Research Project Guidelines

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Master of International Business ofInternationalBusiness

Research P j t R h Project Guidelines

September 6,2011

The information presented andcontained herein is preliminary andis subject to modification. The purpose ofthis presentation is informative sothat the MIBstudent canbegin planning for the research phase ofthe program which i scheduled f 2012 2 hi h is h d l d for 20122. Any modifications will be communicated to the student in a ina timely manner.Inthe absence ofany notification of modification,the modification the student can proceed based on the canproceed onthe information contained herein.

Modes of Research Project ofResearch

Research article Valid data collection instrument datacollection Extendedliterature review ormetaanalysis Applied field research in an organization inan Substantial participation indepartment research project Ethnographic report of an international study tour ofan internationalstudytour Casestudy

Potential Topics

Research Article
Document which presents detailed results oforiginal, completeresearch complete research projects. Primary data Secondary data Review the JournalofInternationalBusinessStudies style guide,unless guide, unless student and advisor have determined other andadvisor journal to which to submit.

Valid Data Collection Instrument DataCollection

Document which presents the design anduseofan innovative datacollection instrument. This instrument must correspond to Department of InternationalBusinessresearch interests. Document must describe,infull,the basis ofdesign,the intended purpose,the guidelines for usage,andexpected results. Must be inareadytousestate ofdevelopment.

Extendedliterature review ormeta analysis

Document resulting from completed research that analyzes,systemizes,andintegrates analyzes, systemizes, and integrates findings from other research projects,whether published orunpublished. Minimum 50references.

Applied field research

Document which details the substantial participation inor leadership of a research project within an organization at ofaresearch at any stage within the process ofinternationalization. Student must provide the organization. Directors ofthe organization must sign authorization of findings publication and must provide feedback on andmust on students participation andresults.

Participation in Department Research inDepartment

Significant participation anddocument ofresearch findings in an exisiting research project with a faculty inan afaculty member ofthe Department ofInternationalBusiness.

Ethnographic Report ofan InternationalStudyTour

Participation inone ofthe internationalstudytours offered by the Department of International Business. ofInternationalBusiness. Document detailing observations within the country, country, research about that countryorcertain aspects ofit,and analysis of the correlations made between the readings ofthe andthe experiences.

CaseStudy Case Study

Document detailing aparticiparproblem oropportunity within aparticularorganization atany stage within the process ofinternationalization. Document must readytouseinaparticularcourse ofthe InternationalBusinessundergraduate orgraduate program. I i lB i d d d Student St d t must provide th organization andhave th l l t id the i ti dh the legal representative sign an authorization ofpublication. Must include aTeachers Guideandbe classroom tested.

Present January 24,2012 Topic exploration andpotential advisor exploration Stated IB department research interests IBdepartment Faculty publications Individualwork Donot yet send any proposals ordrafts to professors.

January 24,2012 Presentation to the Research Committee ofwritten, revised research project proposal with list of suggested ofsuggested advisors. Send to [email protected]

February 1,2012 Research Committee will give preliminary comments and will approve a preliminary advisor. apreliminary

February 1 May 22,2012 b Student assimilates coursework into research projects and d l k h d haspreliminary conversations with the preliminary advisor. d i Student works moreindividually than with the advisor. S d k i di id ll h ih h d i Preliminary advisor provides additional bibli P li i d i id ddi i l bibliographic hi references andsuggestions.

February 1 May 22,2012,contd b d During this phase,either student oradvisor candecide h h h d d d d not to continue working together without providing detailed justification. d il d j ifi i

May 24 June28 Student receives Research Methodologies IIcourse. d h h d l Student refinesresearch methodology i h project d fi h h d l inthe j proposal. Student requests an appointment to present the definitive d fi i i research project proposal to the R h j l h Research h Committee .

May 24 June28,contd d Student andpreliminary advisor present the research d d l d h h project proposal to the Research Committee for suggestons andfinalapproval. d fi l l Student whose research project proposals i accepted b S d h h j l is d by the Research Committee will be permitted to enroll in NI0078Research P j h f ll i semester. NI0078 R h Projectthe following

July 19 November 9 l b Student andconfirmed advisor worktogether,establishing d d f d d k h bl h their own methodology. During this phase,neither student nor advisor candecide not to continue working together without providing i ki h ih idi detailed justification andreceiving approval from the Research C R h Committee . i

July 19 November 9 l b August 10:Submission 1:10% b September 7:Submission 2:20% b b i i % O b 12 S b i i 3 20% October 12:Submission 3:20% N November 9 Fi l b i i b 9:Finalsubmission:25% 25%
English language spelling,punctuation,grammar,andstyle

November 13 23 b Research project d f h defense b f before the Research Committee: h h 25% Noextensions will be granted.Any student who does not meet the d dli h deadlines orsuccessully obtain acomposite ll b i i gradeabove 3.5will be required to repeat the course NI0078Research P j NI0078 R h Project.

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