00final F-35 Fde Ws Eis

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown Environmental Impact Statement

United States Air Force Air Combat Command

May 2011

Responsible Agency: United States Air Force, Air Combat Command Proposed Action: The Air Force proposes to base 36 F-35 fighter aircraft at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), Nevada between 2012 and 2020. The aircraft would be assigned to the Force Development Evaluation (FDE) program and Weapons School (WS) at Nellis AFB. Flight activities would occur at Nellis AFB and Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR). The F-35 beddown would also require construction of new facilities, and alteration and demolition of existing facilities at Nellis AFB. Public distribution of the document took place March 31, 2008. The public review period, which included three public hearings, began April 4, 2008 when the Notice of Availability of the Draft EIS was published in the Federal Register. The public review period concluded May 22, 2008. Inquiries regarding this Air Force proposal should be directed to: HQ ACC/A7PS 129 Andrews St., Ste 327 Langley AFB, VA 23665-2769 ATTN: Mr. Nick Germanos In addition, the document can be viewed on and downloaded from the World Wide Web at www.accplanning.org and www.nellis.af.mil/library/environment.asp. Designation: Final Environmental Impact Statement Abstract: This Final EIS, prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, responds to public and agency review and comments on the Draft EIS. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is being developed to replace and supplement Air Force legacy fighter aircraft such as the F-16 Fighting Falcon and A-10 Thunderbolt II. Federal law and United States Air Force (Air Force) policy require implementation of an FDE program and WS training of all new aircraft. To meet these requirements for the F-35, the Air Force proposes to base 12 F-35 aircraft at Nellis AFB for the FDE program and an additional 24 F-35 for WS training. As a phased program reliant on manufacturing progress and other elements of F-35 deployment, the first F-35 would arrive in 2012 and the last in 2020. This proposal involves construction, demolition, or modification of base facilities and implementation of flight activities for the FDE program and WS within the NTTR. The Draft EIS analyzed the potential environmental consequences of the proposed beddown at Nellis AFB and the no-action alternative. Under the no-action alternative, the FDE program and WS would not be implemented at Nellis AFB. None of the associated construction or personnel changes would occur. The findings indicate that the proposed F-35 beddown would not adversely impact airspace and aircraft operations, safety, recreation, socioeconomics, environmental justice and protection of children, soils, water, biological resources, cultural resources, or hazardous materials and waste. Emissions of CO and NOx would exceed de minimus, but these would not result in adverse impacts or affect Clark Countys attainment goals based on State Implementation Plans for the pollutants. The proposed beddown would increase noise levels around Nellis AFB based on analyses using currently available data on the F-35. Under the proposed action, there would be an overall increase in the number of people affected and the land area exposed to DNL noise levels of 65 dB and greater. Currently, noise levels of 65 dB DNL and greater affect a large number of minority populations and to a lesser extent low-income populations and that trend would continue under the proposed action. These populations live in areas already zoned for land uses above 65 dB DNL but Nellis AFB would continue to employ noise abatement procedures to reduce noise effects in the surrounding communities. The Air Force would also continue to assist local officials who seek to establish or modify noise attenuation measures for residences. For NTTR, subsonic noise levels would increase a maximum of 3 dB. Sonic booms would increase by no more than 4 booms per month in one military operations areas and by no more than 2 booms per month in restricted areas. Supersonic activity would increase noise in some areas under the NTTR airspace authorized for supersonic flight by no more than 2 CDNL. There are no significant cumulative impacts from the interaction of the F-35 beddown and other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable actions.


ABW ACAM ACC ACEC ACM ACMI ABW AFB AFI AFOSH afy AGE AGL AGM AICUZ AMU APZ ARTCC ATC ATCAA AWACS BAQ BART BASH BLM BO BRAC CAA CAAA CCSD CCWRD CDNL CERCLA Air Base Wing Air Force Conformity Applicability Model Air Combat Command Area of Critical Environmental Concern Asbestos-Containing Material Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation Air Base Wing Air Force Base Air Force Instruction Air Force Occupational Safety and Health Acre Feet Per Year Aerospace Ground Equipment Above Ground Level Air-to-Ground Missile Air Installation Compatible Use Zone Aircraft Maintenance Unit Accident Potential Zone Air Route Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace Airborne Warning and Control System Bureau of Air Quality Best Available Retrofit Technology Bird/Wildlife-Aircraft Strike Hazard Bureau of Land Management Biological Opinion Base Realignment and Closure Clean Air Act Clean Air Act Amendments Clark County School District Clark County Water Reclamation District C-Weighted Day-Night Average Sound Level Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act Council on Environmental Quality Code of Federal Regulations Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations Carbon Monoxide Conventional Take-off and Landing Clean Water Act Clear Zone DAQEM dB DERP DNL DNWR DoD DOE DOI DRC DRMO DWMA EA EIAP EIS EMI EO EOD EPA ERP ESA FAA FDE FLPMA FY GHG gpd GPS H2S HAP HAZMAT HMA HTTC ICRMP IFR IICEP Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management Decibel Defense Environmental Restoration Program Day-Night Average Sound Level Desert National Wildlife Range Department of Defense Department of Energy Department of Interior Document Review Committee Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office Desert Wildlife Management Area Environmental Assessment Environmental Impact Analysis Process Environmental Impact Statement Electromagnetic Interference Executive Order Explosive Ordnance Disposal United States Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Restoration Program Endangered Species Act Federal Aviation Administration Force Development Evaluation Federal Land Policy and Management Act Fiscal Year Greenhouse Gas Gallons Per Day Global Positioning System Hydrogen Sulfide Hazardous Air Pollutant Hazardous Materials Herd Management Area High Technology Training Complex Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Instrument Flight Rules Interagency and Intergovernmental Coordination for Environmental Planning Initial Operational Capability Instrument Flight Rules Installation Restoration Program Joint Advance Strike Technology Joint Direct Attack Munitions Joint Strike Fighter Kilometer



Kilovolt Sound Level Lead-Based Paint Onset Rate-Adjusted Monthly DayNight Average Sound Level Maximum Sound Level L max L/O Low Observables LOLA Live Ordnance Loading Area MAILS Multiple Aircraft Instantaneous Line Source MLWA Military Land Withdrawal Act MMRP Military Munitions Response Program MOA Military Operations Area MOU Memorandum of Understanding MOUT Military Operations in Urban Terrain mm Millimeter MRTFB Major Range and Test Facility Base MSA Munitions Storage Area MSL Mean Sea Level MTR Military Training Route NA Number of Events Above NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NAC Nevada Administrative Code NACTS Nellis Air Combat Tracking System NAP Native American Program National Register National Register of Historic Places NDOT Nevada Department of Transportation NDEP Nevada Division of Environmental Protection NDOW Nevada Department of Wildlife NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Pollutants NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIPTS Noise-Induced Permanent Threshold Shift nm Nautical Mile Nitrogen Dioxide NO 2 Nitrogen Oxide NO x NOI Notice of Intent NOTAM Notice to Airmen NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NTS Nevada Test Site NTTR Nevada Test and Training Range NV Nevada NWR National Wildlife Refuge Ozone O3 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act OT&E Operational Test and Evaluation Pb Lead

kV L LBP L dnmr



Polychlorinated Biphenyls Potential Hearing Loss Public Law Particulate Matter Less than 10 Microns Particulate Matter Less than 2.5 Microns Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants Prevention of Significant Deterioration Per Square Foot Range Wing Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Rapid Engineers Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineer Red Flag Measurement and Debriefing System Resource Management Plan Record of Decision Surface-to-Air Missile Sound Exposure Level State Historic Preservation Office State Implementation Plan State Park Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur Oxide Trichloroethylene Traditional Cultural Properties Toxic Substance Control Act Unmanned Aerial System United States Army Corps of Engineers United States Air Force Warfare Center United States Code United States Census Bureau United States Forest Service United States Fish and Wildlife Service United States Global Change Research Program Underground Storage Tank Volatile Organic Compounds Visual Flight Rules Victor Route Visual Resources Management Wing Wind Generating Energy Facility Wing Infrastructure Development Outlook Wildlife Management Area Weapons School Weapons Storage Area


This Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyzes the potential environmental consequences resulting from the United States Air Force (Air Force) proposal to beddown (base) 36 F-35 fighter aircraft and to implement a Force Development Evaluation (FDE) program and a Weapons School (WS) at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), Nevada. This Final EIS was prepared by the Air Force, Headquarters Air Combat Command (HQ ACC) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations implementing NEPA, and Title 32 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 989.


The purpose of the proposed action is to implement the FDE program and WS for the F-35, specifically the F-35A variant designed for the Air Force. The F-35 development and manufacturing processes have been initiated and are running concurrently with evaluation of the aircraft. The goal of the Air Force is to field the most up-to-date aircraft with the most highly trained pilots through the lifecycle of a weapons system. This is achieved through the FDE program and the WS for the aircraft and pilots, respectively. Force Development Evaluation Program. Throughout the lifecycle of an aircraft of perhaps 30 years or more, many changes occur to the aircraft itself and to the operating environment of the aircraft. These changes include new avionics hardware and software, tactics empirically developed in the field, changing threats and enemy capabilities, and new weaponry, just to name a few. The FDE program is needed to address these changes and keep the Air Forces inventory in the best possible position to combat enemy threats. FDE evaluates, demonstrates, exercises, and/or analyzes operational aircraft to determine their effectiveness and suitability. In addition, FDE identifies and resolves deficiencies during the sustainment portion of an aircrafts lifecycle. Weapons School. The purpose of and need for the WS is to produce the Air Forces most highly trained weapons and tactics instructors. In turn, these highly trained instructors improve combat capability through superior training and instruction at the unit and base levels. WS graduates provide expertise in the tactical employment and operational planning and execution of integrated air and space power as required under AFI 11-415 Weapons and Tactics Programs. Synergy Between FDE and WS. The FDE program and WS represent essential, but distinct parts of the Air Forces overall mission. These two essential parts of the F-35 program have different purposes, but the same needs. The types of flying activities required in each program are the same and the fundamental supporting assets (i.e., base, airspace) needed by both programs also closely match. Individually and combined, the FDE program and WS involve unique requirements that differ from those associated with
Executive Summary Final, May 2011 ES-1

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS the training activities of operational units. Both programs need specific, identical assets to meet their unique requirements.


For the Air Force, ACC is responsible for implementing FDE and WS programs. These programs are best performed at a location that has infrastructure to support the full spectrum of testing and training activities. Nellis AFB, and its associated Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) and airspace represent the only ACC Major Range and Test Facility Base (MRTFB) that meets the unique requirements for the F-35 FDE program and WS. Other bases, like Edwards AFB, are MRTFBs, but none meet all the requirements for the FDE program and WS. These requirements include range instrumentation, threat simulation, support for large force training exercises, an integrated battle space environment, and suitable existing infrastructure. Moreover, the synergy between the FDE program and WS already established at Nellis AFB would not exist elsewhere. For this reason, as further discussed in Chapter 2, no other bases were identified as reasonable alternative locations for the F-35 FDE and WS. The proposed action would involve the following. Base 36 F-35 aircraft at Nellis AFB with 12 aircraft for the FDE program and an additional 24 for WS training; as a phased program reliant on manufacturing progress and other elements of F-35 deployment, the first aircraft would arrive in 2012 and the last in 2020. Implement the F-35 FDE program at the base in 2012 and implement the WS in 2015. Construct, demolish, or modify a variety of base facilities to support the F-35 programs, particularly along the flightline. Conduct an additional 17,280 annual airfield operations at Nellis AFB by 2020, and an additional 51,840 annual sortie-operations in NTTR. Practice ordnance delivery on approved targets and release of flares in approved airspace.

Nellis AFB is the location of the Air Forces only existing fighter WS. Although the Air Force could replicate the WS at some other location, from the perspectives of economics, operations, and infrastructure requirements, basing the F-35 WS and FDE at Nellis AFB is the most reasonable option and makes sense. No other base, or combination of bases, offers the specific physical or organizational infrastructure necessary to support the unique requirements of the F-35 FDE and WS programs. Nellis AFB, its ranges, and airspace already exist and fulfill the F-35 testing and training program needs. Essentially, the F-35 is considered additive to the on-going Air Force fighter FDE and WS programs at Nellis AFB. Under the no-action alternative, the F-35 FDE and WS beddown would not occur, and the Air Force would not implement associated construction or personnel increases at Nellis AFB. The F-35 FDE program and WS would not conduct operations at NTTR.
ES-2 Executive Summary Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Scoping and Public Involvement CEQ regulations require an early and open process for identifying significant issues related to a proposed action and for obtaining input from the public prior to making a decision that could potentially affect the environment. These regulations specify public involvement at various junctures in the development of an EIS, including public scoping prior to the preparation of a Draft EIS, and public review of the Draft EIS prior to finalizing the document and making a decision. Prior to the publication of the Draft EIS, the Air Force issued a Notice of Intent (NOI) in the Federal Register on August 23, 2004. After public notification in newspapers and public service announcements on radio stations, five scoping meetings were held September 13 through September 17, 2004, at the following Nevada locations: Carson City, Alamo, Pioche, Pahrump, and Las Vegas. A total of 40 people attended the meetings and provided comments. By the end of the scoping period, October 1, 2004, nine comments and one agency letter were received. Of the nine comments received from individuals during the scoping meetings, three citizens from Alamo expressed concern about sonic booms the number, severity, potential for structure (i.e., window) damage, and human disturbance. One commentor asked if a restricted area could be created over the town. Two other areas of concern were how the F-35 would operate and the way in which it would fly within current airspace. In Las Vegas, one commentor asked if the F-35s would be used in the same way at the range (e.g., flights per day, how low, how fast) while another commentor expressed concerns about noise, radar interference, and safety for the residential areas to the east. A person in Pioche commented that during the fall hunting season, deer appeared to be scared by early morning flights, in airspace over the central portion of NTTR. In Carson City, two attendees verbally (i.e., no written comments were received) expressed concern for potential low-altitude flight conflicts over areas being considered for wind generation development under the NTTR airspace. A letter from the Nevada State Clearinghouse with comments from the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Nevada Department of Wildlife was received during the scoping period. The SHPO indicated that once specific information is known about flight patterns and construction, it should be notified so that it can determine the potential for adverse impacts to religious, cultural, and historic properties. The Nevada Department of Wildlife expressed concern for: 1) a neotropical migrating bird, the Phainopepla (a state sensitive species that is found in mesquite/acacia plant communities); 2) the burrowing owl (both a federal and state sensitive species); and 3) the kit fox (a state species with conservation priority). No comments were received from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) or Bureau of Land Management (BLM) during the scoping period.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS The Notice of Availability of the Draft EIS was published in the Federal Register on April 4, 2008 beginning the 45-day public review period. Public hearings were held April 22 through April 24, 2008 in these Nevada locations: Las Vegas, Caliente, and Alamo. These locations were selected for the following reasons: interest in the proposal remained high in Las Vegas and Alamo, and both form part of the affected area; Alamo and Caliente, as indicated by findings in the analysis, were representative communities central under the MOA airspace both communities revealed interest in the proposal; Pahrump lies outside the affected airspace and showed low levels of interest, whereas Pioche reflected negligible public interest. Seven people attended the three hearings. While none of the attendees provided oral testimony or written comments, three of the attendees expressed opposition to existing and proposed aircraft overflights, suggesting a decrease in home values and quality of life. The Air Force received comment letters from three private individuals and from the following Nevada offices and federal agencies: Department of Comprehensive Planning, Department of Air Quality Management, Nevada State Historic Preservation Office, City of North Las Vegas, U.S. Department of the Interior, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Comments were also received from the Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations Document Review Committee. Appendix G provides the comment letters with Air Force responses. The closing date of the comment period was May 19, 2008, but by request of the U.S. EPA, the comment period was extended to May 22, 2008. Differences Between the Draft EIS and Final EIS While this Final EIS is, in large part, the same as the Draft EIS, it reflects the consideration of comments received during the public comment period and includes factual corrections, improvements, and/or modifications to the analyses presented in the Draft EIS. Modifications include updated proposed construction projects and start dates, as well as a revised timeframe for the F-35 beddown. Also modified in the Final EIS is a re-evaluation of projected noise impacts. Since the 2008 publication of the Draft EIS, several noise impact metrics have been developed and an F-35 specific noise modeling program created. The noise impact metrics now include speech interference and sleep disturbance; Sections 3.3, 4.3, and Appendix C were revised accordingly. Due to the new noise modeling program, revised projected noise contour bands were also produced and potential impacts presented in Sections 4.3 (Noise), 4.6 (Land Use and Recreation), and 4.8 (Environmental Justice). Air quality evaluations (Sections 3.5 and 4.5) were also updated to reflect changes in proposed construction projects and start dates (Appendix D), the F-35 revised beddown phasing, and the outcome of the conformity determination (Appendix E). None of the modifications made to the Final EIS resulted in substantive changes to the proposed action and the conclusions presented in terms of environmental consequences and impacts remain consistent with those presented in the Draft EIS.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Summary of Environmental Consequences The analysis in this Final EIS established that the proposed F-35 beddown would result in adverse effects on some resources such as air quality and noise, although none of these impacts would be of sufficient magnitude to require mitigation. Moreover, for most resource categories, only minor or negligible effects would result. Table ES-1 summarizes the consequences for both the proposed action and the no-action alternative. Table ES-1 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
AIRSPACE AND AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Nellis AFB Increase total Nellis AFB airfield operations by 20 Average annual airfield operations remain at 85,000 percent Existing departure and arrival routes would continue No change to airfield airspace structure or to be used operational procedures; no impact to civil and commercial aviation airspace No change in departure and arrival routes NTTR No change to current special use airspace structure MOAs and restricted areas continued to be used F-35 would increase current total sortie-operations Continued conducting 200,000 to 300,000 annual by 51,840 annually, for a total ranging from 251,840 sortie-operations in NTTR to 351,840. This would represent a 26 percent Maintain and use existing supersonic-designated increase under the 251,840 use scenario and a 17 airspace percent increase under the 351,840 scenario. This Continued coordination with area Air Traffic increase would not exceed NTTR capability Control to ensure safe airspace for all users A less than 1 percent increase in supersonic activities No changes or increased need for supersonicdesignated airspace No impact to civil and commercial aviation

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table ES-1 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact (cont) Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
NOISE Nellis AFB Beddown would generate a 42 percent increase (an additional 7,562 acres) in areas exposed to 65 dB DNL and greater by the year 2020 20 Representative locations would experience: increases of between 1 and 3.4 dB DNL in noise levels populations in on-base dormitories would continue to be exposed to PHL in the 80 to 85 dB DNL contour bands an increase in daytime speech interference events when windows are closed 1 to 3 more times an hour; when windows are open, events would increase between 2 and 3 more times per hour an increase in probability of sleep disturbance between 1 and 7 percent with windows closed and 1 and 10 percent with windows open Nellis AFB would continue noise abatement procedures to reduce overflights of residential areas and nighttime operations and run-ups Noise complaints and annoyance levels in the Nellis AFB vicinity may increase No adverse impacts to hearing and health would be anticipated NTTR Subsonic noise would increase an average of 3 dB in 12 of the 21 airspace units under the 251,840 sortieoperations scenario and in 4 of the 21 airspace units under the 351,840 sortie-operations scenario Supersonic noise would increase by 1 dB in the Reveille MOA and 2 dB in portions of R-4807 and R-4809 under the 251,840 scenario Under the 351,840 scenario, supersonic noise would increase by 1 dB Sonic booms would increase by 2 per month in R-4807 and by 1 per month in Desert and Reveille MOAs under the 251,840 scenario Under the 351,840 scenario, booms would increase by 2 per month in almost all airspace units with the exception of the Elgin MOA where booms could increase by 4 per month Noise complaints and annoyance levels may increase due to increased boom numbers No adverse impacts to hearing and health

Approximately 18,000 acres continue to be exposed to 65 dB DNL and greater noise levels For PHL, populations within dormitories would continue to be exposed to 80 to 85 dB DNL contour bands Noise abatement and safety procedures would continue to be implemented

Baseline subsonic noise levels would continue to range from less than 45 to 65 dB DNL for the 200,000 and 300,000 scenarios Supersonic noise levels would continue to range from less than 45 to 57 dB CDNL under the 200,000 and 300,000 scenarios Sonic booms range from 2 to 24 per month at 200,000 sortie-operations per year and 3 to 35 per month at 300,000 sortie-operations per year


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table ES-1 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact (cont) Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
AIR QUALITY Nellis AFB De minimis levels would be exceeded for CO and Nellis AFB would continue to contribute less than 1 NOx; however, the Air Force has coordinated with percent of all criteria pollutant emissions in Clark Clark Countys Department of Air Quality and County Environmental Management to include 185 tons of NOx into their ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision While there are CO exceedances, they are covered in the Clark County CO SIP so these increases would not be adverse nor preclude the county from NAAQS attainment No visibility impairments to PSD Class I areas NTTR Projected emissions would increase negligibly in Nye and Lincoln Counties (only 5 percent of NTTR Lincoln and Nye counties; this would not change the airspace falls within Clark County) would continue regional significance from baseline conditions in attainment for all criteria pollutants Within Lincoln and Nye counties, NTTR operations would continue to represent a limited regional contributor for NOx and SOx SAFETY Nellis AFB No changes in safety due to operations and Operations and maintenance, fire and crash maintenance, fire and crash response, and munitions response, and munitions use and handling activities use and handling procedures conducted on Nellis AFB would continue to be performed in accordance with applicable Air Force Additional munitions facilities and expansion of the safety regulations live ordnance loading area would be constructed to support the increase in airfield operations; this would The low potential for mishaps would continue enhance safety Bird/wildlife-aircraft strikes in the airfield No anticipated increase to bird/wildlife-aircraft strike environment would remain minimal; over a 14-year hazards or aircraft mishaps above baseline levels period there have been 233 bird strikes (occurring therefore, no impacts with over 1 million airfield operations), averaging about 17 per year

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table ES-1 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact (cont) Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
SAFETY NTTR All current fire risk management procedures would remain unaffected due to the F-35 beddown Estimated time between Class A mishaps would remain low (2 to 45 years) with the increase in NTTR airspace use Increase in use of flares could cause a negligible (<0.1 percent) increase risk of wildfires; however, existing fire response procedures would adequately address this minimal increase No significant increase in bird/wildlife-aircraft strike hazards

A total of approximately 4 to 5 fires, of less than 3 acres, occur annually on the ranges; this would continue Estimated time between Class A mishaps within NTTR airspace ranges between 3 and 68 years under the 200,000 sortie-operations scenario and 2 and 45 years under the 300,000 sortie-operations scenario Safety procedures for ordnance and flare use would continue to be enforced to minimize risks Probability of bird/wildlife-aircraft strikes would continue to be negligible; ten strikes have been reported over the past 10 years LAND USE AND RECREATION

Nellis AFB Noise impacts to residential, public, open, and Surrounding areas (industrial, commercial, open, industrial land uses would decrease in acres by 25 recreational, public, and residential land uses) percent from baseline conditions would continue experiencing noise levels of 65 dB DNL and greater No impact to recreation NTTR No change to land status or land management NTTR lands would continue being primarily managed by DoD, BLM, USFWS, and U.S. Forest 3 dB or less change in subsonic noise and 1 dB or Service less change in supersonic noise levels over special use land management areas Special use land management areas would continue to be exposed to aircraft operations Recreational areas underlying the Elgin MOA could experience an increase of 4 booms per month with the maximum sortie-operations (351,840) scenario; other areas might expect an increase of up to 2 booms per month Aircraft emissions and overflights would not impair visual quality SOCIOECONOMICS AND INFRASTRUCTURE Nellis AFB Net increase of 412 active duty personnel at Nellis Nellis AFB active duty or civilian workforce would AFB by 2020 (3.4 percent increase over 2006) remain similar to those found currently Nearly $28.3 million in additional payroll Total annual payroll expenditures would remain disbursements with increased personnel consistent Adequate housing and utility supply; no adverse Housing and utility supply would continue without impact on area public schools restraint and public school enrollment would remain similar to levels found under baseline conditions Increase in traffic during construction would be temporary and localized; should not adversely Delays at particular Nellis AFB intersections would impact existing delays experienced by on-base continue as they currently exist traffic No appreciable changes to utilities ability to meet minor increases in demand


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table ES-1 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact (cont) Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Nellis AFB About 57,736 people would be affected by noise Impacts to human health and environmental levels within 65 dB DNL and greater contour bands, conditions in minority and low-income communities an increase of 17,000 over baseline levels would remain similar to conditions found currently Of this total, 30,257 represent minority populations, Schools currently affected by noise levels 65 dB an increase of 12,015 from baseline conditions DNL and greater would continue to be exposed to these noise levels Low-income populations would increase from 5,406 to 6,673 (or by 1,267 individuals) Schools would be exposed to noise levels of 65 dB DNL and greater; however, safety risks to children would not increase SOILS AND WATER RESOURCES Nellis AFB Approximately 36 acres would be disturbed over a Nellis AFB would continue to implement standard 5-year construction period; most of the proposed construction and erosion control procedures to limit construction would occur over previously developed erosion for planned/approved construction projects land or replace existing buildings Existing water availability and use rates would Best management practices (e.g., erosion and dust continue to be adequate for base missions and controls) for construction would minimize the personnel potential for erosion No adverse effects to availability of surface water or groundwater; no additional water right required BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Nellis AFB One federally-listed special status species (desert Existing plans would continue to address tortoise) found on Nellis AFB; the base would avoid management and protection of the desert tortoise this species and consult with USFWS as applicable The status of one plant state species of concern Only one plant (a state-species of concern) is known would not change; plans to manage and protect this to occur on Nellis AFB; the base would work with species would not change the Nevada Department of Fish and Wildlife to avoid impacts to this sensitive species NTTR Flare use would increase, but the risk of wildfire The only known federally-listed species occurring would remain minimal on the ranges is the desert tortoise within the South Range; implementation of existing rules and Use of existing targets; therefore, no new ground procedures in relation to this species would continue disturbance on NTTR No changes in existing impacts to the desert tortoise would be anticipated; implementation of the rules and procedures in management of this species would continue to minimize any potential impacts Increases to subsonic (3 dB) and supersonic (1 dB) noise would not adversely impact wildlife

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table ES-1 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact (cont) Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
CULTURAL RESOURCES Nellis AFB Construction would avoid a National RegisterNo change resulting from the F-35 beddown to eligible site in Area II existing cultural resource conditions Cold War structure inventory is in progress but any No traditional cultural resources on base or in area potentially eligible sites would be avoided immediately adjacent to the base No effect on traditional cultural resources NTTR Noise and sonic booms unlikely to affect archaeological sites or architectural resources Increase of 1 to 4 sonic booms per month in the airspace units could be considered to affect setting of sacred and traditional use areas, but not adversely Conditions at 5,000 archaeological sites estimated beneath NTTR airspace would remain similar to what is found currently Over 50 historic mining sites, rock art, traditional use areas, and sacred sites in NTTR would continue to be managed and protected through implementation of existing Nellis AFB plans HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND WASTE Nellis AFB would continue to be a large quantity generator Procedures for renovation or demolition activities would continue to be reviewed by Civil Engineering personnel to ensure appropriate measures are taken to reduce potential exposure to, and release of, friable asbestos

Nellis AFB No change in large quantity generator status No change to existing management protocols required Four potential F-35 construction sites may occur above ERP sites, an ERP waiver would be required prior to construction No new types of hazardous materials would be introduced F-35 maintenance would generate about 11,664 pounds of RCRA hazardous waste per year, approximately a 6 percent increase


Executive Summary Final, May 2011


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. ES-1 1.0 PURPOSE AND NEED FOR THE ACTION .......................................................................... 1-1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 BACKGROUND FOR THE PURPOSE AND NEED .................................................... 1-1 1.2.1 F-35 Aircraft Characteristics .............................................................................. 1-2 1.3 1.2.2 F-35 Development and Deployment Process ...................................................... 1-3 PURPOSE AND NEED FOR THE PROPOSED ACTION ............................................ 1-5 1.3.1 Force Development Evaluation Program ............................................................ 1-5 1.3.2 Weapons School ................................................................................................. 1-6 1.3.3 Synergy Between Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School ........... 1-6


DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION AND ALTERNATIVES ......................... 2-1 2.1 BASING REQUIREMENTS FOR F-35 FDE PROGRAM AND WS............................ 2-1 2.1.1 Test and Training Missions................................................................................. 2-1 2.1.2 Overall Considerations ....................................................................................... 2-3 2.1.3 Criteria for Basing F-35 FDE Program and WS ................................................. 2-4 2.1.4 Identification of Basing Location for FDE Program and WS ............................. 2-7 2.1.5 Alternatives Considered But Not Carried Forward........................................... 2-10 2.1.6 Alternatives Carried Forward for Analysis ....................................................... 2-13 2.2 NO-ACTION ALTERNATIVE..................................................................................... 2-14 2.2.1 Nellis AFB ........................................................................................................ 2-14 2.2.2 Nevada Test and Training Range ...................................................................... 2-20 2.3 PROPOSED ACTION ................................................................................................... 2-29 2.3.1 Nellis AFB ........................................................................................................ 2-29 2.3.2 Nevada Test and Training Range ...................................................................... 2-33 2.4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS PROCESS AND OTHER REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS............................................................................. 2-36 2.4.1 Environmental Impact Analysis Process .......................................................... 2-36 2.4.2 Other Regulatory Requirements ....................................................................... 2-37 2.4.3 Public Involvement Process .............................................................................. 2-39 2.5 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE DRAFT EIS AND FINAL EIS .............................. 2-42 2.6 SUMMARY OF IMPACTS .......................................................................................... 2-43

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 3.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 ANALYSIS APPROACH ............................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 Affected Areas .................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.2 Affected Environment and Resources Analyzed ................................................ 3-2 3.1.3 Definition of Baseline ......................................................................................... 3-2 3.2 AIRSPACE AND AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS .............................................................. 3-4 3.2.1 Nellis AFB .......................................................................................................... 3-4 3.2.2 Nevada Test and Training Range ........................................................................ 3-7 3.3 NOISE ............................................................................................................................ 3-12 3.3.1 Nellis AFB ........................................................................................................ 3-18 3.3.2 Nevada Test and Training Range ...................................................................... 3-23 3.4 AIR QUALITY .............................................................................................................. 3-31 3.4.1 Nellis AFB ........................................................................................................ 3-38 3.4.2 Nevada Test and Training Range ...................................................................... 3-40 3.5 SAFETY ........................................................................................................................ 3-42 3.5.1 Nellis AFB ........................................................................................................ 3-42 3.5.2 Nevada Test and Training Range ...................................................................... 3-46 3.6 LAND USE AND RECREATION ................................................................................ 3-51 3.6.1 Land Use ........................................................................................................... 3-51 3.6.2 Recreation ......................................................................................................... 3-64 3.7 SOCIOECONOMICS AND INFRASTRUCTURE ...................................................... 3-69 3.7.1 Population ......................................................................................................... 3-69 3.7.2 Employment and Earnings ................................................................................ 3-69 3.7.3 Infrastructure..................................................................................................... 3-70 3.8 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN ...................... 3-74 3.9 SOILS AND WATER RESOURCES ........................................................................... 3-77 3.9.1 Soils .................................................................................................................. 3-78 3.9.2 Water Quality and Stormwater ......................................................................... 3-79 3.10 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ....................................................................................... 3-81 3.10.1 Nellis AFB ........................................................................................................ 3-82 3.10.2 Nevada Test and Training Range ...................................................................... 3-84 3.11 CULTURAL RESOURCES .......................................................................................... 3-91 3.11.1 Nellis AFB ........................................................................................................ 3-92 3.11.2 Nevada Test and Training Range ...................................................................... 3-93 3.12 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND WASTE............................................................... 3-96 3.12.1 Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Generation ................................. 3-101


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES ................................................................................ 4-1 4.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 AIRSPACE AND AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS .............................................................. 4-2 4.2.1 Proposed Action.................................................................................................. 4-2 4.2.2 No-Action Alternative ........................................................................................ 4-4 4.3 NOISE .............................................................................................................................. 4-5 4.3.1 Proposed Action.................................................................................................. 4-6 4.3.2 No-Action Alternative ...................................................................................... 4-14 4.4 AIR QUALITY .............................................................................................................. 4-15 4.4.1 Proposed Action................................................................................................ 4-16 4.4.2 No-Action Alternative ...................................................................................... 4-20 4.5 SAFETY ........................................................................................................................ 4-21 4.5.1 Proposed Action................................................................................................ 4-21 4.5.2 No-Action Alternative ...................................................................................... 4-25 4.6 LAND USE AND RECREATION ................................................................................ 4-26 4.6.1 Land Use ........................................................................................................... 4-26 4.6.2 Recreation ......................................................................................................... 4-30 4.7 SOCIOECONOMICS AND INFRASTRUCTURE ...................................................... 4-32 4.7.1 Proposed Action................................................................................................ 4-32 4.7.2 No-Action Alternative ...................................................................................... 4-35 4.8 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN ...................... 4-36 4.8.1 Proposed Action................................................................................................ 4-36 4.8.2 No-Action Alternative ...................................................................................... 4-37 4.9 SOILS AND WATER RESOURCES ........................................................................... 4-38 4.9.1 Proposed Action................................................................................................ 4-38 4.9.2 No-Action Alternative ...................................................................................... 4-40 4.10 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ....................................................................................... 4-41 4.10.1 Proposed Action................................................................................................ 4-41 4.10.2 No-Action Alternative ...................................................................................... 4-46 4.11 CULTURAL RESOURCES .......................................................................................... 4-47 4.11.1 Proposed Action................................................................................................ 4-47 4.11.2 No-Action Alternative ...................................................................................... 4-49 4.12 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND WASTE............................................................... 4-50 4.12.1 Proposed Action................................................................................................ 4-50 4.12.2 No-Action Alternative ...................................................................................... 4-53

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 5.0 CUMULATIVE EFFECTS AND IRREVERSIBLE AND IRRETRIEVABLE COMMITMENT OF RESOURCES ......................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 CUMULATIVE EFFECTS ............................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.1 Definition of Cumulative Effects ........................................................................ 5-1 5.1.2 Scope of Cumulative Effects Analysis ............................................................... 5-2 5.1.3 Cumulative Effects of Reasonably Foreseeable Actions .................................... 5-3 5.2 ASSESSMENT OF CUMULATIVE EFFECTS BY RESOURCE AREA ..................... 5-5 5.3 IRREVERSIBLE AND IRRETRIEVABLE COMMITMENT OF RESOURCES....... 5-10 REFERENCES CITED .............................................................................................................. 6-1 PERSONS AND AGENCIES CONTACTED .......................................................................... 7-1 LIST OF PREPARERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ................................................................... 8-1 LIST OF REPOSITORIES ........................................................................................................ 9-1 INDEX........................................................................................................................................ 10-1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND CONSULTATION AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS NOISE AIR QUALITY ANALYSIS STATE AND FEDERAL LISTED SPECIES POTENTIALLY FOUND WITHIN THE NTTR FINAL GENERAL CONFORMITY DETERMINATION COMMENTS AND RESPONSES ON THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT

6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0




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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS List of Figures Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 2-4 Figure 2-5 Figure 2-6 Figure 3.2-1 Figure 3.2-2 Figure 3.2-3 Figure 3.3-1 Figure 3.3-2 Figure 3.3-3 Figure 3.3-4 Figure 3.5-1 Figure 3.5-2 Figure 3.6-1 Figure 3.6-2 Figure 3.6-3 Figure 3.6-4 Figure 3.6-5 Figure 3.6-6 Figure 3.10-1 Figure 3.12-1 Figure 4.3-1 Figure 4.3-2 Figure 4.3-3 Figure 4.6-1 Nellis AFB and NTTR Location Map ........................................................................... 2-15 Nellis AFB Functional Areas ......................................................................................... 2-16 NTTR North and South Ranges and Associated Airspace ............................................ 2-21 Nevada Test and Training Range Supersonic Authorized Airspace .............................. 2-25 Representative Use Patterns for NTTR.......................................................................... 2-28 Nellis AFB Proposed Construction Areas ..................................................................... 2-32 Nellis AFB Terminal Airspace and Representative Departure/Arrival Routes ............... 3-5 Representative Arrival/Departure Flight Tracks at Nellis AFB....................................... 3-6 Victor Routes, Jet Routes, and Airports within and near NTTR ................................... 3-10 Nellis AFB Baseline Noise Contours ............................................................................ 3-20 SEL for Various Aircraft ............................................................................................... 3-26 Baseline Noise Levels at NTTR .................................................................................... 3-27 Baseline Supersonic Noise Levels and Sonic Booms at NTTR..................................... 3-29 Nellis AFB Clear Zones and Accident Potential Zones ................................................. 3-44 Nellis AFB Live Ordnance Loading Areas and Hazardous Cargo Pads ........................ 3-47 Communities around Nellis AFB................................................................................... 3-53 Southwest Clark County Airport Noise Environ Contours ............................................ 3-58 Northeast Clark County Airport Noise Environ Contours ............................................. 3-59 Noise Sensitive Areas using Clark County Airport Noise Environ Contours ............... 3-61 Recreation Areas on Nellis AFB.................................................................................... 3-66 Recreation Sites and Areas under NTTR Airspace........................................................ 3-68 Desert Tortoise Surveys in the South Range of NTTR .................................................. 3-89 Active ERP Sites within the Proposed F-35 Construction Zones on Nellis AFB ........ 3-100 Baseline and Projected F-35 Noise Contours for Nellis AFB and Vicinity ..................... 4-7 Baseline and Projected F-35 Subsonic Noise Levels ..................................................... 4-11 NTTR Baseline and Projected Supersonic Noise Levels ............................................... 4-13 Land Uses Underlying F-35 Projected Noise Contours Compared to Clark County Airport Noise Environ Contours .................................................................................... 4-28

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS LIST OF TABLES Table ES-1 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Table 2-5 Table 2-6 Table 2-7 Table 2-8 Table 2-9 Table 2-10 Table 2-11 Table 2-12 Table 2-13 Table 2-14 Table 2-15 Table 2-16 Table 2-17 Table 2-18 Table 3.1-1 Table 3.3-1 Table 3.3-2 Table 3.3-3 Table 3.3-4 Table 3.3-5 Table 3.3-6 Table 3.4-1 Table 3.4-2 Table 3.6-1 Table 3.6-2 Table 3.6-3 Table 3.6-4 Table 3.6-5 Table 3.6-6 Comparison of Alternatives to Resource and Potential Impact .................................... ES-4 Projected FDE Program and WS Test and Training Activities Required for the F-35 .... 2-2 F-35 Operational Characteristics and Requirements ....................................................... 2-4 Nellis AFB Units Relevant to the Proposed Action....................................................... 2-17 Aircraft Assigned to Nellis AFB.................................................................................... 2-18 Major Types of Aircraft Operating at Nellis AFB and in NTTR................................... 2-18 Annual Airfield Operations at Nellis AFB .................................................................... 2-19 Nellis AFB Personnel .................................................................................................... 2-20 Charted Airspace Associated with NTTR...................................................................... 2-24 Baseline Sortie-Operations by Airspace Unit ................................................................ 2-27 Proposed Aircraft Inventory Change Schedule.............................................................. 2-29 Projected F-35 Airfield Operations at Nellis AFB During Peak Year 2024 .................. 2-30 Proposed Construction and Demolition Actions for the F-35 Beddown ....................... 2-30 Average and Proposed Annual Use of Ordnance and Flares at NTTR .......................... 2-34 Projected F-35 Altitude Profile ...................................................................................... 2-34 Projected F-35 Sortie-Operations by Airspace Unit ...................................................... 2-35 Nellis AFB Environmental Plans ................................................................................... 2-38 F-35 Scoping of Issues for Environmental Impact Analysis Process ............................ 2-42 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact .................................... 2-43 Resources Analyzed in the Environmental Impact Analysis Process .............................. 3-2 Baseline Noise (DNL) Contours for Nellis AFB and Environs ..................................... 3-19 Day-Night Average Sound Level for Representative Locations ................................... 3-21 Baseline Indoor Speech Interference for Representative Residential Locations Near Nellis AFB ..................................................................................................................... 3-21 Baseline Indoor Sleep Disturbance for Representative Residential Locations Near Nellis AFB ..................................................................................................................... 3-22 Baseline Noise Levels (Ldnmr) for NTTR ....................................................................... 3-24 Baseline Supersonic Noise Levels (CDNL) and Sonic Booms ..................................... 3-28 Summary of Baseline Emissions at Nellis AFB (tons/year) .......................................... 3-39 Summary of Baseline Emissions at NTTR (tons/year) .................................................. 3-40 Clark County Land Use Compatibility in the Airport Environs .................................... 3-54 Recommended Land Use for DNL-Based Noise Zones ................................................ 3-55 Land Use Within CZs and APZs ................................................................................... 3-56 Land Ownership Under Clark County Airport Noise Environ Contours (in acres) ....... 3-56 Land Use Within Clark County Airport Noise Environ Contours (in acres) ................. 3-57 Wilderness Areas and Wilderness Study Areas Underlying NTTR MOA Airspace ................................................................................................... 3-63
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 3.8-1 Table 4.1-1 Table 4.3-1 Table 4.3-2 Table 4.3-3 Table 4.3-4 Table 4.3-5 Table 4.3-6 Table 4.3-7 Table 4.4-1 Table 4.4-2 Minority and Low-Income Populations in the Vicinity of Nellis AFB in Clark County with Baseline Noise Greater than 65 dB DNL .................................... 3-75 Impact Analysis Approach by Resource for Nellis AFB ................................................. 4-1 Projected F-35 Noise Exposure (dB DNL) Around Nellis AFB (in acres)...................... 4-8 Relation Between Annoyance, DNL and CDNL ............................................................. 4-8 Comparison of Baseline and Projected Day-Night Average Sound Level at Representative Locations ................................................................................................. 4-9 Comparison of Baseline and Projected Indoor Speech Interference at Representative Locations ................................................................................................. 4-9 Comparison of Baseline and Projected Sleep Disturbance at Representative Locations........................................................................................................................ 4-10 Baseline and Projected F-35 Subsonic Noise Levels (Ldnmr) ......................................... 4-12 Baseline and Projected F-35 Supersonic Noise Levels and Sonic Boom Frequency .... 4-14 Nellis AFB Projected Construction Pollutant Emissions ............................................... 4-17 Projected Pollutant Emissions (tons/year) from Combined Construction, Commute, and Aircraft Operations Compared to Significance and GHG Thresholds ............................................................................................................ 4-18 Projected F-35 Noise Levels Relative to Clark County Noise Zones (in acres) ............ 4-27 Land Use Acres Affected by Projected F-35 Noise Levels (dB DNL) .......................... 4-27 Comparison of Existing and Projected Staff and Dependents at Nellis AFB ................ 4-32 Minority and Low-Income Populations in the Vicinity of Nellis AFB Affected by Noise Greater than 65 DNL under the Proposed Action ............................................... 4-36 Hazardous Wastes Generated by F-16 Maintenance Processes ..................................... 4-51

Table 4.6-1 Table 4.6-2 Table 4.7-1 Table 4.8-1 Table 4.12-1

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Federal law and United States Air Force (Air Force) policy, as detailed below, require implementation of a Force Development Evaluation (FDE) program and Weapons School (WS) training for all new aircraft. To meet these requirements for the F-35 1, the Air Force proposes to base 12 F-35 aircraft for the FDE program and an additional 24 F-35 aircraft for WS training. As required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and promulgated under the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Part 1502.14[d]), this Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyzes the potential impacts of the beddown of the 36 F-35 aircraft and the implementation of the FDE program and WS at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB). This EIS also analyzes the no-action alternative to the proposed action. The following section presents the purpose and need for the proposed F-35 beddown for the FDE program and WS. In this section, the Air Force presents the strategic, tactical, statutory, regulatory, and training basis for implementing the proposed action. It also describes the individual and synergistic importance of the FDE program and WS.



The Air Force strategy to modernize the aging inventory of legacy aircraft with an almost all-stealth fighter force by 2025 began with the F-22 2 Raptor in the early 1990s. In 1994, the United States Congress and the Department of Defense (DoD) determined that the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) would be developed to replace and supplement Air Force legacy fighter and attack aircraft (CRS 2004) such as the F-16 Fighting Falcon and A-10 Thunderbolt II.

This action involves basing of the F-35A, the conventional landing/takeoff variant of the F-35 developed for the Air Force. Throughout the remainder of this document, use of the term F-35 refers predominantly to the F-35A model. In the first portion of the F-22 program, prior to operational beddowns, the Air Force designated the aircraft as an F-22. This designation correlated with the major role anticipated for the new aircraftair superiority emphasizing air-to-air combat. In the NEPA documentation (Air Force 1999a) for the FDE program and WS beddown, the F-22 designator was used. Subsequent testing, development, and deployment resulted in further evolution of the aircrafts capabilities and missions, particularly air-to-ground operations. As such, the Air Force redesignated the aircraft as the F/A-22. The aircraft designation was the F/A-22 for a short time before being renamed F-22A in December 2005. Within this EIS, the Raptor will be termed the F-22A unless referencing specific documentation pre-dating that designation. 1-1

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Existing and anticipated foreign air defense systems have reached levels of effectiveness sufficient to pose a significant threat to current legacy fighter aircraft. In addition, the worldwide prevalence of sophisticated air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles continues to grow, increasing the number of threats to which legacy aircraft are vulnerable. In 1993, the Joint Advance Strike Technology (JAST) program was established to define and develop a common joint strike fighter airframe that would fill multiple combat roles and meet the growing sophistication of enemy defense systems. The F-35 is a supersonic, singleseat, single-engine aircraft capable of performing and surviving lethal strike warfare missions. There are three variations of the F-35: the Air Force F-35A, Conventional Take-Off and Landing (CTOL) version; the Marine Corps F-35B, Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) version; and the Navy F-35C, Carrier Variant (CV). 1.2.1 F-35 Aircraft Characteristics

The Air Force designated the F-35 to replace and supplement existing, but aging legacy fighter fleets, and to complement the F-22A. In that regard, these new aircraft would fulfill the wide range of roles and missions conducted by legacy fighter aircraft. As such, the Air Force F-35 CTOL variant embodies critical combat capabilities to fulfill multiple mission roles emphasizing air-to-ground missions. The F-35 epitomizes the characteristics needed for this role, offering a unique combination of capabilities. Stealth: Design features and radar-absorbent composite materials make the F-35 harder to detect than conventional aircraft of similar size. Range and Supersonic Speed The F-35 offers an equivalent or greater combat radius than legacy fighter aircraft while performing at substantially higher speeds than some legacy aircraft. The higher speeds and lower observability make Air Force pilots less vulnerable to enemy aircraft and ground-based threats. Sensor Integration to Support Precision Munitions New F-35 computer systems, combined with an internal munitions bay, permit Air Force pilots to detect enemy threats and deliver precision munitions at substantially greater distances than supported by legacy aircraft. Comprehensive Combat Information Systems Highly sophisticated avionics systems, including a helmet mounted display, are integrated throughout the F-35 to provide the pilot information from many sources and produce a clear, easily understood picture of the combat situation. Reduced Maintenance Costs Computerized self-tests of all systems, improved maintenance, and other autonomic logistics information system components reduce both maintenance time and costs. The F-35, a single-seat, all weather fighter receives its power from one F135 Pratt and Whitney jet engine capable of supplying approximately 35,000 to 40,000 pounds of thrust and speed up to Mach 1.5. Capable of employing air-to-ground, air-to-air, and guided weapons from an internal weapons bay, the F-35 also offers a 25-mm cannon for close air support and anti-armor missions. It also employs defensive


1.0 Purpose and Need for the Proposed Action Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS countermeasures such as flares, although its stealth characteristics would likely reduce the need for such measures. 1.2.2 F-35 Development and Deployment Process

To fulfill these roles, the Air Force must prepare F-35 aircrews to accomplish its missions. In preparation, the F-35 weapons system must be fully tested, tactics must be developed and documented, and this information must be taught to pilots and support personnel. The Air Force uses a standard process for weapons system acquisition, production, testing, and deployment. Several steps occur during the process: Statement of Operational Need Congressional Funding Concept Demonstration Systems Development and Demonstration Production Acceptance Testing Initial Operational Testing and Evaluation Force Development Evaluation Weapons School Future Beddowns of Operational Units

Through the systematic process outlined above, the Air Force must ensure that: the F-35 receives thorough, intensive testing and evaluation to ensure its effective, safe operation; 2. the FDE program and WS continue to refine the capabilities of the F-35 and improve tactics employed by the F-35 for as long as the aircraft remains part of the Air Force inventory; and 3. environmental documentation, developed in accordance with NEPA, the Clean Air Act, and all other applicable regulations have been or will be prepared for each major action within the process, including future beddowns of operational F-35s.

The requirement that led to the F-35 was identified through the process described in Air Force Instruction (AFI) 10-601, Mission Needs and Operational Requirements Guidance and Procedures. During the 1980s, the Air Force assessed its tactical capabilities against projected threats and determined that a multirole aircraft deficiency would emerge in the foreseeable future. Such a deficiency could jeopardize the United States ability to ensure that its forces have the freedom of action to conduct operations against opposing forces. In 1993, the DoD created the JAST program to conduct a major tactical aviation review. The JAST determined that the JSF would best meet the long-term mission needs of Air Force, Navy, Marine, and allied air forces. This joint service project determined a need to produce the JSF aircraft in three variants: F-35A conventional take-off and landing (Air Force), F-35C carrier based (Navy), and the
1.0 Purpose and Need for the Proposed Action Final, May 2011 1-3

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS F-35B short take-off and vertical landing version (Marine Corps) to meet existing and future operational missions (CRS 2004). Fiscal legislation from Congress in 1995 supported F-35 development and manufacture. Beginning in 1996, concept demonstration began and demonstrator aircraft flew in 2000 and 2001. These satisfactory results initiated the systems development and demonstration phase. Since 2001, the F-35 program has been progressing through the Systems Design and Development phase to include Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) activities. The Air Force plans to begin the F35 FDE program by fiscal year 2012 (FY12) with FDE activities supporting the FY14 initial operational capabilities (IOC). The overall F-35 IOT&E would ensure that the F-35 meets mandatory operational capabilities. The FDE program lasts as long as the aircraft remains in the Air Force inventory, repeatedly testing and evaluating the aircraft and its systems to ensure continued fulfillment of operational requirements. FDE also explores the use of new flight techniques and tactics for aircraft performance, supporting pilot development and training programs. By testing capabilities of an aircraft in tactical situations, including air-to-ground and air-to-air and electronic combat operations, FDE provides unique input on tactics to the WS and operational units. The WS represents an essential activity also performed throughout the life of the aircraft in the Air Force inventory. As established in Multi-Command Regulation 55-120, the WS conducts graduate-level instructor courses in weapons and tactics employment. The WS offers academic courses and flight training on specific aircraft to qualified instructor pilots. Upon completion of WS courses, which include 2 weeks of combat training exercises, graduate officers return to their home units to provide advanced instruction to unit pilots on employing the aircraft for its mission. As currently planned under the proposed action, F-35 WS graduates from Nellis AFB would return to operational squadrons in FY17. Beginning FY11, Air Education and Training Command would receive F-35 aircraft to establish pilot training and begin qualifying pilots. To accomplish this training, Air Education and Training Command would first establish a training squadron. Members of this squadron would complete F-35 pilot training and successfully perform the academic work and demonstrate the flying skills necessary to achieve instructor status. Some of these new instructor pilots would be assigned to operational units planned to receive F-35s. Some would also become WS instructors. By FY14, a sufficient number of qualified instructor pilots would be ready to receive the advanced training of the WS. The ultimate goal of the F-35 development and deployment process is to provide Air Force operational units with a proven, tested aircraft, as well as tactics and operational guidance to meet mission requirements. The Air Force will prepare appropriate environmental analyses for any future F-35 beddowns for training and operational units.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS



The purpose of the proposed action is to implement the F-35 FDE program and WS. F-35 development and manufacturing processes have been initiated and evaluation of the aircraft is currently taking place. The goal of the Air Force is to field the most up-to-date aircraft with the most highly trained pilots through the lifecycle of the weapons system. This is achieved through the FDE program and the WS for the aircraft and pilots, respectively. 1.3.1 Force Development Evaluation Program

Throughout the lifecycle of an aircraft, perhaps 30 years or more, many changes occur to the aircraft itself and to the operating environment of the aircraft. These changes include new avionics hardware and software, tactics empirically developed in the field, changing threats and enemy capabilities, and new weaponry. The FDE program is needed to address these changes and keep the Air Forces inventory in the best possible position to combat enemy threats. FDE evaluates, demonstrates, exercises, and/or analyzes field operational aircraft to determine their effectiveness and suitability. In addition, FDE identifies and resolves deficiencies during the sustainment portion of an aircrafts lifecycle. In accordance with Title 10, Section 2399 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), the DoD and the Air Force must test major weapon systems prior to any major defense acquisition. In addition, AFI 99-102, Operational Test and Evaluation (Section 2.1), directs that OT&E (of which FDE is a part) will be conducted in as realistic an operational environment as possible and practicable, and identify and help resolve deficiencies as early as possible. These conditions must be representative of both combat stress and peacetime operational conditions. The AFI defines the needed elements of FDE and explains how the Air Force major command operating the aircraft plans and conducts FDE until the aircraft is retired. For the F-35, Air Combat Command (ACC) is the major command responsible for implementing the Air Force FDE program. The FDE program fulfills several important functions: refines employment doctrine and tactics in response to changing threats; develops or refines operational procedures and training programs; evaluates changes to the F-35 aircraft to repair newly identified deficiencies and verifies they have been corrected throughout the entire time the aircraft is in the Air Force inventory; explores tactical means of meeting changing operational requirements as long as the aircraft remains in the inventory; evaluates operational flight programs, other software changes, pre-planned product improvements, modifications, upgrades, mission data updates, and other improvements or changes as long as the F-35 is in the inventory;

1.0 Purpose and Need for the Proposed Action Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS researches, demonstrates, exercises, analyzes, and evaluates tactics against anticipated threats; and ensures proper aircraft performance in combat by providing training, information on operational capabilities, and new requirements. Weapons School


The purpose of and need for the WS is to produce the Air Forces most highly trained weapons and tactics instructors. In turn, these highly trained instructors improve combat capability through superior training and instruction at the unit and base levels. WS graduates provide expertise in the tactical employment and operational planning and execution of integrated air and space power as required under AFI 11-415 Weapons and Tactics Programs. Under AFI 11-415, ACC must establish and maintain a WS for each aircraft type in its inventory. This program operates throughout the life of the aircraft, adapting to changes in technology, tactics, and threats. Feedback to and from the FDE program is essential to the WS since it applies, evaluates, and refines tactics developed under FDE. The WS provides up-to-date training for pilots already qualified to fly the aircraft. With tactics and combat training as its focus, the WS offers rigorous, intensive, and realistic instruction that enables WS graduates to effectively teach combat skills to members of their home operational units. The WS: provides graduate-level training for weapons and tactics for the F-35 aircraft; prepares graduates to instruct other pilots in the most up-to-date tactics and capabilities, thereby readying operational F-35 units for combat missions against potential enemy threats; and includes intensive combat training exercises offering the realism needed to test and hone the skills and knowledge of the graduates. Synergy Between Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School


The FDE program and WS represent essential but distinct parts of the Air Forces overall mission. These two essential parts of the F-35 program have different purposes but the same needs. The types of flying activities required in each program are the same and the fundamental supporting assets (i.e., base, airspace) needed by both programs are also closely matched. Individually and combined, the FDE program and WS involve unique requirements that differ from those associated with the training activities of operational units. Both programs need specific, identical assets to meet their unique requirements. For the F-35, these fall into three major categories. Airspace and Ranges. The F-35 FDE program and WS each need military airspace, secure training ranges, and associated ground facilities capable of accommodating specific operational
1.0 Purpose and Need for the Proposed Action Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS and training activities. Such activities are very similar for both FDE and WS; only their purpose differs between the two programs. Professional Expertise and Opportunities for Realistic Operations. F-35 basing must provide personnel with the opportunity to perform realistic operations and the training needed to realize the full value of the FDE and WS programs, along with the associated cadre of experienced pilots. Base. A base for FDE and WS must offer the physical and organizational infrastructure to support these programs.

1.0 Purpose and Need for the Proposed Action Final, May 2011




This chapter describes the Air Force proposal to implement the F-35 FDE program and WS at Nellis AFB, including operational changes and construction. As required under the CEQ (40 CFR Part 1502.14(d)), it also describes the no-action alternative, in which the F-35 FDE program and WS would not be implemented. The chapter also evaluates the process and criteria used to define the location of the F-35 beddown. As a result of this evaluation and application of FDE and WS basing criteria, the Air Force determined that Nellis AFB comprised the only reasonable location for the proposed action. The Air Force proposes to base 36 F-35 aircraft at Nellis AFB: 12 for the FDE program and an additional 24 F-35 aircraft for WS training. Under this beddown proposal, the F-35 would supplement and eventually replace the aging legacy fighter aircraft at Nellis AFB. As a phased program reliant on manufacturing progress and other elements of F-35 deployment, the first F-35 would arrive in 2012 and the last in 2020. This proposal would also involve adding to the existing inventory of aircraft; construction, demolition, and/or modification of base facilities; and implementation of flight activities for the FDE program and WS within Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR). No net changes in overall airspace configuration are anticipated with the F-35 beddown. The details of the proposed action form the basis for analysis of potential environmental impacts. Assessment of the F-35 capabilities and missions reveals that Nellis AFB represents the single location that reasonably provides for the specific and unique requirements of the F-35 FDE program and WS.



