Common Home Remedies

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Sushmita Sharma, MO i/c Ayurvedic Dispensary, Charak Palika Hospital, New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC), Email: [email protected]

Many conditions can be managed or treated at home ASHA and other Health workers may teach the

community about the conditions and their home remedies

This will help in Primary health care ASHA should have knowledge about the level upto

which home remedies can be used and when to refer

Common Cold is relatively harmless condition. It can occur at any time throughout the year but the prevalence is most in late winters and fall. It is very common in children. This condition acts as a gateway to many other respiratory problems. However, it should not be neglected. Symptoms of common cold are:
Running or Blocked Nose. Sore/ Scratchy throat. Sneezing. Fatigue. Muscle Aches. Loss of Appetite. Cough. Headache. Mild fever with chills .

ginger powder as substitute for tea during cold and flu- three times a day. Juice of ginger (Adrak) and holy basil (Tulsi) one-one tsp mixed with one tsp honey, -two-three times a day. Powder of black pepper (marich) half tsp mixed with Jaggery (guda) two times a day. Small piece of Ginger (adrak) fried in ghee, - two times a day. One teaspoonful of the powder or paste of turmeric with a cup of milk and take fried turmeric powder with 1-2 gm of ghee mixed with hot milk - thrice a day. Gargle with warm turmeric powder 2-3 times a day to relieve sore throat. Drink a glass of hot water mixed with the juice of a lemon and sugar to taste. Also at bedtime as it gives relief from nasal catarrh. Two to three tsp of fresh juice of Aamla or half to one tsp of powder of the same is ideal to control cold.

Leaves of Holi basil (Tulsi) plant mixed with an equal quantity of dried

There are several ways in which you can keep the intensity of condition levels low; such as:
Inhale steam to relieve a nasal congestion. May add a few drops of

eucalyptus oil in a bowl of hot water.

Strengthening of immune system will keep one healthy. Two plants that will help you strengthen immune system are Aamla and Tulasi which may be used on a regular basis.

Do not over heat the room. Let the body lose heat naturally. Keep away from others who are infected with cold Eat a well balanced diet and get enough rest. Take plenty of hot


Soothen the throat and relieve cough with a home remedy

such as lemon with honey and ginger, tulsi, warm water etc. given to the baby 1-2 times /day

Paste of Nutmeg (Jayphala) in a very small quantity may be

Application of Mustard Oil (Sarson) pre heated with salt

garlic Methi seeds and jowain seeds, may be applied on the chest and back of child.

Above mentioned remedies may be used in small doses.

Referral Criteria:
In case of high grade fever (more than 102 degree F) Severe chills and rigors and muscular pain Associated with vomiting and pain behind eyes Any signs of bleeding (from nose / throat / gums / any

other part of body)

In cases of children- High respiratory rate (more than 50 /

min ), bluish discoloration and refusal to feed

breathlessness. The narrowed airways may lead to coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath (dyspnoea), and symptoms often being worse at night. Common remedies:- may be used for stabilizing the patient before referring. Taking Piper longum (pippali) powder along with honey, makes an attack of asthma subside. Take the juice of the whole plant of Solanum surattense (chote kateri) two/ three tsp as such, or with combination of equal parts of dried ginger, long pepper and black pepper (Trikatu) 1 (one) gm twice a day. Take Terminalia bellirica powder (Baheda)-1 tsp with equal honey twice a day. Powdered fruit of Terminalia chebula (Harad) 1 tsp with luke warm water- twice a day.

Asthma means repeated attacks of difficulty in breathing or

Powdered of Terminalia chebula (Harad),

Terminalia bellirica (baheda) and Emblica bellarica (Aamala) in combination (Triphala) two tsp with luke warm water- at bed time.

Prepare a decoction by boiling equal parts of root of Adhatoda

vasica (adoosa), rhizome of turmeric, stem of Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi/ giloey), and the fruit of Solanum surattence (chote kateri). Take this decoction internally, 20-30ml with one gram of powdered black pepper twice a day.

During an acute attack of asthma, drink some hot water with the

juice of one clove of garlic.

