LP Turbine Assembly Procedure

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weight the LP Turbines (KWU Design) is supplied to site in many parts and these parts are to be assembled at site. Hence, proper care must be taken and accuracy of dimensions is required to be maintained while assembling the various parts of the LP Turbines to avoid problems or mismatching and to ensure perfect assembly for reliable operation. As the LP Turbine is not assembled at shop with rotor and to be assembled first time at site, the radial clearances between the Rotor and the Casing at blade section is kept minimum and supplied from the factory and the required clearance is to be achieved during assembly at site by cutting the fins. To avoid unnecessary/ excess cutting of the fins, the following procedure is suggested for assembly of the LP Turbine at site and to achieve the exact clearances and ensure trouble free operation. The following procedure is suggested 1. Clean and match keys and packers seating areas, axial and radial key ways of LP inner-outer casing assly (B/H). 2. Fit up and weld the Gusset plates with centre stiffening pipe between it as per drawing and assemble Radial Key blocks in position. 3. Place the LP-Inner-outer casing (B/H) on LP Bottom half outer casing along with pre assembled Gusset blocks (fitted with equal

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size of temporary radial keys and shims in position) and arrest in position with temporary supports with the casing. 4. Assemble the bottom half diffuser on Turbine and Generator sides and hand tight the bolts. (Incase of 200/250 MW sets, the bottom halves diffusers may be lowered and temporarily supported by end walls before lowering the inner-outer casing bottom half due to space constraint). 5. Complete the initial leveling and centering of the bottom half casing w.r.to its centre lines. The casing is to be supported on its four palms with all the 8 packers (i.e. matched original carrier plate, temporary plate and required shims for adjustment) in position and equally loaded. The leveling of the casing is to be done with the help of water jar readings taken on its four locations provided on the lower half casing (T/S Left, T/S Right, G/S Left and G/S Right) and maintaining the Left and Right readings as equal. While leveling the inner outer casing (B/H) the casing is to be lifted up by approximately 0.30 mm (till the LP inner outer casing palms starts lifting) with the jack bolts provided at gusset blocks to reduce sagging. The radial centering (Left/Right) of the casing is to be done by maintaining equal readings at 5th stage guide blade carrier with reference to Piano Wire.

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6. Take and record the left/right centering readings (with the help of inside micrometer w.r.to piano-wire) of all the stages of stationery blades w.r.to centre line for reference. 7. Place the inner-inner top half casing in position; check parting plane gaps after tightening alternate bolts. Assemble all bolts to check and confirm the fouling, if any between inner-inner/innerouter casings /fasteners etc. (Caution :- Before tightening of parting plane bolts, radial and axial matching of LP inner inner casing to be ensured) 8. Assemble permanent packers (spacers) of the inner-inner casing in position and ensure proper loading after loosening the jack bolts and verifying the dimensions w.r.to shop assembly log sheet.

(Caution :- Shop supplied packers to be assembled without any modification with the help of jacking bolts) 9. Place inner-outer casing top half in position after removing the jack bolts from inner-inner casing, tighten all the bolts. Loosen the supporting jack bolts( at gusset plates) to release the inner-outer casing after tightening the PP bolts. (Caution :- Before tightening of parting plane bolts, radial and axial matching of LP inner outer casing to be ensured) 10. Assemble the top half diffusers on Turbine and Generator side with the inner outer casing top half and hand tight the bolts.

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11. Recheck the leveling readings and re-adjust, if required with upper half casing in position. Support the casing with the help of jacking bolts (by just hand tightening it) of the gusset blocks from the bottom in this position (reference position). 12. In the meantime complete fit up and welding of stiffening pipes between Gusset Blocks & Longitudinal Girders and Gusset Blocks and LP Front Walls avoiding disturbance to the casing. 13. Remove top half inner-outer and inner-inner casings from position without disturbing the jacking bolts of gusset block. 14. Remove the temporary support / locking between inner-outer casing and gusset plates after completing stiffening pipes erection and welding with the bottom half outer casing. 15. Lower inner-outer casing assembly (B/H) by approx. 2 mm. During loosenening jacking bolts at gusset plates, observe and record the actual value of sag of LP Casing (B/H) with the help of dial gauge. 16. Place LP Rotor in position supporting rear end on its bearing no 4 and front end on Auxiliary Bearing. 17. Radial centering of LP rotor rear end may be done with respect to the Pedestal No 4 seal bore. 18. By the time complete the erection of HP and IP rotors and coupled it and axial centering of HP rotor w.r.to Thrust Bearing also must be completed.