Test and Training Missions

The basis for testing and training derives from the combat missions expected and planned for an aircraft. Table 2-1 outlines the representative test and training mission activities derived from legacy fighter aircraft missions that would be applied to the F-35. It also presents data on the types of airspace generally used for each activity.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 2-1 Projected FDE Program and WS Test and Training Activities Required for the F-35 Activity Tasks Airspace Type G-force awareness, maneuverability, break turns, high angle Aircraft Handling of attack maneuvering, acceleration maneuvering, gun MOA* and Characteristics tracking, offensive and defensive positioning, simulated ATCAA** fueling, stall recovery Recognize all offensive/defensive weapons situations, defeat enemy weapons employment, G-force awareness, Basic Fighter offensive/defensive maneuvering, visual missile defense, MOA and ATCAA Maneuvers beyond visual defense, maneuvering for weapons use, defensive countermeasures use MOA, Restricted Surface Attack 2 vs. 4, or 4 vs. 4 aircraft, low to high altitude tactical Areas (over Tactics weapons delivery and escape maneuvers (day and night) weapons delivery ranges) Multi-aircraft formations and tactics, systems check, Gforce awareness, 2 vs. 4 and 4 vs. 6 aircraft intercepts, Air Combat MOA , Restricted combat air patrol, defense of airspace sector from composite Maneuvers Areas force attack, intercept and destroy bomber aircraft, avoid adversary fighters 1 or 2 aircraft offensive and defensive operations at low altitude, G-force awareness at low altitude, handling, turns, tactical formations, navigation, threat awareness, defensive MOA, Restricted Low Altitude Training response, defensive counter measure (flares) use, low to Areas high and high to low altitude intercepts, missile defense, combat air patrol against low/medium altitude adversaries 2 vs. 4 and 4 vs. 6 tactical intercepts, G-force awareness, MOA, Restricted Tactical Intercepts electronic countermeasures, lead and formation flying Areas, and ATCAA 4 vs. 4 aircraft intercepts and defense, defensive MOA, Restricted Night Operations countermeasure (flare) use, maneuvering for weapons use Areas, and ATCAA Multi-aircraft and multi-adversary (involving dozens of aircraft) defense and combat air patrol, defense of airspace Dissimilar Air MOA, Restricted sector from composite force attack, intercept and destroy Combat Tactics Areas, and ATCAA bomber aircraft, avoid adversary fighters, strike-force rendezvous and protection Multi-aircraft and multi-adversary (involving dozens of aircraft) composite strike force exercise (day and night), systems check, air refueling, strike force defense and escort, MOA, Restricted Mission Employment air intercepts, electronic countermeasures, combat air patrol, Areas, and ATCAA defense against composite force, bomber intercepts, defensive countermeasure (flare) use Single to multiple aircraft attacking a wide range of ground- Restricted Airspace targets using different ingress and egress methods, delivery (over weapons Ordnance Delivery tactics, ordnance types, angles of attack, and combat delivery ranges) scenarios MOA
Source: AFI 11-2F-16, AFI 11-2F-22 * MOA military operations area ** ATCAA air traffic control assigned airspace


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 2.1.2 Overall Considerations

Several considerations must be applied when selecting the base to support the specific F-35 FDE program and WS needs. These considerations, as described below, are important both in supporting the FDE program and WS, as well as for defining the type of location needed for the beddown. 1. Integrated Battlespace for Testing and Training. An integrated battlespace environment for testing and training consists of airspace, range, and other assets that support the full spectrum of operations that could be encountered in combat. Such an environment supports realistic activities, including major exercises involving many types of aircraft in addition to aircraft adopting the roles and tactics of adversaries. An integrated battlespace environment also offers a variety and arrangement of ground-based threats that require aircrews to operate and react as they would in combat. It provides air-to-air and air-to-ground testing and training, employing the equipment and facilities to monitor and review aircraft and aircrew performance. Since the F-35 FDE program and WS must test and train under as realistic conditions as feasible, a nearby location offering an integrated battlespace environment is required. 2. Interaction of F-35 FDE Program and WS. Interaction between the staffs of the FDE program and WS enhances the professional expertise of each program. FDE staff tests and evaluates the operational capabilities of an aircraft and uses this information to develop tactics. These capabilities and tactics are then incorporated into the WS program. The WS staff also evaluates the utility and value of the tactics through its intensive training course, providing feedback to the FDE staff on changes and refinements in tactics. This feedback process forms a continuous improvement cycle, or synergy, between the two programs as long as the aircraft remain in the Air Force inventory. Locating both programs at the same base would enhance the synergy, allowing consistent interaction between the F-35 FDE program and WS. 3. Maximize Use of Existing Infrastructure to Accommodate the F-35 FDE Program and WS. A base that requires minimal changes to accommodate these F-35 programs would offer a more efficient and effective alternative than a site that needed extensive changes and/or improvements. Such efficiency and effectiveness can be measured in terms of costs. For example, fewer infrastructure improvements and personnel changes would translate into lower overall costs. Similarly, minimized changes may also equate to less potential for environmental impacts; fewer infrastructure changes mean less construction and ground disturbance that could affect the environment. 4. Support the Functional and Operational Characteristics of the F-35. The functional and operational characteristics designed into the F-35 emphasize an air-to-ground combat role but also recognize the F-35s ability to perform air-to-air missions. These characteristics consist of
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS maneuverability, stealth, comprehensive yet simple combat information systems, as well as maintainability, sustainability, reliability, and responsiveness. The F-35 aircraft will possess many of the functional and operational characteristics of legacy aircraft, allowing it to fulfill their missions effectively and efficiently. Table 2-2 outlines the characteristics and associated operational requirements for F-35 test and evaluation. Table 2-2 F-35 Operational Characteristics and Requirements Operational Characteristics Operational Requirements Adequate airspace in which to employ the full spectrum of combat tactics Engage ground-based and adversary aircraft threats employing Agility and Maneuverability combat tactics Operate in a wide range of modes for air-to-ground missions (e.g., interdiction, armor, close air support) against a variety of target types Provide airspace capable of supporting the multi-role missions including restricted areas over targets Sufficient airspace in which to fly supersonic during tactics Range and Supersonic Speed employment Simulate enemy capabilities and tactics by engaging adversary aircraft Ability to safely test and use stealth in tactics that minimize conflicts with commercial and civil aviation Stealth Employ simulated adversary instrumentation and threat radar in operations Opportunity to employ systems in large force exercises Comprehensive Combat involving numerous and different aircraft types Information Systems Use ground-based simulated threats and instrumentation to test information systems in combat tactics Adequate facilities to employ large force, multi-day exercises simulating combat operations tempo Reduced Maintenance Costs Employ full spectrum of tactics and capabilities to evaluate aircraft systems Ability to employ full range of air-to-ground ordnance against Sensor Integration to Support spectrum of target types expected in combat Precision Munitions Use defensive countermeasures in combat tactics 2.1.3 Criteria for Basing F-35 FDE Program and WS

Using these overall considerations and also considering the combat role of the F-35 aircraft, the Air Force applied nine criteria as basing requirements for the F-35 FDE program and WS. 1. ACC and Major Range and Test Facility Base (MRTFB). Under Air Force policy and instructions, implementation of the FDE program and WS is the responsibility of the major command operating the new aircraft. ACC is the Air Forces primary fighter command and is the
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS major command receiving the F-35s, so ACC is responsible for the F-35 FDE program and WS, as well as eventual deployment of the aircraft to the Air Force operational units. To ensure it meets its responsibilities, ACC must maintain command and control over these programs throughout their existence. In addition, FDE activities occur on an MRTFB as described in DoD 32-00.11. Basing the F-35 FDE program and WS at an ACC base designated as a MRTFB would aid in fulfilling these responsibilities because of the special funding authorities and assets associated with such bases. A location suitable for the F-35 WS must not only share many of the same attributes characteristic of an MRTFB but also offer a training range capable of supporting full-scale exercises and instrumentation for comprehensive scoring and debriefing. 2. Runway Length. Due to the expected operational parameters for the F-35 under the FDE program and WS, an 8,000 foot-long runway that includes an arresting cable would be required. 3. Ramp Space. The FDE program and WS, when fully established, would require a total of 36 F-35 aircraft to meet the requirements of testing and tactics development, as well as providing for graduate-level combat training of instructor pilots. Therefore, a base must provide sufficient ramp space to park 36 F-35s for the FDE program and WS, or it must permit safe expansion of ramp space. 4. Security Restrictions. Because the F-35 represents the newest and most sophisticated strike fighter aircraft in the world, knowledge of its systems and capabilities would provide a potential advantage to adversaries. For this reason, the ability to observe specific FDE program and WS operations must be restricted. Both the base for the F-35 beddown and a large proportion of the ground underlying the airspace associated with the base must prohibit unauthorized observation of these aircraft operations. 5. Airspace. The F-35 FDE program and WS need a large airspace area that overlies land containing air-to-ground targets, restricted areas for training and testing, and authorized airspace for supersonic flight activities. To provide sufficient airspace for combat maneuvering by F-35 aircraft, the base must have nearby military operations areas (MOAs), restricted airspace, or a combination of both over land, measuring at least 100 by 50 nautical miles (nm). This area should offer sufficient airspace for an F-35 to identify an adversary aircraft, lock-on with a weapons system, and close with the opposing aircraft. Due to the increasing capabilities of nonU.S. advanced fighters and air-to-air missiles, airspace offering 100-nm separation between opposing aircraft should be considered a minimum. This size of airspace also provides for maneuvering associated with air-to-ground missions. The airspace must also permit substantial vertical maneuvering, offering altitudes from surface or near surface to 50,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) or higher. Since the upper altitudes of MOAs top out at 18,000 feet MSL, the airspace

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS also needs to include air traffic control assigned airspace (ATCAA) above the MOAs to accommodate the training requirements. 6. Ordnance Use and Ranges. Under an FDE program and WS, the functionality of all systems, including ordnance delivery systems, requires evaluation and use under tactical conditions. Since the F-35 will perform air-to-ground missions an estimated 65 percent of the time, the availability of a full spectrum of air-to-ground training assets represents an essential criterion. To fully evaluate and use these systems, the FDE program and WS must conduct test and training activities at a tactical range that permits delivery of training (inert or nonexplosive) and live (explosive) ordnance using myriad techniques and tactics. Aircraft and weapons performance must also be monitored from the point of release to the point of impact. For the F-35 FDE program and WS, a range must be available that provides full scoring feedback systems for weapons use. Under the F-35 primary mission, it is expected to carry the Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) as well as other ordnance used by existing aircraft in the Air Force inventory. A range that would also support the F-35 air-to-air mission forms another requirement for basing. 7. Range Instrumentation System. A significant proportion of F-35 FDE program and WS activities would involve employing and evaluating the full range of maneuvers that would be used in combat. These activities, in part, test the capabilities of the aircraft and pilot in realistic combat training situations. To provide the realism needed for these activities, the F-35 must engage in combat training with other aircraft and against adversary aircraft. A range instrumentation system, therefore, must provide for live monitoring and recording of these flight activities. Instructors and pilots can then review the training actions and use this feedback to improve performance and tactics. Testing and training regularly involve dozens of aircraft, so the base and airspace supporting the F-35 FDE program and WS must offer an instrumentation system capable of simultaneously monitoring and recording multiple aircraft within the ranges. 8. Realistic Threats. An important element of the F-35s value to the Air Force stems from its expected capability to avoid and defeat the variety of ground-based surface-to-air missile and anti-aircraft-artillery systems maintained by potential enemies of the United States. To ensure and refine that capability and the tactics used in its employment, the F-35 FDE program and WS need to operate against simulated ground-based threats that provide the variability and realism expected in actual combat. Therefore, the F-35 should operate in airspace that overlies an array of realistic, flexible electronic emitters that simulate the types of enemy radar anticipated in a variety of combat scenarios. In combating these threats, the F-35 must use its full capabilities, including defensive countermeasures. As such, any location for the F-35 beddown needs to offer training areas authorized for flare use.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 9. Training Exercises. The FDE program and WS contribute to pilot readiness in order to successfully perform combat missions. To augment the synergy needed for the FDE program and WS, the F-35 must engage in realistic combat training with other friendly aircraft and against adversary aircraft. To achieve this type of training, a base must offer an organizational structure and mission, as well as access to airspace and other interrelated training assets that promote interaction of the F-35 with a variety of other aircraft through major exercises. 2.1.4 Identification of Basing Location for F-35 FDE Program and WS

To meet the specific and unique requirements of the F-35 FDE program and WS, a location must satisfy the overall considerations as well as fulfill each basing criteria. Support of both test and training missions forms, along with the required facilities and infrastructure, essential factors defining whether a base can meet the purpose and need for this proposed action. As described below, the Air Force considered the attributes of the 65 major active Air Force bases in the United States relative to the requirements. Only one location, Nellis AFB and the associated NTTR, meets these requirements. Applying Overall Considerations to Nellis AFB 1. Integrated Battlespace Environment for Testing and Training. NTTR exceeds the basing requirements, offering one of the best sets of facilities, ranges, infrastructure, and airspace to provide an integrated battlespace environment. 2. Interaction of the F-35 FDE Program and WS. Nellis AFB offers the unique opportunity for interaction between the F-35 FDE program and WS. The Air Force needs to test and evaluate the operational characteristics of the F-35 aircraft through the FDE program. The WS staff needs to incorporate the results of tactics developed through test and evaluation into the WS curriculum so that state-of-the-art tactics and techniques can be taught to the pilots from operational F-35 squadrons located throughout the world. F-35 tactics developed by the FDE program would be used in a wide range of simulated combat conditions by these students and instructors. As threats change through time, tactics would require consistent re-evaluation and refinement by the FDE staff. Co-locating the FDE program and WS at the same facility would create a continuous tactics improvement cycle. It would permit FDE and WS pilots to interact daily, exchanging information, and acquiring knowledge through face-to-face briefings/debriefings. Nellis AFB has been and remains the Air Forces only location for both the fighter aircraft FDE program and WS. This personnel interaction between the FDE program and the WS at Nellis AFB has existed for many years and currently supports other aircraft (e.g., F-22As, F-16s, A-10s, etc.). This interaction, or synergy, has proven invaluable to developing the full combat potential of the aircraft and the aircrews. Synergy is further enhanced because both the F-35 FDE program and WS fall under the direct command of the United States Air Force Warfare Center (USAFWC).
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3. Maximize Use of Existing Infrastructure. Basing the F-35 FDE program and WS at Nellis AFB would require little change to its existing infrastructure. To accommodate the specific organizational and operational requirements of these two F-35 programs, no changes would need to occur in Nellis AFBs organization or structure, its associated ranges or airspace, its security measures, range instrumentation and threat simulators, or major force exercises. Nellis AFB has already developed and upgraded many general infrastructure requirements with the F-22A beddown. Only on-base construction and facility upgrades would be needed for the F-35. The FDE program and WS could be directly integrated into the long-established testing and training activities that form part of the daily routine for the base. Applying Basing Criteria to Nellis AFB These basing criteria, and the F-35 operational characteristics, as well as the flying requirements and mission considerations listed in Section 2.1.2, are addressed below. 1. ACC Major Range and Test Facility Base. As an ACC base and a MRTFB, Nellis AFB and NTTR meet this criterion. Of the 16 Army, Navy, Air Force, and DoD MRTFBs designated by the DoDs Operational Test and Evaluation Division, NTTR represents such a facility under ACC command and control. There already exists a Test and Evaluation Squadron and Weapons School at Nellis AFB to receive the F-35s and incorporate them into their missions without duplication of personnel and resources. In addition to its status as an MRTFB, NTTR comprises a fully capable training range hosting many multi-force exercises annually. 2. Runway Length. Nellis AFB includes two runways, each measuring more than 10,000 feet in length and exceeding the 8,000-foot criterion for the F-35 FDE program and WS. There are also arresting cables to meet this criterion. 3. Ramp Space. Nellis AFB can accommodate over 140 aircraft on its ramps at the same time. While current and near future inventories of aircraft at the base remain at 113, the combination of aircraft from large force exercises and the F-35 beddown creates the need for some additional ramp space. Nellis AFB has safe and secure areas to accommodate this needed ramp expansion. 4. Security Restrictions. Nellis AFB offers standard, high-level Air Force security, particularly along the flightline and ramp areas. No unauthorized individuals may enter the base, and security forces guard all entry points and the base boundary. The base currently houses highly-protected aircraft like the F-22A. NTTR offers close to 3 million acres of land restricted from public entry and is patrolled and/or monitored by security forces.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 5. Airspace. Airspace comprising NTTR lies within 20 nm of Nellis AFB. It includes MOAs and restricted areas that cover approximately 150 by 80 nm and contiguous airspace that exceed the 100 by 50 nm criterion. All of this airspace overlies land, with roughly one-half extending from the surface to unlimited altitudes and the other half extending from 100 feet above ground level (AGL) to 60,000 feet MSL or higher (including ATCAA). Varied terrain, including mountains and expanses of flat desert, underlie this airspace. All NTTR airspace supports supersonic flight, although at differing altitudes, with portions authorized for flights as low as 100 feet AGL (in a restricted area only) and as high as 60,000 feet MSL. With these attributes, the NTTR airspace associated with Nellis AFB meets the specific criteria for basing the F-35 FDE program and WS. 6. Ordnance Use and Ranges. NTTR, managed and operated by Nellis AFB, meets this basing criterion. It includes more than 2,000 targets within 195 target complexes. A total of 81 target complexes permit ordnance delivery with live (explosive) weapons ranging from 5.56-caliber rounds to 2,000-pound bombs or heavier. Tactical targets within NTTR also permit use of inert (non-explosive) training ordnance. Almost every type of conventional (i.e., non-nuclear) air-toground ordnance is authorized for use on NTTR. Several subranges and target complexes within NTTR provide monitoring and scoring for ordnance delivery and provide real-time scoring feedback to pilots. Therefore, NTTR meets this criterion of providing full instrumentation for F-35 weapons deployment. 7. Range Instrumentation System. NTTR provides extensive live monitoring, recording, and tracking instrumentation to support the full range of F-35 testing and training maneuvers. Using the Nellis Air Combat Tracking System (NACTS), the Range Control Center at Nellis AFB can track and monitor a single aircrafts entire mission or a multi-aircraft exercise. NACTS replaced the former Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) tracking and uses a system of aircraft transmitters and ground receivers which allows recording of all flight maneuvers for later replay and flight debriefings. The range instrumentation system available from Nellis AFB provides coverage for the NTTR airspace, offering real-time coverage or air-to-air and surface-toair operations. For these reasons, NTTR and Nellis AFB meet this basing criterion. 8. Realistic Threats. NTTR offers sufficient threat realism and simulated threats to meet the basing criteria for the F-35 FDE program and WS. NTTR includes multiple electronic threat simulators and communications jamming equipment that defend 195 target complexes containing more than 2,000 simulated targets. These established electronic threats are used to train and test aircrews and weapons systems in a realistic battlespace environment. These threats simulate the full range of anticipated enemy air defenses, including radar units for target acquisition, surface-to-air missiles, and anti-aircraft artillery. This substantial array of equipment provides realistic threats for both testing and training operations. NTTR also permits the use of defensive countermeasures

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS in response to these realistic threats. Flares can be employed throughout most the NTTR airspace. 9. Training Exercises. Nellis AFB, along with NTTR, represents the Air Forces premier location to conduct complex, multi-aircraft combat training exercises. Nellis AFB conducts multiple large force exercises every year. These large force training exercises realistically simulate aircrew deployment, actual battlefield combat, and the intense tempo of air warfare. The FDE program and WS aircraft also participate in these exercises. In terms of the F-35, the opportunity to participate in these Nellis AFB programs would fulfill the basing requirement defined above. 2.1.5 Alternatives Considered But Not Carried Forward

In compliance with NEPA, as promulgated under CEQ regulations 40 CFR Part 1502.14, the Air Force must consider reasonable alternatives to the proposed action. The CEQ notes, however, that if a very large number of alternatives potentially exist, an agency must only analyze a reasonable number of examples. Determining what constitutes a reasonable range of alternatives depends on the nature of the proposal and the facts in each case. The CEQ regulations require a brief discussion of the reasons for eliminating alternatives not considered reasonable (40 CFR 1502.14). Furthermore, the AFI implementing NEPA (promulgated at 32 CFR 989.8(b)) defines reasonable alternatives as those that meet the underlying purpose and need for the proposed action and that would require a reasonable person to inquire further before choosing a particular course of action. To narrow the number of alternatives, the AFI allows eliminating alternatives from detailed analysis based on reasonable selection standards (e.g., operational, technical, or environmental standards suitable for a particular project). For this proposal, Sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 presented above address the selection standards. The following discussion briefly explains the reasons for eliminating alternatives from detailed study. The purpose of the action discussed in this EIS is to implement both the F-35 FDE program and WS. To achieve that purpose, the Air Force must implement the FDE program and WS at a base that meets the specific and unique requirements of each program. Although many bases are capable of accommodating F-35 operational units, the FDE program and WS have requirements different from those needed for the operational units. The F-35 FDE program and WS are best located at an ACC base to ensure command and control and to support ACC in meeting its responsibilities for the overall F-35 development and deployment process. This location would also be a MRTFB. Of the 65 bases within the Air Force, only one represents an ACC MRTFB installation: Nellis AFB, Nevada. Other bases, such as Edwards AFB, California, have an MRTFB, but are not under direct ACC command and control or do not meet other basing criteria.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS DoD, the Air Force, and ACC also operate many bases and training ranges such as Goldwater Range, Arizona, McGregor Range New Mexico, and others. These other installations and ranges serve important functions to the DoD and, at some point, could support operational F-35s conducting training suited for their particular mission. However, these other bases and ranges currently have existing missions of critical need for the DoD and the Air Force. Addition of the F-35 FDE program and WS, along with the associated infrastructure and operations, would interfere with the primary missions of those bases and ranges. For example, Edwards AFB and its Air Force Flight Test Center, serve as the primary location for flight testing new aircraft in their initial or developmental stages. The base offers infrastructure to support many individual types of test aircraft. Airspace and ranges associated with or nearby the base provide the assets and instrumentation needed for the specific type of aircraft testing performed at Edwards AFB. Although an important test center for the Air Force, Edwards AFB does not meet the specific and unique requirements for either the F-35 FDE program or the WS. It does not meet the overall considerations presented for these F-35 programs (refer to Section 2.1.2), since it does not offer an integrated battlespace environment. Placement of the F-35 programs at Edwards AFB would require major changes to base and training range infrastructure. Of the nine basing criteria listed in Section 2.1.3, Edwards AFB and associated assets fail to meet five. It is not an ACC base (criterion 1), it lacks the range instrumentation (criterion 7) and realistic threat environment (criterion 8) essential to the FDE program and WS, and it offers neither the ordnance delivery ranges (criterion 6) nor support for large-force training exercises (criterion 9). Holloman AFB serves as another example of a vital base that would be inappropriate for the F-35 FDE program and WS. Holloman AFB has primarily supported operational aircraft (such as the F-117s and F-22As) in the past but is soon being re-structured to support F-16 formal training units. This base will not be structured for an operational unit, nor does it support an FDE program and WS. While supporting components of an MRTFB, only tests are conducted on nearby White Sands Missile Range. The missile range emphasizes ground-based engineering, as well as radar, missile, and aircraft testing. While it represents a DoD center of excellence for these capabilities and supports an operational mission, Holloman AFB does not meet the specific and unique requirements for the F-35 FDE program and WS. At a minimum, it does not meet the considerations and criteria enumerated in Section 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 because it lacks the following elements: integrated battlespace environment (consideration 1), existing infrastructure for an FDE program (consideration 3), range instrumentation for tracking and providing feedback to numerous aircraft simultaneously (criterion 7), threat simulation for a realistic battlespace environment (criterion 5), and support for large-force training exercises involving a broad spectrum of aircraft and situations (criterion 9).

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Of the 16 MRTFBs, only Nellis AFB and NTTR meet all F-35 FDE program and WS considerations and criteria. As noted above, Holloman AFB is an ACC base with an associated MRTFB. However, it fails to fulfill the criteria for basing the F-35 FDE program and WS. The other MRTFBs similarly lack the attributes required for basing (Table 2-3). Eight of the sixteen bases are controlled by the Army or Navy, not under the command of the Air Force. The remaining eight Air Force MRTFBs either do not meet the considerations presented in Section 2.1.2 or the criteria applied in Section 2.1.3. In addition, each would require far more changes to establish the F-35 FDE program and WS than would be needed at Nellis AFB and NTTR. It is not possible to exactly quantify the costs to duplicate the existing infrastructure, airspace, and personnel for the FDE program and WS at an installation other than Nellis AFB and NTTR. Multiple actions would be needed at Edwards AFB and nearby training ranges to duplicate the FDE program and WS capabilities found at Nellis AFB. Similar changes would be needed to alter other bases to duplicate the capabilities at Nellis AFB and NTTR. A conservative list of these actions includes: enhanced electronic threats and targets; range instrumentation with tracking, scoring, and related teaching facilities; additional security and airspace modifications; and new or relocated personnel to perform comprehensive FDE program and WS functions. Also, extensive construction would be needed at Edwards AFB or other bases, resulting in additional costs of millions of dollars to duplicate the FDE program and WS capabilities currently available at Nellis AFB and NTTR. Establishing the F-35 FDE program or WS at a base other than Nellis AFB or at a range other than NTTR might be possible, but it would not represent a reasonable alternative. Other bases would need to make changes to their infrastructure, organization, existing programs, and probably, reconfigure/create new airspace and ranges in order to meet the specific requirements of an F-35 FDE program and WS. Such changes would conflict with the overall basing consideration regarding minimizing change by employing existing assets. To provide the integrated battlespace environment and level of training exercises important to the FDE program and WS, the Air Force would need to make wholesale changes to the ranges and the exercises held there. Basing the F-35 FDE program and WS at a base other than Nellis AFB would require changes to that base, its organization, and its associated ranges and airspace. This would: require additional time to establish the FDE program and WS, further delaying the entire F-35 program and potentially diminishing national defense capabilities; substantially increase the costs of implementing the F-35 program beyond that allocated by Congress and approved by the President; and likely result in more extensive actions that could have effects on the environment greater than those potentially occurring from the proposed action. The Air Force considered the possibility that the FDE could be established at a different base than the WS. But splitting the FDE program and the WS between two locations would not be an efficient or
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS effective use of existing available infrastructure, training assets, and personnel. Economies of maintenance, training, and personnel would be achieved by establishing both the F-35 FDE program and F-35 WS at the same base and using the same airspace to conduct needed flight operations. Further economies would accrue if a base selected for the F-35 FDE program and WS already supported such programs for other fighter aircraft. Separating the two programs at different bases would not achieve these economies and would represent an inefficient use of available resources. Establishing the FDE and WS at two separate locations would also reduce the opportunity for the two programs to provide feedback to one another about the capabilities of the F-35 and the expansion of those capabilities for combat. Transitioning specific F-35 airframes from FDE to WS would be simpler if both programs resided at the same base. After considering the concept to duplicate the F-35 FDE program and WS at different bases, and the factors described above, the Air Force determined it would not be reasonable to separate the programs. In summary, splitting the FDE program and WS between bases would not fulfill the basing criteria. It would eliminate the synergy achieved when both reside at a single base, and subsequently increase the costs and resources involved. This increase in cost and lengthening of the timeline to implement the beddown could delay the entire program, potentially diminishing national defense capabilities. No location or combination of locations other than Nellis AFB would meet the specific requirements for basing the F-35 FDE program and WS. No reasonable action alternative to Nellis AFB exists, because none would fulfill the purpose and need for the proposal. 2.1.6 Alternatives Carried Forward for Analysis

As noted above, the Air Force and ACCs only existing fighter FDE program and WS are currently located at Nellis AFB, so it represents the location of the proposed action. Nellis AFB, its ranges, and its airspace provide the only basing location that meets the needs for both the F-35 FDE and WS programs. Therefore, two alternatives were carried forward for detailed analysis in this EIS, the no-action alternative and the proposed beddown of the F-35 at Nellis AFB. The no-action alternative is detailed in Section 2.2 and a description of the proposed action follows in Section 2.3.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS



CEQ regulations (40 CFR Part 1502.14(d)) that implement NEPA require analysis of a no-action alternative. No action means that the proposed action (i.e., F-35 beddown at Nellis AFB) would not take place, and the resulting environmental effects from taking no action would be compared to the effects of implementing the proposed action. Under the no-action alternative for this EIS, no F-35 FDE program and WS beddown would occur at Nellis AFB and no on-base construction or personnel increases would be implemented, and the F-35 FDE program and WS would not use NTTR. The following descriptions of the current status of Nellis AFB and NTTR provide a context for comparing the changes that would occur with the proposed action. 2.2.1 Nellis AFB

The base, located in the southeast corner of the state of Nevada, lies adjacent to the city of North Las Vegas (Figure 2-1). Nellis AFB is the center for ACC training and testing activities conducted at NTTR, with the base providing logistical and organizational support for NTTR, the aircraft training, and personnel. Situated in Clark County, the base lies 5 miles northeast of the City of Las Vegas. The unincorporated town of Sunrise Manor and undeveloped portions of Clark County surround the majority of the base, although open space dominates to the northeast. Covering 14,161 acres, the base contains three major functional areas (Figure 2-2). Area I, the main base, is located east of Las Vegas Boulevard and includes the airfield and most base functions. Area II, the Munitions Storage Area (MSA)/Weapons Storage Area (WSA) lies northeast of the main base; Area III, located northwest of the main base, includes a number of facilities such as a hospital, storage, and housing. The areas north and east of Nellis AFB are primarily open range and mountains, with commercial and industrial uses along Las Vegas Boulevard. Directly south and southwest of the base, commercial and residential land uses mixed with some industrial activities dominate the area. The mission of Nellis AFB is to provide realistic combat training involving every type of aircraft in the Air Force inventory. It also supports test and evaluation programs and weapons schools for all Air Force fighter aircraft: A-10s, F-15C/Ds, F-15Es, F-16Cs, and F-22As. The organizational structure of Nellis AFB includes four major wings and 60 other units. The USAFWC, headquartered at Nellis AFB, consists of five wings: three wingsthe 57th Wing (57 WG), the 98th Range Wing (98 RANW), and the 99th Air Base Wing (99 ABW)are based at Nellis AFB. The fourth and fifth, 53rd and 505th Wings, operate from Eglin AFB and Hurlburt AFB, respectively in Florida. Table 2-3 summarizes the major units and their functions. In addition, Nellis AFB and NTTR host and conduct large-force exercises for U.S. and allied air forces.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 2-3 Nellis AFB Units Relevant to the Proposed Action Relevant Functions Manages all advanced pilot training and integrates test and evaluation USAFWC requirements. Oversees flying operations at Nellis AFB: 57 WG, 98 RANW, and the 53 WG. Oversees all flying operations at Nellis AFB including the Weapons School and 414th Combat Training Squadron. 57th Wing Manages airspace. Weapons School Ensures realistic training in combined air, ground, and electronic threat environment. 414th Combat Provides an advanced combat training course in weapons and tactics. Training Squadron Trains graduate-level fighter aircrews for all fighter aircraft. (Red Flag) Conducts large-force exercises involving combat training for multiple friendly and adversary forces. Based at Eglin AFB except for the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron. 53rd Wing Responsible for operational testing and evaluation of new equipment and 422nd Test and systems proposed for use by the forces. Evaluation Develops new tactics for aircraft in the Air Force inventory. Squadron Operates A-10, F-15C, F-15E, F-16C, F-22A, and HH-60G aircraft. Operates, maintains, and develops NTTR comprising about 3 million acres of land and 12,000 square nm of airspace. 98th Range Wing Operates airfields at Creech AFB and the Tonopah Test Range. Host wing for Nellis AFB. 99th Air Base Wing Oversees all day-to-day operations and functions of the base. Unit The 414th Combat Training Squadron conducts large-force exercises that maximize the combat readiness and survivability of participants by providing a realistic training environment. Red Flag is a special multi-week large force exercise that realistically simulates aircrew deployment and combat situations. Red Flags are complex, full-scale simulated wars, complete with aggressor aircraft using adversary tactics. These exercises teach units how to deploy and operate in an integrated manner. In a typical Red Flag exercise, Blue Forces (friendly) engage Red Forces (aggressor) in combat situations. Blue Forces are made up of units from ACC, Air Mobility Command, U.S. Air Forces Europe, Pacific Air Forces, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve Command, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and allied air forces. They are led by a Blue Forces commander who orchestrates the employment plan. Red Forces are composed of Red Flags Adversary Tactics Division and provide the threats through the emulation of enemy tactics. In a typical year, the Air Force plans three to five Red Flag exercises at Nellis AFB and NTTR. Nellis AFB Assigned Aircraft and Airfield Operations Under the no-action alternative, the number and nature of aircraft assigned to Nellis AFB and the quantity and type of airfield operations would remain unchanged from the baseline conditions described below. Table 2-4 lists the aircraft force structure currently stationed at Nellis AFB. Since Nellis AFB supports major force exercises such as Red Flag, more than a dozen types of transient (visitors not based at Nellis
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS AFB) aircraft temporarily operate from the base during exercises. These aircraft range from American B-1B bombers to fighters such as the Mirage 2000 and Tornado, operated by U.S. allies. Table 2-5 summarizes the principal operational tasks of the major types of aircraft that are stationed at Nellis AFB, use the base as transients, or operate within NTTR. Other aircraft at Nellis AFB are minor transient users and are not listed. Table 2-4 Aircraft Assigned to Nellis AFB HH-60 A-10 F-15C F-15E F-162 11 10 19 11 45

Aircraft Type Number of Aircraft

1 2

F-22A/T3 17

Total 113

Helicopter. Includes FDE/WS (26); Thunderbird Demonstration Team (8); and Aggressors Squadron (11). 3 Includes all F-22A aircraft authorized for basing at Nellis AFB as well as visiting or transient (T) aircraft. Source: Air Force 2004a.

Table 2-5 Major Types of Aircraft Operating at Nellis AFB and in NTTR Aircraft Type Status Description A-10 and OA-10 Low altitude, heavily protected aircraft designed to defeat armored vehicles and B/T Thunderbolt II act as forward air controller Close support attack aircraft used by the Marine Corps; has short takeoff and AV-8B Harrier T vertical landing capabilities B-1B Lancer T Long range, high and low altitude bomber performing deep interdiction strikes Long range, high and low altitude bomber performing deep interdiction strikes B-2 Spirit T with stealth technology B-52H Stratofortress T Long range, high and low altitude bomber performing deep interdiction strikes C-130 Hercules T Four-engine turboprop troop and cargo transport C-17A Globemaster T Long range, heavy lift cargo transport Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) capable of high- or low-level E-3 Sentry T surveillance of air vehicles over all types of terrain Multi-engine aircraft modified with a side-looking radar for ground surveillance, E-8C Joint STARS T targeting, and battle management missions Navy all weather, electronic warfare aircraft capable of detecting, locating, EA-6B Prowler T jamming, and destroying enemy air defense radar; now employed by the Air Force to replace the EF-111 U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Canadian Air Force twin-engine, multi-mission F/A-18C/D Hornet T tactical air-to-air and air-to-ground fighter aircraft Performs air-to-air combat and air intercept operations; no surface attack F-15C Eagle B/T missions F-15E Strike Eagle B/T Air-to-ground fighter with air-to-air capability F-16C/D Fighting Multi-role fighter performing close air support, air-to-air combat, interdiction B/T Falcon strikes, and suppression of enemy air defenses Air-to-air combat and intercept missions and air-to-ground missions with stealth F-22A Raptor B technology Combat search and rescue helicopter designed for long range, rapid response HH-60G Pave Hawk B missions KC-135R, KC-10A T High-altitude aerial refueling aircraft to support varied aircraft missions Mirage 2000 T High performance delta-winged fighter/bomber used by foreign air forces Unmanned Aerial UAS providing long endurance, unmanned aerial reconnaissance, surveillance, B* Systems (UAS) and target acquisition
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 2-5 Major Types of Aircraft Operating at Nellis AFB and in NTTR Aircraft Type Status Description Surveillance aircraft equipped with sophisticated intelligence gathering devices RC-135 Rivet Joint T for monitoring enemy electronic activity
Notes: B = Based, T = Transient for exercises, B*= Based at Creech AFB

The Nellis AFB airfield airspace environment comprises part of the Class B airspace that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) designates around the nations busiest airports. Designed for air traffic operating under instrument flight rules, Class B airspace for Nellis AFB extends around Nellis AFB and Las Vegas McCarran Airport. Class B airspace requires that all aircraft operating within the area be in contact with the controlling air traffic control facility. Nellis AFB operates two parallel runways extending northeast-southwest (refer to Area I, Figure 2-1). Section 3.2 provides more information regarding Class B airspace and operations. This document uses three terms to describe different aircraft flying activities: sortie, airfield operation, and sortie-operation. Each has a distinct meaning and commonly applies to a specific set of activities in particular airspace units. A sortie consists of a single military aircraft from takeoff through landing. For this EIS, the term sortie is commonly used when summarizing an amount of flight activity from Nellis AFB. In contrast, an airfield operation represents the single movement or individual portion of a flight in the base airfield airspace environment such as one takeoff, one landing, or one transit of the airport traffic area. A single sortie generates at least two airfield operations (takeoff and landing), and a sortie can result in more than one sortie-operation at NTTR. A sortie-operation comprises the use of one airspace unit (e.g., MOA, Restricted Area) within NTTR by one aircraft. Sortie-operation applies to flight activities outside the airfield airspace environment. Each time a single aircraft conducting a sortie flies in a different airspace unit, one sortie-operation is counted for that unit. From 1987 through 1994, annual airfield operations at Nellis AFB have varied between 61,000 and 181,000 (Air Force 1999b) as a result of budget constraints, aircraft realignments, and changes in the number, composition, and duration of the exercises conducted at Nellis AFB. In 2003 aircraft conducted approximately 86,000 airfield operations (Air Force 2004c). For these same reasons, Table 2-6 presents the baseline annual airfield operations at Nellis AFB according to based versus transient aircraft and day or night operations. Table 2-6 Annual Airfield Operations at Nellis AFB Annual Airfield Operations Aircraft Type Day Night
(7:00 a.m. - 10:00 pm) (10:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.)

Total 62,474 23,155 85,629

Aircraft Based at Nellis AFB1 Transient Aircraft Total

Source: Air Force 2004c. Note: 1Includes authorized F-22A operations.

56,401 23,155 79,556

6,073 0 6,073

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Facilities and Infrastructure Nellis AFB includes a well-developed infrastructure supporting a broad spectrum of functions and organizations. Covering 14,161 acres, the base consists of three functional areas (refer to Section 2.2.1 and Figure 2-2). There are more than 2,000 buildings in the Nellis AFB inventory. Area I, the main base, occupies about 30 percent of the base and contains runways, flightline, industrial facilities, housing, and administrative and support facilities. Area II, supporting the MSA/WSA, Rapid Engineers Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineer (REDHORSE) Reserve Squadron, and Munitions Squadron, covers approximately 59 percent of the base. Area III covers about 11 percent of the base and includes Manch Manor housing, the hospital, temporary lodging facilities, Family Camp, and an industrial area. Under the no-action alternative, no change to this existing infrastructure would occur. Personnel No increase of personnel would occur under the no-action alternative. Estimated personnel levels at Nellis AFB would remain unchanged from the present, as shown in Table 2-7. However, Nellis AFB is a vital and active installation constantly changing and refining missions and organizations. This dynamism results in fluctuations of personnel levels within a year and year-to-year. Variations of a few hundred personnel occur consistently, and Nellis AFB absorbs and adjusts to them. Table 2-7 Nellis AFB Personnel Civilian and Contract Military Employees Nellis AFB Personnel 8,615 3,669
Source: (Air Force 2006a).

Total 12,284


Nevada Test and Training Range

The NTTR refers to the land withdrawn for the range and its associated military training airspace. The NTTR airspace covers approximately 12,000 square nm. Two airfields, Creech AFB and Tonopah Test Range, lie within NTTR and support the activities performed within the complex. In addition, the range includes the Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range. In 1999, a Legislative EIS was prepared to renew the NTTR land withdrawal. Public Law 106-65, the Military Lands Withdrawal Act of 1999, extended the land withdrawal until 2021 and supersedes any former land withdrawals (Air Force 1999b). NTTR withdrawn land consists of two main functional areas, the North Range and South Range, both of which accommodate the delivery of live and inert ordnance as well as electronic combat operations (Figure 2-3). The North Range contains four unmanned weapons delivery complexes and multiple and dispersed facilities supporting three Electronic Combat Ranges: Tonopah Electronic Combat Range, Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, and Electronic Combat South Range. These ranges provide a spectrum of high-to-low electronic threat environments.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS The South Range contains five weapons delivery areas consisting of two manned weapons delivery complexes and three unmanned complexes. The South Range overlaps a portion of the Desert National Wildlife Range (DNWR), an area established in 1936 for the protection and preservation of desert bighorn sheep. Through mutual and collaborative efforts, the Air Force and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) work to maintain proper management of the DNWR land areas that coincide with NTTR. To improve target complex realism, NTTR enhances targets with actual or simulated military assets including a tank battlefront, truck convoys, airfields, industrial complexes, surface-to-air missile sites, and a railroad complete with marshaling yards. Many of these target complexes are defended by electronic threat simulators providing a realistic arena for operational testing of weapons systems, tactics, and combat readiness. Threat simulators mirror electronically and, in many cases, visually resemble equipment likely to be encountered in actual combat. Radar units simulate early warning, ground control intercept, target acquisition, and surface-to-air and anti-aircraft artillery defenses and guidance. NTTR ground equipment includes multiple radar and communications jamming equipment designed to test and improve the quality of aircrew combat training. Many of the threat simulators also support instruments to collect data useful in evaluating and scoring surface-to-air engagements. The Air Force deploys extensive monitoring and tracking equipment throughout NTTR to support testing and training. Data collected on the range and in the associated airspace are processed by computers located in the Range Control Center at Nellis AFB which can track a multi-force engagement (up to 100 aircraft simultaneously) or a single aircrafts entire mission. NTTR supports realistic training by permitting the use of ordnance, both live and inert. Aircrews must be skilled in the use of the full range of conventional Air Force weapons, from unguided ordnance and laserguided bombs to air-to-ground missiles. NTTR provides for safe training, testing, and evaluation of weapons systems in support of potential technological improvements in hardware, software, tactics, and training. In recent years, the total amount of ordnance used annually on NTTR has varied, with a high of 4,500 tons and a low of 3,000 tons (Air Force 1999b). Inert (i.e., non-explosive) ordnance represents slightly more than 50 percent of the ordnance expended on NTTR. Since ordnance use does not directly correlate to the number of sortie-operations flown in NTTR, the amount of ordnance tends to vary yearto-year and would continue to do so under the no-action alternative. NTTR provides the capability to use an extensive inventory of conventional live and inert training ordnance including a wide range of air-toground weapons: so-called iron (unguided) bombs, cluster bombs, rockets, cannon, and guided bombs and missiles. Inert training ordnance includes no high explosives and commonly consists of a small steel projectile or steel-encased concrete projectile. Constructed to function like actual munitions, inert ordnance vary in
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS weight from about 10 pounds to 2,000 pounds. Some inert ordnance contain a small spotting charge that generates a puff of smoke to aid in scoring weapons delivery. Live ordnance, as the designation indicates, includes high explosive charges. Live ordnance used in training and testing at NTTR is identical to that used in actual combat. Live ordnance includes cluster bomb units to general purpose bombs weighing 2,000 pounds and containing almost 1,200 pounds of high explosive. Air-to-ground missiles (AGM), such as the AGM-65 Maverick (300-pound explosive warhead) and 2.75 inch rockets are also used on authorized targets at NTTR. While air-to-air missile training occurs at the range, safety rules require the missiles remain fixed to the aircraft. No actual launching of air-to-air missiles is permitted over NTTR. Public protection is ensured at NTTR by excluding the public and non-required military personnel from locations simulating an active, high-stress battlefield environment. Air Force control of NTTR enables flight and ground operations to train and test equipment for the defense of national security interests while minimizing risks to the public. The Air Force uses Operational Risk Management for making decisions that promote safe operations. These management procedures produce standards to protect the public, military personnel, and equipment from ordnance impacts. All firing or release of weapons must be conducted in a manner that ensures impact within the assigned hazard area. For air-to-ground missiles and free-fall guided weapons, the land area and airspace must be large enough to contain the entire flight envelope of the weapon from launch/release to impact. Weapons safety buffers are developed for all aircraft, weapons, and delivery systems employed in training/testing. Safety buffers for all weapons encompass the target area and several miles on either side of the target. As the largest exclusive-use, land-based range in the continental United States, NTTR can accommodate existing and projected future weapons safety buffers. Electronic threat emitters are deployed throughout the range. Some established threat systems are mobile to decrease redundancy and aircrews becoming accustomed to these emitter sites. Ground-launched simulated threats, such as simulated Smokey surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) are also placed on the range. Isolation of hazardous materials and dangerous operations from the public and untrained military personnel provides the greatest safety margin at NTTR. Each weapon system is evaluated for hazards associated with operations, maintenance, and military capability. Operational rules, regulations, and practices minimize the chance of personnel injuries. Airspace Structure NTTR includes restricted airspace that overlies the military lands and is adjacent to the MOA airspace. The restricted areas comprise special use airspace within which the FAA has determined that potentially hazardous activities occur, including air-to-ground ordnance delivery. Regulations prohibit nonparticipating military and civil/commercial aircraft from flying within this airspace without
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS authorization. Training activities within NTTR predominantly involve subsonic flight but supersonic flight is authorized in all NTTR airspace units, although at differing altitudes (Table 2-8 and Figure 2-4). Under the no-action alternative, the structure, function, and use of NTTR would not change. Variation in the amount of use would likely occur, but it would remain within the range of variability noted over the past decade or more. Table 2-8 Charted Airspace Associated with NTTR Floor (lower) Ceiling (upper) Supersonic Flight Altitude Altitude Authorized 100 feet AGL 100 feet AGL 17,999 feet MSL 17,999 feet MSL Above 5,000 feet AGL Portions above 5,000 feet AGL and rest of the MOA above 30,000 feet MSL East side above 5,000 feet AGL and rest of area above 30,000 feet MSL Portions above 100 feet AGL; portions above 5,000 feet AGL; and rest of area above 30,000 feet MSL Above 5,000 feet AGL, with authorization Above 14,000 feet MSL

Airspace Unit Reveille MOA Desert MOA Restricted Area R-4806 Restricted Area R-4807 Restricted Area R-4809 Restricted Area R-48081

100 feet AGL




Surface Surface

Unlimited Unlimited

Department of Energy (DOE) airspace over the Nevada Test Site (NTS); it is not part of NTTR but its western portion is used by NTTR aircraft to transit to and from the North Range.

The NTTR airspace consists of Restricted Areas R-4806, R-4807, R-4808, and R-4809 and the Desert and Reveille MOAs with overlying ATCAA. The Tonopah Test Range underlies a portion of Restricted Area R-4809. R-4808 lies adjacent to the NTTR airspace and is controlled by the DOE for NTS activities. Through joint management with the DOE, and a cooperative and collaborative scheduling process, NTTR aircraft can transit this restricted airspace for entering and exiting NTTR North Range. Currently, NTTR and DOE are coordinating changes to the management and use of R-4808 to ensure continuation of R-4808 for its intended purpose and protection of surrounding airspace uses. MOAs associated with NTTR include Reveille and Desert. MOAs consist of special use airspace that provide substantial vertical and horizontal maneuvering room for military aircraft training, and separate that training from other air traffic. MOAs also identify areas where concentrated military aircraft operations may occur. When a MOA is active, the FAA normally routes instrument flight rules traffic around it. In contrast, nonparticipating military and civil aircraft operating under visual flight rules may enter an active MOA by employing see-and-avoid procedures.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS ATCAA overlies both MOAs, extending from 18,000 feet MSL to an altitude assigned by the FAA. ATCAA provides additional maneuvering airspace for training, and the FAA assigns it on an as-needed basis. Since federal rulings limit the ceiling of MOAs to altitudes up to, but not including 18,000 feet MSL, an ATCAA provides additional airspace from 18,000 feet MSL to whatever higher altitudes are needed to accommodate the flight training requirements. ATCAAs are only activated for use while scheduled aircraft operations are being conducted within the higher altitudes above the MOAs. Authorized Supersonic Flight Areas Because air combat requires varied speeds as a tactic, the NTTR airspace offers the opportunity to conduct supersonic flight. All NTTR airspace units (to some extent) are authorized for supersonic flight activities, including the Desert and Reveille MOAs overlying ATCAA (refer to Figure 2-3). Within authorized airspace, supersonic flight activities primarily occur during air-to-air combat and to a lesser degree during evasive maneuvers in response to ground threats or adversary aircraft. Not all aircraft using NTTR conduct supersonic flight. For aircraft capable of supersonic speed, supersonic flight occurs between 3 and 10 percent of the time during air-to-air combat on a typical training flight. The F-16, the aircraft most similar to the F-35 in terms of function and structure (i.e., single engine), conducts supersonic flight about 10 percent of the time during air-to-air combat. NTTR and Associated Airspace Use More than 20 different types of aircraft conduct testing or training within NTTR (refer to Table 2-5). Aircraft stationed at Nellis AFB, such as F-15s, F-16s, and F-22As form the predominant aircraft using the complex. Aircraft from other services (e.g., Navy F/A-18s) and U.S. allies also conduct operations in NTTR. The capabilities available at NTTR are in extremely high demand. Annually, the Air Force expends over 45 percent of its total training ordnance at NTTR for testing tactics and training missions. With an average of three to five major exercises planned each year, NTTR represents a major training asset, ensuring aircrew and aircraft readiness. For example, most of the U.S. and some of the Coalition aircrews received their first combat missions at NTTRs simulated battlespace before fighting in the most recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Annual military use of NTTR varies, depending on many factors. These factors include Congressional funding levels, weapons testing requirements, aircrew training requirements, scheduling conflicts, deployments, and the actions of potential enemies that may pose a threat to the security interests of the United States or our allies. Due to these year-to-year variations in use, and the expectation that they will continue, the Air Force previously conducted a comprehensive review of NTTR aircraft sortie-operations (Air Force 1999b).


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Since the NTTR airspace includes several MOAs, restricted areas, and subdivisions, sorties at NTTR commonly result in multiple sortie-operations, particularly during major exercises. For example, during an average sortie an F-16 from Nellis AFB uses six different airspace units, totaling six sortie-operations. Figure 2-5 shows representative patterns of aircraft operations within NTTR; each of these patterns flies through multiple airspace units, resulting in multiple sortie-operations. Previous review of NTTR sortie-operations established a low-to-high range for annual sortie-operations in order to account for year-to-year variations in use (Air Force 1999b). For a low-use year, a total of 200,000 sortie-operations occur in the NTTR airspace, whereas a total of 300,000 sortie-operations represents a high-use year. Table 2-9 presents sortie-operations by airspace unit for low-use and high-use years. The Air Force anticipates that sortie-operations in the NTTR airspace under the no-action alternative would continue to range between 200,000 and 300,000 per year in the foreseeable future. Table 2-9 Baseline Sortie-Operations by Airspace Unit Low Use - 200,000 Annual High Use - 300,000 annual Airspace Unit Sortie-Operations Sortie-Operations Desert MOA 51,224 76,170 Reveille MOA 14,038 20,911 R-4806 30,134 44,135 R-4807 74,128 112,121 R-4808 12,952 20,008 R-4809 17,524 26,655 Total 200,000 300,000 Flare Use As with ordnance, flare use in NTTR varies from year to year, depending upon the nature of testing and training performed. Under the no-action alternative, flare use would be approximately 250,000 units per year. The effectiveness of flares in combat requires training and frequent use by aircrews to master the timing of deployment and the capabilities of the devices, and to ensure safe and efficient handling by ground crews. Flares form the principal defensive mechanisms dispensed from military aircraft to avoid detection or attack by adversary air defense systems. Flares provide high-temperature heat sources ejected from aircraft that mislead heat-sensitive or heat-seeking targeting systems. Flares are used to keep aircraft from being targeted by weapons such as surface-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft artillery, and other aircraft. Section 3.5 provides additional discussion on the composition and attributes of flares.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Flares are also used throughout many portions of NTTR. Their use is controlled in accordance with standard operating procedures detailed in AFI 13-212, Volume 1, Nellis AFB Addendum A (Air Force 2007a). Periodically, restrictions will be published regarding the use of flares. Reasons may include extreme ground fire hazards, threats to ground property, high personnel injury potential, and Air Traffic Control radar interference.



The Air Force proposes to base 36 F-35 fighter aircraft at Nellis AFB between 2012 and 2020. The aircraft would be assigned to the FDE program and WS at Nellis AFB. Flight activities would occur at Nellis AFB and NTTR. Table 2-10 presents the major milestones of the aircraft beddown schedule. Table 2-10 Proposed Aircraft Inventory Change Schedule Aircraft Baseline 2012 2015 2017 2018 F-35 (FDE) 0 +4 +2 (6) 6 +6 (12) F-35 (WS) 0 0 +1 +6 (7) +9 (16) Total F-35 0 4 11 13 28 Nellis AFB Based Aircraft* 113 113 113 113 113 Total 113 119 124 126 141
* Nellis AFB assigned aircraft include HH-60, A-10, F-15C, F-15E, F-16, and F-22A.

2019 12 +4 (20) 32 113 145

2020 12 +4 (24) 36 113 149


Nellis AFB

Proposed Beddown of the F-35 The Air Force proposes to establish an F-35 Division of the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron at Nellis AFB and an F-35 Division of the Air Force WS. The beddown of 36 F-35s is estimated to occur from 2012 through 2020. As of March 2011, the Air Force anticipates that the first four F-35s would arrive for FDE program beddown in 2012; in 2015 F-35s would begin to arrive to support the WS beddown. These aircraft would remain at Nellis AFB into the foreseeable future since the requirements for the FDE program and WS remain as long as the Air Force retains the F-35. The overall inventory of aircraft based at Nellis AFB (refer to Table 2-4) would remain unchanged with the exception of adding 36 F-35 aircraft; Nellis AFB, however, would experience a peak of up to 149 aircraft in 2020. Proposed Nellis AFB Airfield Operations By 2020, the 36 F-35s would conduct approximately 17,280 annual airfield operations. Table 2-11 presents details regarding the total airfield operations that would occur at the completion of the F-35 beddown when the Nellis AFB aircraft inventory would be at its peak.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 2-11 Projected F-35 Airfield Operations at Nellis AFB During Peak Year 2020 Baseline Nellis AFB Proposed F-35 Details of Airfield Operations Total With F-35 Airfield Operations Airfield Operations Day (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) 79,556 16,174 95,730 Night (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) 6,073 1,106 7,179 Total 85,629 17,280 102,909
*An airfield operation represents the single movement or individual portion of a flight in the base airfield airspace environment such as one takeoff, one landing, or one transit of the airport traffic area.

At the peak year, approximately 93 percent of the total airfield operations would occur during the day (7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.) as defined for the purposes of environmental analysis. Additional F-35 airfield operations would result in a 20 percent increase in overall day operations at the base and an 18 percent increase in the overall night (10:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m.) operations after completion of the F-35 beddown in 2020. Existing standard departure and arrival routes would be used by the F-35. Approximately 53 percent of the flying missions would involve a northeast departure, with the aircraft following existing tracks to the north for entry into NTTR. Approximately 47 percent of the flights would involve a southwest departure and follow existing tracks to the north into NTTR. Proposed Facilities and Infrastructure Construction and Modification The proposed F-35 beddown would require construction of new facilities, and alteration and demolition of existing facilities. The Air Force identified five primary areas (A, B, C, D, and MSA) of facility and infrastructure construction and modification (Figure 2-6). Currently, numerous projects have been identified which would occur in Areas A, B, and C located on the southeastern side (or primary side) of the flightline. Several projects would occur in Area D (eastern side of runways) with additional projects in the MSA. Table 2-12 summarizes the anticipated construction, demolition, and renovation to support the proposed F-35 beddown at Nellis AFB. It also presents the anticipated sequence of infrastructure changes over the period from 2011 through 2014. Since publication of the 2008 Draft EIS, four projects have been removed from the proposed action: FY09 airfield pavement, FY10 munitions igloo, FY11 airfield pavement, and FY13 munitions igloo. Other project changes include sliding the construction start dates and addition of seven new facilities (highlighted in gray). While the list below reflects proposed construction/demolition as of March 2011, it is anticipated that these projects may be changed, start dates moved, or additional projects identified as the beddown progresses. If this occurs, the appropriate NEPA documentation will be undertaken to assess potential impacts.
Table 2-12 Proposed Construction and Demolition Actions for the F-35 Beddown Area Start Date Demolish Project Base Area (square feet) Year Building # A-10 Thunder Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU) 11,000 B FY11 6-Bay F-35 Hangar/AMU 80,988 B 265, 268, 269 FY11 Aircraft Washrack Addition, 1-bay to Building 271 9,551 B FY11 B10425 Munitions Facility Addition at Building 10425 3,000 MSA FY11 25-mm Munitions Storage Facility Addition at M81 3,000 MSA FY11 Munitions Trailer Facility 10,000 MSA FY11 2 MSA Loading Docks 1,000 MSA FY11 2-30 2.0 Description of Proposed Action and Alternatives Final, May 2011

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Table 2-12 Proposed Construction and Demolition Actions for the F-35 Beddown Area Start Date Project Base Area (square feet) Year Precision-Guided Missile Bay Addition at Building 10439 3,000 MSA FY11 Parking/landscape areas 15,656 B FY11 Flight Test Instrumentation Facility 4,650 B FY11 422 Test Evaluation Squadron Operations Facility 20,300 B FY11 Flight Simulator Facility 20,000 B FY11 FY11 Subtotal 182,145 Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) Complex 45,000 A FY12 Engine Shop Addition 9,000 C FY12 53 WG Test Squadron Operations Building 20,000 C FY12 FY12 Subtotal 74,000 Parking/landscape areas 190,301 B FY13 Weapons School Addition at Building 282 10,000 B FY13 Alternate Mission Equipment Storage Facility 25,285 A FY13 Fuel Cell Hangar Addition 16,300 B FY13 Munitions Maintenance Facility Addition 6,000 MSA FY13 FY13 Subtotal 247,886 Weapons Release Building 15,000 B FY14 Parts Store 40,000 B FY14 East Ramp/Airfield Pavement 495,140 D FY14 Live Ordnance Loading Area (LOLA) Expansion 167,322 D FY14 Bomb Build-Up Pad 30,000 MSA FY14 Low Observables (L/O) Composite Addition 11,018 B FY14 4-Bay F-35 Hangar/Strike AMU 31,000 B FY14 L/O Corrosion/Wash 3-Bay Hangar 15,800 B FY14 Parking/landscape areas 96,486 B FY14 Fuel Cell Hangar 50,250 B FY14 FY14 Subtotal 952,016 Total 1,572,829

Demolish Building #

441 413, 415

258 250

The majority of facilities would be completed before the aircraft beddown began to ensure availability of needed support functions for the F-35. Utility infrastructure upgrades would occur within the footprints of existing communication, energy, and water lines. The majority of construction, demolition, and renovation actions would occur along the flightline in Areas B and C. An ammunition maintenance/ storage facility would be constructed for the JDAMs in the northeast portion of the MSA in association with other munitions storage areas. Its location would be consistent with safety requirements that specify sufficient separation among munitions facilities and from other land uses. As the aircraft beddown progresses, it is anticipated that there could be numerous construction activities, unidentified in the current proposal, but could arise indirectly because of the proposed action. While these are unknown at this time, most, if not all, would be minor construction projects and/or projects much smaller in scope (e.g., remodeling, adding small additions, re-paving roads) than those listed in Table 2-12. Since it is impossible to identify all of these projects at this time, the Air Force will ensure that the appropriate NEPA documentation will be performed prior to implementation. Those projects that are consistent with this action and of little environmental impact will be tiered to this document. Those actions which may have a larger impact or are greatly out of the scope of this document will be analyzed separately.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Proposed Personnel Changes Personnel positions at Nellis AFB would be increased by a total of 412 by completion of the beddown in 2020. Personnel changes begin in 2012 with a total of 222 personnel being added at the base to support the FDE program in years 2012 and 2016. In 2014, before the start of the WS program, another 175 personnel would be added. In 2020, an additional 15 personnel would arrive at which point personnel positions at Nellis AFB would peak. The F-35 FDE and WS personnel would constitute a 3.4 percent increase in overall 2006 base personnel levels of 12,284. These personnel positions have been developed for Air Force military and civilian employees in direct support of the F-35 FDE and WS programs. Ancillary increases to the local population are likely but are impossible to accurately predict; but they could be as many as several hundred. The majority of these personnel would be contractor employees of aircraft manufacturers. Fluctuations in programs, funding, and staffing would continue at Nellis AFB, likely making such a minor change unnoticeable. 2.3.2 Nevada Test and Training Range

Proposed Use of Nevada Test and Training Range The proposed action of the F-35 beddown would not alter the structure, management, or safety procedures, nor introduce more personnel at NTTR. Existing instrumentation, currently planned upgrades, and existing threat emitters would suffice for the F-35 FDE program and WS. By 2012, the F-35 would begin to conduct ordnance delivery of any munitions capable of being deployed by the legacy fighters. The JDAM represents the principle munitions expected to be carried by the F-35 with the exception of depleted uranium anti-tank rounds. JDAMs consist of 500; 1,000; and 2,000-pound bombs guided to the target by an attached Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. Once the weapon has been programmed with the target position in GPS coordinates, it can be delivered in any weather and visibility conditions. These weapons do not require any laser guidance. Roughly 50 percent of the JDAMs used by the F-35s would consist of inert ordnance; the other 50 percent would be live ordnance. All munitions releases would occur on approved targets and ranges within NTTR. Table 2-13 presents the average annual use of ordnance and flares at NTTR. Based on the total tonnage of ordnance used on NTTR from 1991 through 1995, use of ordnance by the F-35s would represent a 6 to 10 percent contribution to the total, depending on year-to-year variations. Due to its stealth characteristics, the Air Force expects the F-35 to employ flares less frequently than legacy aircraft. Total F-35 flare use would comprise 2 percent of NTTR total. The F-35 would use ordnance within the parameters and restrictions applicable to NTTR. No new safety procedures or restrictions would be needed to accommodate F-35 testing and WS activities at NTTR.

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Table 2-13 Average and Proposed Annual Use of Ordnance and Flares at NTTR Ordnance Flares Other Aircraft 3,000 to 4,500 tons (50% inert) 250,000 F-35 180 to 300 tons (50% inert) 16,000 Proposed F-35 Use of the Nevada Test and Training Range Airspace As a replacement for the legacy fighter aircraft, the F-35 would adopt similar missions and training programs. Therefore, the Air Force expects that the F-35 FDE program and WS would use NTTR in a similar manner to the legacy fighter programs. No changes would need to occur to NTTR airspace structure or management as a result of the proposed action. All F-35 sortie-operations would take place in existing approved NTTR airspace. The nature and duration of F-35 flight activities would be the same under both the FDE program and WS. Although each program focuses on different goals and requires different instrumentation, they provide feedback to each other in order to produce the best available tactics and capabilities (refer to Table 2-2, which details the primary test and training activities projected for F-35s under the FDE program and WS). Missions flown by aircraft assigned to either the FDE program or the WS would operate within the general flight parameters discussed previously. F-35 missions would concentrate on testing and evaluating flight maneuvers and tactics to fully develop the combat capability of the aircraft. The WS F-35 flight activities would follow a syllabus of approximately 35 missions over a 6-month period designed to simulate different combat scenarios and teach advanced tactics developed and/or evaluated by the FDE program. Some of the F-35 missions would include aerial refueling with tankers, using existing tanker aircraft already operating in high-altitude refueling tracks over NTTR. Using the full array of authorized capabilities of NTTR, the F-35 can operate from a low altitude of less than 500 feet AGL up to 50,000 feet MSL or higher. However, the F-35 would most often operate at medium altitudes of 5,000 to 25,000 feet MSL or higher. Table 2-14 presents the projected altitude profile for F-35 operations in NTTR airspace. Table 2-14 Projected F-35 Altitude Profile Feet Percent Time < 500 feet AGL 10 500 feet AGL to 5,000 feet MSL 20 5,000 to 25,000 feet MSL 45 > 25,000 feet MSL 25

Altitude Very Low Low Medium High

The need for the F-35 to fly at lower altitudes stems from its missions associated with close air support and similar operations. Nonetheless, 70 percent of F-35 sortie-operations would occur above 5,000 feet
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS MSL. Given that the F-35 will supplement and potentially replace legacy fighter aircraft, its altitude profile represents a blending of different mission types. To test and train with the full capabilities of the aircraft, the F-35 would employ supersonic flight. All supersonic flight would occur at altitudes and within airspace already authorized for such activities. Flight activities leading to supersonic events would commonly involve use of subdivisions of the Desert MOA and portions of restricted areas depicted in Figure 2-4. The Air Force anticipates that approximately 3.5 percent of the time conducting air combat maneuvers would involve supersonic flight. In comparison, F-16 aircraft conduct supersonic flight for 10 percent of the time when conducting air combat maneuvers. Inclusion of F-35 sortie-operations would raise overall supersonic activity in NTTR by less than 1 percent. It is anticipated that most of these operations would occur above 25,000 feet MSL. Past patterns of use for NTTR demonstrated that annual sortie-operations ranged from 200,000 to 300,000 with the existing and authorized aircraft at Nellis AFB and common usage by others (Air Force 1999b). Operations by F-35 would add to these totals, reaching to between 251,840 and 351,840 from 2020 onward; total sortie-operations would increase by 26 percent under the low scenario and 17 percent under the high scenario. The 8,460 sorties by the F-35 would represent approximately 51,840 sortie-operations in the major airspace units encompassed by NTTR (Table 2-15). The number and distribution of F-35 sortieoperations derive directly from the existing use patterns of FDE program and WS for legacy aircraft. F-35 sortie-operations would represent a 26 percent contribution to the total NTTR sortie-operations under the low-use (51,840 annual sortie-operations) scenario and 17 percent contribution under the high-use (51,840 annual sortie-operations) scenario. Table 2-15 Projected F-35 Sortie-Operations by Airspace Unit Low-Use High-Use Percent Percent F-35 All Aircraft Increase Over F-35 All Aircraft Increase Over Baseline Baseline 15,480 66,704 30 15,480 91,650 20 4,207 18,308 30 4,207 25,181 20 4,322 34,456 14 4,322 48,457 10 19,683 93,810 27 19,683 131,804 18 3,368 16,321 26 3,368 23,376 17 4,717 22,242 27 4,717 31,372 18 51,777 251,841 26 51,777 351,840 17

Airspace Unit Desert MOA Reveille MOA R-4806 R-4807 R-48081 R-4809 Total

DOE Airspace overlying NTS; sortie-operations transit only.

Although the F-35s stealth features reduce its chance of being detected, it will employ flares as defensive countermeasures. Currently, approximately 250,000 flares are dispensed annually over NTTR. Flare use operates under minimal altitude restrictions to ensure safety, as noted previously. These minimum
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS altitudes provide sufficient time for complete combustion and consumption of the flares before potential contact with the ground. The altitude restrictions provide a buffer against inadvertent low releases that might result in burning material contacting the ground. Flare use for the F-35s would adhere to all Nellis AFB and ACC directives including release altitude standards and are anticipated to use the same types of flares as other fighter aircraft (e.g., F-16). These minimum standards ensure complete burn-out of flares at least 100 feet above the ground or higher. In NTTRs MOAs, the minimum flare release altitude would remain unchanged at 5,000 feet AGL for all aircraft including F-35s. Based on the flight altitude profile for the F-35, the Air Force anticipates that roughly 70 percent of F-35 flare release throughout NTTR (including restricted areas) would occur above 5,000 feet MSL. The F-35 would employ approximately 16,000 flares per year over NTTR and contribute 6 percent to total flare use by all aircraft, depending upon annual variations in activities.



This section outlines the elements of the process and other regulatory requirements. It also addresses public involvement. 2.4.1 Environmental Impact Analysis Process

This EIS was prepared in conformance with NEPA and associated regulations. NEPA (Public Law 91190, 42 U.S.C. 4321-4347, as amended) was enacted to establish a national policy for the protection of the environment. It also established the CEQ to implement the provisions of NEPA and review and appraise federal programs and activities in light of NEPA policy. CEQ developed regulations for implementing the procedural provisions of NEPA (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508). These regulations outline the responsibilities of federal agencies under NEPA and provide specific procedures for preparing EISs to comply with NEPA; 32 CFR Part 989, which implements the CEQ regulations with regard to Air Force actions, defines the steps and milestones in the Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP). Major milestones in the EIAP for the proposed F-35 beddown at Nellis AFB include the following: publishing of a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an EIS; conducting public scoping meetings and inviting public and agency input to determine and define the significant issues to be addressed in the EIS; collecting data on the affected environment to provide a baseline for analyzing the effects of the proposed action; assessing the potential impacts of the proposed action and no-action alternative on the environment; preparing and distributing a Draft EIS for public review and comment;


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS establishing a public review period, including public hearings to solicit comments on the analysis presented in the Draft EIS; preparing and distributing a Final EIS incorporating all comments received on the Draft EIS and responding to the substantive issues raised during the public review period; and publishing a Record of Decision (ROD) no sooner than 30 days after the availability of the Final EIS, outlining the Air Forces decision. Other Regulatory Requirements


Permits: Should the proposed action be implemented, the Air Force would need to update existing permits or obtain new ones. These permits would apply to the removal and disposal of asbestos as a result of demolition of, and modifications to, on-base buildings; construction of new buildings (as needed); and updating existing operating permits under the Clean Air Act. Asbestos Removal and Disposal: Prior to demolition or additions to buildings, asbestos surveys are required by Air Force regulation. For the removal of asbestos, a notification process with Clark County, the state health board, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the base hazardous waste coordinator is required. Removal would be contracted to state-certified and licensed contractors and removed and managed in accordance with the Asbestos Management and Operations Plan (Air Force 2003a). Contractors will obtain the necessary permits for the removal, handling, and transportation of asbestos. Contractors must have access to a permitted landfill for asbestos disposal. Construction: The base must submit building plans and a request for location to the base zoning and development board for new buildings. An air quality dust permit must be obtained from Clark County if the building site causes 0.25 acre or more of topsoil disturbance. The Clark County Surface Disturbance Permit would be applied for by Nellis AFB after finalization of the building footprints and prior to construction. Energy Conservation: Executive Order 13423 Strengthening Federal Environment, Energy, and Transportation requires all federal agencies to implement petroleum and water conservation measures, pollution prevention and recycling practices, and reduction or elimination of toxic or hazardous chemicals. New construction and major renovation of buildings must comply with the 2006 Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings set forth in the Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding. Title V Permit: Modifications to the current base-wide Title V Permit will be required if equipment other than mobile aircraft maintenance equipment were added or replaced. Due to a base exemption, no modifications are required for changes or additions to mobile equipment used to maintain or service planes on the ground (e.g., aerospace ground equipment). However, Clark County air quality operating
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS permits for individual pieces of equipment will have to be modified for all changes. All modifications to the Title V Permit and the Clark County air quality operating permits and authority to construct will be applied for by Nellis AFB after finalization of equipment needs. In April 2007, a consolidated New Source Review permit was issued to Nellis AFB (DAQEM 2008). Nellis AFB Plans and Protocols: In addition to the federal, state, and local regulations, Nellis AFB institutes its own implementing regulations and guidance. Table 2-16 lists the plans and reports Nellis AFB produces to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. Table 2-16 Nellis AFB Environmental Plans Title Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan Nellis AFB Air Emissions Inventory Air Quality NTTR Air Emissions Inventory Environmental Restoration Environmental Restoration Plan Program Management Action Plan Air Installation Compatible Use Zone Study Noise, Land Use and General Plan for Nellis Air Force Base Planning Includes General Plan Summary for Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field Asbestos Asbestos Management and Operations Plan Lead-Based Paint Lead-based Paint Management Plan Environmental Emergencies Facility Response Plan Hazardous Waste Hazardous Waste Management Plan Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials Management Plan Natural Resources Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan Stormwater Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Resource Area Cultural Resources

Date 2010 2009 2009 2004 2004 2002 2003 2003 2006 2002 2006 2007 1998

Agency Consultation: Both NEPA and CEQ regulations require intergovernmental notifications prior to making any detailed statement of environmental impacts. Through the process of Interagency and Intergovernmental Coordination for Environmental Planning (IICEP), concerned federal, state, and local agencies (such as the USFWS, Bureau of Land Management [BLM], Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, and the Nevada State Historic Preservation Officer [SHPO]) must be notified and allowed sufficient time to evaluate potential environmental impacts of a proposed action. This was accomplished in two ways: 1) agencies were contacted early in the EIS process through interagency correspondence to solicit their comments on the proposed action and no-action alternative, and 2) the Air Force also conducted scoping meetings. Appendix A provides a summary of public participation and consultation including a copy of the IICEP letter sent to agencies, a list of recipients, and any responses received. Comments from these agencies were reviewed for incorporation into the environmental analysis for this EIS. Government-to-Government Consultation: Several laws and regulations address the requirement of federal agencies to notify or consult with American Indian tribes or otherwise consider their interests
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS when planning and implementing federal undertakings. In particular, on April 29, 1994, the President issued the Memorandum on Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal Governments, which specifies a commitment to developing more effective day-to-day working relationships with sovereign tribal governments. As part of the NEPA process, 37 members of the Nellis AFB Native American Program (NAP) who represent 19 tribes with historical ties to the land in the vicinity of NTTR were notified at the initiation of the project as part of an ongoing government-to-government consultation between Nellis AFB and these tribes. Keith Myhrer, Archaeologist and Nellis AFB NAP Manager coordinated consultation between the Air Force and the tribes. The list of consulted tribes is presented in Appendix A. These 19 tribes have aligned themselves together to form the Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations (CGTO). This group is formed by officially appointed representatives who are responsible for representing their respective tribal concerns and perspectives. In 1999, the CGTO elected five members to a Document Review Committee (DRC) who review numerous types of environmental documents and cultural resources reports, coordinate with tribal members, and provide comments to represent the members of the Nellis AFB NAP. The DRC was involved in the review of the Draft EIS and provided their comments to the Air Force. 2.4.3 Public Involvement Process

CEQ regulations governing the NOI and scoping and 32 CFR Part 989 require an early and open process for identifying significant issues related to a proposed action and obtaining input from the public prior to making a decision that could potentially affect the environment. These regulations specify public involvement at various junctures in the development of an EIS, including public scoping prior to the preparation of a Draft EIS, and public review of the Draft EIS prior to finalizing the document and making a decision. Appendix A of this EIS includes a summary of public participation and the materials disseminated during this process. This EIS adhered to these requirements by using public scoping and federal, state, and local agency input to assist in focusing the discussion on potentially significant issues. Identifying those issues and topics warranting detailed discussion in this EIS involved three primary steps: 1) soliciting issues from the public through the scoping process and from agencies and American Indian Tribes through the IICEP process; 2) reviewing all identified issues and determining if they would actually be affected by the proposed action; and 3) determining those resources (e.g., air quality, land use) and subsets of resources (e.g., environmental justice as a part of socioeconomics) that represent significant issues. Those issues determined to not warrant further detailed study are described in the following sections along with the justification for their exclusion.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Prior to the publication of the Draft EIS, the public involvement process included publishing the NOI in the Federal Register on August 23, 2004. After public notification in newspapers and radio stations, five scoping meetings, averaging 2 hours in duration, were held September 13 through September 17, 2004 at the following Nevada locations: Carson City, Alamo, Pioche, Pahrump, and Las Vegas. A total of 40 people attended the meetings and provided written comments. By the end of the scoping period, October 1, 2004, nine written comments and one agency letter were received. Following these scoping meetings, the Air Force prepared the Draft EIS and made it available to the public and agencies for review and comment. The document was sent to those in the public who requested a copy and was made available at selected public facilities such as libraries and local government agencies within Nevada. The 45-day public review period began April 4, 2008 when the Notice of Availability of the Draft EIS was published in the Federal Register. Public hearings were held to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the analysis contained within the Draft EIS. The hearings were conducted April 22 through April 24, 2008 in these Nevada locations: Las Vegas, Caliente, and Alamo. These locations were selected for the following reasons: interest in the proposal remained high in Las Vegas and Alamo, and both form part of the affected area; Alamo and Caliente, as indicated by findings in the analysis, were representative communities central under the MOA airspace both communities revealed interest in the proposal; Pahrump lies outside the affected airspace and showed low levels of interest, whereas Pioche reflected negligible public interest. Seven people attended the three hearings. While none of the attendees provided oral or written comments, three persons expressed opposition to existing and proposed aircraft overflights suggesting a decrease in home values and quality of life. The Air Force received an additional 10 written comments during the public comment process. The closing date of the comment period was May 22, 2008. Appendix G in the Final EIS provides the public, agency, and Native American comments with Air Force responses. These written comments raised issues with existing noise over the small communities under NTTR airspace, noise impacts and land use planning, impacts from noise to minority and low-income populations around the base, and requirements to coordinate with Clark Counties Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management regarding conformity with state and county plans. Also, the CGTO presented numerous comments concerning American Indian resources. Comments received during this public review and comment period were addressed and are included in this Final EIS to be provided to the decision maker for consideration. A copy of the Final EIS will be published and made available to the public. The Final EIS includes responses to comments and questions received during the public comment period. After a minimum of 30 days of review, the Air Force may publish a ROD. The ROD will specify the selected alternative, how it will be implemented, and mitigation measures, if any, that will be employed to minimize adverse environmental impacts.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Issues Derived from Public Scoping and IICEP. Of the nine written comments received from individuals during the scoping meetings, three citizens from Alamo expressed concern about sonic boomsthe number, severity, potential for structure (i.e., window) damage, and human disturbance. One of the commentors asked if a restricted area could be created over the town. Two other areas of concern were how the F-35 would operate and the way in which it would fly within current airspace. In Las Vegas, one commentor asked if the F-35s would be used in the same way at the range (e.g., flights per day, how low, how fast) while another commentor expressed concerns about noise, radar interference, safety for the residential areas to the east, and EPA results. One person in Pioche commented that during the fall hunting season, deer appeared to be scared by early morning flights in airspace over the central portion of NTTR. In Carson City, two attendees verbally (i.e., no written comments were received) expressed concern for potential low-altitude flight conflicts over areas being considered and/or used for wind generation under the NTTR airspace. A letter from the Nevada State Clearinghouse with comments from the SHPO and Nevada Department of Wildlife was received during the scoping period. The SHPO indicated that once specific information is known about flight patterns and construction, it should be notified so that it can determine the potential for adverse impacts to religious, cultural, and historic properties and to specify the process to be taken to address federal laws. The Nevada Department of Wildlife expressed concern for three state-listed species: 1) the Phainopepla (Phainopepla nitens), a state-imperiled neotropical migrating bird; 2) the burrowing owl (state vulnerable species); and 3) the kit fox, a species of conservation priority in Nevada. No other agency comments were received during the scoping period. Assessment of Identified Issues. Identified issues correlate to one or more resource categories used in environmental analysis. For example, an issue raised concerning the effects of sonic booms would apply to several resource categories including noise, land use, biological resources (wildlife), cultural resources, and recreation. Scoping, IICEP, and Air Force internal evaluation yielded potential issues correlating to nine resource categories (Table 2-17). Each resource category (and its subsets) was analyzed to determine if and how the proposed action would affect it. This was accomplished by: identifying the types and location of all elements of the proposed action; determining the relationship or interaction of these elements with the resources and their subsets; and assessing if and how these resources and subsets would be affected.

