Revised Proforma Guidelines Internal Assessment II PBBSC 011007
Revised Proforma Guidelines Internal Assessment II PBBSC 011007
Revised Proforma Guidelines Internal Assessment II PBBSC 011007
Subject : 1. Community Health Nursing 2. Mental Health Nursing 3. Introduction to Nursing Education 4. Introduction to Nursing Service Administration 5. Introduction to Nursing Research and Statistics
Details as follows: Internal Assessment (Theory): 25 Marks (Out of 25 Marks to be send to the University) Mid-Term: 50 Marks Prelim: 75 Marks Total: 125 Mark (125 Marks from mid-term & prelim (Theory) to be converted into 25 Marks) Internal Assessment (Practical): 50 Marks Practical Exam: 100 Marks Mid-Term Exam: 050 Marks Prelim Exam: 050 Marks Clinical Evaluation & Clinical Assignment: 325 Marks 1. Clinical Evaluation (family oriented care Urban Area) 100 Marks 2. Community Health Survey & Community diagnosis 025 Marks 3. Family Health Care Study (Urban & Rural settings) 100 Marks (50 marks each) 4. School Health Programme 025 Marks 5. Health Education 025 Marks 6. Rural Public Health (as per guideline): 050 Marks Total: 425 Marks (425 Marks from Practical to be converted into 50 Marks)
GUIDELINES FOR CLINICAL EXPERIENCE I. Community Health Nursing objective of clinical experience Urban Public Health field
Introduction : The clinical practice is provided to the student to render comprehensive health care to the selected family, groups in the community, including health teaching. The student is provided an opportunity to learn a role of CHN in community Health Nursing field. Objectives : 1) 2) To be able to practice nursing process approach in family oriented nursing care. To assess health needs of individual, family and community by means of observation and communication. (i.e. MCH, adolescents, geriatrics and other vulnerable group) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) To give Health teaching on prevention of illness, promotion of health and care of minor ailments at home. To carry out home nursing procedures / techniques To develop ability / skill to communicate effectively and use Audio-Visual aids while imparting health information To identify the factors affecting health and illness in relation to population, environment and nutrition. To be aware about incidence and prevalence of communicable and noncommunicable diseases in the community and practice preventive and control measures. 8) 9) To be able to practice case finding approach and levels for prevention in common public health problems To be able practice application of National control and Eradication Programme while rendering health services at urban and rural set up. 10) To develop ability in community diagnosis and conducting health surreys.
160 Hours
11) To apply knowledge of epidemiologist, Biostatistics and vital statistics while analyzing the survey data. 12) To develop ability to organize community health nursing programme. i.e. Various clinics, health education activities etc. 13) To be able to use appropriate referral system in community. 14) To develop ability to perform extended role in CHN at different level in public health administration. 15) To observe and maintain different records and reports in Urban and Rural set up. 16) To write family health care study based upon comprehensive community health and nursing process approach. 17) To develop ability to monitor and evaluate health services provided in given community. 18) To get an opportunity to work as investigator while conducting simple research activity in community health nursing practice field. AREAS OF LEARNING EXPERIENCE Urban Public Health (Clinical Experience) a) b) c) d) e) f) Working / Nursing care for families alloted. School health check up programme. Assessment of Venerable groups while posted in clinics, Home visiting, Industries. Community health education. In school, college, family, clinics or industries (Group and mass health teaching) Family health survey and community diagnosis of selected public health problem. Community oriented health care by visit to different health and other agencies.
II YEAR P.B. B.SC. NURSING SUBJECT :- COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING CRITERIA FOR CLINICAL EXPERIENCE 1. CLINICAL EVALUATION PROFORMA (Family Oriented Care Urban Area) (Maximum Marks: 100) Name of Student : Area of Community Health Nursing Evaluator : Rating : Year
Period Under Evaluation From to 1 In many respect fails to meet recruitment satisfactorily 2 Meets many requirements but deficient in important aspect 3- Average, clearly meets basic requirements satisfactorily. 4 Clearly exceeds basic requirements, respecting superior 5 Outstanding in all respects. Areas with subheading 1 Rating 2 3 4 5
Knowledge and understanding about family 1. Studies family health record and collects significant data 2. Interprets significant data based on knowledge of community Health / Community Health Nursing. Home Visit 3. Preplans are written based on the health needs of the family and identified goals 4. Planning and organization of home visit 5. Establishers report with the family and able to communicate effectively and tactfully with different individual / groups Health Assessment and Observation 6. Identifies deviation from normal and set priorities in home care activities 7. Plans and implements name care based on preset goals and health needs Nursing Activities carried our : 8. Application of scientific principles 9. Technical skills with necessary modification and completeness of the procedure 10 Involvement and participating of the family members 11 Interpretation, reporting, recording of results 12 Takes, corrective follow standing orders selects and appropriate referral agencies.
