Solar Energy and Its Utilization: GOI's Initiatives: Dr. P.C.Pant Director Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

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Solar Energy and its utilization: GOIs initiatives

Dr. P.C.Pant Director Ministry of New and Renewable Energy [email protected] 15th April, 2011

Case for Solar Energy

Daily radiation 4 - 7 kWh per m2 250 - 300 sunny days in a year Solar energy incident on 1% land area at 2% net conversion efficiency can produce 600,000 MW of power

Typically, a 20 - 30 MW capacity solar power plant can be set up on one sq. km. land area

Solar for India

Most parts of India receive good solar radiation 4-7 kWh/sq. m. Possible to meet growing energy demands and cover deficit areas 9% power shortage Can substantially reduce consumption of kerosene and diesel for lighting and power generation

Provide access and empowerment at grass root level

Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission

Under the National Action Plan on Climate Change 8 Missions have been proposed. In the Prime Ministers words Solar Mission was its centerpiece.

National Solar Mission is a major initiative promotion of solar energy technologies.


The Mission aims to achieve volume production, local manufacturing, R&D and rapid diffusion and deployment of solar technologies across the country at a scale which leads to cost reduction and aiming to achieve the grid tariff parity by 2022.

Graduated deployment to nucleate critical mass till costs come down and thereafter rapid scale up

Enabling policy and regulatory frame work

Supporting Utility scale power generation Expanding off-grid applications Accelerating Research and Development Enhancing Domestic manufacturing base

Road Map
Application segment Target for Phase I (2010-13) 1,000 MW 100 MW Cumulative Cumulative Target for Target for Phase 2 Phase 3 (2013-17) (2017-22) 4,000 MW 20,000 MW

Grid solar power incl. roof top

Off-grid solar applications (incl. rural solar lights)

Solar collectors

200 MW 2 million
7 million sq meters

1,000 MW 10 million
15 million sq meters

2,000 MW 20 million
20 million sq meters

Policy and Regulatory Framework

Tariff for purchase of Solar Power Bundling solar with thermal power

Competitive Bidding to select utility scale power projects

Solar specific RPO RE Certificates Refinancing to lower interest rates for off-grid applications

Capital Subsidies Grant support for R&D and technology demonstration

Policy and Regulatory Framework

Tariff fixed by Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) for purchase of solar power CERC tariff for 2010-11: PV Rs. 17.91 ( US $ 0.39) per unit CSP Rs. 15.31 (US $ 0.33) per unit 20 State Electricity Regulatory Commissions have also fixed tariff for purchase of power by State utilities Solar specific RPO starting with 0.25% in 1st phase increase to 3% by 2022, after amendment to tariff policy


Grid Solar Power

100 MW capacity projects (100 kW 2 MW) selected by IREDA, to be completed in 12 months
84 MW (54 MW PV + 30 MW CSP) capacity approved under migration, to be completed in 12 /28 months Selection of new PV projects : - First Batch in 2010 and limited to 150 MWp - Second Batch next year of approx 300 MWp Solar Thermal : selection for 470 MW to be done in 2010. Average tariff Rs. 11.96 per unit for PV and Rs. 11.48 per unit for Solar Thermal through bidding

Off-Grid Solar Applications

200 MW capacity in the first phase Demand driven expansion 30% subsidy and/or loan @ 5% Refinancing to lower interest rates
Additional channels for supply and maintenance - RESCO; Financial Integrators; System Integrators - Banks, Government Agencies, PSUs Creation of large number of jobs

Solar Lighting
Access to lighting for one million households under the remote village electrification programme during 11th plan with 90% financial support. Another 2 million households to be provided solar lights through banks in the market mode during 11th plan. Encourage LED based lights Central charging system for solar lanterns to develop village level entrepreneurs through market mode Kerosene savings

Performance and Standards

Focus on :

Standards, quality, identification and traceability

Accreditation Performance monitoring Test Labs

R&D & Capacity Building

Research and Technology Development in thrust areas to achieve technical and cost goals Centers of Excellence in research and education Technology Validation Testing & Training International collaborations Creation of trained manpower Scientists, Engineers, technicians

Projection for Grid Parity

18 16 14


Solar Thermal


Grid Tariff @ 5% incease


Grid Tariff @ 3% increase


Coal based generation @ 3% increase

0 20 0910 20 1112 20 1314 20 1516 20 1718 20 1920 20 2122 20 2324 20 2526 20 2728 20 2930