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Table 2-17 F-35 Scoping of Issues for Environmental Impact Analysis Process Affected Area Public/Agency/ Resource Air Force Scoping Nellis AFB NTTR Airspace and Aircraft Operations X X X Noise: Subsonic X X X Supersonic X NA X Air Quality X X X Safety X X X Land Use and Recreation X X X Socioeconomics and Infrastructure X X NA Environmental Justice and Protection of Children X X NA Soils and Water Resources X X NA Biological Resources X X X Cultural Resources X X X Hazardous Materials/Waste X X NA
Notes: NA = Analysis not discussed in detail in EIS.



While this Final EIS is, in large part, the same as the Draft EIS, it reflects consideration of comments received during the public comment period and includes factual corrections, improvements, and/or modifications to the analyses presented in the Draft EIS. Modifications include updated proposed construction projects and start dates (refer to Table 2-12), as well as a revised timeframe for the F-35 beddown (see Table 2-10). Also modified in the Final EIS is a re-evaluation of projected noise impacts (Section 4.3). Since the 2008 publication of the Draft EIS, the flight profiles and noise signature of the F-35 at the various stages of fight have been defined (refer to Section 3.3 for specifics on this topic). Also, new noise impact metrics now include speech interference and sleep disturbance; Sections 3.3, 4.3, and Appendix C were revised accordingly. Due to the new profiles and noise signatures, revised projected noise contour bands were also produced and potential impacts presented in Sections 4.3 (Noise), 4.6 (Land Use and Recreation), and 4.8 (Environmental Justice). Air quality evaluations (Sections 3.5 and 4.5) were also updated to reflect changes in proposed construction projects and start dates (Appendix D), the F-35 revised beddown phasing, and the outcome of the conformity determination (Appendix E). None of the modifications made to this Final EIS resulted in substantive changes to the proposed action. The conclusions presented in terms of environmental consequences and impacts remain consistent with those presented in the Draft EIS.


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Table 2-18 presents a summary of the impacts associated with the proposed beddown of 36 F-35 aircraft for the FDE program and WS at Nellis AFB. The table compares the effects of the proposed action to those of the no-action alternative. Table 2-18 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
AIRSPACE AND AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Nellis AFB Increase total Nellis AFB airfield operations by 20 Average annual airfield operations remain at 85,000 percent Existing departure and arrival routes would continue No change to airfield airspace structure or to be used operational procedures; no impact to civil and commercial aviation airspace No change in departure and arrival routes NTTR No change to current special use airspace structure MOAs and restricted areas continued to be used F-35 would increase current total sortie-operations Continued conducting 200,000 to 300,000 annual by 51,840 annually, for a total ranging from 251,840 sortie-operations in NTTR to 351,840. This would represent a 26 percent Maintain and use existing supersonic-designated increase under the 251,840 use scenario and a 17 airspace percent increase under the 351,840 scenario. This Continued coordination with area Air Traffic increase would not exceed NTTR capability Control to ensure safe airspace for all users A less than 1 percent increase in supersonic activities No changes or increased need for supersonicdesignated airspace No impact to civil and commercial aviation

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 2-18 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact (cont) Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
NOISE Nellis AFB Beddown would generate a 42 percent increase (an additional 7,562 acres) in areas exposed to 65 dB DNL and greater by the year 2020 20 Representative locations would experience: increases of between 1 and 3.4 dB DNL in noise levels populations in on-base dormitories would continue to be exposed to PHL in the 80 to 85 dB DNL contour bands an increase in daytime speech interference events when windows are closed 1 to 3 more times an hour; when windows are open, events would increase between 2 and 3 more times per hour an increase in probability of sleep disturbance between 1 and 7 percent with windows closed and 1 and 10 percent with windows open Nellis AFB would continue noise abatement procedures to reduce overflights of residential areas and nighttime operations and run-ups Noise complaints and annoyance levels in the Nellis AFB vicinity may increase No adverse impacts to hearing and health would be anticipated NTTR Subsonic noise would increase an average of 3 dB in 12 of the 21 airspace units under the 251,840 sortieoperations scenario and in 4 of the 21 airspace units under the 351,840 sortie-operations scenario Supersonic noise would increase by 1 dB in the Reveille MOA and 2 dB in portions of R-4807 and R-4809 under the 251,840 scenario Under the 351,840 scenario, supersonic noise would increase by 1 dB Sonic booms would increase by 2 per month in R-4807 and by 1 per month in Desert and Reveille MOAs under the 251,840 scenario Under the 351,840 scenario, booms would increase by 2 per month in almost all airspace units with the exception of the Elgin MOA where booms could increase by 4 per month Noise complaints and annoyance levels may increase due to increased boom numbers No adverse impacts to hearing and health

Approximately 18,000 acres continue to be exposed to 65 dB DNL and greater noise levels For PHL, populations within dormitories would continue to be exposed to 80 to 85 dB DNL contour bands Noise abatement and safety procedures would continue to be implemented

Baseline subsonic noise levels would continue to range from less than 45 to 65 dB DNL for the 200,000 and 300,000 scenarios Supersonic noise levels would continue to range from less than 45 to 57 dB CDNL under the 200,000 and 300,000 scenarios Sonic booms range from 2 to 24 per month at 200,000 sortie-operations per year and 3 to 35 per month at 300,000 sortie-operations per year


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 2-18 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact (cont) Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
AIR QUALITY Nellis AFB De minimis levels would be exceeded for CO and Nellis AFB would continue to contribute less than 1 NOx; however, the Air Force has coordinated with percent of all criteria pollutant emissions in Clark Clark Countys Department of Air Quality and County Environmental Management to include 185 tons of NOx into their ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision While there are CO exceedances, they are covered in the Clark County CO SIP so these increases would not be adverse nor preclude the county from NAAQS attainment No visibility impairments to PSD Class I areas NTTR Projected emissions would increase negligibly in Nye and Lincoln Counties (only 5 percent of NTTR Lincoln and Nye counties; this would not change the airspace falls within Clark County) would continue regional significance from baseline conditions in attainment for all criteria pollutants Within Lincoln and Nye counties, NTTR operations would continue to represent a limited regional contributor for NOx and SOx SAFETY Nellis AFB No changes in safety due to operations and Operations and maintenance, fire and crash maintenance, fire and crash response, and munitions response, and munitions use and handling activities use and handling procedures conducted on Nellis AFB would continue to be performed in accordance with applicable Air Force Additional munitions facilities and expansion of the safety regulations live ordnance loading area would be constructed to support the increase in airfield operations; this would The low potential for mishaps would continue enhance safety Bird/wildlife-aircraft strikes in the airfield No anticipated increase to bird/wildlife-aircraft strike environment would remain minimal; over a 14-year hazards or aircraft mishaps above baseline levels period there have been 233 bird strikes (occurring therefore, no impacts with over 1 million airfield operations), averaging about 17 per year

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 2-18 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact (cont) Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
SAFETY NTTR All current fire risk management procedures would remain unaffected due to the F-35 beddown Estimated time between Class A mishaps would remain low (2 to 45 years) with the increase in NTTR airspace use Increase in use of flares could cause a negligible (<0.1 percent) increase risk of wildfires; however, existing fire response procedures would adequately address this minimal increase No significant increase in bird/wildlife-aircraft strike hazards

A total of approximately 4 to 5 fires, of less than 3 acres, occur annually on the ranges; this would continue Estimated time between Class A mishaps within NTTR airspace ranges between 3 and 68 years under the 200,000 sortie-operations scenario and 2 and 45 years under the 300,000 sortie-operations scenario Safety procedures for ordnance and flare use would continue to be enforced to minimize risks Probability of bird/wildlife-aircraft strikes would continue to be negligible; ten strikes have been reported over the past 10 years LAND USE AND RECREATION

Nellis AFB Noise impacts to residential, public, open, and Surrounding areas (industrial, commercial, open, industrial land uses would decrease in acres by 25 recreational, public, and residential land uses) percent from baseline conditions when compared to would continue experiencing noise levels of 65 dB the land use contours established by Clark County DNL and greater No impact to recreation NTTR No change to land status or land management NTTR lands would continue being primarily managed by DoD, BLM, USFWS, and U.S. Forest 3 dB or less change in subsonic noise and 1 dB or Service less change in supersonic noise levels over special use land management areas Special use land management areas would continue to be exposed to aircraft operations Recreational areas underlying the Elgin MOA could experience an increase of 4 booms per month with the maximum sortie-operations (351,840) scenario; other areas might expect an increase of up to 2 booms per month Aircraft emissions and overflights would not impair visual quality SOCIOECONOMICS AND INFRASTRUCTURE Nellis AFB Net increase of 412 active duty personnel at Nellis Nellis AFB active duty or civilian workforce would AFB by 2020 (3.4 percent increase over 2006) remain similar to those found currently Nearly $28.3 million in additional payroll Total annual payroll expenditures would remain disbursements with increased personnel consistent Adequate housing and utility supply; no adverse Housing and utility supply would continue without impact on area public schools restraint and public school enrollment would remain similar to levels found under baseline conditions Increase in traffic during construction would be temporary and localized; should not adversely Delays at particular Nellis AFB intersections would impact existing delays experienced by on-base continue as they currently exist traffic No appreciable changes to utilities ability to meet minor increases in demand


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 2-18 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact (cont) Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Nellis AFB About 57,736 people would be affected by noise Impacts to human health and environmental levels within 65 dB DNL and greater contour bands, conditions in minority and low-income communities an increase of 17,000 over baseline levels would remain similar to conditions found currently Of this total, 30,257 represent minority populations, Schools currently affected by noise levels 65 dB an increase of 12,015 from baseline conditions DNL and greater would continue to be exposed to these noise levels Low-income populations would increase from 5,406 to 6,673 (or by 1,267 individuals) Schools would be exposed to noise levels of 65 dB DNL and greater; however, safety risks to children would not increase SOILS AND WATER RESOURCES Nellis AFB Approximately 36 acres would be disturbed over a 5Nellis AFB would continue to implement standard year construction period; most of the proposed construction and erosion control procedures to limit construction would occur over previously developed erosion for planned/approved construction projects land or replace existing buildings Existing water availability and use rates would Best management practices (e.g., erosion and dust continue to be adequate for base missions and controls) for construction would minimize the personnel potential for erosion No adverse effects to availability of surface water or groundwater; no additional water right required BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Nellis AFB One federally-listed special status species (desert Existing plans would continue to address tortoise) found on Nellis AFB; the base would avoid management and protection of the desert tortoise this species and consult with USFWS as applicable The status of one plant state species of concern Only one plant (a state-species of concern) is known would not change; plans to manage and protect this to occur on Nellis AFB; the base would work with species would not change the Nevada Department of Fish and Wildlife to avoid impacts to this sensitive species NTTR Flare use would increase, but the risk of wildfire The only known federally-listed species occurring would remain minimal on the ranges is the desert tortoise within the South Range; implementation of existing rules and Use of existing targets; therefore, no new ground procedures in relation to this species would continue disturbance on NTTR No changes in existing impacts to the desert tortoise would be anticipated; implementation of the rules and procedures in management of this species would continue to minimize any potential impacts Increases to subsonic (3 dB) and supersonic (1 dB) noise would not adversely impact wildlife

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 2-18 Comparison of Alternatives by Resource and Potential Impact (cont) Proposed Action No-Action Alternative
CULTURAL RESOURCES Nellis AFB Construction would avoid a National RegisterNo change resulting from the F-35 beddown to eligible site in Area II existing cultural resource conditions Cold War structure inventory is in progress but any No traditional cultural resources on base or in area potentially eligible sites would be avoided immediately adjacent to the base No effect on traditional cultural resources NTTR Noise and sonic booms unlikely to affect archaeological sites or architectural resources Increase of 1 to 4 sonic booms per month in the airspace units could be considered to affect setting of sacred and traditional use areas, but not adversely Conditions at 5,000 archaeological sites estimated beneath NTTR airspace would remain similar to what is found currently Over 50 historic mining sites, rock art, traditional use areas, and sacred sites in NTTR would continue to be managed and protected through implementation of existing Nellis AFB plans HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND WASTE Nellis AFB would continue to be a large quantity generator Procedures for renovation or demolition activities would continue to be reviewed by Civil Engineering personnel to ensure appropriate measures are taken to reduce potential exposure to, and release of, friable asbestos

Nellis AFB No change in large quantity generator status No change to existing management protocols required Four potential F-35 construction sites may occur above ERP sites, an ERP waiver would be required prior to construction No new types of hazardous materials would be introduced F-35 maintenance would generate about 11,664 pounds of RCRA hazardous waste per year, approximately a 6 percent increase


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NEPA requires focused analysis of the areas and resources potentially affected by an action or alternative. It also provides that an EIS should consider, but not analyze in detail, those areas or resources not potentially affected by the proposal. Therefore, an EIS should not be encyclopedic; rather, it should be succinct and to the point. Both description and analysis in an EIS should provide sufficient detail and depth to ensure that the agency (i.e., Air Force) took a hard look. NEPA also requires a comparative analysis that allows decision makers and the public to differentiate among the alternatives. This EIS focuses on those resources that would be affected by the proposed beddown of F-35s at Nellis AFB, Nevada. CEQ regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508) for NEPA also require an EIS to discuss impacts in proportion to their significance and present only enough discussion of other than significant issues to show why more study is not warranted. The analysis in this EIS considers the current conditions of the affected environment and compares those to conditions that might occur should the Air Force implement either the proposed action or no-action alternative. 3.1.1 Affected Areas

The proposed action includes components affecting Nellis AFB, NTTR, or both. Some components, such as F-35 construction projects, essentially affect only the base due to their limited geographic scope. Although minimal, the proposed changes in personnel would not only affect the base, but its economic and social effects would extend out into the general Las Vegas community. Affected areas for noise generated by airfield operations would include much of the base and lands adjacent to the base. NTTR and its associated airspace forms another affected area with a similar, but distinct set of components. For example, increases in aircraft operations generate more noise at NTTR, just like at Nellis AFB. Similarly, the effects of ordnance delivery are exclusive to NTTR. Table 3.1-1 highlights the affected areas analyzed for each resource.

3.0 Affected Environment Analysis Approach Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 3.1-1 Resources Analyzed in the Environmental Impact Analysis Process Resource Nellis AFB NTTR Airspace and Aircraft Operations Yes Yes Noise (Subsonic and Supersonic) Yes Yes Air Quality Yes Yes Safety Yes Yes Land Use and Recreation Yes Yes Socioeconomics and Infrastructure Yes No Environmental Justice and Protection of Children Yes No Soils and Water Resources Yes No Biological Resources Yes Yes Cultural Resources Yes Yes Hazardous Materials and Waste Yes No 3.1.2 Affected Environment and Resources Analyzed

Based on the components of the proposed action and scoping comments, the Air Force defined the environment potentially affected by the F-35 beddown. This definition focused on specific resource categories. As a result of this review, this EIS evaluated 11 resource categories: airspace and aircraft operations; noise; air quality; safety; land use and recreation; socioeconomics and infrastructure; environmental justice and protection of children; soils and water; biological resources; cultural resources; and hazardous materials and waste (see Table 3.1-1). Due to the lack of potential impacts from the proposed action at NTTR (e.g., no construction would occur within NTTR, no increase in personnel at any of the NTTR facilities is anticipated, nor would low income or minority communities be affected by F-35 increased overflights) socioeconomics and infrastructure; environmental justice and protection of children; soils and water resources; and hazardous materials and waste were analyzed only for Nellis AFB. No changes to any of these resources from baseline conditions would occur at NTTR if the proposed action were adopted. 3.1.3 Definition of Baseline

Baseline conditions provide a benchmark against which an agency measures the effects of the proposed action. The differences in the conditions between baseline and proposed actions reflect the magnitude of impacts relative to the various resources analyzed. As such, the EIS must define the baseline conditions and timing. For the proposed action, establishing baseline conditions is based on the timing of the components of the proposed action. However, the different components of the actionconstruction, aircraft beddown, operations, and personnel changeswould occur at different times. Since construction would start in 2011, the baseline employed for this component of the action consists of the current configuration and conditions at the base. The analyses for resources affected by construction, therefore, employed current


3.0 Affected Environment Analysis Approach Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS conditions as the baseline. For example, the air quality analysis compared the proposed action construction emissions (2011 through 2016) to current conditions based on best available information. Under the proposed action, beddown and operation of the F-35 aircraft would be phased in over an 8-year period between 2012 and 2020. The analysis of airspace operations, safety, noise, and air quality all reflect the inventory and operations of aircraft at the start of this period based on actions authorized by the Air Force and fully analyzed under NEPA. This includes aircraft, such as the F-22A, which completed their beddown in 2009. The analysis addresses personnel changes associated with the proposed action in the same way.

3.0 Affected Environment Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS



The safe, orderly, and compatible use of the nations airspace is made possible through a system of flight rules and regulations, airspace management actions, and air traffic control procedures just as use of the nations highway system is governed by traffic laws and rules for operating vehicles. The national airspace system is designed and managed to protect aircraft operations around most airports and along air traffic routes connecting these airports, as well as within special areas where activities such as military flight training are conducted. The FAA has the overall responsibility for managing the airspace system and accomplishes this through close coordination with state aviation and airport planners, military airspace managers, and other entities. This section describes how the airspace, flight routes, and operating procedures have been designed to accommodate both military training and civil aircraft operations in the affected areas encompassing Nellis AFB and NTTR. Discussions of NTTR include the restricted areas and MOAs supporting Nellis AFB operations. Information was obtained from current aeronautical maps, flight information publications, Nellis AFB documents, and contacts with Air Force and FAA airspace and air traffic control management personnel. 3.2.1 Nellis AFB

Nellis AFB is one of the few military airfields located within the type of airspace (Class B) established around the nations busiest airports. The outer lateral boundaries of this airspace are shown in Figure 3.2-1. Class B airspace requires all aircraft operating within the lateral and vertical limits of this area to be in communication with and under the positive control of an air traffic control facility to maximize the safe, orderly flow of all aircraft operating within this congested area. Designation of Class B airspace for the Las Vegas area was based on the high density aircraft operations conducted regularly at both Nellis AFB and McCarran International Airport and operations at the other airports in the area, for instance, North Las Vegas Air Terminal. In total, over a half million cumulative takeoffs and landings are conducted yearly at Nellis AFB and McCarran. Departure and arrival flight routes established for each runway direction at Nellis AFB segregate base flight operations from civil air traffic at other local airports and standardize the flow of military flights between the base and NTTR. Two parallel runways (21 Left/03 Right and 21 Right/03 Left [21L/03R and 21R/03L]) are oriented in a northeast-southwest direction (Figure 3.2-2). In general, the flight routes follow both a north-south flow through the Sally Corridor portion of the Desert MOA for flights entering/exiting the eastern portion of NTTR (refer to Figure 3.2-1). East-west flow (paralleling Highway 95) is used for entering/exiting western portions of NTTR airspace. These routes contain specific directional and altitude requirements and advisory information that separate inbound/outbound aircraft


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3.0 Affected Environment Airspace and Aircraft Operations Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS while minimizing noise impacts on populated areas and maintaining safety buffers from the North Las Vegas Air Terminal and the NTTR training area. Aircraft departing from Nellis AFB expedite their turns and climbs after takeoff for noise abatement and to avoid populated areas around the base. Factors such as local wind and weather conditions, noise abatement, mission requirements, and emergency conditions are considered for runway selection. Normal weekday daytime operations consist of aircraft departing to both the northeast and the southwest. When departing to the southwest, aircraft make immediate right turns to the north or northwest. Daytime arrivals are generally (70 percent) from the northeast. All night operations depart to the northeast (03 Right/Left) to reduce aircraft noise effects on residences (see Figure 3.2-2). Inbound traffic follows the same flow to Nellis AFB and are funneled by air traffic control to a point 5 to 10 miles northeast of the base where they proceed straight inbound for landing on Runway 21 (arrival 21 Left/Right). A summary of Nellis AFB airfield traffic counts since 1987 indicates that annual airfield operations have varied between 61,000 and 181,000 take-offs and landings (Air Force 1999b). There were roughly 85,000 airfield operations (takeoffs and landings) at Nellis AFB in FY02 (Air Force 2004c). The majority of these operations include NTTR arrivals and departures. Of that majority, about 70 percent enter and exit NTTR through the Sally Corridor (Air Force 2004c). 3.2.2 Nevada Test and Training Range

The NTTR consists of the Desert and Reveille MOAs and four restricted areas: R-4806, R-4807, R-4808, and R-4809. All NTTR airspace units support supersonic flight, with portions authorized for flights as low as 100 feet AGL in R-4807 and 5,000 feet AGL in MOAs (refer to Figure 2-3). The development and use of renewable energy, such as Wind Generated Energy Facilities (WGEF) have become important, and several wind generators can be found in the region around NTTR. Range and airspace personnel at Nellis AFB are aware of the location of these generators and ensure aircrews are also aware of the objects and the potential impacts with regard to safety, electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radar signatures, and operational security. Low-altitude avoidance and noise-sensitive areas are identified in NTTR flight instructions for various locations within and adjacent to NTTR, and FAA rules state that all aircraft must avoid persons, vehicles, and structures by 500 feet. Military pilots are instructed to avoid these locations by horizontal and vertical distances to enhance flight safety, noise abatement, and environmental sensitivity.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS As noted in Chapter 2, NTTR baseline sortie-operations range from 200,000 to 300,000 annually. These sortie-operations are dispersed throughout the major airspace units and their subdivisions. Appendix B provides further information about sortie-operations within NTTR airspace. Restricted Areas A restricted area is airspace within which flight by non-participating aircraft, while not wholly prohibited, is subject to restriction during scheduled periods when hazardous activities are being performed (14 CFR Part 1.1). Restricted areas designated as joint use by the FAA, permit Air Traffic Control (ATC) to route nonparticipating aircraft through this airspace when it is not in use or when appropriate separation can be provided. Restricted areas R-4806 and R-4807 are delegated by the FAA to Nellis AFB for military control and operations, and are designated joint use. R-4808N is delegated to the DOE for those operations supporting NTTR activities and is not joint use, but some of this restricted area is jointly used by both the DOE and aircraft from Nellis AFB. R-4808S is used jointly by DOE below 10,000 feet MSL, Nellis AFB between 11,000 and 27,000 feet MSL, and the FAA at or above 28,000 feet MSL for overflights. With the exception of a portion of R-4806 (which begins at 100 feet AGL), all of these restricted areas extend from the surface up for an unlimited distance into the atmosphere. R-4806 is used for conventional bombing and gunnery testing and training. Except for the extreme northern portion of this restricted area, all of R-4806 overlies the DNWR. R-4807 replicates an electronic battlefield with numerous simulated tactical targets such as tank convoys, munitions storage and sites, regimental/battery, air defense artillery units, etc. R-4807 is also used for overflights of a land area (Pahute Mesa) used by the DOE as an annex to the NTS. Portions of R-4809 are used jointly by the DOE and the Air Force. R-4809 is normally used by NTTR aircraft in conjunction with R-4807; however, the Tonopah Test Range airfield, located beneath R-4809, can be used as a divert base for in-flight emergencies and other non-routine operations. R-4809 also includes an electronic combat range. Militar y Oper ations Ar eas A MOA separates and segregates certain nonhazardous military activities from instrument flight rules (IFR) aircraft and identifies for visual flight rules (VFR) aircraft where these activities are conducted. The Desert and Reveille MOAs are used for air-to-air intercept training and abrupt maneuvers that may involve supersonic flight at and above 5,000 feet AGL. The base altitude of these MOAs is 100 feet AGL. Because a MOA has a base altitude of 100 feet AGL, unlike restricted areas which go down to the surface, these areas are only used for air-to-air operations. No bombs are released in the MOAs. Since a MOA, by definition, only extends up to, but not including, 18,000 feet MSL, ATCAA is provided by the FAA on an as-needed basis to extend training airspace to higher altitudes in accordance with a Letter of Agreement with Nellis AFB.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS The Desert MOA/ATCAA comprises the eastern half of NTTR and is normally scheduled and used during daylight hours Monday through Saturday. Any change to this normal schedule is disseminated by a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) that advises all military and civil pilots of the use status. The Desert MOA/ATCAA is divided into subsections (Caliente, Elgin, and Coyote), which are used individually or in combination for air-to-air training. The Sally Corridor portion of the MOA is the primary transition route between Nellis AFB and most portions of NTTR. The Reveille MOA/ATCAA is located in the northern portion of NTTR. This airspace is normally controlled by the FAA Salt Lake Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) when not activated for NTTR use. When needed for military use, the Reveille MOA/ATCAA is scheduled with the ARTCC in advance and IFR civil flights are provided the appropriate IFR separation from military operations. Since MOA operations are considered nonhazardous, VFR pilots may fly through a MOA when it is in use while exercising see-and-avoid clearance precautions. Military pilots are also aware of other aircraft during their maneuvers, both visually and through use of cockpit radar displays, to identify and remain well clear of nonparticipating air traffic that may be operating in the MOA. Depending upon terrain and an aircrafts position and use of transponder equipment (electronic beacon), aircraft radar displays are capable of detecting aircraft within 100 miles, including smaller general aviation aircraft. VFR pilots can obtain MOA use status and radar traffic advisories from Nellis AFB ATC while operating within this airspace. Military Training Routes Nellis AFB, 57th Operational Support Squadron is the scheduling unit for two military training routes (MTRs) that lie partially within NTTR airspace, Instrument Route (IR)-286 and Victor Route (VR)-222. These MTRs are not always used in conjunction with NTTR activities and are flown by various aircraft. The annual number of sorties flown on each of these routes is less than one per day. Civil and Commercial Aviation Airspace Use Several federal (also known as Victor) airways and jet routes flown using IFR rules border NTTR airspace (Figure 3.2-3) and provide nearly direct routing between key airports in the west and midwest. When air traffic control routes this traffic through NTTR airspace, separation is provided from all military operations. Two public airports or airfields underlie the MOA portions of the NTTR airspace; several airports occur near NTTR. Neither of the two underlying airfields has over 1,000 aircraft operations a year (AirNav 2010). Surrounding airfields range from about 15,000 operations per year at Mesquite to 10 at Lida Junction. These operations are minimal compared to the over 652,000 annual operations at McCarran and North Las Vegas airports (AirNav 2010).

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3.0 Affected Environment Airspace and Aircraft Operations Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Commercial aircraft activity in Nevada has increased considerably and is expected to continue to grow over the next 20 years (NDOT 2005). Most of this present and anticipated growth is at the Las Vegas and Reno airports. According to the 2005 Nevada Aviation System Plan, commercial operations were expected to increase 54 percent; general aviation activity was expected to grow by about 17 percent by 2015 (NDOT 2005); and McCarran International Airport would exceed its stated capacity by 2008 (NDOT 2005). However, due to the economic downturn, this growth was not recognized and operations at McCarran have actually decreased since the year 2005. The Nevada Aviation System Plan has not been updated since its publication in 2005. Aircraft operating under VFR between any of the airports in the Las Vegas area or airfields adjacent to NTTR airspace must either remain clear of restricted airspace or may fly through the Desert and Reveille MOAs. Nellis AFB operations/airspace representatives provide periodic briefings to area civil aviation pilots on military aircraft operations as part of the ongoing Midair Collision Avoidance Program. The USFWS conducts periodic flights in the DNWR for aerial census and tracking of bighorn sheep and maintenance of water facilities. These flights occur during the spring and fall, about three to five times a year, and are coordinated through the Nellis AFB range control and scheduling functions (personal communication, Schofield 2005).

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The effect of aircraft noise from the F-35 beddown was one of the most predominant questions expressed during the EIS scoping period. Concerns regarding aircraft noise related to certain potential impacts such as hearing loss, non-auditory health effects, annoyance, speech and sleep interference, and effects on animals and wildlife, structures, and historical and archaeological sites. Noise levels from aircraft in residential areas near Nellis AFB and the potential for sonic booms in NTTR were also common concerns. Noise is often defined as any sound that is undesirable because it interferes with communication, is intense enough to damage hearing, diminishes the quality of the environment, or is otherwise annoying. Response to noise varies by the type and characteristics of the noise source, distance between source and receptor, receptor sensitivity, and time of day. Noise may be intermittent or continuous, steady or impulsive, and may be generated by stationary or mobile sources. Although aircraft are not the only source of noise in any area, they are readily identifiable to those affected by their noise emissions and are routinely singled out for special attention and criticism. There are two kinds of noise discussed in this EIS. The first is conventional subsonic noise, as generated by an aircraft's engines and airframe. This is the most familiar form of aircraft noise, and is heard while an aircraft is within some distance of a receiver. The second type of noise is supersonic. Sonic booms are brief impulsive sounds, which are generated by the aircraft when it flies faster than sound. Supersonic flight by many different types of aircraft occurs regularly within approved NTTR airspace. Assessment of subsonic and supersonic aircraft noise requires a general understanding of the measurement and effects of these two kinds of noise. Refer to Appendix C for an explanation of concepts that are briefly defined in this section, and for additional discussion of noise measurements and effects. Noise represents the most identifiable concern associated with aircraft operations. Although communities and even isolated areas receive more consistent noise from other sources (e.g., cars, trains, construction equipment, stereos, wind), noise generated by aircraft overflights often receives the greatest attention. General patterns concerning the perception and effect of aircraft noise have been identified, but attitudes of individual people toward noise are subjective and depend on their situation when exposed to noise. Annoyance is the primary consequence of aircraft noise. The subjective impression of noise and the disturbance of activities are believed to contribute significantly to the general annoyance response. A number of non-noise related factors have been identified that may influence the annoyance response of an individual. These factors include both physical and emotional variables.


3.0 Affected Environment Noise Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Personal opinions on noise vary widely. For example, one person might consider rock music as pleasing but opera music as offensive. A second person may perceive just the opposite. Likewise, opinions on noise associated with military overflights vary from positive to negative. Aircraft Noise Assessment Methods An assessment of subsonic and supersonic aircraft noise requires a general understanding of how sound is measured and how it affects people and the natural environment. While Appendix C provides a detailed discussion of noise and its effects on people and the environment, the primary information needed to understand the noise analysis is summarized below. Noise is represented by a variety of quantities, or metrics. Each noise metric was developed to account for the type of noise and the nature of the receptor exposed to the noise. Human hearing is more sensitive to medium and high frequencies than to low and very high frequencies, so it is common to use Aweighted metrics, which account for this sensitivity. Impact of impulsive, supersonic noise depends on factors other than human hearing, so that is often quantified by C-weighted metrics. Different time periods also play a role with regard to noise. People hear the sound that occurs at a given time, so it is intuitive to think of the instantaneous noise level, or perhaps the maximum level that occurs during an aircraft flyover. However, the effects of noise depend on the total noise exposure over a period of time. Therefore, cumulative noise metrics are used to assess the impact of ongoing activities (like aircraft operations at Nellis AFB and NTTR). Within this EIS, A-weighted levels are used for subsonic aircraft noise and are described by the sound level (L), the Sound Exposure Level (SEL), Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL), and Onset RateAdjusted Monthly Day-Night Average Sound Level (L dnmr ). C-weighted levels are used for supersonic aircraft noise (sonic booms) and other impulsive noises. A C is included in the symbol to denote when C-weighting is used. Each of these metrics is summarized below and discussed in more detail in Appendix C. Sound Level is the amplitude (level) of the sound that occurs at any given time. When an aircraft flies by, the level changes continuously, starting at the ambient (background) level, increasing to a maximum as the aircraft passes closest to the receiver, then decreases to ambient as the aircraft flies into the distance. Sound levels occur on a logarithmic decibel (dB) scale; a sound level that is 10 dB louder than another will be perceived as twice as loud. Sound Exposure Level accounts for both the maximum sound level and the length of time a sound lasts. SEL does not directly represent the sound level heard at any given time, but rather provides a measure of the total sound exposure for an entire event. Maximum Sound Level (L max ) is the highest A-weighted integrated sound level measured during a single event in which the sound level changes value with time (e.g., an aircraft overflight).

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS During an aircraft overflight, the noise level starts at the ambient or background noise level, rises to the maximum level as the aircraft flies closest to the observer, and returns to the background level as the aircraft recedes into the distance. L max defines the maximum sound level occurring for a fraction of a second. Day-Night Average Sound Level is a noise metric combining the levels and durations of noise events, and the number of events over a 24-hour time period. It is a cumulative average, computed over a given time period like a year, to represent total noise exposure. DNL also accounts for more intrusive nighttime noise, adding a 10-dB penalty for sounds after 10:00 p.m. and before 7:00 a.m. DNL is the measure used to appropriately account for total aircraft noise exposure around airfields such as Nellis AFB. Onset Rate Adjusted Monthly Day-Night Average Sound Level is the measure used for subsonic aircraft noise in military airspace like NTTR. L dnmr accounts for the fact that when military aircraft fly low and fast, the sound can rise from ambient to its maximum very quickly. Known as an onset-rate, this effect can make noise seem louder than its actual level. Penalties of up to 11 dB are added to account for this onset rate. C-Weighted Day-Night Average Sound Level (CDNL) is the day-night sound level computed for areas subject to sonic booms, such as portions of NTTR.
Factors Influencing Annoyance Physical Variables

Assessing Aircraft Noise Effects Aircraft noise effects can be described according to two categories: annoyance and human health considerations. Annoyance, which is based on a perception, represents the primary effect associated with aircraft noise. Far less potential exists for effects on human health. Studies of community annoyance to numerous types of environmental noise show that DNL correlates well with effects. Schultz (1978) showed a consistent relationship between noise levels and annoyance. In 1991, a study reaffirmed this relationship (Fidell et al. 1991) and in 1994, Finegold updated the form of the curve fit and compared it with the original Schultz curve (Finegold et al. 1994). The updated fit, which does not differ substantially from the original, is the current preferred form (see Appendix C).

Type of neighborhood Time of day Season Predictability of noise Control over the noise source Length of time an individual is exposed to a noise

Emotional Variables Feelings about the necessity or preventability of the noise Judgment of the importance and value of the activity that is producing the noise Activity at the time an individual hears the noise (conversation, sleep, recreation) Attitude about the environment General sensitivity to noise Belief about the effect of noise on health Feeling of fear associated with the noise

In general, there is a high correlation between the percentages of groups of people highly annoyed and the level of average noise exposure measured in DNL. The correlation is lower for the annoyance of individuals. This is not surprising considering the varying personal factors that influence the manner in which individuals react to noise. The inherent

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS variability between individuals makes it impossible to predict accurately how any individual will react to a given noise event. Nevertheless, findings substantiate that community annoyance to aircraft noise is represented quite reliably using DNL. In addition to annoyance, this EIS also used other noise metrics and analyses to supplement the DNL evaluations. They include analyses of Potential Hearing Loss, speech interference, and sleep interruption. Potential Hearing Loss. Noise-related hearing loss risk has been studied extensively. Findings of studies and resulting policies and regulations are discussed briefly below and in more detail in Appendix B. As per DoD policy memorandum (2009) populations exposed to noise greater than 80 dB DNL are at the greatest risk of PHL (Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition Technology and Logistics 2009). The DoD policy directs that hearing loss risk should be assessed using the methodology described in USEPA Report No. 550/9-82-105, Guidelines for Noise Impact Analysis (USEPA 1982). USEPAs Guidelines for Noise Impact Analysis quantify hearing loss risk in terms of Noise-Induced Permanent Threshold Shift (NIPTS), a quantity that defines the permanent change in the threshold level below which a sound cannot be heard. NIPTS is stated in terms of the average threshold shift at several frequencies that can be expected from daily exposure to noise over a normal working lifetime of 40 years, with exposure lasting 8 hours per day for 5 days per week. The actual value of NIPTS for any given person depends on that individuals physical sensitivity to noiseover a 40-year working lifetime, some people will experience more loss of hearing than others. The actual noise exposure for any person living in an area subject to 80 dB DNL or greater is determined by the time that person is outdoors and directly exposed to the noise. For example, noise exposure within an 80 dB noise contour near an airfield would be affected by whether a person were at home during the daytime hours when most flying occurs. Many people would be inside their homes and would, therefore, be exposed to lower noise levels due to noise attenuation provided by the house structure. For the purpose of this analysis, residents were assumed to be fully exposed to the DNL level of noise calculated for their residence location. The analysis examined the number of people affected by 80 dB DNL or greater in 1 dB increments. Workplace Noise. In 1972, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) published a criteria document with a recommended exposure limit of 85 dB as an 8-hour time-weighted average. This exposure limit was reevaluated in 1998 when NIOSH made recommendations that went beyond conserving hearing by focusing on the prevention of occupational hearing loss (NIOSH 1998). Following the reevaluation using a new risk assessment technique, NIOSH published another criteria document in 1998 which reaffirmed the 85 dB recommended exposure limit (NIOSH 1998). Active-duty and reserve components of the Air Force (including the ANG), as well as civilian employees and contracted personnel working on Air Force bases and Air Guard stations must comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations (29 CFR 1910.95 Occupational Noise Exposure), DoD Instruction
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 6055.12, Hearing Conservation Program; Air Force Occupational Safety and Health (AFOSH) Standard 48-20 (June 2006), and Occupational Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (including material derived from the International Standards Organization 1999.2 Acoustics-Determination of Occupational Noise Exposure and Estimation of Noise Induced Impairment). Per AFOSH Standard 48-20, the Hearing Conservation Program is designed to protect workers from the harmful effects of hazardous noise by identifying all areas where workers are exposed to hazardous noise. The following are main components of the program: 1. Identify noise hazardous areas or sources and ensure these areas are clearly marked. 2. Use engineering controls as the primary means of eliminating personnel exposure to potentially hazardous noise. All practical design approaches to reduce noise levels to below hazardous levels by engineering principles shall be explored. Priorities for noise control resources shall be assigned based on the applicable risk assessment code. Where engineering controls are undertaken, the design objective shall be to reduce steady-state levels to below 85 dBA, regardless of personnel exposure time, and to reduce impulse noise levels to below 140 dB peak sound pressure level. 3. Ensure workers with an occupational exposure to hazardous noise complete an initial/reference audiogram within 30 days from the date of the workers initial exposure to hazardous noise. 4. Ensure new equipment being considered for purchase has the lowest sound emission levels that are technologically and economically possible and compatible with performance and environmental requirements. 42 USC Section 4914, Public Health and Welfare, Noise Control, Development of Low-Noise Emission Products, applies. 5. Education and training regarding potentially noise hazardous areas and sources, use and care of hearing protective devices, the effects of noise on hearing, and the Hearing Conservation Program.

Speech Interference. Speech interference comprises one supplemental indicator of noise effects. Such interference is measured by the numbers of average daily indoor daytime (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) events per hour subject to indoor maximum sound levels of at least 50 dB L max at representative locations. This measure also accounts for 15 dB or 25 dB of noise attenuation provided by buildings such as houses and schools with windows open or closed, respectively. Since modeling accounts for outdoor noise levels only, these data are represented as NA75L max (windows closed) and NA65 L max (windows open). NA means number of events above, so this analysis examines the number of annual average daily overflight events whose L max would be greater than or equal to 65 dB and 75 dB. A special case of speech interference deals with classroom interference at schools. When considering intermittent noise caused by aircraft overflights, guidelines for classroom interference indicate that an appropriate criterion is a limit on indoor background equivalent noise levels of 35 to 40 dB (equivalent noise level [L eq ]) and a limit on single events of 50 dB L max . The 50 dB L max for single events equates to


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS an outdoor L max of 65 dB and 75 dB for windows open and closed, respectively. Thus the number of annual average daily events whose L max would be greater than or equal to 65 dB and 75 dB serve as the measure of potential classroom effects and are presented as NA65 L max and NA75L max for windows open and closed, respectively, on a per-hour basis. Because classrooms are in use during the day predominantly, these criteria are applied for aircraft operations occurring between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. rather than between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. for standard speech interference. Sleep Disturbance. Noise-related awakenings form another issue associated with aircraft noise. Sleep is not a continuous, uniform condition but a complex series of states through which the brain progresses in a cyclical pattern. Arousal from sleep is a function of a number of factors including age, gender, sleep stage, noise level, frequency of noise occurrences, noise quality, and pre-sleep activity. Quality sleep is recognized as a factor in good health. Although considerable progress has been made in understanding and quantifying noise-induced annoyance in communities, quantitative understanding of noise-induced sleep disturbance is less advanced. A study of the effects of nighttime noise exposure on the in-home sleep of residents near a military airbase, near a civil airport, and in several households with negligible nighttime aircraft noise exposure, revealed SEL as the best noise metric predicting noise-related awakenings. It also determined that out of 930 subject nights, the average spontaneous (not noise-related) awakenings per night was 2.07 compared to the average number of noise-related awakenings per night of 0.24 (Finegold et al. 1994). Additionally, a 1995 analysis of sleep disturbance studies conducted both in the laboratory environment and in the field (in the sleeping quarters of homes) showed that when measuring awakening to noise, a 10-dB increase in SEL was associated with only an 8 percent increase in the probability of awakening in the laboratory studies, but only a 1 percent increase in the field (Pearsons et al. 1995). Pearsons also reports that even SEL values as high as 85 dB produced no awakenings or arousals in at least one study. This observation suggests a strong influence of habituation on susceptibility to noise-induced sleep disturbance. A 1984 study (Kryter 1984) indicates that an indoor SEL of 65 dB or lower should awaken less than 5 percent of exposed individuals. To assess the potential for sleep disturbance, the analysis uses SEL as the metric and calculates the probability of being awakened at least once from overflights occurring between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. when most people sleep. The SEL from each overflight is based on the particular type of aircraft, flight track, power setting, speed, and altitude relative to the residential receptor. The analysis also accounts for standard building attenuation of 15 dB and 25 dB with windows open and closed, respectively. When summed, the probability of being awakened for a given location is determined.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Affected Environment Federal, state, and local governments regulate noise to prevent noise sources from affecting noisesensitive areas, such as residences, hospitals, and schools, and to protect human health and welfare. Both the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration require noise control devices such as sound walls when new highway projects generate sound levels that adversely affect sensitive land uses. Federal agencies, such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development, have established health-based maximum noise exposure recommendations. Local agencies, including cities and counties, are responsible for defining and enforcing land use compatibility in various noise environments. The Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) program is the Air Forces vehicle for presenting their noise environment at airfields such as Nellis AFB (Air Force 2004c). The AICUZ program at Nellis AFB promotes compatible land development in areas subject to aircraft noise and accident potential. Clark County has incorporated the AICUZ recommendations as an integral part of their comprehensive planning process which is regulated in the Clark County Unified Development Code, Title 30, Section 30.48, Part A, Airport Environs Overlay District, adopted originally on June 21, 2000 (with updates in 2004), under the authority of Chapter 278, Planning and Zoning, of the Nevada Revised Statutes. Noise compatibility and airport environs implementing standards have also been adopted and found in the Clark County Airport Environs Report, an amendment of the Clark County Comprehensive Plan (Clark County 2007). AICUZ noise contours were developed using the following data: aircraft types, runway utilization patterns, engine power settings, altitude profiles, flight track locations, airspeed, number of operations per flight track, engine maintenance, and time of day. These data were based on a representative day of airfield activity, evaluated over a 24-hour period, when the airfield was in full operation. The advantage of this approach is that it is unaffected by daily, monthly, and yearly fluctuations in the tempo (rate) of use by individual aircraft at the base. The AICUZ study at Nellis AFB employed the NOISEMAP computer-aided modeling approach which is the Air Forces approved program to model subsonic aircraft noise. 3.3.1 Nellis AFB

Sound levels from flight operations at Nellis AFB exceeding ambient background noise typically occur beneath main approach and departure corridors and in areas immediately adjacent to aircraft parking ramps and staging areas. As aircraft take off and gain altitude, their contribution to the noise environment drops to levels indistinguishable from the ambient background. The altitude at which the noise becomes indistinguishable varies depending on the aircraft and meteorological conditions.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Baseline noise levels used in this section and Chapter 4.3 were described in the 2004 Nellis AFB AICUZ Report (Air Force 2004e). These contours reflect F-22A flight information as well as consideration of efforts to reduce noise in the vicinity of Nellis AFB. The AICUZ study identified noise levels ranging from 65 dB DNL to greater than 80 dB DNL for the lands encompassing Nellis AFB; this analysis also considered noise levels of 85 dB DNL and greater (Figure 3.3-1). Total acreage of areas affected by these noise levels is shown in Table 3.3-1. Table 3.3-1 Baseline Noise (dB DNL) Contours for Nellis AFB and Environs* 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 >85 Total 8,882 4,787 2,202 1,066 1,161 18,098 Total Acres Acres within Nellis AFB 1,819 1,540 1,474 1,004 1,161 6,998 Acres outside Nellis AFB 7,063 3,247 728 62 0 11,100 Percent inside Nellis AFB 20% 32% 67% 94% 100% 39%
*Note: In Chapters 3.6 and 4.6, Land Use, the Clark County planning contours are used to estimate potential impacts to land use and zoning and differ from those presented here.

Areas affected by greater than 85 dB DNL occur within Nellis AFB, with most of the on-base lands exposed to 75 to 85 dB DNL noise levels (Table 3.3-1). For off-base areas, noise levels range from 65 dB DNL to greater than 80 dB DNL. Per the AICUZ, noise levels exceeding 85 dB DNL fall within base boundaries and areas exposed to 80 to 85 dB DNL noise levels are primarily (94 percent or 1,004 acres out of 1,066) found on base. The majority of areas exposed to noise levels of 65 to 80 dB DNL are found outside base boundaries. In Table 3.3-2, noise levels for representative locations are presented, and are also shown in Figure 3.3-1. These representative locations were derived by first defining the central point within each of the census blocks (a block is the smallest level of geography designated by the U.S. Census Bureau to approximate populations within actual city street blocks in urban areas); about 50 points were identified. Because there were several that fell within the same contour bands and/or were located within unpopulated areas, the representative locations were narrowed down to 20. This number better represents populated areas, limits redundancies, and provides a reasonable indication of impacts to the populace. As depicted in the table, two locations (1 and 11) are found within contour band 75 to 80 dB DNL, while the remainder is affected by noise levels ranging from 60.1 dB DNL to 72.3 dB DNL. Seven representative locations are subject to less than 65 dB DNL.

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Figure 3.3-1 Nellis AFB Baseline Noise Contours

Source: 2004 Nellis AFB AICUZ Study


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Table 3.3-2 Day-Night Average Sound Level for Representative Locations Location ID dB DNL Location ID dB DNL 1 79.0 11 75.3 2 60.1 12 69.9 3 62.9 13 72.3 4 62.3 14 70.1 5 65.4 15 71.0 6 67.0 16 62.5 7 68.4 17 64.1 8 64.9 18 68.1 9 67.7 19 64.5 10 64.0 20 67.2 In assessing PHL, the use of DNL to characterize noise exposure provides a conservative assessment of hearing loss risk, as DNL includes a 10-dB weighting factor for environmental nighttime operations between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. (local time). Under baseline conditions, on-base populations in dormitories are exposed to noise contour bands 80 dB and greater; however, no off-base residential populations are affected by these noise levels. No PHL results from exposure within the dormitories because personnel are not inhabiting these buildings for the 40-year duration defined in the supplemental PHL metric.

Speech interference comprises another indicator of noise effects. Such interference is measured by the number of average daily indoor daytime and evening (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) events per hour subject to indoor maximum sound levels of at least 50 dB for the representative receptors (Table 3.3-3). This measure also considers the effect of noise attenuation provided by buildings with the windows open (15 dB) or closed (25 dB). Using the same representative locations already identified, it is estimated that when windows are closed, the average number of potential speech interfering events range from a high of 10 to a low of 3 across the 20 receptors. When windows are open, the average interference events range from a high of 14 to a low of 6 per hour. Table 3.3-3 Baseline Indoor Speech Interference for Representative Residential Locations Near Nellis AFB Average Daily Indoor Daytime (7:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m.) Events per Hour* Windows Location Windows Closed Windows Open Location Windows Open ID Closed ID 1 10 14 11 7 11 2 4 6 12 7 12 3 4 6 13 8 12 4 4 6 14 5 10 5 5 6 15 4 8 6 4 7 16 3 7 7 4 7 17 4 7
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 3.3-3 Baseline Indoor Speech Interference for Representative Residential Locations Near Nellis AFB Average Daily Indoor Daytime (7:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m.) Events per Hour* Windows Location Windows Closed Windows Open Location Windows Open ID Closed ID 8 5 10 18 6 12 9 7 11 19 5 10 10 6 11 20 6 11
*Assumes a noise level reduction of 15 dB (windows open) and 25 dB (windows closed).

As detailed in Appendix C, sleep disturbance also serves as a measure of noise conditions. Table 3.3-4 lists the probabilities of indoor awakening from average nighttime (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) events for the representative locations with windows closed and open. For windows closed and open, the average nightly percent awakening probability ranges between 9 and 26 percent and 13 and 38 percent, respectively. Table 3.3-4 Baseline Indoor Sleep Disturbance for Representative Residential Locations near Nellis AFB Average Nightly (10:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. Probability of Awakening (%)* Location ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Windows Closed 23% 11% 10% 9% 9% 10% 10% 17% 21% 18% Windows Open 33% 16% 15% 14% 13% 15% 16% 26% 30% 27% Location ID 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Windows Closed 19% 25% 23% 17% 11% 11% 9% 26% 19% 24% Windows Open 28% 35% 34% 25% 16% 17% 14% 38% 27% 34%

*Assumes a noise level reduction of 15 dB (windows open) and 25 dB (windows closed).

To reduce noise over off-base residential areas, Nellis AFB continues to apply the following noise abatement procedures (Air Force 2005c): 1. Night flying Nellis AFB restricts nighttime flying activities and routes to have the least effect on populated areas. 2. Altitude restrictions Approach and departure procedures have been modified to increase altitude at various points along the arrival and departure paths. 3. Northbound take-offs To the extent possible, northbound departures are used during evening hours (10 p.m. until 8 a.m.) and for all aircraft carrying live ordnance.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 4. Afterburner take-offs No unrestricted afterburner take-offs on weekends or holidays, or before 10 a.m. on weekdays. There are limited exceptions for operational missions and essential testing and training. 5. Practice approaches Jet aircraft practice approaches are authorized only after 9 a.m. daily. To the maximum extent possible, engine runup locations have been established in areas that minimize noise for those in the surrounding communities, as well as for people on base. Normal base operations do not include late-night (after 10 p.m.) engine runups, but heavy workloads or unforeseen contingencies sometimes require a limited number of these after that time. Noise due to construction and maintenance equipment, as well as general vehicular traffic, is a common ongoing occurrence in the base environment. Trucks, as well as heavy equipment, are found in the base environment on a daily basis to support existing facility operations and infrastructure upgrades. While all of these sources contribute to the noise environment, their effects rarely extend beyond base boundaries, and aircraft noise dominates the environment. 3.3.2 Nevada Test and Training Range

Definition of aircraft noise levels in an airspace environment requires two sets of data. The first is a quantitative understanding of aircraft operations: numbers of aircraft, their speeds, altitudes, and locations. The second set of data derives from the physical modeling of the noise itself, which is then accumulated for all aircraft operations. Aircraft operations (defined as sortie-operations) in NTTR have been described in Chapter 2 and the numbers used in calculations presented in Appendix B. In NTTR, aircraft operations have historically varied from year-to-year, from a low of 200,000 to a high of 300,000 sortie-operation scenarios. Because of this variation, noise was evaluated at both ends of the spectrum. To accomplish noise analysis, data defining aircraft activity in terms of time in NTTR airspace, as well as the speed, altitude, power setting, and position information are required. One source of data for this information derives from the NTTR airspace manager, who maintains records on the use of NTTR airspace units. A second data source, the Nellis Air Combat Tracking System (NACTS) was also used in the analysis. This tracking system can record specific flight parameter data for each aircraft during a Red Flag and other test/training exercises. This system was preceded by the Red Flag Measurement and Debriefing System (RFMDS) and the Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI), both of which provided similar but less robust data. For sonic boom measurements, 6 months of ACMI data were analyzed as part of a sonic boom monitoring study in the Elgin MOA (Frampton et al. 1993a). The implications of these data were incorporated into the BOOMAP 96 sonic boom model (Plotkin 1996, Frampton et al. 1993b) and applied in this EIS analysis to evaluate the number, nature, and location of sonic booms within NTTR airspace.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS NTTR includes MOAs and restricted airspace in which random aircraft operation is the norm or, due to either airspace configuration or training scenarios, operations may be concentrated, or channeled, into specific areas or corridors. In addition, there are MTRs in the region and operations on MTR segments within NTTR airspace are included in the total noise analysis. However, those MTRs that fall outside NTTR airspace were not specifically considered in this analysis. As mentioned above, subsonic flights within MOAs and restricted airspace often occur randomly and to account for that, the Air Force has developed the MR_NMAP (MOA-Route NOISEMAP) computer software program (Lucas and Calamia 1996). MR_NMAP calculates noise for both random operations and those channeled into MTRs (Lucas et al. 1995, Frampton et al. 1993c). The primary noise metric calculated by MR_NMAP for this assessment is L dnmr and was used for each of the six airspace units potentially affected by the proposed action and no-action alternative. As discussed above and in Appendix C, this cumulative metric represents the most widely accepted method of quantifying noise impacts. However, it does not provide an intuitive description of the noise environment. People often desire to know what the loudness of an individual aircraft will be; MR_NMAP and its supporting programs can provide the SEL for individual aircraft at various distances. Figure 3.3-2 shows the SEL noise levels for various aircraft at 1,000 feet AGL; the specific engine type is presented in parentheses. Figure 3.3-3 and Table 3.3-5 present the baseline noise levels for NTTR airspace units described in Section 3.1; cumulative noise levels are all below 65 L dnmr . These baseline noise levels are based on using the F-22A engine parameters and differ slightly from those presented in the F-22 FDE EIS (Air Force 1999a). This difference is due to using the actual F-119 engine for the F-22A in this analysis, but in the previous F-22 FDE EIS, the Air Force applied the best available data available at that time which was an F-18 surrogatethe noise levels for the F119 operational engines were not yet developed in the late 1990s. Table 3.3-5 Baseline Noise Levels (L dnmr ) for NTTR
Airspace Unit Caliente Coyote Elgin Reveille 4806 R61 R62 R63 R64 R65 Alamo EC South Pahute 4807 R71 R74 3-24 Baseline- F-22A FDE Sortie-Operations 200,000 300,000 55 57 57 58 46 48 54 55 54 56 56 53 58 54 56 61 60 61 55 57 57 54 59 55 57 63 61 63 3.0 Affected Environment Noise Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 3.3-5 Baseline Noise Levels (L dnmr ) for NTTR
Airspace Unit R75 R76 4809A EC East EC West 4808W 4808E Baseline- F-22A FDE Sortie-Operations 200,000 300,000 63 65 61 63 49 51 50 51 49 51 48 50 <45 45

Some high performance aircraft using NTTR may fly supersonic. The shape and sound of a sonic boom, resulting from supersonic flight, depend on an aircraft's size, weight, geometry, flight altitude, Mach number (i.e., speed), maneuvering, and atmospheric conditions. Aircraft exceeding Mach 1 always create a sonic boom; however, not all supersonic flight activities will cause a boom at the ground. As altitude increases, air temperature decreases, and these layers of temperature change cause booms to be turned upward as they travel toward the ground. Depending on the altitude of the aircraft and the Mach number, many sonic booms are bent upward sufficiently that they never reach the ground. This same phenomenon, referred to as cutoff, also acts to limit the width (area covered) of the sonic booms that reach the ground. A sonic boom is characterized as a rapid rise in pressure, followed by a rapid drop-off before the pressure returns to normal atmospheric levels. This change occurs rapidly (i.e., in significantly less than 1 second). The overpressures created are, in the vast majority of cases, well below those that would begin to cause physical injury or structure damage. In rare cases, a sonic boom can cause physical damage, such as to a window, if the overpressure is of sufficient magnitude. During scoping, members of the public commented that sonic booms may also cause startle effects in humans and animals, resulting in safety issues. The Air Force has established procedures for documenting such cases, and for working with affected parties. Sonic booms from air combat maneuvering activity have an elliptical pattern. Aircraft will set-up at positions up to 100 nm apart, then proceed toward each other for an engagement. The airspace used tends to be aligned, connecting the setup points in an elliptical shape. Aircraft will fly supersonic at various times during an engagement exercise. Supersonic events can occur as the aircraft accelerate toward each other, during dives in the engagement itself, and during disengagement. The long-term average (CDNL) sonic boom patterns also tend to be elliptical.

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Figure 3.3-2 SEL for Various Aircraft

Source: U.S. Air Force F-35 Joint Program 2007.


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Figure 3.3-3 Baseline Noise Levels at NTTR

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Long-term sonic boom measurement projects have been conducted in four military airspace units: White Sands Missile Range (Plotkin et al. 1989), the eastern portion of the Barry M. Goldwater Range (Plotkin et al. 1992a), the Elgin MOA at NTTR (Frampton et al. 1993a), and the western portion of the Goldwater Range (Page et al. 1994). These seminal studies included analysis of schedule and ACMI data and they supported development of the 1992 BOOMAP model (Plotkin et al. 1992b). The current version of BOOMAP (Plotkin 1996, Frampton et al. 1993b) incorporates results from all four studies. A variety of aircraft conducting testing and training perform flight activities that include supersonic events. Predominately, these events occur during air-to-air combat, often at high altitudes. Roughly 3 to 10 percent of air-combat maneuvering flight activities, depending upon aircraft type, result in supersonic events within NTTR airspace approved for such events (Frampton et al. 1993b). Figure 3.3-4 and Table 3.3-6 present baseline supersonic noise levels (CDNL) and sonic booms, per month, in NTTR airspace. This includes all of the Reveille MOA and other airspace units authorized for supersonic flight activity: the northern portion of Desert MOA (which includes subunits of Elgin and Coyote MOAs) and other surrounding restricted airspace (subunits of R-4807 that include R-74 and EC East) used for air-combat maneuvering training and air battles as part of flag exercises. As with subsonic noise, levels below 45 dB CDNL are not shown. The values pertain to only those airspace units where supersonic flight is allowed. For more discussion of sonic booms and their effects refer to Appendix C.

Table 3.3-6 Baseline Supersonic Noise Levels (dB CDNL) and Sonic Booms
Airspace Unit Elgin Coyote Reveille EC East EC South Pahute 4807 R71 R74 R75 R76 200,000 Sortie-Operations dB CDNL Booms per month 55 24 51 10 45 2 45 2 <45 <2 <45 <2 <45 45 <45 <45 <2 2 <2 <2 300,000 Sortie-Operations dB CDNL Booms per month 57 35 52 12 45 2 46 2 <45 <2 <45 <2 <45 46 <45 <45 <2 2 <2 <2


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Figure 3.3-4. Baseline Supersonic Noise Levels and Sonic Booms at NTTR
Note: Supersonic and boom calculations apply number of aircraft operations in supersonic, not type.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Noise levels less than 45 dB L dnmr are considered low and indistinguishable from most ambient noise conditions and can be influenced by anomalous or unique events. The precise decibel levels are generally unreported, but rather defined as <45 dB or less than 45 dB. The remainder of this EIS uses this convention. The estimated number of booms per month potentially heard on the ground, at an average location, in each airspace varies from less than 2 to 35, depending upon the number of sortie-operations and the airspace unit. Individual sonic boom footprints would affect areas from about 10 square miles to 100 square miles. The booms per month values account for the total number of booms and the average area affected by each, and represent the number that would be heard, on average, by an individual on the ground under the airspace. The noise modeling used to calculate supersonic noise levels and sonic booms applies the underlying assumption that within each airspace unit, sonic booms are distributed homogeneously and in a random nature. The modeling cannot account for a normal statistical distribution because the airspace units are oddly shaped in three dimensions, width, length, and altitude. However empirical data, acquired from sonic boom complaints in Alamo and other communities under the airspace, indicate that sonic booms are heard more frequently in some areas more than in others. This result is not unexpected; receptors toward the center of an airspace unit would likely hear more booms than those at the edge of the unit. Therefore, the noise levels indicated in Table 3.3-6 and presented in Figure 3.3-4 may be greater for receptors located toward the central portion of the airspace than those living under the edge of the airspace.


