008 PG1 + 8.0= IC2 = 0.0096 PG2 + 6.4 = 0.0096 (1000 - PG1) + 6.4 Solving, we get, PG1 = 454.54 MW; PG2 = 545.45 MW system = 1 = 2 = 11.64 Rs./MWHr. Thus, with system = 1 = 2 = 11.64 Rs./MWHr, the total load is optimally shared between the two units and the operating cost would be at its minimum. Further, system is calculated using any one of the IC equations as:

Example-3: The fuel costs in Rs./Hr. for a plant of three units are given by: C1=(0.1P12+40P1+100); C2=(0.125P22+30P2+80); C3=(0.15P32+20P3+150); Find the incremental cost and the distribution of loads between the three units for optimal operation for a total load of 400 MW, given that the max. and min. capacity limits for each of the units as 150 MW and 20 MW respectively.


Solution: Consider the incremental cost curves given by: ICi= dCi/dPi = (2ciPi+bi) Rs./MWHr IC1=dC1/dP1 = (0.20P1+40) Rs./MWHr IC2=dC2/dP2 = (0.25P2+30) Rs./MWHr and IC3=dC3/dP3 = (0.30P3+20) Rs./MWHr For the total load values of PT = 400 MW, for optimal operation, as per EIC

principle, the ICs are equal. i.e., IC1=IC2=IC3; and PT = P1+P2+P3 = 400 MW. Also, the system lambda is given by: = {PD+(bi/2ci)}/ {(1/2ci)} = 63.78 Rs./MWHr. Using this value of common system lambda, the MW output values of all the 3 units are obtained from their IC curves as: P1= 118.9 MW, P2= 135.12 MW and P3=91.90 MW. (All the MW output values are found to be within their capacity limits specified) Thus, with system = 1 = 2 = 3 =63.78 Rs./MWHr, the total load is optimally shared between the three units and the operating cost would be at its minimum. i= 1,2,3

Substituting the values, we get after simplification,

Example-4: The incremental costs of a two unit system are given by: IC1 =0.008 PG1 + 8.0 ; IC2 =0.0096 PG2 + 6.4

Find the incremental cost and the distribution of loads between the two units for optimal operation for a total load of 900 MW. Also determine the annual saving in cost in optimal operation as compared to equal sharing of the same total load.

Solution: For a total load of PT = 900 MW, if the load is shared equally among the two units then: PG1 = PG2 = 450 MW. Now, for optimal operation, we have as per EIC principle, the ICs to be equal. i.e., IC1=IC2; PT = P1+P2 = 900 are the equations to be solved for the output power values. Thus, IC1 =0.008 PG1 + 8.0 = IC2 = 0.0096 (900 - PG1) + 6.4 PG1 = 400 MW; PG2 = 500 MW. (= 11.2 Rs./MWHr.) Solving, we get,


The increase in cost of operation by Unit 1 if it supplies 450 MW (equal sharing) instead of 400 MW (optimal sharing) is given by: C1= IC1 dPG1 = (0.008PG1+8) dPG1 = |(0.004PG12+8PG1)|400450 = Rs.570/hr. Similarly, the decrease in cost of operation by Unit 2 if it supplies 450 MW (equal sharing) instead of 500 MW (optimal sharing) is given by: C2= IC2 dPG2 = (0.0096PG2+6.4) dPG2 = |(0.0096PG22+6.4PG2)|500450 = Rs. - 548/hr. Thus, the net saving in cost in optimal operation is given by: Rs. 570 548 = Rs. 22/- per hour or it is equivalent to an annual saving in cost of (assuming continuous operation): Rs.(22)(24)(365) = Rs. 1,92, 720/- PA.

Example-5: The fuel costs of a two generator system are given by: C1 =1 + 1P1+ 1P12; C2 =2 + 2P2+ 2P22 Where, 1=40, 2=30, 1=0.1, 2=0.125, and 1,2 are constants. How will the load of 150 MW be shared optimally between the two units? Also determine the saving in cost in Rs./Hr. in optimal operation as compared to equal sharing of the same total load.