PV R&D Goals towards 2022

Type of Solar cell Present Status Production (R&D) Crystalline silicon solar cell Thin-film silicon solar cell Polycrystalline solar cell Multi junction Conc solar cell Dye/ organic nano based solar cell 14 17% (19.7%) 5 8%* (9 12%) CdTe (10.5%) CIGS (13%) -(3-7%) Conversion efficiency target(%) 2011-12 19 (22) 8 (13) 10 (13 ) 10 (15) 28(32) (5 -10) 2017-18 23(25) 12-14 (16) 14(16) 15(20) 35(45) 8- 10(15) 2021-22 24 (26) 16 (20) 19(22) 21(25) 45 (50) 12-17 (25)

Module Life in years

> 25

> 25

> 30

> 35

Solar Cells Best Efficiencies



AREA SQ. CM. 64.00 100.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.41 0.98 1.00 0.50

EFF. % 19.7 17.5 12.0 11.5 9.0 10.5 13.0 8.7 7.1 3.0

PV R&D : Thrust Areas

(Next 5 years)

Alternative process for poly silicon production Silicon solar cells- less material, high efficiency (18-22%) Silicon film/microcrystalline silicon solar cells (8 12%) Polycrystalline thin film cells (Long life and efficiency >12%) Organic, dye and nano-crystalline material based solar cells (5 10%)

PV R&D : Thrust Areas

PV module life > 35 years

(Next 5 years)

CPV modules/ systems ( 25 35%) Inverters : efficiency > 94% at 30% part load Long life batteries ( ~ 10 years) Alternative storage systems Efficient LED based lighting systems High efficiency motor pump sets ( > 50%)

Recent Initiatives
Development of poly silicon material 22% efficiency single crystal silicon cells 10% efficiency nano cystalline thin film modules 15% CIGS cells 12 % Dye sensitized cells 5% organic-inorganic hetero junction cells Battery for PV

Indian PV Industry
More than 40 companies, with installed capacity of about 1 GW make PV modules

15 companies manufacture solar cells (700 MW installed capacity)

About 3-4 GW cell capacity expected by 2017 Module Production in 2010-11 estimated to be > 600 MW




Production in MW

300 250 200 150

Solar Cell PV Module

175 135 110 80 45

300 240 240


50 0

20 20

22 23






2001-02 2002-03

2003-04 2004-05

2005-06 2006-07

2007-08 2008-09




PV Applications, 920 MW; (21,00,000 SYSTEMS)

Lights 56

Pumps 13 Off grid Plants 50 Grid Plants 13 Railways 45 Telecom 48

Int Proj ects 575

Others 120

Access to energy, village electrification & fuel savings


Solar Thermal Technology Applications

Low temperature applications Solar water heating Solar cooking Solar air heating , drying of agricultural produce and other products Water purification Detoxification of effluents Mid temperature heat applications Concentrators Space cooling and air-conditioning High temperature heat applications -Process Heat -Power generation Energy efficient buildings

Solar Water Heating Technology

Flat plate collectors Cu-Cu absorber, with black paint as well as selectively coated surfaces Black chrome selective coating is commercially used ( ~ 0.10 0.14, ~ 0.90 0.92) Plain toughened glass Plastic unglazed3flat plate 4 (thickness mm to collectors also marketed. mm) is used ( ~ 0.82 0.85)

Solar collector technology

Technology Upgradation

Improved selective coating by sputtering technique - more efficient & durable - environment friendly laser welding of absorbers and risers enabling fully automatic production line.

Solar Water Heating Technology

Evacuated tube collectors (ETCs) are being marketed based on imports from China ETCs are all glass (tube in tube configuration)

R&D Issues Reduction in cost Improvement in efficiency Possibilities are better glazing materials, transparent insulating glazings, built-in-storage systems for domestic use Development of selective coatings with glass as substrate Indigenous commercial production of

Solar Water Heating Technology

Hot water at 60-80oC for hotels, hospitals, restaurants, dairies, industry and domestic use. Typical system comprises
One or more solar collectors Storage tank Insulated piping Heat exchanger and pumps added, if necessary.

About 1,650,000 m2 collector area installed in the country. Solar collectors are certified by BIS as per Indian standards. About 60 BIS approved

Indian Scenario
Potential is 140 million square meter of collector area This figure is expected to reach 2 million square meters by the end of the year 2006-07 Installations have been mainly based on flat plate solar collectors so far. Imported ETC based systems are appearing in the market; efforts are on for manufacturing in the country.