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Understanding air quality for the affected area requires knowledge of: 1) applicable regulatory requirements; 2) types and sources of emissions (for stationary sources) and the horizontal and vertical extent of emissions from mobile sources such as aircraft; 3) location and context of the affected area associated with the proposed action; and 4) existing conditions (or affected environment). Applicable Regulatory Requirements Air quality in a given location is described by the concentration of various pollutants in the atmosphere. The significance of the pollutant concentration is determined by comparing it to the federal and state ambient air quality standards. The Clean Air Act (CAA) and its subsequent amendments (CAAA) established the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six criteria pollutants: 1) ozone (O 3 ), 2) carbon monoxide (CO), 3) nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), 4) sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), 5) particulate matter (PM) less than 10 and 2.5 microns (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ), and 6) lead (Pb). These standards represent the maximum allowable atmospheric concentrations that may occur while ensuring protection of public health and welfare, with a reasonable margin of safety. The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP), Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) has adopted the NAAQS, with the following exceptions: 1) added 3-hour sulfur dioxide as a primary standard (this is a secondary standard under the NAAQS), 2) added standards for visibility impairment and 3) included a 1-hour hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) concentration standard. The national and state ambient air quality standards are presented in Appendix D. Nellis AFB is considered a major source of air emissions and falls under Title V of the CAAA because it emits either 100 tons per year (tpy) of one criteria pollutant (as is the case with Nellis AFB), 10 tpy of a single hazardous air pollutant (HAP), or 25 tpy of total combined HAPs (neither of these HAP thresholds applies to Nellis AFB). The CAA requires each state to develop a State Implementation Plan (SIP) which is its primary mechanism for ensuring that the NAAQS are achieved and/or maintained within that state. According to plans outlined in the SIP, designated state and local agencies implement regulations to control sources of criteria pollutants. The CAA provides that federal actions in nonattainment and maintenance areas cannot hinder future attainment with the NAAQS and must conform with the applicable SIP (i.e., Nevada SIP). There are no specific requirements for federal actions in unclassified or attainment areas pertaining to mobile and fugitive source emissions. However, Section 176, General Conformity, of the CAA prohibits federal agencies from supporting any activities that do not conform to an approved SIP in nonattainment and maintenance areas. Conformity means compliance with a SIP for the purpose of attaining or maintaining the NAAQS. Specifically, this means ensuring the federal activity (such as the F-35 proposed beddown) will: 1) not cause a new violation of existing NAAQS, 2) not contribute to an increase in the frequency or severity of
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS violations of existing NAAQS, or 3) not delay the timely attainment of any NAAQS, interim milestones, or other milestones to achieve attainment. The statutory requirement applies to federal actions in NAAQS nonattainment or maintenance areas only. Under this requirement, certain actions are exempted from conformity determinations, while others are presumed to be in conformity if total project emissions for a given pollutant are below the de minimis levels established by regulation. These de minimis levels are represented in tons per year. Nellis AFB is located within the Las Vegas Valley of Clark County which is currently in nonattainment for three criteria pollutants: CO, PM 10 , and 8-hour ozone (the 1997 standard). More detailed discussion of attainment status is presented in Section 3.4.1 below. Because the affected environment falls within areas designated in nonattainment, the analysis must include a review of criteria pollutant emissions to assess whether a conformity determination is needed. The CAA also establishes a national goal of preventing degradation or impairment in any federallydesignated Class I area. As part of the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program, mandatory Class I status was assigned by Congress to all national wilderness areas and national memorial parks greater than 5,000 acres and national parks greater than 6,000 acres in existence on August 7, 1977. The PSD program is applicable only to stationary sources such as industrial facilities, not vehicles or aircraft. In Class I areas, visibility impairment is defined as a reduction in visual range and atmospheric discoloration. Stationary sources are typically an issue for visibility within a Class I PSD area. The closest Class I area to the proposed action is Grand Canyon National Park. As part of its Regional Haze Regulation, the USEPA has introduced additional screening criteria in its Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) guidelines. These criteria are based on a sources annual emission strength and distance from a Class I area (USEPA 2006). The USEPA determined that it would be reasonable to conclude that sources would not be considered to cause or contribute to visibility impairment: those located more than 50 kilometers (km) from any Class I area and emit less than 500 tons per year of NO x or SO 2 (or combined NO x and SO 2 ), and those located more than 100 km from any Class I area and emit less than 1,000 tons per year of NO x or SO 2 (or combined NO x and SO 2 ).

Types and Sources of Air Quality Pollutants Pollutants considered in this analysis include the criteria pollutants measured by state and federal standards. These include SO 2 and other compounds (i.e., oxides of sulfur or SO x ); volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are precursors to (indicators of) O 3 ; nitrogen oxides (NO x ), which are also precursors to O 3 and include NO 2 and other compounds, CO, PM 10 , and PM 2.5 . These criteria pollutants are generated by the types of activities (e.g., construction and aircraft operations) associated with the proposed action. Airborne criteria pollutant emissions of lead (Pb) are not included because there are no known significant lead emissions sources in the region or associated with the proposed action and the noaction alternative.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Location and Context The affected area for air quality can vary horizontally from 0.3 to 2.5 miles (urban scale) up to 2 to 31 miles or more (regional scale), depending on the pollutant being studied. The affected area for air quality also has a vertical dimension because the emissions occur in a volume of air. This vertical dimension depends upon climatic conditions. The upper vertical limits of the affected area equate to the mixing height for emissions, which varies from region to region based on daily temperature changes, amount of sunlight, winds, and other climatic factors. Emissions released above the mixing height become so widely dispersed before reaching ground level that any potential ground-level effects would not be measurable. For the areas encompassing Nellis AFB and NTTR, the mixing height used is 7,000 feet AGL. This level was determined through coordination with the Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management (DAQEM) (personal communication, Parker 2007) and based on the annual average mixing height in this region of Nevada. Greenhouse Gases Emissions Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. These emissions are generated by both natural processes and human activities. The accumulation of GHGs in the atmosphere regulates the earths temperature. The U.S. Global Change Research Program reports in Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States (Federal Advisory Committee 2009) that: Observations show that warming of the climate is unequivocal. The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heattrapping gases. These emissions come mainly from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), with important contributions from the clearing of forests, agricultural practices, and other activities. Warming over this century is projected to be considerably greater than over the last century. The global average temperature since 1900 has risen by about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit (oF). By 2100, it is projected to rise another 2 to 11.5oF. The U.S. average temperature has risen by a comparable amount and is very likely to rise more than the global average over this century, with some variation from place to place. Several factors will determine future temperature increases. Increases at the lower end of this range are more likely if global heat trapping gas emissions are cut substantially. If emissions continue to rise at or near current rates, temperature increases are more likely to be near the upper end of the range. Volcanic eruptions or other natural variations could temporarily

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS counteract some of the human-induced warming, slowing the rise in global temperature; however, these effects would only last a few years. Reducing emissions of carbon dioxide would lessen warming over this century and beyond. Sizable early cuts in emissions would significantly reduce the pace and the overall amount of climate change. Earlier cuts in emissions would have a greater effect in reducing climate change than comparable reductions made later. In addition, reducing emissions of some shorter-lived heat-trapping gases, such as methane, and some types of particles, such as soot, would begin to reduce warming within weeks to decades. Climate-related changes have already been observed globally and in the United States. These include increases in air and water temperatures, reduced frost days, increased frequency and intensity of heavy downpours, a rise in sea level, and reduced snow cover, glaciers, permafrost, and sea ice. Longer ice-free periods on lakes and rivers, lengthening of the growing season, and increased water vapor in the atmosphere, have also been observed. Over the past 30 years, temperatures have risen faster in winter than in any other season, with average winter temperatures in the Midwest and northern Great Plains increasing more than 7oF. Some of the changes have been faster than previous assessments had suggested. These climate-related changes are expected to continue while new ones develop. Likely future changes for the United States and surrounding coastal waters include more intense hurricanes with related increases in wind, rain, and storm surges (but not necessarily an increase in the number of these storms that make landfall), as well as drier conditions in the Southwest and Caribbean. These changes will affect human health, water supply, agriculture, coastal areas, and many other aspects of society and the natural environment. While state-specific impacts are more difficult to predict than large global impacts, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP), in its Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States (USGCRP 2009), has evaluated climate change impacts on a regional as well as national basis. This report highlights the following potential impacts for the U.S. Southwest, including Nevada: Further water cycle changes are projected, which, combined with increasing temperatures, signal a serious water supply challenge in the decades and centuries ahead. Increasing temperature, drought, wildfire, and invasive species will accelerate transformation of the landscape. Unique tourism and recreation opportunities that provide important economic benefits to the region are likely to suffer.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS How climate change will affect fire in the Southwest varies according to location. In general, total area burned is projected to increase. A warmer atmosphere and an intensified water cycle are likely to mean not only a greater likelihood of drought for the Southwest, but also an increased risk of flooding.

To minimize GHG impacts, federal agencies and installations will be required to comply with federal climate change policy including EO 13423 (signed January 2007), Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, which instructs federal agencies to conduct their environmental, transportation, and energy-related activities under the law in support of their respective missions in an environmentally, economically, and fiscally sound, integrated, continuously improving, efficient, and sustainable manner. EO 13423 also directs federal agencies to implement sustainable practices for energy efficiency and reductions in GHGs, and for the use of renewable energy. The Federal Energy Policy Act requires federal agencies to increase the use of renewable sources by 3 percent between 2007 and 2009, 5 percent between 2010 and 2012, and by 7.5 percent for 2013 and beyond. EO 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance (signed October 2009), provides early strategic guidance to federal agencies in the management of GHG emissions. The early strategy directs agencies to increase renewable energy use to achieve general GHG emission reductions. According to provisions in this EO, federal agencies are required to develop a 2008 baseline for scope 1 emissions (which are direct GHG source emissions that are owned or controlled by the agency) and scope 2 emissions (or those emitted indirectly from electricity, steam, or heat purchased by the agency) by FY 2010. The agencies then need to develop a percentage reduction target for agencywide scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by FY 2020. As part of this effort, federal agencies need to evaluate sources of GHG emissions, and develop, implement, and annually update an integrated Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan which prioritizes agency actions based on lifecycle return on investment. In response to these orders, DoD announced (January 2010) that it will reduce its 2008 GHG scope 1 and 2 emissions from non-combat activities by 34 percent. In June 2010, DoD also committed to reducing scope 3 emissions by 13.5 percent. Per EO 13514, the Air Force will also initiate a comprehensive inventory of GHG emissions, including such emissions associated with FY 2010 operations, by early January 2011, and annually thereafter. The Air Force intends to include emissions from aircraft operations, tactical and highway vehicles, and non-road engines and equipment. The inventory includes all scope 1 and 2 emissions and all measurable scope 3 emissions. While not directly affecting the proposed action, the USEPA has recently promulgated several final regulations involving GHGs either under the authority of the CAA, or as directed by Congress, a summary is provided below: USEPA promulgated an endangerment finding involving motor vehicle tailpipe GHG emissions (Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Clean Air Act, 74 Federal Register 66496). For the finding, USEPA determined that GHGs threaten the public health and welfare of the American people and that GHG emissions from on-road vehicles contribute to that threat. Precipitated by the endangerment finding, USEPA and the Department of Transportations National Highway Traffic Safety Administration finalized a joint rule to establish a national program consisting of new standards that apply to the manufacturers of model year 2012 through 2016 light-duty vehicles that will reduce GHG emissions and improve fuel economy (Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards, 75 Federal Register 25324 [2010]). As a result of the light-duty vehicle rule, USEPA believed that a tailoring rule for PSD and Title V permitting was necessary. The tailoring rule established PSD thresholds for major stationary sources of GHGs (Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Title V Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule, 75 Federal Register 31514). The rule establishes two initial phases in steps. Step 1 began on January 2, 2011, and covers only sources and modifications that would otherwise undergo PSD or Title V permitting based on emissions of non-GHG pollutants. No additional PSD permitting actions or Title V permitting will be necessary solely due to GHG emissions during this period. Sources with Title V permits must address GHG requirements when they apply for, renew, or revise their permits. Step 2 begins on July 1, 2011, and covers new large sources of GHG emissions that have the potential to emit 100,000 tons per year (tpy) equivalent carbon dioxide (CO 2 e) or more. GHG emission sources that equal or exceed the 100,000 tpy CO 2 e threshold will be required to obtain a Title V permit if they do not already have one. On February 18, 2010, the CEQ released proposed guidance entitled NEPA Guidance on Consideration of the Effects of Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The proposed guidance suggests that proposed federal actions that would reasonably be anticipated to emit 25,000 metric tons or more of CO 2 e GHG emissions should be evaluated by quantitative and qualitative assessments. The proposed guidance suggests that this be considered a minimum level for consideration in NEPA documentation. In the absence, therefore, of a final issuance of guidance from CEQ, the GHG-suggested threshold in the proposed guidance is used in this EIS. GHG emissions comparisons, which would occur from the proposed action, used the 25,000-metric ton level. Hazardous Air Pollutants In addition to the ambient air quality standards for criteria pollutants, national standards exist for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) which are regulated under Section 112(b) of the 1990 CAAA. The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) regulate 188 HAPs based on available control technologies (USEPA 2010).


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Some HAPs are associated with diesel and gasoline exhaust. Since these HAPs are emitted from mobile sources, they are called Mobile Source Air Toxics, which include benzene, aldehydes, 1,3-butadiene, and a class of compounds known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The USEPA recently promulgated new regulations to reduce the amount of benzene in gasoline and reduce exhaust emissions from passenger vehicles operated at cold temperatures (under 75F). The reduction in benzene content, from 1 percent to 0.62 percent needs to be implemented by 2011. The USEPA is also requiring new standards to reduce non-methane hydrocarbon exhaust emissions from new gasoline-fueled passenger vehicles. Nonmethane hydrocarbons include many mobile source air toxics, such as benzene. The new standards require a maximum non-methane hydrocarbon emission rate of 0.3 grams/mile for vehicles weighing 6,000 pounds or less and 0.5 grams/mile for vehicles above 6,000 pounds (which include trucks up to 8,500 pounds and passenger vehicles up to 10,000 pounds). The standards phase in between 2010 and 2013 for the lighter vehicles, and between 2012 and 2015 for heavier vehicles. According to conclusions drawn from Select Source Materials and Annotated Bibliography on the Topic of HAPs Associated with Aircraft, Airports, and Aviation (FAA 2003), the FAA concluded that: Neither aircraft nor airports meet the definitions of the source types that are regulated under Section 112 (Hazardous Air Pollutants) of the CAA. Emissions from aircraft engines are currently regulated under Section 231 (Aircraft Emission Standards) of the federal CAA. Although HAPs are not directly regulated, they are indirectly controlled as elements of total unburned hydrocarbons and particulate matter. Airports are characterized under the USEPA National Air Toxics Program as an example of complex facilities that produce aggregates of emissions, including HAPs, from multiple sources.

In addition, the FAA report noted that the most remarkable observations recorded during the testing of aircraft exhaust were: 1) the extremely low concentration of HAPs found in aircraft exhaust considering the amounts of fuel burned, the amounts of energy (or thrust) generated, and the amounts of other products of combustion produced; 2) the type and amounts of HAP emissions are strongly influenced by the engine load, varying by an order-of-magnitude (or more) from taxi/idle to full take-off thrust; and 3) that averaging HAP emission factors from different aircraft and for different operating conditions is not considered appropriate, as there is potential for great variation. For this reason, available aircraft engine emission factors for HAPs may also not be representative of untested aircraft or the aircraft fleet as a whole (FAA 2003). Currently, Nellis AFB emits a combined total of 4.7 tons of HAPs from all stationary sources (Air Force 2009a). Facilities that generate these emissions include hush houses, fuel cell maintenance building, boilers, and paint booths. Even if total HAPs were doubled (which would not be the case since the proposed action does not call for constructing this number of facilities), Nellis AFB would still not exceed
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS the 10 tpy threshold for a single HAP nor the threshold of 25 tpy for combined total HAPs. Since HAPs emissions from mobile and stationary sources are not anticipated to be significant or exceed regulatory thresholds, they are not evaluated further in this document. 3.4.1 Nellis AFB

For the proposed action and no-action alternative, the air quality affected environment for Nellis AFB is the Las Vegas Valley. Carbon monoxide occurs in the atmosphere as the result of incomplete combustion of fuels. In Las Vegas, as in other urban areas, motor vehicles form the major source of CO emissions, comprising approximately 88 percent of total daily emissions. During the winter months local inversions stagnate air masses and trap pollutants causing local buildup of CO and thus exceedances of federal air pollution standards. While the Valley may have exceeded federal air quality standards on a seasonal basis, the USEPA determined in 2005 that it was in attainment. Therefore, in 2008 the County submitted a CO Maintenance Plan and request for formal redesignation to USEPA (CC DAQEM 2008a); in September 2010 USEPA approved the Plan and request for redesignation (75 Federal Register [FR] 59090, USEPA 2010a). In terms of PM 10 status, USEPA determined in August 2010 that the Las Vegas Valley had reached attainment of this criteria pollutant by the applicable date of December 31, 2006 (75 FR 45485, USEPA 2010b). This determination was not a redesignation because the USEPA has not approved an applicable PM 10 Maintenance Plan; therefore, the Valley remains in serious nonattainment until Nevada meets the CAA requirements for redesignation of the Valley to attainment (75 FR 45485, USEPA 2010b). For ozone, in June 2007 the USEPA determined that areas classified as in nonattainment under Subpart 1 (which applies to the Las Vegas Valley) would not be required to demonstrate attainment in 2007 (CC DAQEM 2008b). This action has obligated Clark County to develop an early progress plan that contains motor vehicle emission budgets that address the ozone standards in advance of a complete attainment demonstration. Progress is demonstrated if projected emissions by June 15, 2009 attainment date (2008 ozone season) are less than emissions in the 2002 base year (CC DAQEM 2008). Clark County (as a revision to the states ozone SIP) submitted their Ozone Early Progress Plan to USEPA in July 2008 and in May 2009 the USEPA found that the emissions budgets contained therein were adequate to demonstrate progress towards attainment (74 FR 22738, USEPA 2009). In March 2011, Clark County submitted to USEPA the Ozone Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan (CC DAQEM 2011). Upon USEPA approval, emissions goals contained therein will be regulated by the County. Emissions associated with airfield operations (landing, takeoff, touch-and-go) are calculated based on aircraft activity at the base (Table 3.4-1) (Air Force 1999a). These data include the number of aircraft operations conducted by base-assigned and transient aircraft and apply the same information used to characterize the airfield noise environment.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 3.4-1 Summary of Baseline Emissions at Nellis AFB (tons/year) Source VOCs CO NOx SO2 PM10 1 Ground-Based 13.42 13.50 29.63 1.10 14.4 Aircraft2 318 928 444 345 26 Total 331.4 941.5 473.6 346.1 40.4 Clark County3 43,980 306,425 73,360 52,782 46,717 Nellis AFB Percent Contribution 0.7 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.1
Sources: Air Force 2009a, Air Force 1999a, and USEPA 2011. Note: 1Ground-based emissions derived from 2009 Air Emissions Inventory (AEI) at Nellis AFB. 2 Aircraft emissions derived from F-22A Beddown EIS (most recent evaluation of mobile sources). 3 2005 county emissions retrieved from USEPA Air Data website.

The total annual CO emissions at Nellis AFB represent about 0.3 percent of total CO emissions for Clark County. PM10 emissions for Nellis AFB account for about 0.1 percent and both VOCs and NOx (ozone precursors) represent less than 1 percent of the total Clark County contribution. The western edge of the Grand Canyon National Park is approximately 97 km from Nellis AFB, which is within the distance limit for implementing additional PSD stationary source requirements. The U.S. National Park Service, Forestry Service, and Fish and Wildlife Service (the Agencies) have collectively concluded that a similar approach to that employed by USEPA in their Regional Haze Rule has merit with respect to new source impacts at Class I areas for air pollution sources with relatively steady emissions throughout each year. However, the Agencies are modifying the size criteria to also include PM10 and sulfuric acid mist (H2SO4) emissions because those pollutants also impair visibility and contribute to other resource impacts. In addition, rather than the two-step BART test, the Agencies are using a fixed Q/D factor of 10 as a screening criteria for sources located more than 50 km from a Class I area. Therefore, the Agencies will consider a source located more than 50 km from a Class I area to have negligible impacts with respect to Class I if its total SO2, NOx, PM10, and H2SO4 annual emissions (in tons per year, based on 24-hour maximum allowable emissions), divided by the distance (in km) from the Class I area (Q/D) is 10 or less. Specifically, Q/D is calculated as: Q/D = (SO2 + NOx + PM10 + H2SO4) [tons/year] * 8,760 hours per year / Number hours actual operations Distance (km) from Class I Area Although Nellis AFB is not expected to increase the number of stationary sources or the use of existing stationary sources, this visibility screening criteria was used to assess impacts on visibility to the Grand Canyon National Park due to Nellis AFB generated mobile source emissions. The Q/D for Nellis AFB is calculated using the steady-state values for emissions beginning in 2020 when all 36 F-35 aircraft have arrived. The calculation, ((184.13 + 9.46 + 51.01)*8,760/4,380)/97 = 5.04. Because the result of the equation is less than 10, this screening analysis indicates that visibility should not be significantly impacted by the increased Nellis AFB mobile source operations. Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) emissions from Nellis AFB are unknown and were not included in the calculations; however, it is unlikely that inclusion of this emission type would cause the Q/D to exceed 10.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 3.4.2 Nevada Test and Training Range

The affected environment for NTTR is Lincoln and Nye County. There are no PSD Class I areas within 100 km of NTTR borders. With the exception of its very southern extent nearest Las Vegas (refer to Figure 2-3), NTTR falls within an area that is unclassified for state and federal air quality standards. The very southern extent (less than 5 percent of NTTR) falls within the Las Vegas Metropolitan Area designated as nonattainment for CO and PM10. Total annual emissions associated with aircraft activity in NTTR were calculated based on scenarios reflecting the range of 200,000 or 300,000 annual sortieoperations (Air Force 1999b). As with the aircraft emissions calculations for the base, aircraft emissions estimates for NTTR used aircraft operation summaries presented in Appendix B. Aircraft activity in NTTR airspace for air quality analysis employs annual sortie-operations, typical engine power settings, and typical altitude distributions for a given aircraft type. Table 3.4-2 provides a summary of estimated aircraft emissions for the low-use 200,000 and high-use 300,000 sortie-operation scenarios. Table 3.4-2 Summary of Baseline Emissions at NTTR (tons/year) VOCs CO NOx SOx Ground-Based1 11.64 4.99 22.58 17.74 Aircraft 200,000 sortie-operations2 26.64 110.5 2,083.1 81.8 Total 24.3 115.49 2,105.68 99.54 300,000 sortie-operations2 35.94 165.6 3,124.4 122.5 Total 47.58 170.59 3,146.98 140.24 Lincoln County3 6,846 29,504 2,072 416 Nye County3 1,327 8,174 1,025 125

PM10 3.06 35 38.06 52.8 55.86 5,228 3,611

Sources: Air Force 2009b, Air Force 2009c, Air Force 1999b, and USEPA 2011. 1 Note: Ground-based emissions derived from 2009 NTTR AEI and 2009 Creech AFB AEI. 2 Aircraft emissions best available data from 1999 Renewal of the Nellis Air Force Range Land Withdrawal Legislative Final EIS. 3 2005 county emissions retrieved from USEPA Air Data website.

In both sortie-operations scenarios, the total emissions for NTTR airspace are dispersed over a volume of air measuring approximately 13,000 cubic miles. Given this volume, very low concentrations of emissions occur. The highest potential for concentration of emissions would occur during low-altitude aircraft activity near ordnance delivery ranges where aircraft make multiple passes, over the same point on the ground, over short periods of time. To evaluate the percent contribution of emissions at lowaltitude flight, the Air Force conducted an analysis and presented its conclusions in the Renewal of the Nellis Air Force Range Land Withdrawal Legislative Final EIS (Air Force 1999b). This analysis reasonably reflects baseline conditions within NTTR. The computerized Multiple Aircraft Instantaneous Line Source (MAILS) dispersion model was used to assess concentrations of ground-level pollutants resulting from aircraft flight activities. Using data from overall sortie-operations in NTTR, the analysis employed a conservative scenario of low-altitude flight activities over a range airspace unit. The MAILS modeling results demonstrated that even intensive, low-altitude flight activity over a range within NTTR would not result in exceedances of NAAQS. Within the 5 percent of NTTR coinciding with the area in
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS nonattainment for CO and PM10, estimated concentrations fall well below nonattainment thresholds: 8.61 tons for CO and 3.41 tons for PM10 under the highest use scenario. This measure is only an estimate since the affected area consists of a corner of the airspace where aircraft tend to fly less frequently, actual emissions would likely fall below the estimate. As such, emissions from these sortie-operations do not measurably affect nonattainment for any criteria pollutants or present a significant regional contribution in either county.

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This section addresses ground, flight, and munitions safety associated with activities conducted by units stationed at or operating from Nellis AFB. These operations include activities at the base itself, as well as testing and training conducted in the military airspace that collectively comprises NTTR. Ground safety considers issues associated with operations and maintenance activities that support base and range operations, including fire and crash response. For NTTR, safety also considers fire risk and management. Flight safety includes aircraft flight risks such as aircraft accidents, and Bird/Wildlife-Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH). Munitions safety assesses the management and use of ordnance or munitions associated with air base operations and training activities. 3.5.1 Nellis AFB

Operations and Maintenance Day-to-day operations and maintenance activities conducted on Nellis AFB are performed in accordance with applicable Air Force safety regulations, published Air Force Technical Orders, and standards prescribed by Air Force Occupational Safety and Health (AFOSH) requirements. The handling, processing, storage, and disposal of hazardous by-products from these activities are accomplished in accordance with all federal and state requirements applicable to the substance generated. Additional specific data pertaining to hazardous material and waste management are contained in Section 3.11. Fire and Crash Response The Nellis AFB military fire department provides fire and crash response. Under current operations, the unit is fully capable of meeting its requirements. There are no identified equipment shortfalls or limiting factors (personal communication, Ridgeway 2005). The base maintains detailed mishap (e.g., aircraft accidents) response procedures to respond to a wide range of potential incidents. These processes assign agency responsibilities and prescribe functional activities necessary to react to major mishaps, whether on or off base. Initial response to a mishap considers such factors as rescue, evacuation, fire suppression, safety, and elimination of explosive devices, ensuring security of the area, and other actions immediately necessary to prevent loss of life or further property damage. After all required actions on the site are complete, the base civil engineer ensures cleanup of the site. Aircraft Mishaps The primary public concern with regard to flight safety is the potential for aircraft accidents. Such mishaps may occur as a result of mid-air collisions, collisions with structures or terrain, weather-related


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS accidents, mechanical failure, or pilot error. Flight risks apply to all aircraft; they are not limited to the military. The Air Force defines four categories of aircraft mishaps: Classes A, B, C, and E/High Accident Potential 1. Class A mishaps result in a loss of life, permanent total disability, a total cost in excess of $2 million, destruction of an aircraft, or damage to an aircraft beyond economical repair (DoD 2009). Class B mishaps result in total costs of more than $500,000, but less than $2 million, or result in permanent partial disability. Class C mishaps involve costs of more than $50,000, but less than $500,000, or a loss of worker productivity of more than 8 hours. Class E/High Accident Potential represent minor incidents not meeting any of the criteria for Class A, B, or C. Class C mishaps form the most common occurrences, primarily involving minor damage and injuries, but rarely affecting property or the public. Major considerations in any accident are loss of life and damage to property. It is impossible to predict the precise location of an aircraft accident. The probability of an aircraft crashing into a populated area is extremely low, but it cannot be totally discounted. Several factors are relevant: first, FAA regulations instruct pilots to avoid direct overflight of population centers at very low altitudes; second, the brief amount of time the aircraft is over any specific geographic area limits the probability of a disabled aircraft impacting a specific populated area; and third, design and location of the clear zone (CZ) and accident potential zones (APZs) identify areas subject to higher risk from a crash. The Air Force designed a program for installations to minimize aircraft operational impacts on local communities. The study supporting this program is known as the AICUZ study (as first discussed in Section 3.3). The purpose of the AICUZ program is to promote compatible land development in areas subject to aircraft accident potential and noise. Air Force AICUZ land use guidelines reflect land use recommendations for CZ and APZ I and II. The guidelines recommend land uses which are compatible with airfield operations while allowing maximum beneficial use of adjacent properties. The CZs, each measuring 4,000 feet wide by 3,000 feet long, extend directly from the ends of the runways. At Nellis AFB, the CZs are wholly contained within the base boundaries and permit no development (Figure 3.5-1). APZ I represents an area beyond the CZ with a significant potential for accidents, but less than the CZ. To the northeast, APZ I measures 4,000 feet wide by 5,000 feet long and lies within the base. On the southwest, APZ I extends off-base from the CZ with westward and southwestern arms associated with flight patterns.

Class D mishaps do not apply to aircraft. 3-43

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS APZ II, which has the lowest potential for aircraft accidents, extends beyond APZ I and measures 4,000 feet wide by 7,000 feet long. About 70 percent of the northeastern APZ lies within the base boundaries; and the southwest APZ II lies entirely off-base. Secondary effects of an aircraft crash include the potential for fire and environmental contamination. Again, because the extent of these secondary effects is dependent on the situation, they are difficult to quantify. When an aircraft crashes, it may release petroleum, oil, and lubricants that may not all be consumed in a fire and could contaminate soil and water. The potential for contamination is dependent on several factors. The porosity of the surface soils will determine how rapidly contaminants are absorbed. On Nellis AFB and nearby, the soils are not very permeable. The locations and characteristics of surface and groundwater in the area will also affect the extent of contamination to those resources. Aircraft flight operations from Nellis AFB are governed by flight standard rules. Specific procedures for the base are contained in standard operating procedures that must be followed by all aircrews operating from the installation (Air Force 2005c). In the last 5 years, there have been two Class A aircraft accidents on Nellis AFB, while over 340,000 airfield operations have been conducted (personal communication, 57 WG/SEF 2006). Bird/Wildlife-Aircraft Strike Hazard BASH constitutes a safety concern because of the potential for damage to aircraft or injury to aircrews or local populations if an aircraft crash should occur in a populated area. Aircraft may encounter birds at altitudes of 30,000 feet MSL or higher; however, over 95 percent of reported bird strikes occur below 3,000 feet AGL. Approximately 50 percent of bird strikes happen in the airport or airfield environment, and 25 percent occur during low-altitude flight training (Worldwide BASH Conference 1990). Migratory waterfowl (e.g., ducks, geese, and swans) pose the most hazard to low-flying aircraft because of their size and their propensity for migrating in large flocks at a variety of elevations and times of day. The potential for bird-aircraft strikes is greatest during spring and fall migratory seasons in areas used as migration corridors (flyways) or where birds congregate for foraging or resting (e.g., open water bodies, rivers, and wetlands). These birds typically migrate at night and generally fly between 1,500 to 3,000 feet AGL during the fall migration and from 1,000 to 3,000 feet AGL during the spring migration. Although waterfowl are the greatest threat, raptors, shorebirds, gulls, herons, and songbirds also pose a hazard. Peak migration periods for raptors, especially eagles, are from October to mid-December and from mid-January to the beginning of March. In general, flights above 1,500 feet AGL would be above most migrating and wintering raptors. Songbirds (small birds, usually less than one pound) usually migrate at night along major rivers, typically between 500 to 3,000 feet AGL.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS For aircraft conducting airfield operations at or near Nellis AFB, the bird-aircraft strike data maintained by the base indicate that from 1987 through 2001, aircraft have experienced 233 bird strikes. Given that airfield operations at Nellis AFB exceeded 1,000,000 during that same period, the occurrence of bird/wildlife-aircraft strikes in the airfield environment was very low. Nellis AFB and its vicinity include no migration corridors or areas supporting major concentrations of birds. The majority of these birdaircraft strikes (56.3 percent) occurred at altitudes of 1,000 feet AGL or less. Of this total, 12 percent were classified as Class C mishaps; there were no Class A or Class B mishaps (personal communication, 57 WG/SEF 2005). Munitions Use and Handling Personnel at Nellis AFB control, maintain, and store all ordnance and munitions required for mission performance. This includes inert bombs and rockets, live bombs and rockets, chaff, flares, large and small arms ammunition, and other explosive and pyrotechnic devices. Munitions are handled and stored in accordance with Air Force explosive safety directives (Air Force 2001a), and all munitions maintenance is carried out by trained, qualified personnel using Air Force-approved technical data. The airfield also has specific areas designated for live ordnance loading, parking of aircraft loaded with live ordnance, and arming and dearming of ordnance and guns (Air Force 2005c). There are two live ordnance loading areas, LOLA north and south (Figure 3.5-2). Both are located to the east of Runway 03 Right/21 Left. The hot cargo pad is located at the northern end of the flightline, just east of Runway 03 Right/21 Left (Figure 3.5-2). Arm/dearm pads are located at the north and south ends of the flight line, and immediately adjacent to the ends of the runways. If a malfunction prevents ordnance release during a mission, and the pilot must return to the base with hung ordnance (i.e., any ordnance of which an attempt to release, jettison, launch, or fire from an aircraft did not actuate as designed), the aircraft is parked in revetments in the hung ordnance area while the ordnance is rendered safe. This area is located east of Runway 03 Right and south of the LOLA (Air Force 2005c). Sufficient storage facilities exist for current types and amounts of ordnance, and all facilities are approved for the ordnance they store. 3.5.2 Nevada Test and Training Range

Fire Risk and Management The Nellis AFB military fire department provides fire and crash response by convoy to those ranges within NTTR that are close to Nellis AFB. The unit is fully equipped and staffed with qualified personnel. There are no identified equipment shortfalls or limiting factors (personal communication, Ridgeway 2005). Elements of the fire department are dispersed throughout NTTR, and would respond to range fires on DoD-withdrawn lands. If required, additional response support could be provided by BLM in accordance with a memorandum of agreement. Fire suppression of wildland fires on NTTR is the responsibility of the BLM and is geared toward protecting lives and facilities at the widely scattered
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS industrial complexes, not the suppression of wildfire. The Air Force is required to take necessary precautions to prevent and suppress brush and range fires occurring within and outside lands withdrawn by Public Law (PL) 106-65 as a result of military activities. As per the withdrawal, the Air Force is authorized to seek assistance from the BLM in the suppression of such fires. Nellis AFB has an existing Support Agreement with the BLM, Las Vegas Field Office for firefighting support (personal communication, Christensen 2005). Fire and crash response on the South Range is provided by the Air Force fire department at Creech AFB; if needed, additional assistance can be provided, under an existing mutual support agreement for fire suppression with the Air Force by Clark County (personal communication, Williams 2005). Fires do occasionally occur on NTTR lands. While an average of four to five small (less than 3 acres) fires occur each year, they result from a variety of sources, including lightning and flares. Under NTTR MOAs, fires tend to be larger (less than 100 acres), but have been found to be caused mostly by cigarettes, matches, vehicle sparks, or fireworks (Air Force 1997a). Compared to the 250,000 flares dispersed over NTTR annually (personal communication, 98 OSS/OSO 2005), fires attributable to flares are rare for several reasons. Foremost, the altitude and other restrictions on flare use minimize the possibility for burning material to contact the ground. Second, to start a fire, burning flare material must contact vegetation that is susceptible to burning at the time. As such, the probability of a flare igniting vegetation would be expected to be equally minimal. Third, the amount and density of vegetation, as well as climate conditions, must be capable of supporting the continuation and spread of fire. Aircraft Mishaps Based on historical data on mishaps at all installations, and under all conditions of flight, the military services calculate Class A mishap rates per 100,000 flying hours for each type of aircraft in the inventory (combat losses are excluded from these mishap statistics). In the case of MOAs and restricted areas, an estimated average sortie-operation duration is used to estimate annual flight hours in the airspace. Therefore, the Class A mishap rate per 100,000 flying hours can be used to compute a statistical projection of anticipated time between Class A mishaps in each applicable airspace unit. It should be emphasized that those data considered are only statistically predictive; the actual causes of mishaps are due to many factors, not simply the amount of flying time of the aircraft. Several factors can influence the calculation of this projected time interval between Class A mishaps. Since the calculation is based on hours of flight time per year, an indication of increased risk can result from a large number of aircraft flying in the airspace, or a smaller number flying for extended periods of time. To place these values into context, it is also appropriate to consider the probability of a mishap, which accounts for each aircrafts exposure. Aircraft mishap data were analyzed in both the 1999 Nellis
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Range Renewal Legislative EIS (Air Force 1999b) and the F-22 FDE and WS Beddown EIS (Air Force 1999a). These analyses demonstrated that the probability of Class A mishap within NTTR airspace was very low. The probability of a Class A mishap occurring within the NTTR airspace units (i.e., MOA and restricted airspace) ranged from a low of 0.000003 to a high of 0.000030. Flight conditions and sortieoperations have remained the same to 2007, so the levels of risk of mishaps continue to remain low. Overall, there is low risk associated with flight operations within NTTR. In fact, over the last 5 years, there have been eight Class A mishaps within NTTR (personal communication, 57 WG/SEF 2006) while the total number of sortie-operations has been well over 1 million. Bird/Wildlife-Aircraft Strike Hazard The Air Force BASH Team maintains a database that documents all reported bird-aircraft strikes. Historic average annual information for the last 10 years for NTTR airspace indicates that ten bird-aircraft strikes have been reported. Of these, one resulted in a Class B mishap and three in Class C mishaps; none of these resulted in a Class A mishap. Given that the sortie-operations within NTTR account for millions of miles flown at all altitudes, the occurrence, and probability of bird-aircraft strikes are negligible. Ordnance Use Release of ordnance is limited to ranges within NTTR. Air Force safety standards require safeguards on weapons systems and ordnance to ensure against inadvertent releases. All munitions mounted on an aircraft (as well as the guns carried in the aircraft) are equipped with mechanisms that preclude release or firing without activation of an electronic arming circuit (Air Force 2001a). System malfunctions or materiel failures, possibly resulting in either an inadvertent release of ordnance or the release of a dud component that fails to operate properly, cannot be totally discounted. However, studies have shown that the probability of such an inadvertent release of ordnance occurring and resulting in injury to a person or damage to property is minimal (Air Force 2005c). Air-to-ground ranges in NTTR support delivery of a wide range of ordnance. Approximately 80 percent of the ranges accommodate training or inert bombs and rockets, approximately 64 percent accommodate live bombs, rockets, and missiles, and approximately 61 percent accommodate strafing. Based on historical data, footprints have been developed that describe a geographic area within which a training munition may ultimately be expected to come to rest on the ground. These zones have a long (i.e., beyond the target), short (i.e., in front of the target), and cross-range dimension. Based on data developed from varied attack profiles, flown by varied aircraft, and the type of ordnance delivered, frequency distributions for the dispersion of these munitions have been developed and, with a 95 percent confidence level, a geographic area within which 99.99 percent of the delivered munitions will be
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS contained has been described (Air Force 1998a, 2010). This geographic area is then considered the weapon footprint, and is unique for each weapon system, aircraft, ordnance type, and delivery profile. The weapon footprints are then used to define the area where people are prohibited from entry when the range and/or targets are in use. Application of these footprints is a prime safety concern, and is one of the elements contributing to the target/ordnance compatibility documentation contained in Nellis AFB Addendum A to AFI 13-212, Volume 1 (Air Force 2010). Flares consist of magnesium and teflon pellets that burn rapidly and completely after being dispensed. A flare begins burning immediately after it is expelled; reaching its highest temperature (1,000 degrees Fahrenheit) by the time it passes the tail of the aircraft. The actual amount of time it takes for a flare to burn out completely is classified. The minimum release altitude is that altitude which allows the flare to burn out before reaching 100 feet above the ground. Minimum flare release altitude over manned sites, ground parties, or within 3 nm of forested areas is 5,000 feet AGL. The use of self-protection flares in a MOA is limited to 5,000 feet AGL and above, providing an additional margin of safety to prevent burning flare material from contacting the ground. When the fire code is extreme flares are not permitted below 5,000 feet AGL in any airspace. The 98 OG/CC determines if additional restrictions or modifications are needed based on prevailing climatic conditions (Air Force 2010). Toxicity of flare materials is minimal because magnesium, the primary material found in flares, is considered not likely to be ingested by humans or animals. Impulse cartridges and initiators used with some flares contain chromium and, in some cases, lead; hazardous air pollutants under the Clean Air Act. However, a screening health risk assessment concluded that they do not present a health risk in the quantities involved. Laboratory analyses of flare pellets and flare ash indicate that these materials have little potential for affecting soil or water resources (Air Force 1997a). Field studies also indicate that flare debris does not accumulate in noticeable quantities; therefore, there is little potential to impact resources (Air Force 1997a). Wind Generators The development and use of renewable energy, such as wind generating energy facilities, have become important, and several wind generators can be found in the region around NTTR. The airspace manager at Nellis AFB has evaluated the location of these generators and determined that they do not pose a threat to aircrew safety. Range personnel ensure aircrews are also aware of the objects and the potential impacts with regard to safety, electromagnetic interference and radar signature, and operational security. The Air Force is formulating a policy to ensure future placement of energy development facilities are coordinated with appropriate federal and state agencies, and communities in an effort of avoid conflicts with NTTR mission operations and safety.


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Land use generally refers to human modification of the land, often for residential or economic purposes. It also refers to use of land for preservation or protection of natural resources such as wildlife habitat, vegetation, or unique features. Human land uses include residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, or recreational uses; natural features are protected under designations such as national parks, national forests, wilderness areas, or other designated areas. The attributes of land use include general land use and ownership, land management plans, and special land use management areas. Land ownership is a categorization of land according to the type of owner; the major land ownership categories include federal, state, and private. Underlying NTTR airspace, federal lands are further designated as U.S. Forest Service (USFS), BLM, USFWS, DOE, and DoD managed. Land uses are frequently regulated by management plans, policies, and ordinances that determine the types of uses that are allowable or protect specially-designated or environmentally-sensitive attributes. Special land use management areas are identified by agencies as being worthy of more rigorous management. 3.6.1 Land Use

Affected areas for land use consist of Nellis AFB, including the area adjacent to the base subject to aircraft noise, and NTTR, which includes the ranges and all other lands under NTTR airspace. Nellis AFB On-Base Land Use Land uses on Nellis AFB are detailed in the Nellis Air Force Base General Plan (Air Force 2002a); the following summarizes those uses. Nellis AFB is located in southern Nevada and is about 8 miles northeast of Las Vegas in Clark County. It is composed of 14,161 acres (refer to Figure 2-1) and is divided into three areas: Area I, the Main Base; Area II, the MSA/Wilderness Study Area, REDHORSE Squadron, REDHORSE Reserve Squadron, and Munitions Squadron; and Area III, including Manch Manor housing, the hospital, temporary lodging facilities, Family Camp, and an industrial area. There are more than 2,000 buildings in the Nellis AFB inventory. Area I is located east of Las Vegas Boulevard and contains 30 percent of the total base land area. Area I contains the greatest variety of land use activities, including runways, industrial facilities, housing areas, and most of the base's administrative, training, and support facilities. Area II is located northeast of the Main Base and includes the munitions/weapons storage area and associated facilities; this area is 59 percent of the total base land area. The majority of Area II is set aside as safety zones, open space, and industrial; there is also a minor allocation of land and facilities to administrative, commercial, dormitories, and outdoor recreation.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS West of Las Vegas Boulevard is Area III, containing 11 percent of the total base land area. Land use at Area III consists of housing, recreational facilities, and some light industrial areas, interspersed with considerable open space. Open space accounts for about 66 percent of all Nellis AFB land; however, a great deal of this is mandatory open space to provide safety zones around munitions storage or similar facilities. Of the total open space, 75 percent is located in Area II; most of this land is unavailable for future development because it is mandatory open space for explosive safety zones and clear zones. When munitions storage and directly associated facilities and safety zones are combined, munitions operations account for approximately half of the total Nellis AFB land area. Another land use criteria on and around Nellis AFB is designed to minimize the effects of a potential aircraft accident. Clear, safety, and accident potential zones (refer to Figure 3.5-1) have been established around the airfield. The safety zones occur both on-base and extend to off-base lands not owned by DoD. Within clear and safety zones, construction is either prohibited (CZ) or limited in terms of placement and height (APZ or safety zone). In APZ I, DoD recommends that land uses be limited to light industrial, manufacturing, transportation, communications utilities, wholesale trade, open space, and agricultural uses. Uses that concentrate people in small areas are not considered acceptable. It is recommended that land uses within APZ II include all of those considered compatible with APZ I, as well as low density residential, service, and retail trade. Uses that concentrate high densities of people in small areas are not considered appropriate in APZ II. On-base land uses are compatible with the CZs and APZs (Air Force 2004c). Noise levels of 65 dB DNL to greater than 85 dB DNL affect the base, with the highest noise levels on and around the runway and flightline. Land affected by noise levels of 85 dB DNL or greater lie within the boundaries of Nellis AFB (refer to Figure 3.3-1). All of Area I underlies noise contours of 65 dB DNL or greater whereas large portions of Areas II and III lie outside the 65 dB DNL contours. The Nellis Terrace Housing Area, the elementary school, and airman dormitories in Area I are within 70 dB DNL and higher noise contours. Nellis AFB is in the process of incorporating engineered noise level reduction measures into the designs for future renovation and construction of Area I and II facilities within noise contours that exceed 65 dB DNL (Air Force 2004c). Off-Base Land Use Three communities lie adjacent to Nellis AFB: Sunrise Manor to the southeast, North Las Vegas to the west and north, and the City of Las Vegas, south of the base (Figure 3.6-1). Overall, most development occurs south and west toward the Las Vegas urban area and includes the unincorporated communities of Sunrise Manor and North Las Vegas. The City of North Las Vegas represents one of the fastest growing communities in the country. As such, land uses can change rapidly. To the north and northeast, most of


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Figure 3.6-1 Communities Around Nellis AFB

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS the land is open range and mountain areas. Property to the east of Nellis AFB is primarily undeveloped and mainly under the management of the BLM. Commercial/industrial uses (e.g., fuel storage, race track) exist along Las Vegas Boulevard. To the south and west, land use is characterized by strip commercial parcels, mobile homes, single family homes, and industry. Area land uses in the vicinity of Nellis AFB are analyzed and described in The City of North Las Vegas Land Use Master Plan Map (1999), the Airport Environs Element of the Clark County Comprehensive Plan (CCDCP 2010), and the Sunrise Manor Land Use Plan (CCDCP 2010). These plans consist of land use maps and policies that serve as a guide for making land use decisions. Regulations have been adopted by each community to implement their plans and policies, although Clark County has established ordinances associated with the Nellis AFB environs. The ordinances provide for a range of uses compatible with airport accident hazard and noise exposure areas and prohibit the development of incompatible uses detrimental to public health or safety. Clark County has incorporated these land use recommendations in the Clark County Unified Development Code, Title 30, Section 30.48, Part A, Airport Environs Overlay District, dated March 31, 2004, under the authority of Chapter 278, Planning and Zoning, of the Nevada Revised Statutes. Noise compatibility and airport environs implementing standards have also been adopted in the Clark County Public Health and Safety Programs: Airport Environs Plan, an amendment of the Clark County Comprehensive Plan (CCDCP 2010). Therefore, the Clark County airport environ contours (versus the contours presented in section 3.3) are used as the baseline condition for land use analysis. Clark County has established land compatibility use zones that are associated with the CZ, APZ I, APZ II, and noise contours 65 to 70 dB DNL, 70 to 75 dB DNL, 75 to 80 dB DNL, and greater than 80 dB DNL. Compatible land uses within these zones are described in Table 3.6-1 and they are consistent with the recommendations of the Air Force and the Standard Land Use Classification Manual (Table 3.6-2). In general, the regulations prohibit development within CZs and discourage anything other than low density development in APZ I and APZ II. Residential development is considered compatible within the 65 to 70 dB DNL noise contour band, with noise attenuation. However, in contour bands greater than 70 dB residential development is not considered compatible. Table 3.6-1 Clark County Land Use Compatibility in the Airport Environs Zones Noise Contour Bands (dB DNL) Land Use Clear Zone APZ I APZ II 65-70 70-75 75-80 >80 3 5 5 Commercial No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Industrial No Yes3 Yes3 Yes Yes Yes5 Yes5 Open/Agricultural No1 Yes3 Yes3 Yes Yes Yes5 Yes1 2 3 3 Recreational No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Residential No No Yes4 Yes5 No No No

Open land acceptable. Golf courses; driving ranges acceptable. 3 Low density/intensity only. 4 Less than two single family units per acre acceptable. 5 With noise attenuation features.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS In keeping with recommendations and regulations, both CZs are completely within base boundaries. The APZs, however, contain a mixture of all land use types, including 18 acres of residential development (Table 3.6-3). The northern APZ II contains the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. There could be temporary population concentrations that could exceed the Air Force density recommendations of 50 persons per acre. However, races are held on weekends and evenings during hours of minimal flying operations and would not pose increased risks to populations gathering at the speedway. To the south, the majority of development adjacent to the base in APZ I is light industrial and commercial, which is compatible provided densities are not exceeded. However, the Carefree Country Manufactured Home Community (which is not accounted for in the county land use database) was identified within APZ through a screenshield survey. While they do lie within this APZ, the dwelling units do not exceed the two units per acre stipulation in the Clark County Comprehensive Plan. APZ II contains a mix of industrial, commercial, and residential development. Mobile home parks and apartment complexes (to the south) constitute most of the residential activity and are considered incompatible according to Air Force development density guidelines (Air Force 2004c). The Air Force continues to work with the community to minimize impacts and risk through their active AICUZ program. Table 3.6-3 Land Use Within CZs and APZs
Land Use Category Commercial Industrial On Base Open Public Recreational Residential Total Clear Zone 0 0 555 0 0 0 0 555 Existing Land Use (Acres) APZ I 0 373 601 0 21 0 0 995 APZ II 19 1,440 419 69 17 0 18 1,982

Clark County Airport Noise Environ contours show approximately 25,831 acres affected by sound levels greater than 65 dB DNL (Table 3.6-4). Existing industrial and recreational land uses are compatible with these noise contours. However, some incompatibility is found with existing land use south of Nellis AFB. Again, coordination with the community through the Nellis AFB AICUZ program is continually undertaken to minimize safety and noise exposure risks. Table 3.6-4 Land Ownership Under Clark County Airport Noise Environ Contours (in acres)
Land Ownership BLM Private Total 65-70 9,535 6,119 15,654 70-75 3,958 3,180 7,138 Noise Contour Bands (dB DNL) 75-80 80-85 >85 Subtotal Acres 563 0 0 15,625 1,896 548 32 10,206 2,459 548 32 25,831 Subtotal % 60 40 100

General land ownership encompassed by Clark County Airport Environ baseline noise levels, outside Nellis AFB boundaries, exceeding 65 dB DNL is presented in Table 3.6-4. Within this area, 40 percent of the land is privately owned, primarily to the southwest of Nellis AFB. Sixty percent, mostly to the
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS northeast, is federal undeveloped land managed by the BLM. In areas with noise levels exceeding 65 dB DNL, most of the land is open or industrial. In Table 3.6-5, land uses are identified, the number of acres for each land use is presented, and percent of total acres within noise contour bands 65 dB DNL and greater are indicated. Figures 3.6-2 and 3.6-3 illustrate these land uses with overlying baseline noise contour bands. Approximately 10 percent of residential acres fall within noise contour bands greater than 65 dB DNL, with 51 percent found in commercial and industrial land uses. Public lands comprise 10 percent of the acres within noise contour bands 65 dB DNL and greater, mixed use 2 percent, and open areas 2 percent. Military land use comprises 25 percent of the total acres within the 65 dB DNL and greater contour bands. Table 3.6-5 Land Use Within Clark County Airport Environ (in acres) Noise Contour Bands (dB DNL) Land Use Category Subtotal 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 >85 Acres Commercial 1,584 1,442 515 6 0 3,547 Industrial 7,372 4,568 1,631 520 31 14,122 Mixed Use 813 23 0 0 0 836 Open 538 14 28 0 0 580 Public 2,272 841 238 21 0 3,372 Recreational 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 3,037 213 42 0 0 3,292 Military 2,137 2,180 1,324 1,187 1,588 8,416 Total 17,755 9,281 3,778 1,734 1,619 34,167

Subtotal % 10% 41% 2% 2% 10% 0% 10% 25% 100%

Under baseline conditions, no residential areas are found within the 80 to 85 dB DNL and greater contour bands. Within the 75 to 80 dB DNL contour bands, there are 3,778 acres affected, the majority (3,470) are found in commercial, industrial, and military land uses, with just 42 acres found in residential areas. To reduce noise over residential area, Nellis AFB currently undertakes noise abatement procedures for flights over Sunrise Manor and North Las Vegas that generally include the following: expedited climb to 6,000 feet MSL for fighter aircraft and 2,500 to 3,500 feet MSL for others; 60-degree banked right turn upon departure; a departure to the north before 9 a.m.; limiting arrivals and departures between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. to mission essential aircraft; and practice takeoffs and landings scheduled between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.

To the maximum extent possible, engine runup locations have been established in areas that minimize noise for people on base, as well as for those in the surrounding communities. Normal base operations do not include late-night engine runups, but heavy workloads or unforeseen contingencies sometimes require a limited number of night-time engine run-ups.

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Figure 3.6-2 Southwest Clark County Airport Noise Environ Contours


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Figure 3.6-3 Northeast Clark County Airport Noise Environ Contours

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Nevada Test and Training Range The NTTR consists primarily of the withdrawn lands and federal land managed by BLM for multiple use with additional areas managed by DOE, USFS, USFWS, the State of Nevada, and private individuals. Land uses on NTTR are discussed in the Land Use Study for Nellis Air Force Range (Air Force 1998a) and in the Renewal of the Nellis Air Force Range Land Withdrawal Legislative Final EIS (Air Force 1999b). Withdrawn lands within NTTR are managed by the Air Force, BLM, and USFWS. These lands were once used primarily for mining and some grazing, until establishment of the range in the 1940s. Since then, the land has been used for military purposes, although some mining and controlled recreational activities are permitted and continue to occur within the confines of the range. The land also provides habitat for wild horses, bighorn sheep, desert tortoises, and other wildlife species. In accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976, NEPA, and Military Lands Withdrawal Act (MLWA) of 1999, the Department of Interior (DOI), through the BLM Las Vegas Field Office developed the Nevada Test and Training Range Resource Management Plan and Final EIS (BLM 2003) to guide management of BLM land comprising NTTR currently under Air Force stewardship. BLM's guiding principle of multiple use extends to the use of federal lands withdrawn for national defense and security, which, although not available for public use, remain under BLM's management. The NTTR plan guides management of the resources of approximately 2.2 million acres of public lands for the next 20 years (BLM 2003). The Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971 (16 U.S.C. 1331-1340), and regulations of the Secretary of the Interior (43 CFR Part 4700) place the responsibility for protection, management, and control of wild free roaming horses and burros with BLM when such animals use federal lands administered by BLM as all or part of their habitat. Wild Horse Herd Management Areas (HMAs) are special use land management areas established to maintain populations of wild horses. HMAs delimit areas within which specified numbers of wild horses are protected from overpopulation and harassment. Management tools include periodic monitoring of population numbers, water sources, distribution patterns, and the condition of adults and foals. In accordance with federal regulations, BLM (as the agency responsible for protection, management, and control of wild horses and burros using federal lands) with Air Force concurrence, established an HMA within the confines of NTTR to facilitate management of the wild horses that use land within the range (Figure 3.6-4). The HMA does not manage for wild burros, and few, if any, are found on NTTR. As part of the NTTR BLM Plan, it was decided that the appropriate management level of wild horses in the HMA would be adjusted to range from 300 to 500 in order to allow for a more equitable distribution of critical range resources between wildlife. Noise levels in the Wild Horse HMA range between 51 and 60 dB L dnmr at 200,000 sortie-operations and 53 and 62 dB L dnmr at 300,000 operations. The lowest noise levels over the Wild Horse HMA are under R-4809: 51 dB L dnmr at 200,000 sortie-operations and 53 dB L dnmr at 300,000.


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Figure 3.6-4 Communities and Special Use Land Management Areas Under NTTR

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS DNWR, also a special use land management area within NTTR, was originally established by Public Land Order 7373 in 1936 and became part of the National Wildlife Refuge System in 1976. As amended in 1966, it currently consists of approximately 1.6 million acres, with 826,000 acres withdrawn for military use. The DNWR is located within and adjacent to the southeastern area of NTTR. Its southernmost boundary is about 0.5 mile from the city limits of Las Vegas. The DNWR falls under R4808 and R-4806. Baseline noise levels for R-4808 are 45 dB L dnmr based on 200,000 and 47 dB L dnmr based on 300,000 sortie-operations. Noise levels for R-4806 are currently 55 dB L dnmr based on 200,000 sortie-operations and 56 dB DNL at 300,000 sortie-operations. A Comprehensive Conservation Plan/Environmental Impact Statement for the DNWR is currently being developed for land management purposes; however, the draft document has not been published for public review. All grazing rights or privileges within the joint-use area of DNWR have been eliminated through purchase or termination of permits. Use and public access to the joint-use area of DNWR and NTTR are restricted by a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Air Force and DOI and the MLWA of 1999. A description of wildlife resources and management within DNWR is provided in section 3.9, Biological Resources. Most of the area under NTTR MOA airspace consists of federal lands managed by BLM. The BLM manages lands in units referred to as field offices and subunits of field stations. The NTTR MOAs encompass airspace over lands within the Las Vegas, Battle Mountain, and Ely Field Offices and the Tonopah and Caliente Field Stations in Nevada. A small portion of the MOAs overly the BLM Utahs Cedar City and St. George Field Offices and the Dixie National Forest. FLPMA requires each field office or station to develop and manage lands by use of a Resource Management Plan. The Ely Field Office prepared the Ely Resource Management Plan and Record of Decision (BLM 2008); this plan includes management of all lands within the Ely District boundaries. The Battle Mountain Field Office manages lands within their district through the Tonopah Resource Area Management Plan and Record of Decision (BLM 1997); however, the BLM has just announced in its Notice of Intent that is preparing a new Resource Management Plan through its Battle Mountain Field Office (BLM 2010). The goal of these plans is to provide a comprehensive framework for managing public lands over the course of 15 to 20 years. Specific management objectives are provided for watershed, vegetation, visual resources, wildlife habitat, special-status species, riparian habitat, forestry and vegetative products, livestock grazing, wild horses and burros, forage allocation, cultural resources, lands and rights-of-way, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs), recreation, wilderness, utility corridors, minerals, and fire management. Among the special use land management areas of the BLM, ACECs are managed to preserve the uniqueness of the specific area. The characteristics of an ACEC may be unique geologic features, natural
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS habitat, or cultural resources. The Timber Mountain Caldera ACEC is located under NTTR airspace and within DOEs NTS and was designated because of its unique geologic features. Kane Springs, Mormon Mesa, and Beaver Dam Slope ACECs are located under the Desert MOA and represent quality desert tortoise habitat. If and/or when new ACECs are added under NTTR airspace, the Air Force and BLM will continue working together to ensure minimal land management conflicts with the Air Forces military mission. Inclusion of land into the National Wilderness Preservation System is intended to preserve areas in a primitive state that possess little evidence of human activity. The Wilderness Act of 1964 identified criteria for evaluating areas for wilderness characteristics and gave direction on how designated wilderness areas should be managed. Subject to certain exemptions, use of motor vehicles or other motorized equipment, landing of aircraft, and construction of structures and roads are prohibited in wilderness areas. Each federal agency is responsible for evaluating, nominating, managing, and protecting designated and potential wilderness areas within the lands they manage. The BLM, in accordance with Section 603(c) of FLPMA, reports to Congress on the federal lands under its management suitable for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System. To accomplish this task, BLM inventoried and evaluated federal lands under its jurisdiction to determine areas suitable for wilderness designation. The result of the land inventory was the identification of a number of Wilderness Study Areas. The major factors evaluated for each Wilderness Study Area include wilderness qualities such as naturalness, size, solitude, and special features; additional wilderness quality factors include multiple resource benefits, balancing the geographic distribution of wilderness areas, diversity of natural systems, and manageability (BLM 1997). BLM submitted recommendations for designation of these lands to the Secretary of the Interior for congressional action. In 2002, Congress passed the Clark County Conservation of Public Land and Natural Resources Act of 2002 which designated 451,915 acres of wilderness of which the 27,530-acre Arrow Canyon Wilderness is under the NTTR airspace. In 2004, Congress passed the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004 which designated approximately 769,611 acres of wilderness and released 245,516 acres from Wilderness Study Area consideration. The area under NTTR airspace contains 14 wilderness areas and 3 Wilderness Study Areas (Table 3.6-6) with current noise levels between 51 and 59 L dnmr . Table 3.6-6 Wilderness Areas and Wilderness Study Areas Underlying NTTR MOA Airspace Wilderness Area Acres Worthington Mountains 30,936 Weepah Springs 51,117 South Pahroc Range 25,638 Clover Mountains 85,757 Meadow Valley Range 124,833
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 3.6-6 Wilderness Areas and Wilderness Study Areas Underlying NTTR MOA Airspace Wilderness Area Acres Mormon Mountains 153,939 Tunnel Spring 5,530 Delamar Mountains 111,389 Arrow Canyon Range 27,530 Parsnip Peak 45,837 Big Rocks 13,913 Mt. Irish 31,088 Quinn Canyon Forest Service Wilderness 27,000 Grant Range Forest Service Wilderness 50,000 Wilderness Study Area Acres Kawich 54,320 South Reveille 33,000 Palisade Mesa 23,233 In 1975, the USFWS proposed approximately 88 percent of the DNWR for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System. Areas excluded from the wilderness proposal included land on which NTTR target facilities are located; these are generally located in valleys below 4,000 feet (below 3,600 feet in Three Lakes Valley). The proposed wilderness area within DNWR is currently managed as wilderness so as not to impair its wilderness qualities. The USFS manages the Quinn Canyon and Grant Range wilderness areas in the Humboldt National Forest (refer to Figure 3.6-4) Other federal lands underlying NTTR include the NTS, managed by DOEs National Nuclear Security Administration; portions of the DNWR; Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge (NWR); as well as portions of the Humboldt and Dixie National Forests. Land use in the national forests consists of grazing, recreation, wildlife and wildlife habitat preservation, timber production, and mining. The State of Nevada maintains two state parks and one state recreation area on lands under NTTR airspace. Noise levels in these areas range from 45 to 59 dB L dnmr , but most areas experience noise levels around 53 to 56 dB L dnmr . 3.6.2 Recreation

Recreation resources include primarily outdoor recreational activities that occur away from a participants residence. This section addresses natural resources and man-made facilities that are designated or available for public recreational use in both urban and rural areas. The setting, activity, and other resources that influence affected recreation resources are also considered. The affected environment for recreation consists of lands on and adjacent to Nellis AFB and the lands under NTTR airspace. The analysis examined the effects of noise on recreation use at recreation areas surrounding Nellis AFB and on lands underlying NTTR. Potential recreation opportunities and sites were determined through informal consultation with the BLM and other land management agencies.
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Nellis AFB Recreational opportunities and facilities are an integral part of planning and development at all Air Force bases. At Nellis AFB, recreation facilities available to military personnel and their families include a variety of indoor and outdoor facilities (Figure 3.6-5). Indoor recreational facilities include a sport and fitness center, movie theater, bowling center, Child Development Centers I and II, a library, automotive skills center, and a youth center. The base also provides full service equipment rentals for on- and offbase recreation use. Outdoor recreation facilities, which occupy about 577 acres (4 percent of the total Nellis AFB land area), include an Olympic-sized swimming pool, Sunrise Vista Golf Course, tennis courts and athletic fields, lighted track at the Runners World park, and Freedom Park, a large picnic and athletic facility. The Family Camp, a facility with recreational vehicle parking spaces and full service hookups, and equestrian facility are in Area III. Recreational opportunities are available in all three areas of the base, although most facilities, including the golf course and swimming pool, are in Area I. Recreation facilities in the vicinity of the base are at neighborhood parks and schools. These facilities provide picnic areas and playing fields. A speedway is located along Las Vegas Boulevard in the vicinity of the base. Recreation programs such as climbing, horseback riding, and family fun centers are offered through both the cities of Las Vegas and North Las Vegas. Las Vegas Dunes Recreation Land is north of the base and provides all-terrain-vehicle riding and other motor sports. Nevada Test and Training Range Most of the land beneath NTTR MOA airspace, that is open to public recreation, is managed by the BLM for multiple use, which includes recreation. Access by the public to the NTTR withdrawn lands is prohibited with the exception of limited hunting which is allowed under permit conditions and existing MOUs. All target and weapons safety footprint areas are controlled by range and recreational personnel per AFI 13-212. Hunting on NTTR is coordinated with the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) and USFWS. Numerous broad valleys separate the north-south trending mountain ranges within and surrounding NTTR. The diverse landscape provides a variety of outdoor recreation opportunities ranging from hiking, camping, and nature viewing to off-road vehicle use, mining, and hunting. State parks, recreation areas, national forests, and wildlife refuges are also destinations for visitors. Hunting occurs within portions of the DNWR (managed by the USFWS) and NDOW manages game animals within the state. Hunting for bighorn sheep is authorized in the DNWR for a few weeks in December and in the Stonewall Range for a few weeks in November; no other hunting or recreational

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Figure 3.6-5 Recreation Areas on Nellis AFB


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS activities are allowed on the withdrawn portions of NTTR. Under the MOAs, bighorn sheep, elk, mule deer, antelope, and upland game (grouse, chukar, quail pheasant, dove, rabbits, etc.) are hunted throughout the area. Due to the dispersed nature of primitive recreation, accurate recreation usage is difficult to measure. Many activities such as camping and hiking do not require special permits, so visitors often are not precisely counted. The BLM Ely Field Office and the Caliente Field Station Office manage the majority of land under the associated airspace and have identified areas where recreation use is a concern due to unique or special attributes such as botanical, zoological, geological, and paleontological values. These areas are Ash Springs, Clover Creek, Gleason Canyon, Ella Mountain Summit, Panaca Charcoal KilnsPanaca Summit, Oak Springs Summit, and Hancock Summit (Figure 3.6-6). The Tonopah Resource Area is under the northwest portion of the associated airspace. Recreation for the entire Tonopah area accomodated approximately 175,000 visitors in 2005 (personal communication, Fisher 2006). Wilderness Areas and Wilderness Study Areas are located throughout these lands and provide primitive recreation opportunities. Small portions of two national forests, Dixie and Humboldt, are located under NTTR airspace. Both offer picnicking, camping, and hiking in rugged mountainous terrain. Cathedral Gorge State Park, Beaver Dam State Park, and Echo Canyon State Recreation Area are located under the northeast portion of NTTR airspace. Each of these areas offers camping, picnicking, and hiking in a scenic location. Beaver Dam State Park and Echo Canyon State Recreation Area also offer fishing and water skiing. Current noise levels in these areas range from 54 to 59 dB L dnmr . Other areas also attract visitors because of their distinctive attributes: the Key Pittman Wildlife Management Area (WMA), Pahranagat NWR, White River Petroglyphs Archaeological Site, and Leviathan Cave Geologic Area. Ghost towns under NTTR MOAs exhibit various states of disrepair, but also attract visitors. Usually these sites contain a few buildings or foundations of buildings. Some also have cemeteries, mine tailings, and other evidence of historic mining. Historic ghost towns and mining camps are further discussed in section 3.10, Cultural Resources. NWRs are designated and managed by USFWS to preserve a national network of lands and waters for the conservation and management of fish, wildlife, and plant resources of the U.S. for the benefit of present and future generations. The Pahranagat NWR and Key Pittman WMA underlie NTTR airspace. Noise levels range from 57 to 59 dB L dnmr . Sections of privately owned land also occur under NTTR airspace in and around communities including Alamo, Hiko, Caliente, Panaca, Pioche, and others. A planned development in Coyote Springs is also east of NTTR ranges (refer to Figure 3.6-4). Baseline noise levels in these areas range from 57 to 59 L dnmr .

