SmartBook On Agribusiness

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March 2012

SmartLessons is a World Bank Group program which enables development practitioners to share lessons learned in development
operations. This SmartLessons brochure presents frst-hand and straightforward project stories with pragmatic useful analysis,
written by professionals for professionals. Through the prism of their own experiencepositive and negativethese authors aim
to capture practical insights and lessons that could help advance development-related operations for private sector-led growth
across the globe.
For more information, please visit the SmartLessons website: or contact the SmartLessons program:
[email protected].
A Harvest of Practical Insights
2499_Cover1_wBL.pdf 1 3/5/12 11:53 AM
In partnership with Austria, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the
United Kingdom, the United States, the Afghan Development Association, the European Union, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Private Infrastructure
Development Group, the South Asia Infrastructure Facility.
International Finance Corporation
Copyright 2012 - All rights reserved
SmartLessons is a World Bank Group program which enables development practitioners to share lessons learned in development operations.
The fndings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in these papers are those of the authors and do not necessarily refect the views
of IFC or its partner organizations, the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. IFC does not assume any
responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this document.
This publication is printed using Ecoprint Versa 100 and New Leaf Reincarnation matte papers, and Ecoprint inks and process. Printing 200
copies saved: 694 pounds of virgin wood, 198 pounds of greenhouse gases, 108 pounds of solid waste, 1,020 gallons of liquid waste, and
252 kWh of electricity.
Cover page IFC
Page across from index IFC
Pages 1, 3, 7, 8, 12 IFC
Page 22 Grahame Dixie
Pages 23, 28 IFC
Page 31 Kiran Gautam
Page 34 Mirella Hernani
Pages 35, 51 CONAFORs Image Bank
Pages 54, 55, 57, 59, 66, 68, 69, 81, 83, 85, 86, 91 IFC
Pages 76, 79 Jun Zhao

agribusiness is a crucial economic sector, for food security of course, for managing water
stress and ecosystem services, but also as a source of employment in emerging markets. 70
percent of the worlds poorest live in rural areas and agriculture can provide a signifcant
pathway out of poverty for many of them. Te past century saw massive increases in pro-
ductivity in agriculture, driven by both good government policy and the creativity and
ingenuity of the private sector, but food production faces yet its biggest challenges in the
coming decades. as we are expecting demand for food to grow by over 70%, with land and
water availability coming under increasing pressure, agriculture remains a key focus area
for the World Bank Group.
Tis smartBook, aptly titled, A Harvest of Practical Insights, presents practical lessons
learned by staf from across the IFC and the World Bank, on approaches for engaging
in agriculture that have led to success. Tey came together as part of a smart lesson
Competition that we held internally, in late 2011. Te projects and programs depicted
in this book span a wide range of countries, regions and agricultural commodities, yet
have one common focus: to help people improve their income through agriculture as a
way to lift themselves out of poverty. our objective in sharing these experiences and les-
sons is to encourage learning from and replication of impactful programs.
We recognize that our work cannot be done in isolation. Te accomplishments presented
and lessons discussed were learned by teams who have reached out across organizational
boundaries, leveraging the diferent viewpoints and strengths that come with the Bank
Groups investment products and knowledge tools. and this also is a lesson in and of itself.
We hope that you will fnd these narratives engaging and most importantly, that you will
gain some practical insight.
International Finance Corporation
Copyright 2012 - All rights reserved
SmartLessons is a World Bank Group program which enables development practitioners to share lessons learned in development operations.
The fndings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in these papers are those of the authors and do not necessarily refect the views
of IFC or its partner organizations, the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. IFC does not assume any
responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this document.
This publication is printed using Ecoprint Versa 100 and New Leaf Reincarnation matte papers, and Ecoprint inks and process. Printing 200
copies saved: 694 pounds of virgin wood, 198 pounds of greenhouse gases, 108 pounds of solid waste, 1,020 gallons of liquid waste, and
252 kWh of electricity.
Cover page IFC
Page across from index IFC
Pages 1, 3, 7, 8, 12 IFC
Page 22 Grahame Dixie
Pages 23, 28 IFC
Page 31 Kiran Gautam
Page 34 Mirella Hernani
Pages 35, 51 CONAFORs Image Bank
Pages 54, 55, 57, 59, 66, 68, 69, 81, 83, 85, 86, 91 IFC
Pages 76, 79 Jun Zhao

monika Weber-Fahr atul mehta Juergen Voegele
Global Business line leader, Director, manufacturing, Director, agriculture
sustainable Business agribusiness and and rural Development,
advisory, IFC services, IFC the World Bank
smallholder farmer in east africa.
general lessons
sowing the seeds of sustainability: a Case Project with Unifrutti, IFC, and smallholder
Banana Farmers in the Philippines - Natalie Macawaris, Colin Taylor, Carla Zamora-Galinato ...........2
Harvesting the Fruits of Your Hard Work, Frustration, and Patience: Implementing an
agribusiness Project in Kandahar, afghanistan - Hazem Hanbal, Selcuk Tanatar ......................9
taking Haitian agriculture to the Cloud: Implementing Google apps for Government at the
ministry of agriculture - Diego Arias, Nicolas Weber .............................................................. 14
Fish Farmers meet new technology: raising the aquaculture Productivity of
small Farmers in assam - Grahame Dixie, Manivannan Pathy ............................................... 19
lessons on FooD seCUrITY
Grain by Grain: From Punjab to Global: lessons from the Breadbasket of India
Jay Lurie, Neeraj Gupta ........................................................................................................ 24
From Crisis response to sustainable strategy: addressing Food security in nepal
Gayatri Acharya, Mirella Hernani ......................................................................................... 29
lessons on ClIMaTe CHange anD naTUral resoUrCe ManageMenT
adapting to Climate Change in Bangladesh: stress-tolerant seeds for stress-Prone regions
Anika Ali, Mrinal Sircar ...................................................................................................... 36
assessing the Carbon Benefts of Improved land management technologies
Ademola Braimoh ................................................................................................................ 40
Te Fun and the Defance of Innovation: Going reDD+ in the Forests of mexico
Graciela Reyes Retana, Mara Carolina Hoyos, Laurent Debroux ............................................. 46
more Tan Just Hot air: Carbon market access and Climate-smart agriculture
for smallholder Farmers - Johannes Woelcke ...................................................................... 53
lessons on ValUe CHaIn
Go lIte! Increasing scale and Impact by Combining Diagnostics and training
lessons from the Ukraine Food safey Project - Sarah Ockman ....................................... 60
Keeping It Fresh! How new Packaging and Distribution Improved the Fruit and Vegetable
supply Chain in Ukraine - Fedir Rybalko, Ebbe Johnson ........................................................ 65
Table of Contents
to WII or not to WII? Practical lessons from Implementing Weather Index Insurance for
agriculture - Agricultural Risk Management Team of the Agriculture and Rural Development
Department of the World Bank .............................................................................................. 70
supporting smallholders while Promoting Farmer-Controlled Cooperatives in China
Achim Fock, Jun Zhao .......................................................................................................... 75
Connecting Fruit suppliers and Processors: a Comprehensive approach in Ukraine
Oksana Varodi ..................................................................................................................... 80
Its all about teamwork: Unlocking opportunities for agribusiness in Ukraine
Alberto Criscuolo, Shaela Rahman ......................................................................................... 87
smartlessons 1
General Lessons
sustainable development is development that meets
the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs
(World Commission on environment and Develop-
ment, 1987). environmental and social (e&s) sus-
tainability standards in agricultural development refer
to farming practices designed to maintain or promote
biodiversity and ecosystem integrity and to ensure
human welfare and safety. Certifcation gives farm-
ers a stamp of recognition that they adhere to these
sustainable practices.
Te e&s standards can be imposed by governments
(for example, as a regulation or international trade
requirement) or the private markets (for example,
supermarket standards). Compliance with these stan-
dards can be strictly enforced either by the public or
private sector, depending on the political landscape
of a country. In the Philippines, government enforce-
ment of e&s-related regulations is weak. Hence, cer-
tifcation in the agribusiness sector to e&s standards
has been led by the private sector and imposed by
certain overseas markets (such as Japan).
In the banana export industry, the exporters, large
local and multinational corporations that also manage
corporate plantations, are certifed to several specifc
standards (such as Iso
, GlobalGaP
, and ra) to
meet their buyers requirements or to enhance their
market position as socially responsible suppliers.
Tese corporations have the technical capability and
Sowing the Seeds of Sustainability: A Case
Project with Unifrutti, IFC, and Smallholder
Banana Farmers in the Philippines
Smallholder banana farmers are beginning to understand that their old farming methods are
contributing to the planets drying up or suffocating in felds of garbage. They are convinced
that they have to change their ways for the good of their farms, their communities, and their
children. But what really drives them to adopt new and sustainable practices? What will ensure
that they continue to do so? IFC partnered with Unifrutti Philippines to work with farmers to
enable them to be certifed to the international Sustainable Agriculture Network standards
of the Rainforest Alliance (RA).
With concerted efforts from Unifrutti (the lead frm) and IFC,
farmers were trained to understand the RA standards and auditing processes, buy
into the concepts of environmental and social sustainability, adopt new sustainable practices,
and pass the certifcation auditall within 12 months. The project began in 2008 and ended in
December 2010. This SmartLesson examines the diffcult challenges of instituting change, as well
as the necessary steps to ensure ongoing sustainability.
Te rainforest alliance ( is an
international environmental nongovernmental organization that
promotes sustainable farming practices.
Te smallholders can be cooperatives composed of members
owning 12 hectares each or a family-type enterprise owning
525 hectares and leasing up to 200 hectares.
International organization of standards.
Global GaP (Good agricultural Practices) is the private sector
organization that sets the standards for certifcation of production
processes of agricultural products worldwide.
smartlessons 3
fnancial resources to readily meet any or all certifca-
tion standards.
Te smallholder banana growers, however, are not
as able to comply with e&s standards as are their
corporate counterparts. Being on the producing end
of the supply chain with little market contact, they
lack knowledge of certifcation standards. With little
policing from the government, they do not follow
the local regulations on proper use of agrochemi-
cals, waste management, or provision of minimum
wages and benefts to their workers. Furthermore,
they barely meet the quality standards of premium
markets such as Japan, because they have limited
access to fnancing. Teir produce is mainly directed
to export markets that do not have stringent qual-
ity or standards requirements. With a national land
reform policy turning corporate plantations over to
smallholders, the exporters are increasingly reliant on
smallholders to supply bananas. one such company
is Unifrutti Philippines, which needed more rainfor-
est alliancecertifed bananas to increase its market
share in the specialized highland banana premium
market in Japan. to do this, the company required
certifed bananas from its smallholders.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: If you cant offer an explicit price
premium for certifcation, think twice about
doing the project.
Te most important questions that the smallholders
ask are: will there be an additional increase in their
price if they meet the certifcation standards, and
what are the costs involved?
In the pilot phase of the project, the certifcation pre-
mium was not clearly defned, and it caused a lot of
discord between the farmer benefciaries and the lead
frm. Certifcation costs were seen as a new additional
burden on the farmers.
an added expense exacerbates the difculty of chang-
ing behavior and mindset, given a natural inclination
to resist change. although people feel good about
protecting the environment, the reality is that it costs
money. It is an additional burden that many people
from consumers to producersdo not willingly bear.
In smallholder banana farming, proft margins are
determined literally in cents; thus every penny counts.
Te heaviest costs to meeting the certifcation stan-
dards are capital investments for farm infrastruc-
turesfor example, hazard-proof chemical storage
and mixing areas, shower and toilet facilities for work-
ers to remove chemical residues that may have stuck
to their bodies, water recycling to conserve water, and
fltering systems to remove contaminants from water
coming from packing sheds before being released
back into natural water bodies. Tese structures are
typically not built on smallholder farms.
Tere are also the annual costs of the auditing process and
of maintaining an environmental services team or person
on the farm to ensure that standards are maintained.
Fortunately, the lead frm, having the business imper-
ative of sourcing certifed bananas from smallholders
to expand its premium highland banana market in
Japan, gave the incentive of adding a price premium
to meeting ra certifcation. Tis premium enabled
farmers to cover the certifcation costs and increase
their income. We learned that having a clearly defned
certifcation premium makes farmer benefciaries
more committed to adopting sustainable practices.
enforcement of rules to protect the environment.
Lesson 2: If there is no price premium,
determine whether operational cost savings
and intangible benefts can provide enough of
a business case for farmers to adopt sustainable
In the second phase of the project, the certifcation
price premium was established only for the highland
growers, who represent less than 10 percent of banana
growers. to convince the majority (lowland farmers)
to adopt sustainable practices without the beneft of
price premiums, it is imperative that other benefts
(cost savings and any increases in productivity) of sus-
tainable practices be clearly quantifed.
By working closely with the farmers, we discovered
that cost savings that resulted from sustainable prac-
tices could potentially ofset the costs of meeting the
certifcation. Tese cost savings could be achieved
by conserving and recycling water, switching from
chemical to organic fertilizer, switching from herbi-
cide to manual weeding, and getting new earnings
from sorting and selling recyclable wastes.
Clear monetary savings can hold sway in the decision
of farmers to adopt sustainable practices even with-
out the price premium. Given the dearth of data from
farmers, we needed a good methodology to measure
the environmental benefts (such as keeping natural
water bodies clear of contaminants from farms) and
social benefts (such as fewer health-related problems
associated with farm activity) of sustainable farming.
We developed an activity-based methodology to mea-
sure production costs and the impacts of sustainable
practices at various stages of banana production. Tis
can be adopted by farmers and, once applied, will
help in determining further impacts of sustainability.
In addition, we recognized some intangible ben-
efts enjoyed by ra-certifed farmers. Tey gained
increased confdence and better negotiating power
with lead frms, and with banks for fnancing. Te
rigors of meeting international standards require dis-
cipline and organizational efciency. Terefore, cer-
tifed farms are perceived to be well managed and
disciplined, hence sustainable businesses. Because of
this, they are able to negotiate better terms not just
with their contracted lead frm but potentially with
other lead frms when current contract terms end and
new ones are negotiated (usually every fve years). at
least one bank mentioned that farmers who attain
international standards certifcation are more attrac-
tive clients.
meeting the ra certifcation helps improve compli-
ance with government regulations and demonstrates
that the industry can be environmentally and socially
responsible. Te annual ra certifcation is the best
policing method to ensure not only that farms con-
tinually implement sustainable agriculture practices,
but also that they comply with agricultural rules and
regulations. Furthermore, in light of the tremendous
pressure applied by local environmental nongovern-
mental organizations (nGos) and government agen-
cies on the banana industry to mitigate the health
and environmental risks brought by a perceived
unsustainable farming practice, such as aerial spray
the smallholders are now better able to show that they
are cognizant of and actively mitigating these risks by
being certifed to the standards of an internationally
renowned environmental nGo.
Finallyas illustration that certifcation helps
when a major banana export market in the middle
east banned the entry of bananas from the Phil-
ippines (as a consequence of international trade
at the heart of the controversy was the aerial spray practice,
which local nGos and local government units wanted banned.
aerial spray is still, by global standards, the most cost-efective
and efcient way of combating the dreaded black sigatoka (fun-
gal) disease in banana plantations. Tere are mitigating practices
to minimize the risk of any adverse efects of aerial spray on work-
ers and community health.
smartlessons 5
politics), the smallholder farmers were greatly and
adversely afected. smallholders mainly send their pro-
duce to the middle east, because they have difculty
meeting the stringent quality requirements of Japan.
Te ra-certifed smallholder farmers, however, were
not afected, because they had preferred supplier status
and were able to meet Unifruttis requirements for the
Japanese market.
Lesson 3: Once a clear business case is
established, four project elements are required
for successful farmer certifcation: technical
training on certifcation standards, business
training, fnancing, and availability of local
auditing capacity.
smallholders need to understand the full implications
of adopting sustainable agriculture practices: the cost
and benefts of meeting certifcation, the resources
needed, and the commitment required from them
at the beginning and throughout the change process
(Figure 1).
Increasing the technical knowledge, business man-
agement skills, and fnancial resources of smallhold-
ers is crucial to meeting sustainability standards.
Farmers lack access to fnancing for capital invest-
ments, knowledge of sustainability standards, and the
organizational capacity to institute reforms in farm
operations. In this project, the lead frm providing
the fnances for farm improvements and the training
in ra standards and certifcation process addressed
these challenges. IFC provided the business manage-
ment skills training that helped farmers embed the
principles of sustainability into their daily farming
operations (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Supporting Mechanisms Needed by Smallholders to Meet Ecostandards Certification

The lead firm, Unifrutti, having the internal knowledge of the standards and the technical
processes needed to meet them, mobilized its environmental services unit to train farmers on
Lead Firm
8A 1ralnlng Serles
lnLernal AudlL
Arrange 8A
ulagnosLlc AudlL
Culde smallholder farm
Arrange llnal
8A AudlL
SLraLeglc lannlng &
Change ManagemenL
8uslness lannlng, LnLrepreneurshlp,
CrganlzaLlonal uevelopmenL
1ransformaLlonal Leadershlp &
values lormaLlon
Learn Lhe SLandards
uL 8A cerLlflcaLlon ln
agrlbuslness conLexL
AdopL susLalnable pracLlces &
Manage on-farm change
llnal 8A AudlL Farmers

Figure 1: The Change Process in Adopting Sustainability Standards
Te lead frm, Unifrutti, having the internal knowl-
edge of the standards and the technical processes
needed to meet them, mobilized its environmental
services unit to train farmers on awareness, documen-
tations, and audit process of ra certifcation; conduct
tours to ra-certifed corporate farms to gather ideas
on practical ways to meet standards requirements;
conduct internal audits to determine critical areas for
change and guide farmers in implementation; and
arrange the auditing process with ra.
Te business training improved the farmers skills in
agribusiness management and organizational devel-
opment. It helped them better manage the process of
complying with the standards and motivating their
workers and fellow cooperative members to embrace
the new sustainable ways of farming.
Business training modules, such as Change man-
agement and strategic Planning, transformational
leadership and Values Formation, and Business
Planning and entrepreneurship, gave farmers the
tools to understand why and how to adapt to a chang-
ing world that requires more care for the environ-
ment. to ensure that farmers continue to receive this
type of training, trainers of a local business training
service provider were trained to use these modules.
Te service provider chosen was one that has been
providing annual training to farmers and cooperatives
during the last decade.
a DVD featuring the practical steps to sustainable
agriculture practices under the ra principles was
useful to farmers at ra-certifed farms and to other
smallholders seeking to understand sustainable prac-
tices. It featured the actual experiences of farmers who
had adopted sustainability and had met ra certifca-
tion in the project. Produced mainly in the local lan-
guage, the DVD can be an efective and inexpensive
Figure 2: Supporting Mechanisms Needed by Smallholders to Meet Ecostandards Certifcation

Figure 2: Supporting Mechanisms Needed by Smallholders to Meet Ecostandards Certification

The lead firm, Unifrutti, having the internal knowledge of the standards and the technical
processes needed to meet them, mobilized its environmental services unit to train farmers on
Lead Firm
8A 1ralnlng Serles
lnLernal AudlL
Arrange 8A
ulagnosLlc AudlL
Culde smallholder farm
Arrange llnal
8A AudlL
SLraLeglc lannlng &
Change ManagemenL
8uslness lannlng, LnLrepreneurshlp,
CrganlzaLlonal uevelopmenL
1ransformaLlonal Leadershlp &
values lormaLlon
Learn Lhe SLandards
uL 8A cerLlflcaLlon ln
agrlbuslness conLexL
AdopL susLalnable pracLlces &
Manage on-farm change
llnal 8A AudlL Farmers

