Api 1104 2010 29

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of Production and Inspection Testing Welds

the right to inspect all welds by f1e company shall have meansor by removingwelds and subjecting ;;;;"" inspectionmay be madeduring it r""n*rcal tests.The after the weld has beencompleted' The fre*"fi"g or of inspectionshall be as specifiedby the company'

tice No. SNT-TC-IA, ACCP or any othert*'ogntznd national to cefification programthat shatl be acceptable the company tr or III personnelshall for the test methodused.Only t-evel test inteqpret results. 8.4.2 Record testing personnelshall A record of certified nondestructive record shall include the be maintainedby the company.The results of certification tests, the agencyand person ganting testcertification, andthe dateof certification.Nondestructive ing personnelmay be required to be recertifie x the comarises about ttreir ability' py't ^frulft option or if any question testing personnel shall be I and II nondestructive recertifiedat leastevery 3 years.[,evel III nondesructivetesting personnelshall be recertifiedat leastevery 5 years'

testingmay consistof radiographicinspecNondestructive The method r oi*o"t *ethod specifiedby the company' t'IJo-rouu produce indications of imperfectionsthat can be The welds shall be evall*nur"ty interpretedand evaluated'


mspecopdon,Appendix A. In the latter case,more extenslve imperfectionsize is required' tion to determinethe Destructivetesting shall consist of the removal of comand pletedwelds, sectioningof the welds into specimens, the be preThe specimensshall examinationof the specimens. with and shall meet the requirementsof in accordance pared -0.S. ffrt companyshall havethe right to acceptor reject any weld that does not meet the requirementsfor the meftod by which it was inspected.The welder who makesa weld that fails to comply with the requirementsmay be disqualified from further work. inspectionequipmentmay be Operatorsof nondestructive the requiredto demonstrate inspectionprocedure'scapabiliry to detectdefects and ttre operator'sability to properly interpret the indicationsgiven by the equipment. Trepanningmethodsof testingshall not be used' 8.3 QUALIFICATIONOF INSPECTION PERSONNEL

9 on-ttt" basisof eitherSection or, at the company's

for Standards 9 AccePtance Testi Nond-estructive ng

9.1 GENERAL in presented this sectionapply to standards The acceptance imperfectionslocatedby radiographic,magneticparticle' liquii penetrant,and ultrasonic test methods'They may also be apptieato visual inspection.Nondestructivetesting shall not use o selectwelds that are subjectedto destructivetestwith 6.5ing in accordance 9.2 RIGHTS OF REJECTION test All nondestructive methodsare limited in the informabe derived from the indications they produce' on that can The company may therefore reject any weld that appearsto if, standards in its opinion, the depthof meettheseacceptance an imperfectionmay be detrimentalto the weld' 9.3 RADIOGRAPHICTESTING on 9'3'13arebased to referred in 9.3'l through All Note: densities images. negave 9.3.1 Inadequate Penetration withoutHigh-low penetrationwithout high-low (IP) is defined as Inadequate the incoLplete filling of the weld rool This condition is shown schematicallyin Figure 13. IP shall be considereda defectshouldany of the following conditionsexist: a. The length of an individual indication of IP exceeds1 in' (25 mm). length of indicationsof IP in any continub. The aggregate I ous 12in. (300 mm) lengthof weld exceeds in' (25 mm)' of indications of IP exceeds87o of length c. The aggregate in the weldGngth in any weld less than 12 in' (300 mm) leneth.

Welding inspectionpersonnelshall be qualified by experienceand training for the specifiedinspectiontask they perto form. Their qualificationsshall be acceptable the company' Documentationof these qualificationsshall be retained by the companyand shall include but is not limited to the following: a- Educationand experience. b. Training. c. Resultsof any qualification examinations. 8.4 CERTIFICATIONOF NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING PERSONNEL 8.4.1 Procedures Nondestrucve tesngpersonnelshall be cefified to Level of I, II or III in accordance with the recommendations AmeriPraccanSocietyfor Nondestructive Testing,Recommended

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