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19. Complete the alignment of HP, IP and LP rotors and tighten the couplings with all the temporary bolts after ensuring the CRO within acceptable limits. 20. Check and ensure the Swing Value at No 1 journal within acceptable limit. 21. Bring back the casing to the zero position including sag value observed as point no.15. Check freeness of the rotor 22. Radially centre inner-outer casing (b/h) w.r.to LP Rotor by maintaining equal blade clearances on LHS and RHS of 5th Stages on both TS and GS sides. For adjustment of Left / Right, move the LP inner outer casing either left or right using the gusset block keys. Assemble the temporary keys in gusset block. Conduct bottom roll check to maintain the minimum clearance of 1 mm in both TS and GS bottom and accordingly tighten the jack bolts of the gusset block considering the sagging. (Caution :- Roll check of LP inner inner casing alone should not be done.) 23. Check and record the axial blade clearances as required (with rotor in zero position (axial) w.r.t the thrust bearing and required offset between inner-outer casing and rotor as per drawing) . 24. Check and record the initial radial blade clearances of bottom half casing on LHS, RHS and BOTTOM positions with feeler guage. The bottom reading at 5th stage moving blade on both ends (TS &

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GS) cannot be taken as the filler gauge will not go properly (cannot be guided as the free standing blades are provided). 25. To check top radial blade clearances lead wire of suitable sizes may be placed at each stage. After placing the lead wire, place inner-inner casing top half and tighten alternate parting plane bolts and then loosen and remove the casing from position. 26. Check and record blade clearance (measuring the thickness of the lead wire where it is pressed between the blades with the help of vernier caliper) of each stage on top side. 27. Put back the inner-inner casing in position and tighten alternate bolts. 28. Place lead wire in position to check top radial blade clearance for inner-outer casing portion. 29. Place inner-outer casing top half and tighten alternate parting plane bolts and then loosen and remove casing from position. 30. Check and record top radial blade clearances for the inner-outer portion similar as point no 25. 31. Put back the inner-outer casing top half and tighten the pp bolts. 32. Carry out initial roll check and bump check (after loosening the jack bolts of gusset blocks) and record values. This is required for the comparison and deciding the exact cutting of fins to be done to achieve the required radial blade clearances. Unnecessary /

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excess cutting of fins should not be done at any cost and must be avoided. 33. Finalize the axial centering/position of the inner-outer casing according to the axial blade clearances and bump check values and keep casing accordingly and provide temporary axial keys (record keyway dimensions and position near the key locations). 34. Remove the top halves inner-outer and inner-outer casings from position and then remove LP rotor. 35. Make sketch for the blade plan and mark the required cutting values in each stage and marked with the marker on the casing exactly where cutting is required to be done with the desired values based on the initial blade clearance values and roll check readings. If the cutting is required to be carried out to achieve Left/ Right positions then it may be done on both bottom and top halves casings as per requirement. (Note :- Whenever cutting is required to be done, it should be done uniformly) 36. After cutting of fins is completed clean the casing thoroughly and put back the rotor in position. 37. Re-check and record blade clearances values. If the values are not within the acceptable limit then remove casing and rotor and cut fins accordingly to achieve the final values. reference readings for axial

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38. If the measured values are within the acceptable limits then once again carry out the roll check and finalize and keep the casing in its radial centre position. 39. Complete radial centering of diffusers on both TS and GS to

achieve min required value as given in the drawing and permanently tighten all bolts and lock it. 40. Finally check and record all blade clearances and sign protocols. 41. Prepare for the final box-up of LP turbine.


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