Solution: Consider the incremental cost curves given by: IC1=dC1/dP1 = 1+ 1P1 = 40+0.2P1 Rs./MWHr IC2=dC2/dP2 = 2+ 2P2 = 30+0.25P2 Rs./MWHr For a total load of PT = 150 MW, if the load is shared equally among the two units then: PG1 = PG2 = 75 MW. Now, for optimal operation, we have as per EIC principle, the ICs to be equal. i.e., IC1=IC2; PT = P1+P2 = 150 are the equations to be solved for the output power values. Thus, IC1 =40+0.2P1 = IC2 = 30+0.25P2 = 30+0.25 (150-P1) P1 = 61.11 MW; P2 = 88.89 MW (= 52.222 Rs./MWHr.) The increase in cost of operation by Unit 1 if it supplies 75 MW (equal sharing) instead of 61.11 MW (optimal sharing) is given by: C1= IC1 dPG1 = (40+0.2P1) dP1 = |(40P1+0.1P12)|61.1175 = Rs.737.344/hr. Similarly, the decrease in cost of operation by Unit 2 if it supplies 75 MW (equal sharing) instead of 88.89 MW (optimal sharing) is given by: C2= IC2 dPG2 = (30+0.25P2) dPG2 = |(30P2+0.125P22)|88.8975 = Rs. - 707/hr. Solving, we get,


Thus, the net saving in cost in optimal operation is given by: Rs. 737.344 707 = Rs. 30.344/- per hour (or it is equivalent to an annual saving in cost of (assuming continuous operation): Rs.(30.3)(24)(365) = Rs. 2,62,800/- PA) Example-6: The fuel cost function in Rs./Hr. for three thermal plants is given by the following (with Ps in MW): F1 = 350 + 7.20 P1 + 0.0040 P12 F2 = 500 + 7.30 P2 + 0.0025 P22 F3 = 600 + 6.74 P3 + 0.0030 P32 Find the optimal schedule for a total load of 450 MW. Also compute the costs of operation for this schedule. Compare the same when the three generators share the same total load equally among them.

Solution: Consider the IC curves in Rs./MWHr for the 3 units as under: IC1=dF1/dP1 = 7.2+0.008P1 Rs./MWHr IC2=dF2/dP2 = 7.3 + 0.005P2 Rs./MWHr and IC3=dF3/dP3 = 6.74 + 0.006P3 Rs./MWHr For optimal operation, we have as per EIC, the common lambda of the system given by: = {PD+(bi/2ci)}/ {(1/2ci)} i= 1,2,3 = Rs. 8/ MWHr.

Substituting the values, we get after simplification,

Using this value of common system lambda, the MW output values of all the 3 units are obtained from their IC curves as: P1= 100 MW, P2= 140 MW and P3=210 MW. The operating costs for this schedule are found by using the cost curves as: FT(Optimal operation) = F1+F2+F3 = 1110+1571+2147.7 = 4828 Rs./Hr. Similarly, the operating costs for the equal sharing of total load are also found by using the cost curves as: (with P1= P2= P3=150 MW. FT(Equal sharing) = F1+F2+F3 = 1520+1621.25+1078.5 = 4849.5 Rs./Hr. Thus, saving in cost in optimal operation is: 4849.5 4828 = Rs.21.75/- per hour.


Example-7: Given that IC =(40+0.2P1) ; IC2 =(30+0.25P2) Calculate and tabulate the load

shared by each unit for optimal operation if the total load varies from 50 to 250MW, in steps of 50MW, given that max.MW is 125 and min. MW is 20 for both the units. Solution: Stage 1: Consider the ICs at Pmin: IC1|P1=P1min = 20MW = 40+0.2(20) = 44 Rs./MWHr IC2|P2=P2min = 20MW = 30+0.25(20) = 35 Rs./MWHr Thus, IC2 < IC1; i.e., the EIC holds good only from the stage where, the system lambda is equal to 44 Rs./MWHr. Now find P2 corresponding to this Lambda: P2|2=44 = (44 30)/0.25 = 56 MW so that then PTotal = 20 + 56 = 76 MW Thus, until PT=76 MW, EIC will not be feasible, Unit 1 will work at its minimum load 20 MW and all the additional load is shared by unit 2 alone till =44 Rs./MWHr. Stage 2: Consider the ICs at Pmax: since the Unit 2 is expected to reach its max. IC2|P2=P2max = 125MW = 30+0.25(125) = 61.25 Rs./MWHr P1|1=61.25 = (61.25 40)/0.2 = 106.25 MW so that then PTotal = 106.25+125= 231.25 MW Thus, after PT=231.25MW, EIC ceases to hold good; Unit 2 will work at its maximum load sharing of 125 MW only and all the additional load variations are shared by unit 1 alone untill P1 also reaches 125 MW. Stage 3: In summary, EIC holds good only for PT and system values which satisfy the limits: 76 PT 231.25 MW and 44 system 61.25 Rs./MWHr

limit earlier, find:

For the total load values of PT = 100, 150 and 200 MW, the equations to be solved for the output power values are: IC1=IC2; PT = P1+P2 and system is calculated using any one of the IC equations. The values so obtained for the said range of load values are tabulated as under.


Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

PT 50 76 100 150 200 231.25 250

P1 20 (fixed) 20 33.33 61.11 88.88 106.25 125

P2 30 56 66.67 88.99 111.11 125 125 (fixed)

system 44 (fixed) 44 46.67 52.22 57.78 61.25 61.25 (fixed)

Remarks Unit 2 only shares the additional load Unit 1 and Unit 2 share the total load as per EIC Criterion. The system works with a common system lambda Unit 1 only shares the additional load

Example-8: Given that F1 =110 + 30P1+ 0.09P12 F2 =135 + 12P2+ 0.1P22 12 P1 125 MW 25 P2 125 MW

Calculate and tabulate the load shared by each unit for optimal sharing of the total load in the range 50-250 MW in steps of 100 MW. Also find system in each case.

Solution: Consider the incremental cost curves given by: IC1=dC1/dP1 = 30+0.18 P1 Rs./MWHr IC2=dC2/dP2 = 12+0.2 P2 Rs./MWHr Stage 1: Consider the ICs at Pmin: IC1|P1=P1min = 12MW = 32.16 Rs./MWHr IC2|P2=P2min = 25 MW = 17 Rs./MWHr Thus, IC2 < IC1; i.e., the EIC holds good only from the stage where, the system lambda is equal to 32.16 Rs./MWHr. Now find P2 corresponding to this Lambda: P2|2=32.16 = 100.8 MW so that then PTotal = 112.8 MW Thus, until PT=112.8 MW, EIC will not be feasible, Unit 1 will work at its minimum load, 12 MW and the additional load is shared by unit 2 alone till =32.16 Rs./MWHr. Stage 2: Consider the ICs at Pmax: since the Unit 2 is expected to reach its max. IC2|P2=P2max = 125MW = 37 Rs./MWHr P1|1=37 = 38.88 MW so that then PTotal = 163.88 MW

limit earlier, find:


Thus, after PT= 163.88 MW, EIC ceases to hold good; Unit 2 will work at its maximum load sharing of 125 MW only and all the additional load variations are shared by unit 1 alone untill P1 also reaches 125 MW. Stage 3: In summary, EIC holds good only for PT and system values which satisfy the limits: 112.8 PT 163.88 MW and 32.16 system 37 Rs./MWHr For the total load value of PT = 150 MW, where the EIC holds good, the equations to be solved for the output power values are: IC1=IC2; PT = P1+P2 and system is calculated using any one of the IC equations. The values so obtained for the said range of load values are tabulated as under.

Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

PT 50 112.8 150 163.88 250

P1 12 (fixed) 12 31.58 38.88 125

P2 38 100.8 118.42 125 125 (fixed)

system 32.16 (fixed) 32.16 35.67 37 37 (fixed)

Remarks Unit 2 only shares the additional load Unit 1 and Unit 2 share the total load as per EIC Criterion. The system works with a common system lambda Unit 1 only shares the additional load

Example-9: A system is fed by two steam plants with IC functions as under: IC1= 28+0.16P1 Rs./MWHr ; IC2= 20+0.25P2 Rs./MWHr The maximum and minimum loads on the units are 100 MW and 10 MW respectively. Determine the minimum cost of generation for supplying a load as follows based on the EIC criterion:
Load Duration Load in MW 12 Midnight 6 am 60 6 am 12 noon 100 12 noon -2 pm 80 2-6 pm 120 6-9 pm 175 9pm 12 Midnight 50

Solution: Stage 1: Consider the ICs at Pmin: IC1|P1=P1min = 10MW = 29.6 Rs./MWHr IC2|P2=P2min = 10 MW = 22.5 Rs./MWHr


Thus, IC2 < IC1; i.e., the EIC holds good only from the stage where, the system lambda is equal to 29.6 Rs./MWHr. Now find P2 corresponding to this Lambda: P2|2=29.6 = 38.4 MW so that then PTotal = 48.4 MW However all the required loads to be supplied are above this total load of 48.4 MW!

