December 07 Newsletter

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Hosting continues to be a year-round volunteers is something to be AFS has been invited to field a team of
proposition, so we ask you all to emulated! We were able to dance and exchange students to compete in the
“speak AFS” and talk about your sing with the man who composed the annual World Quest Knowledge
personal experiences to help others AFS Song—‘Walk Together, Talk Competition the end of February. This
understand the importance of peace, Together’--slightly different version is a great opportunity for AFS
person by person. Now more than than we’re used to, (more jazzy) In a exchange students to demonstrate
ever, we need to be building bridges. I room of 500+ volunteers singing and their global knowledge! World Quest
had the pleasure of attending the Thai holding hands—it was a moving Global Knowledge Competition is
Volunteer Conference in Bangkok, as experience. Here is a photo of our sponsored by the World Affairs
a delegate from the Northwest. It was new AFS-USA president Margaret Council. Check out the website and if
an amazing experience and I have my Crotty singing with Thai dignitaries. It you are interested, give me a call. We
own host family, now. I am very was awesome and it infuses me with would like to have four competitors
grateful to you all for giving me this new enthusiasm. Let’s work on these and four “understudies” to coach and
opportunity. I hope I have the chance placements and spread the word. AFS challenge during our practices. We
to share my photos and wonderful Thailand could send us twice as many have coaches willing to work with the
stories sometime soon. For the students as they do (they have 10 students to prepare for the Global
current hosting crunch, we need to applicants for every spot they award) Challenge.
move quickly to identify at least and they could host twice as many
welcome families for the students Americans—they have families waiting cation/events.php
before Christmas. Won’t you consider in the wings! Quite an amazing
hosting or asking a friend to host, even operation! WorldQuest is an exciting international
temporarily? competition for high school students,
West Side Students: Soccer and that takes place at Lewis & Clark in
Regarding Thailand: Everything any football have ended, swim team has February each year. This friendly team
student ever said about “life-changing begun. We have many students competition for knowledge about world
experiences” is right! My host family, involved in Key club, drama, affairs was initiated by the World
Sopon, Cherry and Kuang (my “sister’s international club, (see Beaverton High Affairs Councils of America in 2003.
name means deer) Penpinun were School photo on Diversity Assembly The ten rounds of questions also
such a welcoming and wonderful Day) and language clubs. Joining include a regional cultural immersion
family. We cried when we said good- clubs is one of the best ways to get to during the dinner hour. The winners of
bye, after only one week! The Thai know other students. Try it, you’ll like the competition travel to Washington,
staff and volunteers were amazing. it! D.C. for the national event in April.
Thai hospitality is quite incredible and   
the recognition process for the Sally Ann, Interim Hosting Coordinator 
  Sally Ann Wells – AFS Thailand 2007
THE CHAIR REPORT – Bonnie Richardson‐Kott 
We Will Miss Regional Director, Barbara Bernstein
We recently learned that our AFS Western Regional Director, Barbara Bernstein, has stepped down from her position and we are all
very sad to see her go. Barbara, the volunteers of the Columbia Pacific Area Team will miss you!

60 Year Anniversary
This year marks the 60th anniversary for AFS and we celebrated with our own cozy event at McMenamins Edgefield on November 18.
We had a great time chatting with folks. It was really fantastic to hear some of the stories of our earliest AFS returnees who traveled
abroad by taking a cross country train to the east coast and then hopping on a boat (yes, a boat!) for several weeks on their way to
Europe. AFS Returnee and super volunteer Christy Mueller put together the 60 year celebration and she did a fantastic job. Thank you
Christy! If there are any returnees out there who would like to reconnect with AFS, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us at
[email protected].

Help Us Find Host Families

As a volunteer for AFS, I think it permeates everything my family does. For Halloween this year, we handed out chocolates and bubble
gum and …AFS hosting postcards. For each little bumblebee and Jedi knight and pirate, we told them, “Happy Halloween and look into
hosting an exchange student!” Some of them responded with a curious look and some of the older high school kids responded with a
“cool” and a smile. With the grapefruits we purchased through our Annual AFS fundraiser, we plan to give some of our grapefruits to
our neighbors and friends for the holidays with a little AFS flier. I know that sometimes it is hard for most of us to out right ask people to
host an exchange student, but there are ways to get the information about AFS out to the people we know. We are expecting several
students to arrive for the semester program in January 2008 and we are looking for host families for those students. Wouldn’t it be nice
if we had a pool of families just waiting to host one of these students? Perhaps the little bumblebee’s parents will see that AFS
postcard and wonder what it would be like to invite a student from Malaysia to come live in their home, just like that family down the
street did last year….