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Figure 3.6-6 Recreation Sites and Areas under NTTR Airspace


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Socioeconomics is defined as the social and economic activities associated with the human environment, particularly population and economic activity. Economic activity typically includes employment, personal income, and industrial growth. Impacts on these two fundamental socioeconomic indicators can also influence other components such as housing availability and public services. Socioeconomic data are presented at the county level in order to analyze baseline socioeconomic conditions in the context of county trends. Data have been collected from previously published documents issued by federal, state, and local agencies; from state and national databases (e.g., U.S. Census Bureau (USCB); University of Nevada Center for Business and Economic Research; Clark County Finance and Public Works; and from Nellis AFB (e.g., the bases Public Affairs Office). Analyses of impacts to socioeconomic characteristics potentially resulting from implementation of the proposed action require establishment of an affected environmenta primary geographical area within which direct and indirect socioeconomic effects of the F-35 FDE program and WS beddown would be noticed. Because direct socioeconomic effects associated with implementation of the proposed beddown would occur in the immediate vicinity of Nellis AFB and since infrastructure resources are generally influenced by the socioeconomic environment, the primary focus of this analysis is Clark County. 3.7.1 Population

Nevada maintains the fastest growing state in the U.S. It has maintained a 25 percent or better growth since 1960 (USCB 2011a). Over the past 10 years, Nevadas population has increased from 1,998,257 people in 2000 (USCB 2000a) to approximately 2,700,551 in 2010 (USCB 2011b), representing a 35 percent population growth. As for Clark County, it supports 75 percent of the states population and has grown about 42 percent, from 1,375,738 in 2000 (USCB 2000b) to 1,951,269 in 2010 (USCB 2011b). 3.7.2 Employment and Earnings

Clark County employment sectors with the greatest number of jobs in 2009 included arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodations and food services; education, health care, and social assistance; retail trade; and construction (USCB 2009a). Nellis AFB is among the area's largest employers with a workforce that totaled 12,975 personnel in FY08 (Air Force 2008). Personnel included 8,636 active duty military, 3,748 non-appropriated contract civilians and private business employees, and 591 appropriated civilians. The total annual payroll expenditures in FY08 were more than $922 million. The Air Force estimates that the economic stimulus of Nellis AFB created approximately 5,698 secondary jobs in the civilian economy generating over $218
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS million in the local region. Nellis AFB also purchased considerable quantities of goods and services from local and regional firms. Construction costs; service contracts; and materials, supplies, and equipment for the base totaled over $867 million. In total, Nellis AFB contributed over $3.3 billion to the local economy in FY08. Also generating substantial economic activity are over 27,600 military retirees who receive and spend payrolls exceeding $598 million in the region (Air Force 2008). As one of the single largest government employers in Clark County, Nellis AFB and its continuing operations represent a significant source of regional economic activity. 3.7.3 Infr astr uctur e

Housing Since Clark County has been one of the fastest growing counties in the United States, the rapid population growth also included a corresponding increase in the demand for affordable, quality housing in the region. The housing stock in Clark County increased 39 percent from 559,799 units in 2000 (USCB 2000c) to 777,520 units in 2009 (USCB 2009b). From 2000 to 2005, an annual average of 11,889 building permits for residential and apartment buildings were issued, with single family residences accounting for 95 percent of the residential buildings permits issued during that time period (Clark County 2011). Due to the severe downturn in the construction industry between 2006 and 2009, the annual average of residential building permits fell to 5,218, resulting in a 56 percent decrease in new residential development. Single family residences still accounted for 95 percent of the residential buildings permits issued during that time period (Clark County 2011). The housing vacancy rate for Clark County was about 8.5 percent in 2000 (USCB 200c) and in 2009, 13.5 percent (USCB 2009c). Currently, housing on Nellis AFB is available in military family housing units, dormitories, and billeting facilities. A total of 1,224 two-, three-, and four-bedroom homes are currently available to Nellis AFB personnel and their families with an additional 1,074 beds in 13 base dormitories. Billeting facilities are also available for families (60 units), visiting airmen, and visiting officers. In FY08, approximately 2,010 active duty military personnel lived on Nellis AFB; approximately 6,626 active duty military personnel relied on off-base housing (Air Force 2008). Nellis AFB transferred ownership of the military family housing units to a private developer under a lease agreement. The developer would demolish 951 units, construct 851 new units, and renovate 350 existing units with military construction funding. The construction and renovation activities are expected to be complete in FY11. When complete, a total of 840 two- and three-bedroom homes and 338 four-bedroom homes would be available to Nellis AFB military families, for a combined total of 1,178 housing units (Air Force 2005d).


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Public Schools Public school district boundaries in southern Nevada correspond with county boundaries (i.e., the Clark County School District [CCSD] includes all public schools located within the geopolitical boundaries of Clark County). As the overall population of the affected environment continues to increase, there has been a corresponding increase in enrollment and construction of new schools. At the start of the 2010/2011 school year, a total of 357 public schools were operating in the CCSD with an estimated enrollment of 309,893 students (CCSD 2010). The Lomie G. Heard Elementary School is the only school on Nellis AFB. The school, which is included in the CCSD, accommodates about 800 students. The base has two child development centers with sufficient capacity to accommodate a combined total of about 490 children per day (personal communication, Omohundro 2005). While a large federal installation such as Nellis AFB contributes greatly to the local economy, it also removes a large tax base used to supplement education costs such as purchase of textbooks, computers, utilities, and teacher and administrative staff salaries. Impact Aid is a federal program that provides funding for a portion of the educational costs of U.S. military dependents. The program essentially pays a tax bill directly to a local school district due to the presence of a military installation. To qualify for the Impact Aid, a school district must have at least 400 federal students in their average daily attendance or at least 3 percent of all children in the school district's average daily attendance must be federallyconnected. The amount of Impact Aid varies depending on whether the military family resides on the installation or off base in the local community. The CCSD meets the qualifications for federal Impact Aid. Utilities Electric Power and Natural Gas The Nevada Power Company, a subsidiary of Sierra Pacific Resources, provides the majority of electric power to the base. A small percentage of electrical power generated by the Hoover Dam is provided to Nellis AFB by Western Area Power Administration (personal communication, Blazi 2006). Power is distributed throughout the base via 718,319 linear feet of above-ground cable, and another 1,175,415 linear feet of underground cable. Pole and pad-mounted transformers step down the 12.47 kilovolts power to the voltages that are required by the various facilities. Nellis AFB has indicated that the current electrical system is adequate, due to improvements made since 2003 (Air Force 2007). The Southwest Gas Company provides natural gas to Nellis AFB; a supply line distributes gas to areas of the base via 206,000 linear feet (almost 40 miles) of polyethylene pipelines. The base maintains three 1,000-cubicfoot cylinder tanks of natural-gas storage to refuel government vehicles. Gas supply is adequate to meet existing and projected demand (Air Force 2007). Potable Water Nellis AFBs potable water sources include five government-owned and operated wells and water purchased from Southern Nevada Water Authority via bulk-supply pipelines from Lake Mead. A small
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS quantity is also purchased from the City of North Las Vegas Water District. Nellis AFB is allotted 7.1 million gallons per day (gpd) of surface and ground water (personal communication, Roe 2007). The total existing potable water storage is 7.5 million gallons. Nellis AFB base average water demand is 3.6 million gpd, with peaks of 7.8 million gpd primarily due to increased demand for irrigation water in the summer months (Air Force 2007). Wastewater Treatment Nellis AFB discharges approximately 1.5 million gpd of sanitary sewage from the base to the Clark County Water Reclamation District (CCWRD) for treatment. This equates to about 90 to 95 percent of the base sanitary sewage. Industrial wastewater (i.e., aircraft wash water) from the flightline is also discharged through the sanitary sewer system to the CCWRD for treatment with the sanitary wastewater (Air Force 2007). CCWRD treats 170 million gpd at several facilities; the Main Facility services Nellis AFBs wastewater. The Main Facilitys capacity is currently 110 million gpd (CCWRD 2011). The treated sewage is released into the Las Vegas Wash where it flows underneath Lake Las Vegas eventually emptying into Lake Mead (Air Force 1999b). Transportation Transportation resources refer to the infrastructure and equipment required for the movement of people, raw materials, and manufactured goods in geographic space. Particular emphasis for this analysis is given to the road networks. Transportation resources were analyzed on Nellis AFB only. Since no effect to transportation was expected due to overflights and noise, no further analysis of transportation resources in NTTR was conducted. For transportation resources, the affected environment includes the roadway network on Nellis AFB, and those roads likely to be used for base access. Nellis AFB is near several major highways. Regional access to the base is provided by Interstate 15 (I-15) via exits at Craig Road from the west, Las Vegas Boulevard from the north, and Nellis Boulevard to the south. From the base, I-15 may be reached via Craig Road or Las Vegas Boulevard; the Craig Road intersection with I-15 is the interchange closest to the base, located approximately 2.5 miles west of the main gate. Cheyenne Avenue intersects I-15 approximately 4 miles west of the base and ends at the bases southwest boundary, near the base golf course. The roads within Nellis AFB form a network independent from the surrounding vicinity. A 2006 traffic study (Air Force 2006b) investigated the general traffic flow throughout Nellis AFB and looked specifically at 16 intersections and 10 areas of the base that have potential traffic congestion or safety issues. Traffic counts were taken at these intersections at peak periods to establish base traffic demand. Data were used to evaluate and quantify existing traffic problems. The study indicated numerous intersections of particular concern to warrant either a signal light, roundabout, or realignment: the intersections of Beale and Ellsworth Avenues; four intersections along Washington Boulevard; Ellsworth
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Avenue and Fitzgerald Boulevard; Tyndall Avenue, March Boulevard, and Delvin Drive; Duffer Drive and Rickenbacker Road; Tyndall Avenue and Kinley Avenue; and Hollywood Road. The study also revealed traffic delays at the Main Gate at the intersections of Fitzgerald Boulevard, Las Vegas Boulevard, and Craig Road and at the Tyndall Gate at the intersection of Tyndall Avenue, Nellis Boulevard, and Gowan Road. This study concluded that adverse transportation conditions exist at the Tyndall Gate and recommended retiming of the existing signal light. The remainder of the traffic issues could be resolved by better usage of lanes, signs, and crosswalks, according to the study.

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In 1994, Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority and Low-Income Populations, was issued to focus attention of federal agencies on human health and environmental conditions in minority and low-income communities and to ensure that disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on these communities are identified and addressed. To provide a thorough environmental justice evaluation, this section gives particular attention to the distribution of race and poverty status in areas potentially affected by implementation of the proposed action. For this analysis, minority and low-income populations are defined as follows: Minority Populations: Persons of Hispanic origin of any race; African Americans; American Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts; and Asians or Pacific Islanders. Low-Income Populations: Persons living below the poverty level, based on a total annual income of $20,000 for a family of four as reported in the 2006 Federal Poverty Guidelines (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services).

Estimates of these two population categories were based on data from the 2011 for population demographics (USCB 2011b). Although the census does not report minority population as a class, it reports population by race and ethnic origin; therefore, populations other than white were defined as minority. For low-income populations, 2009 population estimates for Clark County were used because 2010 census data are not yet available at this level of detail (USCB 2009c). In 1997, Executive Order 13045, Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks (Protection of Children), was issued to ensure the protection of children. Socioeconomic data specific to the distribution of population by age and the proximity of youth-related developments (e.g., day care centers and schools) that could potentially be incompatible with the proposed action is presented. Data used for protection of children analysis were derived from the 2009 Clark County QuickFacts from the U.S. Census (USCB 2009d); this level of detail has yet to be released in the 2010 U.S. Census. The analysis of environmental justice considers changes in airfield noise levels created by the proposed action for the base and vicinity but not areas near NTTR or under the airspace. The existing area affected by noise levels of 65 DNL or greater for which population could be affected overlies land areas on Nellis AFB in Clark County. Baseline noise contours used are found in section 3.3 and are illustrated on page 3.3-7, Figure 3.3-1.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Nellis AFB Minority and Low-Income Populations Although open land makes up the largest percentage of lands affected by noise, residential areas (i.e., homes) to the west of Nellis AFB are also affected. Existing land use in the vicinity of Nellis AFB currently affected by aircraft noise is discussed in detail in section 3.6.

Clark County Population (percent of total) 2010 Estimated Total1 1,951,269 763,157 (39%) 2010 Estimated Minority1 233,890 (12%) 2009 Estimated Low-Income2
Sources: 1USCB 2011b and 2USCB 2000d.

While no residential areas are located within clear zones associated with Nellis AFB, substantial tracts of residential land are located within APZs I and II and have been located within these areas since before 1992. Over at least the last two decades, residential and other incompatible land uses have been permitted within areas adjacent to Nellis AFB that are subjected to noise levels greater than 65 dB DNL. Clark County zoning ordinances have restricted land uses in these areas; however, encroachment by residential development continues to be a problem. One community that continues to be affected by noise resulting from Nellis AFB activities is Sunrise Manor, an unincorporated town. Portions of Sunrise Manor are immediately west and south of Nellis AFB. Table 3.8-1 displays the total population, total minority population, percentage minority, total low-income population, and low-income percentages for the affected areas in the vicinity of Nellis AFB with baseline noise greater than 65 dB DNL. Minority and low-income populations in the affected areas are then compared with the total population of Clark County. Census block data were used to identify these specific populations within the noise contour bands; the only comparable data set from which this information could be drawn was derived from the 2000-2005 Poverty Estimates and Southern Nevada Consensus Population Estimate and 2005 Population Estimates (USCB 2006). Census block data at this level of detail are not yet available from the 2010 Census. Table 3.8-1 Minority and Low-Income Populations in the Vicinity of Nellis AFB in Clark County with Baseline Noise Greater than 65 DNL Total1 Minority1 Percent Low-Income2 Percent DNL Population Population Minority Population Low-Income 3,928 18% 65 - 70 26,094 20,026 77% 1,424 16% 70 - 75 12,823 8,937 70% 53 9% 75 - 80 1,784 1,176 66% 1 8% 80 - 85 246 115 47% > 85 9 4 40% 0 9% 5,406 18% Total 40,957 30,257 74%

USCB 2006 based on 2005 Population Estimates and 2000-2005 Poverty Estimates and Southern Nevada Consensus Population Estimate, July 2005.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Based on the data, in the area surrounding Nellis AFB, approximately 30,257 people were estimated to be affected by noise levels above 65 dB DNL. Out of that total, roughly 74 percent are considered to be minorities, and 18 percent have low-incomes. Under baseline conditions, when compared to the percent minority populations in Clark County (i.e., 39 percent) those affected by noise levels above 65 dB DNL is greater than the countys overall 2010 average. The proportion of the minority populations in the same area has grown by 16 percent since the 2000 census, and as noted in the Draft EIS. There is also an average of 6 percent more low-income populations affected by noise levels greater than 65 dB DNL when compared to total low-income populations found in Clark County. The Air Force continues to actively work with the community to minimize and avoid noise impacts to these populations through their AICUZ program, public outreach, and flight restrictions. Protection of Children In 2009, the number of Clark County residents estimated to be under the age of 18 was 500,445 representing approximately 26 percent of the total population (USCB 2009d). Residential development exists in the vicinity of Nellis AFB within areas exposed to unacceptable noise levels (see Figure 3.3-1) and in established APZs (see Figure 3.5-1). Encroachment in the APZs by residential development continues despite ordinances restricting certain land uses. The Air Force continues to actively work with the community to minimize and avoid noise impacts to these populations through their AICUZ program, public outreach, and flight restrictions. The Nellis Terrace Housing Area and Lomie G. Heard Elementary School, both located in Area I of the base, are subject to 70 dB DNL and greater noise levels; however, noise attenuating materials were used to minimize potential effects. No environmental restoration sites occur at locations on the base where they could pose a potential health risk to affected groups of children.


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The principal factors influencing stability of structures are soil and seismic properties. Soil, in general, refers to unconsolidated earthen materials overlying bedrock or other parent material. Soil structure, elasticity, strength, shrink-swell potential, and erodibility all determine the ability for the ground to support structures and facilities. Relative to development, soils typically are described in terms of their type, slope, physical characteristics, and relative compatibility or limitations with regard to particular construction activities and types of land use. Water resources include surface and ground water. Lakes, rivers, and streams comprise surface water resources that are important for economic, ecological, recreational, and human health reasons. Groundwater is used for potable water consumption, agricultural irrigation, and industrial applications. Groundwater properties are often described in terms of depth to aquifer, aquifer or well capacity, water quality, and surrounding geologic composition. Attributes of water resources considered in this EIS include hydrologic setting, availability, use, quality (including protection zones), floodplains, flood hazard, and adjudicated claims to water rights for both surface and groundwater. The Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1972 is the primary federal law that protects the nations waters, including lakes, rivers, and aquifers. The primary objective of the Act is to restore and maintain the integrity of the nations waters. Jurisdictional waters of the U.S. are regulated resources and are subject to federal authority under Section 404 of the CWA. This term is broadly defined to include navigable waters (including intermittent streams), impoundments, tributary streams, and wetlands. Criteria for water quality within the State of Nevada are contained in the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC), Chapter 445A.119, and apply to existing and designated beneficial uses of surface water bodies. Water quality standards are driven by the beneficial uses of specific water bodies. Beneficial uses include agriculture (irrigation and livestock watering), aquatic life, recreation (contact and non-contact), municipal or domestic supply, industrial supply, and wildlife propagation. The State of Nevada has adopted drinking water standards established by the EPA, under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Nevada Department of Health regulates drinking water quality for public supply systems. Drinking water standards consist of maximum contaminant levels established for various water quality constituents to protect against adverse health effects. General soils and water information pertains to all areas where proposed F-35 construction projects would occur. All areas are located within the southern Las Vegas sub-basin of the Great Basin, the northernmost subprovince of the Basin and Range Physiographic Province. This province is generally characterized by regularly spaced, north-south trending mountain ranges that are separated by internally-draining alluvial basins or playas. The elevations of mountains and intervening valleys generally increase from south to north. The physiographic Great Basin subprovince overlaps all of the ecological Great Basin Desert and
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS extends farther in a few locations in northeastern California and southeastern Oregon and in southern Nevada near Las Vegas and Lake Mead. With the exception of the Lake Mead area, the Great Basin subprovince drains internally; precipitation has no surface water outlet to the Pacific Ocean. The Sierra Nevada mountains, stretching along Nevadas western border, interrupt the prevailing easterly flow of storm systems and minimize precipitation, resulting in a rain shadow. Surface water is sparse in Nevada. Typically, as much as 75 percent of Nevada's precipitation falls during the winter. The scarcity of surface water resources is attributed to a dry regional climate characterized by low precipitation, high evaporation, low humidity, and wide extremes in daily temperatures. Average precipitation depends mainly on elevation and ranges from 4 inches on the desert floor to 16 inches in the mountain areas. With the exception of locally intense thunderstorms that can produce flash flooding, much of the warm weather precipitation is lost to the atmosphere through evaporation and transpiration. Flash floods produce high peak flows over short periods of time. Nevadas groundwater is typically found in unconsolidated deposits of sand, gravel, silt, and clay that partly fill the many basins. Most groundwater development is in basins where water is readily obtained from shallow unconsolidated deposits where well yields are more predictable than in the mountains. Groundwater use has been discussed previously in section 3.7. Because direct effects to soil and water resources associated with implementation of the proposed F-35 FDE and WS beddown would occur at and near Nellis AFB, and since no new construction would occur on NTTR, the focus of this analysis is Nellis AFB. 3.9.1 Soils

Nellis AFB is located in the southern part of the Las Vegas Valley. The elevation of Nellis AFB is about 2,000 feet above sea level. The ground surface over most of Nellis AFB is disturbed by man-made features, such as airfields, roads, and buildings. Nellis AFB is relatively flat; over most of the base, including the vast majority of the developed areas, slopes are 1 percent or less. Nellis AFB lies primarily on two types of soil, the Las Vegas-Destazo complex and the Las VegasSkyhaven complex (USDA 1985). These soils are very similar physically and chemically. Las Vegas soils comprise 60 percent of Nellis AFB, soils and Skyhaven and Destazo soils together comprise 25 to 30 percent, leaving 10 to 15 percent McCarran-Grapevine complex, Weiser-Goodsprings complex, and Glencarb silt loam. The main soil types share the following attributes:

moderately slow permeability; slight potential for water erosion; high potential for wind erosion; and a shallow hardpan layer that limits construction.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS These attributes indicate that ground disturbance at Nellis AFB, such as construction, could lead to a high degree of wind erosion. Erosion from precipitation and runoff is rare, due to soil characteristics, lack of slope on Nellis AFB, and minimal amounts of precipitation. 3.9.2 Water Quality and Stormwater

The Las Vegas Valley extends in a northwest-southeast direction and drains toward the south through the Las Vegas Wash into Lake Mead. Nellis AFB lies in the southern portion of the Las Vegas Valley within the Colorado River Basin. Natural surface waters and perennial streams are nonexistent. No 100-year floodplains occur within the developed portions of the base. The little precipitation that is captured is drawn into the valley's principal basin-fill aquifer, shallow aquifers, and the Colorado River. Nellis AFB is underlain by carbonate rock aquifers of the Death Valley and Colorado aquifer systems (USGS 1997), which are hydrologically connected to shallower alluvial aquifer systems composed of sand and gravels. The principal aquifer in the Las Vegas Valley hydrologic basin is naturally recharged by 30,000 to 35,000 acre feet per year (afy) mostly from the Spring Mountains on the west valley boundary. Recharge of the shallow aquifers is also occurring, primarily as a result of irrigation water percolating into the ground. Surface water is transported to Nellis AFB by pipelines from Lake Mead. No natural lakes or other open bodies of water, excluding manmade impoundments, are found on Nellis AFB. A few ephemeral streams occur on base (personal communication, Roe 2007), particularly in Area II. However, low precipitation, a lack of slope, and the absence of streams create a context where the potential for water erosion is rare. Sources of groundwater are available from the principal alluvial-fill aquifer underlying the Las Vegas Valley. In addition to those on base, wells occur in both the northwest part of the valley from the Las Vegas Valley Water District/Southern Nevada Water Authority and in the northern end of the valley from North Las Vegas Water District. The existing water supply at Nellis AFB is considered adequate (Air Force 2002a). Piped surface and ground waters support base personnel and operations. This includes water for drinking and sewage systems, fire utilities, maintaining landscapes, and construction. Nellis AFB drinking water standards are established by the EPA under the Safe Drinking Water Act, also adopted by the State of Nevada. Drinking water quality for public supply systems is regulated by the Nevada Department of Health. Maximum contaminant levels have been established for various water quality constituents to protect against adverse health effects. All water sources for Nellis AFB meet EPA and State of Nevada standards.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Nellis AFBs potable water sources include five active government-owned and operated wells and water purchased from Southern Nevada Water Authority via bulk-supply pipelines from Lake Mead. The base also purchases a small quantity from the City of North Las Vegas Water District. Approximately 29 percent of the Nellis AFB water supply comes from groundwater, and the base is allotted 7.1 million gdp of surface and ground water (personal communication, Roe 2007). Nine storage tanks for potable water exist at Nellis AFB, with a total existing potable water storage capacity of 7.5 million gallons. Nellis AFBs average daily water usage varies between 2.5 million gpd between October and April to 5.4 million gpd from May to September (Air Force 2003a). Stormwater runoff on Nellis AFB is drained by three outfalls: one each in Area I, Area II, and Area III. Outfall 001 in Area I drains the main base; the discharge is diverted through channels to the Las Vegas Wash which eventually flows into Lake Mead. The drainage area of Outfall 001 includes about 44,000 acres of off-base and 10,760 acres of on-base property. Outfalls II and III consist of small brooks and swales which drain the eastern portion of the WSA and a small portion of the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) (Air Force 2002a). Under the CWA, facilities that discharge stormwater associated with industrial activity must apply for a stormwater permit; the State of Nevada is the EPA-designated permitting authority. Nellis AFB has authorization, under the NDEP General Permit No. NVS040000 (Stormwater Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems), to discharge its stormwater through the base's three outfalls (NDEP 2010). NDEP does not require NTTR to perform stormwater sampling (Air Force 2002a).


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Biological resources encompass plant and animal species and the habitats within which they occur. Plant species are often referred to as vegetation and animal species are referred to as wildlife. Habitat can be defined as the area or environment where the resources and conditions are present that cause or allow a plant or animal to live there (Hall et al. 1997). Biological resources for this EIS include vegetation, wetlands, wildlife, and special-status species occurring in the vicinity of the proposed construction projects on Nellis AFB and in NTTR where they could be potentially affected by noise generated from overflights. Vegetation. Vegetation includes all existing upland terrestrial plant communities with the exception of wetlands or special-status species. The affected environment for vegetation includes those areas subject to demolition and construction ground disturbance. Wetlands and Jurisdictional Waters of the United States. Wetlands and jurisdictional waters of the U.S. are considered special category sensitive habitats and are subject to regulatory authority under Section 404 of the CWA and Executive Order 11990 Protection of Wetlands. They include jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional wetlands. Jurisdictional wetlands are those defined by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and EPA as those areas that meet all the criteria defined in the USACEs 1987 Wetlands Delineation Manual and under the jurisdiction of the USACE (USACE 1987). Wetlands are generally associated with drainages, stream channels, and water discharge areas (natural and man-made). The discussion of impacts pertains to the potential to affect wetlands and jurisdictional waters of the U.S. due to construction or demolition activities under the proposed action. Wildlife. For the purposes of this EIS wildlife includes all vertebrate animals (i.e., fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) with the exception of those identified as threatened, endangered, or sensitive species. Wild horses and burros are also included and protected by PL 92-195, the Wild FreeRoaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971, as amended. Wildlife potentially affected by demolition and construction activities and overflight noise will be discussed. Special-Status Species. Special-status species are defined as those plant and animal species listed as threatened, endangered, or proposed as such by the USFWS. The federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) protects federally listed, threatened, and endangered plant and animal species. Species of concern are not protected by the ESA; however, these species could become listed and protected at any time. Their consideration early in the planning process could avoid future conflicts that might otherwise occur. The discussion of special-status species focuses on those species with the potential to be affected by demolition, construction, and construction-related noise. Appendix F lists the special-status species in the potentially affected areas.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS The affected environment for biological resources includes those areas within each location potentially affected by ground-disturbing activities such as demolition, construction, or infrastructure development. All baseline data were gathered from previous studies such as the Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan for Nellis Air Force Base (Air Force 1999c) and Renewal of the Nellis Air Force Range Land Withdrawal Legislative Environmental Impact Statement (Air Force 1999b), and Nevada Training Initiative Environmental Assessment (Air Force 2003b). 3.10.1 Nellis AFB Vegetation Nellis AFB is located in the Mojave Desert. Large expanses of the valley floors in the Mojave Desert support the creosote bush (Larrea tridentate)/white bursage (Ambrosia dumosa) desert scrub community. The creosote bush and white bursage dominate plant communities at elevations from below sea level to about 3,940 ft (Air Force 1992b; Hazlett et al. 1997). This desert scrub community, characteristic of much of the Mojave Desert can still be found in the less developed areas of Nellis AFB, such as the eastern portion of Area II. Tamarisk or salt cedar (Tamarix spp.) is an introduced, non-native perennial plant species that has had a notable effect on plant associations. Tamarisk is known for releasing salt into surrounding soils which, in combination with the plants aggressive growth and colonization, often results in establishment of monospecific and dense stands that often preclude establishment of native species. Nellis AFB has an aggressive program to eradicate Tamarisk from the installation. Traditionally, nonnative drought-tolerant deciduous trees and shrubs, evergreen trees and shrubs, perennials, ground covers, vines, and grasses have also been planted throughout the base; however, over the past several years the focus has been on planting native vegetation. Introduced native and non-native vegetation are contained mostly within and adjacent to developed areas at the base (Air Force 1999c). Las Vegas buckwheat (Eriogonum corymbosum), a plant state species of concern, is present on gypsiferous soils in three different locations on Nellis AFB and discussed in detail in the special-status species section under Nellis AFB. Wetlands and Jurisdictional Waters of the United States Potential wetlands and jurisdictional waters of the U.S. on Nellis AFB consist of the golf course ponds and a few ephemeral streams. USACE personnel have determined that the golf course ponds are manmade water sources and not subject to wetlands and jurisdictional water protection under the provisions of the CWA because they are man-made and the water source is not natural (Air Force 1999c). Because the Las Vegas Wash is connected to the Colorado River, any ephemeral streams and washes eventually emptying into the Las Vegas Wash could be considered jurisdictional under Section 404 of the CWA. Any action that would result in the placement of fill in those streams would require consultation with the USACE (Air Force 1999c).
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Wildlife Due to its location adjacent to metropolitan Las Vegas and previous development and construction activities, Nellis AFB is primarily an urban environment with some relatively undisturbed lands lying to the east and north of the base. Wildlife species found on base are mostly limited to those that have adapted to high levels of human activity and disturbance. Three general habitat types are present on the base: urban areas, open space recreation (e.g., golf course), and native desert scrub vegetation. Common bird species in the urban areas include house finch and house sparrow. Open spaces are frequented by American coot (Fulica americana), horned lark (Eremophila alpestris), great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus), and domestic geese and ducks. The western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) is a species native to southern Nevada and adapts well to urban environments. The owl prefers flat, previously disturbed areas like those found around the southern boundary of Nellis AFB, including edges of concrete flood control channels, for the excavation their burrows and are commonly found on the base. The areas with the most diverse wildlife are those containing native desertscrub vegetation. Area II (refer to Figure 2-1) comprises the most undisturbed native desertscrub habitat on the base. Coyote (Canis latrans), Gambels quail (Callipepla gambelii), mourning dove (Zenaida macroura), phainopepla (Phainopepla nitens), desert spiny lizard (Sceloporus magister), banded Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum cinctum), and side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana) are wildlife species found in Clark County. The chuckwalla (Sauromalus ater), a large lizard, has been confirmed present on the base due to observation of scat on the rocky hillsides of the eastern portion of Area II. The chuckwallas inhabit rocky hillsides, talus slopes, and rock outcrops in areas dominated by creosote. Rocks and their associated crevices provide shelter and basking sites. Special-Status Species Only one federally-listed animal species, the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), is present on the base in low densities in undeveloped portions of Area II. The desert tortoise is the largest reptile in the arid southwestern U.S. Tortoises spend much of their lives in underground burrows they excavate to escape the harsh summer and winter desert conditions. They usually emerge in late winter or early spring and again in the fall to feed and mate, although they may be active during summer when temperatures are moderate. Desert tortoises are herbivorous, eating a wide variety of herbaceous vegetation, especially flowers of annual plants. Historically the tortoise occupied a variety of desert communities in southeastern California, southern Nevada, western and southern Arizona, southwestern Utah, and through Sonora and northern Sinaloa, Mexico. Today it can still be found in these areas, although the populations are fragmented and declining over most of its former range (Air Force 1999c). A USFWS programmatic biological opinion (BO) (USFWS 2007), which covers the desert tortoise population over a 5-year period in Areas I, II, III, and the Small Arms Range, stated that programmatic
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS activities proposed by the Air Force is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the threatened Mojave population of the desert tortoise The USFWS issued reasonable and prudent measures, including implementing terms and conditions designed to minimize incidental take in Areas I, II, III, and the Small Arms Range. According to 50 CFR 402.16, any new Air Force action that may affect the desert tortoise, not considered in previous biological opinions, would require reinitiation of consultation with the USFWS. The biological opinion also noted that Area I contains no desert tortoises or desert tortoise habitat. Only one plant, a state species of concern, has been observed or occurs on Nellis AFB, the Las Vegas buckwheat. 3.10.2 Nevada Test and Training Range Vegetation Due to differences in habitats, the North and South ranges support somewhat different biological resources. The North Range is a transitional area between the Mojave Desert and Great Basin that supports a mixture of community types, including creosote bush scrub, Joshua tree woodland, pinyonjuniper woodland, mixed desert scrub community, Great Basin sagebrush scrub, black sagebrush scrub, and a sparsely vegetated rock outcrop community (Air Force 1999c). Farther north, the North Range fully transitions to the Great Basin Desert, dominated by sagebrush and saltbush vegetation. The vegetation of the basin floors of the North Range is typified by shadscale (A triplex confertifolia) and greasewood (Sarcobatus baileyi) and may include winter fat (Ceratoides lanata) and green molly (Poecilia sphenops). Most of the middle- and upper-elevation bajadas are dominated by the sagebrush/pinyon/juniper community. Additional species that occur in this community include: rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus greenei ssp. Filifolius), joint fir (Ephedra spp.), and occasional Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia). Scattered Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) can occur on the flanks near the upper limit of sagebrush vegetation. The dominant vegetation type in the North Range mountains, above approximately 5,000 feet, is pinyon juniper woodland, with big sagebrush dominating the shrub layer. White fir occurs at elevations above approximately 8,000 feet, with single leaf pinyon and limber pine (Air Force 1999c). The South Range lies in the northeastern portion of the Mojave Desert. Creosote bush white bursage and saltbush communities are the most common vegetation communities on the South Range. Where soils are especially alkaline and clay-rich, as on the margins of dry lake beds (playas) at the lowest elevations, saltbush species including four-wing saltbush (A. canescens), cattle-spinach (A. polycarpa), and shadscale dominate the vegetation. Saltbush communities, especially near playas, may consist exclusively of these species. Vast areas of the basins and bajadas in the Mojave Desert, below approximately 4,000 feet, support plant communities dominated by creosote bush and whitebursage. Saltbush species, ephedras, brittlebush (Enceliavirginensis), desert mallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua), cacti (especially prickly pears and


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS chollas [Opuntia spp.]), and Mojave yucca (Yucca shidigera) may also occur in this community (Air Force 1999c). At higher elevations (approximately 4,000 to 6,000 feet) the blackbrush community may predominate. This community includes blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima), ephedras, turpentine-broom (Thamnosma montana), and range ratney (Krameria parvifolia). Joshua tree is another plant that may occur at higher elevations within the creosote bush white bursage and the blackbrush communities. The sagebrush pinyon juniper community comprises a woodland that is present on the South Range and is distinctive of the higher elevations of the Mojave and Great Basin Deserts above at least 4,900 feet elevation, and usually above 5,900 feet (Air Force 1999c). Wetlands and Jurisdictional Waters of the United States The Wetlands Report (Air Force 1997b) surveyed the NTTR and identified numerous seeps, springs, and ephemeral streams. It has not been determined if these waters are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. and they will need to be assessed in light of the Supreme Courts 2002 Stormwater Agency of Northern Cook County and the 2006 Rapanos v. U.S. and Carabell v. U.S. known as Rapanos decisions. Mapping of wetlands and jurisdictional waters of the U.S. in the NTTR remains incomplete. Wildlife Wildlife in the vicinity of the North Range includes species that are primarily associated with Great Basin montane scrub, pinyon juniper woodland, Great Basin desert scrub, desert springs, and open water habitats. These habitats support numerous wildlife species including several species considered sensitive by state and federal governments. Most of the North Range comprises Great Basin habitats, the exceptions being in the southwestern corner, which is part of the transition between Mojave and Great Basin deserts. As a result, many (but not all) wildlife species associated with both Mojave and Great Basin habitats occur in this area. Wildlife species associated with Mojave Desert transitional habitats found in the North Range are similar to those found in the South Range. Most of the common, larger mammal species that occur in the North Range habitats are similarly found in the South Range. A population of bighorn sheep (Ovis Canadensis) inhabits on Stonewall Mountain, Cactus Range, and Pahute Mesa in the North range. In the South Range, Bighorn Sheep inhabit the Spotted, Pintwater, Sheep, and Desert Ranges. In addition, the rougher, more densely vegetated regions in the higher elevations of the North Range also support mountain lion (Puma concolor), bobcat (Felis rufus), and mule deer (Odocoileus Hemionus). Pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana) and wild horses predominantly occupy the desert scrub communities found in the North Range, particularly in Cactus Flat, on alluvial fans bordering Breen Creek, and in the Kawich Valley.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS The rodents of the Great Basin desert scrub habitat differ from those of the southern Mojave desert and include the pallid kangaroo mouse (Microdipodops pallidus), dark kangaroo mouse (M. megacephalus), sagebrush vole (Lagarus curtatus), and chisel-toothed kangaroo rat (Dipodomys microps). Several bat species are documented on the range in a NTTR-commissioned bat survey report (Air Force 1999b). Six species of bats, of the 20 species potentially occurring in the area, were documented on NTTR including long-legged myotis (M. volans), fringe-tailed myotis (M. thysanodes pahasapensis), California myotis (Myotis californicus), pipistrelle (Pipistrellus hesperus), Townsends big-eared bat (Plecotus townsendii), and pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus). The California myotis was the most widespread and commonly observed species in the report and was found in all habitats that were sampled. Bird species typical of the sagebrush community include the sage thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus), sage sparrow (Amphispiza belli), and horned lark (Eremophila alpestris). Chukars (Alectoris chukar) have been introduced into the area and survive in rocky habitat and desert scrub near freshwater habitat. Raptors, regularly observed in the area, are similar to those found in the Mojave desert scrub in the South Range. The pinyon juniper woodland supports the greatest bird diversities in the region. Reptiles are less abundant in the North Range, which is colder than the Mojave Desert Scrub habitat in the South Range. Some reptile species found in the North Range are also observed in the South Range (e.g., side-blotched and whiptail lizards). Additional species include sagebrush lizard (Scloperous graciosus), leopard lizard (Gambelia wislizenii), and the Great Basin rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis lutosis). Desert tortoise is not found in the North Range. Amphibians on the North Range are restricted to the rare areas near water and include the Great Basin spadefoot toad (Scaphiopus hammondi). Native fishes are not known or expected to occur because of the lack of perennial pools of water, of sufficient extent, to sustain populations during drought. Wildlife species associated with Mojave desert habitats found in the South Range are similar to those described above in the North Range section. Most of the common, larger mammal species that occur in the North Range habitats are similarly found in the South Range. Special-Status Species There are 26 state- or federally-listed plant and animal species of concern occurring or potentially occurring within the affected environment of NTTR (USFWS 2010). There are no federally-listed threatened or endangered plant species known or likely to occur within NTTRs North and South Ranges where air-to-ground operations are undertaken. The only known federally-listed wildlife species known to occur on NTTR ranges is the desert tortoise, which is only found in the southern portion of the South Range. Appendix F provides a list of both federal and state special-status species potentially occurring the NTTR affected environment.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Additional state and federal species of concern may occur on NTTR (see Appendix F). This status category does not confer any specific legal protection, but the Nellis AFB 99 Civil Engineering Squadron, Environmental Management Flight gives consideration to species of concern in ongoing management of NTTR and as part of NEPA compliance. Species of concern and BLM-sensitive species that are known or likely to occur on NTTR include seven species of mammals (six of which are bats), eight species of birds, and two species of reptiles. The majority of these avian species are expected to occur on NTTR only seasonally in small numbers. The Mojave desert population of the desert tortoise, whose general distribution includes portions of NTTR, was listed as threatened by the USFWS on April 2, 1990. The USFWS attributes the decline of this species to disease, predation from increased raven populations, collecting, vehicle mortalities, and habitat degradation, destruction, and fragmentation. The species range in this region lies primarily within the Mojave desert scrub habitat at elevations below 4,000 feet. Desert tortoise home ranges vary with location and year, but may cover from 25 to 200 acres. Basic habitat requirements include the quality of forage species, shelter from predators and environmental extremes, suitable soil types for burrowing, nesting and over-wintering, vegetation for cover and shelter, and adequate area for movement and dispersal. These requirements may be met in a variety of plant communities including Joshua tree, Mojave yucca, creosote bush, and saltbush scrub. Tortoises are herbivorous, with the most important food apparently being desert annuals, cacti, and grasses. Desert tortoise mating starts with spring emergence and may continue until fall dormancy. Nesting occurs from May to July. Females dig nests, deposit eggs, and abandon the nest; incubation varies from 90 to 120 days (Revegetation Innovations 1992). Desert tortoise habitat and burrows are most commonly found within creosote bush scrub communities on flat areas or gently sloping areas, washes, bajadas within valley floors. However, they may also be found in steeper, rockier areas. Soil structure is an important limiting factor for tortoise habitat. Soils must be firm enough to hold burrows, but soft enough to allow digging. A variety of soil types, from sandy to sandy-gravely, may be used. For NTTR, desert tortoise habitat occurs in the areas of the South Range consisting of Mojave desert scrub. This area within the South Range represents a small percentage of the available desert tortoise habitat within the Northeastern Mojave Recovery Unit. The South Range lies within the extreme northern limits of desert tortoise geographical extent. The NTTR falls within the Coyote Spring Desert Wildlife Management Area (DWMA), which has been designated as part of the recovery units based on the Desert Tortoise (Mojave Population) Recovery Plan. However, NTTR is not part of the designated critical habitat areas. Designated recovery units contain both suitable and unsuitable habitat. Some areas within NTTR, such as the ordnance impact zones, are located in areas that are considered unsuitable or are highly disturbed and do not contain nesting, sheltering, or foraging habitat (USFWS 1994).

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Several desert tortoise surveys have been conducted on NTTR South Range. These surveys (Figure 3.101) have shown that the southern half of the South Range clearly lies near the northern limits of the desert tortoise range. In this area, population densities are generally lower and populations tend to be patchy. Surveys of the South Range have shown a range of density from 1 to 45 desert tortoises per square mile population density (USFWS 1994). The following details the methods and results of these surveys. The most extensive survey was completed during 1992 (Revegetation Innovations 1992) covering approximately 459 square miles and including all areas below 3,600 feet in the Indian Springs Valley, and below 4,000 feet in the Three Lakes Valley, the eastern fringes of Frenchman Valley, and the Nellis Small Arms Range adjacent to Nellis AFB in the Las Vegas Valley. All existing impact areas were surveyed using three 0.5 mile-long transects, 30 feet wide, within each topographic map section. Surveyors recorded any evidence of tortoise or tortoise activity (tracks, eggshells, burrows, carcasses, and scat). This survey found desert tortoise population densities to be very low (0 tortoises per square mile) to low (1 to 3 tortoises per square mile), relative to other parts of the tortoises range (USFWS 1997). Only 110 of 431, or 25 percent of the transects showed any sign of (burrows, carcasses, scat) or actual presence of the desert tortoise. In 1990, three surveys, covering 890 acres within South Range were preformed: 1) a 100-percent survey of 560 acres along the southwestern edge of Dog Bone Lake located 5 desert tortoises, 25 active burrows, 3 carcasses, and 26 inactive burrows; 2) another survey of 260 acres did not locate any sign of or actual presence of tortoise; and 3) seven 10-acre sites in Indian Springs and Three Lake Valleys, found no desert tortoise or desert tortoise signs. A 1993 survey of approximately 70 acres east of Dog Bone Lake, within an impact zone located 2 desert tortoises, 13 active burrows, 6 carcasses, 6 scat, and 24 inactive burrows. This survey used transects similar to those in the 1992 survey of four 40-acre plots. Sixteen additional 10-acre surveys were conducted at sites located within Indian Springs and Three Lakes Valleys. No desert tortoise or sign of tortoise was located at any of these sites. In 2001, a 100-percent coverage survey was completed for a 7.5-mile corridor proposed for road construction. Three corridor segments were surveyed: two segments totaling approximately 6 miles extended along the west side of Dog Bone Lake within an impact zone. The remaining section was located in the northern portion of the Indian Springs Valley. This survey did not locate any desert tortoise or active burrows and noted evidence of previous disturbance from training activities. Five inactive tortoise burrows were located (Air Force 2003b).


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Another survey conducted in June 2002, consisted of a 100-percent presence/absence survey in portions of the South Range. Three live tortoises were observed in burrows, along with fresh tracks of a fourth tortoise. A total of 41 burrows, 14 potential burrows, 13 pallets, 14 scats, 2 carcasses, and 2 sets of desert tortoise tracks were also observed during the June 2002 survey. The survey did not locate any desert tortoise or active burrows in the areas examined in Range 64 (USFWS 2003). The USFWS programmatic BO, issued on June 17, 2003 (amending the earlier Biological Opinion issued February 5, 1997), concluded that training activities at NTTR would not jeopardize the continued existence of the desert tortoise or destroy or adversely modify critical habitat (USFWS 2003). The Opinion also indicated measures to be taken to minimize desert tortoise mortality or harassment and destruction of habitat which include the following: a maximum speed limit of 25 miles per hour for all regular vehicle travel; no off-road travel with the exception of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD); removal of desert tortoise from areas of impact by a qualified biologist; development of an approved vegetation rehabilitation plan; and a tortoise education program to be given to employees working in tortoise habitat. No formal surveys for pygmy rabbits have been conducted on the NTTR. During cursory investigations of certain seeps and springs, pygmy rabbit droppings and burrows were observed in sagebrush habitats located on the east side of the Kawich Mountain Range. The extent of pygmy rabbit distribution and population density on the NTTR remains unknown at this time (personal communication, Turner 2006). A bat survey report (Air Force 1999b) documented the presence of three sensitive species of bats on NTTR, Townsends big-eared bat, fringed myotis, and long-legged myotis. Other bat species such as the western small-footed myotis, spotted bat, and the long-eared myotis have been observed on the DOEs NTS and are likely to occur on NTTR.


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Cultural resources analyzed in this section include sites, buildings, structures, or objects which are over 50 years old. Locations with importance to a group (i.e., traditional cultural properties [TCPs]) are also discussed. Resources and locations are recorded and evaluated by archaeologists and historians; those that meet one or more criteria in 36 CFR 60.4 are determined by the Air Force in consultation with the SHPO as eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. If the federal action has potential for adverse effects to eligible sites, the Air Force makes a determination of adverse effect; if no eligible properties are present, the determination is either no historic properties present or no adverse affects. An Area of Potential Effect includes eligible properties that could be indirectly affected by the action, such as a shelter cave that is visible to construction personnel who have the potential to visit and remove artifacts. The Area of Potential Effect for this action is defined as the region of influence, or affected environment. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) requires that federal agencies take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties which are locations, features, and objects older than 50 years and determined eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places (or National Register). Section 110 (a)(2) of the NHPA requires that federal agencies establish a preservation program, in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior, for the identification, evaluation, and nomination to the National Register. Methods for inventory and evaluation are described in Appendix I of the 2007 Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) (Air Force 2007b). Efforts to identify and evaluate cultural resource properties for this project, according to 36 CFR 800.4, were initiated in 1978 and continue to the present. Nellis AFB initiated a Native American Program in 1996 as a foundation for government-to-government consultation. Activities have included annual meetings, NTTR field trips, and participation in professional meetings. In 1999, the CGTO elected five members to a Document Review Committee (DRC). This Group interacts with and is an integral part of the Nellis AFB Native American Program. The DRC reads and comments on a number of different types of documents which include cultural resources reports and environmental assessments prior to SHPO reviews. The affected environment is Nellis AFB-managed land in Nevada that includes the NTTR and Nellis AFBs property in Las Vegas Valley. Section 112 of the NHPA mandates that federal agencies maintain permanent records produced through historical and archaeological research in appropriate databases, access to which shall be granted to potential users who meet the qualifications established by the Secretary of the Interior. The cultural resources inventory, identification, and evaluation process on Nellis AFB lands developed from minimal recordation without evaluation into a system that emphasizes a substantially higher demand for thoroughness. For example, an estimated 60 percent of site forms composed prior to 1994 lack justifications using research questions and National Register criteria to recommend eligibility. Forty percent of the records prior to 1982 lack sufficient information to meet current Nellis AFB standards.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Archival searches yielded information on the dates, characteristics, intensity of cultural resource surveys, locations of cultural resources, and assessed effects upon sites. Federal Register volumes were reviewed to verify eligible or listed National Register properties. Records for inventories on Nellis AFB and NTTR are maintained in an Excel program in the 99 Environmental Management Division files. Results of surveys on the DNWRs co-managed portion of the South Range are also on file at Nellis AFB. All inventory acreage was inspected at a maximum of 100-foot transect intervals. Sampling utilized 100-foot intervals in blocks. Isolated artifacts were recorded on site forms until 1996. They were not considered sites in the ICRMP, thus not included in the total calculations in this document. Most inventory acreage has been obtained from sampling strategies in zones, not projected for impacts, to characterize the sensitivity of the land. Thus, inventoried acreage totals do not imply the surveys were subjected to complete site evaluation or consultation on determinations. 3.11.1 Nellis AFB All of Nellis AFB, which includes Area I, Area II, and Area III, has been surveyed for archaeological resources and all sites evaluated. One National Register-eligible site, a quarry, is located on the base in Area II. All other sites were determined through SHPO consultation (letter dated April 12, 2001) to be ineligible for nomination. The Nevada SHPO has concurred with these determinations (Nevada SHPO 2004). The areas north and east of Nellis AFB are currently open range, somewhat mountainous, and managed by the BLM. Areas to the south and west are developed. The undeveloped areas are considered to be low in potential for containing prehistoric resources since they lack water, are covered in sand dunes, and would have possessed few food resources in the past. Approximately 10 percent of this area, which is managed by the BLM, has been surveyed. A total of 20 prehistoric sites and 9 historic sites have been recorded (Air Force 2010a). In 1988, an inventory and evaluation of World War II structures was completed for Area I of Nellis AFB. In a letter dated 14 June 1991, the Nevada SHPO reviewed the evaluation and concurred that no eligible structures were present, the office requested further review of the McCarran Field Air Terminal built in 1942. An informal review of the building was conducted in 1997 by a SHPO architectural historian. The SHPO historian determined the alterations to the building had compromised its physical integrity. Thus, no World War II structures on Nellis AFB are considered to be eligible to the National Register (Air Force 2001b). In 2004, 336 Wherry houses constructed from 1950 to 1957 and 113 Capehart structures built on Nellis AFB in 1960 were proposed for destruction. Field research was conducted and it was argued that the buildings lacked physical integrity for further eligibility consideration. The SHPO concurred with the
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS recommendation (personal communication, Myhrer 2006). Following this review, Nellis AFB determined an updated historic building inventory for the Nellis AFB Las Vegas Valley properties and Creech AFB was necessary. According to 36 CFR 60.4 (g), special properties may have achieved significance within the last 50 years due to exceptional importance within the appropriate local, state, or national historic context. Because the Cold War had impacts for the history of the nation, the DoD Legacy Resource Management Program and the Air Force Federal Preservation Officer determined it necessary to evaluate Cold War facilities to comply with Section 110. To ensure compliance with Section 106, an action memo was sent in 1992 to the Air Force Civil Engineer stating that the SHPO would be consulted prior to any actions with potential to affect Cold War facilities. Nine structures, constructed between 1951 and 1971, were inventoried in 2006 (Air Force 2006c). These structures were identified in an on-going survey and evaluation of 172 buildings from the Cold War era on Nellis AFB. Due to their proposed demolition (as part of the Base Realignment and Infrastructure actions occurring on the base) a separate report on eligibility recommendations for Nevada SHPO Section 106 review was done by Nellis AFB. These nine structures include seven buildings that are older than 50 years (Buildings 67, 250, 258, 265, 839, 841, and 941) and two that are less than 50 years old (Buildings 264 and 413). Consultation with SHPO on the ineligibility of the nine structures was completed in December 2006. The Nevada SHPO concurred that the nine structures were not eligible to the NRHP (Appendix A provides a copy of this concurrence letter). No traditional cultural properties, sacred areas, or traditional use areas have been identified on Nellis AFB. 3.11.2 Nevada Test and Training Range Archaeological Resources Approximately 5,000 archaeological resources have been recorded on lands under the NTTR airspace. These consist of an estimated 600 within Clark County, 2,400 within Lincoln County, and 2,000 within Nye County. Within Clark County, only one of these archaeological sites is listed on the National Register. In Lincoln County, two archaeological districts and one archaeological site/complex are listed on the National Register. In Nye County, one National Register-listed site lies under the airspace (National Register 2011). Most of the recorded archaeological sites have not been evaluated for National Register eligibility. Historic archaeological sites associated with mining and ranching are found throughout NTTR. Seventysix historic resources have been identified and recorded including ranching complexes and mining towns
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS (Air Force 2010a). As mining and ranching were practiced throughout NTTR, it is reasonable to expect that similar historic sites would be found elsewhere. Other historic resources on NTTR include transportation and communications routes. A segment of the Las Vegas-Tonopah Railroad, built and used from 1907 to 1916, crosses the southern boundary of Creech AFB. Approximately 6 percent of the withdrawn areas within NTTR have been surveyed for archaeological resources. The Tonopah Test Range, Creech AFB, and the Tolicha Peak compounds were completely inventoried with no eligible sites found (Air Force 2007b). During inventories in 1997 to 2004, over 2,700 sites were recorded within the withdrawn area of NTTR. Forty-seven sites are considered to be eligible for the National Register and 2,507 sites are unevaluated. Based on current evaluation standards, many unevaluated sites, especially those on playas and at lower elevations (below 5,000 feet), probably would not be recommended eligible to the National Register (Myhrer 2003). A total of 223 have been evaluated and are considered to be not eligible to the National Register. Architectural Resources Hundreds of structures, features, and a few towns associated with the mining and ranching history of Nevada are found throughout NTTR. Numerous mines and 15 mining districts, many with associated campsites, were opened in what is now the withdrawn area of NTTR during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Seven structures under the NTTR airspace in Lincoln and Clark Counties are listed on the National Register. More than 100 historic ghost towns, most containing architectural features, are located under the MOAs and restricted air space. Town sites include Hiko, Delamar, Helene, Barclay, Tempiute, Crystal Springs, Pioche, Bullionville, and Reveille (United States Ghost Towns 2006). The towns were associated with mining and railroad operations in the area. Some are still inhabited while others are abandoned and in various states of decay. No World War II and Cold War-era National Register structures have been identified within NTTR or under associated airspace. Traditional Cultural Properties TCPs located on NTTR may include traditionally used plants and animals, trails, and certain geographic areas. Types of resources that have been specifically identified in recent studies include rock art sites; power rocks and locations; medicine areas; landscape features such as specific peaks or ranges, hot springs, meadows, valleys, and caves; traditional-use plants (AIWS 1997); traditional-use animals such as hawks, eagles, insects, mountain lions, and deer; burial sites; gathering places for rabbit drives, dances, and ceremonies; traditional landscapes; and lithic raw material. Through Nellis AFBs Native American Program and ethnographic studies, ceremonial and sacred sites within NTTR have been identified and protected. Since 1997, Nellis AFB has been in the process of utilizing professional archaeologists with Native Americans to systematically characterize its seven mountain ranges. Any TCP designation will be initiated in combined efforts by Nellis AFB with the tribes. Nellis AFB is currently in the process with
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Native Americans to characterize its fifth mountain range. In 2005, the first pine nut harvest in 65 years was conducted on NTTR as part of the Native American Program evaluation process. Consultation through the Native American Program early in the planning process ensures that traditional cultural properties would not be affected by proposed projects. No specific traditional resource issues with regard to the F-35 beddown arose during scoping.

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Hazardous materials are chemical substances that pose a substantial hazard to human health or the environment. Hazardous materials include hazardous substances, extremely hazardous substances, hazardous chemicals, and toxic chemicals. In general, these materials pose hazards because of their quantity, concentration, physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (42 USC 6903[5]) defines a hazardous waste as a solid waste, or combination of solid waste, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may: 1) cause, or significantly contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness; or 2) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. Hazardous substances are defined and regulated under the laws administered by USEPA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Each of these agencies incorporates hazardous substance terminology in accordance with its unique Congressional mandate: OSHA regulations categorize substances in terms of their impacts on employee and workplace health and safety; DOT regulations categorize substances in terms of their safety in transportation; and USEPA regulations categorize substances in terms of protection of the environment and the public health. With regard to environmental impacts, hazardous substances are regulated under several federal programs administered by the USEPA, including Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensations, and Liability Act (CERCLA), Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and RCRA. DoD installations are required to comply with these laws along with other applicable federal, state, and DoD regulations, as well as with relevant EOs. In regulations promulgated under RCRA, the USEPA defines hazardous waste as a solid waste that is not excluded from regulation as a hazardous waste under 40 CFR 261.4(b) and exhibits any of the characteristics (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, toxicity) described in 40 CFR 261; or is listed in 40 CFR 261 Subpart D; or is a mixture containing one or more listed hazardous wastes. Hazardous wastes may take the form of solid, liquid, contained gaseous, semi-solid wastes (e.g., sludges), or any combination of wastes that pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment and have been discarded or abandoned. For the purposes of this EIS, hazardous wastes include solid wastes that are regulated as hazardous based on either direct listing by USEPA or characteristics (ignitability, reactivity, corrosivity, and toxicity), as well as those contaminants present in environmental media (e.g., soil or groundwater). Military munitions used for their intended purposes on ranges or collected for further evaluation and recycling are not considered waste per the Military Munitions Rule (40 CFR 266.202). The Military
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Munitions Rule amended portions of RCRA (40 CFR 260 through 170) and defines when conventional and chemical military munitions become solid waste potentially subject to RCRA. Specifically, the use of flares is ongoing at most bases analyzed in this EIS and would continue with the implementation of the proposed action. Since the munition would be used for its intended training purpose and most flare residual material or debris does not constitute a hazardous waste, any residual material that falls to the ground would not be considered a solid waste and thus not a hazardous waste. At Nellis AFB, day-to-day operational activities require the use and storage of a variety of hazardous materials (HAZMAT) and wastes, including flammable and combustible liquids, acids, corrosives, caustics, compressed gases, solvents, paints, paint thinners, and various other petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POLs). The base has established procedures for purchase, receiving, use, reuse, recycle, and final disposal of hazardous materials through application of the Hazardous Materials Management Program, proscribed in Air Force Instruction (AFI) 32-7086 and Waste Management Program (AFI 327042) (Air Force 2009d and 2010b). EO 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, requires the promotion of pollution prevention and elimination of waste by reducing and minimizing the quantity of toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials acquired, used, or disposed. Additionally, 95 percent of all new contracts require the use of products that are non-toxic or less-toxic. The F-35 Program includes an Air System Lifecycle Plan for each aircraft that also focuses on hazardous materials reduction and elimination initiatives (Fetter 2008). In the design phase for the F-35, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics has substituted materials and processes where a more environmentally preferable alternative is available. The F-35 program continues to seek material substitutions that focus on sustainability and decreasing the lifecycle expense of materials and materials handling for the aircraft. Some of the materials substitutions that have been implemented in the development of the F-35 include reducing or eliminating the use of many heavy metals and other environmentally sensitive materials that were expensive to handle and dispose (Fetter 2008; personal communication, Luker 2010). The F-35 has implemented the use of titanium or stainless steel fasteners instead of traditional, cadmium-plated screws and rivets. A new Integrated Power Package has replaced a dangerous and toxic hydrazine system that is used in F-16 legacy aircraft to restart stalled engines at altitude. The landing gear and other high wear surfaces of traditional aircraft was chrome-plated, an expensive, high-maintenance, slow, and environmentally risky process. The F-35 instead uses a high velocity, oxygenated fuel technology that uses a powder to coat the parts, improving the function and extending the lifespan of F-35 actuators, wear surfaces, and landing gear without the use of chrome plating. Primers have been developed that do not require the use of traditional cadmium and hexavalent chromium-based material. Copper-Berylluim bushings were formerly used in high-load actuators, such as the tail and landing gear, and new materials are being designed and substituted where feasible. Finally, a new detection device will alert maintenance
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS teams to corrosion issues in the aircraft, and thereby, reduce stripping and repainting of the aircraft to an as-needed procedure. Another potential difference between the legacy fighter aircraft and the F-35A is with respect to the fuel loading capabilities. For example, the F-35A internal fuel load is roughly twice that of an F-16, with no significant fuel efficiency decrease over the older model (Headquarters ACC/A5BA 2010; Global Security 2006). Toxic Substances The promulgation of TSCA (40 CFR 700-766) represented an effort by the federal government to address those chemical substances and mixtures for which it was recognized that the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, or disposal may present unreasonable risk of personal injury or health of the environment, and to effectively regulate these substances and mixtures in interstate commerce. The TSCA Chemical Substances Inventory lists information on more than 62,000 chemicals and substances. Toxic chemical substances regulated by USEPA under TSCA include asbestos and lead, which for the purposes of this EIS, are evaluated in the most common forms found in buildings, namely asbestoscontaining materials (ACM) and lead-based paint (LBP). TSCA also establishes management obligations for the cleanup of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). ACMs have been classified as a hazardous air pollutant by the USEPA in accordance with Section 112 of the CAA. Surveys would be conducted for ACMs, as required by 40 CFR 61.145, during the design phase of the project and prior to demolition or renovation of any structure. Any located ACM would be characterized, managed, transported, and disposed according to applicable state and federal requirements for protecting human health and safety and the environment. LBP may also be present in buildings or other facilities that would be modified or demolished as part of the proposed action. Similar to ACMs, surveys would be conducted on structures to be modified or demolished for LBP during the design phase of the project and prior to structure demolition or renovation. LBP sampling would be conducted on the structures to be removed and analyzed in accordance with USEPA approved Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure methodology. Based on this federal testing methodology, the paint would be considered hazardous if lead is detected at concentrations greater than 5 micrograms per liter. If LBP were detected at hazardous concentrations, these materials would be removed. LBP would be characterized, managed, transported, and disposed according to applicable state and federal requirements for protecting human health and safety and the environment. Beginning in the 1920s, PCBs had many common household uses, including applications in electrical transformers, as coolants in refrigeration machinery, and in oil and hydraulic fluids. PCBs are toxic and have been classified as a persistent organic pollutant, acting as carcinogens that do not break down easily
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS in the environment. Thus, the manufacture and use of PCBs in the U.S. was banned by Congress in 1979 and cleanup actions are regulated through TSCA. Contaminated Sites Potential hazardous waste contamination areas are being investigated as part of the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP). DoD developed the DERP to identify, investigate, and remediate potentially hazardous material disposal sites on DoD property prior to 1984. As part of DERP, DoD created the Installation Restoration Program (IRP) and the Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP). These programs were instituted to satisfy the requirements of CERCLA and RCRA for former and current hazardous waste sites. Hazards associated with historic ranges include military waste munitions that were improperly disposed and unexploded munitions rounds. The MMRP is designed to clean up discarded military munitions, unexploded ordnance, and their chemical residues at closed historic ranges and munitions disposal sites. The MMRP is modeled after the IRP and is implemented using the process developed for cleanup under CERCLA legislation. This program also addresses the unique explosive safety hazards associated with munitions and explosives and human health risks posed by munition constituents at locations not designated as operational ranges. There are currently nine active Environmental Restoration Program (ERP) sites on Nellis AFB (Air Force 2004b). Four of these sites (SS-28, ST-44, SS-45, and SS-46) could be impacted by the proposed action construction (Figure 3.12-1). Site SS-28 is an historic fuel spill located near Building 941 and remedial action operations are underway for extraction of product/ground water and long-term monitoring to ensure CERCLA compliance. ST-44 is a fuel leak from two underground storage tanks (USTs) at the AGE service island. Remedial action operations have continued with the injection of potassium permanganate to further degrade onsite contamination. Site SS-45 is a fuel spill near the Base Exchange Car Care Center. Remedial action operations have continued with the injection of hydrogen peroxide to further degrade the contamination. Site SS-46 is a trichloroethylene (TCE) spill with remediation continuing with the injection of potassium permanganate to further degrade contamination onsite. An ERP waiver would be required if proposed construction should occur above ERP groundwater plumes. If proposed construction should occur on an ERP site, the remediation would need to be completed prior to initiation of the project.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Although not an ERP site, an active but remediated JP-8 jet fuel spill site lies near the east side of the fighter revetments (see Figure 3.12-1). The release of JP-8 into the soil and groundwater occurred from leaking underground fuel supply pipes in 1995 and 1997; all leaks were repaired. Remediation involves groundwater monitoring and continued operation of the soil vapor extraction system to mitigate the residual hydrocarbons in the affected soil. The affected areas for potential impacts related to HAZMAT and waste consists of Nellis AFB, with an emphasis on aircraft maintenance and munitions handling areas. Since the proposed F-35 FDE program and WS aircraft operations within NTTR would not generate or require disposal of hazardous wastes, a discussion of hazardous wastes within NTTR and under associated airspace is not provided. 3.12.1 Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Generation Activities at Nellis AFB require the use and storage of a variety of hazardous materials that include flammable and combustible liquids, acids, corrosives, caustics, anti-icing chemicals, compressed gases, solvents, paints, paint thinners, and pesticides. Nellis AFB uses a hazardous material pharmacy pollution prevention system to manage hazardous materials. This process provides centralized management of the procurement, handling, storage, and issuing of hazardous materials, as well as the turn-in, recovery, reuse, recycling, and disposal of hazardous wastes. The pharmacy approval process also includes review and approval by Air Force personnel. In addition, the base has a Facilities Response Plan, (Air Force 2002b), which includes site specific contingency plans. The Nellis AFB Hazardous Waste Management Plan (Air Force 2002c) provides guidance and procedures for proper management of RCRA and non-RCRA hazardous waste generated on the base to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Base management plans and DoD directives also serve to implement these laws and regulations and include hazardous material management plans, spill prevention and contingency plans, and pollution prevention plans that are regularly updated to reflect any changes in the base mission. Nellis AFB generated approximately 191,000 pounds of RCRA hazardous waste in 2004 (personal communication, Wingate 2005), and is therefore considered a large quantity generator by the EPA. Hazardous waste at Nellis AFB is accumulated at an approved 90-day storage area, or at satellite accumulation points. Approximately 100 satellite accumulation points and one 90-day storage area are operated at Nellis AFB (Air Force 2002c). All accumulation points must comply with requirements for siting, physical construction, operation, marking, labeling, and each inspection and must maintain a container inspection log. Generators of hazardous wastes are responsible for properly segregating,

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS storing, characterizing, labeling, marking, and packaging all hazardous waste for disposal as prescribed by the Hazardous Materials Table in 49 CFR Part 172.101. A variety of activities on base, including aircraft maintenance and support, civil engineering, and printing operations, have been identified as primary contributors to hazardous waste streams. Numerous other shops add to hazardous waste streams, including AGE, aircraft structural maintenance, fuels management, non-destructive inspection, munitions and armament shops, in-squadron maintenance, the wheel and tire shop, and others (e.g., avionics, egress systems, electrical, metals, pneudraulics, hydraulics, radio, jet engine, and structural maintenance). The greatest volumes of hazardous waste are generated from aircraft support functions. Routine activities conducted on the flightline generate paints containing lead-mercurychromium, hazardous waste containers, and contaminated rags. Wastes derived from maintenance activities include petroleum, oils, and lubricants, paints and paint-related wastes such as thinners and strippers, batteries, contaminated spill absorbent, adhesives, sealers, solvents, fuel filters, photochemicals, ignitable wastes, and metals. Basic processes and waste handling procedures for general aircraft maintenance activities are identified in the Nellis AFB Hazardous Waste Management Plan (Air Force 2002c). Nellis AFB has a proactive program to identify asbestos and lead in all structures in order to reduce potential hazards to occupant, workers, and the environment during future construction projects. Many buildings on base date from the 1940s through the 1980s; asbestos-containing materials have been identified in many of these facilities. Renovation or demolition of on-base structures is reviewed by Civil Engineering personnel to ensure appropriate measures are taken to reduce potential exposure to, and release of, friable asbestos. Non-friable asbestos is not considered a hazardous material until it is removed or disturbed. The Nellis AFB Asbestos Management and Operations Plan (Air Force 2003a) and Nellis AFB Lead-Based Paint Management Plan (Air Force 2003c) provide guidance on the proper handling and disposal of ACM and LBP.