Stage 2: Consider the ICs at Pmax: IC1|P1=P1max = 100MW = 44 Rs./MWHr IC2|P2=P2max = 100MW = 45 Rs./MWHr P2|1=44 = 96 MW so that then PTotal = 196 MW Again, it is observed that all the required loads to be supplied are below this total load of 196 MW! In summary, EIC holds good for all the load values specified. Now for the total load value of PT = P1+P2, where EIC is shown to holds good, the equations to be solved for the output power values are: IC1=IC2; PT = P1+P2 and system is calculated using any one of the IC equations. The values so obtained for the said range of load values are tabulated as under.
PT 48.4 50 60 80 100 120 175 196 P1 10 (min.) 10.97 17.07 29.27 41.47 53.66 87.20 100 (max.) P2 38.40 39.03 42.13 50.73 58.53 66.34 87.80 96.00 system 29.60 29.75 30.73 32.68 34.63 38.59 41.95 44.00

Example-10: Assume that the fuel input in Btu/Hr. for unit 1 and unit 2 of a plant are given by: F1 = {P1+ 0. 024P12+80}106; F2={6P2+ 0.04P22 +120)106

The maximum and minimum loads on the units are 100 MW and 10 MW respectively. Determine the minimum cost of generation for supplying a load as follows with the fuel cost at Rs.2 per MBtu.
Load Duration Load 12 Midnight 6 am 50 MW 6 am 6 pm 150 MW 6 pm 12 Midnight 50 MW


Solution: Consider the incremental cost curves given by: IC1=dC1/dP1 = 2+0.096 P1 Rs./MWHr IC2=dC2/dP2 = 12+0.16 P2 Rs./MWHr Consider the ICs at Pmin: IC1|P1=P1min = 10MW = 2.96 Rs./MWHr IC2|P2=P2min = 10 MW = 13.6 Rs./MWHr Thus, IC2 >IC1; i.e., the EIC holds good only from the stage where, the system lambda is equal to 13.6 Rs./MWHr. Now find P1 corresponding to this Lambda: P1|1=13.6 = 120.833 MW (>P1max) (so that then PTotal = 130.833 MW) Thus, until PT=130.833 MW, EIC will not be feasible, Unit 2 will work at its minimum load of 10 MW and the additional load is shared by unit 2 alone till =13.6 Rs./MWHr. However, this is not further feasible since the unit 1 reaches its max. value of 100 MW within this range!!! Hence, EIC ceases to exist for any given range of load. The load sharing is thus constrained by the MW limits for the various loads specified: 50 MW and 150 MW, as shown by the table below:

PT MW <20 20 50 100 110 150 180 200 >200

P1 MW 10 40 90 100 100 100 100

P2 MW 10 10 10 10 50 80 100

Remarks Infeasible Here unit 2 is at its min. limit of 10 MW, only unit 1 shares the load till it hits its own max. limit of 100 MW and unit 1 determines the system Here unit 1 is at its max. limit of 100 MW, only unit 2 shares the load and determines the system Infeasible

Example-11: Determine the economic operating point for the system of three units when delivering a total load of 850 MW, with the unit details as follows:
Sl. No. Type of plant
Coal fired Steam Plant Oil fired Steam Plant Oil fired Steam Plant

Max. MW

Min. MW

Fuel Cost Rs./MBtu

1 2 3

600 400 200

150 100 50

1.1 1.0 1.0

Hi=(ai+biPi+ciPi2) ai bi ci 510 7.2 0.000142 310 7.85 0.00194 78 7.97 0.00482

I/O Curve (MBtu/Hr.)


Solution: Consider the IC curves in Rs./MWHr for the 3 units as under: IC1=dH1/dP1 = (1.1) (7.2+0.000284P1) Rs./MWHr IC2=dH2/dP2 = (1.0) (7.85 + 0.00388P2) Rs./MWHr and IC3=dH3/dP3 = (1.0) (7.97 + 0.00964P3) Rs./MWHr For optimal operation, we have as per EIC, the common lambda of the system given by: = {PD+(bi/2ci)}/ {(1/2ci)} = 9.148 Rs./MWHr. Using this value of common system lambda, the MW output values of all the 3 units are obtained from their IC curves as: P1= 393.2 MW, P2= 334.6 MW and P3=122.2 MW. (All the MW output values are within their capacity limits specified) i= 1,2,3

