The Position of Ahlus Sunnah Regarding Marriage To Ahlul Bid'ah - Shaykh Ibrahim Ar Ruhaylee

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The Position of Ahlus Sunnah regarding the marriage to

Ahlul Bid’ah

The Position of Ahlus Sunnah Regarding Marriage to Ahlul

Shykh Ibraheem Ar-ruhaylee
The Position of Ahlus Sunnah from the People of Desires and Bid’ah,
Produced By:Daral Hadeeth wal Athar,PA

The marriage of Ahlul Bid’ah to Ahlus Sunnah is in general prohibited because of

that which arises from it of great corruption, and it negates that which is settled
upon in the Shar’iah (legislation), from leaving off their friendship and love and it
is a must to boycott them and distance oneself from them.

Even though the rulings of marrying (the women of Ahlus Sunnah) to them and
one marrying their women, and cutting off the corruption which arises from
marriage to them differs according to the circumstances, like their closeness to
the religion or their being distanced from it. So the ruling of the innovator who
has fallen into kufr (disbelief) as a result of his innovation is not like the ruling
upon the innovator who did not fall into kufr as the ruling also differs between
marrying of the women of Ahlus Sunnah to them and the marrying of the men of
Ahlus Sunnah to their women in certain conditions.

That which follows is an explanation upon the ruling that was described above.

As for marriage to the innovator who has fallen into Kufr because of his
innovation, then it is prohibited with no exception, because of their disbelief and
their denouncement of the religion. It is not permissible that they marry the
women of Ahlus Sunnah as it is not permissible for Ahlus Sunnah to marry their
women, and this is because of the numerous evidences and the consensus of
Ahlus Sunnah upon the prohibition of marrying the disbelievers and the people
of Shirk1 except the people of the book.

As for the prohibition of marrying a woman kaafirah (disbeliever) and

mushrikah2 the saying of Allaah:

“And do not marry Al-mushrikaat (idolatresses) until they believe,

and indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a mushirkah
even though she pleases you.” (Suratul Baqarah 2:221)

1 those who associate partners with Allaah in worship.

2 A woman who associates partners with Allaah in worship. Page 1
The Position of Ahlus Sunnah regarding the marriage to
Ahlul Bid’ah

And His saying:

“Hold not the disbelieving women as wives” (Suratul Mumtahinah 60:10)

So these two verses are a proof that the marriage to the mushrikaat in general is
forbidden upon the Muslims, and verily Allaah has made an exception for the
women from the people of the Book (the Jews and the Christians) with his saying:

“Made lawful to you this day are at-Tayyibaat (all halaal things) which
Allaah has made lawful the food of the people of the book (Christians
and Jews) is lawful to you and yours is lawful to them. (Lawful to you
in marriage are) chaste women from the believers, and chaste women
from those who were given the scriptures before your time. (Suratul
Maida 5:5)

It is allowed to marry the women from the people of the Book since Allaah has
permitted it. As for other than them from among the mushrikaat then the general
prohibition remains, like for the worshippers of Idols or statues or the stars and
fire. And this ruling stands upon the mushrikaat amongst the Ahlul Bid’ah even if
they attribute themselves to al-Islaam.

Ibn Katheer said (rahimahullaah) in his tafseer of the first ayah (above):

“This is a prohibition from Allaah upon the believers on marrying the mushrikaat
from the worshipers of Idols. Even though the prohibition is general and included
in it are the women of the book and the women who worship Idols, Allaah has
removed the women of the book (from this ruling) in His saying:

“And the chase women from those of the people of the book before
you all, if you give the their money of marriage desiring chastity not
committing illegal sexual intercourse” (Suratul Maidah 5:5)”3

Verily the consensus has been reported from more than one of the scholars
regarding the prohibition of marriage to the mushrikaat with the exception of the
women of the book.

Ibn Qudaamah said: “The rest of the disbelievers other than the people of the
book like the one who worships what he desires from statues, stones, trees,
animals; then there is no difference amongst the people of knowledge in the
prohibition of their women (in marriage) and their sacrifices” 4

3 Tafseer ibn Katheer V. 1 p.257

4 Al-mughneee v.9 p.548 Page 2
The Position of Ahlus Sunnah regarding the marriage to
Ahlul Bid’ah

Shykhul Islaam ibn Taymaiyah said: from the midst of his speech on the
Qadariyyah and their rulings: “As for the mushrikoon, indeed the Ummah has
agreed upon the prohibition of marrying their women and eating their food.”5

Dr. Wahibah az-Zuhaylee said in Nateejah al-Mutahasalah which contains a

research on this issue: “And in conclusion, it is not permissible with consensus, to
marry one who is not from the women of the Book, like the women from idol
worshipers and the majoosiyah6 as her people (i.e. the majoos) do not have with
them a book in the present time and we do not know if they had a book in the
past, so we take precaution.

So it is established using the verses that have been mentioned and the consensus
of the people of Knowledge that marriage to the mushrikaat from other than the
people of the Book is prohibited.

And included in this prohibition is the marriage to the mushrikaat from the
women of Ahlul bid’ah like the women of the Jahmiyyah and Qadariyyah and
Raafidah. Presently these sects are ruled upon with kufr (disbelief) and their
denouncement of the religion. And the most serve from this is the prohibition of
marriage to the women from the sect al-Baatiniyyah, like ad-Darooz and an-
Naseeriyyah and other than them from the Zanaadiqah like the Halooliyyah, at-
Tanaasakhiyyah. For verily the people of these sects are mushrikoon (people of
shirk)7, outside of the religion. It is not permissible to marry their women under
any condition, because of that which has come from the sayings of the people of
knowledge explicitly about them, as it is impermissible to enter into marriage
with their women, and this is included under the general proofs which without a
doubt made clear the prohibition the marriage to the mushrikaat in general other
than the women of the two Books.

5 Majmu’ah alfataawa v.8 p.100

6 a woman who worships Fire.
7 Those who associate partners with Allaah in worship Page 3

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