Areas Health information health teaching 13 Uses every opportunity for incidental / planned teaching for individual and group 14 Uses appropriate teaching learning principles Post Visit 15 Reports significant information 16 Completes records, promptly, precisely and accurately. Evaluation of Family Health Care 17 Able to evaluate the set goals, short and long term health care plans 18 Able to revise the family health needs and modify the care plans
Rating 3 4
Professional qualities 19 Professional appearance 20 Interest, initiative, resourcefulness, responsible, leadership and attitude, response to constructive criticism and suggestions. Total Marks : Percentage : Grade :
Remarks / comments by the Supervisor : (In terms of strengths and weaknesses) Instruction : 1) Application of theory to practice is considered through out the experiences. 2) Written explanation must over extreme grades. Date of evaluation discussed Signature of the student that She/he has seen the evaluation
Signature of Supervisor
Guideline for Family Health Survey / Community diagnosis / School Health Programme & Educational Visits.
Introduction : The clinical experience is designed to provide learning experience under the community health and community health nursing subject in different areas as such family health survey, community diagnosis and school health programme including educational Visits. I) Family Health Survey: The students will acquire the knowledge in relation to a) b) c) d) e) f) II) To conduct simple family health survey in the community. To be able to use survey card as a tool to collect survey data. To prepare various tables for the tabulation of collected data. To be able to interprets and present the data with the help of graphs and charts and compare with the national norms. To evaluate the continuity of family oriented health care based on survey. To maintain records and reports allowed by survey.
Community Diagnosis: The students will acquire the knowledge in relation to a) b) c) d) e) f) To select the significant public health problem to carry out community diagnosis. To be able to follow the steps of community diagnosis. To carryout assessment of selected group to identify deviation from normal in the community. To be able to summarise and interpret the data followed by presentation. To apply principles of epidemiology, levels of preventions will preparing future plans. To complete report and records.
School health programme : The students will acquire the knowledge in relation to a) b) To be able to plan, organize and implement school medical checkup of the school children. To be able to identify deviation from normal while doing complete medical checkup of the school children.
c) d) e) IV)
To complete the records on the school child assessment proforma and in the register. To be able to give health information to the school children and their parents. To use appropriate referral services.
Educational Visit to Community Health agencies: Objective : Student should able to i) ii) iii) iv) Prepare a list of community health agencies in her field. Explain how to organize educational visit. To get acquainted with agency historical background, physical setup, broad policies & objectives and financial support. To be able to - describe detailed organization structure of agency - List the broad areas of activity - identify role of organization dealing with health problem promoting primary care, education and training.
a) b) c) d) e) f)
To review the knowledge about public health administration at district level and selected Urban Public Health Centres. To acquire knowledge related to principles of management applied to public health and public health nursing practice field. To study system of procedures, work routines recordings and reporting being practiced in these practice field. To get an opportunity to act as a team leader. To identify needs for replanning and understand evaluation as an essential component of replanning in C.H. Nsg. services. Able to prepare an organizational chart of (i) District Health Office, (ii) Urban Public Health Center Bandra, (iii) Child Welfare Center, (iv) Rural Hospital, (v) Community Health Center, (vi) P.H.C.
SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Criteria Knowledge related to survey Data collection & entry on survey cards Table and tabulation of data Analysis and Interpretation of data Use of visual aids and graphs etc. Proposed future plans Recording in the registers Total
Marks Allotted 03 02 03 05 04 03 05 25
Date :
SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Remarks Evaluation discussed & Students Signature Date : Sing. Of Supervisor Date : Criteria Organization for school / checkup programme Assessment to find out any deviation Knowledge and application of scientific practice (Head to foot examination of child). Communication skill with child, parent & teacher Action taken including Health Teaching & referrals Reporting to supervisor, parents and teacher Recording on assessment proforma Total
Caste, religion, language b) Vital health events Birth rate Death rate Infant mortality rate Morbidity rate Specific morbidity c) Special Health risk groups (Infant, Toddlers, Antenatal Mothers, Lactating mothers, Antenatal multi problem family) 3. Environmental Characteristics a) Houses Number Type Living space per head Other facilities (Bath, Kitchen, Toilet, Electricity, Water supply - Safe/unsafe) b) Waste disposal and waste water disposal Collection and removal of soil waste Collection and removal of water waste Vector control measures Environmental sanitarium
c) Structural organization for environmental sanitatim services d) Educational opportunities Schools Private institution College Vocational institutions
4. Social Environment Local administration - municipality / gram panchayat Community organization Youth welfare organization Mahila Mandals Trade Union Organizations Labour units Business organizations - Statutory bodies - Panchayat - Counsellors - Executive committees Leadership Pattern
5. Channels of communications : Official, Non-official Common meeting places used Chaupal, community centre, hall Important communicators Traditional like barber, teachers, retired people Mechanism of communications Fairs and festivals, religious meetings and official meetings Media of communications Radio, T.V. and Cinema
6. Resources a) Economic resources of community b) Institutional resources c) Human resources d) Natural resources 7. Health knowledge, Beliefs and practices About health and disease Outlook on cause of disease, spread and presentation of disease Existing health practices related to prevention, care of some specific illness
Superstitions related food and health practices Promotional health practices, food, rest, relaxation, recreation, games etc Attitude towards health agencies - positive or negative, Health programmes and community organization.