Apply (massage) luke warm mustard oil (Sarson tail) mixed with

a pinch of Rock salt on chest.

Avoid foods that can aggravate asthma such as curd, bananas, sugar

sweets, back gram, buttermilk, guavas, fried foods, sour substances etc. Change in weather, exposure to moulds, animal dander, grass or tree pollen triggers asthmatic attacks. Wear a scarf round your mouth and nose in cold weather. During an asthma attack, sit up straight or bend forward. Do not lie down. Place a hot towel over the chest. This helps to relax muscles and restore normal breathing. For an acute asthma attack, try steam inhalation. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Smoking both active and passive, should be strictly restricted.

Referral criteria: If dyspnoea continuously increases or the symptoms do not subside, refer the patient.

Keep Glycyrriza piece (Mulethi) in mouth in case of dry cough for sucking Make decoction of powder of leaves of Adhatoda vasaka (Vasa/ adusa)

mixed with pinch of long pepper (Pippali) and 1 tsp honey, 2-3 times / day. Powder of Black pepper (Kai Mirch) with honey not ony subsides the attack of cough and also reduces the congestion in chest if used for a long time. A linctus from Harad, Lavang (long pepper), Adrak (Ginger), Nagar musta (nut grass)- all in powder form, mixed with honey and lick 3-4 times /day. Warm/hot water sips help inreducing dry cough. Honey is good for cough, and is used as a vehicle for medicines.

Some common Ayurvedic medicines:

Half tsp of Sitopaladi Churn mixed with honey may be given three times a

day in productive cough. Lavangadi vati/ Khadiradi vati is also useful.2 tabs three times a day. Eladi Churna may be taken according to the symptoms noted.

weeks; Associations of conditions like low grade fever, breathlessness, continuous loss of weight etc.

Referral criteria: In case the cough is present for more than 3

Gulvel/ Guduchi (Tinospora) kadha:- Take a thumb thick piece

of Gulvel. Add tea spoon powder of dry ginger. Add 2 glasses of water. Boil on slow fire. When 1/2 glass of decoction remains, cool it. This may be used fresh. pepper (Kali marich), can be given thrice a day.

4 tsp Juice of Holy basil (Tulsi) leaves mixed with half tsp black

One tsp coriander (Dhania) powder with one pinch dry Ginger

(Sonth) in one glass of warm water kept over night, should be given in morning after sieving. decoction for someone suffering from simple fever.

China grass tea: Tea prepared with China grass is a refreshing

If digestive capacity is low simple remedies like Trikatu

(combination dried ginger, long pepper and black pepper) and Panchakola (combination of five drugs) powders 2 gms twice daily are indicated for use along with warm water before meals. Cumin (Jeera) seeds and black pepper (kali mirch) in water by boiling it. These are all digestives. daily with luke warm water. meal.

Prepare an infusion of Aniseed (Saunf), Ginger (Adrak),

Dried ginger (Shunthi) powder half tsp may be taken twice Lime (Nimbu) juice one tsp to be taken three times a day after Soak the teaspoonful quantity of Celery seeds (Ajamoda) in a

glassful of buttermilk. Keep this for five to six hours. Consuming this mixture helps in relieving the indigestion.

After a heavy meal, put two to three pieces of clove in the mouth

or a piece of garlic and let them remain there till all the juices are extracted. This will help the digestion Fennel (Saunf Badi) seeds can also be put in the mouth.

Ayurvedic medicine: Lavanbhaskar/ Hingwashtak churna 2-3 gms with hot water

are useful in indigestion.

Dietary advice for Indigestion: Do not consume a heavy diet when having an indigestion

problem. Stick to a vegetarian diet, and consume more fibers. Fasting for a day will help a lot. On this day of fasting, you may consume liquids like fresh fruit juices.

Triphala powder is very popularly used for this condition It

contains three drugs namely Haritaki (Harad), Vibhitaki (Baheda) and Amalaki (Amla). 5gm of this powder (1- tsp) should be used with luke warm water at bed time.

The best remedy in chronic condition is castor oil. The

castor oil should be purified and diluted first. 4-6 tsp of this oil is to be taken with warm milk.