Bonnie Richardson, Columbia Pacific Area Team Chair


The International Living Room

During a recent address at the World Peace Forum in New York City, J. Brian Atwood, Chairperson of the AFS International Board of
Trustees, gave some inspiring words on the subject of peace. "The best way to acquire (peace) is to see the world through the eyes of
others...Go forward and offer your personal testimony; advocate for peace through understanding. And, if they call you an idealist, smile
serenely and accept the praise. What the world needs is a good deal more idealism in the cause of peace!"

Consider opening your home to an Exchange Student as one tangible way you and your family can to contribute to peace and
understanding in the world. AFS is currently interviewing families who are interested in hosting beginning January 2008. 

Treasurers Report
As volunteers, we all give to AFS in many forms – mostly through our time helping students. We recognize that many volunteers drive
long distances when they work for AFS and with the rising gas prices, we know this is becoming increasingly more expensive. We
encourage you to keep track of your mileage and other non-reimbursed expenses because you may be able to write these off on your
tax returns (bearing in mind I’m not a tax consultant and can’t give advice so please consult your tax preparer/accountant on this one).
For some of the things volunteers do, our local Area Team and local chapters will reimburse those volunteers. For expenses that you
would like to request reimbursement for, please visit the volunteer section of the web site,, download the expense
report, and mail it to me at the address on the bottom of the form. Thanks so much for all you do!

James Spears, Columbia Pacific Area Team Treasurer

Diane and Les Zoller have been selling grapefruit for the Lake
RETURNEES Oswego chapter for years. Their daughter is an AFS returnee.
Last year, Les stated that his goal for 2007 would be 100 boxes.
Returnees are a tremendous resource To date, they have sold and delivered over 105 boxes to fellow
for AFS. Each individual returnee can employees, church members, and friends. Les also gifts boxes
be an advisor, an advocate, and an to some of his clients. Thank you both for your continued
ambassador for global peace. support for our programs and for producing more than 1/3 of our
Returnees inherit a binding sales. Thank you also to the many community members who
relationship to the AFS family by virtue have been buying grapefruit for years.
of participation. They embody the AFS
legacy, and help keep alive its Lorie James
tradition for future generations.
Returnees are the center, the beating
heart of AFS, linked to the
organization for life.

    Hina ‐ India 
Reconnect today! Please stay
  connected and involved. We need
you! AFS is a volunteer-driven “Message”
organization and there are many ways
The world is one,
that you can make a great difference
For all of us.
without committing a lot of time – you We should be proud,
  can mentor high school students, To be the part of it.
make presentations in your
  community or write an article for your We should work,
  high school or local paper. We To see the world for one.
encourage you to share your stories All standing hand in hand,
  All we need is the determination.
and to get involved. Please email
  [email protected] and our
Then we shall overcome it,
  returnee coordinator Lynette Then there would not be
  Ledgerwood will contact you ASAP. The name of “WAR”
  And we will live in the world of “PEACE”.

  By Hina, India

Pendleton Round‐Up – Olga S.    Pendleton Round‐Up – Olga T.