8. Health problems as felt by the community Major health problem and needs Priority problems as felt by the people or community leaders
9. Factors that can help or binder community health actions Success of these information Health and health allied resources Community people Community leaders - formal or informal Census records
Guide Line for Rural Public Health Experience Time allotted : 80 Hrs.
a) Introduction : This experience is two weeks while staying in Rural area includes, actual exposure to Rural Health services including primary health care approach, which is adopted by Govt. of India to render health services. Experience will be provided through observational visits, working in selected health clinics at Primary Health Centers, sub-centers and Health Units and other agencies (NGOS). At the end of experience student will develop realistic view of existing health care delivery system and role of various health team members at different levels in rural community health field. It will also help to understand role of nurse to promote health of people residing in rural area and problems which confront the nursing care. b) 1) 2) Objectives of RPH Experience : To acquire knowledge and scope of Rural Health Services in India. To observe the Public Health activities carried out by the various health personnel based on the needs of that community.
To acquire knowledge of various Rural development (I.R.D.P.) schemes and implementation of national health programmes (central and state Govt.)and Role of C.H.N. in these programmes.
To acquire knowledge regarding - Health agencies and three tire system of rural self Government. a) Organization, staffing and physical set up of (i) Rural Hospital, (ii) P.H.C., (iii) S.C., (iv) Health Unit, (v) I.C.D.S./ Anganwadi, (vi) Grampanchayat (vii) Panchayat Samiti (viii) Zilla Parishad b) To implement Multi-sectional approach in rural health services.
To work with / interview various health team members at P.H.C. and S.C. level, to find out their work responsibilities i.e. (M.P.H.W. (Fe) Male), Health Assistant (Fe)(Male) and Basic Health workers i.e. CHV, TBA etc.
To acquire knowledge about Public Health administration and to observe functions of P.H.N. and Health Supervisors in rural areas (a) To study work planning supervise for daily/wkly/mthly and yearly (b) Method of supervision adopted ANM/MPW (M/Fe)/A.W.W./Dai/CHV etc.
7) 8) 9)
To be able to plan and organize health education programmes in rural area (Individual/Group) To study available statistical data, method of recording and reporting at SC, PHC and H.U.P. as past of management information system. To observe and participate in selected Public Health programme if possible i.e. (a) School health programme, (b) F.P. camps etc., (c) Any out break and emergency health crisis or disaster.
To select two beneficiaries to study family health care (vulnerable groups). To be able to compare how the mode of living affects the health of families in rural and urban areas. To be able to compare and note the strong and weak points of C.H. Nursing in rural area.
Prepare functional chart of above stated health and other agencies. Compare your observations with national norms to provide primary health care, decided by Govt. of India (prepare a table only) Write existing system of panchayatiraj in Block visited (prepare schematic diagram only)
Health and Related Programme 1) 2) List the existing health problems in visited village, PHC and SC. List the existing national and state health programmes in visited rural area and list the role of health team members (Nursing staff) to implement common health programme. 3) 4) List different rural development (IRDP) schemes to uplift the economy of visited village (PHC and SC) while visiting gram panchayat. To write role of nurse in multisectoral approach while giving care to rural community.
Public Health Administration (Nursing) 1) 2) Write scope and principles of public health administration. Role and responsibilities of nurse administrator in rural community health i.e.(District PHN, Health Unit PH. N., Female and male Health supervisors at PHCs 3) 4) Methods of supervision adopted by immediate supervisor at PHC and SC To write work load planning and activities schedule of ANM (MPHW / female & male) based on alloted population of visited PHC and SC.
Health Education and Exhibition To plan and implement individual and group health education and exhibition in ANC clinic maternity home, immunization in clinic at head quarters or in school and Anganwadi (Report Writing)
Family Health Care study (Separate evaluation) 1) 2) To collect data and health summary of one family of the rural area. To write priority health problems and health needs followed by anticipatory family health care plans.
MIS (Management Information System) / Statistics 1) 2) 3) To collect demographic data and vital statistics of (last one year of visited PHC, SC) To compare above data with estimated norms decided by Govt. of India. To interpret the achievements against given targets to visited health centre and MPHW female & male.
VII Writing Observation Visit Report 1) 2) To write brief report after every visit. Visits are planned based on specific objectives, guidelines or check list.
VIII Evaluation and Conclusion 1) a) b) c) 2) To write evaluation of RPH experience Considering set objectives Rural Programme planning and management Each committee will unite report of their activities. To write suggestions to improve set RPH Programme in future.
1 2
General Information and administrative aspects Implementation of Health and Related Programs
Marks Allotted
10 10
3 4 5 6
Public Health Nursing administration Health education and health exhibition MIS (Management Information System) Recording
10 10 05 05
Remarks Evaluation discussed & Students Signature Date : Sing. Of Supervisor Date :
2) Assessment of data subjective & objective i) Data related to - Environment & Sanitation - Immunization status of <5 children - Family planning practices - Nutritional status - Chronic health problems in the family ii) Assessment of family members and writing health summary specifically vulnerable groups and high risk individuals (including physical, mental and social health aspects.) 3) Health needs identification on priority basis considering family as unit of service 4) Planning for Family Oriented Care (FOC) i) Objective of FOC ii) Short term Home nursing care plan iii) Long term Home nursing care plan 5) Implementation of FOC, with scientific rationale; adaptation in home situation. 6) Technique & skill in home nursing procedures with rationale 7) Planning & implementing health teaching i) Individual or group ii) Use of simple AV aids 8) Specific dietary plan & nutrition rehabilitation 9) Drug study and home care if necessary 10) Evaluation of home nursing care i) Review short & long term plan ii) Re-planning and future plans 11) Use of table and groups where ever necessary.
5. EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR FAMILY HEALTH CARE SUTDY (Urban & Rural Settings) Name of the student : Field placement : Period : (Maximum Marks: 50+50=100)
SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Criteria Introduction & Objective Data Subjective Data objective Assessment of Family members (physical mental & social) Health needs identified Planning for family health nursing care (including short term & long term plan) Implementation of home nursing care plan with scientific rationale Health education planning & implementation Planning for diet Drugs study & home care Evaluation : - Out come of family health care - Self learning as a Nurse Future plan Conclusion & suggestion Use of table / graphs etc. Total Marks Allotted 02 03 05 03 03 06 06 04 03 03 02 02 03 02 03 50 Marks Obtained Total
Note: One Urban & One Rural Setting Care Study having 50 Marks each. Remarks
Evaluation discussed
Sing. Of Supervisor
Topic Selected :1. Name of the student teacher: 2. Name of the supervisor 3. Venue: 4. Date: 5. Time: 6. Group: 7. Previous knowledge of the group 8. AV aids used 9. General objectives 10.Specific objectives Lesson plan for health talk SN Time Specific objectives Content Teaching Learning Activities A V Aids Evaluation
1 2
Lesson Plan. Presentation. Communication skill. Preparation & effective use of A V. Aids. Group participation.
Marks Allotted
08 05 05 04 03
Marks Obtained
3 4 5
Remarks Evaluation discussed & Students Signature Date: Sing. Of Supervisor Date :
Demographic data:
Name Age Sex Marital Status Religion Occupation Socio-economic status Address Informant Information (Relevant or not) adequate or not
III. -
Duration days, weeks or months Course continuous/episodic Intensity / same / increasing or decreasing Precipitating factors yes/no (if yes explain) History of current episode (explain in detail regarding the presenting complaints) Associated disturbances includes present medical problems (E.g. Disturbance in sleep, appetite, IPR & social functioning, occupation etc).
a) Past Medical History b) Past Surgical History c) Obstetrical History (Female) Cont..
Family History:
Family genogram 5 generations include only grandparents. But if there is a family history include the particular generation A TYPICAL FAMILY TREE
30 27 Advocate Housewife Accountant LL.B. B.A. One suicidal Attempt ( 5 years back) Bipolar disorder
28 Engineer B.E.
5 Nursery
Death; Illness;
Present patient;
Special emotional
Natal history
- Type of delivery - Any complications - Breath and cried at birth - Neonatal infections - Mile stones: Normal or delayed Excessive temper tantrums Feeding habit Neurotic symptoms Pica Habit disorders Excretory disorders etc.
Occupational history
- Age of joining job - Relationship with superiors, subordinates & colleagues - Any changes in the job if any give details - Reasons for changing jobs - Frequent absenteeism
- Sexual history
- Age of attaining puberty (female-menstrual cycles are regular) - Source and extent of knowledge about sex, any exposures - Marital status : with genogram.
Marks Allotted
03 05 10 05 04 05 05 08 05 50
Marks Obtaine d
Format Presenting Complaints Organization of history of present illness 4 Past history of illness 5 Family history of illness 6 Personal history 7 Pre-morbid personality 8 Physical Examination 9 Summary & Clinical Diagnosis Total NB: Two Clients, 50 Mark Each
(Increased/decreased/ automatic obedience) Compulsive/echopraxia/ Stereotypy/ negativism/
a) Form of thought/ formal thought disorder not understandable / normal/ circumstantiality/ tangentiality/ neologism/ word salad/ preservation/ ambivalence). b) Stream of thought/ flow of thought- pressure of speech/ flight of ideas/ thought retardation/ mutism/ aphonia/ thought block/ Clang association.) c) Content of thought i) Delusions- specify type and give example- Persecutory/ delusion of reference/ delusions of influence or passivity/ hypochondracal delusions/ delusions of grandeur/ nihilistic- Derealization/ depersonalization/ delusions of infidelity. ii) Obsession iii) Phobia iv) preoccupation v) Fantasy Creative / day dreaming.
Disorders Perception:
a) Illusion b) Hallucinations- (specify type and give example) auditory/ visual/ olfactory/ gustatory/ tactile c) Others- hypnologic/ hypnopombic/ lilliputian/ kinesthetic/ macropsia/ micropsia/
b) Memory: a) Immediate (Teach an address & after 5 mts. Asking for recall) b) Recent memory 24 hrs. recall c) Remote : Asking for dates of birth or events which are occurred long back i) Amnesia/ paramnesia/ retrograde amnesia/ anterograde amnesia
Dj Vu/ Jamaes Vu iv) Hypermnesia c) Orientation : a. Time approximately without looking at the watch, what time is it? b. Place where he/she is now? c. Person who has accompanied him or her d) Abstraction: Give a proverb and ask the inner meaning (E.g. feathers of a bird flock together/ rolling stones gather no mass) e) Intelligence & General Information: Test by carry over sums / similarities and differences/ and general information/ digit score test. f) Judgment:
ii) iii)
g) Insight: a) b) c) d)
Complete denial of illness Slight awareness of being sick Awareness of being sick attribute it to external / physical factor. Awareness of being sick, but due to some thing unknown in himself. e) Intellectual insight f) True emotional insight
Format General appearance Motor disturbances Speech Thought disturbances Perceptual disturbances Affect and mood Memory Orientation Judgment Insight Attention and Concentration Intelligence and General information Abstract thinking General Observation Summary Total
Marks Allotted
02 04 04 04 04 05 04 03 02 03 02 03 03 02 02 05 50
Marks Obtaine d
1. .. 2. .