1 Teaspoonful of Sena leaves (Sanay) in 1 cup of hot milk at

bedtime is an easy method for relieving constipation.

Diet consideration: Drink a glass of water early in the morning. A glass of warm milk at bedtime with a teaspoonful of ghee helps

relieving constipation should be avoided.

Beans, dry grains, cabbage, mushrooms and other light or dry food Spices, which balance digestion- Asafetida (Hing), Ginger (Adrak),

Cardamom (Elayachi) or Fennel (Saunf), should be taken with food to alleviate the condition. taken.

Try to avoid hot and spicy food. Also adequate fluids should be Eat plenty of fruits and leafy vegetables such as Papaya and

Sugarcane which are very effective in relieving constipation.

Use whole wheat flour and not refined flour.

Powdered seeds of Embelia ribes(Vidang) one tsp mixed with

honey and jaggary (guda) - twice a day. Along with a suitable purgative after 24 hours of the intake of medicine. fruit (Papita) with one T.S.F. of honey and four T.S.F. of boiling water. This acts as an effective antihelmintic for round worms.

Take 4 tablespoonfuls of the fresh milky juice of unripe papaya

Paste of Moringa (Neem) leaves may be given empty stomach. Take 20-25 gm of jaggery early in the morning. After 30 minutes

take 1-2 gm of seeds of Hyoscyamus niger (Khurasani ajvayan) with cold water. daily with buttermilk are also good for intestinal worms.

Seeds of Gourd - 200 mg of seeds of bitter gourd (karela) taken

Auyrvedic Medicines:

Vidangadi Louh: 500 mg. to 1 gm. Palashbeej Churna: 3 to 6gm. with hot water Haridrakhand: 3 gms. with warm milk. Punarnnavadi Mandur: 500 mg. Tab. 1 each at morning and evening with butter milk in case of anemia. Vidangarishta -4-6 tsf with water after meals two times a day.

General Hygiene: You should ask to maintain proper

hygiene such as washing the hands thoroughly before meals and after going to the toilet. Keep fingernails short and clean to avoid an infection.

Referral Criteria:

In Cases of persisting stomach pain, vomiting and seizures the

help of a doctor must be taken.

Take lemon juice, (mixed with a cup of water) and add some

rock salt to taste. This may be taken 1-2 hours prior to taking meals, or lemon may be used with meals. It will also remove constipation-one of the contributory causes of acidity. and tomatoes.

Have lots of fresh radishes (mooli). For taste one may add carrots Drinking fresh juice of radish would also be very useful. Chewing a piece of Terminalia chebula (harad) is an age old


Drink coconut water 3-4 times a day. A teaspoon of seeds of Ajwain with small amount of salt is agood


Powdered fruit of Embelic officinalis (Aamla) one tsp with water

twice daily.

Take a tiny piece of jaggery (guda) every hour. Keep it in the

mouth and slowly suck it till acidity subsides.

Take dried blossom of tulsi, rind of the Moringa (neem) tree,

black pepper (Kali mirch) and long pepper (pippali) in even quantity and grind them to powder form. Take 3 gms of this powder every morning and evening with plain water. heavy, rich, spicy diet with ghee or oil. It can also be triggered by eating food hastily. Those who drink and smoke heavily also suffer from acidity and heartburn, in addition to flatulence, colic and general dyspepsia. Avoiding causes will itself help..

General advices: These conditions are caused by ingestion of

Small pieces of ginger (Adrak) mixed with lime juice and

rock salt may be taken before meals.

Take rice water (Mand) mixed with little salt before meals. Sucking of powdered fruit of Emblica officinalis (Aamla)

mixed with pinch of salt before food.

Suck the juice of lemon (Nimbu) cut into two halves,

sprinkle d with powder of black pepper and salt.

Ayurvedic Medicine: Lavan Bhaskar Churn: upto one tsp to be taken with luke

warm water twice a day.

Higwashtak Churna with ghee before meals

Dadimashtak Churna, before meals.

Paste of Asafoetida (Hing) may be


applied around the

Powdered roasted seed of Bishop's Weed (Ajwain) one tsp

may be taken with warm water.