Solar Water Heaters : Economics

DOMESTIC Initial cost Rs. 18000-20000 for 100 LPD system Can replace a geyser of 2 kW capacity Regular use saves 1500 units of electricity per year Pay back period 3-4 years Peak load shaving of 1 MW by 1000 systems which means 1000 MW from 1 million homes INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL - System cost : Rs. 120 - 150 per litre capacity - Pay-back period : Coal -6

New Initiatives
Programme for accelerated deployment of solar hot water systems is being implemented by the Ministry Provisions of the scheme Loans through expanded network of financial institutions Interest Subsidy is provided by the Ministry Domestic Users get loans @2%, institutional users not claiming accelerated depreciation @ 3%, and industrial / commercial users claiming accelerated depreciation @ 5%. In order to promote business, an

Mandatory Provision in Municipal Laws

A model regulation / amendment to building bye-laws for installation of solar assisted water heating systems in buildings circulated by the Ministry of Urban Development
When adopted by local bodies, the bye-laws will make the installation of solar assisted water heating systems mandatory in several categories of buildings such as hotels, hospital, hostels, barracks, guest houses and residential buildings with more than 150 sq.m. plinth area.

Indian Standard on Solar Flat Plate Collectors

IS 12933: 2003 Part 1 Requirements Part 2 Components Part 3 Measuring Instruments Part 5 Test methods

Does not apply to concentrating & unglazed collectors, built-in-storage systems Includes component tests, qualification tests and the thermal performance tests. Thermal performance tests include Thermal efficiency test Incident angle modifier test Time constant test

Solar Thermal Test Facilities in India

SOLAR ENERGY CENTRE is the apex Centre for testing and

standardization of solar thermal devices and systems. BIS is setting up facilities at its laboratories at Bangalore and Mohali. In addition, five Regional Test Centres are available for testing of solar collectors at Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. University of Pune, Pune, Maharashtra. Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu. Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute, Vallabh Vidya Nagar, Gujarat University of Jadavpur, Jadavpur, West Bengal



Peoples interest in solar cookers is very old. A large number of design variations have been developed by the researchers and users. From heat collection point of view, solar cookers have two main categories:

Solar Cookers

Some designs use storage also. Many inexpensive designs using

Box type employing flat surfaces for heat collection, sometimes supported by reflectors to boost heat collection. Concentrators having sunlight focussed onto a point or line for producing desired temperatures.

Box Type Solar Cookers

Insulated box with 0.25 m2 aperture area and a single mirror booster Indian Standards are available for certification by BIS About 600,000 units have been sold

Concentrating Solar Cookers

Paraboloidal dish of about 1.4 m diameter is manufactured indigenously Imported anodized Aluminum sheet is used for reflector Tracking is manual

Cooking pot is black painted and

Solar Cooking
Community Solar Cookers
Concentrated sunlight from the dish is reflected onto the bottom of cooking pots using a secondary reflector positioned in the window of kitchen

Steam Cooking Systems

Modular in nature consisting of a number of paraboloidal dishes each of about 10 m2 aperture area Reflector surface is made of imported anodized aluminum Water is circulated through the pipes to produce steam. Very large capacity systems have been installed.

Estimates of the post-harvest losses of food grains in the developing world from mishandling, spoilage and pest infestation are put at 25%. Fruit, vegetables and root crops are much less hardy and are mostly quickly perishable Estimates of production losses in developing countries are hard to judge, but estimates put losses of sweet potatoes, plantain, tomatoes, bananas and citrus fruit as high as 50%. Drying and processing may reduce these losses substantially. Drying using solar energy is one viable option for rural farmers.

Solar Dryers

Direct type Solar Dryer

Direct type solar dryer for dying of mango pulp. The dryer uses a DC fan operated by SPV for air circulation. Used by the growers for income generation activities The dried product is packed attractively and sold commercially in urban market

Industrial Solar Drying Applications

Direct and indirect type solar dryers have been installed in industry (tea, spices, fish etc.), & also for domestic/ community sector for grapes, mango, apricot, ginger, onion, etc.