I really liked our trip to a Rodeo in Pendleton. I've never been “Trip to Pendleton round-up with group of AFS students was
on such interesting and exciting thing before (and my country, just fascinating! And there are couple reasons for that. All of us
Kazakhstan doesn't have something like this). I think the most had a chance to participate in typically American event, learn
interesting part of this event was "Happy Canyon" play. For me more about cowboy competitions and Native Americans. And
it's a very important part, because that play was about Native we all were together, enjoying an incredible mixture of cultures
Americans and about history. It was a cultural thing. After all and making new friends. On the first day of our trip we visit a
we had a disco with country and modern music - so, it was round-up. We saw all kinds of cowboy competitions: bareback
unusual, but fun - we could hang out with other students and riding, calf roping, ream roping, steer roping, steer wrestling,
communicate with them. Rodeo was the most exciting part, I bull riding and races. It some times hard to believe that person
think. There were wonderful horses (I like horses and horse- can be so skillful to do all these things. They must have
back-riding) and scary bulls. And you probably know the practiced really hard. And in the end of the show were
feeling when your heart is beating faster because you're American Indian ceremonial dance and a little parade. I
excited and worried at the same time!? I felt so! Also, there enjoyed their national costumes a lot! We also have a chance
was a parade. And it was something new for me - I've never to visit a tipi village and buy some Indian handcrafts. But I think
been to parades before: different people, different costumes, the most interesting part was the evening Happy Canyon
any horses, flowers, candies =) Also we've seen Princesses: Show. We could see a piece of Oregon history, observe it from
Indian Princess and Cowboy Princess 2007. The one thing Native American times up to appearance of western towns.
that I didn't like was sometimes it was cold. But in general, I The next day parade summed up everything we saw. So now
liked everything, everything was linked to culture and I've learnt we have a whole picture of things going on during the round-
and seen many new things. up. This experience will stay with us for all our life.”
Sincerely, Olga T., Ukraine
Olga S., Kazakhstan
International Week – Youssra, Egypt
The international education week was very good. I liked it so much. I was very
happy because I presented my country to a lot of people. Now adults and kids
know about my country and they saw a lot of pictures. I was very happy because
the audience was very excited and loved the presentation a lot and asked a lot of
questions. Now I know a lot of students and they know me through this
I liked AFS activities. They are very fun to do like helping to decorate the float of
AFS at the Starlight parade. Through that, a lot of people in my town now know
about AFS Exchange program. We also decorated the tree of AFS at the festival
of trees. It was very good thing to do.

Youssra, Egypt 
Maria Natalia – Japan &Paraguay   Lights Parade – Olga, Ukraine
Hello !
   On Thanksgiving break not only we had no school and
 My name is Maria Natalia. I am half Japanese and half wonderful diners with our families chance to participate in a
Paraguayan. I have lived in Japan 17 years and last year I Lights Parade.
 moved to Paraguay. I was 11 month in Paraguay before I came The parade is an annually held event in The Dalles. It is
 here. As you can see in the global map, Japan and Paraguay confined to the Thanks giving and the beginning of Christmas
 are on opposite sides of the world. It was surprising how time. It was hard to say whether there were more Christmas or
different they are. I feel the United States is some where Thanksgiving floats. Everything was pretty much mixed up, but
 between Japan and Paraguay's culture. That was the opposite audience enjoyed the parade. In spite of the chilly almost winter
 of what I expected. Surely, I think that the reason is because weather; many people came to watch the show.
 United States is a country of mixed and various cultures. It's The AFS float was made as a world map with lights in the
 very interesting thinking of the differences and likenesses of the
cultures, thinking way, act and various thing of the 3 countries.
places, where students went or came from for exchange.
Standing on the flout for almost couple hours was a bit of a
 I am enjoying the life in United States and I am really happy to challenge, but warm smiles and hand waving of the audience
 come here and be the member of this family. I am very excited made that experience unforgettable.
 about Christmas! Mom is taking me to California !!! =D I love
so much Christmas, I sing all year Christmas songs. I am Olga, Ukraine
 gratitude to my parents to give me the opportunity to come
 here. I want to make the most of everyday.
Maria Natalia, Japan/Paraguay
Thanksgiving 2007 – Aditya, Indonesia
Assalamu'alaikum, I'd like to give my story on thanksgiving day: I had a school off for a week, My host family and I
were busy to prepare thanksgiving day, My mom had made a schedules and job list for us, I got jobs to load
firewood, clean up my bed and bathroom, rake the leaves, sweep our deck, sweep the floor, and make the
"Campbell's Green Bean" that I've never done before (but people said that my food was pretty good). I also helped
the workers who were working on our small apartment in our house, I helped them to do easy jobs, such as filling
the holes on the wall, clean up window sills, painting window sills, and sweep bathroom's floor. Afterward, on that
day I was really glad because they (the worker/contractor) gave me some money. It was pretty much!!!! Anyway,
my dad and mom told me about the history of thanksgiving day, I was interested to listen up, probably we have the
same day in Indonesia, but different name, we call "Syukuran", In Syukuran we usually eat yellow rice or nasi
tumpeng, but here, I could eat giant chicken (turkeys), we had two big turkeys, and until now, we still have the rest
of them. My mom had invited her sister and cousin, some friends, and my sister's cousins. My host aunt is really nice, she gave me a
bunch of clothes to keep me warm upcoming winter, she has two sons who got scholarship for their college, because they were great
swimmers, One of them has gone to the state championships. On Thanksgiving day, we had about 17 people in our house, and at that
time, I asked to interrupt the party for a second, I showed my IEW presentation about Indonesia and Islam. First, I opened my
presentation by introducing myself in Indonesian language, then asked the audiences to repeat and introduce themselves in
Indonesian. Second, I showed the map of Indonesia, explained about the ultimate varieties in Indonesia, showed the traditional dress
(BATIK), and I also brought my traditional dress from my town, I wore it and showed them how to wear, they were excited, and one of
them was interested in BLANGKON (traditional cap). Third, I showed
them about JARANAN's properties (traditional dance), WAYANG
(shadow puppet), and also gave them some pictures and some articles
of Indonesia and Java. Last, I showed them about how to pray in Islam,
how to use SARUNG, and how to do PURIFICATION (wudhu).
Finally, I got big appreciation of them, and they were really excited.
Afterward, we played cards together till 10.00 pm.
Finally, sadly, thanksgiving day was over.
Last but not the least, on Sunday (the end of the Thanksgiving
break), my family and I went to the Davis Cup carnival event, where we
ended up playing tennis on a small court and we met with four Team
USA players, Andy Roddick, James Blake and the Bryan twins, and
their coach.
It was so amazing!!!!!!