Sucking of Terminalia chebula (Harad) fried in Castor oil

(Erandi tail) mixed with salt can be taken two times a day. (guda), twice a day.

Fried Asafoetida (Hing) in Ghee can be taken with Jaggary Local hot fomentation helps in relieving the condition

Ayurvedic Medicine: Hingvashtak churna or Shankh Bhasma (one tsp with hot water or

250-500mg with water). Lasunaadi Vati-2 tablets 3 times daily may also be tried.

Diet advice: Nothing should be given to eat during an attack.

Once the pain subsides, some light, liquid diet may be given. Avoid giving starch, fat, fried foods, spices etc. Encourage the patient to adopt walking and mild exercising regularly.

Referral criteria:
Very severe pain restlessness with pain. Distension of abdomen and Associated with excessive vomiting

Visible / palpable lump in abdomen

Powder of Pomegranate fruit rind mixed with honey may be

given 2-3 times / day. Add a few drops of Pudin Hara or Amritdhara (mint essence or peppermint) to half a cup of water and drink it 3-4 times daily. Powder of fruit pulp of Aegle marmalos (bel/ bilva) 1 tsp mixed with a glass (100 ml to 250 ml) of butter milk (takra) to be taken three/ four times. Decoction of Motha (Mustak) and Kutaj in same quantity may be given 2-3 times / day. Juice of Babbul leaves mixed with honey may be given 2-3 times / day Powder of fried cumin (Jirak ) or fruit of long pepper (Pippali) or dried ginger (shunthi) one tsp mixed with 1 litre butter milk (Takra/ Mattha) and divided into 4 equal parts, and each part is to be given at the interval of six hours.

One teaspoonful of dried mango fruit when taken with butter

milk two times a day acts as a good cure for Diarrhea and dysentery. Take one raw papaya. Add 3 cups of water into it and boil it for near about 10 mins. Now strain the mixture and finish the water in one day.

General precautions: Use lot of fluids like Sharbat, Referral criteria:

coconut water, rice-kanji, light tea etc. which are commonly available, locally accepted liquids also may be used.

The person suffering from bloody diarrhea (dysentery) and/or

associated with persistent vomitings needs immediate medical help. Treatment often starts with an oral rehydrating solution.

Drink coconut water in small amount. Have a cup of ginger tea. Lick half tsp powder of (Harad) mixed with honey many times in

a day.

Eat a mixture of honey and powder of 2 roasted cardamoms. Have a glass of chilled lime juice mixed with sugar. Have a mixture of 1 tsf mint juice, 1 tsp lime juice, 1/2 tsp ginger

juice and 1 tsp honey. Slowly sip a glass of honey water.

Have one tsp onion juice at regular intervals.

Rubbing of teeth by mustard oil mixed with pinch of rock salt

and turmeric powder. It may be used as long as possible.

Clove oil application on affected tooth or application of clove

ash on the affected tooth.

Powder of Piper longum (Pippali) half tsp mixed with half tsp

Ghee and one tsp honey kept in mouth for 5-7 minutes, followed by warm saline gargles.

Grind turmeric, bishop's weeds and cloves in a piece of

cotton. Put this cotton swab on the aching teeth.

14. Yellow Tooth: Mix salt with finely powdered rind of lime (nimbu ka chilka).

Use this as toothpowder frequently. Burn the shells of almonds and powder it. Use as tooth powder.

15. Teeth Weakness: Burn to ashes a piece of turmeric, grind it with Bishop's weed

(ajwain) and use this mixed powder as a tooth powder.

16. Tooth Decay: Take a piece of turmeric, roast it and then grind it. Fill this

powder in the cavity caused by tooth decay.

Application of ice on bleeding wound until the bleeding


Turmeric (Haldi) in oil is an excellent anti-septic. For

abrasions and small cuts, application is enough, dressing may not be neccessory in such cases.

Aloe is a good wound healer and a natural dressing too. Cut

a piece of aloe across its length of the wound size. Put the raw cut side of aloe and tie it on the wound with clean cloth. Replace aloe dressing everyday.