Good morning Mr. Ramu (smile, looks at patient) Good morning sister (looks down, voice pitch and monotonous) Mr. Ramu, you appear Making To be sadder than observation, showing interest Yesterday. Can we talk about it? (stands closer to patient) Let us sit down in the Room (leads the patient to the room) Patient appears sad and un-interested to converse
Evaluation by teacher:
1. Overall recording 2. Phases of nurse patient relationship 3. Use of Therapeutic Communication Techniques 4. Ability to achieve objectives NOTE: Limit objective to one or two and make all efforts to attain the objectives. At the end of the process recording, mention if you were able to achieve the objective and to what extent. If not, how you intend to achieve it and what hindered you from achieving it. Maintain a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship (TNPR) in all you interactions and use as many therapeutic communications of the participants.
Marks Allotted
05 03 02 10 05 25
Marks Obtaine d
Format Objectives Setting Therapeutic techniques used Evaluation by students Total N B : Two Patients, 25 marks each
Marks Allotted
03 10 15 05 15 02 50
Marks Obtaine d
Format History MSE Nursing Diagnosis Planning & implementation of 5 Nursing care with evaluation Bibliography 6 Total N B : Two Patients, 50 marks each
Introduction Drug and its group Pharmacological name and trade name Dose Strength Route of administration Action / pharmacodynamics Indication Contraindication Side effects and toxic effects Nursing responsibility Home Management of drugs Therapy Total
Marks Allotted
02 02 02 03 02 05 05 05 05 05 10 04 50
Marks Obtaine d
Physical examination. Mental status examination. Description of the case. a) Definition b) Etiological Factors c) Psycho Pathology / Psychodynamics d) Clinical Manifestations i) In general ii) In the patient Differential diagnosis. Diagnosis & Prognosis Management-AIM & OBJECTIVES(including Nursing care) (a) Medical Pharmaco therapy & Somatic therapy Psychosocial therapy (b) Nursing Management In general (c) Nursing process approaches (d) Rehabilitation / Long term care
5. 6. 7.
Case Presentation 1. History Taking 2. Mental Status Examination 3. Description of Disease Condition a) Definition b) Etiological Factors c) Psycho Pathology/ Psychodynamics 4. Clinical Manifestations a) In general / In books b) In the patient 5. Differential Diagnosis 6. Prognosis 7. Management - AIM & OBJECTIVES a) Pharamaco therapy & Somatic therapy b) Psychosocial approaches 8. Nursing Management a) General approaches b) Nursing Process approach c) Rehabilitation / long term care Presentation (effectiveness) A.V. Aids Bibliography Total
03 03 02 02 02 02 02 06 02 04 03 02 50
History Taking Mental Status Examination Description of Disease Condition a) Definition b) Etiological factors c) Psychopathology/
Marks Allotted 05 05 02 03 03 04 03 02 02 03 03 03 05 03 03 02 50
Marks Obtained
5. 6. 7.
Differential diagnosis Prognosis Management a) Pharmaco therapy and Somatic therapies b) Psychosocial approaches
Nursing Management a) General approaches b) Nursing Process c) Rehabilitation/ long term care
9. 10.
I. KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE PATIENT: 1. Elicit the comprehensive history of the patient. 2. Understands the disease aspect 3. Examines the mental status of the patient 4. Participates in the management of patient, in relation to drug and psychosocial intervention. 5. Carries out Nursing process with emphasis on: Meeting physical needs of patient. 6. Attends to psycho social needs 7. Identifies and meets the family needs. II. COMMUNICATION & INTERPERSONAL SKILLS 1. Utilizes therapeutic communication techniques while interacting with patients & family members. 2. Improve therapeutic communication skills by process recording. 3. Maintains professional relationship with health team members. III. APPLICATION OF THERAPEUTIC MILIEU CONCEPT 1. Accepts the patient as he is Maintains consistency in behavior and attitude 2. Structures time of the patient 3. Provides a safe environment. IV. RECORDING & REPORTING 1. Records & Reports MSE daily (assigned patients) 2. Applies the principles of recording and reporting (accuracy, apprehensiveness, accountability) V. Health Teaching Incidental and planned teaching. VI. Personality 1. Professional appearance 2. Sincerely Sense responsibility 3. Punctuality Remarks & Signature of Supervisor & Date Signature of student & Date
Topic Selected :1. Name of the student teacher: 2. Name of the supervisor 3. Venue: 4. Date: 5. Time: 6. Group: 7. Previous knowledge of the group 8. AV aids used 9. General objectives 10. Specific objectives
