Information On Treating Sihr/jinn

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The manner in which the treatment and Dhikr can lose its affect is by

What is meant by the above is that those Muslims who commit Haraam (forbidden)
actions or who commit sins by not adhering to or acting to the commands ordered by
Allah azza wa-Jall in our daily lives. Then this will result in cancelling out the
Adhkar or Dhikr performed. I have mentioned many a time that if the afflicted
persons Imaan is strong then the Evil (Jinni or Sihr) will be weak. However where
the afflicted person is weak the evil will be the stronger force. If we look to
the incident that took place with Rasool Allah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam then we
find that the Labid al a'sam performed Sihr on the prophet with intention to kill
him. However due to the status and Imaan of the prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam
the Sihr was reduced to one where he started to imagine things.

This is the power of Imaan and people have even experienced that just by adhering
to the Deen in all aspects of life alone makes a difference for the afflicted

So for a women as an example plucking of the eye brows is Haraam and certain
styles such as `steps' are Haraam for men. These actions would have implications
with treatment, yet to most these actions would be seen as minor and harmless.

Iqbal Salafi gave a nice example in one of his talks which I will paraphrase: "A
man came to me and said that for so many years I have been reciting Surah Baqarah
in my home and still Jinn come into my home and cause fires etc. I mentioned to
him that what is Surah Baqarah supposed to do when you are sat in front of the
television committing fornication of the eye watching a movie where the woman is
inappropriately dressed, dancing and to make things worse you will be sat there
with your mother, sister, daughter or wife who are also involved in this act of
fornication with you." So here is an example of Surah Baqarah not having affect
even though it is mentioned in the Ahadith that the one who recites Surah Baqarah
then the Shayateen will not enter the home.

The scholars discuss the evil affect sins and the list is long, but what concerns
the afflicted person is that the prayers are not accepted. So the afflicted can
read Dhikr all day and recite Qur'an all day he/she may feel temporary relief
momentarily however the desired affect looks a distant dream and this process of
not applying the Deen in totality and continuing with the treatment, the Jinni or
Sihr is building a resistance. Then person seems to be having to do more and more
to feel an affect and end up being stuck in a rut or vicious cycle.

What I don't understand is that does not the Muslim ponder when our Rabb addresses
us by saying "I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me." (51:56)
yet he/she is far from worshiping Him and fallen for the ploy of the accursed
Shaytaan. How is one worshiping Him azza wa-Jall when he is living a life of
disobedience and sin? Rather he/she is on the path of Shaytaan as there is either
the path of the Ar-Rahmaan or Shaytaan.

There is no taking part of the religion and leaving parts of it. Allah mentions
how these type of people will be humiliated in this and the next. Never the less
we will still find some amongst us that will look for the easy option and try to
find that person that will tell us to do nothing and all will be resolved or will
tell that we don't need carry out certain actions as that was for back then.

I know of this couple who had pledged allegiance to a `spiritual guide' for
thirteen years and when they been afflicted they came for treatment they were told
to pray and read certain Adhkaar after the Salaah, the reply was that they did not
even know how to pray. `THIRTEEN YEARS! Some guide'.

What will it take for us to realise as Muslims that we need to fulfil our
obligation to our Rabb and leave this life of disobedience. For those of us who
are affected this is a blessing in disguise. We have the opportunity to get close
to our Lord and change our lives for the better, yet we find only in times of
hardship do we turn to our lord and when all is well we turn to please Shaytaan

This life is a test if not this test then there will be another as Allah all
mighty tests those who he loves most.

In conclusion firstly we need to have the correct Aqeedah and then there after one
needs adhere to the Shariyah in its totality. What all of this requires is
learning and understanding the Deen and this comes through knowledge which is
obligatory upon every Muslim anyway.

Wa As-Salaamu `Alaikum

"And verily, We have sent among every community a Messenger [proclaiming]:

"Worship Allah [Alone] and avoid the Taaghoot. Then of them were some whom Allah
guided, and of them were some upon whom the straying was justified. So travel
through the land and see what was the end of those who denied [the truth]" (Qur'an

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