Application of Neem oil is a good remedy. Raw papaya pieces can be an effective dressing. This is

especially good for infected wounds.

Triphala powder dusted on the small wounds stops

bleeding and also works as an antiseptic. The wound can be washed with decoction of Triphala.

Panaka/ Panna: Drinks prepared with fruit juices, sugar and

spices such as Trijata (Dalchini, Tej patra, Elaichi) are known as Panaka. mango on mild heat and made into a paste. Then dissolve with 16 times of water, mix with Jeerak (cumin seeds), Rock salt (Saindhav Namak), Black pepper (Kali Mirch), clove (lavanga), cardamom (Ela), and Sugar for taste. It is useful in heat stroke, thirst, burning sensation in body and in indigestion. with pinch of sugar and salt two times a day. times.

Another variety Aam Panak (Pana), prepared by boiling unripe

2 tsf Juice of Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi/ Giloy) stem mixed Buttermilk with mint leaves and pinch of salt can be given many Liquid diet may be taken and use of onion in food may be


If burn is not severe:

Apply fresh juice obtained from Aloe vera (Ghritkumari /

Gheekumar) on affected part.

Apply mixture of linseed oil (Atasi tail) and Honey in equal


Apply mixture of Til tail and coconut (Nariyal) oil in equal


In mild burns apply coconut water

Make an infusion of Holy basil (Tulsi) leaves. Put two to four tsp of

dried basil leaves in a cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, cool and apply. mitti 5 gm to be applied on the face and washed with luke warm water.

Face pack made of orange peel- 2gm, Red sandal- 1 gm, and multani

Apply the paste of thorn of Silk Cotton tree (Shalmali) on Pimples.

Ayurvedic Medicine: Kumkumadi lepam applied on the face after washing can give good


Aarogyawardhani vati 2 tab B.D. (twice a day). Sarivadyasava taken 20 ml with equal quantity of water twice daily

acts as a blood purifier.

DOs: It is advisable to take sufficient sleep and keep your bowels regular. Wash your face twice or thrice a day. However, avoid using soaps

that dry your skin. Keep your bed sheets clean, as dead skin, oil, cosmetics, hair and dirt on the sheets will clog pores of skin further. Apply an ice cube (wrapped in a soft piece of cloth) wherever you spot redness. It not only reduces the redness, it lessens the inflammation and helps the skin to heal.

DONTs:foods, chocolate etc. Do not pinch the pimple, as it can lead to inflammation. Worse still, squeezing can leave scars on your face. Avoid oil-based cosmetics, as they tend to clog the pores on your skin.
Avoid taking too much milk products, nuts, fats, fried and oily

Garlic is specially recommended; take 5-7 garlic pods per

day. You can reduce the pungent smell, by taking along with butter milk or lemon juice.

Extract juice from Kumaari (Aloe Vera) pulp and take one


For scanty menses use three gms. Powder of equal quantity

of black Tila (sesame), Dry ginger (Shunthi) and Aloe (Ghritakumari) and one gm. Jaggery with tepid water twice a day or decoction of above drugs including jaggery in the dose of 10-20 ml. twice a day.

Ayurvedic Medicines: Rajahpravartini

menstruation. Ashokaristha 20 ml with equal quantity of Water half an hour after meals for 2 to 3 cycles, gives long-lasting results

Vativ 500 mg 2 tab/day upto onset of

Other important things to remember:

Proper hygiene should be maintained and pads should be

changes regularly Do exercise, walk and run regularly. Gentle massage & Hot water fomentation of the lower belly helps the muscles to relax. Drink tea with ginger.

Some Donts
Avoid fried food, pulses and sour food items. Avoid foods that cause constipation, especially during the last

week of menstrual cycle.

Use of Punarnnavadi mandura in a dose of 250mg-500mg with

water or buttermilk is indicated for minor and moderate anaemia. (ASHA drug kit) Anaemia caused due to excessive bleeding during menstruation could be managed by the intake of tandulodaka (rice washobtained from red variety of rice) with iron preparations like Punarnavadi mandura 0.5 gm twice daily. Indian Pennywort (Mandukparni) fried in ghee is also useful in anaemia. Juice of Aamla mixed with Honey to be taken 2 tsf two times a day.