smartlessons 7
learning tool that farmers can readily understand and
use at their farms to motivate coworkers.
Finally, three Filipinos were trained to become ra
auditors. Prior to the project, ra auditors were fown
in from the United states or south america to con-
duct audits (usually in Unifrutti corporate planta-
tions). Having local ra auditors ensures that the
auditingand if necessary, re-auditingprocess can
be quickly arranged, lowers auditing expenses, and
makes farmers more comfortable interacting with
them during the auditing process.
Te smallholders have acknowledged that, without
the signifcant support provided by the lead frm and
the business trainers in guiding them through the
certifcation process, it would have taken them much
longer, if ever, to achieve the sustainability standards.
Te Unifrutti, IFC, and smallholders Banana Farm-
ers Project in the Philippines provides key lessons on
how to institute change and increase sustainability.
Changing mindsets is vital, but it is only the frst step.
a sound business case and clear quantifable benefts
for adopting sustainable agricultural practices are the
key factors in getting farmers to change their behav-
ior. support services that enable access to fnance and
that provide ongoing training and education are criti-
cal to maintaining sustainable practices.
aBoUT THe aUTHors
Natalie Macawaris is the Task Leader of the Agribusi-
ness Linkages Program in the Philippines. Prior to
joining IFC, she worked as a marketing offcer for an
agribusiness company, an associate aquaculture of-
fcer of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations in Samoa, and a marine researcher for
coastal resources management in the Philippines.
Colin Taylor is the Program Manager of the Agribusi-
ness Linkages Program in the Philippines. Prior to join-
ing IFC, he was an independent consultant, following
a career in international agribusiness companies such
as Unilever, Chiquita, and Geest.
Carla Zamora-Galinato is the Program Assistant of
the Agribusiness Linkages Program in the Philippines.
Prior to joining IFC, she was a Senior Economic
Development Specialist in the public sector, focusing
on agribusiness development initiatives in Mindanao,
Approved by Tania Lozansky, Regional Head of IFC
Advisory Services in East Asia and the Pacifc.
Worker without protective equipment (left). local ra auditor interviews a farm worker wearing protective gear (right).
smartlessons 9
Harvesting the Fruits of Your Hard Work,
Frustration, and Patience: Implementing
an Agribusiness Project in Kandahar,
Excited about your new project in a fragile and confict-affected state? You have used signifcant
time and resources to identify the most promising sector, narrowed down the needs and barriers,
had consultations with a wide range of stakeholders on how best you can help, spotted IFCs
additionality, mobilized funds, and fully used all your expertise and experience in designing your
project. You have perhaps even run a pilot project to test your approach and incorporated lots of
lessons learned in your new master project. Now, everything is set, and things cant go wrong.
Right? Not exactly. There is still a long way to go. This SmartLesson describes our experiences
and lessons learned in implementing an IFC Advisory Services project in Afghanistan that aimed
to improve farmers productivity through introducing new processing practices in this fragile and
confict-affected state.
afghanistan is heavily dependent on agriculture as a
source of income and job creation. Fresh and dried
fruits alone represent 36 percent of total country
exports. out of those, raisins and pomegranates stand
out as two major commodities with high poten-
tial for growth, while facing limited competition in
international markets. In early 2006, IFC initiated
the afghan Horticulture export Development Proj-
ect, working with a group of raisin and pomegranate
farmers and traders in Kandahar Province in south-
ern afghanistan, where 80 percent of employment is
related to agriculture and conditions for pomegranate
and green raisin production are optimal.
Te project focused its interventions on improving
performance in production, processing, and market-
ing on a pilot scale and aimed to build knowledge
of successful business models to stimulate system-
wide change. Te project introduced new, simple,
and afordable production technology based on best
practice; trained extension workers and farmers in
modern production techniques; and enhanced trad-
ers knowledge of potential markets. signifcant proj-
ect results include the introduction of newly designed
raisin drying houses, based on the experience of mar-
ket leaders, and their adoption and construction by
10 growers.
In april 2008, IFC commissioned an independent
consultant to provide an assessment of the results
achieved in this pilot project. Te assessment report
concluded that 1) extension services to farmers and
the construction of 10 new-style drying houses had
delivered signifcant increases in quality, efciency,
and productivity; 2) the seasons production demon-
strated that growers can more than triple output with
the new drying technologies; 3) pomegranate exten-
sion activities successfully demonstrated how sorting
and grading can support the growers in achieving up
to 80 percent higher prices; and 4) the value of pome-
granates can be enhanced through basic processing by
using simple technologies to make secondary prod-
ucts and capture the value of byproducts.
Building on the success of the pilot project, which
was completed in 2008, IFC launched a second
phase in fve districts of Kandahar in late 2009 to
scale up the results and extend its interventions to
reach a wider audience. specifcally, the project will
1) improve product quality and increase productivity
of green raisin production by farmers by providing
training in the application of best practices in post-
harvest treatment, 2) develop a supply chain with
three to fve small and medium enterprises (smes) to
supply building materials for drying houses and sup-
port 100 farmers in building their own drying houses,
3) improve the product quality of pomegranate pro-
ducers by providing training in sorting, grading, and
packaging, and increase value through exploiting
byproducts and enabling access to secondary markets,
and 4) establish a concrete strategy to build sustain-
able links between afghan frms and international
Te project will further train extension workers from
the local communities and help establish an extension
worker association, which will continue to provide
fee-based training and advisory services to farmers
after the completion of the project.
With secured funding from the Canadian Interna-
tional Development agency (CIDa), we initiated the
implementation of what we thought was a fail-safe
project. However, we quickly started to realize that
nothing is fail-safe in a fragile and confict-afected
state. Here are some of the key lessons we learned
during implementation.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Be ready to pay the worlds highest
prices, in the worlds poorest countries.
Te $1 million budget for the second phase was
established on the basis of the cost of the pilot phase,
factoring in likely price increases during the two years
that had passed since the completion of the pilot
project. taking into consideration two factors
transfer of international best practice and fnancial
strengthour frst preference was to hire an interna-
tional consultant for implementation. Te request for
expressions of interest (eoIs) was published globally,
and several proposals were received from a group of
international consultants, including the implement-
ing consultant of the pilot phase. However, the aver-
age value of the proposals ranged between $4 million
and $6 millionfour times the budget for this sec-
ond phase.
examining the proposals more closely, we realized
that all prices had infated exponentially in just two
years. First, nearly 55 percent of the proposed budgets
were to cover intense security measures as a result of
increased hostile activity in the region. second, prices
for the building materials that were required for the
construction of the drying houses had increased
almost fourfold, compared to the pilot phase. one
kilogram of steel was three to four times the price of
what it would be in neighboring Pakistan. Finally,
implementation costs seemed exaggerated. Te exten-
sion-worker fees were budgeted six times higher than
what a medical doctor would earn in Kabul; and for
the one-year lease cost of a motorbike for an exten-
sion worker, we could probably buy two in Kabul.
THe lesson:
When planning for a project in a fragile and confict-
afected state, you should exert extra efort to gather
the latest data on prices, cost of implementation, and,
smartlessons 11
most important, the security situation and its cost
implications. Calculations cannot be based on old
data by just adding ofcial infation rates, because
prices are usually very volatile in confict environ-
ments. moreover, supply-and-demand forces are
unbalanced, and the security situation can change in
a minute, resulting in highly elevated security costs.
Lesson 2: Go local, but be careful.
When budgets proposed by the international con-
sultants turned out to be four to six times our avail-
able budget, the project team seriously considered
pulling the plug on the project. all in all, it just did
not seem right to pay at least $4 million to help only
1,200 farmers. Before giving up, the team sought one
other alternative: using local capabilities. an extensive
search was conducted to identify local organizations
with the ability to implement this project. twelve
afghan consulting companies and nongovernmental
organizations (nGos) were identifed as potential
partners, with the help of the World Bank ofce in
Kabul and donors such as CIDa. a call for an eoI
was published locally, and seven organizations sub-
mitted eoIs for the project.
However, face-to-face meetings revealed that things
were not quite the way they looked on paper. one
of the seven had no previous experience in the feld
and lacked the organizational capacity to carry out
the activities of the project. Te chief executive of-
cer of this nGo could hardly speak english, and it
was obvious that the eoI was prepared by an outsider.
Finally, four proposals were received; and with fur-
ther negotiation, the project team reached an agree-
ment with an nGo within the limits of an increased
project budget of $1.5 million. Te selected nGo
operates in Kandahar, is quite familiar with local con-
ditions, enjoys a high level of acceptance by the local
community, and has easy access to local farmers and
extension-worker candidates. after the contract was
signed, the project ofcer then spent signifcant time
and efort to identify the weaknesses of the nGo
through open dialogue and incorporated special sup-
port components to mitigate those weaknesses.
THe lesson:
First, in fragile and confict-afected states, do not
assume that the only resources that can implement
your project are the international organizations that
you have heard and read about. Dig deep for local
resources. You might be surprised at the available local
competencies and capabilities, even for implementing
large projects. You might be more surprised when you
experience the level of enthusiasm and dedication that
local contractors have to serve their own people. so go
local, not only by selecting a local organization, but
also by being present in the country as much as it takes
to establish mutual trust and understanding. Be open
with what you can and cannot do. take time, have
patience, and go the extra mile to educate and coach
the organization. Investments to enhance the capacity
of local organizations will have a sustainable and larger
positive impact on the community. enjoy the satisfac-
tion of your eforts when you receive thanks.
Second, be careful. Do not allow frst impressions to
guide you. meet with the people, discuss your proj-
ect with them thoroughly, and examine their under-
standing of what is needed. Torough study will
reveal what they can and cannot do and where they
will need help. In fragile and confict-afected coun-
tries, great eoIs or proposals do not necessarily mean
great partners.
Thank you, brother Hazem, for your sup-
port and cooperation for the beneft of the
Afghan people.
Program Manager, Afghan Development
Lesson 3: Be careful not to contract with an
insurgency group to implement your project.
although going local seemed to be an ideal solution,
it also awakened deep concerns in the project team.
Given the situation in afghanistan, where the insur-
gents in some cases are infused in the local commu-
nity, the question was, How do we ensure that we do
not contract with insurgents to implement our project?
Consequently, the project team worked on collecting
information on the bidders through cooperating with
the World Bank ofce in Kabul, CIDa, the Canadian
embassy in Kabul, and several other development
agencies operating in afghanistan. Usually, the situa-
tion in fragile and confict-afected states is complex,
and sometimes this forces relationships to be struc-
tured diferently. an in-depth analysis needs to be
conducted early before making any commitments.
THe lesson:
Know who you will work with. start early, and do
the integrity due diligence of the organization and
its management team well ahead of time. Internet
searches do not yield much information in fragile and
confict-afected countries. so allocate extra time, and
spend it on collecting information and listening to
views from diferent sources on potential partners.
Lesson 4: Prepare to develop your virtual
supervision skills.
Tis project is implemented in Kandahar, where IFC
staf are not allowed to visit for security reasons. a
major concern at the design of the project was how
to monitor the implementation and achievement
of project targets. In other words, how could we be
sure, while sitting in Kabul or Cairo, that farmers
were trained or that the drying houses were actually
built? Te monitoring plan, constructed early on,
consisted of several tools. First, we decided to hire a
local independent organization to assess results and
verify achievements, both after the frst year of proj-
ect implementation and at completion. (We already
had good candidates for this task as a result of the
go local process.) second, a more comprehensive
monitoring and reporting requirement than usual
was agreed to with the contracted nGo, covering full
details of the benefciaries, including their villages,
names, photos, and the GPs coordinates of the drying
houses built. Finally, we agreed with CIDa, which is
present in Kandahar, to use its local resources to verify
the information on project progress submitted by the
contractor, because it would be to CIDas beneft as
donor to confrm the projects achievements.
THe lesson:
always think early on how you will monitor the
implementation of your project that is running in a
remote area where you have limited or sometimes no
access. Use local resources, and use technology.
Lesson 5: Be mindful that wars do not take into
consideration your project timelines.
Because of the volatile security situation in Kandahar,
the project still experiences delays in implementation.
Farmers training.
smartlessons 13
In June 2010, a large military operation started in
Kandahar; as a result, many of the farmers in the tar-
get districts of Kandahar were not accessible, because
they had left their villages and fed to safer areas. Te
project team, in cooperation with the contracted
nGo, accordingly decided to start activities in two
of the selected fve districts of the provincea shift
from the initial plan to intervene in the fve districts
in parallel. a more fexible project timeline made this
change possible, slicing the project implementation
into smaller components covering batches of activi-
ties that could be implemented independently. For
example, the project team kept in constant communi-
cation with the contracted nGo to identify the safe
regions and consequently decided to roll out activi-
ties, targeting one-ffth of the farmers at a time and
organizing the supply of materials in batches of 25 for
construction of the drying houses.
THe lesson:
When structuring the project timeline, consider the
unforeseen circumstances that may occur and nega-
tively afect your implementation plan. slice your
project activities into smaller components, and always
have Plan B, Plan C, and sometimes Plan D.
Initially planned as a two-year intervention back in
2008, the project frst took of in march 2010 with
the signature of the contract with the nGo, which
then started implementation in the feld in april
2010. at this writing, the project is in its eighth
month of implementation and has managed to imple-
ment one-fourth of the planned activities. Both the
IFC project team and the contracted nGo needed to
explore and implement a series of unusual practices
in getting the project to its current momentum. In
spite of the slow mobilization and start-up, the proj-
ect has been able to achieve considerable outputs and
outcomes that promise signifcant added value for the
farmers in Kandahar.
afghanistan has provided extensive practical experi-
ence and knowledge that can be used as valuable input
for designing and managing the implementation of
an advisory project in fragile and confict-afected
states. Te key lessons learned have already benefted
other IFC advisory activities that were launched after
this project (for example, the Business edge Program
for afghanistan).
What is most important, the entire process of work-
ing in afghanistan and the lessons learned so far have
not discouraged our commitment or appetite to work
in fragile and confict-afected states. on the contrary,
we believe that the potential role of the private sec-
tor in improving the lives of people is much higher
here than elsewhere. We just have to be ready to break
some of our paradigms, persist in our private sector
focus, and plan and follow our work more diligently.
aBoUT THe aUTHors
Hazem Hanbal is a Projects Offcer under the Sustain-
able Business Advisory Business Line. He joined IFC
Advisory Services in the Middle East and North Africa
in 2008. Hazem has extensive experience in agribusi-
ness development, food processing, supply-chain f-
nance for commodities, and international food trade.
Selcuk Tanatar has been with IFC since 2008 and
is leading the SME value-chain development and
climate-changerelated activities under the Sustain-
able Business Advisory Business Line in the Middle
East and North Africa Region.
Approved by Luke Haggarty, Regional Head of IFC
Advisory Services in the Middle East and North Africa.
Te January 2010 earthquake was not the frst time
that a destructive event had struck the informa-
tion infrastructure of Haitis agriculture sector and
weakened its capacity to perform. Certain political
events, including the 2004 departure of President
Jean-Bertrand aristide and the embargo of the 1990s,
resulted in similar setbacksfor example, the ofces
of the ministry of agriculture in Port-au-Prince were
destroyed in 2004, along with archives and computers.
Te agriculture sector is especially important in
Haitiit generates one-quarter of the countrys gross
domestic product (GDP) and provides half of the
countrys employment. But for marnDr to lead
the countrys economic recovery and provide much-
needed government services, the ministry needs access
to reliable information and information systems. Tis
urgency led marnDr and the World Bank to part-
ner to strengthen the agricultural knowledge-man-
agement system of the country by making it resilient
to future natural disasters and crises and by adapting
it to local conditions.
marnDr needed to become more efcient and
transparent and more responsive to farmers and the
sectors needs. Te quality of public agriculture ser-
vices also had to be improved in a sustainable manner.
after an assessment of public agriculture services in
Haiti, we determined that marnDrs information
and communications technology system was at the
core of the necessary reforms. Te ministry faced a
number of problems, including the following:
low level of ofcial e-mail use by marnDr staf
and extension agents;
Taking Haitian Agriculture to the Cloud:
Implementing Google Apps for Government
at the Ministry of Agriculture
The January 2010 earthquake that devastated Haiti directly affected the infrastructure and
personnel of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (Ministre
de lAgriculture des Ressources Naturelles et du Dveloppement Rural, or MARNDR). It
weakened the ministrys capacity to lead the countrys economic recovery and food security
improvements, and it set back research, innovation, and extension systems in the agriculture
sector. In addition, most of the existing information systems and a vast number of electronic and
hard-copy documents, including reports, studies, fles, statistics, maps, and accounting data,
were destroyed. This was due, in part, to the sheer physical destruction of the earthquake
but also because MARNDR lacked a centralized archiving system. This SmartLesson describes
the successful introduction of cloud-computing technology to the MARNDRs information and
communications technology (ICT) system as the primary method to manage knowledge and
preserve documents for the agriculture sector in Haiti.
smartlessons 15
Difculty making telephone calls and conducting
teleconferencesthe lack of a landline phone sys-
tem forced staf to use personal cell phones;
High costs incurred by staf for electricity, tele-
phone, transportation, and other services;
absence of secure and centralized electronic archives
for documents;
Difculty for farmers and agribusinesses to obtain
ofcial forms or make requests;
overall reliance on paper systems and outdated
communications systems.
Te marnDr system, deployed across a secure
and private network for all ministry buildings in the
country, helps address some of these issues by giving
workers full access to their information across devices
(such as desktops, laptops, and tablets) and platforms
(such as Windows, mac, and linux); allowing them
to work in multiple locations; and leaving fewer data
on vulnerable physical devices.
marnDr does not have 24/7 air-conditioned rooms,
which makes it difcult and unsustainable to install
servers. Furthermore, electricity is not available at
night, requiring staf to constantly back up their fles.
Figure 1: Cloud Computing
Cloud computing was identifed as the optimal platform for the Haitian agriculture sectors ICt system
Te cloud-computing revolutionin combination
with the explosion in the use of mobile and wireless
devicespresents an exciting opportunity to bridge
the digital gap in rural areas of Haiti (Figure 1). It
has enormous potential to change and improve the
main delivery channels for government services (Box
1). lower prices make mobile phones and other
new technologies more accessible, and technological
advances allow for more fexibility, greater collabora-
tion between agencies, and increased security.
Box 1: Improving Communication through Cloud Computing
Trough the World Bankfnanced strengthening of agriculture Public services Project, the Bank and
the ministry redesigned the ICt system of marnDr to be based on cloud technology. Te objective was
to develop and improve the agriculture sectors innovation, research, and extension systems, with particu-
lar regard to future crises and natural disasters.
Te decision was made to implement a cloud-computing platform as the primary ICt system for
marnDr. a relatively new technology, cloud computing allows users, using local computers and an
Internet connection, to work on and modify fles and use applications that are stored remotely. Te Bank
facilitated an agreement between the government of Haiti and Google, allowing the ministry of agricul-
ture to use Google Apps for Government.
Tis cloud-technology platform, launched in Haiti in may 2011, ofers transparent and efective commu-
nications, information-sharing, and collaboration tools for marnDr staf and departments across the
country, and also to other government agencies and partners. apps for Government allows ministry staf
to share and modify agendas and documents and to communicate through e-mail, video conferencing,
or phone from any device with Internet access. meanwhile, the fles are safely stored on Googles servers.
Te ICt initiative had six components:
1. Installation of network hardware, such as fber optics and Wi-Fi, at marnDr ofces in Port-au-Prince
and in 10 regional ofces;
2. training on the new systems for 200 marnDr staf and users, with at least 40 hours of training per
staf member;
3. a three-week training session for ICt administrators in cloud-computing technology and the Google
apps system;
4. establishment of sustainable and cost-efective energy sources for the ICt system, such as solar energy,
inverters, and batteries (currently no marnDr ofce has electricity for a full day);
5. Provision of Internet access through WimaX and/or satellite;
6. an agreement between the World Bank, marnDr, and Google to use Google apps free of charge.
smartlessons 17
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: To design an ICT system in the
agriculture sector, incorporate the needs of
remote users and plan for the worst.
In Haiti, natural disasters, political crises, and even
theft have marred the institutional memory of the
agriculture sector for decades. However, the 2010
earthquake was a wake-up call for marnDr to
rethink the ICt system of the ministry and the agri-
culture sector of Haiti in general. Planning for a
worst-case scenario, such as the one in 2010 where
buildings and equipment collapsed, led to an ICt
system that would have to do away with any local
physical storage of information.
Te system also needed to be equipped with built-in
alternatives for when the electricity or Internet would
be disconnected. Given the daily limitations and char-
acteristics of ICt in Haitithe need to access mate-
rials from rural areas, constant electricity cuts, and
the reliance on cell phones rather than landlinesa
solution involved a combination of cloud computing,
solar electricity, uninterruptible power supply (UPs),
laptop and smartphone platforms, and three diferent
Internet connection technologies (to ensure a backup
Google apps for Government also allows for ofine
use, and users can access their mail, calendar, and
documents when they do not have an Internet con-
nection. When users reconnect, Google apps auto-
matically sends any outbound messages and syncs
updates to other documents. Incorporating these
features will help prepare the ministry for worst-case
of course, enabling ministry staf to work from
multiple locations raises new security concerns. Pre-
viously, security reasons demanded that staf only
work from government ofces, a policy that had to
be reviewed for cloud computing to be efective as
an ICt platform. to maintain security for remote
access, the Bank helped marnDr introduce a two-
factor authentication that relies on a password and a
code provided by text message. staf received mobile
modems to connect to the Internet, since being able
to work from home or a remote area through Internet
connection or mobile phone was a key aspect of the
Lesson 2: Enlist extension agents to help
introduce a new ICT system to farmers and
Te new ICt platform also needed to respond to
the needs of the stakeholders in the agriculture sec-
torfarmers, researchers, and agribusinesses. Te
extension agent is a pivotal actor, linking these groups
with the public sector. Finding an ICt solution that
extension agents were comfortable with was an essen-
tial part of the rapid adoption of new technologies
in Haiti. marnDr has conducted tests with exten-
sion agents by collecting and disseminating real-
time food-price data from diferent remote locations
within Haiti, comparing the previous handwritten
system to the updated ICt system. Users seem to be
using more price data for decision making, though no
formal evaluation has been conducted yet.
Lesson 3: To build local capacity and limit
staffng requirements, train ICT specialists
both public and private sectoron cloud
one of the key success factors has been creating in-
country capacity to administer and service the new
ICt platform. Cloud-computing applications were
uncommon in Haiti, so signifcant training was built
into the project, for both marnDr staf and the
It frms that would eventually provide services to the
ministry. over 200 users throughout the country will
be given 40 hours of onsite training. as a result of
the introduction of cloud-computing technology in
marnDr, three frms in Haiti now ofer their own
training in cloud computing and Google apps.
It was also important to build capacity within the
ministry. only four ICt staf members are required
to maintain the new system in the ministry; as a result,
marnDr can devote funds to other areas. today,
marnDr has a reduced ICt unit supervising one
of the largest ministries in the country. Tis low ratio
of ICt staf to total ministry personnel would not be
possible without cloud computing; maintaining serv-
ers and the internal network alone would require at
least four times as many.
Te 2010 earthquake, destructive and horrifc, forced
marnDr to rethink its ICt infrastructure. one
positive result has been the implementation of a
cloud-computing system for marnDr, conducted
with Bank support. Haiti now joins such jurisdictions
as the District of Columbia, the city of los angeles,
and the state of arizona in using Google apps as its
primary ICt platform. Te new system allows past
and future agricultural knowledge to be protected,
shared, and used, even in times of crisis, and makes
the agricultural innovation and extension system
more efective and resilient.
aBoUT THe aUTHors
Diego Arias is a Senior Agriculture Economist in the
Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Region of the
World Bank. He has extensive experience working on
agriculture and rural development projects that foster
innovation and strengthening of public sector institu-
tions. Diego has been working with the agriculture
sector of Haiti since 2003.
Nicolas Weber is an expert in cloud-computing strate-
gies. Since 2008, he has been working with the gov-
ernment of Haiti, the World Bank, the International
Development Bank, and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. He has over 25 years of senior engineer-
ing leadership experience in West Africa, the Middle
East, Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Approved by Ethel Sennhauser, Sector Manager,
Agriculture and Sustainable Rural Development Unit,
LAC Region.
smartlessons 19
Fish consumption is extremely popular in assam.
However, recent estimates indicate that the state
imports about 40,000 metric tons of fsh annually,
worth some $60 million. Te aaCP baseline survey
revealed that fsh yields were low among the small-
scale farmers who were the projects benefciaries (for
example, 500 kilograms per hectare in ponds and
875 kilograms per hectare in community tanks).
survey showed low levels of management. typically, a
few small fngerlings were released once a year, with
no regard for either stocking density or quality. lit-
tle, if any, feeding was carried out, and there was no
attempt to manage the waters pH.
Fish Farmers Meet New Technology
Raising the Aquaculture Productivity of
Small Farmers in Assam
The Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project (AACP) is exactly the kind of endeavor the World
Bank experts warn others about. It is overly complex and ambitiousattempting to integrate the
work of seven line departments with 15 interventions (see Figure 1). One of the real successes
of the AACP has been intensifcation of fsh farming. So far, the Fish Intensifcation program
has improved the lives of nearly 43,000 families and increased fsh production by some 7,000
tonnes annually. And it generates an additional gross income of about $12.25 million per year,
of which about half is incremental income (extra money in farmers pockets) for small, marginal,
and landless farmers. This SmartLesson describes the approach used in the programs two
componentsponds and tanks
and the positive changes that have resulted.
a tank is a large-scale traditional water-catchment system used
in south asia to store rainwater for surface irrigation.
larger, more commercial fsh farming yields were typically
about 1,000 kilograms per hectare per year.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Develop solutions that directly
address the small farmers needs.
Fish farming is an enterprise that is particularly suit-
able for farmers with small areas of land, because it
can generate very high incomes from such areas. In
the irrigation-tank enterprises, which are community
based, many of the farmers are landless. Te technol-
ogy is scale neutral; that is, needed investments are
related to the size of the water area farmed, rather
than large individual investments, which are more
suitable for large-scale farmers.
Based on proven best practices, and with the help of a
specialist fsh consultant, the project developed a semi-
intensive production package. Te main elements are
specifc stocking densities (6,000 fngerlings per hect-
are), the introduction of larger fngerlings, the use of
lime to deacidify the water (1 metric ton per hect-
are), and much greater use of fsh feed. Tis higher
level of inputs was expected to result in fsh yields of
3,000 kilograms per hectare per year. Te unit cost of
production would be rs
30 (about $0.66) per kilo-
gram, as compared with a market price of about rs 70
($1.55) per kilogram.
Lesson 2: Make it possible for farmers to test
the new techniques on their own farms.
enabling smaller-scale farmers to directly try out
the new techniques on their own farm was far more
convincing than the traditional approach of asking
them to visit a feld trial. Te project used nongov-
ernmental organizations, operating at a district level,
to mobilize CIGs (common interest groups) of typi-
cally 820 pond fsh farmers and CtGs (community
tank groups) of 1050 people who collectively farm
irrigation tanks. Tese groups received four one-day
training sessions covering all aspects of prestocking,
stocking, and poststocking management of pond and
tank operations. Progressive local fsh farmers served
as resources.
Lesson 3: Provide a smart subsidy (time-bound,
targeted, and transparent)and balance it
with sound advice to help farmers handle the
income spike.
Te project provides a one-of 90 percent grant for fsh
inputs and a 50 percent grant for civil works (pond
and tank renovation and clearance). During training
the point is strongly made that this is a single oppor-
tunity for farmers to make a super proft because of
the combination of input subsidy and increased pro-
duction. Te message is clear: this one-time windfall
should not be wasted; it should be saved for use as
working capital in the subsequent year. Tis subsidy
helps overcome two of the key difculties that proj-
ects face:
Fish Farmers Meet New Technology
Raising the Aquaculture Productivity of Small Farmers in Assam

The Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project (AACP) is exactly the kind of endeavor the
World Bank experts warn others about. Its overly complex and ambitiousattempting to
integrate the work of seven line departments with 15 interventions (see Figure 1). One of the real
successes of the AACP has been intensification of fish farming. So far, the Fish Intensification
program has improved the lives of nearly 43,000 families and increased fish production by some
7,000 tonnes annually. And it generates an additional gross income of about $12.25 million per
year, of which about half is incremental income (extra money in farmers pockets) for small,
marginal, and landless farmers. This SmartLesson describes the approach used in the programs
two componentsponds and tanks
and the positive changes that have resulted.

Figure 1: Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project

A tank is a large-scale traditional water-catchment system used in South Asia to store rainwater for surface
Figure 1: Assam Agricultural Competitiveness

Located in northeastern India, Assam has an excellent subtropical climate for the development
of aquaculture in a variety of freshwater bodies. But of the large number of fisheries in the state,
few apply modern technology or scientific techniques.


Fish consumption is extremely popular in Assam. However, it is estimated that the state imports
annually about 40,000 metric tons of fish, worth some $60 million. The AACP baseline survey
revealed that fish yields were low among the small-scale farmers who were the projects
beneficiaries (for example, 500 kilograms per hectare in ponds and 875 kilograms per hectare in
community tanks).
The survey showed low levels of management. Typically, a few small
fingerlings were released once a year, with no regard for either stocking density or quality. Little,
if any, feeding was carried out, and there was no attempt to manage the waters pH.


Lesson 1: Develop solutions that directly address the small farmers needs.

Fish farming is an enterprise that is particularly suitable for farmers with small areas of land,
because it can generate very high incomes from such areas. In the irrigation-tank enterprises,
which are community based, many of the farmers are landless. The technology is scale neutral;
that is, needed investments are related to the size of the water area farmed, rather than large
individual investments, which are more suitable for large-scale farmers.

Based on proven best practices, and with the help of a specialist fish consultant, the project
developed a semi-intensive production package. The main elements are specific stocking
densities (6,000 fingerlings per hectare), the introduction of larger fingerlings, the use of lime to
deacidify the water (1 metric ton per hectare), and much greater use of fish feed. This higher

Larger, more commercial fish farming yields were typically about 1,000 kilograms per hectare per year.
located in northeastern India, assam has an
excellent subtropical climate for the development
of aquaculture in a variety of freshwater bod-
ies. But of the large number of fsheries in the
state, few apply modern technology or scientifc
rs = Indian rupees.
smartlessons 21
Getting farmers to actually take up new technology
or new techniques; and
overcoming the problems that poorer or smaller
farmers have in afording the working capital required
for these more intensive, higher-input systems.
Lesson 4: Have appropriate procurement and
fnancial safeguards in place.
Te project used community procurement, based
on preapproved district input costs. Te process was
verifed by the social audit committee of the commu-
nity groups and based on the community operation
manual. a random sample of subprojects was also
subjected to physical asset verifcation visits.
Lesson 5: Measure the results.
Te projects third-party m&e (monitoring and eval-
uation) consultants have measured yields both in the
support year and in subsequent years (see Figure 1).
Tis measuring of results has proven the sustainability
of the improved yields and found the following:
87 percent of benefciaries continued with im-
proved production techniques.
Tere are signifcant spillover efects as nearby
farmers also take up the technology.
each benefciary in the Fishery Ponds component
will have benefted by some rs 5,560 ($123) per
Source: AACP reports by third-party M&E consultants.
There are significant spillover effects as nearby farmers also take up the technology.
Each beneficiary in the Fishery Ponds component will have benefited by some Rs 5,560
($123) per year.
Each beneficiary of the Tanks component will have benefited by Rs 2,080 ($46) per year.
Of the 43,770 beneficiaries, 41 percent are landless, 42 percent are marginal farmers, and
the rest are small farmers.
13 percent of all the beneficiaries are women.

Figure 1: Sustainable Yield Increases in Tanks and Ponds

Source: AACP reports by third-party M&E consultants.