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb
Aditya, Indonesia

Veterans Day Parade – Vancouver, WA
Twenty Four AFS students, visiting teachers and volunteers walked in the annual Veterans Day Parade on Saturday, 11/10/07, in
Vancouver WA. Carrying the AFS banner is Robert Dodd, veteran ambulance driver in Burma during WW II, and volunteers Sally Ann
Wells and Barbara Florence. Students and teachers carried their country flags, making a delightful and colorful display.

Jessie, Denmark  
I love being an exchange student…
After living in the United States for four months now, I realize how much I’ve
changed for the better since I arrived. I’ve become more open to other cultures, to
other opinions, and have become more self confident. I love being a foreign exchange
student, every day is a new adventure, I love getting up in the morning and I’m and
constantly excited for what will happen “tomorrow”. I’ve also become very curious of
other countries and cultures, if it were up to me, I’d be a foreign exchange student for
life and go to a different country every year, because it is so much more than going on
vacation, being a tourist, seeing the famous sights, it’s understanding cultures and
why they have evolved like they have. I wish I could visit every country in the world.

I’ve been very lucky of what host family chose me, and I now feel completely at home with them. A lot of things are different
from what I was used to when I came. My school before had about 500 students from kinder garden class through tenth grade, and now
I go to a high school with 1,700 students over four grades. It was definitely overwhelming the first couple of days, but now I’ve gotten
used to it and actually enjoy being in a larger school.

Being an exchange student is the best choice I’ve ever made. I’m having the time of my life.

Jessie, Denmark
Hina, India
“The Big Dream Which Has Come True”
Hello! Welcome to my small world. You would wonder why I said “My World”. It is because I consider my state as my world. It is like
when a baby thinks that there is nothing outside his home, school and society. But as he grows up he come to know that the world does
not have limit as he thought.

It is like a desire of a person which never comes to any end. Or like the sky which has not limits of its own.

Sorry I am totally out of my topic. So let’s talk about my dream. It was always my dream to see other countries and learn their cultures
as well as languages. Of course it is the grace of lord and my parents. But I can never forget the hard work of my teacher as well. I am
here because of my school ( JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA) in INDIA; which gave me the golden opportunity to come here and be an
exchange student. I am also thankful for AFS (YES) for being my host program and support me every time.