CLINICAL EXPERIENCES/ PRACTICUM Practice Teaching (Theory + Practical) Prepare Teaching Aids Attending peer group Teaching Preparing rotation plan Study various Nursing Programme Plan inservice education Programme Visiting Nursing Schools and Colleges
Total Hours. : 75 hrs hours 20 hours 10 hours 05 hours 05 hours 10 hours 05 hours 20
EVALUATION: Internal Assessment: Theory: Clinical Assignment: Total: 15 Marks 10 Marks 25 Marks
Details as follows: Internal Assessment (Theory): 15 Marks (Out of 15 Marks to be send to the University) Mid-Term: 50 Marks Prelim: 75 Marks Total: 125 Mark (125 Marks from mid-term & prelim (Theory) to be converted into 15 Marks) Clinical Assignment: 10 Marks Practice Teaching (100 Marks Each) Theory 2 cases: 200 Marks Clinical 1 case: 100 Marks Total: 300 Marks (300 Marks from Clinical Assignment to be converted into 10 Marks)
II YEAR P.B. B.SC. NURSING SUBJECT :- INTRODUCTION TO NURSING EDUCATION PROFORMA & GUIDELINE FOR EVALUATION I. EVALUATION FORM PRACTICE TEACHING (CLASS ROOM) (Two Cases of 100 Marks each. Total 200 Marks) Name of the student teacher: Area of the teaching Group to be taught Subject Topic to be taught Date of presentation Time Evaluator : 1. 2. : : : : : :
*In any respect fails to meet requirements of quality *Teaching, unsatisfactory performance *Meets many requirements, but deficient in certain respect * Average, meets basic requirements-satisfactory performance * Superior performance exceeds clearly in basic requirements for quality teaching * Excellent outstanding performance excellent in all basic requirements of a quality teacher and teaching. 5 4 2 3 1
GRADE & PERCENTAGE : PASS 2nd class 1st class Distinction : : : : 50-54 % 55-59% 60-74% 75% and above
Sr. No. I.
DEVELOPMENT OF LESSON 1. Selection of topic, collection of subject matter, reliability, adequate, appropriate, research evidence 2. Statement of aims and objectives 3. Organization of subject matter (Sequence, continuity) 4. A.V. AIDS (Appropriate, self prepared, use of resources, planned well) 5. Technique of teaching method & technique appropriate, selected well) 6. Assignment and Bibliography appropriate, developed well
Rating 1 2 3 4
PREPARATION FOR CLASS 7. Class room arrangement (adequate/inadequate) 8. Arrangements of A.V.Aids well placed, visualized by students appropriately )
PRESENTATION 9. Introduction (Making objective clear, interesting, captive, related to topic) 10. Exhibits depth of knowledge and classification of ideas with illustrations and Examples. 11. Anticipated questions and answerers well 12. Correct technique of questioning (Clear, stimulating, well developed,) 13. Integration and correlation with other subjects done 14. A.V. aids used well 15. Maintained teaching learning atmosphere well, interesting, alive, command over language. 16. Motivated students for participation 17. Control over the group
Sr. No.
PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL QUALITIES 20. Degree of confidence, mannerism punctuality, voice, approach to group, use of resources, appearance, acceptance.
1 2 3 4
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-===-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-= Each point carries 5 marks (20 x 5 = 100 marks) There can be gradation of 5 marks between each point.
Total score obtained ___________________percentage____________________ Grade: Students signature that she/he Has seen her/his evaluation Evaluators sign Date
II YEAR P.B. B.SC. NURSING SUBJECT :- INTRODUCTION TO NURSING EDUCATION PROFORMA & GUIDELINE FOR EVALUATION II. EVALUATION FORM - CLINICAL PRACTICE TACHING Name of student teacher Subject Topic Group to be taught Clinical Area Date of Presentation Time Evaluaors : : : : : Ward / Field : : : I. II.
*Meets many requirements but deficient in certain respect-2 *Average, meets basic requirements, satisfactory performance *Superior performance-exceeds clearly in basic requirements for quality teaching *Excellent outstanding performance -4 -5 -3
: : : :
Sr. No. I.
Rating 1 2 3 4
1. Statement of Aim and objectives 2. Organization of subject matter 3. A.V. Aids (Appropriate self prepared, effective etc.)
7. Physical set up of Clinic. 8. Preparation of equipments 9. Preparation of patient and relatives. 10. Self preparation (for procedure & clinic)
19. students motivation and participation, questioning technique, clarification of doubts 20. Professional & personal appearance (posture, attitude, approach, gestures, voice, language manners, etc.
Note : visits for Nursing administration and Nursing Education may be planned together.