Figure 1: Sustainable Yield Increases in Tanks and Ponds
There are significant spillover effects as nearby farmers also take up the technology.
Each beneficiary in the Fishery Ponds component will have benefited by some Rs 5,560
($123) per year.
Each beneficiary of the Tanks component will have benefited by Rs 2,080 ($46) per year.
Of the 43,770 beneficiaries, 41 percent are landless, 42 percent are marginal farmers, and
the rest are small farmers.
13 percent of all the beneficiaries are women.

Figure 1: Sustainable Yield Increases in Tanks and Ponds

Source: AACP reports by third-party M&E consultants.


each benefciary of the tanks component will have
benefted by rs 2,080 ($46) per year.
of the 43,770 benefciaries, 41 percent are landless,
42 percent are marginal farmers, and the rest are
small farmers.
13 percent of all the benefciaries are women.
Tis approach has proved very popular, bringing a
radical change to fsh farming in assam. altogether,
the project has covered a water area of about 2,500
hectares of individual farmers ponds, each one about
0.1 hectare. In total, 26,468 farmers have benefted
from 1,832 CIGs. Te community tank program cov-
ers 461 hectares and 456 tanks and works with a total
of 16,311 landless, small, and marginal fsh farmers.
Benefciaries are now aware of maintaining specifc
stocking densities. Tey understand the importance
of maintaining an optimum water pH through the
application of lime (Cao) and the necessity of using
quality fngerlings. as a result, the farmers have
increased their fsh productivity by 200500 percent.
What is proving to be even more impressive is that
these changes in production technology now appear
frmly embedded into the way these fsh farmers oper-
ate. Te reason is believed to be twofold:
Benefciaries have clearly taken onboard that this is
a one-of opportunity to make a super proft, and
they have saved some of this money for their work-
ing capital in subsequent seasons.
Farmers are not just observing an experiment or a
feld pilot; they are directly engaging with the posi-
tive impact of the technology.
aBoUT THe aUTHors
Grahame Dixie joined the World Bank in 2006 as the
Agribusiness and Marketing Specialist in South Asia. For
the last year, he has worked as the Agribusiness Unit
Team Leader in the Agriculture and Rural Development
Department. Grahame was the Task Team Leader of the
Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project from the
midterm review in late 2007 until January 2011.
Manivannan Pathy is the current Task Team Leader of
the Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project. Prior
to joining the Bank in 2006, Manivannan worked
for about 12 years in various capacities with leading
private sector agribusiness companies in India
Approved by Mark Cackler, Manager, Agriculture and
Rural Development Department of the World Bank.
Fish farmers are able to apply their new knowledge di-
rectly to their own work.
smartlessons 23
Lessons on Food Security
at the end of FY 2010, India had a stockpile of more
than 16 million tons of wheat, 130 percent higher
than its minimum bufer norm of 7 million tons.
Between rice and wheat, the stockpile totaled nearly
61 million tons. With only 42 million metric tons
of available storage in covered godowns (warehouses),
the remainder is stored in makeshift covered area
plinth (CaP), or platform, facilities.

Because rice has priority in covered godowns, wheat
is largely stored in CaPs, which are susceptible to
losses and rotting. With 25.4 million tons of wheat
procured in India in FY10 at the then minimum sale
price of rs
10,800 per ton, even a 2 percent loss
costs the government nearly $110 million per year.
In Punjab, the breadbasket of India, agriculture con-
tributes almost 40 percent to the state gross domestic
product (GDP), compared with the national average
of 26 percent. roughly half of the 16 million-ton
stockpile is stored in Punjab, with 6.5 million tons
stacked in CaPs. Te government of Punjab and its
ministry of Food and Civil supplies recognized the
urgent need for improved storage of the 6.5 million
Given Punjabs production capacity relative to the rest
of India, the Food Corporation of India steps in to
procure and distribute wheat to less productive states
through the Public Distribution system (PDs). FCI
purchases wheat from the government of Punjabs
grain procurement agencies and reimburses the agen-
cies for storage costs. Tus, any initiative by the gov-
ernment of Punjab would need the blessing of FCI.
In 2009, the government of Punjab asked the World
Bank to help resolve the storage gap, and the Bank
asked IFC to step in. IFCs Public-Private Partner-
ship (PPP) transaction advisory team in new Delhi
responded with a concept for a modern storage PPP
and soon thereafter was hired as lead transaction advi-
sor to the Punjab state Grains Procurement Corpora-
tion ltd. (PUnGraIn).
Grain by Grain: From Punjab to Global
Lessons from the Breadbasket of India
Wheat is a staple of basic nutrition in Indiafrom open-fame soft chapati to tandoor-fred
crispy rotiand hence is a matter of national importance. The Food Corporation of India (FCI),
an undertaking of the government of India, is responsible for distributing wheat from producing
states to the rest of the country at subsidized prices to ensure the 330 million poorest individuals
access to basic sustenance. Now as a result of food-security policy reform, rising commodity
prices, and bumper harvests in recent years, India is faced with a problem of plenty: how to store
the surplus grain! This SmartLesson is the story of how IFC worked with multiple stakeholders to
provide a solution to the problemand some lessons we learned along the way.
Kaushik Basu, Te economics of Foodgrain management in
India (new Delhi: Chief economic adviser to the Union Finance
ministry, september 2010): 25.
Planning Commission Concept Paper (september 2011): 3.
rs = Indian rupees.
Calculation: 25.4 metric tons x 2 percent x rs 10,800 per ton
50 (rs 1 = $50).
smartlessons 25
FCI had previously contracted a grain storage silo
PPP in Punjab through a business model that incor-
porated transport and logistics in addition to storage.
IFC had to prove to the previous silo project champi-
ons that the new, simpler silo business plan was a step
in the right direction and to the ofcials who favored
cheaper (and lower quality) storage that the higher
rental rate would ofset losses.
Te project was awarded in may 2010, but due to the
hurdles remaining between the government of Punjab
and FCI, the concession agreement was not signed
until July 2011.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: How to address a weight problem
when the subject does not admit that he has a
weight problem: refocus the argument.
on December 12, 2011, Indian Food minister K. V.
Tomas declared that on FCIs account no stock of
wheat and rice got damaged due to insufcient stor-
age space.
While IFC was anecdotally apprised of
losses of grain of up to 20 percent due to poor stor-
age, the team also encountered other statistics, in line
with the food ministers statement, that attempted to
demonstrate zero lossesand even gains in volume
due to moisture. Tus, in proving that the silos PPP
represented value for money, we could not make an
assumption about the actual loss.
Instead, we illustrated the breakeven point of losses
where silos would make economic sense. Tis sepa-
rated the argument from a debate on what is the
right loss fgure? to the government of Punjab and
FCI should think about reforms if they believe losses
could be over 3 percent per year, either now or in the
By multiplying the minimum sale price (msP) for
wheat (FY10 msP rs 10,800 per ton) by 50,000-ton
capacity and the estimated loss from not storing in
silos, one can arrive at the estimated fscal loss. For
example, a 1 percent estimated loss would result in
an rs 54 lakh
($108,000) opportunity-cost gain for
Te rate at which FCI was reimbursing PUnGraIn
(rs 890 per metric ton per year) implies an additional
cost of the silos PPP of rs 285 per metric ton per
or rs 142.5 lakh ($285,000) for 50,000 metric
tons of storage in Year one.
solving for the break-
even loss (l):
PPP Storage Charge (Rs) FCI Reimbursement
Rate (Rs) = MSP (Rs) x L%
Rs 1,175 / ton Rs 890 / ton = Rs 10,800 / ton x L%
L = 285 / 10,800 = 2.6%
With 2.6 percent wheat loss or more, the silos are
more economical (see Figure 1).
Lesson 2: If the roti is not perfectly round, is
it still worth eating? (Yes.) Dont attempt to
change everything!
IFC reviewed the entire value chain of the grain pro-
curement and distribution system (see Figure 2). In
our feasibility analysis, we debated the merits of a
Press trust of India (December 12, 2011).
lakh indicates a multiple of 100,000.
50,000 tons of wheat x 1 percent loss x minimum sale price of
rs 10,800 per metric ton = rs 5,400,000 ($108,000).
Diference between the PPP storage Charge of rs 1,175 per
metric ton per year and FCI reimbursement of rs 890 per metric
ton per year = rs 285 per metric ton per year.
Te storage Charge increases by a formula devised in the Con-
cession agreement, taking into account India Central Warehous-
ing Corporation storage rates, taxes on the minimum support
Price of wheat, and Wholesale Price Index (a proxy for infation).
Tus, it will not always be rs 285 per ton diference from the FCI
reimbursement rate.
bulk-handling system compared with a bagged-grain
system and presented our fndings for a more efcient
system to the governments of Punjab and India. We
acknowledged the political bottlenecks in efecting
any change to the system (namely concerning the
bagged dispatch and distribution through commis-
sion agents), but we held to our holistic view of a bet-
ter system to see whether we could make a diference.
Te clients singularity of purpose helped us focus
and rethink phasing of reforms. Te fnal project
structure centers on introducing an efcient storage
system while allowing for future reforms in transpor-
tation and handling. Although it is ideal to strive for
holistic system reforms, project-level interventions
that achieve some but not all goals can serve as an
engine for broader changes.
Lesson 3: Breaking bread with the clientearly
in the subcontracting process is better than
IFC subcontracts certain work to consultants who are
hired according to World Bank Group procurement
policies. typically, client approval is not necessary,
because the contract relationship is directly between
IFC and the consultant. In practice, however, con-
sultants have to work closely with the client. In this
project, PUnGraIn had strong views on the initial
technical consultant shortlist that IFC shared once it
had already notifed the consultant bidders.
realizing that the difculty of hiring a consultant
not favorable to the client could be fatal to the proj-
ect, IFC restarted the procurement process, delaying
the project timeline by three months. IFC would do
estimated fiscal loss. For example, a 1 percent estimated loss would result in an Rs 54 lakh

($108,000) opportunity-cost gain for silos.

The rate at which FCI was reimbursing PUNGRAIN (Rs 890 per metric ton per year) implies an
additional cost of the silos PPP of Rs 285 per metric ton per year,
or Rs 142.5 lakh ($285,000)
for 50,000 metric tons of storage in Year One.
Solving for the breakeven loss (L):

PPP Storage Charge (Rs) FCI Reimbursement Rate (Rs) = MSP (Rs) x L%
Rs 1,175 / ton Rs 890 / ton = Rs 10,800 / ton x L%
L= 285 / 10,800 = 2.6%

With 2.6 percent wheat loss or more, the silos are more economical (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: FCI Additional Payout for Silos

Lesson 2: If the roti is not perfectly round, is it still worth eating? (Yes.) Dont attempt to change

IFC reviewed the entire value chain of the grain procurement and distribution system (see Figure
2). In our feasibility analysis, we debated the merits of a bulk-handling system compared with a

Lakh indicates a multiple of 100,000.
50,000 tons of wheat x 1 percent loss x minimum sale price of Rs 10,800 per metric ton = Rs 5,400,000
Difference between the PPP Storage Charge of Rs 1,175 per metric ton per year and FCI reimbursement of Rs 890
per metric ton per year = Rs 285 per metric ton per year.
The Storage Charge increases by a formula devised in the Concession Agreement, taking into account India
Central Warehousing Corporation storage rates, taxes on the Minimum Support Price of wheat, and Wholesale Price
Index (a proxy for inflation). Thus, it will not always be Rs 285 per ton difference from the FCI reimbursement rate.
Figure 1: FCI Additional Payout for Silos
smartlessons 27
well to seek the clients buy-in at the procurement
shortlisting stage to preempt any conficts other-
wise unknown to IFC.
Private sector solutions for grain storage represent
an IFC intervention to a highly developmental sec-
tor, with high-stakes implications for food security. In
India, we have seen a sea change of policy attention
since the start of the project in early 2009. agricul-
tural storage is now an eligible sector for Viability Gap
Funding from the government of India, an amend-
ment for which IFC had lobbied to ensure economic
feasibility of projects and alleviate the fscal burden
at the state level. Te Punjab silos PPP project rep-
resents only a piece of the food distribution value
chain, but it demonstrates a transformation in policy
thinking on how to more efciently feed a countrys
population. Te government of India has now set
out to develop a 2 million-metric-ton pilot of simi-
larly modeled grain silos PPPs throughout India in
1. Commission agent delivers grain to the silo in bags, handled by the silo operator.
2. silo operator quality checks all grain received, accepting grain within the standards specifed.
3. silo operator gives PUnGraIn confrmation of quantity and quality of grain accepted.
4. silo operator issues payment slip to farmer according to grain delivered.
5. PUnGraIn issues directions to silo operator for release of grain.
6. silo operator issues grain to PDs in bags.
7. PUnGraIn pays silo operator a storage charge and variable charge (for each movement) during
concession period.
Figure 2: Grain Movement in Punjab
bagged-grain system and presented our findings for a more efficient system to the governments
of Punjab and India. We acknowledged the political bottlenecks in effecting any change to the
system (namely concerning the bagged dispatch and distribution through commission agents),
but we held to our holistic view of a better system to see whether we could make a difference.

Figure 2: Grain Movement in Punjab

(1) Commission agent delivers grain to the silo in bags, handled by the silo operator.
(2) Silo operator quality checks all grain received, accepting grain within the standards specified.
(3) Silo operator gives PUNGRAIN confirmation of quantity and quality of grain accepted.
(4) Silo operator issues payment slip to farmer according to grain delivered.
(5) PUNGRAIN issues directions to silo operator for release of grain.
(6) Silo operator issues grain to PDS in bags.
(7) PUNGRAIN pays silo operator a storage charge and variable charge (for each movement) during
concession period.

The clients singularity of purpose helped us focus and rethink phasing of reforms. The final
project structure centers on introducing an efficient storage system while allowing for future
reforms in transportation and handling. Although it is ideal to strive for holistic system
reforms, project-level interventions that achieve some but not all goals can serve as an
engine for broader changes.

Lesson 3: Breaking bread with the clientearly in the subcontracting process is better than

consumption centers, addressing a gap in the ability of
receiving states to store grain beyond the harvest season.
sCaTTerIng oUr graIn
admitting its imperfections but glowing in its inno-
vative solution to a global food security problem, IFC
endeavored to take the lessons of Punjab, India, to
other geographies. Te frst example of replication is
in neighboring Pakistan, where the topography and
grain procurement system are broadly similar to that
of India. IFC is supporting the governments of sindh
and Punjab, Pakistan, on silos projects representing
more than 1 million metric tons of wheat storage,
adding certain elements (such as ancillary land devel-
opment availability and wheat grading) to the com-
plexity of the projects.
IFC also has indications of signifcant interest in
similar projects from sub-saharan africa and east
asia, where grain losses and rotting are also prevalent.
Governments and procurement agencies are realizing
that they can defer large upfront payments on stor-
age facilities and outsource the technical operations
to private sector experts. Here we have farmed out
the small pilot project in Punjab to catalyze global
reforms in a priority sector.
aBoUT THe aUTHors
Jay Lurie is an Associate Investment Offcer in IFC
Advisory Services in Public-Private Partnerships, South
Asia, and a member of the global agribusiness PPP
sector team. Based in the New Delhi offce since
joining IFC in 2009, he brings previous experience
in infrastructure fnance and capital markets from
Macquarie Capital, Credit Suisse, and UBS.
Neeraj Gupta is a Senior Investment Offcer in IFC
Advisory Services in Public-Private Partnerships, South
Asia, and leads the global agribusiness PPP sector
team. He was the Project Leader for this project. Prior
to joining IFC in 2007, Neeraj had over 13 years of
experience in management consulting frms such as
PwC and in the World Bank.
Approved by Sujata Lamba, Senior Manager, IFC
Advisory Services in Public-Private Partnerships, South
Asia; Vipul Bhagat, currently Chief Investment Offcer,
IFC Advisory Services in Public-Private Partnerships
(Manager of the PPP Business Line in South Asia at
the time of the transaction).
smartlessons 29
nepal has enormous geographic and social diversity.
Its elevation ranges from less than 100 meters (328
feet) in the terai to the 8,800 meters (29,000 feet) of
mount everest. Te countrys population of 26 mil-
lion people, 14 percent of whom are currently food
insecure, includes 100 caste or ethnic groups, accord-
ing to the 2011 census.
Food prices are constantly increasing, and transport
costs for this landlocked and politically fragile state
can add signifcantly to the cost of food and other
essential items in remote communities. nepals
national annual food price infation remains about
16 percent. since nepals poorest households spend
more than 75 percent of their income on food, high
prices will continue to frustrate eforts to alleviate
poverty. natural disasters or political instability can
afect the transportation network throughout the
country, which adds to the challenge of transporting
food. In addition, the country has a high dependency
on rain-fed agriculture and has experienced a series of
droughts in food-insecure areas.
as in much of south asia, malnutrition levels in
nepal are alarming. an estimated 39 percent of chil-
dren under fve years of age are underweight, and 49
percent sufer from stunting, according to the 2006
nepal Demographic Health survey. nepals children
also sufer from vitamin and mineral defciencies: the
prevalence of anemia is 74 percent in children under
two years.
Communities in marginalized areas in nepal are
highly vulnerable to internal and external factors,
such as increasing global food prices, political insta-
bility, and natural hazards. Despite remittances that
provide some level of succor for these communities,
rising expenses make it difcult for remittances to
translate into long-term income-generating opportu-
nities for these households.
Te nFCrP began in 2008 as an emergency response.
Te strategy was to access food and basic needs for
vulnerable households in the short term in food-inse-
cure districts. Using a community-based investment
approach, nepal responded with investments in criti-
cal infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, irrigation
From Crisis Response to Sustainable Strategy:
Addressing Food Security in Nepal
Emerging from more than a decade of confictand subject to signifcant geographical,
economic, and social disparitiesNepal has struggled to meet the food needs of its population,
despite a heavy reliance on agriculture. Limited arable land and limited access to market
infrastructure have made some areas particularly food insecure, resulting in increased migration
from these areas because of distress and lack of opportunity. In 2008, the World Bank began
working with the Nepalese government through the Nepal Food Crisis Response Program
(NFCRP) and since 2004 has supported the Poverty Alleviation Fund. This SmartLesson shares
insights gained during this ongoing support.
schemes, and construction and rehabilitation of com-
munity buildings. In 2010, the food crisis response
incorporated a more comprehensive, longer-term
strategy to build a better system and increase resil-
ience in nepals most food-insecure areas through a
market approach that encouraged income-generating
investments and improved infrastructure.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Show them the bill! Help the
government see the true cost of short-term
responses, which do not always address
long-term needs or help create a change in
assess the cost involved in a food-security emergency
response as opposed to a long-term poverty-allevia-
tion strategy. a short-term strategy requires high costs
in a short period and high involvement of donors,
and returns are limited to ensuring that those who
are most chronically food insecure are supported dur-
ing lean periods. By contrast, a long-term strategy
requires sustained lower levels of expenditure over a
long period of time and higher government involve-
ment, and returns are proven to be higher.
For the past 15 years, donors have responded through
short-term aid to the World Food Program and other
agencies to provide relief to chronically food-insecure
areas. Te government has not seen the full cost of this
efort, because much of the support is of-budget and
through emergency humanitarian response. Te coun-
try receives an average of $60 million to $70 million
per year from donors for feeding food-insecure popu-
lations. over the last three years, the country received
an average of $50 million per year from donors for
feeding food-insecure populations. Tis approach will
eventually translate into higher returns to healthier
human capitalif support is sustained. However,
applying the resources to a poverty-alleviation strategy
may well translate into a higher-value human capital
in the long term, and it might also provide medium-
and short-term solutions to vulnerable households,
building a foundation for a more sustainable self-
support strategy, with high returns from appropriate
infrastructure and income-generation investments.
For instance, the impact evaluation of the nepal
Poverty alleviation Fund (PaF) estimated that an
investment of $33.83 million on income-generating
activities yielded a return of $71.70 million for nearly
800,000 benefciaries, or a return of 74 percent. Te
return on PaF investments in infrastructure is esti-
mated to be 140 percent. Te overall economic return
of PaF investment is 79 percent.
to help the government increase awareness of the cost
of short-term, year-on-year responses, the nFCrP
team worked with the ministry of local Development
and the World Food Program to reorient the public
works program toward agriculture asset creation as a
way to provide livelihood opportunities to the food
insecure. Tis process will also help the ministry of
local Development identify vulnerable households
that will require long-term support through safety
nets and those that will eventually be able to move
toward a more food-secure status through the use of
the assets created by the public works eforts.
Lesson 2: Understand the contextand build
on existing delivery mechanisms.
Use existing strengths. Post-confict countries dont
have strong service-delivery mechanisms, and com-
munities know what they need. Te food crisis
response in a post-confict environment required
a delivery mechanism for the implementation of a
short- and longer-term strategy. more than a decade
of confict left nepal with a weak government struc-
ture in remote areas, where even now there are no
elected local governments and local councils. Te
more remote a district, the more likely the position is
vacant with, at best, an acting ofcial.
smartlessons 31
Investments in livestock are a common priority to increase capital for women in nepal.
meanwhile, communities keep their development
process alive, try to overcome their challenges, and
take advantage of the opportunities as they appear.
In nepal, community organizations have a long his-
tory of efective administration, and they function as
a support mechanism for rural populations where the
government is absent or weak. Public goods managed
by communities are recorded by the community orga-
nizations and registered in local government plans.
Furthermore, community organizations in the coun-
try have taken a lead role in building resilience to
external shocks, with strategies that allow them to
direct their own development path within their own
limitations. Communities have been investing in a
comprehensive multisectoral strategy and therefore
a longer-term solution. not surprisingly, food-inse-
cure areas invest heavily in increased food production
and access to markets, by their own preference. Te
approach used by the Banks program of support is to
build on these community preferences and ability to
work together.
Lesson 3: Be alert to opportunities to develop
markets that have a large unattended
demandsuch as fertilizer and seeds.
take advantage of the opportunity to address supply
constraints, which may have a greater impact than
just on your immediate objective. Te food-security
crisis strategy in nepal includes the production of
quality seeds as well as the transportation of fertil-
izer and seeds in the most food-insecure districts.
Te government of nepal has put into operation a
program to supply chemical and organic fertilizers
and improved seeds at subsidized prices to farmers in
remote areas (mountains and hills), where the cost of
transport adds signifcantly to the cost of these inputs
to the farmer. Te food crisis response includes sub-
sidized targeted transportation costs of these inputs
from road head to the district headquarters and estab-
lishes several distribution centers within a district,
which means the farmers dont have to travel as far to
transport the inputs to their farms.
also, invest in the development of quality agricultural
input markets. although fertilizer supply constraints
are often difcult to address in the national context
and may require solutions at the regional level, this is
not the case with source seeds. It is possible to address
improved provision of good-quality source seeds to
increase productivity within a small country such as
nepal. Te food response strategy involves fnancing
the production, processing, quality assurance, bagging,
and storage of pure breeder and foundation seeds for
further multiplication of varieties with better nutri-
tional qualities, which can partially ofset the impact
of climate change in food-insecure areas in the country.
Te seed sector is also particularly attractive for pri-
vate sector investments. market development of
agricultural inputs, especially quality seeds with char-
acteristics that adapt to specifc environments and cli-
mate change, is critical to sustaining and increasing
agricultural productivity and can help motivate pri-
vate sector investments. an increased perception that
quality breeder seeds are becoming available is already
resulting in interest from seed companies to increase
investments in this sector.
Lesson 4: Map it, show it, and performmake
information a tool for planning.
Data can be overwhelming. Fortunately, advances in
visual data analysis make it easier to detect outliers,
carry out analysis, and provide guided analytics to
project teams, government, and the general public.
Displaying spatial information provides a platform
for project developers to identify gaps and opportuni-
ties. showing layered spatial data of diferent projects,
indicators, infrastructure, and natural resources is
useful for visual data analysis. It also has proven to be
a good way to communicate complex databases that
frequently are not interconnected.
smartlessons 33
Furthermore, providing open access to this informa-
tion improves transparency and accountability, and it
enables strategic coordination between local and cen-
tral authorities and the civil society. Figure 1 provides
an example of how data visualization software can be
helpful in detecting outliers. Te map shows the Kar-
nali region, the most food-insecure region in nepal.
In layers, it shows the location of four diferent com-
munity-targeted projects that address food security in
the country. Te map allows a quick view of the data,
using color to highlight interventions in clusters of
villages. Te map has been used to address coordi-
nation between projects and absence of interventions
in certain areas where vulnerable populations live, to
promote discussions, and to encourage the imple-
mentation of more appropriate strategies.
Initially conceived as an emergency response, the
nepal Food Crisis response Program used the crisis
as a way to increase awareness that investments in
Figure 1: Map of Community-Targeted Interventions Addressing Food Insecurity in Nepal
1. Karnali region, 100% covered by the Poverty alleviation Fund
2. location of public works developed through the social safety nets Project
3. location of irrigation schemes implemented by the Irrigation and Water resources management Project
4. location of areas covered by fertilizer distribution fnanced by the social safety nets Project
5. location of water and sanitation schemes fnanced by the rural Water supply and sanitation Project
6. location of breeder seed production centers fnanced by the social safety nets Project

Figure 1: Map of Community-Targeted Interventions Addressing Food Insecurity in Nepal

1. Karnali region, 100% covered by the Poverty Alleviation Fund
2. Location of public works developed through the Social Safety Nets Project
3. Location of irrigation schemes implemented by the Irrigation and Water Resources Management
4. Location of areas covered by fertilizer distribution financed by the Social Safety Nets Project
5. Location of water and sanitation schemes financed by the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project
6. Location of breeder seed production centers financed by the Social Safety Nets Project


Initially conceived as an emergency response, the Nepal Food Crisis Response Program used the
crisis as a way to increase awareness that investments in agriculture and safety nets are highly
necessary in the country. A food strategy embedded in a longer-term poverty-alleviation strategy
has the potential to create assets that translate into returns in the short, medium, and long terms
for vulnerable populations. It also has the potential to involve private sector investors, who might
see it as an opportunity to address a demand that has been unattended. A long-term poverty-
alleviation strategy increases government ownership, improves aid effectiveness, and enhances
community participation in local investments.