After coming here, I’ve done so many things. Like community services, celebrating
festivals, helping out in making peace tree and going out on float parade. I enjoyed doing
every thing. But the best were the festivals. Festivals like Halloween and Thanksgiving
were all over my mind before I celebrated them. But I was in seventh heaven after
celebrating them. I celebrated thanksgiving three times. Early Thanksgiving,
Thanksgiving and After Thanksgiving. I enjoyed my first shower of snow. I made snow
man and threw snowballs on my friends. And now for sure I am waiting for Christmas.
And Santa, too.

Thanks You all,


P.S. Remember “No one is perfect in this world all of us are on the way of perfection.”
Congratulations to the Newlyweds from AFS 
An AFSers Wedding…
Tedd and Rymmel Lovell were the host family for Yasu Nishi in The Dalles, Oregon 1996-1997. Yasuhiro (Yasu) and Tomoko Nashi
were married October 4, 2007 in Honolulu, Hawaii. They make their home in Kyoto, Japan. Yasu works for Nike and Tomoko works for
an investment firm. The Lovells were able to fly to Honolulu for the wedding and meet Yasu’s parents for the first time. It was a grand
occasion and a fun time to celebrate.

Veronika – Returnee from Austria
Thank you from Austria...
My name is Veronika and I am from Austria. I turned 16 in summer right after I got home from an amazing
semester in the U.S. I got the chance to stay in Camas, a small town right by the Columbia River in Washington.
The time I could spend in America was an experience I will never forget in my whole life and I am sure I will tell my
grand-children about it later some time. Of course, I was nervous when I left home in the beginning, because you
never know what will happen there. But none of my fears became true. In fact, my stay almost turned out to be
better and more exciting than I expected it to be. When I arrived at Portland Airport, there were already some
really nice people (Mike & Ruth Ladage & Ron Combs) that picked me up. Not long after that I got to know my
super nice host-family. I have never been able to think of a better host-family than the Luhtis were to me. After a
week staying at their house I have already felt at home because they made me feel so welcomed. I was enjoying every single minute I
was able to spend with them. They could understand me so well and they were so patient. I have never enjoyed going shopping so
much than I did with my host-Mom and my host-sister. My host-siblings were making my stay even more pleasant:D They are so funny
and I miss them a lot. Watching TV is not the same without them at all. And I loved the evenings talking to my host-Dad.

Anyways, in this place I also want to thank AFS and especially its volunteers for taking so much care of me, the little Austrian :D
I have never ever felt alone because I knew I would always have been able to call either my Liaison or another nice and helpful AFS
volunteer. I enjoyed the AFS trips like the Pendleton round up & ski trip in January and the trip to Ashland. They were, of course some
of the many highlights during the 6 months. Thank you Ron for making these trips so much fun.

I hope that lots of other students will get the chance to have such a wonderful experience exploring another culture and learning
another language.

Thank you.

Volunteering with AFS • Be an "Aunt" or "Uncle" family. This means the
exchange student gets together with you from time to
You can’t host? More than one way to time for a movie, a picnic, family game night. This
volunteer with AFS! relationship allows for the fun of meeting an exchange
student, but not the pressure of hosting. Great for our
visiting students too, because they get to see how
other families live.
Level One Level Three
• Pick up student(s) from the airport on arrivals day. • Host a student! If you are not in a position to offer a
• Write an entry for this newsletter: a memory of your home to a student, there are many leadership
AFS experience or a story from when you hosted a opportunities for volunteers such as you!
student, an entry about what AFS means to you, • You can lead an orientation for arriving students
share a great idea about what to do with your • You can coordinate an event
students! Anything you like! • You can assist the volunteer team with cooking at
• Host a tea with current hosted students or host a visit mid-year events
to a ballgame or the movies.
Level Two
• Go to your HS and offer a presentation in a classroom What are you good at and enjoy doing?
• Interview a prospective host family or a candidate to Do that for AFS!
go abroad. Hope you will get involved.



AFS Volunteers James & Tami Spears own a printer cartridge recycling company based here in the Portland Area. They have
committed to matching all funds raised through their Simple Recycling program for Portland Area AFS. Please save your empty toner
& inkjet cartridges and bring them to the next orientation. Empty cartridges can be worth up to $12.50 ea. To see the entire list of
cartridges & their values, visit their website, (and don’t forget to double all of the prices based on their
matching commitment).