CLINICAL EXPERIENCES Ward Management ICU Management OPD / Departments Visits to hospitals and other agencies (ie. Govt, Pvt or corporation and any other)
EVALUATION: Internal Assessment: Theory: Clinical Assignment: Total: 15 Marks 10 Marks 25 Marks
Details as follows: Internal Assessment (Theory): 15 Marks (Out of 15 Marks to be send to the University) Mid-Term: 50 Marks Prelim: 75 Marks Total: 125 Mark (125 Marks from mid-term & prelim (Theory) to be converted into 15 Marks) Clinical Assignment: 10 Marks (Marks from Clinical Assignment to be converted into 10 Marks)
a) b) c) d)
Introduction Name of the ward, duration of the experience with date, objectives of the ward management experience. Organization chart of the ward Draw the organization structure of the ward depicting staff position, communication channels and hierarchical lines. Draw the ward lay out, type of ward, Physical facilities and compare it with the standards of the ideal ward. Records and reports- Describe the various records and reports maintained in the ward, special reporting procedures. Study these documents critically and observe for completeness, accuracy and relevance and attach a brief report of your findings. Procedures and policies Study the policies and procedures in the following areas and describe them briefly :- Indenting procedure for drugs, supplies and equipments - Admission and discharge including emergency - SIL / DIL , Death - Visitors, out pass and absconding patient - Treatments, special procedures, referrals, operations and consent - Emergency care, reporting on conditions of critically ill patients, New admissions, special events in the wards - SOPS for anaphylaxis, needle stick injuries, HIV infections, Hospital waste management and other medical procedures - Security of the ward, patient and his belongings - Fire drills Classify the various drugs, supplies and equipments in the ward. Study the procedure for indenting, accounting, maintenance and deletion of drugs, stores, supplies and equipment. Conclusion
h) references
SN 1 2 3 4 5 6
Introduction Organization of content Statistical data AV Aids Conclusion References Total Remarks & signature of supervisorDate : Signature of student Date :
II) ASSIGNMENT FORMAT FOR WRITING PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL :Guidelines :1 2 3 4 Define the purpose of assessment Decide as to which groups are to be assessed Select and define the qualities to be assessed on a Five point Rating scale. Include the following areas Quality of performance - Quantity of work - Quality of work - Ability to learn - Adaptability - Originality - Reasoning powers
Mental qualities
- Leadership - Organizing ability - Cooperation - Personal qualities - Honesty - Self control - Initiative - Appearance - Attitude towards fellow workers - Attitude towards work - Capacity for further development - Intelligence - Acceptance of responsibility - To Lead a group EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR WRITING PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SN 1 2 3 4 5 Criteria Preparation of Tool Content Comprehension Conclusion References Total (Maximum Marks : 50) Marks Marks Total Allotted Obtained 20 10 10 05 05 50
Supervisory qualities
III) ASSIGNMENT FORMAT FOR SEMINAR Introduction to the topic Unit background Concept, definition History Subject matter Application in Nursing field Summary Conclusion References EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR SEMINAR PRESENTATION Subject Topic Name of student Group SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Criteria Introduction Organization of Content Presentation of topic Relevant examples Relevant statistical data Group participation Control of group Conclusion AV Aids Appropriate to subject Proper use of A/V Aids Self explanatory Attractive Planning and preparation Use of Modern technology Physical facilities Environment Classroom preparation Over lay out Personal Appearance Voice & clarity Mannerisms References Date Time Maximum Marks : 100 1 2 Rating 3 4 5 Remarks
IV) CLINICAL EVALUATION PERFORMS NURSING SERVICE ADMINISTRATION Name of the student Period : Field placement Name of the supervisor
DECECTION :To facilitate the use of the clinical evaluation performs, typical activities behavior are described on a five point scale. The direction of all scale is from lowest (1) to highest (5). Mark your evaluation by placing a tick mark in the column, describing the students standing in relation to other students in the general level experiences :1 Poor SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Fair 3 Good 4 Very good 1 2 5 Excellent Marks : 100 Rating 3 4 5
SUPERVISOR TASKS Organizing ability Leadership Responsibility for equipments & supplies Maintenance of cleanliness of ward Assisting in Ward activity (Pharmacy, Dietary etc) Written & oral report Teaching Supervision of nonprofessional workers Problem solving ability WORK PERFORMANCE Knowledge Skill (Accuracy & speed) Maintaining nursing & scientific principles PERFSONAL QUALITIES Communication skill Attitude towards work Self confidence Inter personal relationship Emotional stability Punctuality Cooperation Reliability
ASSIGNMENT FORMAT FOR WRITING REPORT ON DUTIES AND PESPONSIBLITIES OF NURSING PERSONNEL (NURSING SUPERINTENDENT, WARD IN CHARGES). Introduction Aim of the assignment Objectives of the study Qualification Total years of service Experience in Administration Date of appointment in the Hospital for the assignment Write the job description of each of the categories of the above employees in the hospital under Administrative, Supervisory, Clinical, Teaching, Records, Reports & Returns and other duties such as staff welfare, committee procedures . Conclusion References
SN 1 2 3 4 5
VI ) ASSIGNMENT FORMAT FOR WRITING VISIT REPORT TO HOSPITALS :Introduction to the hospital Historical Background Write the Philosophy of the Hospital Write the Aim and Objectives of the visit Draw the Organization chart of the hospital Explain the staffing of the hospital Explain the recruitment procedure for the Nursing employee (staff nurses). Explain the various departments and Nursing department in detail Explain the Admission and Discharge procedures for the patients including mergency admission & Discharge Explain the procedure for payment of various services in the hospital Explain the special equipments and services rendered by the hospital departments Discuss the Disaster / Emergency plan of the hospital Identify and describe the various research programmes under taken by the Nursing Department Identify and describe In Service education programmes going on the Nursing personnel Staff welfare activities Staff guidance and counseling Discuss the conflict and grievances management system in the hospital Performance appraisal system followed in the hospital for nurses Describe the hospital policies in relation the Employee promotions, transfers, Higher Education, special appointments, deputations, courses. Public relations maintained by the hospital List out VIP visits to the hospital in the recent / past two years Dies the hospital have a School / College of Nursing attached to it If yes then Explain the organizational structure. Staffing of the School Describe the Philosophy / Mission statement of the School Explain the courses conducted at the School/ College of Nursing Is the School / College recognized by the INC / MNC Date of last visit of INC / MNC Inspectors Does the School / College have a students hostel
EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR WRITING VISIT REPORT TO HOSPITALS (Maximum Marks: 100) Marks Marks Tota Obtaine Allotted l d 15 35 10 20 10 10 100
SN 1 2 3 4 5 6
Criteria Introduction Organization of content Presentation of Report A.V. Aids Conclusion References Total
ROTATION PLAN FOR STAFF DUTIES Make a rotation plan based on the Principles of preparing rotation plan for one month duty of
patients. Work out the staff requirements for day and night duties.