Challenges remain in realizing the full value of these necessary inroads, but the program has
successfully generated a conversation about the cost of short-term emergency responses, the
value of longer-term livelihoods programs that build on community strength, the opportunities to
find sustainable solutions to productivity constraints, and the power of information to produce
informed decisions that make the best use of scarce financial resources.

aBoUT THe aUTHors
Gayatri Acharya, Senior Economist and Country Sec-
tor Coordinator, Agriculture and Rural Development
in Nepal, has worked with the World Bank for the last
12 years on rural development, agriculture, environ-
ment, and social development.
Mirella Hernani, a Consultant specializing in agricul-
ture, rural development, and social development,
worked with the World Bank for the last eight years.
Mirella is currently involved in monitoring agriculture
and rural projects in Nepal.
Approved by Simeon Ehui, Sector Leader, South Asia
Agriculture and Rural Development (SASDA).
agriculture and safety nets are highly necessary in the
country. a food strategy embedded in a longer-term
poverty-alleviation strategy has the potential to create
assets that translate into returns in the short, medium,
and long terms for vulnerable populations. It also has
the potential to involve private sector investors, who
might see it as an opportunity to address a demand
that has been unattended. a long-term poverty-
alleviation strategy increases government ownership,
improves aid efectiveness, and enhances community
participation in local investments.
Challenges remain in realizing the full value of these
necessary inroads, but the program has successfully
generated a conversation about the cost of short-term
emergency responses, the value of longer-term liveli-
hoods programs that build on community strength,
the opportunities to fnd sustainable solutions to pro-
ductivity constraints, and the power of information
to produce informed decisions that make the best use
of scarce fnancial resources.
Te food-security-focused poverty-alleviation strategy has resulted in more cultivated areas for the most insecure.
shown here is a proud benefciary of the Poverty alleviation Fund.
smartlessons 35
Lessons on Climate Change and
Natural Resource Management
since Bangladesh is only 10 meters above sea level, it
faces the risk of losing 17 percent of its land mass and
the displacement of 20 million people as a result of
a rise in sea level. agriculture is the major economic
driver in Bangladesh, accounting for 20 percent of
gross domestic product (GDP) and 65 percent of the
labor force. of the total 9 million hectares of arable
land, over 50 percent have already been afected by
salinity intrusion, submergence, or drought. Crop
yields have dropped to as low as 1.0 metric ton per
hectare in afected areas (the average yield being 4.5
metric tons per hectare).
Between 1991 and 2000, 93 major disasters were
recorded, resulting in nearly 200,000 deaths and caus-
ing $5.9 billion in damage, with severe losses in agri-
culture. Cyclonic storms and tidal surges in the Bay
of Bengal have become more frequent and intense.
Changes in rainfall patterns are adversely afecting the
crop cycles, bringing new challenges to sustainable
agriculture. For example, rising salinity levels in the
coastal regions have made the traditional seed variet-
ies redundant, and a belated monsoon brings forth a
cascading negative efect on the subsequent produc-
tion cycles. an increase in rainfall intensity and the
occurrence of fash foods and tidal foods have made
farmers even more vulnerable.
added to this is the disproportionate growth of popu-
lation (1.50 percent per year) and loss of arable land
(1.75 percent per year). By 2025, an additional 19
million mouths are to be fed by a relatively poorly
performing agriculture sector. Failing to take timely
and appropriate adaptive measures and to build the
coping capacity may result in catastrophic conse-
quences with regard to food security and livelihoods
for a growing population vulnerable to the impacts of
climate change.
Adapting to Climate Change in Bangladesh:
Stress-Tolerant Seeds for Stress-Prone
In the event of global climate change, agriculture will be one of the worst-hit sectors in
Bangladesh. Increasing global temperatures, rising sea levels, and melting polar ice caps
result in land submergence, salinity intrusion, drought, and so on. All of these occurrences
drastically affect agricultural productivity and, by extension, food security as well as the
livelihoods of millions of people. Bangladesh, a low-lying deltaic country, is predicted by the
international community of experts to be one of the frst countries affected, and it has already
been experiencing serious impacts of climate change, particularly in the agriculture sector. The
Agribusiness Advisory team in Bangladesh has been working on a project focused on climate
change adaptation and building resilience of the resource-poor farmers. This SmartLesson
describes the teams experience.
smartlessons 37
to address some of these constraints and chal-
lenges, IFC is working with leading seed companies
to increase the production, distribution, and adop-
tion of stress-tolerant seed varieties, and to promote
these varieties to farmers who desperately need them
but are not aware of their availability or the farming
practices the new seeds require. Tese seed varieties
can withstand prolonged periods of submergence,
high levels of salinity, and drought conditions. Te
use of stress-tolerant seeds has demonstrated a drastic
reduction in crop damage in afected regions. Yields
have been found to be as high as 57 metric tons per
hectare in many regions. Development and promo-
tion of stress-tolerant seeds, and the establishment of
an efcient distribution system, are elements of one
of the efective interventions for climate change adap-
tation in the agriculture sector, thereby contributing
to food security and to the building of farmers eco-
nomic resilience.
notwithstanding the importance of climate change
issues in the arena of global development these days,
there are few projects worldwide that address cli-
mate change adaptationparticularly with a focus
on mobilizing private sector capacity and resources
to meet the adaptation challenges. Tus there is lim-
ited opportunity to build on past initiatives. each of
the afected countries is setting its own objectives and
identifying approaches to deal with its own specifc
constraints in adapting to climate change.
When the agribusiness team of Bangladesh started
evaluating the prospect of building adaptation proj-
ects around the use of stress-tolerant seed varieties,
the importance and role of these varieties were not
clear to many stakeholders. Te release process of new
seed varieties was slow. Policy was not favorable. Te
private sector had yet to see the business prospects.
Te public sector was slow and took a silo approach,
relying mostly on the Bangladesh agricultural
Development Corporation, the public sector agency
responsible for supply of agri-inputs to farmers.
Tus, the team undertook stepwise initiatives to induct
the relevant stakeholders, mobilize key partners, design
specifc projects, and ultimately roll projects out into
the feld. Tis led to the implementation of activities
to strengthen the production, supply, and adoption of
stress-tolerant varieties in the coastal belt of the coun-
try with four of the lead frms in the sector. During
the frst three months of the implementation activities,
over 300 lead seed growers, dealers, and retailers were
exposed to the varieties and their production process
through feld demonstrations. training manuals on
production of stress-tolerant varieties of rice have been
developed to build the capacity of the contract-grower
farmers and the technical team of the lead frms, to
ensure that they meet the potential demand.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Work bottom-up to identify specifc
Climate change adaptation is truly a context-based
need, even within a country. In Bangladesh, the south-
ern coastal regions are sufering from salinity intrusion
and submergence, while the northern region is sufer-
ing from water shortage and drought. Tus, the needs
of the specifc location, the current practices, and the
capacity of the community to adapt have to be care-
fully considered in designing projects to suit the par-
ticular needs. For example, in Uganda, a development
project distributed drought-tolerant seed varieties
among farming communities and went back at the end
of the crop season to check on the feld performance of
the varieties. Te project team was shocked to see that
there were no crops in the feld. When asked why they
had not planted the seeds they were given, the local
people responded that they were sufering from the
efects of a huge famine, and they ended up eating the
seeds instead of planting them.
In our own context we frst conducted a detailed sec-
tor study and baseline surveys to identify the criti-
cal constraints faced by the farmers. We then worked
closely with government research and extension
agencies to evaluate further results coming from the
feld and the resultant innovations that can address
the constraints. Tis helped us understand the criti-
cal constraints being faced by the farmers, whether
the stress-tolerant seed varieties would be benefcial
to them, whether they would use them, what kind
of pricing would make the product marketable, what
the technical limitations of the farmers are with regard
to using the varieties, what other input requirements
there are (irrigation water, for example), what the
production- and supply-related constraints are (from
the perspective of the seed companies) to ensure a
consistent supply of the varieties to the market, what
the policy and regulatory issues are, and so on.
Te project design then took all of these aspects into
Lesson 2: Effective stakeholder engagement:
understand how critical the public sector role is.
agricultural research and extension in Bangladesh
are still spearheaded by the public sector agencies. In
our specifc project context, the private sector entry
into this business opportunity to meet the adapta-
tion challenges was entirely dependent on access to
breeder seeds of the stress-tolerant varieties from the
Bangladesh rice research Institute for multiplication
by the private seed companies. Further, collabora-
tion with the Department of agricultural extension
is critical for the private companies to leverage their
extension networks in the market development of
new products.
In one workshop, we were able to mobilize fve direc-
tors general of relevant public sector agencies within
the national agricultural research system, the top
management of all leading seed companies, the sec-
retary of the ministry of agriculture, and the min-
ister of agriculture herself. Tat was an exceptional
event, where the public and private sector representa-
tives jointly worked out their roles and responsibili-
ties in promoting stress-tolerant rice in Bangladesh.
Following the workshop, we formed a core group,
with public and private sector representation, that
provides an efective platform for us to interact with
all stakeholders.
Lesson 3: Raise awareness at multiple levels.
For new initiatives, it always helps to gain momen-
tum around the focus area of the project. several
high-level workshops, seminars, and conferences
highlighted the importance of stress-tolerant seed
varieties in the context of Bangladesh. Diverse groups
of stakeholders were introduced to the product and
its importance. Te initiatives provided multipronged
benefts to the project. on one hand the private sec-
tor stakeholders started taking the issue seriously, and
on the other hand it provided us access to all the key
public institutions linked to the research, release, pro-
duction, and supply of these varieties. Tese initia-
tives provided us, as champions of work in this feld,
smoother access to both groups, and helped us act as
a catalyst in bringing them together into more col-
laborative initiatives. For example:
Te private sector needed to see the business aspect
in the area of stress-tolerant seeds, and to make the
extra efort to research and develop their capacities
to produce, distribute, and supply the seeds to the
farming community. We took this need into ac-
count for our promotional eforts that were focused
on the private sector.
to draw attention to the project, we engaged the
big names in the private and public seed sectors.
Teir strategic engagement helped kick-start initia-
tives and gain support for the projects.
smartlessons 39
a diverse and high-profle group was formed to lobby
for the initiative. It included the director general of
the seed Wing, ministry of agriculture, the head of
the International rice research Institute in Bangla-
desh, the chief scientifc ofcer for Bangladesh rice
research Institute, the president of the Bangladesh
seed association, and seed experts. Teir combined
eforts led to the speedy release of two submergence-
tolerant varieties that were in the pipeline.
Lesson 4: It is important to catalyze other
climate change initiatives.
Compared with the compelling needs, we can directly
address only certain constraints, but when interven-
tions occur at multiple levels, we can begin to see strong
positive impacts. For example, our eforts at enabling
farmers to adopt stress-tolerant seed varieties might be
impeded if the farming communities in the vulnerable
regions do not have the basic level of protection, such
as dikes and polders, to protect them from tidal surges.
In many instances, either there are no dikes available,
or the ones that do exist have not been maintained at all
over the years, leading to collapse. similarly, there are
also issues related to social protection, public health,
water sources, infrastructure, and so on.
IFC is working closely with the Pilot Program on Cli-
mate resilience under the multi Donor trust Fund
in Bangladesh to assist in the identifcation of such
issues, and then building projects around them and
mobilizing relevant stakeholders, so that the cumula-
tive results in the area of climate change adaptation
have greater impact and are more pronounced.
Lesson 5: Deal with the constraints of resources
and institutional capacity.
Demands for work on the aspects of climate change
have sprung up within a short span of time. Te avail-
ability of skilled and experienced resources to assist
on climate change projects and initiatives is limited.
Te few people who are available are being pulled in
10 diferent directions and are assisting in projects
worldwide, often leading to diminishing quality of the
service. Tus, it requires careful thought and investi-
gation to identify resources to support the projects.
running the names of prospective resources through
other donor-funded organizations helps gauge their
level of engagement, intensity of assignments world-
wide, and quality of service provided.
Te current project is a baby step in a long journey. so
far, only one company has completed the frst cycle of
demonstration of a salinity-tolerant rice variety. Ini-
tial results show a smile on the farmers face, but we
need to gather more data on output at the farmer level
to measure the results. since varieties are new, farmers
have yet to adopt and adapt to new practices. We all
are going through a learning phase to see what works
and what doesnt. Te government recently released
two new submergence-tolerant varieties, which has
created more opportunities for the private sector
and for us as wellto scale up for a greater outreach
and positive impact. Te productive relationship we
have been able to build with the private sector seed
companies is the real strength for us, going forward.
aBoUT THe aUTHors:
Anika Ali, Task Manager for projects in Agribusiness
and Climate Change Adaptation, has worked with
IFC Advisory Services in Bangladesh since early 2005.
She is part of the IFC team leading the work on the
Pilot Program on Climate Resilience (PPCR) in Bangla-
desh, together with other donor operations and the
government of Bangladesh.
Mrinal Sircar, Program Manager, IFC South Asia
Advisory Services, currently manages sector work
in agribusiness and in textiles and apparels. He is a
member of the PPCR mission in Bangladesh.
Approved by Ian Crosby, Head of IFC Advisory
Services in Bangladesh, Nepal, North East India, and
agriculture is the economic foundation of many
developing countries, employing up to two-thirds
of the workforce and contributing 1030 percent of
gross domestic product (GDP). For the poorest peo-
ple, GDP growth originating in agriculture is about
four times more efective in raising incomes than
GDP growth originating from other sectors. Yet agri-
cultural growth rates have declined signifcantly over
the last decade, and food insecurity remains pervasive.
Food production must increase by 70100 percent by
2050 to meet the demands of a world with 9 billion
people and changing diets.
agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate change
and needs to adapt to it. Under optimistic lower-
end projections of temperature rise, climate change
may reduce crop yields by 1020 percent, whereas
increased incidence of droughts and foods may lead
to a sharp increase in prices of some of the main grain
crops by the 2050s. While agriculture is the sector
most susceptible to climate change, it is also a major
cause of it, directly contributing about 14 percent of
greenhouse gas emissions, or approximately 30 per-
cent when considering land-use change, including
deforestation driven by agricultural expansion for
food, fber, and fuel. Te net increase in agricultural
land during the 1980s and 1990s was more than 100
million hectares across the tropics. about 55 percent
of this new agricultural land came at the expense of
intact forests, and another 28 percent came from the
conversion of degraded forests.
With efective policies, agriculture can also be a part
of the solution to climate change. Climate-smart
agriculture (Csa) seeks to increase productivity in
an environmentally and socially sustainable way,
strengthen farmers resilience in the face of climate
change, and reduce agricultures contribution to it
by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and increas-
ing soil carbon storage. Historically, agricultural soils
have lost more than 50 billion tons of carbon. some
of this carbon, however, can be recaptured through
improved land management practices.
Tere is a growing global momentum to rapidly scale
up Csa, but there is a more urgent need to improve
Assessing the Carbon Benefts of Improved
Land Management Technologies
Ensuring food security under changing climate conditions is one of the major challenges of our
era. Agriculture must not only become increasingly productive, but must also adapt to climate
change while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Soil carbon sequestration, the process by
which atmospheric carbon dioxide is taken up by plants through photosynthesis and stored as
carbon in biomass and soils, can support these goals. First, soil carbon enhances agricultural
productivity, which reduces rural poverty; second, it limits greenhouse gas concentrations in the
atmosphere; and third, it reduces the impact of climate change on agricultural ecosystems. This
SmartLesson describes the potential benefts of selected land management technologies that
sequester carbon.
smartlessons 41
the knowledge base for facilitating investments in
land management technologies that increase the stor-
age of soil organic carbon. Te economic and sector
Work (esW) on soil Carbon assessment was carried
out to fulfll this need. Te study involved:
a meta-analysis to provide better estimates of soil
carbon sequestration rates;
an ecosystem simulation modeling technique to
predict future carbon storage in global cropland
soils; and
an assessment of the cost-efectiveness of the land
management technologies in mitigating climate
Te esW began in october 2010, and the results will
be disseminated in January 2012.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Soil carbon sequestration is proftable
to the farmers.
In addition to storing soil carbon, sustainable land
management technologies can be benefcial to farm-
ers, because they can increase yields and reduce pro-
duction costs. such technologies include integrated
nutrient and water management, mulching and
residue management, no-tillage, crop rotation, cover
crops, and agroforestrythe integrated land use sys-
tem combining trees and shrubs with crops or live-
stock. Increases in crop yields derive from the ability
of the land management technologies to maintain soil
organic matter and biological activity at levels suitable
for soil fertility.
However, the pattern of increase in yield varies from
crop to crop. Te proftability of no-tillage systems
derives primarily from a lesser labor requirement for
seedbed preparation and other tillage operations as
compared with conventional tillage systems. In Zam-
bia, yields have doubled for maize and increased 60
percent for cotton, compared with the conventional
tillage system. Farmers also frequently reported sig-
nifcant crop-yield increases for maize, sorghum,
millet, cotton, and groundnut in agroforestry sys-
tems, but relatively high labor inputs are required to
reduce the competition efects of trees from having a
negative impact on crop growth. Inorganic fertilizers
also show relatively high profts, because they pro-
vide nutrients that can be readily absorbed by plants.
Tey are less environmentally friendly, however, due to
nitrous oxide emissions associated with high applica-
tion rates of nitrogen fertilizers, and to fossil fuel-based
emissions associated with fertilizer production and
Lesson 2: Soil carbon sequestration can
be maximized by managing tradeoffs and
tradeof occurs when attempts to increase carbon stor-
age reduce productivity (proftability). on the other
hand, synergy implies a positive correlation between
carbon sequestration and proftability. Increasing
food security under a changing climate requires the
analysis and identifcation of the land management
technologies that maximize synergies and minimize
synergies between proftability and mitigation are
found in two agroforestry systems: intercropping and
alley farming (top right quadrant of Figure 1). Inter-
cropping is growing crops near existing trees, whereas
alley farming is growing crops simultaneously in alleys
of perennial, preferably leguminous, trees or shrubs.
Both are important strategies for increased productiv-
ity and resilience of the farming system.
land management technologies in the lower right
quadrant of Figure 1 have high mitigation potential
but are modestly proftable. aforestation, improved
fallow involving the use of fast-growing trees to accel-
erate soil rehabilitation (including trees in croplands),
and establishment of barriers across sloping areas
tend to take land out of production for a signifcant
period of time. Tey reduce the amount of land avail-
able for cultivation in the short run but can lead to
overall increases in productivity and stability in the
long run. Te time-averaged, aboveground biomass
of crop residues and other technologies in the lower
left quadrant of Figure 1 is relatively small, compared
with that of agroforestry systems. also, the biomass of
crop residues does not accumulate easily, resulting in
lower mitigation benefts.
Judicious fertilizer application counters soil nutri-
ent depletion, reduces deforestation and expansion
of cultivation to marginal areas, and increases crop
yields. Yields also increase with manure application
and accumulation of soil carbon, but with patterns
that depend on crop type. manure is less proftable
than inorganic fertilizer because of the labor costs
associated with collecting and processing manure
Figure 1: Tradeoffs between proftability and carbon sequestration of sustainable land management
technologies. Thresholds for classifcation were $50 proft and 4.1 tonnes of sequestered carbon dioxide.
Note: Thresholds for classifcation were $50 proft and 4.1 tonnes of sequestered carbon dioxide.
Figure 1: Tradeoffs between profitability and carbon sequestration of sustainable land
management technologies. Thresholds for classification were $50 profit and 4.1 tonnes of
sequestered carbon dioxide.

Note: Thresholds for classification were $50 profit and 4.1 tonnes of sequestered carbon dioxide.

Land management technologies in the lower right quadrant of Figure 1 have high mitigation
potential but are modestly profitable. Afforestation, improved fallow involving the use of fast-
growing trees to accelerate soil rehabilitation (including trees in croplands), and establishment of
barriers across sloping areas tend to take land out of production for a significant period of time.
They reduce the amount of land available for cultivation in the short run but can lead to overall
increases in productivity and stability in the long run. The time-averaged, aboveground biomass
of crop residues and other technologies in the lower left quadrant of Figure 1 is relatively small,
compared with that of agroforestry systems. Also, the biomass of crop residues does not
accumulate easily, resulting in lower mitigation benefits.

Judicious fertilizer application counters soil nutrient depletion, reduces deforestation and
expansion of cultivation to marginal areas, and increases crop yields. Yields also increase with
manure application and accumulation of soil carbon, but with patterns that depend on crop type.
Manure is less profitable than inorganic fertilizer because of the labor costs associated with
collecting and processing manure (top left quadrant of Figure 1). Manure also has quite low
smartlessons 43
(top left quadrant of Figure 1). manure also has quite
low nutrient content relative to inorganic fertilizers,
so a large amount needs to be applied on relatively
small felds. Tis explains why manure works well for
small-scale intensive and high-value vegetable gar-
dening. manure systems are also associated with high
methane emissions. Te relatively high proftability of
no-tillage derives primarily from the decrease in pro-
duction costs after the establishment of the system.
Lesson 3: Sustainable land management
practices generate benefts to the farmersbut
at varying costs to the public.
Carbon sequestration provides private benefts to the
farmers through enhancement of soil fertility that
leads to increases in crop yields and more efcient pro-
duction. However, other benefts, such as improved
air quality, water quality, and biodiversity, are public
goods that accrue to society but not to the farmers
engaged in market transactions alone. Without gov-
ernment intervention, poor agricultural land manage-
ment will intensify land degradation and contribute
additional greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Public cost refers to government support toward the
implementation of land management practices. Tis
includes investments in seeds and seedlings, input
Figure 2: Relationship between Private Benefts and Public Costs
Note: Thresholds for classifcation were $50 proft and $5.50 for public costs.
Figure 2: Relationship between Private Benefits and Public Costs

Note: Thresholds for classification were $50 profit and $5.50 for public costs.

Lesson 4: Adoption of sustainable land management practices faces considerable barriers,
despite the private benefits they generate.

Despite the fact that improved land management technologies generate private benefits, their
adoption faces many socioeconomic and institutional barriers. Table 1 suggests that lack of credit
and inputs and land tenure problems are by far the most important factors for adoption. However,
improved availability of inputs is a necessary but insufficient condition for adoption of land
management practices. Better market prices for crops and other agricultural produce are crucial.
Secure land rights are a precondition for climate-smart agriculture, because they provide
incentives for local communities to manage land more sustainably.

Table 1: Relative Importance of Different Factors for Adopting Improved Land Management

Land management
Research Infrastructure
Inorganic fertilizer *** ** ** ** * **
Manure ** ** * ** * **
subsidies, extension services, and other administrative
costs. Te pattern of public support is as crucial as the
amount of support for the full realization of produc-
tivity, mitigation, and adaptation benefts in agricul-
ture. Public support measures that focus on research,
investments in improved land management, and land
tenurerather than on input supportare generally
more efective, beneft more farmers, and are more
sustainable in the long run.
technologies that involve signifcant change in land
use (aforestation, improved fallows) and landscape
alteration (terracing, cross-slope barriers) incur high
public costs but generate low private benefts (lower
right quadrant of Figure 2). Te low profts suggest
that farmers may be reluctant to privately invest in
these technologies. strong public involvement in
these technologies is justifable, given their relatively
high mitigation potential. Crop residues, cover crops,
crop rotation, and rainwater harvesting with lower
proftsand also manure and no-tillage that gener-
ate relatively higher proftsrequire minimal govern-
ment support (lower left and upper left quadrants of
Figure 2, respectively). Tese technologies generally
have low mitigation potential. Te relatively high
public cost of inorganic fertilizer (top right quad-
rant, Figure 2) refects the use of subsidies in spurring
farmers access to the technology.
Lesson 4: Adoption of sustainable land
management practices faces considerable barriers,
despite the private benefts they generate.
Despite the fact that improved land management
technologies generate private benefts, their adoption
faces many socioeconomic and institutional barriers.
table 1 suggests that lack of credit and inputs and
land tenure problems are by far the most important
factors for adoption. However, improved availability
of inputs is a necessary but insufcient condition for

Table 1: Relative Importance of Different Factors for Adopting Improved Land Management

Land management
Research Infrastructure
Inorganic fertilizer *** ** ** ** * **
Manure ** ** * ** * **
** ** *** ** ** *
Rainwater harvesting ** ** ** *** ** **
Cross-slope barriers ** * ** ** ** *
Improved fallows ** * * *** ** *
Grazing management *** *** ** *** ** *
Key: * Low importance; ** Moderate importance; *** High importance.

Source: Synthesized from Liniger, H.P., R. Mekdaschi Studer, C. Hauert and M. Gurtner. 2011. Sustainable Land
Management in Practice - Guidelines and best practices for Sub Saharan Africa. World Overview of Conservation Approaches
and Technologies (WOCAT) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Behavioral change through education is required to enable changeover to improved land
management technologies. For instance, conservation agriculturethe farming system involving
no-tillage, residue management, and use of cover cropsis highly knowledge-intensive,
requiring those promoting its adoption to acquire training and practical experience. Learning
hubs, regional platforms, scientific research, South-South knowledge exchange, and technical
support mechanisms will increase innovation and facilitate adoption of improved land
management technologies. The knowledge base of land management practices at the local level
can be also improved through careful targeting of capacity-development programs.