Other Technologies for Low Temperature Applications

Water Purification
Basin type solar stills are used Yield=2-3 litres/m2/day

Yield to be enhanced for reducing cost and requirement of solar heat collection area Multi-stage models for centralized drinking water supply

Solar Cooling and Airconditioning

Continuous absorption cycles have been employed to work with solar collectors No commercial system is available Recently, a 25 ton capacity plant has been installed based on heat pipe solar collectors near Ahmedabad Solar collectors are imported. Li-Br chiller is from Thermax. Temperature constraints of solar collector operation Heat pipe based ETCs could be used, but need to be produced in the country Development of concentrating solar collectors R&D and technology development of

Solar Detoxification

Solar detoxification processes use sunlight to break down contaminants in water or air. Two types of reactions can be used: Photochemical reactions using photocatalyst that absorbs UV light from solar spectrum to initiate chemical reaction Thermal reactions using thermal catalyst which use heat at high temperatures to initiate chemical reactions. A project has been taken to install a solar detoxification of distillery waste water. Results indicated that pre-treatment with lime and alum along with aeration followed by two day solar detoxification with MgO as a catalyst was found effective for COD reduction of about 95% and transmittance of about 80%. ISSUES Identification of suitable catalysts for various type

Energy in Buildings -Background

Buildings are major consumers of energy in their construction, operation and maintenance About 50% of global energy demand is estimated to be due to buildings. Requirements of energy in buildings are further increasing in developing countries with rising economy. Energy conscious architecture addresses these issues.

Energy Conscious Architecture

Use of solar passive concepts in building design and operation including daylight features Use of eco-friendly and less energy intensive building materials Integration of renewable energy technologies Use of energy efficient appliances Conservation of water/ waste water recycling/rain water harvesting

Smart Windows
Windows play an important role in energy efficiency of a building Properties required of windows include
Low transmission for solar radiation during summer and high during winters High U-values

Smart windows exhibiting the required properties are to be developed. Electro-chromic windows and thermochromic windows

Solar Thermal Power Generation

Has potential for decentralized as well as grid connected applications Technology Options
Parabolic Trough Paraboloid dish Central Receiver System

Some experience is available in the country on parabolic trough and dish Stirling technology

Linear parabolic collector systems

Concentration: 80 Suns Temperature: ~ 390 C Efficiency: ~ 15-18% Investment per MW: ~ Rs.10-12 crore Cost per kWh: ~ Rs.10-15 Working fluid: mineral oil Not suitable for heat storage Hybrid plant more economical Current use: 354 MW in USA

Solar Thermal Power Plant (Linear parabolic collector), Mojave desert, Kramer Junction, California, USA

Solar Thermal Power Generation

Parabolic Trough (SEGS) configuration Oil as the heat transfer fluid

Direct steam generation configuration

Current use: Experimental

Solar Tower Power Plant

Temperature: ~ 565 C Efficiency: ~ 20-22%

Molten salt as working fluid - facilitates storage that takes care of solar variation High precision setting of mirrors Investment :less than farm concept - high conversion efficiency

The 10 MW Solar Two plant (California, USA)

Paraboloid collector

82 spherically curved glass mirrors Each measures 3 ft.x 4 ft. Area = 944 sq. ft ~ 88 sq. m. Output = 25 kW at 1000 W/sq.m insolation Efficiency = 28%

Issues -Availability of Stirling engines in the desired capacity range (10 25 kW) -Availability of dish concentrator indigenously with proven controls and tracking mechanism

Dish Stirling System

Indian Experience on Solar Thermal Power Generation

10 kW solar power plant based on selectively coated flat plate collector & organic rankine cycle at IIT , Madras A 50 kW solar thermal power plant based on parabolic trough technology was installed at SEC, but suffered due to nonavailability of spare parts. A 5kW Power Plant based on PTC and steam turbine at SPRERI , Vallabh Vidyanagar A 10 kW dish-Stirling project installed, but the engine did not perform at the rated capacity. Limited capability exists for designing and fabrication of large area solar dish, however, yet to be designed for power

Indigenous Dish Collector Development

The temperature requirement is 100 250oC A large area solar dish, 160 m2 aperture area, has been developed and installed for milk pasteurization at Latur by IIT Bombay Automatic tracking system is used; normal window glass has been used for reflector. Further improvements in the technology to suit power generation

R & D Solar Thermal Power Generation

R&D and technology development in
Concentrators Thermal energy storage Receivers

For reflectors, increase in reflectivity of the surface by Using thin low iron glass back-silvered mirrors Using front surface mirrors with good outdoor durability Development of Fresnal shaped mirrors for parabolic trough design to reduce cost. Solar energy storage system viz. molten

salt, concrete, and phase changing

Financing of the Mission

Budgetary support of US $ 943 million till March, 2013 1,000 MW grid connected projects are supported through bundling with thermal power, which would otherwise require US $ 16.5 billion for incentives

Clean Energy Fund to meet requirement of funds in subsequent phases


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