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Chapter 4 presents the environmental consequences of the proposed beddown of the F-35 FDE program and WS at Nellis AFB. It addresses impacts for each of the 11 resources in Chapter 3. To identify the potential environmental consequences, this section (Chapter 4) overlays the components of the proposed action (Chapter 2) onto the affected environment (Chapter 3). A comprehensive matrix comparing the proposed action and the no-action alternative by resource and the potential impacts is provided in Table 2-17. Cumulative effects of the F-35 beddown with other past, present, and foreseeable future actions are presented in Chapter 5. The Air Force performed the impact analysis according to the nature of the proposed activity (construction, demolition, and/or aircraft operations) and the potential impact these activities would have upon the resource. Resource impacts at the base were evaluated particularly between the years 2011 through 2016, when both construction and aircraft operations overlap. By 2016, when construction is completed, only aircraft operations would be associated with the proposed action. The year 2020, when the beddown would be completed, was chosen to evaluate impacts since it represents the peak year in which all 36 aircraft would be based at Nellis AFB and would represent the most conservative (i.e., the greatest) number of aircraft operations that would occur at the base and in NTTR airspace. Table 4.1-1 presents this analysis approach as it relates to the type of impact, the year(s) associated with the impact, and the resource category. Table 4.1-1 Impact Analysis Approach by Resource for Nellis AFB Construction and Aircraft Resource Category Aircraft Operations Operations (2011-2016) (2020) Airspace Management and Aircraft Operations Noise Air Quality Safety Land Use and Recreation Socioeconomics and Infrastructure Environmental Justice and Protection of Children Soils and Water Biological Resources Cultural Resources Hazardous Materials and Wastes

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The assessment of airspace use and management discusses how the proposed action and no-action alternatives would affect air traffic within the airspace of Nellis AFB and NTTR. Since no modifications or additions are proposed for the current airspace structure in support of this proposed action, the impact analysis focuses on changes in airspace use that would result from the addition of nearly 17,000 annual F-35 airfield operations by the year 2020. These sorties would increase current levels by about 21 percent without consideration of potential future budget constraints, changes in the number of exercises/exercise participants, fuel costs, and other factors that affect yearly cumulative sortie totals. Historic records indicate that total annual NTTR use has ranged between 200,000 and 300,000 sortie-operations (where a sortie-operation is counted for each NTTR subdivision through which an aircraft operates during the course of a mission sortie). Refer to Appendix B for more detailed information on historic NTTR sortie use. While the F-35s will eventually replace the A-10, the current model more closely aligns with the F-16 and can be expected to operate within the same NTTR airspace subdivisions and perform the same type of combat missions. The F-35 will emphasize air-to-ground combat missions, but it would predominantly fulfill an air-to-air combat role. The majority of F-35 flight operations would occur during the day at subsonic speeds and altitudes at or above 5,000 feet AGL. Historic range utilization records indicate that about 65 percent of the F-16 annual mission sorties are conducted within restricted areas over air-to-ground targets. The other 35 percent occur in the MOAs where air-to-air training is emphasized. The F-35 would generally follow this pattern. The average duration of an F-35 mission would be about 1.5 hours. 4.2.1 Proposed Action

Nellis AFB The proposed F-35 beddown would not adversely affect the use and management of the Class B airspace surrounding Nellis AFB. This is particularly evident when comparing operational increases that could result from the proposed action with historic operational levels. The proposed F-35 annual airfield operations are projected to be approximately 17,000. In 2020, with all 36 F-35 aircraft at the base, the added activity would raise total airfield operations by 20 percent. When taken in the context of the large historic fluctuations over the years, the overall impact on operations would be minor. This increase does not consider reductions or fluctuations that may occur over the years as a result of budget impacts, aircraft realignments, and changes in the number, composition, and duration of the different exercises. The proposed beddown would not require any modification to the current terminal airspace structure or operational procedures.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS The F-35 would not require any changes to the departure and arrival route structures discussed in section 3.2.1. These routes were established on the basis of terrain and obstacle clearance, civil air traffic routes and available airspace, navigational aid coverage, noise abatement, and operational characteristics of aircraft based at Nellis AFB. There would be no impacts to Nellis AFB airfield and airspace structure. Nevada Test and Training Range Proposed F-35 activities would not alter the current structure or management of NTTR restricted areas and MOAs. While varying range operations through the years have resulted in cumulative total annual use ranging between 200,000 and 300,000 sortie-operations, the addition of F-35 aircraft would increase total sortie-operations by 51,840 annually. This represents a 26 percent increase under the low-use scenario and a 17 percent increase of the former maximum (300,000). Neither of these increases of sortie-operations (251,840 to 351,840) would tax the capability of NTTR to support this uptake for management or use. The F-35 would fly mission profiles similar to those flown by F-16s. Most F-35 training activities would occur throughout the restricted areas for air-to-ground training and the Desert and Reveille MOAs would continue to be used for air-to-air combat training and staging for range battlefield operations. The F-35 would not require any changes to the airspace currently approved for supersonic operations. Current forecasts estimate the F-35 would fly supersonic approximately 3.5 percent of the time, increasing overall NTTR supersonic activity by less than 1 percent. It is anticipated that the F-35 would not fly supersonic as often as the F-16 because of the increased close-air support mission. Under the proposed action, the F-35 would use MTRs IR-286 and VR-222 on a limited basis and their use by all aircraft would continue at a rate of less than one per day. The F-35s infrequent use would not impact use of MTRs by other aircraft, nor would it impact civil or commercial air traffic that pass through the regional airspace. In summary, there would be no impacts to NTTR airspace management if the proposed action were implemented. Use would increase, but would not adversely impact management or conflict with existing use within NTTR. Civil and Commercial Aviation Airspace Use The proposed action would have no impact on civil and commercial aviation airspace use because the F-35 would be operating within the same flight parameters currently used for Nellis AFB terminal and NTTR airspace. As discussed in section 3.2.2, civil air traffic operations at the local airports, on the federal airways and jet routes, and above those highways commonly used as visual references by VFR aircraft are sufficiently clear of and unaffected by Nellis AFB and NTTR operations. These operations
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS and the F-35 beddown would not affect future commercial and general aviation growth in Nevada because they will continue to follow the same flight parameters. Ongoing interaction between Nellis AFB and state and federal agencies will help ensure continued compatibility of military and commercial/civil aviation in the affected environment of Nellis AFB and NTTR airspace. 4.2.2 No-Action Alternative

Under this alternative, airspace use in the Nellis AFB terminal airspace and arrival and departure routes would remain similar to that described in section 3.2.1. The total number of operations (takeoffs and landings) at Nellis AFB is expected to remain generally the same as recent average levels (about 85,000) since no significant changes are expected in the foreseeable future in Air Force Warfare Center test and training flight mission activities. The no-action alternative would not change the configuration or management of Class B airspace. Scheduling and use of the four NTTR restricted areas and two MOAs would continue as at present in order to support bombing, gunnery, and electronic warfare training, Red Flag exercises, WS mission employment exercises, and other test and training activities. No changes to the MOA boundaries or their overlying ATCAAs are anticipated under the no-action alternative. The no-action alternative would have no effect on the airspace and altitudes authorized for supersonic flight within NTTR or on the number and frequency of supersonic operations flown during air-to-air training or other operations where rapid evasion of a simulated threat is necessary. Supersonic flight would continue at the baseline rate discussed previously. Nellis AFB and NTTR are situated in an area that has had little effect on commercial and general aviation in the region. This is due primarily to the near direct routing provided by federal airways and jet routes for IFR traffic and the visual routes commonly flown by VFR traffic between most airports through this region. No changes are currently planned for the airway/jet route structure surrounding NTTR. Although commercial and general aviation are expected to increase by 54 and 17 percent, respectively, by 2015 (NDOT 2005), such increases would not be affected by Nellis AFB and NTTR operations, which are expected to remain at current levels. The interaction of Nellis AFB operations and airspace management with state and federal agencies provides avenues for discussing any airspace matters.


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Noise around Nellis AFB and within NTTR would be affected by beddown of the F-35. By 2020, the number of airfield operations around Nellis AFB would increase to accommodate the additional F-35 aircraft. For this reason, noise was measured under this peak scenario. The airfield analysis uses the most recent noise projections as presented in Figure 3.3-1 (Air Force 2004c). This analysis quantified noise impacts around Nellis AFB by comparing baseline and projected DNL contours. Impact analysis requires identification of affected areas and land uses. According to the Federal Interagency Committee on Urban Noise (1980), noise exposure greater than 65 dB DNL is considered generally unacceptable over public services or residential, cultural, recreational, and entertainment areas. This section evaluates the noise generated from the proposed action and its potential effects to the noise environ. Section 4.6 (Land Use) evaluates the effects of noise on surrounding land ownership or land status, general land use patterns, land management plans, and special use areas. Data used to calculate F-35 noise levels were obtained from the JSF Program Office in charge of design and development of the F-35. Engine time in modes, taxi time, approach, and departure parameters from the test F-35A were used. Karnes2 flight profiles were used to identify engine power settings, airspeed, altitude and times in mode for each operational profile. If further revised operational data becomes available and approved for release in Air Force NEPA and CAA General Conformity documentation generally, the Air Force will re-analyze noise and air quality impacts analysis for the proposed action to determine if either supplemental NEPA analysis, or a new CAA General Conformity Determination, is required under the circumstances. As noted in section 4.2, the F-35 will operate within the same NTTR airspace and perform the same type of combat missions as the F-16 and some of the combat missions as the A-10. The projected total activity on the range would increase from the historic range of 200,000 to 300,000 sortie-operations described in section 4.2 to 251,840 to 351,840 sortie-operations. Any differences in noise would be associated with this increase and with the change in aircraft-type mix as the F-35 is introduced. The analysis accounts for both subsonic noise and sonic booms from supersonic flight. Subsonic noise in the NTTR is quantified by decibels (dB) in DNL. The cumulative sonic boom environment is quantified by CDNL and by the number of booms per month that would be heard at a typical point in each airspace subdivision.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 4.3.1 Proposed Action

Nellis AFB Projected changes to noise levels in the vicinity of Nellis AFB were calculated by using the full complement of 36 aircraft (i.e., 17,280 airfield operations) that would occur in 2020, identifying the flight tracks the F-35 would use, the time in mode for the various airfield operations (provided by the F-35 Joint Program Office), and the day versus night split for operations. The resulting noise contours are presented in Figure 4.3-1. By comparing these contours to the baseline noise environment, and by overlaying the contour plot on a map of Nellis AFB and vicinity, the degree of change and extent of potential noise effects were identified. Table 4.3-1 presents a comparison of total acreage affected by baseline and projected 2020 noise contours with the percent change from baseline conditions in the total land exposed under each noise contour band. Table 4.3-1 Projected F-35 Noise Exposure (dB DNL) around Nellis AFB (in acres) Total 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 >85 Acreage Projected Acres 13,991 6,259 2,804 1,268 1,338 25,660 Baseline 8,882 4,787 2,202 1,066 1,161 18,098 Change from Baseline 5,109 1,472 602 202 177 7,562 Percent Change 58% 31% 27% 19% 15% 42% The additional F-35 operations (when compared to baseline) in 2020 represent the element with the greatest potential to affect areas subjected to noise at and around the base. By 2020, a total of 5,109 more acres would be affected by noise in the 65 to 70 DNL noise contour bands when compared to baseline conditions. There would be 2,453 more acres exposed to noise levels within the 70 dB DNL and greater contour bands. Compared to baseline conditions, there would be an increase of close to 60 percent in acres exposed to 65 to 70 dB DNL; an average of 23 percent more acres would be found within the 70 dB DNL and greater noise contour bands if the proposal were implemented. With this amount of change, it is anticipated that there could be an increase in noise complaints and levels of annoyance from residents adjacent to the base. Table 4.3-2 illustrates the relationship between subsonic and the percentage of the population highly annoyed according to the Schultz curve (Schultz 1978) (also see Appendix C). The noise generated from the airfield; however, would not be at such a level or last long enough for a persons hearing to be adversely impacted by these noise levels. While there would be a probable increase in the number of complaints and people annoyed, no significant or adverse impacts to human health or hearing would occur. As presented in section 3.3.1, noise abatement procedures are in place to reduce noise levels (Air Force 2005c) and the Air Force would continue these measures under the proposed action.


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Figure ES-1 Baseline and Projected F-35 Noise Contours for Nellis AFB and Vicinity

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 4.3-2 Relation Between Annoyance, DNL and CDNL* DNL % Highly Annoyed CDNL* 45 0.83 42 50 1.66 46 55 3.31 51 60 6.48 56 65 12.29 60 70 22.10 65
*Applies only to NTTR airspace.

Table 4.3-3 shows a comparison between the proposed action and baseline of DNL for the 20 representative locations. As shown, all representative locations (with the exception of 11 where there would be a negligible decrease of 0.3 DNL) would experience increases in noise levels. Under the proposal, noise levels would increase between 0.5 dB DNL to 3.4 dB DNL. One location would be subject to a minor decrease. Table 4.3-3 Comparison of Baseline and Projected Day-Night Average Sound Level at Representative Locations Location Baseline Projected Change from Location Baseline Projected Change from ID dB DNL dB DNL Baseline ID dB DNL dB DNL Baseline 1 79.0 80.0 +1 11 75.3 75.0 -0.3 2 60.1 63.5 +3.4 12 69.9 70.5 +0.6 3 62.9 65.7 +2.8 13 72.3 73.0 +0.7 4 62.3 64.7 +2.4 14 70.1 71.3 +1.2 5 65.4 67.3 +1.9 15 71.0 71.9 +0.9 6 67.0 68.4 +1.4 16 62.5 64.2 +1.7 7 68.4 69.7 +1.3 17 64.1 65.8 +1.7 8 64.9 65.5 +0.6 18 68.1 68.4 +0.3 9 67.7 68.2 +0.5 19 64.5 65.8 +1.3 10 64.0 65.7 +1.7 20 67.2 67.7 +0.5 To evaluate PHL, the population exposed to DNL at and above 80 dB was identified. Under the proposed action, on-base exposure within the 80 dB and greater noise contour bands is anticipated for people residing in barracks; no off-base populations would be affected. While there would be on-base populations exposed to 80 dB DNL and greater, it is not anticipated that adverse effects would occur because this population would not be consistently exposed to these noise levels over a 40-year period. In terms of speech interference, Table 4.3-4 lists the projected daily average number of events with both windows closed and open. Again, interference is measured by the numbers of average daily indoor daytime and evening (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) events per hour subject to indoor maximum sound levels of at least 50 dB DNL for the representative locations. This measure also considers the effect of noise attenuation provided by buildings with the windows open (15 dB) or closed (25 dB).


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 4.3-4 Comparison of Baseline and Projected Indoor Speech Interference at Representative Locations Average Daily Indoor Daytime (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) Events per Hour* Baseline Projected Change from Baseline Location Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows ID Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open 1 10 14 13 17 +3 +3 2 4 6 5 8 +1 +2 3 4 6 6 9 +2 +3 4 4 6 6 9 +2 +3 5 5 6 6 9 +1 +3 6 4 7 6 10 +2 +3 7 4 7 5 10 +1 +3 8 5 10 7 12 +2 +2 9 7 11 8 13 +1 +2 10 6 11 9 13 +3 +2 11 7 11 10 14 +3 +3 12 7 12 9 15 +2 +3 13 8 12 11 15 +3 +3 14 5 10 7 13 +2 +3 15 4 8 6 11 +2 +3 16 3 7 4 9 +1 +2 17 4 7 6 9 +2 +2 18 6 12 7 14 +1 +2 19 5 10 7 13 +2 +3 20 6 11 8 13 +2 +2
*Assumes a noise level reduction of 15 dB (windows open) and 25 dB (windows closed).

When compared to baseline conditions, there would be an increase of 1 to 3 events per hour with windows closed to the 20 locations. On average, when windows are open the 20 representative locations would experience from 2 to 3 more speech interference events. In terms of sleep disturbance, Table 4.3-5 presents the findings of potential impacts. Under the proposed action, increases in probability of sleep disturbance would range from a low 0 to 7 percent when windows are closed. When they are open, increases would range from 0 to 10 percent. Table 4.3-5 Comparison of Baseline and Projected Sleep Disturbance at Representative Locations Average Nightly (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 am) Events per Hour* % Baseline % Projected % Change from Baseline Location Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows ID Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open 1 23 33 30 43 +7 +10 2 11 16 11 17 0 +1 3 10 15 13 19 +3 +4 4 9 14 10 14 +1 0 5 9 13 10 14 +1 +1
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 4.3-5 Comparison of Baseline and Projected Sleep Disturbance at Representative Locations Average Nightly (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 am) Events per Hour* % Baseline % Projected % Change from Baseline Location Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows ID Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open 6 10 15 12 18 +2 +3 7 10 16 12 17 +2 +1 8 17 26 18 26 +1 0 9 21 30 23 33 +2 +3 10 18 27 22 33 +4 +6 11 19 28 23 34 +4 +6 12 25 35 27 39 +2 +4 13 23 34 28 41 +5 +7 14 17 25 20 30 +3 +5 15 11 16 13 20 +2 +4 16 11 17 12 18 +1 +1 17 9 14 12 18 +3 +4 18 26 38 32 45 +6 +7 19 19 27 23 33 +4 +6 20 24 34 27 38 +3 +4
*Assumes a noise level reduction of 15 dB (windows open) and 25 dB (windows closed).

Nevada Test and Training Range Refer to Figure 3.3-2 for subsonic SELs of several aircraft at level flight. SEL noise levels of most aircraft are highest at altitudes below 5,000 feet AGL. Given that 70 percent of F-35 flight activity would occur above 5,000 feet AGL, the proposed action would not significantly increase low-altitude overflights and accompanying noise. Subsonic noise levels for NTTR would increase (Table 4.3-6 and Figure 4.3-2). Out of 21 airspace units, 12 would experience a 3-dB increase with 251,840 sortie-operations and 4 of the 21 units would experience a 3-dB increase with 351,840 sortie-operations. Seven of the twelve airspace units affected by a 3-dB increase consist of restricted airspace where public access is precluded. Under the 351,840 sortieoperations scenario, two of the four units subject to a 3-dB increase comprise restricted airspace.


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Figure 4.3-2 Baseline and Projected F-35 Subsonic Noise Levels

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 4.3-6 Baseline and Projected F-35 Subsonic Noise Levels (Ldnmr) Baseline Projected Airspace Unit 200,000 300,000 251,840 351,840 Caliente 55 57 58 59 Coyote 57 58 60 61 Elgin 46 48 47 48 Reveille 54 55 54 55 4806 R61 54 55 57 58 R62 56 57 59 59 R63 56 57 59 60 R64 53 54 55 56 R65 58 59 60 61 Alamo 54 55 57 57 EC South 56 57 59 60 Pahute 61 63 64 65 4807 R71 60 61 63 63 R74 61 63 64 65 R75 63 65 66 67 R76 61 63 64 65 4809A 49 51 49 51 EC East 50 51 51 52 EC West 49 51 50 51 4808W 48 50 49 50 4808E <45 45 <45 45 In summary, it is anticipated that there would be an increase to the number of complaints received by the base and level of annoyance experienced by communities and residents underlying the airspace units with a noise increase due to subsonic operations. Impacts to hearing and health would not be adverse. The Air Force estimates that during air combat maneuvering, the F-35 would fly supersonic approximately 3.5 percent of the time. Table 4.3-7 and Figure 4.3-3 present the projected CDNL and sonic booms for the NTTR airspace units described in section 3.3. Airspace units not shown are subject to CDNL of less than 45 dB or are not authorized for supersonic flight. Calculations of supersonic noise reflect the number of aircraft operations performed in supersonic mode, not total sortie-operations.


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Figure 4.3-3 NTTR Baseline and Projected Supersonic Noise Levels

Note: Supersonic and boom calculations apply number of aircraft operations in supersonic, not type.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 4.3-7 Baseline and Projected F-35 Supersonic Noise Levels and Sonic Boom Frequency Baseline Sortie-Operations Projected Sortie-Operations 200,000 300,000 251,840 351,840 Airspace Unit Booms Booms Booms Booms per per per per CDNL month CDNL month CDNL month CDNL month Elgin 55 24 57 35 55 25 57 39 Coyote 51 10 52 12 51 10 52 13 Reveille 45 2 45 2 46 3 46 3 EC East 45 2 46 2 46 3 47 4 EC South <45 <2 <45 <2 45 3 46 3 Pahute <45 <2 <45 <2 46 3 46 3 4807 R71 <45 <2 <45 <2 46 3 47 3 R74 45 2 46 2 47 4 47 4 R75 <45 <2 <45 <2 46 3 47 4 R76 <45 <2 <45 <2 46 3 47 4 Under the proposed action to increase sortie-operations to 251,840, CDNLs would increase by 1 dB in the Reveille MOA and 2 dB in portions of R-4807. Monthly sonic booms would increase by two in portions of R-4807, while portions of Desert MOA and Reveille MOA would experience an increase of one boom per month. Under the 351,840 scenario, supersonic noise would increase by only 1 dB in the Reveille MOA and portions of R-4807; the booms would increase by about two in most airspace units, except in the Elgin MOA where booms would increase by 4 per month. Increases of 1 to 2 dB would not be perceptible, especially since noise levels would range from 45 to 57 CDNL. Similarly, an additional sonic boom or two per month would not significantly alter conditions over the vast areas encompassed by the airspace units. It is anticipated, however, that there would be an increase in the number of complaints received and that more people would be annoyed by the supersonic activities. While there is this increase, no adverse impacts to hearing or health would occur. 4.3.2 No-Action Alternative

Under the no-action alternative, the proposed beddown of F-35 aircraft at Nellis AFB would not occur. Therefore, Nellis AFB would continue to generate noise levels from their on-going aircraft operations and NTTR noise levels would remain similar to existing conditions as presented in Section 3.3.


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Air emissions resulting from the proposed action were evaluated in accordance with federal, state, and local air pollution standards and regulations. Air quality impacts from a proposed activity or action would be significant if they: increase ambient air pollution concentrations above any NAAQS; contribute to an existing violation of any NAAQS; interfere with or delay timely attainment of NAAQS; or impair visibility within any federally-mandated Class I area.

The methodology used in the air quality analysis calculated the increase in emission levels due to the proposed action at Nellis AFB and NTTR of both stationary and mobile sources (Appendix D). According to USEPA General Conformity Rule in 40 CFR Part 93, Subpart B, any proposed federal action that has the potential to cause violations in a NAAQS nonattainment or maintenance area must undergo a conformity analysis (Appendix F). A conformity analysis is not required if the proposed action occurs within an attainment or unclassified area. Since Las Vegas is in nonattainment status for CO, PM 10 , and 8-hour ozone, an applicability analysis must be performed to determine if project emissions exceed the de minimis thresholds or contribute more than 10 percent of the regional emissions. No applicability analysis is needed for the majority of NTTR airspace because it is not located in any areas of nonattainment or maintenance. The exception is a small portion (5 percent) of airspace found in the southeast corner of R-4806 (refer to Figure 3.3-3 illustrating NTTR airspace). The number of projected F-35 flights in this area would be minor because aircraft do not typically fly in corners and the number of operations below 7,000 ft AGL is very few, therefore, only negligible emissions would be created within that area. When evaluating potential impacts to air quality, compliance with the Final Conformity Rule is presumed if the emissions associated with a federal action, like the F-35 beddown, are below the relevant de minimis thresholds during a given year. Because Clark County is designated by the USEPA as being in serious nonattainment for CO and PM 10 , the de minimis thresholds are applied and are 100 and 70 tons per year, respectively. In terms of ozone, Nellis AFB is located within an area of Clark County currently found to be in Subpart 1 (basic) nonattainment for 8-hour ozone. However, Clark County has submitted a request to the USEPA in March 2011, for redesignation to an ozone attainment area and submitted a maintenance plan for approval. The impacts for this criteria pollutant are determined by applying de minimis thresholds of its precursor pollutants represented by VOCs and NO x . De minimis thresholds for these pollutants are 100 tons per year for NO x and VOCs.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 4.4.1 Proposed Action

Nellis AFB The analysis calculated changes in air emissions for those pollutants in nonattainment (CO, VOCs, NO x , and PM 10 ) as a result of the proposed action, using the same methods and types of input used to determine baseline emissions (see Appendix D). All ground-based emission sources associated with the proposed action were assessed, including construction activities, F-35 engine run-ups, maintenance, testing, and emissions from AGE supporting the F-35. Emissions associated with F-35 airfield operations accounted for taxi, departures, and approaches within the Nellis AFB airfield environment. On-base vehicle travel by construction workers and F-35 personnel commuting in the Las Vegas Valley was also evaluated. No additional government operated vehicles are anticipated with this proposal; therefore, emissions from these sources were not evaluated. In accordance with General Conformity requirements for maintenance and nonattainment areas, calculated emissions were evaluated against the de minimis thresholds of 100 tons for VOCs, NO x , and CO. For PM 10 , the de minimis threshold used was 70 tons. SO 2 and PM 2.5 emission evaluations applied 250 tons per year per pollutant as a threshold to determine conformity applicability. This value is used by the USEPA in their New Source Review standards as an indicator for impact analysis for listed new major stationary sources in attainment areas. No similar regulatory threshold is available for mobile source emissions, which are the primary sources for this proposal. Lacking any mobile source emissions thresholds, the 250-ton major stationary source was used to equitably assess and compare mobile sources with stationary sources. Construction Activities The emission factors for construction include contributions from engine exhaust emissions (i.e., construction equipment, material handling, and workers travel) and fugitive dust emissions (e.g., from grading activities). Trenching and grading emissions include fugitive dust from ground disturbance, plus combustive emissions from heavy equipment from trench work during the entire construction period. Paving emissions include combustive emissions from bulldozers, rollers, and paving equipment, plus emissions from dump trucks hauling pavement materials to the various sites. Emissions would occur over the duration of the construction period, which extends from 2011 through 2016 and are provided in Table 4.4-1 and Appendix D. No additional construction is beyond 2014; however, construction initiated in 2014 would be on-going and, therefore, construction workers would continue generating trips through 2016. Also included in these calculations are the emissions associated with construction workers for trips generated on the base and during their breaks. It was assumed that there are enough construction workers in the Las Vegas Valley to support this construction so no new commuting emissions would be incurred; however, it was assumed that workers would travel 4 miles per day within the base and during lunch and breaks.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 4.4-1 Nellis AFB Projected Construction Pollutant Emissions Tons/Year VOCs CO NO x SO 2 PM 10 PM 2.5 331.4 941.5 473.6 346.1 40.4 ND2 Nellis AFB Baseline1 0.45 2011 0.88 7.90 4.52 0.49 1.96 1.49 2012 0.86 7.53 5.04 0.55 2.12 0.27 2013 0.32 2.31 1.42 0.16 1.99 0.67 2014 0.85 7.58 4.65 0.51 4.16 2015 0.69 6.37 3.97 0.44 2.22 0.44 0.44 2016 0.67 6.23 3.97 0.44 2.22 De minimis Threshold 100 100 100 70 Major Source Threshold 250 250 Proposed GHG Threshold Note:

Metric tons/year CO 2 e1 ND3 585 743 233 625 462 462 25,000

Total for Nellis AFB. 2 ND=no data. Nellis AFB did not measure PM 2.5 in 2009. 3 Unable to calculate without a complete breakdown of all types of generators.

None of the construction-related activities associated with the proposed action exceeds the CO, PM 10 , or 8-hour ozone (VOCs and NO x ) de minimis thresholds, the 250-ton major source threshold, or the GHG threshold. Specific construction activity assumptions and acreages are provided in Appendix D. F-35 and AGE Emissions Emissions for the F-35 engine (F135) were calculated using data provided by the Joint Strike Fighter Program Office in charge of design and development of the F-35 aircraft. Engine time in modes, taxitime, approach, and departure parameters from the test F-35 aircraft were used to estimate emissions since these are the best data available at this time (Personal communication, Joint Strike Fighter Team 2007). Karnes2 flight profiles were used to identify engine power settings, airspeed, altitude and times in mode for each operational profile. Please refer to Appendix D for specific information on sources of these engine emissions. If further revised operational data becomes available and approved for release in Air Force NEPA and CAA General Conformity documentation generally, the Air Force will re-analyze noise and air quality impacts analysis for the proposed action to determine if either supplemental NEPA analysis, or a new CAA General Conformity Determination, is required under the circumstances. F-16 AGE was used as a surrogate for emissions following the Air Forces Air Conformity Applicability (ACAM) Version 4.3.3. This model uses generic AGE for all Air Force fighter aircraft such as the F-15, F-16, and F-22; it is not anticipated that F-35 AGE would differ greatly from the equipment currently used fighter aircraft. Because the proposed action is scheduled to take place over several years, emissions were calculated for the years when the F-35 would be phased into the Nellis AFB inventory: 2012, 2015, and 2017 through 2020. Table 4.4-2 includes F-35 operations and AGE emissions for the defined phasein years; these are discussed below.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table 4.4-2 Projected Pollutant Emissions (tons/year) from Combined Construction, Commute, and Aircraft Operations Compared to Significance and GHG Thresholds Tons/Year Metric Tons/Year Year/Emission Source VOCs CO NO x SO 2 PM 10 PM 2.5 CO 2 e 2012 Aircraft 0.67 8.00 18.67 0.67 5.33 5.17 12,693 AGE 0.34 4.05 2.06 0.16 0.11 0.10 698 *Commuting Personnel 0.98 12.36 0.79 0.01 0.03 0.03 469 Construction 0.86 7.53 5.04 0.55 2.12 1.49 743 Total 2.85 31.94 26.56 1.39 7.59 6.79 14,603 2015 Aircraft 1.83 22.92 50.42 2.75 15.58 15.12 34,905 AGE 0.94 11.15 5.67 0.44 0.29 0.28 1,918 *Commuting Personnel 1.14 17.25 0.82 0.02 0.05 0.05 805 Construction 0.69 6.37 3.97 0.44 2.22 0.44 462 Total 4.60 57.69 60.88 3.65 18.14 15.89 38,090 2016 Aircraft 1.83 22.92 50.42 2.75 15.58 15.12 34,905 AGE 0.94 11.15 5.67 0.44 0.29 0.28 1,918 *Commuting Personnel 1.07 16.75 0.82 0.02 0.05 0.05 805 Construction 0.67 6.23 3.97 0.44 2.22 0.44 462 Total 4.51 57.05 60.88 3.65 18.14 15.89 38,090 2017 Aircraft 2.17 54.17 119.17 6.50 36.83 35.73 41,252 AGE 2.21 26.35 13.39 1.04 0.69 0.67 2,267 *Commuting Personnel 1.02 16.36 0.71 0.02 0.05 0.05 805 Total 5.40 96.88 133.27 7.56 37.57 36.45 44,324 2018 Aircraft 4.67 58.33 128.33 7.00 39.67 38.48 88,850 AGE 2.38 28.37 14.42 1.12 0.75 0.72 4,883 *Commuting Personnel 0.98 805 15.99 0.67 0.02 0.05 0.05 Total 8.03 102.69 143.42 8.14 40.47 39.25 94,538 2019 Aircraft 5.33 66.67 146.67 7.11 44.44 43.11 101,543 AGE 2.72 32.43 16.48 1.28 0.85 0.83 5,581 *Commuting Personnel 0.81 15.73 0.94 0.02 0.05 0.05 805 Total 8.86 114.83 164.09 8.41 45.34 43.99 107,929 2020 Aircraft 6.00 75.00 165.00 8.00 50.00 48.5 114,235 AGE 3.06 36.48 18.54 1.44 0.96 0.93 6,278 *Commuting Personnel 0.81 836 16.16 0.64 0.02 0.05 0.05 Total 9.87 127.64 184.18 9.46 51.01 49.48 121,349 De minimis Threshold (tons/year) 100 100 100 70 Major Source Threshold 250 250 Proposed GHG Threshold 25,000
Note: *Commuting emissions decrease over the years (even with same number of commuters) because each year emissions improve as newer cars replace older cars.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Combined Construction and Aircraft Emissions Fluctuations in annual emissions would occur as various phases of the proposed action are completed. Short-term increases in air emissions would result primarily from construction activities; long term increases would occur due to F-35 aircraft operations. During construction, dust control permits would be required for disturbance of areas larger than a quarter of an acre (CCHD 2001). Operationally, all new point sources of emissions such as hangars, jet engine test cells, or other buildings would be subject to existing permitting requirements and the base air emissions inventories would require updates to reflect new point sources of emissions. Modifications to the current base-wide Title V Permit would be required if equipment other than mobile AGE were added or replaced. No modification to the Title V Permit is required for changes or additions to mobile equipment used to maintain or service aircraft on the ground. However, Clark County air quality operating permits for an individual piece of equipment would have to be modified for any change to that equipment. Nellis AFB would apply for all modifications to the Title V Permit and the Clark County air quality operating permits after finalization of equipment needs. In April 2007, a consolidated New Source Review permit was issued to Nellis AFB (DAQEM 2008). Combined construction and operational emissions were calculated to determine if the proposed action would exceed de minimis thresholds. Table 4.4-2 presents the anticipated increases in nonattainment pollutant emissions associated with the construction and demolition activities as well as additional emissions from personnel commuting, increased aircraft operations, and increased AGE use. After 2016, the additional emissions would only be due to commuting F-35 personnel and airfield activities (e.g., aircraft and AGE operations) since construction would be completed. Air emissions calculations for the proposed action produced results indicating that overlapping construction years and aircraft beddown activities do not exceed de minimis thresholds for any nonattainment criteria pollutant. However, beginning in 2017, when the inventory of F-35 aircraft reaches 13, NO x emissions will exceed de minimis levels by about 33 tons. Once the full complement of 36 aircraft arrives in 2020, NO x emissions will exceed the de minimis 100-ton per year level by 84 tons. CO emissions would exceed de minimis levels in 2020 by 28 tons. Maximum PM 10 emissions would occur in 2020 and are projected at about 51 tons (de minimis is 70 tons). VOC emissions are projected to reach their maximum in 2020 as well, at close to 10 tons (de minimis is 100 tons). With respect to CO, Clark County DAQEM has informed the Air Force (see Appendices D and F) that it included projected F-35 emissions in its area-wide modeling that has already been submitted to USEPA as part of DAQEMs Maintenance Plan for CO. DAQEM observed that the F-35 project emissions are very small in proportion to the total CO emissions inventory in the Las Vegas Valley, and concluded that no additional local air quality modeling or hot-spot analysis is necessary. Therefore, a positive conformity determination for CO was made by the Air Force in accordance with 40 CFR 93.158(a)(4)(ii).

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS For ozone, Clark County DAQEM agreed in writing to include Air Force F-35 emissions in any SIP submittal to the USEPA (November 4, 2008). DAQEM and the State of Nevada have issued a written commitment to include the NO x emissions in the maintenance implementation plan that DAQEM and the State intended to submit pursuant to the provisions of 42 USC 7505a in connection with a redesignation to attainment request under 42 USC 7407(d). Subsequently, the County has submitted its Ozone Request for Redesignation and Maintenance Plan (or Plan) in March 2011, F-35 and AGE specific emissions have been accounted for in their 2015 and 2022 ozone maintenance goals (CC DAQEM 2011). In Section 4.0 of the Plan, Tables 4-3 and 4-4 of the Plan, all F-35 operational and AGE emissions are accounted for in terms of CO, NO x , and VOCs (precursor pollutants of ozone). Based on this commitment, the Air Force made a positive conformity determination with respect to NO x per the provisions of 40 CFR 93.158(a)(5)(i)(B). Beginning in 2015, GHG emissions associated with the proposed action would be in excess of the 25,000 metric ton per year, at 38,090 metric tons and would increase as additional aircraft are based. By 2020, GHG emissions associated with the F-35 basing are estimated at 121,350 metric tons per year. Nevada Test and Training Range Total sortie-operations in NTTR would increase to between 251,840 and 351,840 under the proposed action. F-35 aircraft would contribute 51,840 sortie-operations in NTTR per year after 2024. These F-35 activities would represent 26 percent of total sortie-operations in the low-use and 17 percent of total sortie-operations in the high-use scenarios. Since the Air Force anticipates that the F-35 would operate in NTTR more like the existing F-16s, the distribution of total sortie-operations among the various airspace units matches that of the F-16s. Given this distribution, the proportion of 51,840 F-35 sortie-operations (15,552) that would operate below the 7,000 feet AGL (mixing height) would represent 6.2 percent more sortie-operations under the 251,840 scenario and 4.4 percent under the 351,840 scenario. Only these sortie-operations would contribute to emissions; and baseline emissions would increase proportionally (refer to Table 3.4-3). Total emissions in NTTR, including those by the F-35, would continue to be distributed throughout a volume of air of 13,000 cubic miles. Air quality effects associated with total NTTR aircraft operations would continue to be minor and both Nye and Lincoln Counties are in attainment for all criteria pollutants. In summary, air quality impacts in NTTR airspace would be negligible. 4.4.2 No-Action Alternative

Under the no-action alternative, none of the construction activities, personnel relocations, or aircraft operations proposed in support of the F-35 aircraft beddown would occur at Nellis AFB, and no proposed F-35 aircraft operations would occur in NTTR airspace. While air pollutant emissions associated with this proposed action would not be generated, activities at the base and within Las Vegas would continue to generate emissions.


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This section evaluates the proposed action to determine its potential to affect safety risks to military personnel, the public, and property. Fire and ground safety are assessed for the potential to increase risk, as well as the Air Forces capability to manage that risk by limiting exposure, responding to emergencies, and suppressing fires. Analysis of aircraft flight risks correlates projected Class A mishaps and BASH with current use of the airspace to consider the magnitude of the change in risk associated with the proposal. Projected changes to uses and handling requirements of explosives are compared to current uses and practices. If a unique situation is anticipated to develop as a result of the proposed action, the capability to manage that situation is assessed. Finally, when the changes in risk arising from the proposed action are considered individually and collectively, assessments can be made about the adequacy of disaster response planning and the need for new or modified procedures and requirements that may become necessary. 4.5.1 Proposed Action

Under the proposed action, the beddown of F-35s for the FDE program and WS would not significantly change and/or degrade safety conditions at either Nellis AFB or NTTR. The beddown and operations of the F-35 would not influence current safety conditions or procedures. Nellis AFB Operations and Maintenance Operations and maintenance activities conducted on Nellis AFB would continue to be performed in accordance with all applicable safety directives. There are no specific aspects of F-35 operations or maintenance that would create any unique or extraordinary safety issues. As part of the F-35 beddown, some new facilities would be constructed, and other, older facilities would be demolished. New facilities would include buildings on the flightline to support F-35 operations and maintenance, additional munitions support facilities and storage igloos; expansion of the LOLA to support the increased number of F-35 operations; and a new flight kitchen. No unique construction practices or materials would be required that would change existing safety procedures. During construction, standard industrial safety standards would be followed. No unusual ground safety risks would be expected to arise from these activities. Fire and Crash Response Fire and crash response would continue to be provided by the Nellis AFB fire department. Although not anticipated, if new response procedures were required for unique materials used in the construction of the F-35, the Air Force will develop them after the production model F-35 is finalized. Under the proposed
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS action, fire fighters would continue to be fully trained and appropriately equipped for crash and rescue response, the beddown of the F-35 would not change these abilities. Therefore, the proposed action should not adversely impact fire and crash response at Nellis AFB. Aircraft Mishaps Historically, when new military aircraft first enter the inventory, the accident rate is higher, making it impossible to predict the potential mishap level of the F-35. Historical trends do, however, show that mishaps decrease the more an aircraft is flown. Over time, operations and maintenance personnel learn more about the aircrafts capabilities and limitations. Some of this experience has already been gained for the F-35 during the research, development, and initial test phase. By the time the proposed F-35 operations at Nellis AFB begin, the initial OT&E phase of the aircrafts integration into the operational force will have progressed substantially. Significant knowledge will have been gained about the aircrafts safest flight regime. At Nellis AFB, only highly experienced fighter pilots support the FDE phase and develop tactics at the WS. These activities will provide additional data about the aircrafts safe operating parameters and further minimize flight risks. As the programs proceed from 2012 onward, the potential for mishaps would likely decrease to low levels comparable to other fighter aircraft. Since the F-35 design incorporates the most modern technology and knowledge is constantly being gained about the safe operating envelope of the aircraft, the F-35 will operate as safely as, or more safely than, any other aircraft introduced into the Air Force inventory. The majority of flight operations would be conducted over remote areas, where population densities are very low; in the unlikely event that an aircraft accident occurs, it should not create undue risk to people or property on the ground. However, if an accident were to occur, existing response, investigation, and follow-on procedures would be enforced; no new accident response procedures would be required with the F-35 beddown. Bird/Wildlife-Aircraft Strike Hazards A total of 233 bird-aircraft strikes have been documented for Nellis AFB over a 14-year period. Implementing the proposed action would not expect to alter this low rate. Two factors support this conclusion: 1) the F-35 would operate like all other fighters that have used Nellis AFB and rarely encounter bird-aircraft strikes, and 2) no aspect of the proposed action would increase concentrations of birds on or near the base. Therefore, BASH is not anticipated to change significantly under the proposed action and not impact this facet of safety at Nellis AFB. Munitions Use and Handling On Nellis AFB, numerous new munitions igloos would be constructed within the existing WSA to support F-35 munitions storage. No new safety zones or waivers are anticipated. The proposed action also includes an expansion of the LOLA by 167,322 square feet and would require development of new safety arcs, necessitating the realignment of Hollywood Boulevard. This realignment would ensure the
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS continued safety zone between Nellis AFB and adjacent communities and not pose a significant impact to overall safety conditions. Nevada Test and Training Range Fire Risk and Management Within NTTR, current procedures to minimize ground safety risks associated with air-to-air and air-toground training would continue. Operations and maintenance activities on NTTR would continue to be conducted using current processes and procedures. All actions would be accomplished by technically qualified personnel and would be conducted in accordance with applicable Air Force safety requirements, approved technical data, as well as Air Force federal and state occupational, safety, and health standards. Although use of NTTR would increase overall levels of ordnance, flare use would remain close to baseline levels at a 6 percent increase. A negligible increase at less than 1 percent in fire risk would result. Further into this safety section (under ordnance), details of fire risks associated with the proposed use of flares by F-35s are presented. The land areas surrounding training ranges ensure public protection by restricting presence in the safety areas associated with laser use, emitters, and targets supporting air-toground ordnance delivery. Planned disaster response actions and range fire suppression capabilities have proven adequate in the past and would be expected to be adequate in the future. Therefore, no changes to fire and risk management are anticipated and the potential impacts would be minimal, if any. Aircraft Mishaps Aircraft mishaps under current operations were assessed considering a range of expected maximum (351,840) and minimum (251,840) sortie-operations. The greatest indicated risk is associated with use of MOA airspace. Throughout the MOA airspace, statistical projections indicate the probability of a Class A mishap of 0.00003 percent per year (Air Force 1999a). Risks associated with aircraft mishaps for aircraft currently using the airspace are anticipated to remain relatively unchanged. The mishap rate and risk of mishaps for a new aircraft like the F-35 may be higher in its early years, but would be expected to decrease through time to lower levels matching other fighter aircraft. As more information about the operating characteristics of the aircraft is gained, the probability and risk of a pilot exceeding its safe operating regime is minimized. Given this historic pattern, reflecting decreased risk over time, F-35 operations in NTTR would not pose significant safety risks. Bird/Wildlife-Aircraft Strike Hazards Between 1995 and 2006, there have been ten documented strikes in NTTR; of these, one resulted in a Class B mishap and three in Class C mishaps. Risk associated with bird/wildlife-aircraft strikes is expected to remain low under the proposed action. The F-35 would fly 70 percent of the time above 5,000 feet AGL, well above the altitude (3,000 feet AGL) where 95 percent of bird-aircraft strikes occur.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Therefore, BASH is not anticipated to change within NTTR to a significant degree and represent a negligible impact if the action were implemented. Ordnance Use Use of live and training ordnance would continue on NTTR. Training would also continue to employ flares. The F-35 will also be capable of delivering the JDAM, or equivalent approved ordnance at NTTR. Only trained and qualified personnel would handle ordnance in accordance with all explosive safety standards and detailed published technical data. The overall type and amount of total ordnance expended would continue near current levels. Added tonnage of ordnance contributed by the F-35 would be less than the normal annual variation on NTTR. Weapons employment procedures are detailed in AFI 13-212 (with Change1, certified January 6, 2010) (Air Force 2010). Operational constraints pertaining to use of specific delivery tactics, ordnance type, or aircraft headings are developed to mitigate any potentially unsafe condition and ensure that ordnance remains within the applicable safety footprint. No degradation of public safety is expected from release of ordnance by F-35s. As with all aircraft deploying ordnance, weapons safety footprints specifically delivered by F-35s are currently under development. These footprints define safety and operational requirements specific to F-35 ordnance delivery to comply with current safety procedures and restrictions and to ensure all ordnance comes to rest within the approved ranges within NTTR. Under the proposed action, 16,000 flares would be released annually by F-35s, contributing about 6 percent of the total flare use for NTTR. Even with these minor increases, the Air Force expects baseline safety conditions to continue. The F-35 would release flares as part of the FDE program and WS sortie-operations, but this activity would not change existing conditions for safety, fire risk, or natural resources. While the actual flare burn time is classified, the minimum flare release altitude for the F-35 is that altitude which allows the flare to burn out prior to 100 feet above the ground. The MOAs release altitudes provide an additional buffer against burning material contacting the ground and is limited to 5,000 feet AGL or above. However, 70 percent of F-35 flight activities and flare releases would occur at 5,000 feet AGL or higher. Since flare releases would commonly be thousands of feet higher than the minimum release altitude, the potential for burning material contacting the ground would be negligible. In the unlikely event of an inadvertent release of a flare below the minimum altitude, the risk of a wildfire would remain minimal. As described in section 3.5.2, the probability of a fire starting from a single ignition source such as a flare is extremely low, even with the right fuel, wind, and vegetation conditions.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Additionally, flares and flare residues do not pose a health risk to humans or animals because they are not likely to be ingested and the quantities involved are negligible (Air Force 1997a). The very small quantities of flare residues also have little potential to affect soil or water. 4.5.2 No-Action Alternative

Under the no-action alternative, operations on the base and throughout NTTR would continue; however without the F-35. Ground, flight, and ordnance safety considerations associated with current operations, as discussed in section 3.5, would remain in place to ensure the continued safety of the public, military personnel, or property. Since these considerations would not change under the no-action alternative, it would not result in significant impacts.

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Impact analysis for land use requires identification of management plans and use areas, followed by determination of potential effects due to aircraft operations. In this section, the Clark County Airport Noise Environ contours were used as the baseline for comparison since these are the contours applied by the county for planning and development purposes. According to the Federal Interagency Committee on Urban Noise, noise exposure greater than 65 DNL is considered generally unacceptable over public services or residential, cultural, recreational, and entertainment areas. This section focuses on the impacts due to noise from the proposed action on land ownership or land status, general land use patterns, sensitive receptors, land management plans, and special use land management areas. Potential issues and concerns regarding recreation and visual resources arising from the proposed action include an increase in noise and overcrowding of recreation facilities on base. The methodology for determining impacts on recreation resources focuses on: 1) determining existing users, and 2) determining the noise and visual impacts on recreational use due to a change in sortie-operations on NTTR and airfield operations at Nellis AFB. 4.6.1 Land Use

Nellis AFB On-Base Land Use Land use on base would not be negatively impacted by the proposed aircraft beddown. Based on the analysis of proposed aircraft operations, Area I and portions of Areas II and III would continue to be exposed to DNL noise levels of 65 dB or greater; however, these proposed noise levels are consistent with existing on-base conditions and facilities and land uses within the noise contours would remain compatible. The proposed action calls for new on-base facilities and the demolition of older on-base facilities (refer to Figure 2-2). The proposed facilities would be sited to ensure compatibility with existing and proposed on-base land uses. The majority of the facilities would be sited on previously disturbed land within the industrially developed portion of the base or those areas set aside for munitions storage. The siting of the facilities would be consistent with the present land use and the Nellis AFB General Plan.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Off-Base Land Use This section compares the projected F-35 noise contours to the existing land uses, zoning, and ordinances associated with the Clark County Airport Noise Environs (see Section 3.6.1, Nellis AFB, Off-Base Land Use for discussion). As indicated in Table 4.6-1 and depicted in Figure 4.6-1, areas affected by noise in the 65 dB DNL contour bands and greater would decrease when compared to the land use contours established by Clark County, with the largest decrease in the 70 to 75 dB DNL contour band. Table 4.6-1 Projected F-35 Noise Levels (dB DNL) Compared to Clark County Airport Noise Environ Contours (in acres) 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 >85 Total Projected Acres 13,991 6,259 2,804 1,268 1,338 25,660 Clark County Airport Noise Environs* 17,755 9,281 3,778 1,734 1,619 34,167 Change from Projected -3,764 -3,022 -974 -466 -281 -8,507 Percent Change -21% -33% -26% -27% -17% -25% Note: *These contours are used by Clark County specifically for zoning and land use purposes and differ from noise contours
used by the Air Force.

Table 4.6-2 presents land uses and projected acres affected by noise contour bands 65 dB DNL and greater. When compared to Clark County land use planning contours (refer to Table 3.6-5), all land use categories affected by noise levels 65 dB DNL and greater would experience a decrease. The only exceptions are land uses in the commercial (experiencing less than a 1 percent increase) and military (increases by about 15 percent) categories. The greatest decrease is seen in the residential acreage where there would be 1,280 fewer acres affected by noise levels greater than 65 dB DNL and for public lands that would reduce by 1,046 acres, or 38 and 31 percent, respectively. Table 4.6-2 Land Use Acres Affected by Projected F-35 Noise Levels (dB DNL) Land Use Category 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 > 85 Total Acres Commercial 1,971 1,586 4 0 0 3,561 Industrial 3,869 2,558 1,185 94 1 7,707 Mixed Use 339 0 0 0 0 339 Open 38 13 0 0 0 51 Public 1,770 452 104 0 0 2,326 Recreational 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 1,938 74 0 0 0 2,012 Military 4,066 1,576 1,511 1,174 1,337 9,664 Total 13,991 6,259 2,804 1,268 1,338 25,660

Total (%) 14% 30% 1% 0% 9% 0% 8% 38% 100%

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Figure 4.6-1. Land Uses Underlying F-35 Projected Noise Contours Compared to Clark County Airport Noise Environ Contours
Note: Clark County airport environ contours (per county ordinance) are applied in this analysis because the County uses these for land use and zoning purposes. These contours continue to apply until consultation with the Air Force necessitates a change.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Although noise levels for the 2,012 acres of residential land, potentially affected by the proposal, would exceed common recommended standards (FICON 1992), most areas under the projected noise contours would fall within those already zoned for these levels ((Clark County 1998). Residential and other noise sensitive developments are generally not encouraged in any of the noise exposure zones; however, residential developments currently exist in those zones. To minimize exposure to noise sensitive land uses, permitted uses and building construction are regulated in the environs of Nellis AFB (Clark County 1998), and various levels of noise attenuation in building construction (i.e., sound proofing for interior noise reduction) are required by the county. Residential areas located to the south and west of Nellis AFB would continue to be exposed to noise levels of 65 to 80 dB DNL under the proposed action, but would occur in areas exposed to these noise levels in 2003. Land under the projected 65 dB DNL noise contour and east of Nellis AFB that was not exposed to noise exceeding 65 DNL in 2003 is primarily open land (see Figure 4.6-1). Some land use would remain incompatible with noise levels in the vicinity of Nellis AFB. Even with noise attenuation standards, land use and zoning regulations applicable to areas adjacent to the base would be incompatible with both current and expected noise levels generated by aircraft operations at Nellis AFB. The Air Force already employs, and would continue to undertake, measures to reduce aircraft noise effects. These measures include the following: flight safety, noise abatement, and participation in the land use planning process (refer to section 3.6) (Air Force 2004c). Specifically, the Air Force would continue to enforce: 1. Flying SafetyMaintain aircraft and train aircrews to avoid aircraft accidents. The F-35 FDE program and WS beddown would not change the existing configuration of CZs and APZs and existing safety procedures would be followed per established procedures. 2. Noise Abatement ProceduresReduce noise impacts to adjacent communities by restricting nighttime flying activities and routing flights over less populated areas. 3. Land Use PlanningCoordinate and consult with county and city agencies in their planning and zoning decisions. This ensures land use compatibilities for future growth while accommodating the military mission. Nevada Test and Training Range The additional sortie-operations and activities by the F-35 aircraft represent the element of the proposed action with a potential to affect land use under NTTR. Such impacts would be indirect, stemming from aircraft overflights and aircraft noise and should represent only negligible impacts to land use. Under the proposed action, land status and land use patterns within NTTR would not be altered. Since land uses in this area have remained the same for many years and have been exposed to aircraft operations since the formation of Nellis AFB in the 1940s, the changes in use associated with the proposed F-35 beddown have a negligible potential to impact land use. First, subsonic noise levels could change by up
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS to 3 dB, but given the expanse of the area affected, the amount of lands within the range, and the past exposure of the lands to aircraft noise, the change in noise levels would not impact land use (see Section 4.3, Nevada Test and Training Range). Second, increases in supersonic flight activity would result in a minimal increase in the number of sonic booms experienced at ground level. Sonic booms would be 2 or less per month except in Desert MOA/Elgin airspace where booms would increase by 4 per month. Increases in sonic booms in R-4807 would not affect land use because the area is already restricted from public access. Since the increase in sonic booms beneath the Elgin airspace in the Desert MOA are minimal (2 per month), and because the intensity of booms reaching the ground would be similar to existing conditions, impacts to land use resulting from sonic boom exposure would not be adverse. 4.6.2 Recreation

Nellis AFB As a result of the proposed action, a minimal increase of personnel using on-base facilities could occur by 2020. Recreation activities and sports leagues are evaluated annually. Influxes of personnel are common on the base due to the large number of temporarily assigned personnel. Therefore, an increase in base personnel as a result of the proposed action would not adversely affect recreation activities on base. Recreation is not expected to be affected by noise resulting from the proposed aircraft operations because these noise levels are consistent with the existing base noise environment. Currently, there are five local parks within the 70 DNL noise contour (see Table 4.6-1); the number of parks affected would not change under the proposed action. The 70 DNL noise level is considered an acceptable level in accordance with current Clark County regulations. An additional seven noisesensitive receptors (i.e., schools and churches) would fall within the 65 to 70 DNL contour which is within acceptable levels. In summary, land use and recreation resources at Nellis AFB would be impacted; however, the overall impact would not be adverse. Nevada Test and Training Range Access by the public to NTTR withdrawn areas is restricted; therefore, very little recreation activity occur there. Hunting is the only recreational activity allowed on NTTR. Only under permit conditions and existing MOUs are recreational visits allowed. Because the proposed action does not require a change in access for hunting, would not change the amount of land available for hunting, and would present a minimal impact to wildlife hunted (e.g., mule deer), hunting opportunities are not expected to change. Hunting on the range would continue to be coordinated with the NDOW and USFWS. Subsonic noise levels vary over NTTR from 45 DNL to 67 DNL (refer to Figure 4.3-2). Much of the airspace associated with NTTR is located over DoD or DOE controlled land with restricted recreation use.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Underneath NTTR, increases in subsonic noise levels would not increase by more than 3 dB; therefore, impacts are expected to be negligible. Average supersonic exposures would increase as a result of the proposed action. Under the Desert MOA/Elgin airspace, the average number of sonic booms would increase from 24 to 25 booms per month under 250,000 sortie-operations and from 35 to 39 under 350,000 sortie-operations. Under the Desert MOA/Coyote airspace, the average number of sonic booms would increase from 12 to 13 under 350,000 sortie-operations. Under the Reveille MOA, the average number of sonic booms would increase from 2 to 3 booms per month. There are a number of recreation areas under these MOAs (see Figure 3.6-6) including Key Pittman Wildlife Management Area, White River Petroglyphs site, Beaver Dam State Park, and Ella Mountain. These sonic booms could be perceived as annoying to recreation visitors in a wilderness setting. However, due to the subjective nature of annoyance from noise disturbance and because the area is currently subject to sonic booms, some visitors would not be annoyed by the increase. Recreation visitors in developed areas would probably not be affected, because these areas tend to have higher ambient noise levels. In all other MOAs and restricted airspace, the frequency of sonic booms is expected to increase by 1 boom per month except for EC East and portions of R-4807, which would increase by 2 booms per month. However, no recreation is permitted in this area; therefore, no adverse impacts are expected under the proposed action. No-Action Alternative Under the no-action alternative, there would be no beddown of the F-35 FDE program and WS at Nellis AFB. Implementation of this alternative would not change how land is managed or used. Access to and availability of recreational resources at the base would not be affected by the F-35 basing. Military use of NTTR would continue and generate the associated noise similar to those found under current conditions. Therefore, under this alternative, no further impacts to land use or recreation resources are expected.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS



Analyses of potential impacts to socioeconomic resources performed for this EIS considered both economic and social characteristics of the affected environment. These characteristics include the size and demographic composition of the population; employment, income, and other general economic indicators; and population-related resources such as housing and public schools. Assessment began with a determination of the economic impact of current operations at Nellis AFB presented in section 3.7. Data used to summarize current conditions were obtained from the Nellis AFB Public Affairs Office; data for Clark County were obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau and Clark County Finance and Public Works web sites. Assessment of the bases current socioeconomic impact on the affected region enables the most accurate projections possible of potential impacts to affected resources upon implementation of the proposed action. 4.7.1 Proposed Action

Population Nellis AFB would experience an increase of active-duty personnel associated with the F-35 FDE program and WS beddown proposal beginning in 2012 and peaking in 2020. The total change would result in a net increase of 412 active-duty personnel at Nellis AFB in FY22. On average, each military staff member is anticipated to have 2.55 dependents and this was used in calculating potential effects of the proposed action (Air Force 2008). Table 4.7-1 provides base population changes associated with the proposed action. Table 4.7-1 Comparison of Existing and Projected Staff and Dependents at Nellis AFB Staff Dependents Total Existing Baseline (2009) 12,975 33,086 46,061 Projected 2012 13,197 33,652 46,849 Projected 2014 13,372 34,099 47,471 Projected 2020 13,387 34,137 47,524 Change in Baseline 412 1,051 1,463 Under the proposed action, the Nellis AFB active-duty and civilian personnel would increase by approximately 3.2 percent when compared to the existing baseline. When compared to the 2009 population of Clark County, this represents a less than 0.02 percent increase. This increase would not have an adverse impact on local or regional demand on community services, utilities, or housing. In addition, normal fluctuations in personnel and the rate of rapid growth in the region would likely make this change unnoticeable.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Ancillary increases to the local population are impossible to accurately predict but could be as many as several hundred. The majority of these personnel would be contractor employees of construction firms and the aircraft manufacturers. Fluctuations in programs, funding, and staffing would continue at Nellis AFB, likely making such a minor change unnoticeable. Employment and Earnings Employment In FY08, the workforce at Nellis AFB was composed of 12,975 persons (Air Force 2008). As one of the single largest government employers in Clark County, Nellis AFB and its continuing operations represent a major source of local (i.e., North Las Vegas) economic activity. Because Nellis AFB is among the areas largest employers, the gain of 412 personnel positions would not have a noticeable impact on employment when placed in context with the regional environment of Clark County and Las Vegas. Construction activity associated with the beddown decision would peak in FY13 with project expenditures of over $182 million. Construction activity would contribute to the local economy although the potential effects would be minor and temporary. Construction costs under the proposed action would be minor in comparison to the billions of dollars generated in the Las Vegas region. Earnings Nellis AFB is a major employer in the region, with total annual payroll expenditures of more than $922 million in FY08 (Air Force 2008). Active duty military personnel at Nellis AFB received on average $73,198 annually. Based on this FY08 average, the addition of 412 personnel at Nellis AFB associated with the proposed action would generate nearly $30.2 million in payroll disbursements in the region representing approximately 3.3 percent of the Nellis AFB FY08 payroll. Infrastructure Housing Between 2012 and 2020, a slight need for off-base housing units may arise for those persons arriving in the area. With the housing downturn in the Las Vegas region over the last few years, it is anticipated that there would be sufficient and suitable (e.g., new) off-base housing available to personnel associated with the proposed action. Military family housing, combined with off-base supply, would be sufficient (and inherently suitable) to accommodate personnel changes associated with the proposed action. Public Schools In the 2010/2011 school year, a total of about 309,893 students were enrolled in 357 Clark County schools (CCSD 2010). The Air Force estimates that during years 2012 to 2020, the student population in the Clark County School District would increase, peaking in 2020 with about 600 new pupils due to the
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS increase of active-duty personnel at Nellis AFB. This student growth would occur over the 10-year period, and the increase would be negligible compared to the rapid growth of Clark County. These schools would continue to receive federal Impact Aid for each child attending school off base in lieu of taxes. Utilities Electric Power and Natural Gas There would be no appreciable change in demand for utilities under the proposed action; utility use would be minimally above baseline or no-action conditions. New facility construction under the proposed action would likely employ new energy efficient hot water boilers and cooling systems to reduce the impact on the existing electrical infrastructure. Minor upgrades to the existing electrical system (i.e., electrical pole replacement and circuit feeder enhancements) completed since 2003, in combination with upgrades intended to free up additional capacity, ensure capacity would be adequate to meet the new requirements (Air Force 2008). Potable Water Demand for potable water is expected to increase with the addition of aircraft, personnel, and dependents under the proposed action; however, water supplies would be sufficient to meet future demands. Construction activities over a 5-year period and gradual personnel increases of about 3.5 percent (beginning in 2012 and peaking in 2020) would be expected to increase water consumption; however, the increases would not be expected to have an appreciable effect on the availability of groundwater at Nellis AFB or in the surrounding areas. Full implementation of the F-35 programs in 2020 would result in use of approximately 446,000 gpd of groundwater. Nellis AFB currently is allotted 7.1 million gpd (combined surface and groundwater sources). Overall, water usage would increase from implementation of F-35 program activities and the addition of 412 base personnel and their dependents, but the effect on the availability of groundwater at Nellis AFB or in the surrounding areas would be minimal, would be well below the bases allotment, would occur over an 8-year period, and would not require Nellis AFB to seek additional water rights. Wastewater Treatment No adverse or significant impacts to wastewater treatment would be anticipated under the proposed action at Nellis AFB. Clark County Water Reclamation Districts Main Facility treats over 110 million gpd of wastewater (CCWRD 2011). Proposed F-35 activities along with increased base personnel and dependents would generate less than one half million gpd of wastewater to be treated, which would represent less than 0.5 percent of the CCWRD Main Facility capacity.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Transportation The Nellis AFB roadways would experience increased traffic levels associated with construction equipment; the increased levels may create congestion during peak traffic periods (i.e., morning and evening rush hours). Traffic levels on the base would be moderate to high during the construction period. Although effects of projects under the proposed action on existing transportation resources would be noticeable, they would be temporary and localized in portions of the base. Nearby Las Vegas and Nellis Boulevards, Craig Road, and I-15 would be able to accommodate the anticipated temporary level of increased construction traffic. Employment on the base in FY08 was approximately 12,957 jobs of which approximately 10,947 employed persons (i.e., military and civilians) lived off base. Data collected by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics indicate approximately 86 percent of vehicular travel is via personal vehicle. This percentage has been used to estimate the potential for approximately 9,414 vehicle trips during each peak travel period in the vicinity of and on Nellis AFB (BTS 2011). The anticipated increase of activeduty personnel (see Table 4.7-1) during years 2012 to 2020 could impact on-base traffic patterns. However, the additional personnel numbers would fall within normal variation for the base and would occur over an 8-year period. The increased personnel and associated traffic would not be expected to have a discernible effect on traffic at access gates or adjacent intersections. 4.7.2 No-Action Alternative

Under the no-action alternative, there would be no beddown of the F-35 FDE and WS at Nellis AFB. Implementation of this alternative would not affect the overall socioeconomic resources and opportunities associated with Las Vegas. In addition, infrastructure resources would not be impacted by selecting this alternative.

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Proposed Action

For the proposed action, noise levels of 65 DNL or greater were identified. The affected population under these areas was determined using USCB 2005 census zone data to calculate the percentage of residential land use under each noise contour. The original population estimates were then multiplied by the residential portion to achieve the population estimates under each noise contour. Nellis AFB
Minority and Low-Income Populations Affected by Noise Greater than 65 dB DNL in the Vicinity of Nellis AFB

Minority and Low-Income Populations Baseline Projected Under baseline conditions noise levels of 65 dB DNL and Total Population 40,957 57,736 greater affect 74 percent minority and 18 percent low-income Minority 30,257 42,272 Low-Income 5,406 6,673 populations of the total Clark County population (refer to Table 3.8-1). Many of these persons live in the residential area associated with Sunrise Manor and other unincorporated communities near the base. As such, these groups bear a greater share of noise impacts than the surrounding population as a whole.