There is also the need to boost financial support for early action in climate-smart agriculture. For
technologies with significant private returns, grant funding or loans may be more suitable to
overcome adoption barriers. For technologies such as conservation agriculture that require
specific machinery inputs, the initial costs of investment can be considerable. Thus, payment for
ecosystem service plans could be used to support farmers and break the adoption barrier. There is
also the potential for carbon finance to support farmers during the initial period before the trees
in agroforestry systems generate an economic return. The costs to the public sector could be
lower if some of the costs were borne by the private sector. For instance, the private sector may
be involved in establishing tree plantations or in developing improved seeds and seedlings.


Key: * low importance; ** moderate importance; *** High importance.
Source: Synthesized from Liniger, H.P., R. Mekdaschi Studer, C. Hauert and M. Gurtner. 2011. Sustainable
Land Management in Practice - Guidelines and best practices for Sub Saharan Africa. World Overview
of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) and Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO).
Table 1: Relative Importance of Different Factors for Adopting Improved Land Management
smartlessons 45
adoption of land management practices. Better mar-
ket prices for crops and other agricultural produce are
crucial. secure land rights are a precondition for cli-
mate-smart agriculture, because they provide incen-
tives for local communities to manage land more
Behavioral change through education is required to
enable changeover to improved land management
technologies. For instance, conservation agricul-
turethe farming system involving no-tillage, resi-
due management, and use of cover cropsis highly
knowledge-intensive, requiring those promoting its
adoption to acquire training and practical experience.
learning hubs, regional platforms, scientifc research,
south-south knowledge exchange, and technical
support mechanisms will increase innovation and
facilitate adoption of improved land management
technologies. Te knowledge base of land manage-
ment practices at the local level can be also improved
through careful targeting of capacity-development
Tere is also the need to boost fnancial support for
early action in climate-smart agriculture. For technol-
ogies with signifcant private returns, grant funding
or loans may be more suitable to overcome adop-
tion barriers. For technologies such as conservation
agriculture that require specifc machinery inputs,
the initial costs of investment can be considerable.
Tus, payment for ecosystem service plans could be
used to support farmers and break the adoption bar-
rier. Tere is also the potential for carbon fnance to
support farmers during the initial period before the
trees in agroforestry systems generate an economic
return. Te costs to the public sector could be lower if
some of the costs were borne by the private sector. For
instance, the private sector may be involved in estab-
lishing tree plantations or in developing improved
seeds and seedlings.
We need a new global vision that appreciates and
rewards the productivity, mitigation, and adapta-
tion benefts of soil carbon sequestration. Progress in
agriculture is slower than most people had hoped for
under the Un Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UnFCCC). However, some good news came
out of the recently concluded Conference of Parties in
Durban, south africa, where, for the frst time, it was
agreed to initiate a formal work program under the
UnFCCC subsidiary Body for scientifc and tech-
nological advice
. Placing agriculture under a frm
global agreement could help provide a policy frame-
work for fully incorporating agriculture into adap-
tation and mitigation strategies. Tere is a need to
integrate the public sources of climate fnance and
those supporting food security into a single mecha-
nism to support climate-smart agriculture. Countries
must be prepared to access new and additional fnance.
readiness for carbon sequestration and climate-smart
agriculture can be achieved through capacity building
for strengthening the institutional and implementa-
tion framework for climate-smart agricultural devel-
opment, and identifying early-action investments in
land management technologies for diferent locales.
aBoUT THe aUTHor
Ademola Braimoh is a Senior Natural Resources Man-
agement Specialist at the World Banks Agriculture
and Rural Development Department in Washington,
D.C. He has broad expertise in agriculture, environ-
ment, water, and natural resources management.
Approved by Mark Cackler, Manager, Agriculture and
Rural Development Department of the World Bank.
Te Conference of Parties (CoP 17) took place november 28
December 9, 2011 in Durban, south africa.
mexico has 64 million hectares of forests. about 70
percent of these belong to rural communities under
a legally established collective ownership systema
tenure situation unique in the world. Te net defores-
tation rate is moderate, but forest degradation is rela-
tively high;
both show signifcant variation across
the country.
It is estimated that 1213 million people live in for-
est areas in mexico. In the 1990s, the government of
mexico began empowering communities to manage
their forest resources through a series of community-
based incentives and advisory programs. although
much remains to be done, mexicos approach to com-
munity forestry and payment for environmental ser-
vices is now increasingly recognized as an emerging
worldwide good practice. many community forests
are sustainably managed for timber and nontimber
products and services, and about 60 community for-
ests are independently certifed.
to address the challenges and opportunities in the for-
est sector, mexicos Forestry Commission (ConaFor
in spanish) was created in 2001. ConaFor has the
mandate to assist communities and small private own-
ers in managing and protecting forestsfor example,
by developing management plans, restoring degraded
areas, planting trees, using nontimber products, and
protecting environmental services.
ConaFor operates a range of thematic, commu-
nity-based incentive programs, collectively known as
Pro-rbol. Te scope of these programs has evolved
rapidly since 2001, from traditional forest manage-
ment to payment for environmental services and
climate change mitigation and adaptation activi-
ties in the forest landscape. ConaFors budget
increased from $27 million in 2001 to $486 million
in 2011, and its portfolio has reached a total of about
12,000 transactions annually, benefting about 4,000
The Fun and the Defance of Innovation
Going REDD+ in the Forests of Mexico
By the end of 2010, the government of Mexico, through the Forestry Commission, requested
support from the World Bank to develop and implement a new package of services (the Package)
focused on forests and climate change. The Package was designed throughout 2011 to support
sustainable management, restoration, and expansion of Mexicos forests, while promoting local
socioeconomic development to strengthen local communities resilience in the face of climate
change and spearheading the global effort on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation (REDD+). This SmartLesson describes the challenges encountered in the design
process of this innovative, integrated package of fnancial, advisory, and convening services.
Government estimates for annual deforestation and forest deg-
radation rates are 0.25 percent and 0.45 percent, respectively
(based on the readiness Preparation ProposalConaFor
smartlessons 47
In parallel, mexico has actively engaged in the forests
and climate change dialogue at the international level,
and has started to look at the opportunities for cli-
mate change mitigation and adaptation in conjunc-
tion with a sustainable rural development strategy.
after the success in brokering a set of decisions called
the Cancun agreement to move international action
on climate change during the 2010 United nations
Climate Change Conference in mexico, the gov-
ernment of mexico intensifed its participation in
Table 1: Instruments Included in the Forests and Climate Change Package

Instrument Description
Forests and
Climate Change
Program (FIP)
The FIP is a program of the Climate Investment Funds to support developing countries
efforts on REDD+ and promote sustainable forest management. Mexico is one of eight
pilot countries worldwide. FIP resources under CONAFORs responsibility ($42 million)
would be combined with the proposed IBRD SIL.
Status: Approved by the board in January 2012 jointly with SIL.
Forests and
Climate Change
Investment Loan
The SIL will support the government of Mexico in two main areas; 1) Multi-Scale
Institutional Strengthening, and 2) Incentive Programs to Communities. Tentative
amount: $300 million to $350 million.
Status: Approved by the board in January 2012 jointly with SIL.
Resilience and
Climate Change
Policy Loan
Forestry is one of three pillars in the Social Resilience and Climate Change DPL ($300
million). The pillar supports three policy actions: 1) launching of a new collaboration
among CONAFOR and the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment; 2) creation of one
national and three state-level REDD+ civil society Consultative Groups; and 3) inclusion
of REDD+ in the first intermunicipal initiative. The same policy matrix is also supported
by the French Development Agency with a budget support of 300 million.
Status: Negotiated in January 2012. Expected board presentation March 2012.
Forest Carbon
Facility (FCPF)
Mexico is eligible for a $3.6 million grant from the FCPF for Readiness Preparation
(studies and consultations). The activities would culminate in a Readiness Package
consisting of: 1) a national REDD+ strategy; 2) a national forest reference level; 3) a
forest monitoring and verification system; and 4) a system for addressing environmental
and social safeguards. The FCPF also operates a Carbon Fund to pay pilot countries
for demonstrable results in REDD+. Mexico intends to submit a proposal for pipeline
entry in the Carbon Fund; envisaged transactions could be $40 million per pilot country.
Status: FCPF Preparation Grant Agreement ready for signing.
Program on
The Bank mobilized three PROFOR grants to support CONAFOR in: 1) redesigning the
Mexican Forest Fund ($100,000); 2) assessing Mexicos community forestry
enterprises competitiveness in local and global markets ($150,000); and 3) conducting
a SouthSouth collaboration on REDD+ and Payments for Environmental Services with
Costa Rica and Ecuador ($150,000).
Forest Bond
The government of Mexico is currently exploring the possibility of piloting a Forest Bond
with the Banks Treasury Department.
Facility (GEF)
The objective of the Sustainable Production Systems and Biodiversity project is to
conserve and protect nationally and globally significant biodiversity in Mexico through
improving sustainable management practices in the productive landscape in priority
ecological corridors. The Global Environmental Facility funds are $11.7 million.
Status: Expected board presentation April 2012.


Lesson 1: Birds of a feather flock together: mix and match instruments to increase the impact.

Table 1: Instruments Included in the Forests and Climate Change Package
the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)a
50-country partnership for reDD+ administered
by the Bankand became one of the pilot coun-
tries for the new Forest Investment Program (FIP)
a targeted program of the strategic Climate Fund.
simultaneously, the government expressed interest in
engaging with the World Bank in the development
of an integral Package of fnancial, knowledge, and
coordination services to support its forest agenda
while promoting local socioeconomic develop-
ment, strengthening local communities resilience
to climate change, and spearheading the global
efort on REDD+ (see Table 1).
Te main umbrella of this Package is composed of
an IBrD sector Investment loan (sIl) providing
a foundation for the countrys participation in the
innovative Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and
Forest Investment Program.
Tis Package has been recognized as an early example
of the Banks enhanced business model in mexico,
combining investments, advisory, and convening ser-
vices with new fnancial instruments and a focus on
innovation. Te government of mexico considers it
a core element of its climate change adaptation and
mitigation agenda.
However, the innovative nature of the approach encoun-
tered some challenges during design, mainly because:
mexico is a sophisticated client and therefore needs
sophisticated development solutions, not just tradi-
tional projects.
some of the instruments included in the Package
are new, and mexico is one of the frst pilot coun-
tries to experiment with them and to deal with the
new rules and procedures.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Birds of a feather fock together: mix
and match instruments to increase the impact.
Te successful design formula simultaneously combined
fnancial services, knowledge services, and coordination
and convening services. Tese instruments complement
each other, add value, and scale the impact.
mexico requested that the $42 million Forest Invest-
ment Program under ConaFors responsibility be
combined with the $350 million sector Investment
loan to increase the expected impact, simplify the
design process, and reduce transaction costs. Te sIl,
the FIP, and the FCPF are designed in a manner that
allows a two-way iterative process of learning by doing,
where successful pilots from the FIP can be scaled up
through the sIl while also informing the policy design
supported under the FCPF, and vice versa. Te Package
is also coordinated and designed simultaneously with
a development policy loan (DPl) for social resilience
and Climate Change (see table 1), providing politi-
cal visibility and promoting important policy reforms
needed to foster the sIl and FIP. at the same time,
other innovative instruments (see table 1 and Figure
1) support specifc activities, such as southsouth col-
laboration on reDD+, advice on the competitiveness
of community enterprises, and the design of a potential
forest bond with the Banks treasury Department. Te
main focus was on designing an integrated development
solution, instead of a traditional single project, with syn-
ergies that supported an exponential positive impact.
Te Package reaches across sectors and ministerial
boundaries in mexico, and their proposed activities
are organized at forest landscape level. Cross-sector
collaborations involve government agencies in charge
of environment, agriculture, biodiversity, indig-
enous issues, and gender, among others. although
the Forestry Commission will be implementing the
Package, the cross-sector approach enables positive
smartlessons 49
environmental, social, and economic impacts. Tis
approach could be used in the future as an example
for the Global landscape restoration Initiative and
Climate-smart agriculture.
Te packaging of multiple instruments has a mul-
tiplier impact, with a developing solution focus
instead of a single product objective.
Lesson 2: Do not start from scratch; scale up
previous projects and complement the sector
When possible, use frst-hand lessons learned, not just
reports-based experiences. Tis will help to reduce risks
and improve the project design.
Te design of the Forests and Climate Change Pack-
age was built on two decades of Bank operations
Figure 1: The packaging of multiple instruments has a multiplier impact, with a developing
solution focus instead of a single product objective

Figure 1: Packaging of Multiple Instruments
and policy dialogue on forests and climate change in
mexico and was fully aligned with the Banks overall
climate change engagement in mexico (see table 2).
most important, it capitalized on the strategies and
instruments generated under three previous Bank-
supported projects: Community Forestry, Com-
munity Conservation Project for Biodiversity, and
environmental services Project. Tese operations
have succeeded in strengthening social and human
capital and were used to spearhead the initial interven-
tions and lay the groundwork for further investments
and cutting-edge advisory and fnancial services.
moreover, the Package has been coordinated and has
used early experiences learned from the projects of other
partners supporting the national Forests and Climate
Table 2: Stages of climate-change engagement in Mexico, and relationship with the Forests
and Climate Change Package (Forest-related operations are highlighted, and projects
included in the Forests and Climate Change Package are underlined)

This table highlights several significant examples and does not aim to exhaustively illustrate all climate change

Table 2: Stages of Climate Change Engagement in Mexico, and Relationship with the Forests and
Climate Change Package
Note: Forest-related operations are highlighted, and projects included in the Forests and Climate Change Package are underlined.
This table highlights several signifcant examples and does not aim to exhaustively illustrate all climate change activities.
smartlessons 51
Change agenda, including a monitoring and verif-
cation system grant from the norwegian embassy
and a 300 million budget support operation by the
French Development agencywhich uses the same
policy matrix as the Forest pillar of the Banks DPl.
Te Bank organized meetings with donors working
on forest projects in mexico to promote coordina-
tion and mutual learning. ConaFors capacity to
establish partnerships and trustworthy relations with
many development agencies and experts around the
world has been instrumental in building support for
the proposed agenda.
Lesson 3: Innovation is not is always simple: push
the envelope, but understand the ground rules.
Innovation can have a high price. Work closely with the
technical, safeguards, and fduciary teams, and be as
realistic as possible within your boundaries during tech-
nical design.
as a pioneer in reDD+ instruments and global part-
nerships, mexico has had the opportunity to innovate
and guide the process. However, in some cases, the
strategic thinking and technical design moved faster
than the practical considerations. For example, when
discussing implementation arrangements, we realized
that the combined operation was not as simple as
expected. moreover, the rules and framework of the
FCPF and FIP were still being developedand were
sometimes changing during project designhence
leading to the perception of a moving goalpost and
requiring acrobatic explanations with the government
and other stakeholders. Combining specifc donor
requirements with the Banks systems, while fostering
client ownership and multi-stakeholder buy-in, was
not always an easy proposition.
In spite of this bumpy road, the project kept its
innovative nature and straightforwardness. However,
clearer guidelines from the start could have saved
multiple headaches.
Lesson 4: Faster could be the antonym of
easier: be sure to have a committed client and
team when the time is short.
Keep the client and Bank teams fully committed. If the
project is not a priority for both sides, it will be compli-
cated to design it within a limited time frame.
Te client asked that the Package be designed in a
short time frame. Te design of the Package needed
to be faster, but the safeguard, legal, and operational
requirements needed to follow high standards, all the
more considering the visibility and innovative nature
of the operation. It took 12 months from identifca-
tion to Board.
Having a motivated and committed client was a key
element of success. Te vision, technical skills, dedi-
cation, and fexibility of ConaFor and the minis-
try of Finance were outstanding. Te Bank team, all
quarters involved, also displayed tremendous energy
and commitment. external and internal recognition of
the Package as a milestone in the global climate change
agenda boosted the clients and the teams dedication.
one single team was in charge of the Package. It
included staf from environmental, social, rural, safe-
guards, fduciary, and communication units from
the region and the anchor, with in-depth experience
with mexicos institutions and feld conditions and
Previous project demonstrated the value to a gender
focus, which is retained in the sIl/FIP.
knowledge of previous Bank engagements. Tis team
embodied a valuing of institutional memory while also
bringing fresh views and experiences from other parts
of the world.
Lesson 5: Have more open dialogue and fewer
brochures: involve communication strategies
early when the project includes a new topic and
vulnerable stakeholders.
Communication for development is more than words.
Ensure that fnancial and human resources for com-
munication are contemplated in innovative or sensitive
Te Bank team included a communications ofcer
throughout the design phase to ensure information
dissemination. By assessing the needs and scope of
the projectnew topic, thousands of stakeholders
with diferent interests, views, and even language
we saw clearly that we needed to use the principles
of development communication to strive for multi-
stakeholder participation, not just information dis-
semination, education, or awareness raising.
Te team worked closely with the client, ofering
stakeholder workshops, training staf, and journalists,
and giving advice to develop the national communi-
cations strategy for reDD+ and the overall Climate
and Forests Package.
In recent decades, mexico has advanced in the design
and consolidation of a variety of instruments related
to forests and climate change. since the 1990s, the
Banks engagement with mexico in this area has been
increasing, and the new Forests and Climate Change
Package has the potential to become a milestone in
this area and to be replicated in other countries.
Te key early lessons from the design of mexicos For-
ests and Climate Change Package could be relevant
when undertaking new collaborations with similarly
sophisticated and demanding clients that are seeking
development solutions beyond traditional projects.
Te lessons could also be useful in the design of com-
plex operations that include various instruments and
focus on piloting new approaches.
Tough the design of the Package has been exciting,
it also has come with challenges because of its inno-
vative nature, the political time frame, and the com-
plexity of handling multiple innovative instruments
at the same time. Te team always took these chal-
lenges as opportunities for creative thinking, while
building on the solid foundations established over
two decades of successful collaboration. as a result,
as a well-informed external observer pointed out,
the Forests and Climate Change collaboration with
mexico has the potential to become one of the Banks
most successful forestry programs anywhere ever.
aBoUT THe aUTHors
Graciela Reyes Retana is a Junior Professional Associ-
ate in the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD), Latin America and Caribbean
(LAC) Region, working on the Forests and Climate
Change Package in the Mexico country offce.
Mara Carolina Hoyos is a Communications Special-
ist with IBRD, supporting the LAC countries in their
REDD+ communication strategy.
Laurent Debroux is a Senior Natural Resources Spe-
cialist with IBRD and Task Team Leader of the Forests
and Climate Change Collaboration Package with
MexicoSector Investment Loan, Forest Investment
Program, and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility.
Approved by Ethel Sennhauser, Sector Manager, Agri-
culture and Rural Development Unit, LAC Region.
smartlessons 53
Te objective of the Kenya agricultural Carbon Proj-
ect is to increase crop yields and to enhance small
farmers ability to respond to climate change and
weather variability. an additional beneft of adopting
sustainable agricultural land management (salm)
practices is carbon sequestration, which leads to
greenhouse gas mitigation. smallholder farmers will
be able to access carbon-credit markets and estab-
lish additional revenue streams by selling the carbon
a swedish nongovernmental organization (nGo),
Vi agroforestry (Via), is implementing the project
in collaboration with 60,000 smallholder farmers on
approximately 45,000 hectares in western Kenya. Te
project is located on highly degraded land dominated
by mixed cropping systems, mainly for subsistence
farming. average farm size is less than 1 hectare, and
farmers have clear ownership rights to the land. Prior
to the project, few improved agricultural practices
and technologies were used, and the resulting decline
in soil fertility led to low crop yields.
Te project developer provides advisory services that
respond to the specifc needs and questions of farm-
ers. Via extension staf are building capacity on a
wide range of aspects of sustainable agricultural pro-
duction, marketing, and development of farm enter-
prises. Farmers can choose which salm practices
that they would like to adopt, including mulching,
composting, crop residue management, agroforestry
systems, and manure management.
Te nGo works with registered farmer groups
based on contracts that detail the rights and obliga-
tions of both parties regarding service provision and
carbon revenues. Via sells the emission reductions to
the BioCarbon Fund of the World Bank on behalf of
the farmer groups. once payments are made by the
Bank (after project validation by an independent third
party), almost all revenues will be used to beneft the
More Than Just Hot Air:
Carbon Market Access and Climate-Smart Agriculture
for Smallholder Farmers
The Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project is breaking new ground in designing and implementing
climate fnance projects in the agriculture sector. The project is regarded as an innovative
example for climate-smart agriculture within and outside the World Bank. For the frst time,
while increasing productivity and enhancing resilience in the face of climate change, smallholder
farmers in Africa will receive payments for greenhouse gas mitigation based on sustainable
agricultural land management. Quantifcation of carbon sequestration is monitored based on a
newly developed carbon accounting methodology. This SmartLesson describes the key factors
to consider when facilitating the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices and access to
carbon markets for smallholder farmers.
smallholder farmers, partly in the form of direct pay-
ments and partly through the fnancing of advisory ser-
vices. Details of the terms and conditions of the sales of
emission reductions are specifed in the erPa (emis-
sion reduction Purchase agreement) between the Bio-
Carbon Fund and Via, signed in november 2010.
a key innovative element of the carbon fnance project
is the mrV (measurement, reporting, and verifcation)
system to track the amount of emission reductions
generated by the project. Te nGo is implementing
the mrV system, which is based on the frst carbon
accounting methodology for sustainable agricultural
land management. although scientifcally rigorous,
the methodology aims for cost-efective monitoring of
emission reductions (ers) to minimize the transaction
costs and maximize the benefts for farmers.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Get the priorities rightfocus project
design on smallholder farmers interests; frst
come increased crop yields and food security,
and then carbon sequestration.
although the success of carbon fnance operations
is usually measured by the amount of ers deliv-
ered, an agricultural carbon project should focus on
increasing crop yields as a priority. Farmers will only
adopt and maintain practices if they realize increases
in productivity and incomes. Te project team also
should not attempt to convince the project devel-
oper and farmers to change priorities, since doing so
would create false expectations about potential earn-
ings from carbon revenues. ex ante economic and
fnancial analysis of the Kenya agricultural Carbon
Project clearly indicates that the amount of carbon
revenues are expected to be small in comparison with
revenues from increased crop yields. Farmers primary
objective is to achieve increased crop yields under
changing climate conditions; they simultaneously
provide an environmental service in the form of car-
bon sequestration. Tis environmental service should
be rewarded, and carbon revenues can constitute an
attractive co-beneft for smallholder farmers.
Te amount of carbon revenues that a project could
generate should be clearly communicated in the early
stages. In the Kenya project, the Bank team commu-
nicated the level of expected carbon revenues right at
the inception, and the project developer then com-
municated these aspects to the benefciaries.
Lesson 2: Monitor transaction costMRV systems
should be cost-effective and user-friendly.
Carbon payments are relatively small in compari-
son with the benefts of increased crop yields, par-
ticularly given the current prices paid for ers from
a smallholder farm in east africa.
smartlessons 55
a smallholder farmer and his family in east africa.
agricultural land management. However, they can
be an interesting additional incentive for the transi-
tion of agricultural production systems until higher
productivity levels are reached and soil carbon pools
are flled. Terefore, the transaction costs of the addi-
tional activities needed to sell the ers, mainly the
mrV system, need to be contained.
to the extent possible, a project should build on exist-
ing carbon accounting methodologies and integrate
the mrV system into a projects existing monitoring
and evaluation (m&e) system. In general, the project
should build on the existing institutional structure of
the project developer and avoid the creation of new
structures for the carbon component only. Working
with farmer groups instead of with individual farmers
is essential to cost-efciency.
Lesson 3: Carefully select the project
developerstrong extension systems,
innovativeness, interest in learning, and
technical and fnancial capacity are key.
agricultural carbon projects put high demand on the
project developer, particularly since this approach is
still in its infancy. a project developer needs to be
innovative, fexible, and willing to spend sufcient
resources on the complex technical nature of carbon
fnance operations. Te entity should be interested in
learning those aspects thoroughly, in particular how
to make them operational. requirements for proj-
ect approval and verifcation of ers under the exist-
ing frameworks can entail a rather long process. Te
project developer and farmers need adequate time to
become familiar with the concept and the implica-
tions of participating in a project of this nature. Te
project developer should be made aware of those
implications from the very beginning.
Currently, the Bank limits its support of carbon
fnance operations to technical assistance and the
purchase of ers. Tis implies a need for strong fnan-
cial support from other sources for implementing
the project. most important, however, the project
developer should have a strong and demand-driven
advisory system in place. Without a well-established
advisory system, adoption and maintenance of prac-
tices leading to a sustainable increase of crop yields
and carbon sequestration will not happen.
Terefore, selection of the project developer is of
utmost importance. Te Kenyan project included the
following steps in selecting a project developer: 1) a
prefeasibility assessment of the carbon sequestration
potential in Kenyas agriculture sector; 2) a work-
shop, plus a public call for project ideas to identify
technically sound and fnancially viable mitigation
activities; and 3) an in-depth capacity assessment of
short-listed project developers and their project ideas,
plus coaching support to enable them to develop a
realistic and high-quality proposal.
Lesson 4: Technical assistance and capacity
building are key to project successproviding
smallholder farmers access to carbon revenues
requires special technical expertise.
Te Bank task team should be ready to spend time
and resources on digging into a new technical subject
area. If one of the objectives is to actually facilitate
the fow of carbon revenues to smallholder farm-
ers, mrV issues need to be dealt with thoroughly.
technical expertise from outside the Bank should be
tapped into, since the Bank does not have the human
resources to address the issues in necessary depth.
Terefore, additional fnancial resources need to be
identifed early on to provide frst-class and practical
implementation-focused technical assistance.
In this project, additional trust Fund resources were
mobilized. another promising optionalso for scal-
ing upis to link such activities with Bank-supported
investment operations. Further, contract only those
consultants who have actually worked on mrV issues
smartlessons 57
related to land management projects, ideally an agri-
cultural carbon project. otherwise, you risk support-
ing an academic exercise with no operational relevance
to the project. at the same time, however, it is crucial
that capacity for generating ers for market access is
transferred systematically to in-country institutions.
Lesson 5: Focus on areas with high agricultural
potentialcarbon sequestration potential is
higher in areas with high biomass growth.
If the objective is to design a project that leads to
actual carbon payments to farmers, it should focus
on areas with high agricultural potential. Te amount
of emission reductions generated by a carbon fnance
project based on adoption of salm practices is
mainly determined by the actual biomass yield and
how the residues are treated. Biomass yields increase
with favorable agro-ecological conditions. even
though there is certainly huge potential for sustain-
able land management projects in less favorable con-
ditions (focusing primarily on adaptation, which
can also lead to carbon sequestration), the number
of generated ers might not justify a carbon fnance
Te erPa of the Kenya agricultural Carbon Project
was signed in november 2010, and project validation
is scheduled for the frst half of 2012. Farmers have
started to adopt salm practices, and the mrV sys-
tem is being implemented. Te intensive preparation
phase and the frst year of implementation have pro-
vided important lessons that are broadly applicable,
independent of region, country, or specifcs of project
design. obviously, the more farmers included and the
more diverse the farming systems, the more complex
the technical dimension becomes. However, com-
plexity should not be an excuse, given the importance
of learning by doing and the need for exploring prac-
tices and solutions for climate-smart agriculture while
a smallholder farm in east africa.
at the same time fnding mechanisms for rewarding
small-scale farmers for the provision of environmen-
tal services.
Te salm carbon accounting methodologydevel-
oped as part of the projecthas been approved by the
Verifed Carbon standard. Te methodology is in the
public domain and can be used for similar projects,
thereby lowering transaction costs signifcantly. more
technical work needs to be undertaken and innova-
tive approaches explored to further reduce transaction
costs for mrV (without compromising on the accu-
racy of the system).
We also need to connect the dots for more efective
work in the feld. Te Kenya agricultural Carbon
Project is adding knowledge and evidence at difer-
ent levels. It is being used as a good-practice example
for capacity building of interested project develop-
ers in east africaan efort supported by the World
Bank Institute. Viagroforestry and the World Bank
continually inform a wide range of interested stake-
holdersincluding civil society organizations, gov-
ernment ofcials within and outside Kenya, national
and international research organizations, private
sector entities, and development partnersabout
the project concept and its progress. Public aware-
ness raising and consultations are an important ele-
ment of further scaling up climate-smart agriculture
in africa and other regions. Te project also serves
as the basis of technical assistance on readiness for
Climate-smart agriculture in Kenya, supported by
the Danish ministry of Foreign afairs, which aims to
mainstream climate change considerations in Kenyas
agricultural development strategy and programs.
Further, the project is informing the integration of
climate-smart agriculture into the Comprehensive
africa agriculture Development Program, with the
potential of scaling up climate change aspects in
investment plans and operations.
aBoUT THe aUTHor
Johannes Woelcke is a Senior Economist at the World
Banks Agriculture and Rural Development Unit (AF-
TAR) in the Africa Region. He joined the Bank in 2004
as a Young Professional. Johannes is the focal point
for Climate Change and Agriculture in the Africa
Approved by Karen Mcconnell Brooks, Sector Man-
ager, AFTAR, Africa Region.
smartlessons 59
Lessons on Value Chain
Te programmatic approach in IFC advisory services
involves a combination of policy work, public aware-
ness campaigns, and capacity building at the frm
level. typically, a project rolls out frm-level assistance
by training local consultants, who in turn conduct
diagnostic evaluations and train frms. Tese consul-
tants might also be hired to provide in-depth advisory
services for specially selected pilot clients.
although a project may reach many frms with train-
ing, it is difcult to measure results. meanwhile, pilot
interventions are limited to a select number of larger
players who can provide a demonstration efect. Is
there a way to reach many companies while also mea-
suring results?
Te Ukraine Food safety Project has found a formula
that is efective for agribusiness projects and perhaps
other sectors as well. Te approach is simple: We
combine three short assessments with complemen-
tary training, while also partnering with market mov-
ers who can help ensure implementation. as a result,
we are able to accomplish the following:
Demonstrate measurable results more quickly than
we could by working with pilot companies alone;
Build a strong consultant base that will ensure the
sustainability of the product;
reach more clients with demonstrable results and
Tis methodology can be replicated for just about any
frm-level intervention in a variety of sectors. We also
feel that this could be a good way to conduct scoping
in countries where a standalone project is not neces-
sary but where IFC can still play a role.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Using an incremental approach
increases the chances that a company will
engage IFCand allows you to track results.
most advisory projects include some kind of diag-
nostics and training. often the diagnostics are used
to get a foot in the door, in hopes that the frm
will decide to engage IFC for more in-depth work.
GO LITE! Increasing Scale and Impact by
Combining Diagnostics and Training
Lessons from the Ukraine Food Safey Project
The Ukraine Food Safety Project found that the typical way of providing frm-level assistance
conducting an in-depth diagnostic for companies in a pilot project, followed by an offer for
assistancewas scaring off some potential clients with the seeming complexity of the task and
cost. But by offering a lighter, less-intense approach at a cheaper price, we were able to reach
more clients and have a greater impact. This SmartLesson shares some of what we learned.
smartlessons 61
sometimes the company is interested but ultimately
chooses not to engage IFC because the cost and time
required to make the recommended improvements
are too overwhelming. as a result, IFC has invested
its own resources and time in a potential project and
has nothing to show for it. How can we increase the
chances that the frm will continue working with us?
We found that, with those clients that are not ready
to commit to a longer intervention, breaking down
a typical diagnostic into short, focused assessments
lasting no more than one day each is a more efective
approach. Tat way, we can focus on a shorter list of
requirements (which is more manageable to the cli-
ent), we have a good baseline to start from, and there
is a smaller, less overwhelming list of follow-up items.
We then follow up with a standardized training work-
shop for all companies participating in the program,
followed by a one-day consulting visit about one
month laterthen a fnal assessment one month after
that (see table 1). since all the onsite visits are scored,
we can measure how much the companies improve
from visit to visit. In our pilot program conducted in
2010, client companies scores improved on average
from 49 percent in the baseline assessment to 93 per-
cent in the fnal. Preliminary results from our impact
survey also confrm that these clients were able to
increase sales signifcantly to major purchasersin
some cases doubling salessince clients were able
to demonstrate that they had made progress on food
safety. to keep the results as objective as possible, we
assigned a diferent consultant to perform the fnal
Combining diagnostics and training enabled us to
measure the results of our work, and we developed a
scoring system that allows for comparisons between
companies. For example, the frst module contains 51
requirements in the form of a checklist. each require-
ment is rated from 1 (not fulflled) to 4 (requirement
fulflled). During a visit, the consultant reviews scores
with the client and provides suggestions for how to
improve the score for the next assessment. We are
then able to track the efectiveness of the training and
consulting visits. Ultimately, we saw that scores con-
sistently increased after each phase.
By ofering a less-intense product and bunching the
companies into groups for the training, we were
able to keep costs down and ofer discount pricing
to our clients, thus providing a further incentive to
participate. our in-depth advisory package typically
involves about 50 consulting days, plus considerable
IFC supervision, and costs between $20,000 and
$30,000at least 50 percent of which must be cov-
ered by the company. Tis lighter program, by com-
parison, requires only three consulting days on site, a
two-day training session, and minimal travel. In the
pilot phase we ofered a 50 percent subsidy to incen-
tivize participation. since the pilot phase completed
last year, we have priced this package at market rates,
with no subsidy, at about $1,000 per company.
and has nothing to show for it. How can we increase the chances that the firm will continue
working with us?