Substituting the values, we get after simplification,

Example-12: Three plants of total capacity 500 MW are scheduled for operation to supply a total load of 310 MW. Find the optimal load schedule if the IC curves and limitations are: : IFC1 = 30+ 0.12P1 IFC2 = 40+ 0.20P2 IFC3 = 10+ 0.16P3 30 P1 150 MW 20 P2 100 MW 50 P3 250 MW

Solution: For optimal operation, we have as per EIC, the system given by: system = {PD+(bi/2ci)}/ {(1/2ci)} system = 42 Rs./MWHr. Using this value of system, the MW output values of all the 3 units are obtained from their IC curves as: P1= 100 MW, P2= 10 MW and P3= 200 MW. Thus, P2<P2min (of 20 MW) and P1,P3 are within the limits. In such cases, for optimal operation, we set P2=P2min = 20 i= 1,2,3

Substituting the values, we get after simplification,


And hence the total load to be shared only between the unit 1 and unit 3 is: 310-10=290 MW;

Now, for optimal operation, IC1=IC3. i.e., 30+ 0.12P1= 10+ 0.16P3 and P1+P3=290. Solution thus yields: 1= 3= 41.316 Rs./MWHr.; P1= 94.3 MW; P3 = 195.7 MW with P2=P2min = 20 MW (fixed).

Example-13: Determine the economic operating point for the system of three units when delivering a total load of 850 MW, with the unit details as follows:
Sl. No. Type of plant
Coal fired Steam Plant Oil fired Steam Plant Oil fired Steam Plant

Max. MW

Min. MW

Fuel Cost Rs./MBtu

1 2 3 Solution:

600 400 200

150 100 50

0.9 1.0 1.0

Hi=(ai+biPi+ciPi2) ai bi ci 510 7.2 0.000142 310 7.85 0.00194 78 7.97 0.00482

I/O Curve (MBtu/Hr.)

Consider the IC curves in Rs./MWHr for the 3 units as under: IC1=dH1/dP1 = (0.9) (7.2+0.000284P1) Rs./MWHr IC2=dH2/dP2 = (1.0) (7.85 + 0.00388P2) Rs./MWHr and IC3=dH3/dP3 = (1.0) (7.97 + 0.00964P3) Rs./MWHr For optimal operation, we have as per EIC, the common lambda of the system given by: = {PD+(bi/2ci)}/ {(1/2ci)} = 8.284 Rs./MWHr. Using this value of common system lambda, the MW output values of all the 3 units are obtained from their IC curves as: P1= 704.6 MW, P2= 111.8 MW and P3= 32.6 MW. Thus, P1>P1max (of 600 MW) ; P3<P3min (of 50 MW) and P2 is within the limits. i= 1,2,3

Substituting the values, we get after simplification,


In such cases, for optimal operation, we have: P1=P1max = 600 so that P3=P3min = 50 so that 1=8.016 Rs./MWHr; 3=8.458 Rs./MWHr and thus

P2=PD-600-50 = 850-650=200, so that 2=8.626 Rs./MWHr Thus between units 2 and 3, the optimal operation may be feasible since IC3<IC2. For this, we solve the equations: 7.85+0.00388P2=7.97+0.00964P3 The solution thus yields: 2= 3=8.576 Rs./MWHr.; P2= 187.13 MW; P3 = 62.82 MW with P1=P1max = 600 MW (fixed). and PT= P2+P3=250.

Example-14: If the total load at a certain hour of the day is 400 MW for a 3 unit system, obtain the optimum generation schedule, if the IC curves of the three units are as under (with ICs in Rs./MWHr. and PGs in MW): PG1= -100 +50 (IC1)- 2 (IC1)2 PG2= -150 +60 (IC2)- 2.5 (IC2)2 PG3= -80 +40 (IC3)- 1.8 (IC3)2

Solution: Consider the EIC condition: IC1=IC2=IC3= system and PT=PG1+PG2+PG3=400 Thus, 400= [-100+50(IC)-2(IC)2]+ [-150+60(IC)-2.5(IC)2]+ [-80+40(IC)-1.8(IC)2] i.e., 6.3(IC)2-150(IC)+730=0; Solving we get two solutions: IC=6.82 and IC=16.989 Rs./MWHr., of which, the lower and economical value is considered for further analysis: With IC= 6.82 Rs./MWHr,

we have, PG1= 148 MW, PG2= 142.9 MW and PG3= 109.1 MW. ----


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