Under the proposed action, noise levels of 65 dB DNL or greater would expand off base relative to baseline noise conditions; however, the percentage of minority and low-income populations currently affected by noise levels of 65 dB DNL and greater would decrease slightly to 73 and 16 percent respectively (Table 4.8-1). As noted previously, the proportion of the minority population in the affected area of Clark County grew by 16 percent since 2000 census. Thus, a large part of the disproportionate effect is attributable to population patterns rather than changes to noise contours. Table 4.8-1 Minority and Low-Income Populations in the Vicinity of Nellis AFB Affected by Noise Greater than 65 DNL under the Proposed Action Total1 Minority Percent Low-Income Percent DNL Population Population Minority Population Low-Income 65 70 39,160 29,092 74% 4,578 16% 70 75 16,103 11,576 72% 1,998 17% 75 80 1,971 1,313 67% 89 11% 80 85 483 284 59% 8 8% > 85 18 7 40% 0 9% Total 57,736 42,272 73% 6,673 16%
Source: 1USCB 2006 based on 2006 Population Estimates and 2000-2005 Poverty Estimates and Southern Nevada Consensus Population Estimate, July 2005.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Zoning regulations currently require all new residential construction within areas affected by noise levels of 65 dB DNL and greater to include noise attenuation features. Noise attenuation from current standard construction practices can reduce indoor noise by 20 dB or more (Department of the Navy 2005). The Air Force will continue to work with Clark County and other local officials who seek to establish or modify noise attenuation measures. The Air Force will also continue to employ noise abatement procedures around the base including expedited climb-outs for all aircraft and restrictions on the time and the direction of flight activities. Protection of Children Under the proposed action, the Nellis Terrace Housing Area and Lomie G. Heard Elementary School continue to be found within the 70 dB DNL and greater noise contour bands. The beddown of F-35 aircraft would not result in a shift in location or change in shape of affected CZs or APZs (i.e., safety zones); therefore, no change in regards to the safety of children on the base and within the local community would be expected. No environmental restoration sites are located in areas of the base that would pose a potential health risk to children. In summary, Nellis AFB will continue to work with Clark County and other local officials to support enforcement of existing zoning ordinances and to assess the adequacy of noise abatement measures. If changes are found to be needed to address noise conditions, the Air Force will assist local officials who seek to establish or modify noise attenuation measures. 4.8.2 No-Action Alternative

Under the no-action alternative, there would be no beddown of the F-35 FDE program and WS at Nellis AFB; therefore, impacts to human health and environmental conditions in minority and low-income communities would continue similar to those depicted in Table 3.8-1. Potential risks to the safety of children would remain at status quo under the no-action alternative.

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Analysis of the potential impacts to soil and water resources employs the following steps: identifying locations where the actions may directly or indirectly affect soil resources, defining the nature of the affected earth resource, and evaluating the degree to which the characteristics, abundance, or value of the resource would be altered, depleted, or degraded. In terms of water resources, no aspects of current operations at Nellis AFB affect either hydrologic setting or water sources; this would not change under the proposed action. Therefore, this analysis focuses on potential effects on water use, availability, and quality. Since changes associated with the proposed action in NTTR would not alter any existing soil or water resource conditions due to ordnance delivery, range maintenance, and overflight activities, this section discusses only potential impacts on Nellis AFB. 4.9.1 Soils The potential for impacts from the proposed action on Nellis AFB would be associated with construction of new facilities and, to a lesser degree, alteration of existing facilities. Soil loss and erosion could potentially take place and is discussed below. Approximately 36 acres would be disturbed over the 5 years of construction activities. Site grading associated with construction of the flightline, munitions, administrative, support, and housing facilities as well as the Hollywood Boulevard realignment and infrastructure (e.g., communication, power, and water lines) upgrades would be the primary activities with the potential to affect soil resources. Grading would cause loss of some disturbed ground cover for new facilities, which would increase the potential for soil erosion. However, several factors indicate that erosion and soil loss would be negligible. First, most of the proposed construction would occur on previously developed land or replace existing buildings. Second, construction activities would take place over 5 years, limiting the total area exposed to erosion at any one time. Third, low precipitation (4 inches per year) and low runoff (0.2 to 2.1 inches per year), combined with the flat topography of the base, would substantially reduce the potential for erosion. Fourth and lastly, Air Force and Clark County requirements to employ standard construction practices (e.g., soil stockpiling, watering, covering, and wind restrictions) would further limit both wind and water erosion. Based on these factors, construction grading would not measurably degrade soil resources through erosion or loss. Proposed Action


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Water Availability, Quality, and Stormwater Under the proposed action, potential impacts to water availability and quality would be greatest when construction activities coincide with personnel increases in the years 2012 to 2020. Therefore, these are the years that are being evaluated. In terms of surface waters, no appreciable effects are expected at Nellis AFB or in the surrounding areas. Surface water for Nellis AFB is transported via pipelines from Lake Mead. Sources of groundwater are available from the principal alluvial-fill aquifer underlying the Las Vegas Valley. Although proposed changes in operations and personnel would increase the use of water during years 2012 to 2020, the increase in personnel would be only about 3.5 percent at its peak in 2020, and on-base construction would be temporary. Use of water for F-35 program activities (e.g., aircraft washing) and on-base personnel would minimally increase at Nellis AFB but would be well within the amount of water allocated to the base. Currently, Nellis AFB is allotted about 7.1 million gpd (combined surface and groundwater sources) and uses an average of 2.5 million gpd between October and April to 5.4 million gpd from May to September. Full implementation of the F-35 FDE program and WS in 2020 would result in approximately 355,180 gpd to 446,419 gpd increased water usea 5 to 6 percent increase. This increase is well within Nellis AFBs water allocation and would not require Nellis AFB to seek additional water rights. Projected on-base construction would disturb existing groundcover, but the potential for soil loss, erosion, and sedimentation would be temporary and limited in scope. Required use of best management practices (soil cover, watering, and stockpiling) would further reduce this impact. The proposed action includes paving and construction of buildings with impermeable surfacing. During construction at Nellis AFB, soils would temporarily be exposed to compaction, impeding drainage and reducing water infiltration. In other areas, such activities could increase runoff volumes and could alter current hydrological processes. However, the base lacks significant open water bodies. Since no surface water resources of consequence are located on base, implementation of the proposed action would not significantly impact surface water. Existing stormwater control measures as well as adherence to spill prevention and countermeasure plans would provide for protection of surface water sources during construction and use of facilities, so the potential for base or off-base surface water quality to be affected would be negligible. Construction and paving associated with the proposed action would result in slightly fewer acres available to facilitate groundwater recharge, but the impact would be negligible given the low average annual precipitation and the lack of year-round surface water on base. Infiltration historically and naturally has been a minimal source of recharge. No floodplains are found on base. Since the existing potential for flooding on Nellis AFB is minimal, the proposed action would not increase flood hazards on the base.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 4.9.2 No-Action Alternative

Implementation of the no-action alternative would result in no construction in support of the F-35 beddown. As a result, no change in topography or soil erosion would occur that is associated with this proposed action. Furthermore, no increases in water use, availability, or quality would occur that would be associated with the proposed beddown.


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Determination of the significance of potential impacts to biological resources is based on: 1) the importance (i.e., legal, commercial, recreational, ecological, or scientific) of the resource, 2) the proportion of the resource that would be affected relative to its occurrence in the region, 3) the sensitivity of the resource to proposed activities, and 4) the duration of ecological ramifications. Impacts to biological resources are significant if species or habitats of special concern are adversely affected over relatively large areas or disturbances cause reductions in population size or distribution of a species of special concern. This section analyzes the potential for direct or indirect impacts to biological resources from implementation of the proposed action. Direct impacts would be associated with the proposed construction and operation of facilities at Nellis AFB and direct and indirect impacts could result from the proposed operation of the F-35 within NTTR. 4.10.1 Proposed Action Nellis AFB Vegetation The proposed action would require the construction of new facilities, demolition of older facilities, and improvements to infrastructure. Since construction activities, structural modifications, and demolition associated with the proposed action would occur predominantly in previously disturbed areas that currently support no sensitive plant species or wetlands, there would be no adverse impacts on vegetation at Nellis AFB. Wetlands and Jurisdictional Waters of the United States No designated wetlands or areas exhibiting wetland characteristics exist on or near the sites proposed for construction; therefore, implementation of the proposed action would have no impact on wetlands. The construction activities in the LOLA area and Area II could intersect arroyos, which could be jurisdictional waters of the U.S. While the impacts to the jurisdictional waters of the U.S. would be minimal, a Section 404 Permit and consultation with USACE would be conducted to determine the presence of jurisdictional waters of the U.S. prior to construction activities, if required. Wildlife Since the proposed facilities construction and modifications would occur on previously developed areas that are predominantly graded or paved, proposed construction activities would not result in measurably adverse impacts on terrestrial wildlife. An increase of about 7,562 acres would occur under the projected noise contours (i.e., above 65 DNL) with the addition of the F-35 at Nellis AFB. Wildlife species
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS inhabiting area under noise contours associated with the base have likely habituated to aircraft noise; the proposed noise levels are not expected to adversely affect these species at Nellis AFB. Bird/wildlife-aircraft strikes have not historically presented an operational constraint to Nellis AFB. In the course of a 14-year period, there have been a total of 233 bird-aircraft strikes within the immediate vicinity of the base involving Nellis AFB aircraft (see section 3.5/4.5, Safety). The proposed action would increase base airfield operations by 20 percent and it is likely to result in an increase in bird/wildlife-aircraft strikes. However, because the F-35 would operate like all other fighters that have used Nellis AFB and they rarely encounter bird/wildlife-aircraft strikes, then it is likely that no aspect of the proposed action would significantly increase BASH to unsafe levels. Special-Status Species The only special-status species found on base is the desert tortoise, listed as threatened by both the USFWS and NDOW. Surveys conducted in 1992 found a small population in the northeastern portion of Area II. A recent USFWS opinion (USFWS 2007) regarding future impacts to the desert tortoise population in Areas I, II, III and the Small Arms Range of Nellis AFB indicated any impacts would not likely jeopardize the continued existence of the desert tortoise. According to 50 CFR Section 402.16, any new Air Force action not considered in previous biological opinions that may effect the desert tortoise in Area II, would require reinitiation of consultation with the USFWS. Nellis AFB will consult with the USFWS to avoid impacts to the tortoise due to construction activities under the proposed action if such activities occur in areas not covered in the 2007 programmatic biological opinion. As with other wildlife having likely habituated to aircraft noise, the proposed noise levels are not expected to adversely impact the desert tortoise. The Las Vegas bearpoppy and Las Vegas buckwheat, currently listed as a species of concern, are located in Areas II and III on Nellis AFB. Construction activities would avoid these species and therefore, they would not be impacted. Except in Area II, construction would not occur in areas likely to be inhabited by the chuckwalla. In Area II, surveys will be conducted prior to construction and any chuckwalla found would be relocated. The western burrowing owl is common on the base and in the areas slated for construction. To the extent possible and considering the FY03 Defense Authorization Act, Section 315; the provisions of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act will be implemented, provided such provisions do not impact the military mission. These provisions can include surveys, relocation, and limiting ground disturbing activities to non-breeding season for the owls. Nevada Test and Training Range Vegetation Potential impacts to vegetation resources were evaluated for both direct and indirect effects as a result of fire; ordnance delivery, recovery, and removal; and maintenance of targets.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS The use of flares and ordnance delivery may occasionally result in accidental fires which could adversely affect vegetation and wildlife habitat by removal of plant cover (short-term effect) or altering the plant community (long-term effect). Removal of vegetation can also lead to increased erosion and sedimentation that can cause long-term environmental change. The level and extent of effects on biological resources are site specific and depend on factors such as plant community type (i.e., adaptation to fire), season, and frequency of fires. The North and South Ranges occasionally experience fires due to munitions spotting charges and a few caused by flares. However, wildfires caused by lightning make up the significant proportion of fires on NTTR. Techniques used to limit fires from spreading include fire breaks around targets, on-site fire spotting, and fire suppression crews (Air Force 1999b). An MOU exists between Nellis AFB and BLM establishing basic procedures and responsibilities for fire prevention, reporting, and fire suppression and management. Existing operational restrictions (altitude restrictions, fire rating restrictions, flare types permitted) are greater in MOA training airspace over non-DoD land. Restrictions at NTTR set a 5,000-feet AGL minimum release altitude in MOAs (Air Force 1999b). The most prevalent procedures currently used to reduce fire risk from flares are suspension of flare use during periods of high fire risk and restricting the release altitude of flares. Suspension of flare use during high-risk periods appears to be an effective procedure to reduce fires (Air Force 1999b). Although four to five fires occur on NTTR every year, they tend to be small and contained within the target areas, which are generally devoid of vegetation or have fire breaks around them. With the existing and continued restrictions and guidelines for flare use over MOAs and restricted airspace, the potential for fire ignition is rare. Therefore, impacts to vegetation underlying MOA and restricted airspace due to flare use would not be adverse. Under the proposed action, F-35s would use existing target areas on NTTR for ordnance delivery and training; no new roads, targets, or facilities would be built. Since flight activities do not result in any ground disturbance, habitat underlying the MOAs and restricted airspace would not be adversely impacted under the proposed action. Wetlands Wetlands in the North and South ranges are composed of springs, seeps, and the pools, small streams, and saturated soils they support; there is only one perennial creek found on either range. Due to the dispersed nature of these resources and the lack of any ground-disturbing activities (e.g., ordnance use) at or near any wetland area, impacts to wetlands would not be significant. Since the lands underlying the MOAs and restricted airspace would not be subjected to any substantial or different increases of grounddisturbing activities (i.e., ordnance delivery), wetlands found there would not be adversely affected by the proposed action.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Wildlife Potential impacts to wildlife were evaluated for both direct and indirect effects as a result of fire, ordnance delivery, recovery and removal; maintenance of targets; fires; and noise. For a discussion of bird/wildlife-aircraft strike hazards see sections 3.5 and 4.5. There is a possibility that flare use and ordnance delivery may start accidental fires. Impacts to wildlife resulting from fire would be due to habitat disturbance, similar to those described for vegetation; these impacts would be short term and would not be significant. Fires would be less likely to occur in MOAs because ordnance delivery, the predominant cause of military related fires, would not occur and flare use would be restricted. Under the proposed action, F-35s would use existing NTTR target areas for ordnance delivery and training; no new roads, targets, or facilities would be built. Lands underlying the Desert and Reveille MOAs would not be subject to any ground-disturbing activities. Because there would be no greater ground-disturbing activities from implementation of the proposed action, no changes to existing conditions to wildlife habitat would occur. The greatest impact to wildlife from aircraft overflights is from the visual effect of the approaching aircraft and the related noise. Most reactions by wildlife to visual stimuli occur in response to overflights below 1,000 feet AGL (Lamp 1989; Bowles 1995). Studies on the effects of noise on wildlife have been predominantly conducted on mammals and birds. Studies on subsonic aircraft disturbances of ungulates (e.g., pronghorn, bighorn sheep, elk, and mule deer), in both laboratory and field conditions, have shown that effects of startle and elevated heart rate are transient and of short duration and suggest that the animals habituate to the sounds (Workman et al. 1992; Krausman et al. 1993, 1998; Weisenberger et al. 1996). Similarly, the impacts to raptors and other birds (e.g., waterfowl, grebes) from aircraft low-level flights were found to be brief and not detrimental to reproductive success (Smith et al. 1988; Lamp 1989; Ellis et al. 1991; Grubb and Bowerman 1997). Consequently, changes to the number and types of overflights are expected to result in minor impacts to wildlife or wildlife populations. Subsonic noise levels and overflights associated with the proposed action over the entire NTTR are similar to those for baseline conditions and the negligible increase would not be perceptible. Since there is essentially no change, the proposed action would result in minor impacts to wildlife from subsonic noise. Supersonic operations would take place within currently authorized areas of NTTR. Little to no change in supersonic noise levels and sonic booms would occur. As such, supersonic noise conditions would remain roughly identical to baseline.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Studies of the effects of supersonic noise on birds and mammals have suggested that animals tend to habituate to sonic booms and that long-term effects are not adverse. Captive and free-ranging ungulates exhibited a startle response and increased heart rates upon initial exposure to a sonic boom and decreased response with succeeding exposures suggesting habituation (Workman et al. 1992). In raptors, Ellis et al. (1991) found that peregrine and prairie falcons responses to simulated sonic booms were often minimal and never associated with reproductive failure. Typically, birds quickly resumed normal activities within a few seconds following a sonic boom. While the falcons were noticeably alarmed by the sonic booms, the negative responses were brief and not detrimental to reproductive success during the course of the study. Sonic boom levels and frequency of occurrence are slightly higher than baseline levels, therefore, potential impacts to wildlife from sonic booms would be minimal. Special-Status Species No federally-listed plant species are known to occur on the ranges. Some populations of sensitive plant species or species of concern (see Appendix E) are found on the ranges, but not within existing target areas. Existing threats to populations of sensitive plant species on the ranges include ordnance delivery and the use of flares. Threats to these plant populations are minimal, since ordnance delivery activities are restricted to existing target areas, therefore, impacts to sensitive plant species found on the ranges would be limited, if any. According to the USFWS Biological Opinion that reviewed the potential impacts to desert tortoise populations on Ranges 62, 63, and 64, current weapons testing and training is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the desert tortoise, and is not likely to destroy or adversely modify designated critical habitat. The USFWS issued a number of reasonable and prudent measures, with their implementing terms and conditions, which are designed to minimize incidental take that might otherwise result from current weapons testing and training (USFWS 1997). The only federally-listed species occurring on the ranges that may be affected by noise is the desert tortoise. Studies on the effects of subsonic noise on desert tortoises have found impacts to be insignificant (Bowles et al. 1996). Subsonic noise levels associated with the proposed action are similar to those under baseline conditions and are within normally acceptable criteria. Since there is essentially no change, the proposed action would not result in increased impacts to special-status species from subsonic noise. Supersonic flight would occur in airspace over desert tortoise populations. As with other wildlife found under MOAs, the greatest effect of military overflights on special status species is from the visual effect of the aircraft and its associated noise. Visual impacts are expected to be minimal because most South Range and MOA operations will take place at altitudes above 5,000 feet AGL, which is higher than the level accounting for most reactions by wildlife to visual stimuli (Lamp 1989; Bowles 1995).

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 4.10.2 No-Action Alternative Under the no-action alternative, no impacts to biological resources would occur that are associated with the F-35 beddown; no new construction on the base nor F-35 testing and training operations in NTTR would be conducted. Impacts to biological resources that could have been generated under the F-35 basing action would not occur if the no-action alternative were adopted.


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Procedures for assessing adverse effects to cultural resources are discussed in regulations for 36 CFR Part 800 of the NHPA. An action results in adverse effects to a cultural resource eligible to the National Register when it alters the resource characteristics that qualify it for inclusion in the register. Adverse effects are most often a result of physical destruction, damage, or alteration of a resource; alteration of the character of the surrounding environment that contributes to the resources eligibility; introduction of visual, audible, or atmospheric intrusions out of character with the resource or its setting; and neglect of the resource resulting in its deterioration or destruction; or transfer, lease, or sale of the property. In the case of the proposed action, potential effects to cultural resources could result from ground-disturbing activities associated with construction or demolition of significant structures, from modification of significant structures, from increased noise levels and vibrations, visual intrusions from overflights, and effects from ordnance and flare use. 4.11.1 Proposed Action Nellis AFB Archaeological Resources Construction and demolition of structures would primarily take place near the flightline in Area I. All of Nellis AFB has been surveyed for archaeological resources. Construction that is not yet sited would be placed in areas that do not contain National Register-eligible archaeological sites. One National Registereligible archaeological resource does exist on base, but would be avoided by construction or demolition activities. If an unanticipated discovery of archaeological materials occurs during construction, then an investigation and evaluation will be conducted according to procedures in 36 CFR Part 60 and the Nellis AFB ICRMP (Air Force 2010). In addition to construction and demolition on base, the addition of 36 F-35 aircraft would expand the areas outside and adjacent to Nellis AFB subject to noise equal to or greater than 65 dB DNL by 2020. The effects of noise on archaeological resources may be related to setting. Noise that affects setting may be caused by construction and maintenance of facilities and by machinery or vehicles or by aircraft noise and overflights. To be adversely affected, the setting of a resource must be an integral part of the characteristics that qualify the resource for listing in, or eligibility for, the National Register. Because of modern development, this would not be the case for any National Register-eligible cultural resources in the area, especially in an urban setting like Las Vegas. For the same reasons, adverse visual effects to National Register-eligible archaeological resources are unlikely. Nellis AFB and adjacent areas are currently used for grazing or are developed, and contain two major highways. Additional noise is unlikely to adversely affect archaeological resources in this area or to affect the existing setting.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Architectural Resources Although World War II and Cold War era structures have been previously inventoried, a new assessment of Nellis AFB Cold War structures will be completed in 2012. If an infrastructure project would affect a National Register-eligible structure, then procedures in accordance with 36 CFR Part 60, as specified in the Nellis AFB ICRMP for the Section 106 process would be implemented (Air Force 2010). Therefore, F-35 activities on Nellis AFB would not have an adverse effect on National Register-eligible architectural resources. Studies have established that subsonic noise-related vibration damage to structures, even historic buildings, requires high decibel levels generated at close proximity to the structure and in a low frequency range (USFS 1992; Battis 1983, 1988). Aircraft must generate at least 120 dB at a distance of no more than 150 feet to potentially result in structural damage (Battis 1988). A study by Wyle Laboratories (Sutherland 1990) indicated that a large, high-speed aircraft flying directly over a building had less than a 0.3 percent chance of damaging fragile structures such as wooden buildings. In other words, an aircraft operating at 200 feet AGL, at 540 knots true airspeed, directly over such a structure is extremely unlikely to cause damage. Operations at higher altitudes would have a lower potential for causing damage as onthe-ground noise levels decrease as the aircrafts elevation rises. Structures offset from the flight track have an even lower probability of being affected by low-flying aircraft. Therefore, historic structures or Cold War-era structures are also unlikely to be affected by noise and vibrations by overflights since noise levels (SEL) from the F-35 would not exceed 110 dB. Traditional Cultural Properties No traditional cultural properties are known to occur on Nellis AFB; therefore, impacts to this resource are unlikely. Nevada Test and Training Range Archaeological Resources Ordnance delivery would take place on existing target complexes on NTTR under the proposed action. Similar ordnance is currently being used at these target areas and delivery of additional ordnance by F-35 aircraft would not increase disturbed areas near targets. F-35 use of ordnance on existing targets would be unlikely to adversely affect National Register-eligible archaeological resources. Architectural Resources Subsonic noise within NTTR would increase from a maximum of 63 DNL to 65 DNL (251,840 and 351,840 sortie-operations, respectively) in R-4807 and from a maximum of 66 to 67 dB DNL (again in a portion of R-4807). Therefore, no adverse impacts to cultural resources are expected from increased subsonic noise associated with the beddown of F-35 aircraft at Nellis AFB.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS It is possible for sonic booms to adversely affect some cultural resources. Individual sonic booms vary considerably. The average boom pressure on the ground is 1 pound per square foot (psf). Maximum overpressures of even 6 psf have an extremely low potential to damage structures or displace rocks (Battis 1983). Therefore, while there is some potential for sonic booms to cause damage in historic buildings, there is very low potential for structural damage to architectural resources or for displacement and breakage of the components of most archaeological resources. Supersonic noise levels would increase little under the proposed action. Frequency of sonic booms expected with the F-35 would also increase slightly by 1 to 2 booms per month in all airspace units except for the Elgin MOA, where it would increase 4 booms per months under 351,840 sortie-operations. Supersonic flight is currently restricted over Caliente, R-4808, and Highway 168 in the southeastern section of the Desert MOA and this restriction would remain unchanged for the proposed action. Potential effects from sonic booms include audible intrusions to traditional resources and vibration effects to historic structures and rock art sites. There is very low potential for structural damage to architectural resources due to sonic booms. Therefore, no adverse effects to architectural resources are expected due to an increase in supersonic noise levels or frequency of sonic booms. Traditional Cultural Properties An increase in sonic boom frequency could adversely affect traditional use or sacred areas by creating an audible intrusion to the setting; however, previous consultations have not elicited concerns. Sonics booms are unlikely to disturb potential traditional cultural properties such as rock art sites. A study was conducted as part of investigations in Civet Cat Canyon on the NTTR at a large rock art site in an overflight zone (White and Orndorff 1999). Native Americans were participants on the field crew and the document was reviewed by the DRC. The research team did not obtain any evidence of impacts from noise. Consultation with American Indian groups would continue through the Native American Program to identify areas of concern and to determine the extent of effects to these resources. Potential effects to cultural resources from the use of flares are usually associated with the secondary effects of fire. The probability of flares causing fires is usually related to the chances of unexpended flares reaching the ground, the chances of flames igniting vegetation, and the chances of the fire spreading (Air Force 1997a). This continued use would have a negligible, if any, effect on cultural resources. 4.11.2 No-Action Alternative Under the no-action alternative, there would be no beddown of the F-35 FDE program and WS at Nellis AFB. No buildings associated with the action would be demolished, modified, or constructed on the base and no additional target use or increased noise or sonic booms would occur on NTTR. Therefore, if this alternative were implemented, no impacts generated by the F-35 proposal would occur to archaeological or architectural resources, or traditional cultural properties on the base or under NTTR airspace.
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The qualitative and quantitative assessment of impacts from hazardous materials and waste focuses on how and to what degree the alternatives affect hazardous materials use and management, hazardous waste generation and management, and waste disposal. A substantial increase in the quantity or toxicity of hazardous substances used or generated is considered a potentially significant impact. Significant impacts could result if there would be a substantial increase in human health risk or environmental exposure at a level that could not be mitigated to acceptable levels. A reduction in the quantity and types of hazardous substances would be considered a beneficial impact. If the quantity of hazardous substances used or generated would not change, then there would be no impact. A comparative analysis of existing and proposed hazardous materials and waste management practices was performed to evaluate impacts. The analysis considered the magnitude of anticipated increases in hazardous waste generation considering historic levels, existing management practices, and storage capacity. Since changes associated with the proposed action in NTTR would not affect hazardous materials and waste (section 2.5), only potential impacts on Nellis AFB are discussed. 4.12.1 Proposed Action Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Generation The hazardous materials and waste associated with the F-35 program would not significantly impact installation management programs. The F-35A was designed to reduce the quantities and types of hazardous materials needed for maintenance of the aircraft. The major differences between the F-35A and legacy aircraft like the F-16, would be the omission of hydrazine, cadmium fasteners, chrome plating, copper-beryllium bushings, and the use of a non-chromium primer instead of primers containing cadmium and hexavalent chromium currently used for legacy aircraft (personal communication, Luker 2010; Fetter 2008). Management protocols for hazardous substances related to the F-35 would follow existing regulations and procedures because no new type of hazardous materials or hazardous wastes is anticipated with the aircraft beddown. The most commonly used hazardous materials on the F-35 flightline would include jet and motor fuels, other types of petroleum products, paints, thinners, adhesives, cleaners, lead-acid batteries, hydraulic fluids, and halogenated and non-halogenated solvents. The F-35 hazardous materials program would consist of the following processes: identification and tracking, materials evaluation and materials decision, reporting and documentation, and information dissemination. The hazardous materials program would minimize the quantity and types of hazardous materials associated with the F-35. Ozone-depleting
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS substances would be eliminated. The use of cadmium would be minimized and other substances such as volatile organic compounds, isocyanates, and chrome would be reduced. Efforts would continue to minimize the use of methyl ethyl ketone (a toxic solvent) and methylene dianiline (used in adhesives). Maintenance activities associated with the F-35 would include corrosion control and painting; aircraft avionics, electrical system, radar, wheel and tire repair; jet engine, fueling system, structural, and navigational/communication repairs; and aircraft washdown. Materials used during these activities would include primers, topcoats, various coatings, solvents, sealants, epoxies, solder, paint and epoxy strippers, adhesives, refrigerants, coolants, hydraulic fluids, cleaners, lubricants, and degreasers. Other planned maintenance operations would involve minor maintenance for vehicles and equipment associated with the F-35 program. These operations would not differ from those currently performed for vehicles and equipment associated with other aircraft types at Nellis AFB. Petroleum, oil, and lubricants, would be recycled. Substances used for, or resulting from, minor maintenance activities would be stored in small quantities at each facility. Diesel fuel for support vehicles would be stored in existing aboveground storage tanks, and appropriate spill prevention and containment strategies would continue to be implemented. In addition, a spill prevention, control, and countermeasures plan would be implemented, and appropriate spill response equipment would be located on site. Since no F-35 data are available that are directly applicable to an operational aircraft, based at Nellis AFB, undertaking the FDE and WS missions, hazardous wastes estimates from a similar, single-engine aircraft, the F-16, were used. Estimates show that about 70 percent of the hazardous waste generated by an F-35 would be derived from six processes: aircraft structural maintenance, AGE maintenance, insquadron maintenance, munitions maintenance, propulsion and test cell, and supply fuels management (Table 4.12-1). Less notable contributions to overall waste generation would come from additional maintenance activities, such as avionics, tire and wheel shops, and the structural sheet metal shop. Table 4.12-1 Hazardous Wastes Generated by F-16 Maintenance Processes Pounds per Maintenance Process Aircraft per Year Corrosion Control 180 AGE 17 In-Squadron Maintenance 30 Munitions Maintenance 62 Propulsion and Test Cell 25 Supply Fuel Management 10 Total 324
Source: Final EA for the Proposed Force Structures Changes and Related Action at Cannon AFB, New Mexico, July 1995

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Again, using the F-16 for comparison purposes, it can be anticipated that the amount of hazardous waste generated by the F-35 will be less than that of the F-16 (Table 4.12-1 indicates 324 pounds per F-16 are generated). In comparison, data from all 113 Nellis assigned aircraft (HH-60, A-10, F-15C, F-15E, F-16, F-22A) were assessed and the average hazardous waste per aircraft per year was 385 pounds. After the full complement of 36 F-35s is in place by 2020, F-35 maintenance would generate about 11,664 pounds of RCRA hazardous waste per year (324 pounds per year x 36 aircraft). This would represent a 6 percent increase in total hazardous waste relative to current conditions. No new types of waste streams are anticipated, and this increase would not affect current hazardous waste management protocols or generator status. Nevertheless, if any new waste streams are identified after the production model of the F-35 is finalized, the appropriate transportation, storage, and disposal procedures would be developed. Through recycling and pollution prevention, hazardous waste at Nellis AFB has declined and is anticipated to continue to decline. These procedures would be applied to waste streams from the F-35 and hazardous waste is expected to decline as well. Construction and maintenance activities associated with the proposed action would require the use of hazardous substances such as petroleum, oil, and lubricants. During construction, use of these substances for fueling and equipment maintenance would have the potential for minor spills and releases. Use of best construction practices would reduce this potential to an insignificant level. For any personnel associated with the proposed action that may come in contact with these materials, specialized training for handling and disposal of wastes would be available. Aircraft hangars used for F-35s would be similar to the F-22A hangar which does not have floor drains, thus preventing discharges of hazardous substances into sanitary or storm sewer systems. In addition, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Air Force 1998b) prepared by Nellis AFB personnel provides methods for the reduction or elimination of pollution in local groundwater sources, should any hazardous materials be inadvertently released. Adherence to all requirements for hazardous materials storage and use, as well as temporary storage of hazardous wastes, would be monitored under the Air Forces Environmental Safety and Occupational Health Compliance Assessment Management Program. Asbestos may be encountered as structures are remodeled or demolished to accommodate new F-35 support facilities. It is current Air Force practice to remove exposed friable asbestos and manage other asbestos-containing materials in place, depending on the potential threat to human health. Friable asbestos, if encountered would be removed by licensed contractors and disposed of in a local asbestospermitted landfill.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 4.12.2 No-Action Alternative

Under no-action alternative, Nellis AFB personnel would continue to use hazardous materials in the same manner as present. Hazardous waste generation would continue similar to those described under baseline conditions and existing procedures for the centralized management, procurement, handling, storage, issuing, and disposal of hazardous materials used on base would continue. If needed, spill prevention, control, and countermeasures plans would be updated to address any new procedures. The no-action alternative includes no specific plans to alter or demolish asbestos-containing buildings. Normal modifications and repairs to such buildings would likely occur as at present. Any asbestoscontaining materials encountered during these efforts would be handled under existing rules to reduce exposure to, and release of, friable asbestos.

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This section provides 1) a definition of cumulative effects, 2) a description of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable actions relevant to cumulative effects, 3) an assessment of the nature between interaction of the proposed action with other actions, and 4) an evaluation of cumulative effects potentially resulting from these interactions. 5.1.1 Definition of Cumulative Effects

CEQ regulations stipulate that the cumulative effects analysis should consider the potential environmental impacts resulting from the incremental impacts of the action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what agency or person undertakes such other actions (40 CFR 1508.7). Recent CEQ guidance in Considering Cumulative Effects affirms this requirement, stating that the first steps in assessing cumulative effects involve defining the scope of the other actions and their interrelationship with the proposed action. The scope must consider other projects that coincide with the location and timetable of the proposed action and other actions. Cumulative effects analysis must also evaluate the nature of interactions among these actions. Cumulative effects are most likely to arise when a relationship or synergism exists between a proposed action and other actions expected to occur concurrently or in a similar location. Actions overlapping with or in close proximity to the proposed action would be expected to have more potential for a relationship than those more geographically separated. Actions that coincide, even partially, in time would tend to offer a higher potential for cumulative effects. To identify cumulative effects the analysis needs to address three fundamental questions: 1. Does a relationship exist such that elements of the proposed action might interact with elements of past, present, or reasonably foreseeable actions? 2. If one or more of the elements of the proposed action and another action could be expected to interact, would the proposed action affect or be affected by impacts of the other action? 3. If such a relationship exists, then does an assessment reveal any potentially significant impacts not identified when the proposed action is considered alone?

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 5.1.2 Scope of Cumulative Effects Analysis

The scope of the cumulative effects analysis involves both the geographic extent of the effects and the time frame in which the effects could be expected to occur. For this F-35 beddown EIS, two affected areas define the geographic extent of the cumulative effects analysis. The first affected area includes Nellis AFB and its vicinity, including its associated airspace. The second affected area defines the horizontal boundaries of NTTR and the vertical boundaries of its overlying airspace. Examination of other actions not occurring within or adjacent to one or both of these affected areas reveals that they lack the necessary interactions to result in cumulative effects. The time frame for cumulative effects centers on the timing of the proposed action. For the beddown itself, the time frame extends from 2011, when construction would begin, through 2020, when the last F-35s would arrive at Nellis AFB. The effects of implementing the FDE program and WS would continue into the future beyond 2020 because new aircraft commonly remain in the inventory for 25 years or more. Actions occurring beyond the end of the beddown, other than the beddown and its operations, or the continued use of Nellis AFB and NTTR, are not reasonably foreseeable and cannot be considered under cumulative effects. Past actions within the two affected areas relate predominantly to activities on and use of Nellis AFB and NTTR. Under the no-action alternative, the current environmental conditions of these two areas underwent analysis in this EIS. Since those conditions represent the result of long-term use occurring at Nellis AFB and in NTTR, analysis of the no-action alternative has considered those past and present effects engendered by the operation and use of the base and NTTR. The Renewal of the Nellis Air Force Range Land Withdrawal Legislative EIS (Air Force 1999b) for the withdrawal renewal also addressed the effects of the use of NTTR. Previous analyses addressing the Nellis AFB affected area include Wing Infrastructure Development Outlook (WINDO) EA (Air Force 2006d), F-22 FDE and WS Beddown at Nellis AFB, Nevada EIS (Air Force 1999a), the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Environmental Assessment for Realignment of Nellis Air Force Base (Air Force 2007b), and the Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases Capital Improvements Program Environmental Assessment (Air Force 2008). The FDE program and WS beddown EIS also has assessed the interactions, or synergistic effects, of individual elements of the proposed F-35 beddown under each resource (sections 4.2 through 4.12). For example, analyses considered the combined effects of construction and increased aircraft operations on the air quality within the affected region of Nellis AFB and NTTR (section 4.4). Another factor influencing the scope of cumulative effects analysis involves identification and consideration of other actions. Beyond determining that the geographic scope and time frame for the actions interrelate with the proposed action, the analysis employs the measure of reasonably foreseeable to include or exclude other actions. For the purposes of this analysis, public documents prepared by
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS federal, state, and local government agencies form the primary sources of information regarding reasonably foreseeable actions. Scoping also can provide insight into such actions, but no comment received at scoping for this EIS identified other such actions. Documents used to define other actions included notices of intent for EISs and EAs, management plans, land use plans, other NEPA studies, and economic and demographic projections. 5.1.3 Cumulative Effects of Reasonably Foreseeable Actions

Actions potentially relating to the cumulative effects for the proposed F-35 beddown could include those of the DoD, Department of Energy, Department of the Interior, and local counties. The following outlines these actions and assesses their relationship to the proposed beddown. DoD Past, Present, and Future Actions Nellis AFB is an active military installation that undergoes continuous change in mission and in training requirements. This process of change is consistent with the United States defense policy that the Air Force must be ready to respond to threats to American interests throughout the world. Several recent mission and training requirements have resulted in facility construction and upgrades on the NTTR. Nellis AFB. The Air Force is implementing a Wing Infrastructure Development Outlook (WINDO) program of infrastructure improvements through 2008. The proposed action consisted of 631 WINDO projects at Nellis AFB (the majority of projects occur within the base environs), NTTR associated facilities, Creech AFB, and Tonopah Test Range that include repair, maintenance, infrastructure installation, renovation, construction, and demolition. Air Force analysis of the impacts of implementing these WINDO projects resulted in a Finding of No Significant Impact (Air Force 2006d). In 2008, the Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases Capital Improvements Program Environmental Assessment evaluated adjustments to the planning process based on any changes in mission requirements or identified gaps in capabilities. This reevaluation under EIAP analyzed direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts and resulted in a Finding of No Significant Impact. The 2005 DoD BRAC recommended realignment of aircraft for Nellis AFB; the base could gain up to eight fighter aircraft. This realignment began in late 2007 with the Air Force completing the EIAP in March 2007 (Air Force 2007b). On base, there will be administrative, operational, instructional, flightline, and infrastructure upgrades and construction disturbing 49 acres from 2007 to 2011. There would also be a 3 percent increase in annual airfield operations of roughly 1,400.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS NTTR. In 2002, the Air Force approved construction of the military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) facility encompassing approximately 97 acres at Silver Flag Alpha Complex on Range 63A with facilities constructed at Creech AFB. Construction of the MOUT began in 2002 and is complete. In 2003, construction of a High Technology Training Complex (HTTC) encompassing 946 acres on Range 62 was approved by the Air Force (Air Force 2003b). Construction of the HTTC began in 2004 and concluded in 2008. In 2003, the Air Force implemented a force structure change that will add up to 48 medium- and highaltitude (MQ-1 and MQ-9) Predator unmanned aerial vehicles to the current inventory of 40 Predators at Creech AFB and add 143 personnel to Nellis AFB. Construction and infrastructure improvement projects related to the Predator force structure are complete. The Air Force prepared an EA for the Predator Force Structure Changes at Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field in 2003. This analysis revealed minimal impacts and the Air Force adopted a Finding of No Significant Impact. In addition, a number of other actions has been analyzed previously in the Renewal of the Nellis Air Force Range Land Withdrawal Legislative EIS (Air Force 1999b) and when evaluated with the proposed F-35 beddown would not generate additive cumulative effects to the region. Currently, components of the ExpeRT course occur at Silver Flag Alpha on NTTR and at nearby Creech AFB. Under the proposed action, the Air Force is increasing the number of students training by the Security Forces from an existing 2,520 students per year to 6,000 students per year at the end of the fourth phase of implementation in the winter of 2008. To support this increase, the Air Force is providing infrastructure improvements (a laundry/shower/latrine, leach field, water storage tanks, and communication, water, and power lines) to existing tent complex, MOUT training site, and other facilities; upgrade five existing small-arms training ranges; construct two academic facilities; and provide for a Convoy Combat Training route on existing road A-1all on Silver Flag Alpha. Although training would continue and increase at both Creech AFB and Silver Flag Alpha, this action did not involve any new construction or upgrades of facilities at Creech AFB. Under the BRAC realignment (2005), sortie-operations increase, as well as a minor uptake in use of munitions, chaff, and flares; no infrastructure, facilities, or ranges would need to be constructed, demolished, or renovated. Again, the total amount of activity (less than 1 percent of existing levels) is minimal in context with overall NTTR use. DOE Past, Present, and Future Actions No DOE actions will incrementally impact Nellis AFB and NTTR. Funding for the Yucca Mountain project was eliminated in the FY11 budget request. DOE has reversed its application to license the facility and is now in the process of closing down the site by September 30, 2011.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Department of Interior Past, Present, and Future Actions BLM. The BLM manages millions of acres of public lands in southern Nevada which include portions of land underlying NTTR and areas near Nellis AFB. Management of the multiple-use public lands requires continued updating and changes to area resource management plans to maintain land use flexibility while protecting sensitive species. The F-35 proposal would be a continuation of the military mission and would not affect BLM land management in areas in the vicinity of the base or underlying NTTR airspace. Therefore, cumulative impacts would not change from existing conditions or environmental consequences presented in this EIS. USFWS. Aircraft operate in airspace overlying the DNWR and employ ordnance within DNWR lands approved for such activity in accordance with a Letter of Agreement between the Air Force and the USFWS. Beddown of the F-35s and their use of NTTR airspace would not change the nature of overflights that the DNWR currently experiences or negligibly increase the use of the ranges within DNWR boundaries. Cumulative impacts; therefore, would not change from the existing conditions or environmental consequences presented in this EIS. Local Actions Nellis AFB, North Las Vegas, and a portion of NTTR lie within Clark County, whereas the majority of NTTR resides mostly in Nye and Lincoln counties. Census data and other information indicate that Clark County exhibited a 38 percent increase in population from 2000 to 2009 (compared to a 32 percent experienced by the state) (USCB 2010b). It is anticipated that home construction will continue throughout the Las Vegas Valley; that the highway network will continue to grow and be upgraded; and that air service will be expanded. To accommodate the growth, the FAA and BLM announced their intent to construct and operate a new supplemental commercial service airport 30 miles south of Las Vegas (the Ivanpah Valley Airport), along I-15, to alleviate congestion and delays at McCarran International Airport (SNSA 2007). While still in the impact analysis process, the potential increase and/or change in airspace use could cumulatively impact NTTR airspace.



Analysis of the F-35 proposed action, when considered cumulatively with past, present, and/or future actions, resulted in a finding of no adverse and/or significant impacts to noise; safety; land use and recreation; socioeconomics and infrastructure; environmental justice and protection of children; biological resources; and hazardous materials and waste: Noise. The additional sorties at Nellis AFB and NTTR from the BRAC action would constitute a 3 percent and less than 1 percent increase in the airfields and airspace, respectively. This increase
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS would not change noise levels as presented in section 3.4. No other actions by the DOE, Department of Interior, or local entities would change the noise environment at Nellis AFB or NTTR as presented in section 4.4. The proposed new Las Vegas area airport is more than 30 miles south of the base and would not impact noise levels around the base or in NTTR airspace. Safety. None of the other actions would change safety procedures within the base or on NTTR lands or vice versa. DOE and Air Force safety procedures are already prescribed through existing operating agreements; no new operating safety procedures would be required under the F-35 beddown proposal, therefore, no BLM or USFWS safety regulations or procedures would be impacted by Air Force activities at Nellis AFB or NTTR. Land use and recreation. Land use impacts should not differ from those presented in section 4.6. The increase in noise levels due to the F-35 beddown could impact land uses but this level of impact would not differ when considered cumulatively with the other actions. This would also be true in lands underlying NTTR airspace. There would be an increase in subsonic and supersonic noise levels but no further increase to these noise levels are anticipated when considered with the other actions. Socioeconomics and infrastructure. When considered cumulatively, the F-35 socioeconomic impacts would be negligible when compared to impacts associated with the growth that Las Vegas Valley is currently experiencing. Input to the economy will continue to increase but would not be adverse when considered with the F-35 action. This would be the same for infrastructure impacts. Those proposed by the F-35 beddown are overshadowed by the road, public services, and utility upgrades and construction associated with the Las Vegas urban area population growth and would not incur adverse impacts when considered incrementally with these other actions. Environmental justice and protection of children. Impacts would not differ for minority or lowincome populations than what are presented in section 4.7 of this EIS. No other projects, when considered cumulatively, would disproportionately impact these populations (as well as the potential risk to children) around Nellis AFB or under NTTR airspace. No adverse incremental impacts are anticipated. Biological resources. Impacts to biological resources in the vicinity of Nellis AFB and NTTR would not differ noticeably from those presented in section 4.10. For the most part, developed land within Nellis AFB would be disturbed and would not adversely impact threatened and/or endangered species or habitat supporting these species. Therefore, it is not anticipated that when considered cumulatively with the other actions, biological resources would be adversely impacted. The same can be said for biological resources associated with NTTR. Other projects proposed at the DOE and the Department of Interior levels are coordinated through consultation
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS processes already in place with the Air Force; therefore, no impacts are anticipated when considered cumulatively to biological resources. Hazardous materials and waste. No new hazardous materials (other than those already used and managed at Nellis AFB) would be introduced at Nellis AFB; therefore, when considered with other hazardous material activities on the base, it is anticipated that there would be no cumulative effects anticipated. In terms of hazardous waste, no new waste streams would be created from basing the F-35 at Nellis AFB. Therefore, it is not anticipated that there would be any impacts to hazardous waste management and disposal when considered incrementally with other on-base activities. No other actions within NTTR, when considered with F-35 operations, would change hazardous material and waste management and disposal at the ranges; therefore, no impacts. Following evaluation of the F-35 proposed action and other actions cumulatively, potential effects on airspace and aircraft operations; air quality; soils and water; and cultural resources were studied, the results of which are presented below. Airspace and Aircraft Operations. The proposed action would increase the number of aircraft operations at Nellis AFB and within NTTR airspace; however, operations would remain within the historical range for both the airfield and NTTR. Development of the Ivanpah Valley Airport would expand operations in the Las Vegas terminal airspace but should not have an adverse effect on airspace and aircraft operations at Nellis AFB or NTTR due to both the ongoing consultation process associated with the supplemental airport proposal as well as following existing rules and regulations of the FAA and Air Force. Programs, policies, procedures, and manuals are already in place to ensure safe airfield operations and flight safety. The FAA has designated Nellis AFB as Class B airspace that requires all aircraft operating within the lateral and vertical limits of this area to be in communication with and under the positive control of an air traffic control facility to maximize the safe, orderly flow of all aircraft operating within this congested area. In NTTR, FAA airspace designations allow the Air Force full control to ensure the safe operation of military, commercial, and civilian air traffic within these airspace units. In summary, the potential air operations and flight safety impacts are not expected to be significant when considered cumulatively with the other actions. This would be assured by following established Nellis AFB and NTTR operating procedures, conducting all flight operations in compliance with existing regulations and restrictions, and through continued coordination between the FAA and Air Force regarding operations within these airspace units. Air Quality. The air quality environment for Nellis AFB is the Las Vegas Valley, and Las Vegas is in nonattainment status CO (serious), PM10 (serious), and 8-hour ozone (basic). The F-35 proposed action will require facility construction and additional airfield operations that would increase emissions to the regional area and these impacts are presented in section 4.3. The F-35 proposed action exceeds
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS de minimis thresholds for CO and the ozone precursor pollutants NOx in 2020. This could impact regional air quality and other actions in the local area and population growth. The Air Force has coordinated with Clark County to include 185 tons of NOx emissions into their Ozone SIP Revision. Clark County has responded positively to this request (see Appendices D and F) as for CO emissions, the county has already accounted for those CO exceedances in their CO SIP Revision. Clark County will continue to regulate air quality to ensure that emissions in do not exceed their budgeted levels and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is anticipated that while overall regional emissions would increase on a cumulative basis, the proportion added by the F-35 beddown would not adversely impact Clark County regional air quality or attainment/maintenance status. In terms of GHG emissions, assuming a lifespan of 28 years for each aircraft and unchanged operational tempo, the total GHG emissions over the course of the lifespan for all 36 aircraft based at Nellis AFB would total 3,395,644 metric tons. Soils and Water. Soil impacts include soil loss and erosion. Several factors indicate that erosion and soil loss would be negligible on Nellis AFB: precipitation in the Nellis AFB/Las Vegas area is low, construction would take place over a 5-year period, most construction would occur on previously developed land, and Air Force and Clark County require employment of standard construction practices to minimize erosion and stormwater run-off. Overall, the proposed action would result in no potential for incremental adverse impacts from proposed F-35 activities and no adverse impacts to soils when considered incrementally with other on-base actions. In terms of water use, Nellis AFB is currently allotted about 7.1 million gpd of combined surface and groundwater sources, and full implementation of the proposed action in 2020 would result in use of approximately 355,180 gpd to 446,419 gpd, which is well within Nellis AFBs water allocation. When considered with other on-base actions, there would not be a negligible increase in water use to require the base to increase their existing water rights. It is unlikely, therefore, that the cumulative effects of the proposed action would have significant adverse effect on water resources at Nellis AFB and in the surrounding area. Soils and water resources within NTTR would not be impacted because no construction or operational ground disturbance activities would occur in the ranges under the F-35 beddown; therefore, no impacts would occur cumulatively when considered with other actions. Cultural Resources. Potential effects to cultural resources could result from ground-disturbing activities associated with construction or demolition of significant structures, from modification of significant structures, from increased noise levels and vibrations, visual intrusions from overflights, and effects from ordnance and flare use. All of Nellis AFB has been surveyed for archeological resources. Only one National Register-eligible archaeological site, a quarry, exists on base. All other sites were determined through SHPO consultation to be ineligible for nomination. If an unanticipated discovery of archaeological material occurs during construction, then an investigation and evaluation would be
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS required and conducted according to procedures in 36 CFR Part 60 and the Nellis AFB ICRMP (Air Force 2010). In addition, no National-Register eligible architectural resources would be affected by this proposed action and as a result of Air Force efforts to address cultural and Native American laws, no traditional cultural properties have been identified on Nellis AFB and therefore would not be impacted. A cultural resource setting may be impacted by maintenance activities, machinery and vehicle use, or by aircraft overflights. To be adversely affected, the setting of a resource must be an integral part of the characteristics that qualify the resource for listing on, or eligibility for, the National Register. Because of modern development on and around the base, neither the setting nor visual aspect would be affected by the proposed action on Nellis AFB. Additional noise, also, is unlikely to adversely impact resources at the base. Nellis AFB cultural resources, therefore, would not be adversely impacted when considered in conjunction with other on-base actions. On NTTR, no potentially-eligible or eligible archaeological sites or architectural structures would be cumulatively affected because no new construction, demolition, or upgrade activities would occur due to the F-35 proposal. Ordnance delivery by the F-35 would occur on existing target complexes on NTTR, with similar ordnance to that currently being used at these target areas. No new disturbance areas or change of ordnance are projected when considered with other actions. Use of ordnance on existing targets would be unlikely to adversely affect National Register-eligible archaeological resources. In the overlying NTTR airspace, impacts from overflights would require high decibel levels, generated at close proximity to the structure, and in a low frequency range to create noise-related vibration damage to structures, even historic buildings (USFS 1992; Battis 1983, 1988). Aircraft must generate at least 120 dB at a distance of no more than 150 feet to potentially result in structural damage (Battis 1988). Even a direct overflight of a fragile structure by a large, high-speed aircraft has less than a 0.3 percent chance of damage (Sutherland 1990). Operations at higher altitudes have an even lower probability of being affected by aircraft overflights. Historic structures are unlikely; therefore, to be adversely affected by noise and vibrations by overflights since subsonic noise levels (SEL) from the F-35 would not exceed 110 dB and would not perceptibly increase when considered with other projects that would occur in NTTR airspace. Frequency of sonic booms expected with the F-35 would increase booms per month in some airspace units and their impact to cultural resources is presented in section 4.12. The characterization of these impacts would not change when considered cumulatively with other actions in NTTR airspace. An increase in sonic boom frequency could adversely affect traditional uses or sacred areas by creating an audible intrusion to the setting; however, government-to-government consultations have not elicited concerns. The effects to cultural resources from the use of flares is usually associated with the secondary effects of fire, and to date, have little, if any impact on cultural resources. Continued flare use would have a negligible cumulative effect on cultural resources. Consultation with American Indian groups
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS would continue through the Native American Program to identify areas of concern and to determine the extent of effects to these resources. In summary, no adverse impacts to cultural or traditional resources are anticipated with NTTR when considered cumulatively with other actions within the same area.



NEPA requires that environmental analysis include identification of any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented. Irreversible and irretrievable resource commitments are related to the use of nonrenewable resource and the effects that the uses of these resources have on future generations. Irreversible effects primarily result from the use or destruction of a specific resource (e.g., energy and minerals) that cannot be replaced within a reasonable time frame. Irretrievable resource commitments involve the loss in value of an affected resource that cannot be restored as a result of the action (e.g., extinction of a threatened or endangered species or the disturbance of a cultural site). For the proposed action, most resource commitments are neither irreversible nor irretrievable. Most impacts are short-term and temporary, or longer lasting but negligible. Those limited resources that may involve a possible irreversible or irretrievable commitment under the proposed action are discussed below. Facilities construction and maintenance for F-35 support would require consumption of limited quantities of aggregate, steel, concrete, petroleum, oil, and lubricants. Construction would occur on previously disturbed areas or locations lacking native habitat, so no irreversible loss of habitat and wildlife would result. Similarly, construction on base would avoid significant cultural resources. While construction of new facilities would incur some soil disturbance and loss, measures to localize and minimize soil loss would be implemented. The proposed F-35 beddown would require fuels used by aircraft and surface vehicles. The additional sorties from Nellis AFB would result in fuel use for as long as the F-35 FDE program and WS continued. Surface vehicles supporting F-35 maintenance and operations would also use fuel, oil, and lubricants. However, since the mandated FDE program and WS would need to occur at some location, use of these finite resources would be inevitable. Personal vehicle use by the staff proposed to support the F-35 beddown would consume fuel, oil, and lubricants. The amount of these materials would not perceptibly change from that currently used by these individuals and their families at Nellis AFB and would not increase overall consumption of these resources. Ordnance use would cause negligible ground disturbance, soil exposure, and erosion. Existing targets will be used for F-35 training so new disturbance would be likely. In addition, quantities of steel and other materials used in construction of munitions and targets would be committed under the proposed action.


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______. 2009c. Estimates for Nevada Counties, 2009. Website search conducted April 2011 at http://census.gov/cgi-bin/saipe. ______. 2009d. Clark County People QuickFacts from the U.S. Census Bureau, Clark County, Nevada. Website search conducted April 2011 at http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/32/32003.html. ______. 2006. Census 2000. Profile of Selected Housing Characteristics. Website search conducted November 2006 at http://factifinder.census.gov. ______. 2000a. Nevada 2000 Demographic Profile Highlights. Website search conducted April 2011 at http://factfinder.census.gov. ______. 2000b. Clark County QuickFacts from the U.S. Census Bureau, Clark County, Nevada. Website search conducted April 2011 at http://quickfacts.census.gov/. ______. 2000c. Profile of Selected Housing Characteristics: 2000. Clark County, Nevada. Website search conducted April 2011 at http://factfinder.census.gov. ______. 2000d. 2000 U.S. Census Bureau Poverty Status by Age, Summary File 3. Website search conducted April 2011 at http://factfinder.census.gov. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1985. Soil Survey of Las Vegas Valley Area Nevada, Part of Clark County. Soil Conservation Service. United States Department of Health and Human Services. 2006. 2006 Federal Poverty Guidelines. February. United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. 1991. The Noise Guidebook. September.

6.0 References Cited Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2011. 2005 Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties Tier Emissions Reports Generated from the USEPA Website at http://www.epa.gov/air/data/. Accessed February. _____. 2010a. Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; State of Nevada; Redesignation of Las Vegas Valley to Attainment for the Carbon Monoxide Standard. Federal Register, Volume 75, Number 186, page 59090. September. _____. 2010b. Determination of Attainment for PM 10 for the Las Vegas Valley Nonattainment Area. Federal Register, Volume 75, Number 148, page 45485. August. _____. 2009. Adequacy Status of Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets in Submitted Early Progress Plan for Clark County 8-hour Ozone for Transportation Conformity Purposes. Federal Register, Volume 74, Number 92, page 22738. May. _____. 2006. Regional Haze Regulations and Guidelines for Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Determination. Research Triangle Park, NC. USEPA Geographic Strategies Group. 19 July. _____. 1974. Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect the Public Health and Welfare With an Adequate Margin of Safety. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Report 550/9-74-004. March. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2010. Summary of Animals and Plant Listings in Nevada. Environmental Conservation Online System website at http://ecos.fws.gov/tess_public/pub/stateListingAndOccurrenceIndividual. December. ______. 2007. Programmatic Biological Opinion for Implementation of Actions Proposed on Nellis Air Force Base and the Small Arms Range, Clark County, Nevada. File No. 1-5-07-F-497, June 15. _____. 2004. Amendment to the Programmatic Biological Opinion for Activities on the South Range of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada Test and Training Range, and the Nevada Training Initiative. Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada. File Number 1-5-02-F-522.AMD1, June 30. _____. 2003. Programmatic Biological Opinion for Activities on the South Range of Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada Test and Training Range, and the Nevada Training Initiative. Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada. File Number 1-5-02-F-522. 17 June.


6.0 References Cited Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS _____. 1997. Biological Opinion on the Reinitiation of Formal Consultation for Continuing Current Weapons Testing and Training on U.S. Department of the Air Forces Weapons and Tactics Center Range Complex. File Nos. 1-5-96-F-278R, 1-5-94-F-162.AMD3. February. _____. 1994. Biological Opinion for Continuing Current Weapons Testing/Training on the U.S. Department of the Air Forces Weapons and Tactics Center Range Complex. File No. 1-5-94-F162. July 19. United States Forest Service (USFS). 1992. Potential Impacts of Aircraft Overflights of National Forest System Wilderness. Prepared pursuant to Section 5, Public Law 100-91, National Park Overflights Act of 1987. National Technical Information Service, Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA. _____. 1985. Humboldt National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Elko, NV. United States Geological Survey (USGS). 1997. Ground Water Atlas of the United States - Segment 1, California and Nevada. http://water.wr.usgs.gov/gwatlas United States Ghost Towns. 2006. Website information at http://www.ghosttowns.com/. Accessed January 2006. United States Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). 2009. Global Climate Change Impacts in the United StatesA State of Knowledge Report. Cambridge University Press, New York. University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). 2006. CBER Clark County Construction Index. The Center for Business and Economic Research, Las Vegas, NV. October. Weisenberger, M.E., P.R. Krausman, M.C. Wallace, D.W. DeYoung, and O.E. Maughan. 1996. Effects of Simulated Jet Aircraft Noise on Heart Rate and Behavior of Desert Ungulates. Journal of Wildlife Management, Volume 60 pgs. 52-61. Workman, G.W., T.D. Bunch, J.W. Call, R.C. Evans, L.S. Neilson, and E.M. Rawlings. 1992. Sonic Boom/Animal Disturbance Studies on Pronghorn Antelope, Rocky Mountain Elk, and Bighorn Sheep. Utah State University Foundation: Logan. Prepared for USAF, Hill AFB, UT. Worldwide Bird-Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) Conference. 1990. Worldwide Bird-Aircraft Strike Hazard Conference Report, April 10-12. Little Rock, AR.

6.0 References Cited Final, May 2011




57 OSS/OSM. Bee, Dennis. Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2005. 57 WG/SEF. Bass, Thomas, Captain. BASH Program POC. Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2005. 98 OSS/OSX. Crouse, Bill. Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2005. Abbey, Robert. State Director, Bureau of Land Management State Office. Reno, Nevada. 2005 Alley, Louis. HQ AFSC/JAR. Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. 2005. Arnold, Richard. Tribal Chairperson, Pahrump Paiute Tribe. Pahrump, Nevada. 2005. Bennett, Raul. HQ ACC/DORR. Langley AFB, Virginia. 2005. Biaggi, Allen. Administrator, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. Carson City, Nevada. 2005. Birger, Dick. Project Leader, Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex Office. Las Vegas, Nevada. 2005. Blazi, Jeffery. 99 CES/CEOEF (Maintenance Engineering) Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2006.

Bricker, Felton. Tribal Representative, Mojave Tribe. Mohave Valley, Arizona. 2005. Carson-Jake, Vivienne. Tribal Representative, Kaibab Band of Southern Paiutes. Fredonia, Arizona. 2005. Christensen, Roger. 98th RANW/XPL. Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2005. Consolidated Group of Tribes and Organizations. Nevada. 2005-2006. Crawfoth, Terry. Administrator, Nevada Department of Wildlife. Reno, Nevada. 2005. Devine, Linda. HQ ACC/A7PP. Langley AFB, Virginia. 2007. Dibble, Jim. HQ ACC/DR-JSF JMO. Langley AFB, Virginia. 2005. Douglass, Danny. 98 OSS/OSO Chief. Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2005. Fisher, Bill. Bureau of Land Management Tonopah Field Station. Tonopah, Nevada. 2005. Frank-Churchill, Maurice. Tribal Representative, Yomba Shoshone Tribe. Austin, Nevada. 2005. Haarklau, Lynn. 99 CES/CEVN (NEPA Program Manager). Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2007. Harris, Paul. Major. HQ ACC/DOTW. Langley AFB, Virginia. 2005. James, Ronald. State Historic Preservation Office. Carson City, Nevada. 2005. JSF Team NAVAIR. Hawkins, Jean. Cecil Field, Florida. 2004-2005.

7.0 Persons and Agencies Contacted Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Luker, Stacey. 2010. JSF ESOH Technology Coordinator, Wyle Labs. Mathew, Shimi. 99 CES/CEVN (Air Program Manager). Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2007. McCain, Amy. Major. SAF/AQPF. Pentagon, Washington DC. 2005. Moose, Gaylene. Tribal Representative, Bishop Paiute Indian Tribe. Big Pine, California. 2005. Morse, Mark. Office Manager, Bureau of Land Management Las Vegas Field Office. Las Vegas, Nevada. 2005. Myers, Anita. 99 CPTS/FMA. Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2005. Myher, Keith. 99 CES/CEVN (Cultural Resources Manager). Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2005 through 2007. Nastri, Wayne. Regional Administrator. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. San Francisco, California. 2005. Omohundro, Judith. Nellis AFB Child Development Center II (99 SVS/SVYC2). 2005. Parker, Sheryl. HQ ACC/A7PP. Langley AFB, Virginia. 2007. Perez, Debbie. 99 CES/CEH (Housing). Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2007. Petersen, Mel. Lt. Col. HQ ACC/JSF. Langley AFB, Virginia. 2005. Ridgefield, Irwin. MSgt. 9 CES/CEF. Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2005. Roe, John. 99 CES/CEVC (Water, Solid Waste). Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2007. Schofield, Roger. 98 RANW/XPL. Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2005. Stafford, Michael. Nevada State Clearinghouse Department of Administration. Carson City, Nevada. 2005. Turner, Bob. 99 CES/CEVN (Natural Resources Manager). Nellis AFB, Nevada. 2005 through 2007. Turnipseed, R. Michael. Director, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Carson City, Nevada. 2005. Williams, Robert. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Nevada Ecological Field Office. Reno, Nevada. 2005. Williams, Vincent. Chief, Fire Emergency Services, 98 SPTS/ISF. Indian Springs AFAF. 2005.