We found that, with those clients that are not ready to commit to a longer intervention,
breaking down a typical diagnostic into short, focused assessments lasting no more than one
day each is a more effective approach. That way, we can focus on a shorter list of
requirements (which is more manageable to the client), we have a good baseline to start from,
and there is a smaller, less overwhelming list of follow-up items.

We then follow up with a standardized training workshop for all companies participating in
the program, followed by a one-day consulting visit about one month laterthen a final
assessment one month after that (see Table 1). Since all the onsite visits are scored, we can
measure how much the companies improve from visit to visit. In our pilot program conducted
in 2010, client companies scores improved on average from 49 percent in the baseline
assessment to 93 percent in the final. Preliminary results from our impact survey also confirm
that these clients were able to increase sales significantly to major purchasersin some cases
doubling salessince clients were able to demonstrate that they had made progress on food
safety. To keep the results as objective as possible, we assigned a different consultant to
perform the final assessment.

Table 1: Staged Approach

Stage 1:
Initial onsite assessment
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Onsite consultations
Stage 4:
Final onsite
1 day 2 days 1 day 1 day

Combining diagnostics and training enabled us to measure the results of our work, and we
developed a scoring system that allows for comparisons between companies. For example,
the first module contains 51 requirements in the form of a checklist. Each requirement is
rated from 1 (not fulfilled) to 4 (requirement fulfilled). During a visit, the consultant reviews
scores with the client and provides suggestions for how to improve the score for the next
assessment. We are then able to track the effectiveness of the training and consulting visits.
Ultimately, we saw that scores consistently increased after each phase.

By offering a less-intense product and bunching the companies into groups for the training,
we were able to keep costs down and offer discount pricing to our clients, thus providing a
further incentive to participate. Our in-depth advisory package typically involves about 50
consulting days, plus considerable IFC supervision, and costs between $20,000 and
$30,000at least 50 percent of which must be covered by the company. This lighter
program, by comparison, requires only three consulting days on site, a two-day training
session, and minimal travel. In the pilot phase we offered a 50 percent subsidy to incentivize
participation. Since the pilot phase completed last year, we have priced this package at
market rates, with no subsidy, at about $1,000 per company.

Lesson 2: Dont Go Lite alonewhen possible, adapt existing training materials from
international associations.

Table 1: Staged Approach
Lesson 2: Dont Go Lite alonewhen
possible, adapt existing training materials from
international associations.
normally in our in-depth pilot work, we help clients
achieve an internationally recognized food safety certif-
cation. many major retailers will work only with those
suppliers that are certifed according to international
standards; achieving one of these standards makes
business sense for our clients, since it helps increase
their sales. examples of commonly used best prac-
tices are Hazard analysis and Critical Control Points
Good manufacturing Practices (GmP),
and Good Hygiene Practices (GHP). Implementing
these systems helps companies ensure that the food they
produce is safe for their customers, and it helps them
achieve the international standards required by retailers.
In the past, however, helping a client achieve certifca-
tion has been a lengthy processtaking one or two
years. recently, the Global Food safety Initiative
a collaboration between experts, retailers, and food
companies that attempts to harmonize international
standards in food safetydeveloped a shorter, three-
module approach to certifcation. We have begun
using these materials and this approach in helping
our clients meet international safety standards. Using
existing content that has already been endorsed by
market movers has helped us encourage more compa-
nies to start improving their food safety levels.
We now ofer a standardized certifcation process,
with group pricing, for the three levels developed by
the GFsI (see Figure 1):
1. Basic levelroughly corresponding to the prereq-
uisites for HaCCP, including GmPs, GHPs, con-
trol of allergens, and traceability.
2. Intermediate levelincludes HaCCP as well as
food defense, transport, and logistics.
3. advanced level (in development).
Figure 1: Three Levels Developed by GFSI
Whats important here is not the topic (which could
be food safety standards, farmer productivity, resource
efciency, corporate governance, or risk manage-
ment); its the approach. We took care to ensure that
the assessments were focused enough to be conducted
in one day, and the training was focused on this nar-
row list of requirements.
Companies that are not ready to commit to an in-
depth advisory intervention now have the option of a
less-intensive service that costs considerably less. Fur-
thermore, because the modules are standardized and
take less time, we can reach more companies. and
because the content was prepared by GFsI, it already
had the buy-in from a major market mover in our
region: metro Cash & Carry.
HaCCP is an internationally accepted food safety manage-
ment system that is required by many governments, including
the european Union and the United states, for food processors.
HaCCP is a critical component of any international food safety
certifcation plan.
Normally in our in-depth pilot work, we help clients achieve an internationally recognized
food safety certification. Many major retailers will work only with those suppliers that are
certified according to international standards; achieving one of these standards makes
business sense for our clients, since it helps increase their sales. Examples of commonly used
best practices are Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP),
Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and Good Hygiene Practices (GHP). Implementing these
systems helps companies ensure that the food they produce is safe for their customers, and it
helps them achieve the international standards required by retailers.

In the past, however, helping a client achieve certification has been a lengthy processtaking
one or two years. Recently, the Global Food Safety Initiativea collaboration between
experts, retailers, and food companies that attempts to harmonize international standards in
food safetydeveloped a shorter, three-module approach to certification. We have begun
using these materials and this approach in helping our clients meet international safety
standards. Using existing content that has already been endorsed by market movers has
helped us encourage more companies to start improving their food safety levels.

We now offer a standardized certification process, with group pricing, for the three levels
developed by the GFSI (see Figure 1):

1. Basic Levelroughly corresponding to the prerequisites for HACCP, including
GMPs, GHPs, control of allergens, and traceability.
2. Intermediate Levelincludes HACCP as well as food defense, transport, and
3. Advanced Level (in development).

Figure 1: Three Levels Developed by GFSI

HACCP is an internationally accepted food safety management system that is required by many governments,
including the European Union and the United States, for food processors. HACCP is a critical component of any
international food safety certification plan.
smartlessons 63
Lesson 3: Engage market moversthey can
provide incentives for companies to improve
Just as we engaged a global association to develop con-
tent for the training, it was also important to develop
relationships with companies and policymakers that
had the power to transform the market. In our case,
we worked closely with metro Cash & Carry Ukraine,
a global retailer. metro Ukraine signed purchasing
agreements with its suppliers, stipulating that inter-
national food safety certifcation must be reached by
2013, and followed up with letters and presentations
ofering our program to its suppliers. so far, we have
reached over 15 companies with the full program and
hope to reach most of metro Ukraines 120 fresh sup-
pliers in the next year. metro Ukraine also provided
the training space as an in-kind contribution, which
has helped keep our training costs down.
not only did metro Ukraine provide incentives to
join the program, they also followed up with clients
that were not making sufcient progress. For exam-
ple, one company was not demonstrating sufcient
commitment to improving food safety at its fac-
toryits scores, unlike all others in the pilot group,
remained fat from stage one (frst assessment)
to stage Tree (onsite consultation), with a below-
average score of 39 percent. We were concerned and
called metro. metros meat buyer then called the cli-
ent and threatened to take the companys product of
the shelf for the lucrative holiday season. By the fnal
assessment, the company had improved considerably
and achieved a score of 92 percent! It continued to
improve between the basic and intermediate modules
and is now progressing well through the intermediate
level. sometimes only the market movers can provide
the necessary wake-up calls.
However, to reach critical mass and achieve true mar-
ket transformation, we recognize that a partnership
with one market mover is not enough. We recently
launched a joint efort with the Ukraine state Com-
mittee for Veterinary & Phytosanitary services,
Ukraines de facto food safety agency, to roll out the
program. as with metro, this partner will help push
the suppliers to participate: we represent the car-
rot, while the government is the stick, threatening to
revoke export or production permits if companies do
not comply. We hope that we can get another major
retailer on board to help us achieve even greater impact.
Lesson 4: Encourage mentoring.
From the start, we emphasized that this program,
despite the short time frame, is about mentoring the
companies, not auditing them. a train-the-trainer
workshopa one-week training for the consultants,
which included a practical site visitemphasized
not just the technical aspects of the program but
also how to support the clients. Whereas assessments
and audits usually work with a checklist as a starting
point, an auditor only identifes where the company
has not complied with the requirements, and ofers
no solutions for how to improve. During our assess-
ments, the consultants provided concrete solutions
for how to improve scores before the next visit. In
addition, the training specifcally addressed the same
checklist. Because there were representatives from
about 10 companies in each training, frms also had
the opportunity to learn from each other.
We have been in a continual improvement mode
from the beginning, ofering practical exercises for
subjects that are difcult or new for Ukrainian clients.
For example, we were particularly worried that inex-
perience with traceability and allergens, two relatively
new topics for Ukrainian food companies, would
cause our companies to fail the program. Terefore,
we added practical group exercises and tip sheets to
the existing training. In the end, we had signifcant
progress in these areas, especially with allergensall
companies scored 0 percent in the frst assessments
and 100 percent on the fnal assessments.
Lesson 5: Going Lite helps build local capacity
by providing real-life experience in a controlled
Te program is a great testing ground for our con-
sultants. We have found that the pool of consultants
for our in-depth interventions is now larger and more
experienced. We are more comfortable working with
consultants after testing them in this lighter-touch
But we made a mistake by paying a fat rate to all
consultants, regardless of their going rates. In the
beginning, we feared that the paperwork would be
overwhelming and thought it would be easier to pay
a fat rate. In the long run, this approach made things
more complicated; one excellent frm did not want
to work with us, since the rate fell below its normal
rate, while less experienced frms got paid the same
amount as the average.
although we still ofer in-depth advisory services to
select companies, we are fnding in the frst 18 months
of this incremental approach that limited engage-
ment with clearly set milestones and deadlines forces
companies to do more on their own. Consultants are
available for three days on site, but otherwise have
little time to ofer customized advice. We originally
expected that companies would lose momentum in
the six months between the end of the pilot program
and the start of the intermediate program. How-
ever, we found the opposite: companies continued
to improve on their own without hand-holding from
us or the consultants. We therefore believe this incre-
mental approach could work not just in agribusiness
but also for most advisory programs.
aBoUT THe aUTHor
Sarah Ockman is the Manager of the Ukraine Food
Safety Project. Prior to the project launch in October
2009, Sarah worked as a consultant on IFC Access to
Finance projects. In 2011, she presented the results
of this lite-touch program at the GFSI Global Food
Safety Conference in London and for the Japan Food
Safety Day in Tokyo.
Approved by Patrick Luternauer, Regional Business
Line Manager, Sustainable Business Advisory Services,
IFC Europe and Central Asia.
smartlessons 65
Ukraine is a major producer of fresh fruits and veg-
etables. Te commercial market has been growing for
10 years, with growth in 2010 exceeding 35 percent
in spite of the recent economic crisis. most fruits and
vegetables are sold in open markets, with no more
than 15 percent currently sold in supermarkets. How-
ever, with the strong growth of modern retail chains
in recent yearsexceeding 50 percent annually before
the 2008 fnancial crisissales of fresh produce are
likely to shift to supermarkets.
Te potential for further increases in the market for
locally grown fruits and vegetables is strong. Cur-
rently, 59 percent of the fruits and 30 percent of the
vegetables sold in supermarkets are imported. most of
this produce could be grown in Ukraine, which has
excellent climate to support fruit and vegetable culti-
vation. Fruits and vegetables cultivated for domestic
consumption should be competitive with imports:
they are fresher, have lower transportation costs, and
have the potential for superior quality.
Keeping It Fresh! How New Packaging
and Distribution Improved the Fruit and
Vegetable Supply Chain in Ukraine
IFCs Ukraine Fresh Project focused on improving the fresh fruit and vegetable supply chain
as well as the quality of fruits and vegetables for both the fresh market and processing. Key
areas addressed were packaging and logistics, which had evolved from the rough handling of
producea practice adopted following Ukrainian independence 20 years agoto packaging in
cardboard boxes. To increase produce quality and supply chain effciency, the project introduced
the modern system of pooling, in which produce is packaged and distributed in special,
reusable plastic crates (see Box 1). This SmartLesson discusses some of the lessons we learned in
introducing the pooling system to Ukraine.
Box 1: Pooling
Pooling refers to the practice of using reus-
able plastic crates to pack, store, and distrib-
ute goods. Pooling is particularly important in
the supply chain and distribution of perishable
products, such as fruit and vegetables. Once
packed, produce remains in the crate from the
point of departure to the destination at the
shops where it will be sold. Te plastic crates
also serve as the display units in the shops.
Empty crates are collected and reused.
Te benefts are signifcant: more efcient
transport, lower cost, reduced waste, less dam-
age, and ultimately higher quality produce.
Tis system also promotes energy efciency
and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Pool-
ing is widely used in developed countries and
is now being introduced in the countries of the
former Soviet Union.
PaCKagIng anD DIsTrIBUTIon: a
KeY sUCCess FaCTor
one key to improving the competitiveness of Ukrai-
nian fruits and vegetables is in packaging and distri-
bution. Prior to the implementation of the Ukraine
Fresh Project, most Ukrainian produce was packed in
cardboard boxes, and the distribution chain was frag-
mented as a result of several stages of reloading along
the supply chain. Te project was designed to:
Facilitate access to commercial markets for Ukrai-
nian fruit and vegetable farmers by improving qual-
ity and logistics, with a projected increase in sales of
$30 million;
Facilitate investments in the fresh supply chain
storage and logistics, with a target to support in-
vestments by $20 million.
Te project worked with main retail chains, includ-
ing Fozzy,
the largest retail chain in Ukraine and a
leader in fruit and vegetable sales, and evroterminal,
a company based in the odessa region that is plan-
ning for investment in its fruit and vegetable logis-
tics operations. Te work with Fozzy focused on the
development of logistics and the internal cold-chain
handling of fruit and vegetables. Te overall goal was
to increase sales by improving quality and reducing
waste. Te work with evroterminal consisted primar-
ily of providing advisory services to the company on
how to improve the fruit and vegetable portion of the
as of June 30, 2011, project clients reported a com-
bined cumulative increase of $46 million in Ukrai-
nian fruit and vegetable sales and $36 million in
investmentswell above project targets.
DeMonsTraTIng BesT PraCTICes
In late 2006, IFC organized a study tour to turkey
for Ukrainian farmers and local fruit and vegetable
traders to study modern packaging and distribution
practices, among other things. Te following year, an
IFC project in the southern region of nikolaev con-
ducted a feasibility study of the potential market for
pooling in Ukraine and presented research data to
market participants. Te study also included a fve-
year business plan of a pooling company, developed
in cooperation with schoeller arca systems, a lead-
ing global manufacturer of plastic packaging systems.
Fozzy, a locally owned retail company, employs more than
50,000 people and has a 10 percent share of the organized market
as well as an annual turnover of $2 billion.
Pooling in practice.
smartlessons 67
When the fndings and plans were presented to local
retailers and representatives of european companies,
they initially estimated that the market for pooling
services in Ukraine would not develop for at least
fve years. as a follow-up, in the spring of 2008, IFC
organized another study tour to turkey for a group of
representatives of the Ukrainian fruit and vegetable
business to study the experience of using returnable
crates in pooling systems.
Te fnancial crisis in 20082009 led to an increase
in the cost of cardboard boxes used by the fruit and
vegetable industry of Ukraine for packaging and dis-
tribution. Tis in turn led to a renewed interest in
pooling, and several wholesale operators returned
to turkey to carry out additional studies of the sys-
tem during the spring of 2009. Pooling slowly began
to develop in Ukraine. schoeller arca systems also
quickly responded to demand by organizing the pro-
duction of plastic crates in the fall of 2009. From that
fall to the summer of 2010, the Ukrainian company
increased its volume up to one million cases, invest-
ing more than $5 million.
Fozzy was the frst company to adopt the pooling
system for the packaging and distribution of fruit
and vegetables in the country. By the end of 2010,
pooling and the use of plastic crates had been fully
implemented for Ukrainian produce, with encourag-
ing results: efciency in distribution was increased
as well as quality of the produce. Te company esti-
mated that efciency in transport increased by 2030
percent (depending on the produce being trans-
ported) and losses decreased by about 15 percent.
Te increased efciency in transport was as a result
of improved capacity (crates/pallets), and the reduc-
tion in losses was a result of less handling and better
packaging. Te company estimated an annual savings
of about 300,000350,000 kilometers of truck travel
to transport Ukrainian produce alonealso saving
400500 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year,
as estimated by an IFC climate change expert. Fozzy
estimated the annual value of introducing the pooling
system in its fruit and vegetable operation to be $5
million. Based on the positive experiences from fruit
and vegetables, the company also introduced pool-
ing for other perishable products (milk, meat, bread),
gaining an additional $2 million.
For farmers, the value of using returnable crates and
a pooling system is a reduction in damage and losses
(the farmer is paid only for accepted produce) and a
more efective logistics plan at the farm.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Seeing is believing, when it comes to
overcoming the resistance to break from the
usual practice.
Ukrainian frms initially rejected the idea of adopting
the pooling system, citing factors such as cost (it was
too expensive) and timing (it was not the right time
for the Ukrainian market). to overcome this resistance,
the IFC project team organized a study tour to turkey
on the overall fruit and vegetable supply chain in 2006
for farmers and traders. Tis led to a second study tour
in 2008 for retailers, focusing on logistics and distribu-
tion. as a result of the second tour, a number of percep-
tions changed. once Ukrainian frms saw the benefts
of the systemincluding hard fgures that showed cost
savingsthey became enthusiastic about modernizing
their packaging and distribution systems.
Lesson 2: Localize to the context.
Industry information and fnancial models provided
much of the key data needed to demonstrate the value
of pooling. It wasnt enough, however, to merely show
data from europe or turkey. Te fnancial models had
to be localized to refect Ukrainian conditionsfor
example, the size of Ukrainian farms and traders/deal-
ers (there are some signifcantly larger fruit and vegeta-
ble farms as compared with those in Western europe).
refecting local conditions enhanced credibility and had
a greater impact on the study-tour participants. Te
high level of awareness of and access to quality industry
information for IFC projects made it possible to conduct
studies quickly, and it also made it possible to evaluate the
efectiveness of similar projects in other regions.
Lesson 3: Select the best clients to generate
more buy-in.
Tis project relied on working with a selection of cli-
ents to demonstrate new ways of doing business to an
entire sector. Terefore, selecting the best clients was
extremely important. some of the factors we looked
at were: 1) reputationwe wanted to be sure that
others would be looking at the results; 2) willingness
to share their experiencethe clients benefted by
being early adopters of the new technology, but we
wanted them to be willing to show the benefts of the
new system; 3) scalethe operations of the client had
to be big enough for results to be visible; and 4) tech-
nical capacitythe client had to have the resources
to implement the technology and assume the corre-
sponding risks.
Having worked in the fruit and vegetable sector in
Ukraine for 10 years, IFCs technical assistance projects
gained comprehensive information and knowledge
about the sector, sector stakeholders, and important
issues and bottlenecks. Tis was of major importance
in enabling the Fresh project to identify problems,
fnd a good partner/client to support the implemen-
tation of development (in this case a pooling system),
and actually get things done. today, diferent compa-
nies in Ukraine are implementing improvements in
the supply chain, copying the success of Fozzy and
other stakeholders. Te experiences underline again
the importance of a strong understanding of the sec-
tor and the selection of good clients.
Te fruit and vegetable industry is a very impor-
tant part of the food supply in almost all countries
where IFC works. Te problems in Ukrainethe
need for new and modern technologies and the large
bottlenecks in the supply chain (storage, packaging,
distribution)are present in many other countries.
addressing these issues efectively requires a thorough
understanding of the sector and the market in the
relevant country. You have to do your homework: in
Ukraine, we conducted many studies and constantly
researched the issues. With this knowledge, the suc-
cess we had in Ukraine can be replicated in other
countries facing similar challenges.
aBoUT THe aUTHors
Fedir Rybalko is a Business Development Specialist
with the Ukraine Fresh project, based in Kherson, a
region in southern Ukraine.
Ebbe Johnson is a Project Manager and has worked
on various IFC agribusiness projects in Ukraine since
Approved by Patrick Luternauer, Regional Business
Line Manager, Sustainable Business Advisory Services,
IFC Europe and Central Asia.
smartlessons 69
Weather index insurance aims to protect farmers
against weather risks such as droughts and foods. an
index-based weather insurance policy links possible
insurance payouts with the weather requirements of
the crop being insured; the insurer pays an indemnity
whenever the realized value of the weather index meets
a specifed threshold. Whereas payouts in traditional
insurance programs are pegged to actual crop dam-
ages, a farmer insured under a weather index insur-
ance contract might receive a payout, for example, in
the event of too little or too much rain. In this case,
rainfall serves as a proxy for crop water need, which in
turn is correlated with actual crop losses.
some potential advantages of index insurance over
traditional crop insurance include the elimination of
feld loss assessments, reduced information require-
ments and bureaucracy, greater transparency that
facilitates reinsurance, and lower costs and greater
afordability for farmers.
Insurance is generally the frst thing that comes to
mind for most people when they think of risk, yet it
is important to understand that, in agriculture, risk
management consists mainly of three types of activity:
Mitigation covers a number of traditional activities.
From irrigation to hybrid seeds, from vaccinations
to pest control, many agricultural activities are real-
ly the application of risk management approaches.
Transfer is the simple act of passing ones fnancial
risk to a third party, who is prepared to accept it in
exchange for a fee or premium for the serviceas, for
example, in insurance and commodity price hedging.
Coping comes into play after the fact, when an in-
dividual takes physical or fnancial measures to deal
with the impact of a risk once it is realized.
Before embarking on the use of a particular prod-
uct, it is imperative to identify the risk and assess the
potential application of one or a combination of these
risk management activities, including insurance.
To WII or Not to WII? Practical Lessons from
Implementing Weather Index Insurance for
Weather index insurance (WII) is a new product, and numerous pilots around the world have
experimented with it. But despite the potential promise of the product, the results in the feld
have been mixed. The Agricultural Risk Management Team of the World Bank has written
a guidance document that distills almost eight years of effort researching, developing, and
implementing pilot projects for weather index insurance in developing countries. It analyzes the
advantages, challenges, and implications of implementing weather index insurance programs.
This SmartLesson summarizes the key messages of a recently released discussion paper from the
Agriculture and Rural Development department, titled Weather Index Insurance for Agriculture:
Guidance Note for Practitioners. It is a distillation of the fndings of almost eight years of
research and development work on the topic, and the major lessons are summarized below.
smartlessons 71
since the late 1990s, there has been a lot of discus-
sion and debate about the promise and potential uses
of index-based insurance in agriculture in developing
countries. a 2005 World Bank publication, Man-
aging Agricultural Production Risk, set out in some
detail the potential benefts of index insurance and
some early examples of its application in developing
countries. since that time, a large amount of research
and piloting of the product has been undertaken both
within and outside of the World Bank, largely target-
ing small farmers. However, despite this experience
and efort, there have been few examples of successful
scale-up at the farmer level without the help of policy
or fnancial tools by governments, heavy fnancial
support from donors, or both.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Prefeasibility work is important, since
data series may be incomplete or missing.
Te need for accurate and reliable data for the estab-
lishment of the index creates major challenges in
many developing countries. For years there has been
underinvestment in meteorological services and infra-
structure in developing countries; as a result, data
series are often simply not available. Tese data are
necessary for the implementation of pilot programs,
and practitioners should identify whether these are
available at the outset of the activity. In certain cases
there may be alternative solutionsfor example, con-
structing synthetic weather data by interpolating feld
and satellite-based observations to create a higher
resolution data grid.