Ayurvedic Medicines:
Lohasav 20 ml two times a day after meal with equal quantity of

water. Saptamrit Lauha / Dhatri Lauh etc. can be used.

Dos (dietary considerations):

Use of green leafy vegetables like spinach (Palak), Hogweed

(Punarnava), Drumstick (Sigru) and fruits like Amalki (Amala), Pomegranate (Anaar), dry grapes (Munakka) etc. in daily diet is important to prevent anaemia. Green leafy vegetables should be prepared in iron pan. For enhancing the absorption of iron, one must take whole grams, sprouts, fresh fruits and fresh raw vegetables.

Intake of tea, coffee and other preservatives in the food interfere

in the absorption of iron, therefore intake of these beverages should be minimized. Food prepared hygienically should be consumed.

Paste of flower of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (Gudhal) one tsp can be

taken empty stomach. Powdered root of Amaranthus (Chaulai) or Country Mallow (Bala/ Khireti) to be taken with water (rice wash), twice a day. Amla churna (Powder) - 500mg in the morning and evening with honey. Soak dry coriander (Dhania) in 125ml water at night and drink the contents, after sieving, for 7-10 days (to be taken in the morning).

Ayurvedic Medicine:
water after meals daily. Chandaprabha vati-2-2 tablet two times and half tsp Pushyanuga churna with rice water two times is also beneficial in this condition. Special Advice: Ensure local hygiene.
Take 20ml (4 tsp) of Ashokarishta, mixed with equal quantity of

Home/Ayurvedic remedies:
Decoction of fresh Sheesham leaves should be used. 500 mg Shuddh Gairik powder (Sona geru) should be used with cold milk

2-3 times / day. Pushyanuga curna- 3-6 gm twice a day for 15 days. Pradarantak rasa 125 to 250 mg tow times a day with honey for 15 days. Bolaparpati 125 -250 mg B.D. for 15 days. Asokarista 20 ml B.D. with equal quantity of water for 15 days. Powder of Shatavari churna-5gm with milk for 15 days.

whole grains, wheat, beans, and orange juice. Apple, Anar juice, Carrot, Grapes, Chiku etc should be used. Use of cold substances is beneficial. DONTs:-Try to avoid excess hot and spicy food. Keep away anger, quarrel, worry and excessive exercise.

DOs:-Foods rich in iron contents like dry fruits, leafy green vegetables,

Haldi (turmeric) is powdered form of a rhizome. It is widely

used in our country in food as spice and as medicine. Its medicinal antiseptic properties have been known for hundreds of years. For bleeding wounds press with haldi powder to stop it. Haldi also has great wound healing properties. People use haldi with oil for cuts and abrasions. It is also applied with milk and chana dal flour (besan) at the time of bath, as UBTAN to improve complexion.

Hirda, and Beheda. It is extensively used in constipation. It is also useful to reduce obesity control diabetes. Its external application is very useful for healing wounds. Triphala powder can also be applied on skin at the time of bath. Its decoction is useful for gargling in illnesses such as sore throat, stomatitis, and bleeding gums. Triphala powder is also used as tooth powder and for vision disorders.

Triphala is a very useful combination of three fruits: Aamla,

Oil massage is good for pain in the joints. Medicines may still

be necessary for joint pains. Sesame oil or coconut oil is considered good for massage. Massage improves blood circulation in the body and helps in detoxifying. Head and foot massage with oil helps to overcome sleeplessness. The stem is used to improve voice if it is hoarse. It is given with honey. Mulethi powder is useful in cough and hyperacidity. It improves the brain function when given with cow's milk. It is also used in pitta disorders because Mulethi has cooling properties. Mulethi is used as an external application to improve skin glow. The powder is applied with haldi powder and milk. Mulethi improves general health. It serves as a tonic when taken with shatavari (Asparagnc) powder and milk especially in lactating mothers. For gaining weight use with milk and ghee.

Mulethi is a very useful plant. It is available as small dry sticks.


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