Guideline for Research Project I Aim : Student will identify the role of nurse in conducting research, writing research proposal based on scientific steps and will analyze the data using simple statistical methods. While conducting research project. II Objectives : Preparing nursing research proposal 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) III To get an opportunity to select topic or problem to formulate research proposal. To follow the steps in research while writing research proposal and conducting project. To differentiate and plan specific design in nursing research i.e. experimental and non-experimental including methodology. To get an opportunity to frame/construct simple tool or questionnaire to collect data. To follow the basic principles of data analysis including simple tables and statistical methods for proceedings and interpretation of data. To be familiar to write research report to communicate the findings including bibliography, foot notes and future recommendations. To present nursing research proposal as group activity. Learns to use computers.
Guide line / check list to prepare / Nursing research proposal & project 1) Selection of research problem : Select your interest area of research, based on felt need, issues, social concern in nursing field. a) b) State the problem, brief concise, clear. State the purpose of selected study & topic
c) d) e) f) 2)
State objective of study/proposal/project. State the hypothesis if necessary (optional). Prepare conceptual framework based on operational definition (optional). Write scope and delimitation of Research Proposal.
Organizing for Review of Literature a) b) c) d) e) It adds in to needs to conduct Research project. To study related and relevant literature which helps to decide conceptual framework and research design to be selected for your study. To add specific books, bulletins, periodicals, reports, published and unpublished dissertations, encyclopedia, text books. Organize literature as per operational definition. To prepare summary table for review of literature. (Optional)
Research Methodology : To determine logical structure & methodology for research project a) b) c) d) Decide and state approach of study i.e. experimental or non experimental. To define/findout variables to observe effects on decided items & procedure (optional) To prepare simple tool or questionnaire or observational check list to collect data. To determined sample and sampling method. i) iii) iv) e) f) g) mode of selection Size of sample Plan when, where and how data will be collected ii) Criterias
To test validity of constructed tool (To check content in tool in relation to stated objectives) with experts / teachers opinion. To check reliability by implementing tool before pilot study (10% of sample size) To conduct pilot study by using constructed tool for 10% selected sample size.
Data Collection : To implement prepared tool a) b) c) d) To implement constructed tool Decide location Time Write additional information in separate exercise book to support inferences and interpretation.
Data analysis and processing presentation a) b) c) Use appropriate method of statistical analysis i.e. frequency and percentage. Use clear frequency tables, appropriate tables, graphs and figures. Interpretation of data : i) ii) iii) iv) In relation to objectives Hypothesis (Optional) Variable of study or project (Optional) Writing concise report
Writing Research report a) Aims : i) ii) iii) iv) v) b) a) b) c) d) f) g) h) i) To organize materials to write project report To make comprehensive full factual information To use appropriate language and style of writing To make authoritative documentation by checking footnotes, references & bibliography To use computers. Develop thinking to write research report. Divide narration of nursing research report. Use present tense and active voice Minimize use of technical language Use simple, straightforward, clear, concise language Use visual aids in form of table, graphs, figures Treat data confidentially Review, rewrite if necessary Points to remember
Literature Review 3. 4. Inclusion of related studies on the topic, and its relevance Operational definition
Research Design 5. 6. Use of appropriate research design Usefulness of the research design to draw the inferences among stud variables / conclusion
Sampling design 7. 8. 9. Identification and description of the target population Specification of the inclusion and exclusion criteria Adequate sample size justifying he study design to draw conclusions.
Data Collection Procedure 10. Preparation of appropriate tool 11. Pilot study including validity and reliability of tool 12. Use of appropriate procedure / method for data collection
Analysis of Data & Interpretation 13. Clear and logical organization of the findings 14. Clear presentation of the tables (Title, table & Column heading) 15. Selection of appropriate statistical tests
Ethical Aspects
Criteria 1 Statement of the problem 16. Use of appropriate consent process 17. Use appropriate steps to maintain ethical aspects and principles (physical harm etc.) 2
Rating 3 4 5
VIII Interpretation of the findings 18. Consistent and appropriate discussion of the results IX Conclusion 19. Summary and recommendations for to Nursing practice / Education / Administration X Presentation / Report writing 20. Organization of the project work including language and style of presentation Maximum marks Marks obtained Marks sent to University Remarks by the Supervisor / Guide Date & Signature Signature of the students Date /50 100