- Save your empty cartridge from home.

  - Get empties from work.
  - Ask your neighbors to give you their empties.
  - Collect empties from friends & family, too.
 Remember that this is an ongoing fundraiser. Bring your empties to every orientation & turn them over to James. Or, if you work for
 a large company that uses a lot of cartridges, James can arrange pallet pickups anywhere here in the Portland area. If you have any
 questions, feel free to call James at (503) 516-3377.


The Eastside Cluster met on November 4 at the home of Deane Eure. Niklas and Elisa (Germany) made their
presentations. They discussed the different types of schools in Germany and also talked about sauerkraut...and
commented that not everyone likes it. Niklas brought some German sandwiches made from beef and softened bread,
which were very good. Elisa brought a casserole her host mom, Marilyn Hays, made from a recipe from the cookbook
she brought from Germany.

Cindy Boune, Marcelo's host mom, volunteered to have the February meeting at their home. Marcelo (Paraguay) and
Melody (Thailand) will do presentations. Date will be Sunday, February 16, at 3 p.m. It will be a potluck. Call Bernice
(503) 775-4161 if you would like to attend.


The Eastside Christmas Party was held on December 1, with 29 people present. It was a potluck and, of course, we had
a lot of good food. Following dinner, Ron Combs and Mark Gardner facilitated the Christmas Bingo game and prizes were
awarded to the winners. Then the big event was the White Elephant Gift Exchange. Mark Gardner was the “jolly, witty”
MC. Students were given numbers and as their number came up, they were allowed to choose a gift from the middle of
the floor. The next person then had the choice of picking a new gift or taking the gift from the first person. This went on for
awhile and several gifts passed hands a couple times. Some of the white elephant gifts were a toy for a cat with a fuzzy
animal attached, a bowling ball, a Mr. Empire bobble head, a set of thermo coffee mugs, a couple of pine cones and a
coffee mug filled with candy. Fun was had by all and there were many laughs.


Thanks to a friend who volunteers at the Evergreen Air Museum, we will get some
good rates. If our group is 10 or under, cost will most likely be free. So, if you are
interested, please contact me immediately by e-mail at [email protected]. We
need to get a count as quickly as possible so we can recruit drivers. Go to the
below website to find out more about the air museum. I visited it several years ago
and more has added. I took two former exchange students out there a year ago,
and I had a hard time getting them out of the museum.

There are planes that were flown by some famous people and planes used in the 2nd World War. There are very old
plains which are very unique, such as the "Spruce Goose" which was built by Howard Hughes. The deadline for
registering will be December 26. If you wish, you can call me Bernice at 503 775-4161. Please bring a sack lunch. If
there is a family out there who would be willing to drive, give me a call.

ANOTHER EVENT - Friday, December 28

The FLEX/YES coordinators have invited the SE Cluster kids to join them at the KATU Studios (NE 21st and Sandy) at
8:15 a.m. They will be part of the audience of AM NORTHWEST. Following the station visit, we will proceed to
downtown Portland and have lunch at Pioneer Place. You will be responsible for buying your own lunch (probably around
$5). After lunch, we will visit the Multnomah County Courthouse and maybe sit in on a trial. We will be finished at 4 p.m.
You will be responsible for your own transportation. If you have questions about transportation, please give me a call.
Bernice (503) 775-4161.


I do not normally submit articles regarding another Area Team, but this one is very close to me. On November 21, I
received a telephone call from my daughter in Redmond, Oregon informing me of the death of her husband, Bill "BJ"
Fisher. Bill died suddenly of a heart attack. They are in the Pacific Cascades Area Team. He was the host dad to Nicole
from Italy a couple years ago and to Mariam from Argentina a year later. I convinced him a few years ago that he should
get involved with AFS in Redmond and he did just that by hosting, organizing a trip to Pendleton Roundup. and being a
liaison. He also helped with interviews and convinced his brother Michael to host a Swiss girl this year. Following that
phone call, I immediately went to be with my daughter, Lori. A special thanks to Garry Hays, who drove me to Redmond.
While there, both Nicole and Mariam called several times. Bill, Lori and children were planning a trip to Argentina for
Mariam's graduation and to spend Christmas with her. Bill had already purchased tickets. On Sat., December 15, Lori
and my two grandchildren flew to Argentina. It is amazing to me the support received by Lori and the children from the
community and their two former AFS students and their families. Please keep them in your prayers this holiday season.
Thanks, Bernice Schuchardt