WII : Advantage and Results

Claimed Advantages of WII
Reduces adverse selection
Reduces moral hazard
Eliminates field loss assessment
Simplifies information
requirements for farmers
Lowers administrative costs
Facilitates reinsurance
Increases Transparency
WII Piloting Results
Few examples of successful scale-up
Not much clarity about the
successes and failures
Limited dialogue and information
exchange on the topic
Lack of technical guidance on when,
why, and how to proceed with WII
Limited information on practical,
technical, and operational challenges
on implementing WII
Lack of information on building
blocks and necessary pre-requisites
for launching WII programs

WII : Advantage and Results

Claimed Advantages of WII
Reduces adverse selection
Reduces moral hazard
Eliminates field loss assessment
Simplifies information
requirements for farmers
Lowers administrative costs
Facilitates reinsurance
Increases Transparency
WII Piloting Results
Few examples of successful scale-up
Not much clarity about the
successes and failures
Limited dialogue and information
exchange on the topic
Lack of technical guidance on when,
why, and how to proceed with WII
Limited information on practical,
technical, and operational challenges
on implementing WII
Lack of information on building
blocks and necessary pre-requisites
for launching WII programs
Lesson 2: The implementation of index
insurance plans is technically very challenging,
and there is a lack of capacity in those countries
where it would be most useful.
Tere is currently a lack of technical capacity in the
insurance sectors of most developing countries, which
is a constraint to the scaling up and further develop-
ment of WII. although it is possible, on a pilot basis,
to use external consultants to design an index product
and assist in rollout, marketing, and sales, such assis-
tance is not possible on a wide scale, simply because of
the lack of qualifed professionals. It usually requires
intricate mathematical modeling, data manipulation,
and expertise in crop phenology (the study of how
plant life relates to variations in the climate) to design
an index.
Until such time as local capacity in these and other
areas is developed, there will be a heavy reliance on
scarcely available international technical assistance.
Te technical expertise required also makes the prod-
uct expensive and difcult to market to potential
Lesson 3: Farmers actually want full indemnity.
The very nature of an index-based product
creates the chance that insured parties may not
be paid when they suffer a loss.
Index products do not ofer exact indemnity
a farmer can sufer a loss and not receive a payout,
either because the index was not triggered or because
the loss was caused by a variable not covered by the
index. Tis would be the case if, for example, a farmer
had drought coverage and his crop was destroyed by
a pest. Generally, farmers want indemnity from loss,
no matter what the cause. It is possible to structure
insurance with multiple indexes, but this increases the
complexity of the product and makes it difcult for
farmers to comprehend it.
Basis risk is also a particular problem for index
products. It is frequently caused by the fact that mea-
surements of a particular variable, such as rain, may
difer at the insurers measurement site and on the
farmers feld. Tis also creates problems for insurance
providers. Insurers face serious reputational problems
when farmers pay premiums and sufer losses not cov-
Sample Feasibility Assessment
Highlights: Feasibility Assessment
Prefeasibility assessment
Technical feasibility assessment
Assessing practicality of field
Exposure assessment
Hazard assessment
Index assessment
Vulnerability assessment
Highlights: Feasibility Assessment
Prefeasibility assessment
Technical feasibility assessment
Assessing practicality of field
Exposure assessment
Hazard assessment
Index assessment
Vulnerability assessment
Highlights: Feasibility Assessment
Prefeasibility assessment
Technical feasibility assessment
Assessing practicality of field
Exposure assessment
Hazard assessment
Index assessment
Vulnerability assessment
smartlessons 73
ered under the index. Insurers run the risk that such
incidents negatively afect other products that they
sell in the market. Part of the reason the scaling up
of index products has failed is that both insurers and
farmers sufer from this basis risk.
Lesson 4: There are practical challenges to
product rollout and the establishment of a
sustainable pilot, including the willingness of
farmers to pay.
Te rollout of a product and its sale to potential poli-
cyholders can be very time consuming and compli-
cated. In addition to all the technical challenges of
establishing a weather index, it is not assured that
farmers will be willing or able to pay premiums. most
farmers in developing countries have extremely low
disposable incomes and a limited awareness of fnan-
cial products such as insurance. Given this, most are
reluctant to pay insurance premiums, because many
do not monetize their cropsespecially if their gov-
ernment has a history of writing of debts or provid-
ing compensation. add to this the complexity of
explaining how WII works and on what basis payouts
are calculated, and it is clear that demand is a real
obstacle to scaling up.
even though WII may not require a local presence for
feld-level assessments, it does require local presence
during product rollout and sales. extensive awareness
activities and training are necessary to ensure that
farmers understand the product. Te costs inherent in
such a process are prohibitive for most local insurance
companies and therefore a major constraint to prod-
uct development. likewise, banks and local partners
may be hesitant to cooperate, and it may take a long
time to market and sell the product to consumers in
potentially remote farming communities.
Lesson 5: Legal ambiguity will continue to
threaten the use of WII.
Bear in mind that there is a lack of clarity as to the regu-
latory and legal status of index-based products in nearly
all jurisdictions. Clearly, index products do not align
with the traditional defnition of insurance, because
they do not indemnify actual loss and policyholders
do not need to have an insurable interest before they
purchase an index-based contract. Certain commen-
tators have referred to these products as little more
than gaming or lottery-type activities. Without strict
regulation, buyers of these products will not have
their interests protected by law.
experience with the product has been mixed, but
there appear to be some promising applications that
can beneft farmers in developing countries. some
areas in which WII or other index-type products
show promise include the following:
For large-scale commercial farmers. For large-scale
farmers who have clearly identifable and insurable
losses, and revenue streams that enable them to pay
premiums, WII can be an interesting option, espe-
cially where traditional insurance is either not avail-
able or too expensive.
As a fnancing tool for social protection plans. WII
may not be for the poorest of the poor because of
their inability to pay premiums or lack of insurable
interests. But the use of indexes at a district, regional,
or national level can be a useful tool to generate funds
for social protection measures in natural disasters.
obviously, the issue of who will pay the premium and
the establishment of distribution channels are impor-
tant parts of the product design.
Portfolio risk management for intermediaries.
Input suppliers, banks, and processors often lend
cash or products to a wide group of farmers and are
therefore exposed to the same production risks. Te
use of WII by such intermediary stakeholders can be
efective in reducing their exposure to certain risks.
However, care should be taken, because many risks
that actually drive farmer default cannot be covered
by WIIfor example, side selling, price risk, and
quality issues. In addition, there is a possibility that if
a farmer is aware that the counterparty has insurance,
the farmer will be more likely to default, even where
default is not due to a risk covered by the index.
Sovereign risk transfer at the macro level. If a
country is running a contingent risk that relates to
a weather variable, the use of a WII product can be
extremely useful. although at this level the product is
slightly diferenta derivative, as opposed to insur-
ancethe general principles are the same. Te pay-
outs received from such a derivative could be used
to stabilize budgetary shocks, purchase food for vul-
nerable populations, or fnance social safety-net pro-
grams. although this is a very attractive form of risk
management, countries often cannot fnance premi-
ums, or they face political challenges in the use of
public funds for nontangible and potentially risky
premium payments.
Contingent fnance, as opposed to risk transfer.
Very similar to the previous application, the use of
parametrics related to contingent fnancing is another
interesting use of the index model. However, in con-
tingent fnancing, a country faces slightly less risky
premium payments, which are replaced by much
smaller commitment fees to access a line of credit,
if needed. Te main advantage for politicians is that
they do not have to pay relatively large amounts of
money and potentially receive nothing in return
with contingent fnance, they have to pay back the
credit used to compensate losses, but only if the risk
is realized.
Tis smartlesson describes lessons derived from a
number of agricultural index-based weather insur-
ance pilot activities by the World Bank and its part-
ners. It should be noted, however, that the feld
continues to develop, evolve, and beneft from inno-
vations in many technical areas, with a number of
new approaches being tested by other institutions.
Weather index insurance faces many challenges, but
if a number of obstacles are overcome, it might still
hold some potential for risk transfer in the agriculture
sector in developing countries.
aBoUT THe aUTHors
This SmartLesson was written by the Agricultural
Risk Management Team of the Agriculture and Rural
Development Department of the World Bank, under
the leadership of Marc Sadler (Task Team Leader). The
core team working on this document consisted of (at
various times) Erin Bryla-Tressler, Joanna Syroka, Julie
Dana, Ornsaran Pomme Manuamorn, Alex Lotsch,
William Dick, Andrea Stoppa, Sandro Calmanti, Erik
Chavez, Xavi Gine, Panos Varangis, Ulrich Hess, Steve
Jaffee, Carlos Arce, Jerry Skees, Mario Miranda, Rich-
ard Carpenter, Olivier Mahul, Ramiro Itturioz, David
Rohrbach, Diego Arias, John Nash, Hector Ibarra,
Pablo Valdivia, Roy Parizat, and Vikas Choudhary.
Approved by Mark Cackler, Manager, Agriculture and
Rural Development Department of the World Bank.
smartlessons 75
after more than a decade of internal debate by min-
istries and local authorities, the China Farmers Pro-
fessional Cooperative law (CFPCl) was passed in
november 2006 and enacted in July 2007. With the
passage of this legislation came a rapid growth in the
number of farmer cooperatives. according to statistics
from the ofcial cooperative registrar ofce, the state
Industry and Commercial Bureau, 407,600 farmer
cooperatives with a combined membership of 7.8
million and equity capital of 502.4 million Chinese
renminbi (approximately $79 million) had registered
by the end of march 2011.
although the progress in numbers is impressive, a key
issue for the development of cooperatives in China
will be governanceor, in short, who owns and con-
trols them. Various feld studies suggest that most
farmer cooperatives have a heterogeneous member-
ship, and that the agricultural activities of members
vary tremendously in type and scale. large, wealthy
households with signifcant economic and political
infuence in their village or township often exercise
a dominant infuence over cooperative decisions and
can reap disproportionate benefts. some are initiated
and controlled by nonfarmers, most commonly gov-
ernment ofcials or leading agribusiness enterprises.
many others are organized through the company
and households model, in which a leading com-
pany and other key shareholders, such as government
ofcials, control the shares. many local governments
regard these mixed-membership cooperatives as a
means to support their local economic champion,
and these types of cooperative often receive signif-
cant support in the form of tax breaks and subsidized
interest on loans or grants. Tey can be characterized
by the following:
A blockholder governance structure. Te block-
holder model tightly links ownership and control.
managers are supervised by a concentrated group of
blockholdersindividuals who own a large portion
of the organizations shares. In the blockholder ap-
proach, large shareholder blocks are held by big busi-
nesses or controlled by families, ethnic networks,
or authorities. Te board of directors is made up
of representatives from these various blockholders.

as blockholders, many big households exploit the
cooperative to their own ends, and smaller produc-
Supporting Smallholders while Promoting
Farmer-Controlled Cooperatives in China
Farmer cooperatives in China have seen tremendous developments and increases in membership.
But making them more benefcial for Chinas millions of smallholder farmers remains a challenge.
Promoting farmer-controlled cooperatives within the existing institutional country context is a
challenging and long-term agenda requiring a strong focus on the ultimate benefciaries and
engagement well beyond a single fscal year, study, or project. Given the blockholder structure of
many cooperatives, ensuring that smallholders beneft will be diffcultbut not impossible. This
SmartLesson suggests ways to promote the smallholder role in Chinese farmer cooperatives.
ers remain peripheral members. Voting rights are in
proportion to shares of equity contribution rather
than one member, one vote. small producers do
not, or are not allowed to, contribute capital to the
cooperative; as a result, many of these members be-
come alienated from what should have been their
own organization. Tis gives smallholders little or
no infuence on issues that should be of direct con-
cern to them, such as the marketing and pricing of
their products. Te core members capture the lions
share of surpluses of profts and capitalized govern-
ment grants.
Exclusivity. small farmers are forced to operate
under the umbrella of the cooperatives, because
the leading enterprise will not deal with individual
producers. Tis is because of its concern with food
safety, compliance with government regulation,
and the transaction costs of dealing with individual
small producers.
Lack of bargaining power. smallholders are often
the majority, but they have difculty exerting bar-
gaining power with the actors downstream of the
supply chain. Given a cooperatives relatively small
scale of operation and inability to integrate forward
along the supply chain, smallholders have to obey
the terms of trade specifed by these companies. In
addition, core members of the cooperative often
raise funds for project investments by recruiting new
members, but they often refuse to grant voting rights
to new members.
Te resulting pattern of cooperative development has
serious shortcomings but seems to be the outcome of
Chinas agricultural industrialization, given its economic
development goals and political economy. However,
farmer cooperatives are dynamic institutions. Devel-
opment partners, including the World Bank, can play
a crucial role in shaping these organizations to yield
greater beneft and control for smallholder farmers.
Group meeting of vegetable growers in sichuan.
smartlessons 77
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Though the ultimate focus should
be on smallholders and benefciaries, pursue
changes at the highest policy levels.
Te Banks frst support for introducing farmer orga-
nizations into China dates back to 1993 when, under
the agricultural support service Project, it promoted
smallholder farmers forming various types of pro-
ducer organizations toward the goal of improving
their competitiveness. Te project fnanced several
visits of groups of policymakers to study farmers
associations and other self-help groups in australia,
the United states, and other countries. However, at
that time, the Chinese government did not initiate
reforms based on the experience gained.
But work continued. In 2006, the Bank undertook
an analytic and advisory activities (aaa) study
China Farmers Professional association: review and
Policy recommendationsin parallel with the leg-
islative process of the CFPCl. Te study engaged
all key stakeholders, including the ministry of agri-
culture, the Development research Center (DrC),
leading research institutes, and local governments. It
commissioned feld studies to examine various pilot
activities at the grassroots level and understand the
pattern of producer groups.
Te Bank also supported policy studies of govern-
ment think thanks to review the practices of producer
groups worldwide and develop policy recommen-
dations to legislators. Tis included a discussion on
internationally accepted principles for farmer coop-
eratives and their diferences with other groups and
business organizations. to this end, a number of
international conferences sponsored by the Bank, the
DrC, and the Canadian International Development
agency were conducted in Beijing. Tese studies and
events have given Bank staf solid ground to argue for
farmer cooperatives, and the ability to expose Chinese
counterparts to the most relevant experiences from
around the world.
a policy study report summarizing key fndings and
policy recommendations was also widely dissemi-
nated to policymakers, legislators, and the develop-
ment community in 2006. as a result, some of the
Banks key messages were ultimately incorporated
into the CFPCl, including changes to ownership and
beneft structure.
Lesson 2: Ensuring that project benefts accrue
to the intended benefciary is often more
diffcult than it seems. Bank teams need to play
a balancing role.
Given the power structure in many rural commu-
nities, smallholders are often at the mercy of larger
blockholders and infuential government ofcials.
Bank task teams need to provide accountability by
pointing out these imbalances and other inconsis-
tencies, with the objective of benefting all coopera-
tive members. Tis allows smallholder producers to
beneft from project investments by participating in
project activities.
Bank supervision missions have played a key checks
and balances rolethis has been crucial, because
the intended benefciaries are usually vulnerable, and
other project partners do not always have sufcient
capacity to carry out these initiatives. For example,
under the Henan ecological livestock Project, the
county project management ofces usually report
to county line bureaus, as is common to all projects
in China. often, bureau leaders intervene to select
specifc contractors; sometimes the ones they favor
are too large and not eligible for participation in the
a World Bank supervision mission reviewed the doc-
umentation in the project management ofces and
interviewed the project households and farms. once
this inconsistency was identifed, the Bank discussed
it with the project management ofces and asked for
Te consistent focus of our work has been that the
benefts of cooperatives accrue to the farmers them-
selves. Tis requires accountability, and often project
teams must provide the checks and balances to correct
any imbalances in the system.
Lesson 3: Standard contracts and registration
with the CFPCL help ensure that smallholders
are protected.
Te above-mentioned Henan ecological livestock
Project aims to ensure adoption of improved envi-
ronmental health management practices on targeted
livestock farms. local authorities are banning small-
holders backyard production because of concerns
for food safety, animal health, and public health. as
a result, the project emphasizes that it is crucial for
smallholder producers to adopt environmentally sound
livestock production practices if they want to continue
earning their livelihood from livestock production and
expand into larger commercial production.
Te projects approach is to support farmer coopera-
tives in building new livestock parks and farms. Dur-
ing project appraisal, the Bank task team found that
small producers were discriminated against in owner-
ship and beneft structure when they moved into the
parks and farms run by cooperatives dominated by
large households. In light of this, the project manage-
ment ofces at all levels are required to use standard
contract templates to ensure that small producers
receive fair treatment when they join these coopera-
tives. Te contracts state clearly that the small produc-
ers should have equity share, have a voice in decision
making, and receive shares of profts based on sales.
task teams have kept a close supervision and support
relationship with government partners to ensure that
policies and project standards related to cooperatives
are complied with. Te goal is to ensure that these
organizations are registered in the ofcial registrar
ofce and that they comply with the CFPCl, have
adequate capacity to run facilities supported by the
project, and can beneft from relevant capacity-build-
ing activities. Tese steps will allow the small produc-
ers to hold a cooperatives management accountable
and ensure that project investments are owned and
managed by the co-op as a whole rather than by the
large households. Without proper checks and bal-
ances, including through the Banks involvement, the
lions share of project investments will be captured
by large households with strong social and economic
Lesson 4: To beneft smallholders, the minimum
number of members for a meeting should be
increased, and any individuals maximum voting
right should be reduced.
small steps can make signifcant changes. to ensure
that control of cooperatives rests with small producers,
who account for the vast majority of cooperative mem-
bership, the minimum number of members required
to move to a meeting of delegates should be increased
signifcantly. Currently, the CFPCl stipulates 150
members; Germanys cooperative law, by compari-
son, requires 1,500. Further, any individual members
maximum voting right should be reduced (currently
a member can have as much as 20 percent of voting
right), and a greater share of operating surplus should
be allocated to members based on volume of trade with
the cooperatives (currently, 40 percent of operating
surplus can be allocated based on investments).
another area for improving the CFPCl is to better
regulate transactions between members and nonmem-
bers. Te volume of business with nonmembers cur-
rently is not restricted as it is in other countries, such
as the United states, where business with nonmembers
cannot outweigh business conducted with members.
smartlessons 79
Finally, the CFPCl should also require the appoint-
ment of an external auditor for the cooperative. an
external audit is critical to ensure that the cooperative
is acting in the best interests of its membership. In
particular, the external audit should assess the perfor-
mance of the board of directors and management in
meeting the objectives of the cooperative and ensur-
ing their member-oriented efectiveness.
Changes in Chinas corporate governance structure are
required before signifcant further success of member-
owned and member-controlled farmer cooperatives
can be achieved. specifcally, the emergence of stron-
ger minority shareholder protections appears to be a
necessary condition, since such protections would sig-
nal both a change in the underlying power structure
of the economy and a change in the power of small
investors at the frm level. Tese outcomes will require
even more fundamental changes in the institutional
underpinnings of Chinas society and economy. Te
World Bank and other development agencies need to
understand the institutional environment into which
cooperatives are being introduced.
Te Bank should continue its long-term engage-
ment in developing farmer cooperatives in China and
improving the CFPCl. Te vision should remain of
allowing small producers to be efectively included
in modern supply chains and high-value markets.
Continued work should focus on the relationship
between patron members and investor members, ben-
eft structures, and core-periphery membership. such
initiatives would refect a multistakeholder process
for linking small producers to modern markets and
including them in the value chain.