The Columbia Gorge Chapter in The Dalles has had a busy November and December. It all started with our community Starlight
Parade the Friday after Thanksgiving. Our chapter float grows brighter each year as we add a light to show the country of each hosted
student. We had all our students, some returnees, and host siblings home for the holidays join us for the parade.

Youssra (Egypt) helps Jerry Kindrick Ian Day returnee from Finland brought The next day our students and
with float building. the chapter together for a potluck parents gathered at the Pepsi
supper and his country presentation Distributing Warehouse to sort grapefruit
on the last night of November and oranges. Working together brings
  fun and success to our projects.

The weather is cold so we moved indoors to make our decorations and donation to the Community Festival of Trees. Proceeds from
this years' event will benefit the LifeWorks Comfort Care program and the Celilo House. The LifeWorks program works to improve the
quality of life for patients with chronic illnesses. The Celilo House is a safe haven for patients undergoing cancer treatment at the Celilo
Cancer Center. Our AFS students enjoy giving back to the community in this way.

Youssra (Egypt), Hina (India), and Olga Olga (Ukraine), Youssra (Egypt), Suad (Ghana) and Sue Kindrick
(Ukraine) work on Peace Dove decorations. (Host) set up tree with peace doves, flags, ornaments showing
PEACE, UNITY, and FRIENDSHIP written in five languages by our
five students, plus woven hearts made by Rune (Denmark)

We wish all AFS staff,

students, volunteers, and
supporters a Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year, 2008

Youssra (Egypt), Neva & Bill Reid ($500. donation), Hina (India),
 Olga (Ukraine), Rune (Denmark), not pictured Suad (Ghana).
What a magical moment to begin the Holiday Season.
  The Calendar 
DEC 28  7958 (YES/FLEX Required activity: government/community) 
JAN 2, 2008  JAN/FEB CHINESE/LUNAR NEW YEAR CELEBRATION – Contact: Barbara Rogers 360‐247‐5961 
JAN 3  EVERGREEN AIR MUSEUM – Contact Bernice (503) 775‐4161 
  OPTIONAL SKI TRIP – Early sign‐up required.  Complete registration form in packet at orientation.  
JAN 27  NEED parental approval form BEFORE student can go skiing.  Contact: Greg Kott  503‐771‐7977 
FEB 16  EASTSIDE CLUSTER MEETING – 3 PM Cindy Boune’s home. Potluck.  Contact Bernice (503) 775‐4161 
FEB 23  WorldQuest Global Knowledge Competition – Contact: Sally Ann Wells 503‐452‐1868 
MAR  1  LEWIS & CLARK INTERNATIOINAL FAIR – (YES/FLEX Required activity: diversity) 
MAR 3  Newsletter Articles Due – Contact Tami Spears 503‐883‐9023 
MAY 3 – 5  Combs 503‐771‐8177 
JUNE 2  Newsletter Articles Due – Contact Tami Spears 503‐883‐9023 
  Help keep our costs down so we can use our fundraising 
  money for cultural events.  Sign up to receive the 
  newsletters via email.  Please let us know you would like to 
  be added to the email distribution list and REMOVED from 
  the hard copy list.  By the next newsletter, we will have set 
  up a subscribe/unsubscribe system on the website .  For now you can email me at 
[email protected].  

Tami Spears 
1025 NE Irvine St. 
McMinnville, OR 97128 
Want Electronic Newsletters?  
E-Mail: Tami Spears [email protected]  
Want Hard Copy Newsletters?  
E-Mail: Tami Spears [email protected]
Want Souvenir/Scrapbook?  
E-Mail: Ron Combs [email protected]  
For more information and for our  
newsletter archive, visit the Columbia-
Pacific website at

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