aBoUT THe aUTHors
Achim Fock is a Senior Economist in the Agriculture
and Rural Development Unit (AFTAR) of the Africa
Region, based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He worked
for the World Bank on agriculture and rural develop-
ment in China from 2001 to 2008 and was based in
Beijing from 2004 to 2007.
Jun Zhao is a Rural Development Specialist with the
China and Mongolia Sustainable Development Unit
(EASCS) in the World Bank Offce in Beijing. He is
working on a wide range of the World Banks rural
and agricultural development projects in China.
Approved by Paul Kriss, Acting Manager, Sustainable
Development Department, the World Bank Offce in
Cooperative training given to a group of herders in
Inner mongolia.
With an excellent climate and nearly perfect soil,
Vinnitsa, a region in central Ukraine, is a prime
area for growing fruit. Tis explains why a number
of fruit processors have been attracted to the region.
one such food processor is agrana, an austrian frm
majority owned by raifeisen Bankan IFC invest-
ment client. Te company set up shop in Vinnitsa
to produce apple juice concentrate and fruit prepara-
tions used for everything from yogurt to Pepsi.
Te plant has a total processing capacity of 200,000
tons of fruit per year. at frst, it worked at a fairly high
capacity use of 60 percentprocessing 120,000 tons
of fruit per year. But the apple orchards, which have a
productive life of about 30 years, had been planted in
soviet times. Teir productivity peaked in the 1990s,
when the economy was wrenching itself away from a
centralized system to a free-market one.
one consequence was that subsequent investments
in orchards didnt happen. everything was neglected,
from nurseries to fertilizer. as a result, in the early
2000s, orchards became less productive, and agranas
processing facility was able to get only 1530 percent
of the inputs it needed, such as apples, pears, apricots,
cherries, and berries. so agrana was not processing as
much fruit as its capacity would allow. Tis is when
IFC stepped in to provide some much-needed exper-
tise via the Ukraine Vinnitsa Fruit Project.
IFC has been active in Ukraine since the early 1990s,
starting with a farm and land privatization project
and then moving to the agricultural supply chains. It
partnered with Chumak (a swedish-owned agripro-
cessor in southern Ukraine), sandora (a leading local
juice producer), and loostdorf Dairy to increase
farmer output and quality within their supply chains.
IFC and agrana agreed that the Ukraine Vinnitsa
Fruit Project would focus on apples and berries, with
the aim of increasing the raw material base of agrana
by making area growers more productive. agrana also
worked with IFC on the introduction of best prac-
tices to farmers, using pilot demonstration farms
that allowed new varieties of fruits to be grown using
Connecting Fruit Suppliers and Processors:
A Comprehensive Approach in Ukraine
Although Ukraine has some of the best agricultural land in the world, the countrys agricultural
system lags behind Europe and North America in productivity. This is primarily because of
outdated production technologies, lagging skills at the farm level, and limited access to fnancing
and high-quality inputs. There is also a lack of a long-term partnership mentality along the
supply chain. Modern processors of agricultural products and local farmers dont fully connect
processors often want producers to serve as exclusive suppliers, while producers often prefer
bringing their products to the fresh market. This SmartLesson describes how the Ukraine Vinnitsa
Fruit Project addressed these issues by working with local farmers so that they could become
reliable, high-quality suppliers to Agranaa large processor. It also shares lessons we learned in
the process, some unintentionally, which contributed to overall project success.
smartlessons 81
diferent kinds of growing techniques, including dif-
ferent irrigation techniques, fertilizers, and inputs.
Tese techniques were introduced broadly in Ukraine
through public education, how-to manuals, and other
methods. Besides technical advice, the project helped
farmers with business planning and legal issues. Pub-
lic education programs were held in partnership with
agrana, input suppliers, and fnancial intermediaries.
Te project also convinced agrana that if a farmer
could produce higher quality products and sell part
of the harvest to the fresh market at higher prices,
the farmer could generate enough income to invest
in new fruit plantations and technological upgrades.
Tis would ensure an increase in fruit production
and, as a result, a stable supply to agrana over the
long term. overall, the project was a success. Farmers
were able to meet the needs of agrana and become
more successful as businesses.
Demo-feld visit at Project annual seminar, Growing strawberries, June 2011.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Get agricultural input suppliers to
make pilot farms cheaper and more effective by
providing inputs and advice to farmers.
Pilot farms are a great way to introduce best practices
in agriculture to local farmers. Tey allow experi-
mentation under local conditions without great risk
or cost to farmers. However, pilot farms cost money.
Besides renting land, you need knowledge, skills, and
all of the agricultural inputs, such as seeds, fertilizers,
crop protection products, and equipment. It may be
possible to get donors to support these investments,
but you can stretch donors funds by having potential
benefciaries provide inputs and advice to the pilot
farm. Ten use donor funding to involve leading
independent consultants who can ensure complete
and objective support to the pilot farmer, as well as
the efective dissemination of lessons learned.
Te Vinnitsa project used agricultural suppliers in
this way, including plant material and seed suppliers,
crop protection and fertilizer suppliers, and machin-
ery and equipment suppliers. Tere was a natural
incentive for the suppliers to participate: by investing
their resources to show farmers new techniques, they
were creating a market for themselves. With project
support, Vinnitsa fruit farmers invested about $40
million over six years in new plantations, machinery,
and equipment.
In making this happen, our role was to identify the
input suppliers and technologies most suitable for
the pilot farms, given the demands of the market. We
then conducted an analysis to determine the relative
benefts of the new techniques over traditional farm-
ing methods. Finally, we conducted a number of outreach
campaigns (described below) to disseminate the results
and, hopefully, achieve greater development impact.
Lesson 2: Be very, very picky when selecting
international consultants.
Introducing global best practices usuallythough
not alwaysinvolves bringing in foreign experts as
consultants. But just because a consultant is a for-
eigner and has a solid-looking CV doesnt mean he
or she will do the job well. Te expert you choose can
make or break a project. Picking the wrong person
can damage your credibility and reduce the impact of
your entire project. so it pays to be selective:
Give potential consultants test assignments. Prepare
a hypothetical situation that includes local condi-
tionsdescribe, for example, legal, climate-related,
or logistical challengesand ask the consultant to
explain his or her approach to this situation. Keep
an eye out for consultants who factor in local reali-
ties when outlining their approach and solutions.
Tis enables you to weed out cookie cutter con-
sultants who recommend identical solutions re-
gardless of local circumstances.
tap into your network to both identify and check
up on the consultant. Global agri-specialists tend to
know each other, so if the proposed candidate has
a reputationwhether good or badyou should
be able to fnd out about it. If your network isnt
extensive yet, contact IFC agricultural people in in-
vestment and advisory services in other countries to
fnd out what they know.
look for consultants who know your region. al-
though there are undoubtedly many excellent con-
sultants in other parts of the world, someone who
already has local knowledge is more likely to be
efective, because he or she has already ridden up
the learning curve. But make sure you dont select
someone just because of local experiencethink of
it as a tiebreaker when you have several experienced
candidates to choose from.
smartlessons 83
Lesson 3: Dont overload your farmer clients
with seminars; use a range of training and
coaching vehicles.
seminars can be boring if you just throw facts and
fgures at farmers. a better approach is to organize an
annual conference that focuses on a specifc, appli-
cable topic, such as growing apples. Because the con-
ference happens only once a year, the key players are
more likely to come. some other benefts of an annual
conference include the following:
Te key players, including farmers, processors, in-
put suppliers, and agro-fnance institutions, have
an excellent opportunity to network. IFCs name
provides the stamp of credibility that enhances the
reputation of the event.
Te conference provides an excellent way to intro-
duce materials, such as how-to manuals for farmers.
It enables the results from pilot farm demonstra-
tions to be broadly disseminated.
Te press is more likely to be interested and cover
the event, providing broader reach for the messages
you wish to convey.
In the Ukraine Vinnitsa Fruit Project, annual the-
matic seminars were combined with a range of other
training vehicles, including practical training and
workshops in smaller groups, individual advice and
coaching, tV and radio educational programs, and
study tours to enable farmers to learn about new
developments that could not be introduced through
the pilot demo-testing program (because they require
larger investments and periods greater than one year
to see results).
Lesson 4: Develop your local staff into highly
skilled experts who can provide commercially
sustainable extension services.
Ukrainian IFC staf who worked on the project devel-
oped expertise that proved commercially sustainable
after the project ended. Tanks to a unique pricing
study tour to Usa, august 2011. Visit to stemIlt (Washington state). Farmers are learning about fruit postharvest
handling, storage and marketing technologies.
plan for study tours and assistance, farmers were will-
ing to pay for technical, fnancial, and legal advice as
well as for their training; likewise, the team learned
which farmers were willing to pay for these services,
and how much. to introduce payment, we began by
ofering a free study tour to approximately 20 farm-
ers. later, a second tour was ofered at 50 percent of
cost, and a third at 80 percent. Farmers were willing
to pay at these rates, once they had seen the value
of the training and advice received. subsequent itera-
tions have been conducted with farmers paying the
full cost. In short, farmers valued the knowledge and
expertise of consultants and IFC stafand were will-
ing to pay for it. although this was not an original
aim of the project design, it turned out to be a valu-
able outcome. In the future, project designers should
consider making an extension service spin-of part of
the project exit strategy. Te following are benefts of
this approach:
local capacity developed and available to farmers
Greater long-term impact;
Higher degree of sustainability;
more motivated staf.
Lesson 5: Make the pie bigger by focusing on
the viability of farmer suppliers in general, not
just on supply issues for your agriprocessing
although the project was built around the needs
of an agriprocessor partner, we also considered the
needs of others in the supply chain. Farmers supply
both processors and the fresh fruit market. naturally,
local agrana management wanted to limit assistance
to those farmers who supplied a larger percentage of
fruit for fresh markets. We didnt agree, and held a
counterintuitive view that turned out to be right: we
felt that the best way to ensure good supply for pro-
cessors was to help farmers be successful overall. Tat
is to say, we wanted to help farmers be fnancially suc-
cessful by enabling them to sell a larger part of their
output to the fresh market, and at a higher price
despite the fact that the ultimate project goal was to
increase fruit supply to the processor.
Why? Because farmers that are on a sound business
footing make better suppliers overall. Teir income
is diversifed, they are better protected from market
risks, and they are more likely to supply agrana when
times are tough.
It took some efort to convince local agrana manage-
ment to see this point of view, but in the end they did.
In convincing them, we argued that a farmer can only
grow his business if his production is proftable and he
has enough capital to invest in new developments and
growth. Because there is no long-term agrifnancing
available in Ukraine, and the fruit business requires
long-term capital investments, a farmer can only get
sufcient income for investment if he is able to sell to
the fresh market, which pays much higher prices. In
short, if we want a farmer to be able to invest in new
plantations, we need to help him generate enough
income from his existing fruit plantations to support
new investments.
We thus persuaded the local agrana management
to move from short-term thinking in their attitudes
toward their farmer-suppliers to an attitude of sus-
tainable long-term partnership with them. Tey pro-
vided resources to help farmers with their big-picture
plans, not just their eforts to supply fruit for pro-
cessing. Te result was more stable, reliable, and loyal
suppliers, growing more products.
managing agricultural supply chains can be tricky,
and any project that aims to make them more ef-
cient will have to look at the challenges from many
diferent angles. In some cases we adopted the cor-
smartlessons 85
aBoUT THe aUTHor
Oksana Varodi is an Operations Offcer who joined
IFC in Ukraine in 1998 as an analyst-assistant to the
senior economist in the Farm Reorganization and
Land Privatization Project. She has worked on several
agribusiness advisory projects, has managed the
implementation of the Ukraine Vinnitsa Fruit Supply
Chain Development Project, and is currently work-
ing on new agribusiness initiatives in the Europe and
Central Asia (ECA) Region.
Approved by Patrick Luternauer, Regional Business
Line Manager, Sustainable Business Advisory Services,
IFC Europe and Central Asia.
rect approach from the startselecting international
consultants, for example. other elements were lucky
accidents, as when our local staf became successful
providers of agricultural extension services.
But everything we did had a single focus: helping
Ukrainian farmers become successful producers and
suppliers. We approached this goal from many angles.
We looked at better ways to introduce best practices
through demonstration plots at pilot farms and get-
ting the best experts. We developed local capacity and
found the best ways for them to deliver the right mes-
sages to farmer clients. and we were able to get the
agriprocessor to look at the overall health of its supply
base rather than focus exclusively on its supply needs.
Tis long-term, comprehensive approach worked in
Ukraine. although the details may difer, it can work
in other countries as well.
Demo-feld visit at IFC Project annual seminar Growing apples, september 2011. Farmers are learning about new
apple varieties introduced by the Project in partnership with agrana.
Wheat feld, Chernihiv, Ukraine.
smartlessons 87
agribusiness is a key driver of the Ukrainian econ-
omy: some 70 percent of the countrys total land
area is dedicated to agriculture, and over 20 percent
of the population is employed in the agriculture sec-
tor. However, arcane regulations for agricultural and
food products carried over from the soviet era have
held business back in this sector. Te regulatory bur-
den is particularly heavy for the food safety system,
which should aim to ensure public safety and support
the competitiveness of Ukrainian exports. Ukraines
system instead placed a heavy burden on companies,
with costly and duplicative controls imposed by mul-
tiple state agencies, without adequately increasing the
safety standards of food products.
IFC advisory services (as), the Investment Climate
(IC) and sustainable Business advisory (sBa) teams
worked together to address this, streamlining regula-
tions and harmonizing food safety management sys-
tems with international and eU best practices. Te
results of these eforts include the following:
mandatory certifcation of food products (exclud-
ing baby food and tobacco and alcohol products)
was eliminated, resulting in $20.7 million annual
compliance cost savings for the food processing in-
requirements for costly duplicative licenses for cer-
tain agribusiness activities were canceled, including
those for wholesale seed trading, raising of domes-
tic animals, and manufacturing of agrochemicals.
licenses for trading of agrochemicals and selling
of biogas/biofuel, previously subject to fve-year re-
newals, were made permanent.
Te president of Ukraine committed to establish a
single food safety controlling agency instead of sev-
eral agencies undertaking duplicative responsibili-
ties, and prioritized food safety on the deregulation
agenda of the Committee for economic reforms.
amendments to the national food legislation were
drafted that will lead to a further reduction of costs
to food producers (the estimate of the cost of food-
related inspections in Ukraine is $8.6 million per
Its All About Teamwork: Unlocking
Opportunities for Agribusiness in Ukraine
The Ukraine Investment Climate (IC) Project and the Sustainable Business Advisory (SBA) Food
Safety Project in Ukraine formed a partnershipone that has led to tangible results in the
form of burdensome regulations being abolished and businesses receiving advice on safety
standards that will help them become more competitive in European Union (EU) markets. IC-SBA
advice has helped facilitate IFC investments in Ukraine and helped set triggers for World Bank
lending. It has also defned the future of the work being done by these two business lines in the
agribusiness sector. This SmartLesson relates lessons and experiences of the teams in designing
and implementing such an innovative and holistic technical assistance solution, within a specifc
sector, for government and private sector clients.
year) and an increase in the safety and competi-
tiveness of Ukrainian food products, since require-
ments will be harmonized with eU requirements.
Te teams helped develop six industry checklists
on Hazard analysis and Critical Control Points
(HaCCP) in the poultry, eggs, and dairy sectors in
collaboration with the Veterinary service and en-
dorsed by the eU. Tese are expected to open up
new opportunities for exports to eU markets.
Businesses are already reaping the benefts of these
improvements. For example, Volodymyr Barabash of
the monomakh tea and cofee company had this to
Te cancellation of mandatory certifcation has been
very favorable for us. We import tea and cofee from
various parts of the world, and package and sell it in
Ukraine. Previously we paid up to $3,000 a month
for certifcates, and it took a week and a lot of paper-
work to obtain them. We also incurred additional
costs of having the container sit at a port in case the
certifcation was delayed for any reason, as customs
clearance was not possible without it. So the cancella-
tion of these certifcates will literally save us thousands
in terms of cost and man-hours per month!
Te agribusiness work in Ukraine serves as an exam-
ple of a fully integrated country pilot with strong col-
laboration between IC and sBa on policy and food
Figure 1: Ukraines Integrated Value Chain
Figure 1: Ukraines Integrated Value Chain

From the investment climate side, this project was innovative in many ways and yielded
lessons that are helping shape our approach to other agribusiness interventions in the
Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region and elsewhere.


Lesson 1: Dont just give lip service to collaboration: walk the talk through an
integrated approach across business lines.

The Ukraine Investment Climate Project worked jointly with the SBA Food Safety team
from an early stage, sharing staff and resources:

There was a clear and full complementarity between IC focusing on policy
work and SBA focusing on firm-level work to present a unified private sector
reform agenda.
smartlessons 89
safety, and coordination with other as business lines
and Investment services (Is) to address additional
challenges along the value chain (see Figure 1).
From the investment climate side, this project was
innovative in many ways and yielded lessons that
are helping shape our approach to other agribusiness
interventions in the europe and Central asia (eCa)
region and elsewhere.
lessons learneD
Lesson 1: Dont just give lip service to
collaboration: walk the talk through an
integrated approach across business lines.
Te Ukraine Investment Climate Project worked
jointly with the sBa Food safety team from an early
stage, sharing staf and resources:
Tere was a clear and full complementarity between
IC focusing on policy work and sBa focusing on
frm-level work to present a unifed private sector
reform agenda.
Tere were three staf, shared 50/50 between IC
and sBa, that had joint results agreements, dual
clear reporting lines, and clear guidelines to deliver
the joint components between IC and sBa.
on the investment climate side, there was also the
element of sharing knowledge between the global
and country team, with the agribusiness compo-
nent team leaders time shared 50/50 between HQ
and the IFC region.
Te teams held joint planning meetings and also
tested approaches to jointly developing research
products (as outlined in lesson 2, below).
Te teams also held regular meetings and updates
with all other agribusiness-related as projects and
Is to check on progress on joint strategic objectives.
Tese eforts helped shape a joint technical assistance
intervention that addressed issues both at the govern-
ment/policy level and at the frm level.
Lesson 2: Innovative industry-specifc
diagnostics helped set clear reform targets and
create consensus on reform priorities.
an objective of the IC work was to use research and
diagnostic tools to help kick-start the dialogue with
government, the private sector, and other stakehold-
ers. one of the studies produced jointly with the
sBa team and widely promoted to stakeholders was
the report, reforming Food safety regulation in
UkraineProposals for Policymakers, which empha-
sized the urgent need for change in policies governing
this critical sector. Te IC team also produced another
report, Investment Climate and Industry Competi-
tiveness in Ukrainean Industry-level regulatory
analysis of the Impact of Food safety regulation on
the Dairy sector in Ukraine, which constitutes a frst
IFC analytical pilot combining the strengths of both
industry-level value chain competitiveness analysis

and regulatory analysis of the economic impact of
regulation on the private sector through the standard
cost model (sCm) analysis.

Te value chain analysis presented in the report
focused on the industry-specifc regulatory frame-
work (food safety regulation) as a way to provide an
objective and quantitative reference point for address-
ing sector-specifc regulatory constraints of the invest-
ment climate. at the same time, the report followed
the view that better regulation is crucial to enabling
private sectorled growth and improving both econ-
see, among the vast literature on the subject, moving toward
Competitiveness: a Value Chain approach, FIas, Te World
Bank Group, 2007.
also see, among the vast literature on the subject, Interna-
tional standard Cost model manual: measuring and reducing
administrative burdens for businesses, standard Cost model
network, 2008.
omy-wide and industry-specifc competitiveness. a
central aspect of better regulation relates to minimiz-
ing the administrative burden of compliance with
regulatory requirements for the private sector.
more specifcally, the sCm methodology and value
chain analysis were combined to identify and assess
the impact of all relevant types of regulatory (food
safety) requirements (permits, licenses, certifcations,
inspections, conformity assessments, and so on)
afecting the selected industry. Tis was a signifcant
change from the traditional horizontal approach
to regulatory analysis, in which the sCm method-
ology is used to assess the administrative burden of
a specifc type of regulation (inspections regime, or
licensing regime, or permits regime, or product certi-
fcation, and so on) without taking into account the
cumulative efect of the diferent types of horizontal
regulation on industry-specifc dynamics.
a second signifcant synergy resulting from the com-
bination of the value chain and sCm methodologies
relates to the ability of this joint approach to identify
and assess the distributional efects of a specifc piece
of regulation throughout the selected value chain, and
to estimate the diferential impact of policy proposals
on the various stages (and stakeholders) of the chain.
Lesson 3: Taking a focused and industry-specifc
approach to reform can generate big wins.
a number of countries have invested signifcant
amounts of resources and efort in undertaking
reforms to their business environment. However,
most of these reform eforts are industry blind,
because they seek to address economy-wide regula-
tory obstacles. although these types of economy-wide
reforms are often required to level the playing feld
for competitive businesses, combining or following
these reforms with sector-specifc initiatives can sig-
nifcantly enhance the probability, type, and extent of
measurable impacts (as illustrated by the rise of elec-
tronics in malaysia and high-tech clusters in east asia,
car parts and assembly in eastern europe, salmon
farming in Chile, wine in south africa, among oth-
ers). For a country seeking to increase the competi-
tiveness of its established businesses and attract new
foreign and domestic investment, a sectoral approach
to reform and investment generation is complemen-
tary and often necessary for success.
In Investment Climate, the idea of sector-specifc
policy reform is a relatively new one, being honed
through projects such as this one in Ukraine, the suc-
cess of which has set the stage now for a next phase
of an Investment Climate program focused fully on
agribusiness reform.
Lesson 4: Go Westcustomize the intervention
to meet the clients priorities.
Te need to open up Ukrainian businesses to eU
markets was a key factor that the project team high-
lighted to keep the momentum on these reforms
alive. In fact, a key challenge faced by food processors,
even the ones with advanced facilities, is that access
to the eU market is conditional on eU recognition
of the Ukrainian public food safety controls system.
a key lesson here is that the IFC team adopted a
gradual, yet strategic, advisory support engagement
by assisting the Ukrainian state Committee for Vet-
erinary services (a unifed agency responsible for food
safety in the country since 2011) in the development
of eU-compliant food safety controls procedures and
checklists for priority agribusiness value chains with
regard to export potential (see results in the Back-
ground section, above). Te prospects of enabling
greater exports of food products from Ukraine to the
eU, opening the huge new market for Ukraines food
processors, helped create strong support for reform
from the private sector, since this was fully aligned
with their business priorities.
smartlessons 91
Lesson 5: The battle of the giants for Ukraines
agribusiness developmentget the World Bank
and IS on board to leverage the AS offerings.
Te Investment Climate team also worked closely
with the World Bank to leverage policy lending. In
Ukraine, agricultural policy and any agribusiness-
related reform initiative is a big ticket policy item,
given the sheer importance of the sector in the national
economy. In this context, a small project, such as IC,
had to play it smart and join forces with the Big sis-
ter (the World Bank) to include the key investment
climate reform priorities on food safety among the
overall economic policy reforms as part of the policy
lending negotiations with the government. Te key
success factor of the internal deal was that the Bank
put its fnancial weight behind the investment climate
policy triggers included in the policy lending relative
to the government of Ukraine, while the IC team
worked on a daily basis with the government agencies
charged with implementing the reforms to build their
capacity to adopt and operationalize them.
Collaboration between IC and sBa helped closely
align with the IFC Investment services agribusiness
strategy in Ukraine and in eCa. Te as teams have
Fresh market, Chernihiv, Ukraine.
worked closely with the Is team and advised two IFC
Investment services clients in UkraineGlobino and
Khlibpromon improving food safety management
systems and introducing HaCCP. Tis advice has
facilitated $25 million in investment so far, as well as
a combined $24 million increase in sales.
Te Investment Climate and Food safety projects in
Ukraine came together in a way that has set a stan-
dard for collaboration between the IC and sBa busi-
ness lines. Te great teamwork and innovation seen in
this partnership have built a base for strong collabora-
tion with other as and Is units at IFC and with the
World Bank. It has also generated strong learning and
knowledge, which is now being applied across other
agribusiness projects across eCa: the IC and sBa
teams are working together in Georgia, Belarus, and
moldova, with additional projects in armenia, tajiki-
stan, and the Balkans in the pipeline. For Investment
Climate, the work in Ukraine serves as a model for
a growing agribusiness portfolio and pipeline that
spans every region, and it has fed into the new strat-
egy for Investment Climate that is more focused on
sector- and industry-specifc reforms.
aBoUT THe aUTHors
Alberto Criscuolo is a Senior Private Sector Develop-
ment Specialist with the Industry unit of the Invest-
ment Climate Advisory Services of the World Bank
Group. He is a member of the Agribusiness Global
Product Team in the Investment Climate Business Line
and was based in Kiev for two years, focusing on the
agribusiness component of the Ukraine Investment
Climate Project.
Shaela Rahman is an Operations Offcer in the Invest-
ment Climate Advisory Services of the World Bank
Group. She leads strategic and corporate commu-
nications for the department and the Investment
Climate Business Line. Shaela is also coauthor of the
Strategic Communications for Business Environment
Reforms toolkit.
Additional Contributors: We would also like to
thank Serhiy Osavolyuk, Task Team Leader (TTL) for
the Ukraine Investment Climate Project, and Sarah
Ockman, TTL for the Ukraine Food Safety Project, for
their invaluable input in shaping this SmartLesson.
Approved by Cecilia Sager, Manager, Investment
Climate Advisory Services of the World Bank Group.
smartlessons 93
International Finance Corporation
Copyright 2012 - All rights reserved
SmartLessons is a World Bank Group program which enables development practitioners to share lessons learned in development operations.
The fndings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in these papers are those of the authors and do not necessarily refect the views
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Cover page IFC
Page across from index IFC
Pages 1, 3, 7, 8, 12 IFC
Page 22 Grahame Dixie
Pages 23, 28 IFC
Page 31 Kiran Gautam
Page 34 Mirella Hernani
Pages 35, 51 CONAFORs Image Bank
Pages 54, 55, 57, 59, 66, 68, 69, 81, 83, 85, 86, 91 IFC
Pages 76, 79 Jun Zhao

March 2012
SmartLessons is a World Bank Group program which enables development practitioners to share lessons learned in development
operations. This SmartLessons brochure presents frst-hand and straightforward project stories with pragmatic useful analysis,
written by professionals for professionals. Through the prism of their own experiencepositive and negativethese authors aim
to capture practical insights and lessons that could help advance development-related operations for private sector-led growth
across the globe.
For more information, please visit the SmartLessons website: or contact the SmartLessons program:
[email protected].
A Harvest of Practical Insights
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In partnership with Austria, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the
United Kingdom, the United States, the Afghan Development Association, the European Union, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Private Infrastructure
Development Group, the South Asia Infrastructure Facility.

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