7.0 Persons and Agencies Contacted Final, May 2011



James Campe, Senior Environmental Analyst B.S., Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering, University of California, CA, 1986 Years of Experience: 18 Christina Cummings, Production Coordinator A.A.S., Administrative Office Technology, Boise State University, ID, 1999 Years of Experience: 12 Cathy Doan, Airspace and Aircraft Operations, Safety, Hazardous Materials and Waste B.S., English, Central Michigan University, MI, 1980 M.A., Human Resources Development, Webster University, MO, 1985 Years of Experience: 15 Travis P. Gahm, GIS Specialist B.S. Biology, James Madison University, VA, 2009 Years of Experience: 2 Lesley Hamilton, Air Quality B.A., Chemistry, Mary Baldwin College, VA, 1988 Years of Experience: 17 Chare D. Hoffman, Socioeconomics and Infrastructure, Soils and Water, Biological Resources B.S., Biology, Christopher Newport University, VA, 1999 Years of Experience: 7 Edie Mertz, Graphics A.A. General Education, Cerro Coso College, CA, 1994 Years of Experience: 18 Kevin J. Peter, Project Manager B.A., Anthropology, Pomona College, CA, 1975 M.A., Anthropology, Washington State University, WA, 1986 Years of Experience: 24 Kathy L. Rose, Public Involvement, QA B.A., Political Science/German, University of Massachusetts/Amherst, MA, 1980 M.A., International Relations, George Washington University, DC, 1983 M.S., Forest Resource Management, University of Idaho, ID, 1996 Years of Experience: 22 Teresa Rudolph, Land Use, Recreation and Visual Resources, Cultural Resources B.A., Anthropology, Florida State University, FL, 1975 M.A., Anthropology, Southern Illinois University, IL, 1981 Years of Experience: 23
8.0 List of Preparers and Contributors Final, May 2011 8-1

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Subcontractors Joe Czech, Wyle Laboratories, Inc., Noise B.S., Aerospace Engineering, California State Polytechnic University Pomona, CA, 1988 Professional Engineer, State of California, Mechanical, M28245 Years of Experience: 21 Patrick Kester, Wyle Laboratories, Inc., Noise B.S., Mechanical Engineering, California State Polytechnic University Pomona, CA, 2006 Years of Experience: 3


8.0 List of Preparers and Contributors Final, May 2011



Repository Alamo Branch Library Beatty Library District Boulder City Library Caliente Branch Library Nevada State Library and Archives Federal Publications James Dickinson Library Las Vegas Library, Reference Department North Las Vegas Library District Main Branch Pahrump Community Library Community College of Southern Nevada Library Cheyenne Campus Business and Government Info. Center/322 - University of Nevada Libraries Tonopah Public Library Lincoln County Library Address 100 North 1st Street 400 North 4th Street 701 Adams Blvd 100 Depot Avenue 100 N. Stewart Street 4505 Maryland Parkway 833 Las Vegas Blvd North 2300 Civic Center Drive 701 East Street 3200 E Cheyenne Ave City Alamo Beatty Boulder City Caliente Carson City Las Vegas Las Vegas North Las Vegas Pahrump North Las Vegas State NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV Zip 89001 89003 89005 89008 89701 89154 89101 89030 89048 89030 Phone 775-725-3343 775-553-2257 702-293-1281 775-726-3104 775-684-3360 702-895-3011 702-507-3500 702-633-1070 775-727-5930 702-651-4000

1664 N. Virginia Street 171 Central 15 Main Street

Reno Tonopah Pioche


89557 89049 89043

775-784-6945, ext 230 775-482-3374 775-463-6645

9.0 List of Repositories Final, May 2011


10.0 INDEX

10.0 INDEX
Accident Potential Zone (APZ), 3- 43, 3-45, 3-52, 3-54, 3-56, 3-75-3-76, 3-77, 3-78, 3-79, 3-80, 4-29, 4-37 Air Quality, ES-4, ES-5, ES-7, 2-37, 2-39, 3-2, 3-3, 3-31, 3-33, 3-36, 3-38, 3-40, 4-5, 4-15, 4-17, 4-19, 4-20, 5-2, 5-7, 5-8 Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace (ATCAA), 2-2, 2-6,3- 9, 3-24, 3-26, 4-8, 4-9 Annoyance, ES-6, 2-44, 3-12, 3-14, 3-15, 3-17, 4-6, 5-12, 5-31 Archaeological, ES-10, 2-48, 3-12, 3-67, 3-91, 3-92, 3-93, 3-94, 4-47, 4-48, 4-49, 5-8, 5-9 Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC), 3-62 Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH), 3-42, 3-45, 3-49, 4-21, 4-22, 4-24, 4-42 Chaff, 3-46, 5-4 Clark County, ES-7, 2-14, 2-37, 2-45, 2-46, 3-18, 3-19, 3-32, 3-33, 3-38, 3-39, 3-48, 3-51, 3-54, 3-56, 3-57, 3-63, 3-69, 3-70, 3-71, 3-72, 3-74, 3-75, 3-76, 3-83, 3-93, 4-15, 4-19, 4-20, 4-26, 4-27, 4-29, 4-30, 4-32, 4-33, 4-34, 4-36, 4-37, 4-38, 5-5, 5-8 Clear Zone (CZ), 3-43,3-52, 3-3-75, 4-29, 4-37 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), 3-96, 3-99 Consultation, 3-38, 3-39, 3-64, 3-82, 3-84, 3-91, 3-92,3-93, 4-41, 4-42,4-49, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8 Desert Tortoise, ES-9, 3-47, 3-60, 3-63, 3-83, 3-86, 3-87, 3-88, 3-90, 4-42, 4-45 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ES- 4, 2-41, 3-37, 3-77, 3-79, 3-80, 3-81, 3-101, 4-3, 4-4, 4-16, 4-17, 4-19, 4-20 Fire, ES-7, ES-8, 2-29, 2-45, 2-46, 3-35, 3-42, 3-45, 3-46, 3-48, 3-50, 3-62, 3-79, 4-21, 4-23, 4-24, 4-42, 4-43, 4-44, 4-49, 5-9 Flares, ES-2, ES-8, 1-3, 2-2, 2-27, 2-29, 2-33, 2-35, 2-36, 2-46, 2-48, 2-50, 2-97, 3-23, 3-24, 3-25, 3-43, 3-45, 3-49, 4-4, 4-9 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM), 2-6, 2-33, 4-24 Low-Income, ES-9, 2-40,2- 47, 3-74, 3-75, 3-76, 4-36, 4-37, 5-6 Military Operations Area (MOA), ES-4, ES-6, ES-8, 2-2, 3-19, 3-23, 3-24, 3-27, 3-35, 3-40, 3-44, 3-46, 4-4, 4-8, 4-9, 4-23, 4-24, 4-28, 4-49, 4-50, 4-62, 4-63, 4-65, 5-4, 5-14, 5-23, 5-30, 5-31, 5-43, 5-45, 5-49 Military Training Route (MTR), 3-24 Minority, ES-9, 2-40, 2-47, 3-2, 3-74, 3-75, 3-76, 4-36, 4-37, 5-6 Mishaps, ES-7, ES-8, 2-45, 2-46, 3-42, 3-48, 4-22, 4-23 Munitions, ES-7, 1-2, 2-2, 2-4, 2-6, 2-14, 2-20,2-22, 2-30, 2-31, 2-33, 2-45, 3-8,3-42, 3-46, 3-49, 3-51, 3-52, 3-96, 3-99, 3-101, 3-102, 4-21, 4-22, 4-26, 4-38, 4-43, 4-51, 5-4, 5-10 10.0 Index Final, May 2011 10-1

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), ES-7, 2-45, 3-31, 3-40, 4-15 National Register of Historic Places, 3-91 Ordnance, ES-2, ES-6, ES-9, 2-31, 2-34, 2-49, 2-90, 3-24,3- 48, 4-9, 4-10 Permits, 2- 6, 2-9, 2-37, 2-38, 3-36, 3-62, 3-67, 3-70, 4-19 Population, ES-6, ES-9, 2-33, 3-43, 3-56, 3-60, 3-69, 3-70, 3-71, 3-74, 3-75, 3-76, 3-83, 3-85, 3-87, 3-88, 3-90, 4-6, 4-8, 4-22, 4-32, 4-33, 4-36, 4-41, 4-42, 5-5, 5-6, 5-8 Public Involvement, ES-3, 2-36, 2-39, 2-40 Restricted Area, ES-3, 2-2,2-19, 3-5, 3-4, 3-5, 3-9, 3-23, 3-27, 3-35, 3-36, 3-41, 3-43, 4-4, 4-7, 4-8, 4-48, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4 Safety, ES-8, 2-23, 2-42, 2-46, 3-2, 3-15, 3-36, 3-42, 3-54, 3-74, 3-96, 4-1, 4-29, 4-42, 4-52, 5-6 Scoping, ES-3, 2-36, 2-38, 2-39, 2-40, 2-41, 3-2, 3-12, 3-25, 3-95, 5-3 Sensitive Species, ES-3, ES-9, 2-47, 3-81, 3-87, 3-90, 5-5 Soil, ES-10, 2-45, 3-50, 3-77, 3-78, 3-79, 3-87, 3-96, 3-101, 4-25, 4-38, 4-39, 4-40, 5-8 Sonic Boom ES-3, ES-6, ES-10, 2-4, 2-44, 2-48, 3-12, 3-13, 3-14, 3-23, 3-25, 3-28, 3-29, 3-30, 4-5, 4-12, 4-14, 4-30, 4-31, 4-44, 4-45, 4-49 Sortie-Operations, ES-2, ES-5, ES-6, ES-8, 2-22, 2-26, 2-27, 2-34, 2-35, 2-43, 2-44, 2-46, 3-8, 3-23, 3-30, 3-40, 3-49, 3-60, 3-62, 4-2, 4-3, 4-5, 4-10, 4-12, 4-14, 4-20, 4-23, 4-24, 4-26, 4-29, 4-31, 4-48, 4-49,5- 4 Stealth, 1-1, 1-3, 2-4, 2-18,2-33, 2-35 Supersonic, ES-5, ES-6, ES-8, ES-9, 1-2, 2-4, 2-5, 2-9, 2-24, 2-26, 2-35, 2-43, 2-44, 2-46, 2-47, 3-7, 3-8, 3-12, 3-13, 3-25, 3-28, 3-30, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-12, 4-14, 4-30, 4-31, 4-44, 4-45, 4-49, 5-6 Testing, ES-2, 1-1, 1-3,1- 4, 2-1, 2-3, 2-5, 2-8, 2-9, 2-11, 2-14, 2-17, 2-22, 2-23, 2-26, 2-27, 2-33, 2-34, 3-8, 3-23, 3-28, 3-37, 3-42, 3-98, 4-16, 4-45, 4-46 Visual Resources, 3-62, 4-26, 4-31 Water Resources, ES-9, 3-2, 3-50, 3-77, 3-78, 4-38, 4-39, 5-8 Wetlands, 3-45, 3-77, 3-81, 3-82, 3-85, 4-41, 4-43 Wild Horse, 3-60, 3-62, 3-85 Wilderness, 3-32, 3-51, 3-62, 3-63, 3-64, 3-67, 4-31 Wildlife, ES-3, ES-9, 2-22, 2-41, 2-47, 3-39, 3-42, 3-45, 3-49, 3-62, 3-64, 3-65, 3-67, 3-81, 3-83, 3-85, 3-86, 3-87, 4-22, 4-23, 4-31, 4-41, 4-44 Wind Generators, 3-7, 3-50


10.0 Index Final, May 2011




This appendix presents a summary of the public participation efforts for implementation of the F-35 Force FDE program and WS beddown at Nellis AFB, NV. Many opportunities have been made available for public participation in the F-35 FDE program and WS beddown EIAP. These include the following: scoping sessions and comment period; agency notification and consultation; and public hearings and comment period.



The scoping period for the F-35 FDE program and WS beddown EIAP took place when the Notice of Intent was published in the Federal Register on August 23, 2004 (Attachment A). The closing date for the scoping period was set for October 1, 2004. Although the receipt of public comments is most useful during the early stage of the EIAP, the Air Force stated during the scoping sessions that they would welcome comments throughout the EIS analysis and preparation process. The Air Forces intent during the scoping process was to provide the greatest level of opportunity for government agencies, special interest groups, and the general public to learn about the beddown proposal and to offer several ways for those interested to express their concerns regarding the proposal. Newspaper advertisements (Attachment B) were placed a week before the meetings (in both English and Spanish) in the following newspapers: Las Vegas Review Journal, Las Vegas Sun, Nevada Appeal, Lincoln County Record, Pahrump Valley Times, and El Mundo (a Spanish publication) describing the proposal and alternatives. The advertisement provided the time, dates, and locations of the meetings. Public comment was invited in these advertisements as well as at the scoping meetings. Public service announcements for the meetings were made on National Public Radio and aired on local Las Vegas television stations. These scoping meetings were conducted in an open house format to create a comfortable atmosphere for attendeesone in which they could converse individually with Air Force personnel. Attendees were welcomed at the entrance by Air Force representatives. The greeters asked attendees to sign in, distributed factsheets, and directed them to the first display. The NEPA factsheet (Attachment C) was printed in both English and Spanish. Displays were designed to enhance public understanding of the NEPA process and the multi-role F-35, the purpose and need for the proposed action, and the publics role in shaping the proposal.
Appendix A Final, May 2011 A-1

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Attendees were encouraged to examine these displays and to ask any questions they had regarding the information presented. The displays illustrated information regarding the construction, personnel, and flight activities proposed at Nellis AFB and on the number and location of F-35 flight operations proposed for the NTTR. Air Force personnel and AFCEE representatives encouraged attendees to examine the displays and ask questions. They were also encouraged to formulate and submit scoping comments. The Air Force held five scoping meetings at locations in Nevada that could potentially be affected by the proposed action and in communities that have expressed concerns with NTTR activities. All meetings were held from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; the schedule and location of each meeting is provided in the table below. Schedule of Meetings, Attendance, and Comments Date Location Attendees Plaza Hotel Monday, September 13 4 801 S. Carson Street Lincoln County Annex Tuesday, September 14 15 100 South First West Street Pioche Town Hall Wednesday, September 15 4 Hinman and Main Streets Bob Ruud Community Center Thursday, September 16 4 150 N. Highway 160 Room B Hollywood Recreation Center Friday, September 17 13 1650 S. Hollywood

City/Town Carson City Alamo Pioche Pahrump Las Vegas

Comments 0 3 1 0 5

During the official scoping period ten total comment sheets or letters were received. Nine sheets (with several comments on each) at the scoping meetings and a letter from the Nevada State Clearinghouse with comments from the SHPO and Nevada Department of Wildlife. The SHPO indicated that once specific information is known about flight patterns and construction, it should be notified so that it can determine the potential for adverse impacts to religious, cultural, and historic properties. The Department of Wildlife expressed concern for: 1) sensitive mesquite/acacia plant communities that support a Neotropical migrating bird (Phainopepla nitens); 2) burrowing owls; and 3) kit fox (a state-protected species). Three comment sheets addressed the concern with sonic boomsthe number, severity, potential for structure (i.e., window) damage, and human disturbance. In Carson City, two attendees verbally (i.e., no written comments were received) expressed a concern for potential low-altitude flight conflicts over areas being considered for wind generation development under NTTR airspace. One commentor in Pioche observed that early morning flights, in airspace over the central portion of NTTR, during the fall hunting season appeared to scare deer. In Alamo, one commentor asked if a restricted area could be created over the town.


Appendix A Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Three commentors in Las Vegas stated their appreciation for the Air Force; one commentor asked how the current noise will compare with the new F-35 (taxi, take-off, and landing) and asked if the F-35s will be used in the same way at the range (e.g., flights per day, how low, how fast). Another commentor expressed the following concerns: 1) noise, 2) radar interference, 3) safety (suggested creating a buffer zone around the residential area to the east), and 4) EPA results. With the exception of Pahrump, media representatives were present at all meetings and in Las Vegas, Channel 3 (NBC affiliate) sent a reporter and cameraman to interview Air Force representatives and members of the public.



As part of the EIAP, consultation and correspondence was performed with several state and federal agencies. That correspondence included the following: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS): Memorandum from HQ ACC/CEPP to USFWS, State Supervisor, Reno Office, August 12, 2004 Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) Memorandum from HQ ACC/CEVP to NDOW, Reno Headquarters, August 12, 2004 Nevada State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) Memorandum from HQ ACC/CEVP to SHPO, August 12, 2004 Native American Interaction Program Memorandum from Nellis AFB on August 12, 2004, to: Moapa Band of Paiutes Timbisha Shoshone Tribe Duckwater Shoshone Tribe Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley Kaibab Band of Southern Paiutes Fort Mojave Tribe Pahrump Paiute Tribe Yomba Shoshone Tribe Colorado River Indian Tribes Las Vegas Paiute Tribe Lone Pine Paiute Shoshone Tribe Las Vegas Indian Center
Appendix A Final, May 2011 A-3

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Timbisha Shoshone Tribe Ely Shoshone Indian Tribe Benton Paiute Indian Tribe Chemehuevi Indian Tribe Paiute Indian Tribes of Utah Bishop Paiute Indian Tribe Fort Independence Indian Tribe Copies of the correspondence are presented at the end of this appendix (Attachment D).



The public comment period for the F-35 FDE program and WS beddown Draft EIS began when the Notice of Availability is published in the Federal Register on April 4, 2008. The public comment period extended for 45 days from that date. Advertisements announcing the hearings was placed in the same local newspapers used to announce the scoping meetings (see above). Public service announcements were aired on regional radio stations. The proposed format for the public hearings combined the formal hearing approach with the open house format. Prior to formal public testimony, a brief summary of the environmental process and the F-35 FDE program and WS beddown proposal and EIS analysis was presented by Air Force personnel. In addition, displays were staffed by Air Force personnel to answer any questions the public had regarding the analysis presented in the EIS. Public hearing attendees were greeted by Air Force representatives at the door where the registration table was positioned. Attendees were asked to write their name and address on the registration sheet. If they chose to testify, they were asked to complete a speaker card with this same information. They were also offered fact sheets and any other relevant written materials describing the F-35 beddown proposal and EIS analysis. Two methods of commenting were available for people attending the public hearings: 1. oral comments recorded by a court reporter and/or 2. written comments, either brought with them or completing a comment form provided by the Air Force. The Air Force held hearings in Las Vegas, Caliente, and Alamo, NV.


Appendix A Final, May 2011

ATTACHMENT A Notice of Intent

DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Department of the Air Force NOTICE OF INTENT TO PREPARE AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR F-35 FORCE DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION AND WEAPONS SCHOOL PERMANENT BEDDOWN AT NELLIS AFB, NEVADA AGENCY: Air Combat Command, United States Air Force. ACTION: Notice of intent. ----------------------------------------SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321, et seq.), the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508), and Air Force policy and procedures (32 CFR Part 989), the Air Force is issuing this notice to advise the public of its intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to assess the potential environmental impacts of stationing F-35 tactical fighter aircraft at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), Nevada. A total of 36 F-35 aircraft would be permanently based at Nellis AFB in support of the Force Development Evaluation (FDE) mission and the United States Air Force Weapons School (USAFWS). The FDE mission is to test and evaluate state-of-the-art weapons systems and develop leading-edge tactics to improve the future combat capability of Air Force aerospace forces. The USAFWS mission is to teach graduate-level instructor courses, which provide advanced training in weapons and tactics employment to officers of the combat air forces. The beddown would occur in phases between the years 2009 and 2028. The proposed action would also include facility construction on Nellis AFB to be accomplished over a 3-year period, beginning in fiscal year 2007. The Air Force will consider all environmental issues supporting the beddown, however, the Air Force has currently identified air quality and noise as issues requiring detailed analysis. The Air Force will host a series of scoping meetings to receive public input on alternatives, concerns, and issues to be addressed in the EIS. The schedule and locations of the scoping meetings are as follows: Monday, September 13, 2004 Tuesday, September 14, 2004 Carson City Plaza Hotel 801 S. Carson Street Alamo Lincoln County Annex 100 South First West Street Pioche Pioche Town Hall Hinman and Main Streets Pahrump Bob Ruud Community Center

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Thursday, September 16, 2004

150 N. Highway 160 - Room B Friday, September 17, 2004 Las Vegas Hollywood Recreation Center 1650 S. Hollywood

The Air Force will accept comments at any time during the environmental analysis process. However, to ensure the Air Force has sufficient time to consider public input in the preparation of the Draft EIS, comments should be submitted to the address below by 1 Oct, 2004. POINT OF CONTACT: Ms. Sheryl Parker, HQ ACC/CEVP, 129 Andrews St., Suite 102, Langley AFB, VA 23665-2769, (757-764-9334).

Air Warfare Center Public Affairs 4370 N. Washington Blvd. Suite 223 Nellis AFB, NV 89191-7078 Phone: (702) 652-2750; Fax (702) 652-9838 E-mail: [email protected] www.nellis.af.mil/pa/newsreleases.htm

Release No. 04-24 Time: 8 a.m. Date: Aug. 23, 2004

AIR FORCE ISSUES NOTICE OF INTENT ON THE F-35 FORCE DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION AND WEAPONS SCHOOL PROGRAMS AT NELLIS AFB NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. -- The Air Force published today the Notice of Intent in the Federal Register to prepare an environmental impact statement to assess the potential environmental impacts of a proposal to permanently base F-35 aircraft here for the Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School mission. The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is designed to complement the F/A-22 and would replace the aging F-16 and A-10 fleets. The first aircraft delivery is scheduled in 2009. The proposal is to base a total of 36 operational aircraft at Nellis by 2028. The Air Force expects to complete the environmental analysis process in about two years. The environmental impact analysis will examine the issues relating to land use, airspace and safety, air and water quality, noise, socioeconomics, biological and cultural resources, and cumulative actions. The Air Force will conduct the scoping meetings in mid September at: --more--

Air Force to hold public scoping meetings on F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School programs at Nellis AFB NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. -- The Air Force has scheduled a series of public meetings to gather feedback from the public on the environmental process which will help establish a home for the F35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School programs. Public feedback gathered from these meetings will assist the Air Force in defining the scope of analysis in the environmental impact statement.

The scoping period includes scoping meetings at five locations in Nevada to solicit community involvement and feedback for the environmental analysis to support the permanent basing of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter at Nellis Air Force Base.

The F-35 is the next generation, stealth air-to-ground fighter, designed to complement the F/A-22 and replace the aging F-16 and A-10 fleets. The first aircraft delivery is scheduled in 2009. The proposal is to base a total of 36 operational aircraft at Nellis by 2028. Drawdown of the F-16 and A-10 aircraft at Nellis would begin in 2019.

Public involvement is an essential part of the environmental impact analysis process. With public involvement and detailed environmental analysis, the National Environmental Policy Act process helps the decisionmaker arrive at the best possible informed decision.

The open house scoping meetings will be held from 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Air Force representatives will be available to provide information on the proposed action and answer questions and receive comments on the proposal. The schedule for the public scoping meetings is: -- Carson City, Nev.: Monday, September 13, Plaza Hotel, 801 S. Carson Street -- Alamo, Nev.: Tuesday, September 14, Lincoln County Annex Building, 100 South First West St. -- Pioche, Nev.: Wednesday, September 15, Pioche Town Hall, Hinman & Main Streets -- Pahrump, Nev.: Thursday, September 16, Bob Rudd Community Center, 150 N. Highway 160 -- Las Vegas, Nev.: Friday, September 17, Hollywood Community Center, 1650 S. Hollywood The environmental impact analysis process will examine issues relating to land use, airspace and safety, air and water quality, noise, socioeconomics, biological and cultural resources, and cumulative actions. The environmental analysis process will be completed in about two years.

Draft Scoping Press Release

-- Carson City, Nev.: Monday, September 13, Plaza Hotel, 801 S. Carson Street -- Alamo, Nev.: Tuesday, September 14, Lincoln County Annex Building, 100 South First West St. -- Pioche, Nev.: Wednesday, September 15, Pioche Town Hall, Hinman & Main Streets -- Pahrump, Nev.: Thursday, September 16, Bob Rudd Community Center, 150 N. Highway 160 -- Las Vegas, Nev.: Friday, September 17, Hollywood Community Center, 1650 S. Hollywood Comments will be accepted throughout the environmental impact analysis process; however, to ensure sufficient time to consider public and agency comment in preparation of the draft environmental impact statement, comments should be submitted to the address below by Oct. 1, 2004. AWFC/PA 4370 N. Washington Blvd., Suite 223 Nellis AFB, NV 89191-7078 Attn: Mike Estrada For more information, contact Mike Estrada at (702) 652-2750. -30-

The environmental impact analysis process encourages comments and feedback at any time. However, to ensure sufficient time to consider public and agency comments in the screening process and the preparation of the draft EIS, comments should be submitted by October 1, 2004, to: AWFC/PA 4370 N. Washington Blvd., Suite 223 Nellis AFB, NV 89191-7078 Attn: Mike Estrada For more information, contact Mike Estrada at (702) 652-2753.

Draft Scoping Press Release

ATTACHMENT B Newspaper Advertisements

The U.S. Air Force announces its intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to assess the potential environmental impacts of a proposal to base F-35 Fighter Aircraft at Nellis AFB, NV. A total of 36 F-35 aircraft would be permanently based in phases at Nellis AFB between the years 2009 and 2028. The Air Force will consider the information in the EIS in making the beddown decision and document it in the Record of Decision. The Air Force is holding public scoping meetings at the locations below and invites your participation. All meetings will be held in an open house format, and your participation will assist Air Force representatives identify public issues and concerns associated with the F-35 beddown and define the scope of analysis for the EIS. During the open house, the Air Force will be available to describe the proposed action and no-action alternative, define the process involved in preparing the EIS, outline the opportunities for public involvement in the process, and answer questions relevant to the proposal you might have. All open house meetings will begin at 6:00 p.m. and last until 8:00 p.m. The open house will be held at the following locations: City/Town Date Location

Carson City Alamo Pioche Pahrump Las Vegas

Monday, September 13 Tuesday, September 14 Wednesday, September 15 Thursday, September 16 Friday, September 17

Plaza Hotel, 801 S. Carson Street Lincoln County Annex, 100 South First West Street Pioche Town Hall, Hinman and Main Streets Bob Rudd Community Center, 150 N. Highway 160 Hollywood Recreation Center, 1650 S. Hollywood

If you are unable to attend one of these open house meetings, you may submit written comments to: Mike Estrada, Air Warfare Center/Public Affairs Office (AWFC/PA) 4370 N. Washington Blvd., Suite 223, Nellis AFB, NV 89191 For general information, contact Mr. Estrada at: (702) 652-6448 Although we will accept comments throughout the process, we recommend that your scoping comments be sent by October 1, 2004, to ensure equitable consideration in the draft EIS.

La Fuerza Area de los Estados Unidos anuncia su intencin de preparar una Declaracin de Impacto Ambiental (EIS en ingls) para evaluar los impactos ambientales potenciales de una propuesta para instalar una base de aviones de combate F-35 en Nellis AFB, NV. Un total de 36 aviones F-35 se instalaran de forma permanente y por etapas entre los aos 2009 y 2028. La Fuerza Area considerar la informacin en la EIS para tomar una decisin y la documentar en el Registro de Decisiones. La Fuerza Area estar celebrando reuniones pblicas de alcance en los lugares que se indican a continuacin y le invita a participar. Todas las reuniones se harn a puertas abiertas y su participacin ayudar a los representantes de la Fuerza Area a identificar los temas e inquietudes del pblico asociados con el asentamiento de los aviones F-35, y definir el alcance del anlisis de la EIS. Durante las reuniones, la Fuerza Area estar disponible para describir la accin propuesta y la alternativa de no-accin, definir el proceso implicado en la preparacin de la EIS, esbozar las oportunidades para que el pblico se involucre en el proceso y responder a las preguntas relacionadas con la propuesta que pueda tener. Todas las reuniones a puertas abiertas comenzarn a las 6:00 p.m. y se prolongarn hasta las 8:00 p.m. Las reuniones se celebrarn en las siguientes ubicaciones: Ciudad/Poblacin Fecha Ubicacin

Carson City Alamo Pioche Pahrump Las Vegas

Lunes 13 de septiembre Martes 14 de septiembre Mircoles 15 de septiembre Jueves 16 de septiembre Viernes 17 de septiembre

Plaza Hotel, 801 S. Carson Street Lincoln County Annex, 100 South First West Street Pioche Town Hall, Hinman y Main Streets Bob Rudd Community Center, 150 N. Highway 160 Hollywood Recreation Center, 1650 S. Hollywood

Si no le es posible asistir a una de estas reuniones a puertas abiertas, usted podr enviar sus comentarios por escrito a: Mike Estrada, Air Warfare Center/Public Affairs Office (AWFC/PA) 4370 N. Washington Blvd., Suite 223, Nellis AFB, NV 89191 Para informacin general, comunquese con el Sr. Estrada al: (702) 652-6448 Aunque aceptaremos comentarios a lo largo del proceso, le recomendamos que enve sus comentarios sobre el alcance antes del 1 de octubre de 2004, para asegurar su consideracin equitativa en el borrador EIS.


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown Environmental Impact Statement
The Joint Strike FighterF-35 Fighter
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft is a multi-role fighter developed to meet the needs of the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and allied air forces. For the Air Force, the aircraft is designed to compliment the F-22 and would replace the aging F-16 and A-10 fleets. Basing (or beddown) of the F-35 aircraft at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB) would provide the Air Force with the capability to meet Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School mission requirements by testing aircraft systems, developing and refining the tactics and maneuvers the aircraft can perform, and training aircrews to fly the F-35 under combat conditions.

The concept for the F-35 aircraft began in the mid-1990s when Department of Defense leadership decided to use the latest jet fighter technology in a common airframe to meet the needs of several branches of the military. Common aircraft design features (e.g., airframe, engine, avionics) will maximize savings making it possible Whats Inside for the Air Force, Navy, and Marines to upgrade their aging aircraft fleets. Components of the Air Force F-35 that What is the Proposed Action? distinguish it from the other F-35 Purpose and Need of the Proposed variants are an internal gun, infrared Action sensors, and laser target designator. An Overview of the National When teamed with the air dominance of the F-22, the avionics and stealth of the F35 are intended to allow the aircraft to penetrate surface-to-air missile defenses to destroy targets. Environmental Policy Act
Informed Decision Making is

The Environmental Impact

Analysis Process
Why Scoping is Important The Scoping Period

Page 1

What is the Proposed Action?

The Air Force proposes to establish the F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School programs at Nellis AFB, Nevada. The proposal would begin basing F-35 aircraft in fiscal year (FY) 2009 and continue thru FY 2019, for a total of 36 F-35s. Drawdown of the F-16s and A-10s being replaced by the F-35s would start in FY 2019. The proposal would also include construction of F-35 hangar/ maintenance units and an aerospace ground equipment facility; aircraft ramp space/parking; munitions storage igloos; operational support facilities; existing facility renovations; and required infrastructure improvements to support the beddown. Construction would begin in FY 2007 and be completed in FY 2013. Personnel changes, resulting in a slight reduction to overall base personnel, would occur from FY 2009 through FY 2028.

Purpose and Need of the Proposed Action

The purpose of the proposed action is to implement the F-35 FDE program and WS at Nellis AFB in response to the United States Congressional determination that the aging Air Force F-16 and A-10 fleets need to be replaced. The Force Development Evaluation program serves several important functions: refines employment doctrine and tactics in response to changing threats; develops or refines operational procedures and training programs; evaluates changes to the aircraft and verifies correction of new deficiencies discovered after system deployment; explores non-materiel (e.g., tactics) means of meeting changing operational requirements as long as the aircraft remains in the inventory; evaluates routine software changes (operational flight programs), preplanned product improvements, modifications, upgrades, mission data updates, and other improvements or changes as long as the aircraft is in the inventory; researches, demonstrates, exercises, analyzes, and evaluates tactics against anticipated threats; and ensures proper aircraft performance in combat by providing training, information on operational capabilities, and new requirements. In addition to the FDE, the Air Force must establish and maintain a WS for each aircraft type in its inventory. This program operates throughout the life of the aircraft, adapting to changes in technology, tactics, and threats. Feedback to and from the FDE program is essential to the WS because it applies, evaluates, and refines tactics developed under FDE. The WS provides up-to-date training for pilots already qualified to fly the aircraft. With tactics and combat training as its focus, the WS offers rigorous, intensive, and realistic instruction that enables WS graduates to effectively teach combat skills to members of their home operational units.

An Overview of the National Environment Policy Act

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is the national charter for promoting productive harmony between man and the environment and minimizing the impacts of federal actions. This law requires all federal agencies to consider potential environmental impacts in making decisions about those actions. Public involvement is an essential part of the process. Through involving the public and completing detailed environmental analysis, the NEPA process helps the decision-maker arrive at the best possible informed decision.

Page 2

Informed Decision Making is Crucial

Informed decisions are based on a candid and factual presentation of environmental impacts. The Air Force is visiting communities potentially affected by the proposed action. They are seeking public input into this proposed action as well as seeking any new suggestions the public might have for the proposal to base the F-35 aircraft. To accomplish the EIS, the Air Force will collect data, conduct research, and analyze potential effects of the proposed action on the affected environment. Resources such as airspace management, noise, air quality, and potential effects on biological and cultural resources will be examined. The type and extent of impacts resulting from the proposed beddown will be identified and the degree to which these impacts might potentially affect resources will be analyzed and determined.

The Environmental Impact Analysis Process

The environmental impact analysis process (EIAP) began when the Air Force published a Notice of Intent in the Federal Register on August 23, 2004. This Notice announced that the Air Force plans to conduct an environmental analysis for the F-35 beddown. The scoping period also began at that time. Although comments are accepted throughout the environmental impact analysis process, the Air Force encourages submitting them no later than October 1, 2004 to ensure comments can be given full consideration early in the environmental impact analysis process. During the scoping period, preparation of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) begins. Scoping comments, research, agency and tribal consultation, and various studies contribute to completion of the draft EIS. Accomplished Thus Far Once the draft EIS is completed, it will be published and its availability announced in the Federal Register and local newspapers. This initiates the official 45day comment period. At this time, copies of the draft EIS will be sent to federal, state, and local agencies, American Indian Tribes, and to those citizens expressing an interest in receiving a copy. Public hearing meetings will be held approximately three weeks following the draft EIS publication. At these meetings the public will have the opportunity to express their concerns about the analyses and conclusions presented in the draft EIS. A court reporter will be present and all comments officially recorded. Following the 45-day public comment period, preparation of the final EIS begins. At this time, all relevant comments will be evaluated and the final EIS revised (if necessary) to address these comments. Upon publication of the final EIS, its availability will be announced in the Federal Register and a 30-day waiting period begins. Following this waiting period, the Record of Decision will be published. This document will present the Air Forces decision regarding the proposal to base the F-35 for Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School at Nellis AFB.

Notice of Intent Scoping Period 39 Days Draft EIS Publish & Distribute
Public Review Period/ Public Hearings 45 Days

Final EIS Publish & Distribute

Waiting Period 30 Days

Record of Decision

Page 3

Why Scoping is Important?

Scoping is just one of the tools used by federal agencies to obtain public input during the environmental impact analysis process. The goal of this process is for federal agencies to make informed decisions about their actions that could potentially affect the environment. The Air Force uses input received during the scoping period to help identify issues for analysis. Issues raised during the scoping period are given full consideration and substantive and applicable issues will be addressed in the draft EIS. In a sense, scoping helps guide the environmental studies conducted by the Air Force for the EIS. Scoping is not the only time when public input is critical to environmental impact analysis process. Public comments on the draft EIS will also be solicited and public hearings held following the draft EIS publication. Comments on the draft EIS help shape the final document and play an important role in determining the most suitable proposal for Air Force operations and the environment.

The Public Scoping Period

By participating in the scoping process, you will help Air Force representatives identify public issues and concerns, assist in defining the scope of analysis, as well as develop other reasonable alternatives for the F-35 beddown. The public can provide input in two ways: 1. By attending any one of five open house scoping meetings, anytime between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. at the locations indicated below, or

Carson City Alamo Pioche Pahrump Las Vegas

Monday, September 13 Tuesday, September 14 Wednesday, September 15 Thursday, September 16 Friday, September 17

Plaza Hotel, 801 S. Carson Street Lincoln County Annex, 100 South First West Street Pioche Town Hall, Hinman and Main Streets Bob Rudd Community Center, 150 N. Highway 160 Hollywood Recreation Center, 1650 S. Hollywood

2. By submitting written comments anytime during the public scoping period that began on

August 23, 2004. Written comments should be sent to Mr. Mike Estrada, Air Warfare Center Public Affairs Office, Nellis AFB, at the address below. Although we will accept comments throughout the process, we recommend that your scoping comments be sent by October 1, 2004 to ensure equitable consideration in the draft EA analysis. For more information about Nellis AFB, the proposed F-35 beddown, or to submit written comments, please contact: Mike Estrada Air Warfare Center/Public Affairs 4370 N. Washington Blvd., Suite 223 Nellis AFB, NV 89191-7078 Phone (702) 652-2753 Fax (702) 652-9838

Page 4

Evaluacin del Desarrollo de la Fuerza F-35 y Asentamiento de la Escuela de Armas Declaracin de Impacto Ambiental
El avin de combate y ataque conjunto (Joint Strike Fighter)F-35 Fighter)
El avin de combate y ataque conjunto F-35 es un avin de combate de mltiples misiones desarrollado para satisfacer las necesidades de la Fuerza Area, Marina, Infantera de Marina, y fuerzas areas aliadas. Para la Fuerza Area, el avin est diseado para complementar el F-22 y reemplazara al antiguo F-16 y las flotas A-10. La instalacin (o asentamiento) de la Base de la Fuerza Area (AFB) para aviones F-35 en Nellis le dara a la Fuerza Area la capacidad de cumplir los requisitos de la misin de la Escuela de Armas y la Evaluacin de Desarrollo de la Fuerza al probar los sistemas de los aviones, desarrollar y refinar las tcticas y maniobras que el avin puede realizar, y entrenar a la tripulacin para volar el F-35 en condiciones de combate.

El concepto para el avin F-35 comenz a mediados de los 90s cuando el lder del Departamento de Defensa decidi usar la ltima tecnologa de un jet de combate en un armazn comn para satisfacer las necesidades de las diversas ramas del ejrcito. Las caractersticas del diseo de un avin comn (por ejemplo, el armazn, motor, avinica) maximizarn los ahorros haciendo posible que la Fuerza Area, Contenido Marina e Infantera de Marina modernicen sus flotas de aviones Cul es la accin propuesta? antiguos. Los componentes del Propsito y necesidad de la accin F-35 de la Fuerza Area que lo propuesta distinguen de otras variantes del Un resumen de la Ley de Poltica F-35 son un can interno, Nacional de Proteccin Ambiental sensores infrarrojos y un indicador Tomar decisiones informadas es lser de objetivos. crucial Cuando se combina con el El proceso de anlisis del impacto dominio del aire del F-22, la ambiental avinica y sigilo del F-35 tienen el Por qu son importantes las juntas propsito de permitir que el avin pblicas de evaluacin penetre defensas de misiles de El perodo de las juntas pblicas de tierra al aire para destruir los evaluacin objetivos.

Page 1

Cul es la accin propuesta?

La Fuerza Area propone establecer los programas de Evaluacin de Desarrollo de la Fuerza F-35 y la Escuela de Armas en Nellis AFB, Nevada. La propuesta comenzara instalando la base para aviones F-35 en el ao fiscal (FY) 2009 y continuara hasta el FY 2019, para un total de 36 F-35. El retiro de los F-16 y A-10 que estn siendo reemplazados por los F-35 comenzara en FY 2019. La propuesta tambin incluira la construccin de un hangar F-35 y unidades de mantenimiento, as como una instalacin de equipo aeroespacial de tierra; una rampa/estacionamiento para los aviones; depsitos de hormign para el almacenamiento de municiones; instalaciones de apoyo operativo; renovacin de las instalaciones actuales y las mejoras de infraestructura necesarias para respaldar la instalacin de la base. La construccin comenzara en FY 2007 y concluira en FY 2013. Los cambios de personal, que resultan en una ligera reduccin del personal total en la base, ocurriran del FY 2009 al FY 2028.

Propsito y necesidad de la accin propuesta

El propsito de la accin propuesta es implementar el programa FDE F-35 y WS en Nellis AFB, en respuesta a la decisin del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de que es necesario reemplazar las flotas de F-16 y A-10 antiguos de la Fuerza Area. El programa de Evaluacin de Desarrollo de la Fuerza tiene distintas funciones importantes: perfecciona la doctrina y tcticas de utilizacin en respuesta a amenazas variables; desarrolla o perfecciona procedimientos operativos y programas de entrenamiento; evala los cambios a los aviones y verifica la correccin de nuevas deficiencias encontradas despus del despliegue del sistema; explora medios no materiales (por ejemplo, tcticas) para satisfacer requisitos operativos variables, siempre que el avin contine en el inventario; evala los cambios de rutina del software (programas operativos de vuelo), mejoras del producto planeadas anticipadamente, modificaciones, modernizaciones, actualizaciones de los datos de la misin, y otras mejoras o cambios siempre que el avin est en el inventario; investiga, demuestra, hace uso de, analiza y evala tcticas contra amenazas anticipadas; y se asegura del adecuado desempeo del avin en combate al proporcionar entrenamiento, informacin sobre las capacidades operativas y nuevos requisitos. Adems de la FDE, la Fuerza Area debe establecer y mantener una WS por cada tipo de avin en su inventario. Este programa opera durante la vida til del avin, adaptndose a cambios en la tecnologa, tcticas y amenazas. Los comentarios para y del programa FDE son esenciales para la WS debido a que aplica, evala y perfecciona tcticas desarrolladas bajo FDE. La WS proporciona entrenamiento actualizado a los pilotos que ya estn calificados para volar el aparato. Con tcticas y entrenamiento de combate como su enfoque, la WS ofrece instruccin rigurosa, intensiva y realista que permite a los graduados de WS ensear con eficacia tcnicas de combate a los miembros de sus unidades de operacin.

Un resumen de la Ley de Poltica Nacional de Proteccin Ambiental

La Ley de Poltica Nacional de Proteccin Ambiental (NEPA) es el captulo nacional para promover la armona productiva entre el hombre y el medio ambiente, y reducir al mnimo los impactos de las acciones federales. Esta ley exige a todas las agencias federales considerar los posibles impactos ambientales al tomar decisiones sobre esas acciones. La participacin del pblico es una parte esencial del proceso. A travs de la participacin del pblico y completando los anlisis detallados sobre el medio ambiente, el proceso de NEPA ayuda a que los encargados de tomar las decisiones tomen la mejor decisin informada posible.

Page 2

Tomar decisiones informadas es crucial

Las decisiones informadas se basan en la presentacin abierta y objetiva de los impactos ambientales. La Fuerza Area est visitando las comunidades potencialmente afectadas por la accin propuesta. Estn buscando comentarios pblicos a esta accin propuesta, as como nuevas sugerencias que el pblico podra tener para la propuesta de instalar una base de aviones F-35. Para realizar la EIS, la Fuerza Area recopilar datos, conducir una investigacin y analizar los efectos potenciales de la accin propuesta sobre el medio ambiente afectado. Se estudiarn recursos como el manejo del espacio areo, el ruido, la calidad del aire, y los efectos potenciales sobre los recursos biolgicos y culturales. Se identificarn el tipo y extensin de los impactos que resulten de la instalacin de la base propuesta, y se analizar y determinar el grado en que estos impactos podran afectar potencialmente los recursos.

El proceso de anlisis del impacto ambiental

El proceso de anlisis del impacto ambiental (EIAP) comenz cuando la Fuerza Area public un Aviso de Intencin en el Registro Federal el 23 de agosto de 2004. Este Aviso anunci que la Fuerza Area planea conducir un anlisis ambiental para la instalacin de la base F-35. El perodo de las juntas pblicas de evaluacin tambin comenz en ese momento. Aunque se aceptan comentarios a lo largo de todo el proceso de anlisis del impacto ambiental, la Fuerza Area alienta a que estos comentarios se enven a ms tardar el 1 de octubre de 2004 para garantizar que se les d una total consideracin en las primeras etapas del proceso de anlisis del impacto ambiental. Durante el perodo de las juntas pblicas de evaluacin comenzar la preparacin del borrador de la Declaracin de Impacto Ambiental (EIS). Los comentarios de las juntas pblicas de evaluacin, la investigacin, las consultas de la agencia y tribales, as como diversos estudios contribuyen a la terminacin del borrador EIS. El borrador EIS se publicar una vez que est terminado, y su disponibilidad se anunciar en el Registro Federal y los peridicos locales. Esto inicia el perodo oficial de comentarios de 45 das. En este momento se enviarn copias del Realizado a la fecha borrador EIS a las agencias federales, estatales y locales, a las tribus Aviso de Intencin de indios americanos y a los ciudadanos que expresen su inters en recibir una copia. Se cedern audiencias pblicas Perodo de las Juntas aproximadamente tres semanas despus de la publicacin del Pblicas de Evaluacin39 das borrador EIS. En estas reuniones el pblico tendr la oportunidad de expresar sus inquietudes acerca del anlisis y conclusiones Publicacin y Distribucin del presentadas en el borrador EIS. Estar presente un escribiente Borrador de la EIS judicial y se grabarn oficialmente todos los comentarios. Despus del perodo de comentarios pblicos de 45 das, comenzar la preparacin de la EIS final. En este momento se evaluarn todos los comentarios relevantes y se revisar el EIS final (si es necesario) para tratar estos comentarios. Al publicarse el EIS final, se anunciar su disponibilidad en el Registro Federal y comenzar un perodo de espera de 30 das. Despus de este perodo de espera, se publicar el Registro de la Decisin. Este documento presentar la decisin de la Fuerza Area con respecto a la propuesta de instalar una base para la Evaluacin del Desarrollo de la Fuerza F-35 y una Escuela de Armas en Nellis AFB.
Perodo de Revisin del Pblico/Audiencias Pblicas45 das Publicacin y Distribucin de la EIS Final Perodo de Espera de 30 das Registro de la Decisin

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Por qu son importantes las juntas pblicas de evaluacin?

Las juntas pblicas de evaluacin son slo una de las herramientas utilizadas por las agencias federales para obtener comentarios del pblico durante el proceso de anlisis del impacto ambiental. El objetivo de este proceso es que las agencias federales tomen decisiones informadas acerca de sus acciones que podran afectar potencialmente el medio ambiente. La Fuerza Area utiliza los comentarios recibidos durante el perodo de las juntas pblicas de evaluacin para ayudar a identificar temas para su anlisis. Los temas surgidos durante las juntas pblicas reciben una total consideracin, y aquellos temas fundamentales y aplicables se tratarn en el borrador EIS. En un sentido, las juntas pblicas de evaluacin ayudan a guiar los estudios ambientales conducidos por la Fuerza Area para la EIS. Las juntas pblicas no es el nico momento en el que los comentarios pblicos son crticos para el proceso de anlisis del impacto ambiental. Tambin se solicitarn los comentarios pblicos del borrador EIS, y se cedern audiencias pblicas despus de la publicacin del borrador EIS. Los comentarios en el borrador EIS ayudan a desarrollar el documento final y juegan un papel importante para determinar la propuesta ms idnea para las operaciones de la Fuerza Area y el medio ambiente.

El perodo de las juntas pblicas de evaluacin

1. Asistiendo a una de las cinco juntas pblicas de evaluacin, entre las 6:00 p.m. y 8:00 p.m., en los sitios indicados a continuacin, o


Ciudad / Poblacion
Carson City Alamo Pioche Pahrump Las Vegas

Lunes 13 de septiembre Martes 14 de septiembre Mircoles 15 de septiembre Jueves 16 de septiembre Viernes 17 de septiembre

Plaza Hotel, 801 S. Carson Street Lincoln County Annex, 100 South First West Street Pioche Town Hall, Hinman y Main Streets Bob Rudd Community Center, 150 N. Highway 160 Hollywood Recreation Center, 1650 S. Hollywood

2. Enviando los comentarios por escrito durante el perodo de las juntas pblicas de evaluacin, el cual comienza el 23 de agosto de 2004. Los comentarios por escrito debern enviarse a Mr. Mike Estrada, Air Warfare Center Public Affairs Office, Nellis AFB, a la direccin de abajo. Aunque aceptaremos comentarios a lo largo de todo el proceso, recomendamos que sus comentarios sean enviados antes del 1 de octubre de 2004 para garantizar su consideracin equitativa en el anlisis del borrador EA. Para mayor informacin sobre Nellis AFB, propuesta para la instalacin de la base F-35, para enviar comentarios por escrito, srvase contactar a: Mike Estrada Air Warfare Center/Public Affairs 4370 N. Washington Blvd., Suite 223 Nellis AFB, NV 89191-7078 Phone (702) 652-2753 Fax (702) 652-9838

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F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
The F-35 is designed to complement the F-22 and replace the aging F-16 and A-10 fleets. It is primarily a stealth air-to-ground fighter, with air-to-air combat capability. During initial phases of an air campaign it performs stealthy strikes using an internal weapons load system that suppresses air defenses, hits heavily defended targets, and protects U.S. aircraft and ground forces from enemy ground attack. In later phases of a conflict, when stealth is not required, the F-35 can carry heavier external weapon loads.

The multi-role F-35 (or Joint Strike Fighter [JSF]) builds on all currentgeneration fighter aircraft to offer superior capabilities. It was designed to replace a wide range of aging fighter and strike aircraft from the U.S. Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy. AFFORDABILITY: The F-35 evolved with focus on reducing the cost of development, procurement, and ownership. Joint development of the three F-35 variants takes advantage of economies of scale and allows an estimated 80 percent commonality in parts. Data show that the F-35 should cost 40 to 50 percent less to operate and support than comparable prior aircraft. STEALTH: A combination of countermeasures, advanced avionics to enhance the pilots situational awareness, low radar profile which allows weapons and fuel to be carried internally for maintaining low observability, and aircraft and weapons characteristics allow the F-35 to avoid, withstand, and counter enemy threats. SUPPORTABILITY: The F-35 has a reduced logistics footprint making it significantly easier to deploy than the F-16 and an increased sortie generation rate to provide more combat power earlier in theater. An Autonomic Logistics Information System allows for integrated support and training for high reliability and maintainability. WEAPONS: The F-35 payload is markedly greater than those of current fighter aircraft. It is designed to carry the newest air-to-ground munitions, such as Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) and other ground attack weapons. In addition, it will carry air-to-air weapons such as an internal gun and missile. Integrated sensors will enhance delivery of current and future precision weapons to provide greater electronic domination of the battle space.

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F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB (continued)

F-35 Development
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program emerged from the Pentagons Joint Advanced Strike Technology Program created in 1993 to define and develop technology that would support the future development of tactical aircraft. This program merged several independent government projects working on nextgeneration strike aircraft, including the Navy Attack/Fighter-Experimental, Air Force Multi-Role Fighter, and Marine Corps Common Affordable Lightweight Fighter projects. The goal was to build an affordable universal fighter that would meet the needs of all participants. A 1994 Concept Exploration study found that a "tri-service family" of aircraft was the most affordable solution to the collective needs. This family entailed a single basic airframe design with three distinct variants: Conventional Take-Off and Landing (CTOL) for the U.S. Air Force; Short Take-Off/Vertical Landing (STOVL) for the U.S. Marine Corps; and a Carrier Variant (CV) for the U.S. Navy. Next, major aircraft manufacturers participated in a concept definition and design competition from which two concepts were selected as finalists in 1996 and development and testing of three different configurations of demonstrator aircraft began. From this concept demonstration phase, a construction contract was awarded to Lockheed Martin in October 2001. A Pratt & Whitney engine is integrated into this aircraft design. Current plans call for 22 aircraft to be built in the initial System Development Demonstration Phase. The first prototypes are being assembled in Lockheed Martins Fort Worth, Texas, facility and flight testing is proposed to be carried out at Edwards Air Force Base, California, and Patuxent River Naval Air Warfare Center, Maryland. Successful Preliminary Design Review was completed in April 2003 and critical Design Review is scheduled for April 2005. The first F-35 production airframe is expected to enter service in 2008.

F-35 Air Force Facts

Crew: Engine: F-35, one pilot Pratt & Whitney F135 or General Electric F119 turbofan with 35,000 pounds of thrust (engines interchangeable across multi-service JSF aircraft) Maximum Mach 1 at altitude Approximately 500 miles Primarily air-to-ground with air-to-air capability 35 feet Approximately 51 feet long and 17 feet high Maximum take-off, 50,000 pounds; empty, approximately 27,000 pounds Lockheed Martin Corporation with partners Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems

Speed: Combat Radius: Armament: Wing Span: Fuselage and tail: Weight: Contractor:

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Name Native American Tribes Mr. Everet Pikayvitt Mr. Joe Kennedy Mr. Maurice Frank-Churchill Mr. Marian Zucco Mr. Jason Warren Ms. Gevene Savala Ms. Linda Otero Mr. Richard Arnold Ms. Jessica Bacoch Mr. James Birchim Ms. Carmen Bradley Mr. Daniel Eddy, Jr. Ms. Nora Helton Ms. Gloria Hernandez Ms. Rachel Joseph Ms. Georgia Kennedy Mr. Victor McQueen, Sr. Ms. Rose Marie Saulque Mr. Edward Smith Mr. Philbert Swain Ms. Lora Tom Mr. Doug Vega Mr. Richard Wilder Ms. Alfreida Walker Mr. Kenny Andersen Mr. Felton Bricker Ms. Lisa Cagle Mr. Jerry Charles Mr. Lee Chavez Ms. Betty L. Cornelius Ms. Darlene Dewey Mr. Brenda Drye Unknown Ms. Pauline Esteves Mr. Maurice Frank-Churchill Ms. Grace Goad Mr. Bill Helmer Ms. Eleanor Hemphill Ms. Clara Belle Jim Mr. Gerald Kane Mr. Darryl King

F-35 IICEP Letters Sent Out Title Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Chairman Tribal Chairwoman Tribal Chairman Tribal Chairwoman Tribal Chairman Tribal Chairwoman Tribal Chairwoman Tribal Chairwoman Tribal Chairwoman Tribal Chairman Tribal Chairwoman Tribal Chairman Tribal Chairman Tribal Chairwoman Tribal Chairman Tribal Chairman Tribal Chairwoman Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative Tribal Representative


Moapa Band of Paiutes Timbisha Shoshone Tribe Duckwater Shoshone Tribe Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley Kaibab Band of Southern Paiutes Fort Mojave Tribe Pahrump Paiute Tribe Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley Yomba Shoshone Tribe Kaibab Band of Southern Paiutes Colorado River Indian Tribes Fort Mojave Tribe Las Vegas Paiute Tribe Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Tribe Timbisha Shoshone Tribe Ely Shoshone Tribe Benton Paiute Indian Tribe Chemehuevi Indian Tribe Moapa Band of Paiutes Paiute Indian Tribes of Utah Bishop Paiute Indian Tribe For Independence Indian Tribe Duckwater Shoshone Tribe Las Vegas Paiute Tribe Fort Mojave Tribe Yomba Shoshone Tribe Ely Shoshone Tribe Bishop Paiute Indian Tribe Colorado River Indian Tribes Yomba Shoshone Tribe Kaibab Band of Southern Paiutes Las Vegas Paiute Tribe Timbisha Shoshone Tribe Yomba Shoshone Tribe Timbisha Shoshone Tribe Timbisha Shoshone Tribe Fort Independence Indian Tribe Pahrump Paiute Tribe Bishop Paiute Indian Tribe Chemehuevi Indian Tribe

Name Ms. Lawanda Lafoon Ms. Cynthia V. Lynch Ms. Tara Marlowe Ms. Dorena Marineau Mr. Calvin Meyers Ms. Lalovi Miller Ms. Gaylene Moose Ms. Lori Harrison Wildlife & BLM Offices Mr. Bill Fisher Mr. Gene Kolkman Mr. R. Michael Turnipseed Mr. Mark Morse Unknown Mr. Robert Abbey Mr. Dick Birger Ms. Amy Sprunger-Allworth Mr. Terry Crawfoth Mr. Robert Williams

F-35 IICEP Letters Sent Out (cont) Title Group Tribal Representative Unknown Tribal Representative Pahrump Paiute Tribe Tribal Representative Paiute Indian Tribes of Utah Tribal Representative Paiute Indian Tribes of Utah Tribal Representative Moapa Band of Paiutes Tribal Representative Moapa Band of Paiutes Tribal Representative Bishop Paiute Tribe Chairwoman of the Board of Las Vegas Indian Center Directors BLM- Tonopah Field Office BLM- Ely Field Office Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources, Nevada BLM- Las Vegas Field Office Nevada Department of Wildlife BLM Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex Office Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex Office NV Department of Wildlife Reno Headquarters U.S. Fish and Wildlife NV Ecological Field Office Historic Preservation Office NV Division of Environmental Protection, Capital Complex NV State Clearinghouse Department of Administration U.S. EPA, Region IX Office of the Regional Administrator Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance Nevada Division of Emergency Management State Senate

Director Office Manager Unknown State Director Project Leader

Administrator State Supervisor

State Historic Preservation Office Mr. Ronald James SHPO Environmental Offices Mr. Allen Biaggi Administrator Mr. Michael Stafford Mr. Wayne Nastri Mr. Willie R. Taylor Unknown Honorable Raymond C. Shaffer Honorable Kenny Guinn Honorable John Ensign Honorable Jon C. Porter Honorable Jim Gibbons Honorable Shelley Berkley Honorable Harry Reid Regional Administrator Director Unknown

Governor of Nevada United States Senator

United States Senator

Name Office Holders Mr. Mike McGinness Mr. Mark E. Amodei Terry Cage Ms. Maggie A. Carlton Ms. Barbara Cegavske Mr. Bob Coffin Mr. Warren B. Hardy Mr. Joseph Neal Mr. Dennis Nolan Ms. Ann OConnell Mr. Raymond D. Rawson Mr. Michael Schneider Mr. Raymond C. Shaffer Ms. Sandra Tiffany Ms. Dina Titus Ms. Valerie Wiener Mr. Bob McCleary Mr. David Goldwater Mr. Tom Collins Mr. Chris Munhall Mr. Bruce Woodbury Mr. Chis Giunchigliana Mr. Barbara Buckley Mr. Morse Arberry, Jr. Mr. Wendell P. Williams Ms. Valerie Weber Mr. Harry Mortenson Mr. David Parks Mr. Ron Knecht Ms. Lynn Hettrick Mr. Bob Beers Mr. Tom Grady Mr. Marcus Conklin Mr. Rod Sherer Mr. William Horne Ms. Peggy Pierce Mr. Josh Griffin Ms. Vonne Chowning Mr. Richard Perkins Mr. David Brown Mr. Walter Andonov Mr. Joe Hardy Mr. Garn Mabey Mr. Jerry D. Claborn Mr. Mark Manendo

F-35 IICEP Letters Sent Out (cont) Title Senate Member


Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Commissioner Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member Assembly Member

Central Nevada Senatorial District Capital Senatorial District- Republican Clark- 7th, Democrat Clark- 2nd, Democrat Clark- 8th, Republican Clark- 10th, Democrat Clark- 12th, Republican Clark- 4th, Democrat Clark- 9th, Republican Clark- 5th, Republican Clark- 6th, Republican Clark- 11th, Democrat Clark- 1st, Republican Clark- 5th, Republican Clark- 7th, Republican Clark- 3rd, Democrat Clark County, District 11 Clark County, District 10 Clark County, District 1 Unknown Clark County Board of Commissioners Clark County, District 9 Clark County, District 8 Clark County, District 7 Clark County, District 6 Clark County, District 5 Clark County, District 42 Clark County, District 41 Carson City (part), District 40 Carson City (part), District 39 Clark County, District 4 Carson City (part), District 38 Clark County, District 37 Clark County, District 36 Clark County, District 34 Clark County, District 3 Clark County, District 29 Clark County, District 28 Clark County, District 23 Clark County, District 22 Clark County, District 21 Clark County, District 20 Clark County, District 2 Clark County, District 19 Clark County, District 18

F-35 IICEP Letters Sent Out (cont) Title Group Assembly Member Clark County, District 17 Assembly Member Clark County, District 16 Assembly Member Clark County, District 15 Assembly Member Clark County, District 14 Assembly Member Clark County, District 13 Assembly Member Clark County, District 12 Commissioner Clark County Board of Commissioners Commissioner Clark County Board of Commissioners Commissioner Nye County Board of Commissioners Commissioner Nye County Board of Commissioners Commissioner Nye County Board of Commissioners Commissioner Nye County Board of Commissioners Commissioner Nye County Board of Commissioners Commissioner Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Mr. Dan Frehner Commissioner Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Mr. Paul Christensen Commissioner Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Mr. Edward Wright Commissioner Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Mr. Ray Flake Commission Vice Chairman Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Mr. Chip Maxfield Commissioner Clark County Board of Commissioners Ms. Mary Kincaid-Chauncey Commissioner Clark County Board of Commissioners Mr. Mark James Commissioner Clark County Board of Commissioners Ms. Myrna Williams Commissioner Clark County Board of Commissioners Mr. Michael Bingham Chairman Indian Springs Town Board City Mangers, Mayors, Chamber of Commerce Pahrump Valley Chamber of Commerce North Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Tonopah Nevada Chamber of Commerce Goldfield Chamber of Commerce Latin Chamber of Commerce Womens Chamber of Commerce of Nevada Armagosa Chamber of Commerce Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Henderson Chamber of Commerce Asian Chamber of Commerce Beatty Chamber of Commerce Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Pioche Chamber of Commerce Name Mr. Kelvin Atkinson Mr. John Oceguera Ms. Kathy McClain Ms. Ellen Koivisto Mr. Chad Christensen Ms. Genie Ohrenschall Mr. Rory Reed Ms. Yvonne Atkinson Gates Ms. Candice Trummell Mr. Henry Neth Ms. Joni Eastley Ms. Patricia Cox Ms. Roberta Carver Mr. Jim Manner

Name Mr. Glenn Van Roekel Mr. Phil Speight Mr. Gregory E. Rose Mr. Douglas Selby Honorable Jim Gibson Honorable Robert Ferraro Honorable Oscar B. Goodman Honorable Michael Montandon

F-35 IICEP Letters Sent Out (cont) Title Group City Manager City of Caliente City Manager City of Henderson City Manager City of North Las Vegas City Manager City of Las Vegas Mayor of Henderson Mayor of Boulder City Mayor of Las Vegas Mayor of North Las Vegas

ATTACHMENT E Draft Distribution List

Scoping Meeting Attendees

Organization Name PUCN Industrial Properties Development, Inc. Sierra Concepts Reno Gazette Journal

Meeting City Prefix Carson City Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Alamo Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Industrial Properties Development, Inc. Pioche



Las Vegas

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms.

First Mark Adam Alan Tim Marian Allan Darrel Lawrence Paula David Betty Jo David Dominique Debi Keith Adam Debbie A.C. C. Joseph Randy Patrick Richard Gary Geneva Sheldon Arnold Elsie Jim Patti David Dave Sue Douglas David Linda Eric & Jacob Michael Joann

Last Harris Titus Caldwell Anderson Fodge Pritcher Jones Woolever Woolever Maxwell Jarvis Hansen Slone DeSchryver Simmons Titus Meldrum Frehner Balew Moffo Johnson Gloeckner Orr Hollis Hollis Bass Owen Kelly Aaron Aaron Hermann Trombley Trombley Crowe Rosales DeVine Marion McEleney Schoch

City Carson City Las Vegas Minden Carson City Alamo Alamo Alamo Alamo Alamo Alamo Hiko Alamo Hiko Alamo Alamo Las Vegas Alamo Alamo Alamo Pioche Caliente Pioche Caliente Pahrump Pahrump Pahrump Pahrump Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Gloucester Pt. Las Vegas Henderson Henderson


Additions to List

First Robert


Last Hall

Organization Name City State President, Nevada Environmental Coalition Inc. Las Vegas NV Reno NV Rural Alliance for Military Accountability

Congress-State Elected Officials

MI Organization Name Lloyd George Federal Bldg Lloyd George Federal Bldg

E. B. B.




Prefix Honorable Honorable Honorable Mr. Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Honorable Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. B. Capital Senatorial District City Hall City Hall City Hall City Hall District 1 District 2 District 3 City of Henderson City of Las Vegas City of North Las Vegas District 1 District 1 District 2 District 2 District 3 District 3 District 4 District 4 District 5 District 5 District 5 District 6 District 6 District 7 District 7 District 7 District 8 District 8 District 9 District 9 District 10 District 10 District 11 District 11 District 12 District 12 District 13 District 14 District 15 District 16

First John Harry Jim Mark Robert James Oscar Michael Shelley Dean Jon Phil Douglas Gregory Marilyn John Garn Maggie Peggy Valerie Francis Steven Valerie Joe Joyce Harvey Bob Morse Terry Dina Barbara Barbara Tick Dennis Joseph Bob Ruben Michael James Warren Chad Ellen Kathy John

Last Ensign Reid Gibbons Amodei Ferraro Gibson Goodman Montandon Berkley Heller Porter Speight Selby Rose Kirkpatrick Lee Mabey Carlton Pierce Wiener Allen Horsford Weber Heck Woodhouse Munford Beers Arberry Jr. Care Titus Buckley Cegavske Segerblom Nolan Hogan Coffin Kihuen Schneider Ohrenschall Hardy Christensen Koivisto McClain Oceguera

Title U.S. Senator U.S. Senator Governor Senate Member Mayor of Boulder City Mayor of Henderson Mayor of Las Vegas Mayor of North Las Vegas U.S. Congresswoman U.S. Congressman U.S. Congressman City Manager City Manager City Manager Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County

City Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Carson City Boulder City Henderson Las Vegas North Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Henderson Henderson Las Vegas North Las Vegas North Las Vegas North Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas North Las Vegas Las Vegas Henderson Henderson Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas


Congress-State Elected Officials


Prefix Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. D.

First Kelvin Mark Jerry Joe Bob Lynn Rosemary Mo Susan William Marcus David Harry Mike

Title Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Assembly Member, Clark County Senate Member

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. T.

Bruce Tom Chip Lawrence Chris Susan Rory George Rhonda Wade Bill Gary Joni Peter Roberta Andrew Patrice

Last Atkinson Manendo Claborn Hardy Beers Stewart Womack Denis Gerhardt Horne Conklin Parks Mortenson McGinness Members Woodbury Collins Maxfield Weekly Giunchigliani Brager Reid Rowe Hornbeck Poulser Loyd Hollis Eastley Liakopoulos Carver Borasky Lytle Commissioner, District A Commissioner, District B Commissioner, District C Commissioner, District D Commissioner, District E Commissioner, District F Commission Chairman Commissioner Commission Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner, Chairperson Commissioner Vice-Chair Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Clerk

Organization Name District 17 District 18 District 19 District 20 District 21 District 22 District 23 District 28 District 29 District 34 District 37 District 41 District 42 Central Nevada Senatorial District Indian Springs Town Advisory Board Clark County Board of Commissioners Clark County Board of Commissioners Clark County Board of Commissioners Clark County Board of Commissioners Clark County Board of Commissioners Clark County Board of Commissioners Clark County Board of Commissioners Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Nye County Board of Commissioners Nye County Board of Commissioners Nye County Board of Commissioners Nye County Board of Commissioners Nye County Board of Commissioners City of Caliente

City North Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Boulder City Henderson Henderson Henderson Las Vegas Henderson Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Fallon Indian Springs Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Pioche Pioche Pioche Pioche Pahrump Tonopah Pahrump Round Mountain Pahrump Caliente


Federal-State Agencies
MI Fisher Tonopah Carson City Carson City Carson City Carson City Las Vegas Las Vegas Reno Reno Targosz James Drozdoff Administrator NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV San Francisco Washington Ely Las Vegas Henderson CA DC NV NV NV Last Title City State









Clearinghouse Coordinator SHPO



Mr. Mayer Williams Wenker Nastri R. A. Martinez Olsen Ruhs Project Leader Taylor Director Regional Administrator State Director State Supervisor Director



Office Manager





Organization Name Bureau of Land Management Tonopah Field Station Nevada State Clearinghouse Department of Administration Historic Preservation Office Nevada Division of Env Protection State of Nevada, Capitol Complex Nevada Division of Emergency Management Nevada Department of Wildlife Bureau of Land Management Las Vegas Field Office Nevada Department of Wildlife Reno Headquarters U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Nevada Ecological Field Office Bureau of Land Management State Office Reno













U.S. EPA, Region IX Office of the Regional Administrator Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management-Ely Field Office Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex Office Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition, Clark County Clearinghouse

American Indians
MI Pahrump Mohave Valley Fredonia Duckwater Big Pine NV AZ AZ NV CA Last City State



Mr. Mr. Ms Mr. Ms

Richard Felton Vivienne Maurice Gaylene

Title Organization Name Recipients of IICEP and NEPA Documents Arnold Tribal Chairman Pahrump Paiute Tribe Bricker Tribal Representative Fort Mojave Tribe Caron-Jake Tribal Representative Kaibab Band of Southern Paiutes Frank-Churchill Tribal Representative Yomba Shoshone Tribe Moose Tribal Representative Bishop Paiute Indian Tribe

Chambers of Commerce
City Beatty Boulder City Tonopah Henderson Las Vegas North Las Vegas Las Vegas Las Vegas Pahrump Amargosa Valley Goldfield Pioche Las Vegas Organization Name Beatty Chamber of Commerce Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Tonopah Nevada Chamber of Commerce Henderson Chamber of Commerce Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce North Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Asian Chamber of Commerce Women's Chamber of Commerce of Nevada Pahrump Valley Chamber of Commerce Amargosa Chamber of Commerce Goldfield Chamber of Commerce Pioche Chamber of Commerce Latin Chamber of Commerce State NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV NV

Organization Name Alamo Beatty Boulder City Caliente Carson City Indian Springs Las Vegas Las Vegas North Las Vegas Pahrump Las Vegas North Las Vegas Reno Tonopah Las Vegas Las Vegas Pioche City

Alamo Branch Library Beatty Library District Boulder City Library Caliente Branch Library Nevada State Library and Archives Federal Publications Indian Springs Library James Dickinson Library Las Vegas Library North Las Vegas Library District Main Branch Pahrump Community Library Green Valley Library Community College of Southern Nevada Library - Cheyenne Campus Business and Government Info. Center/322 - University of Nevada Libraries Tonopah Public Library Clark County Library Sunrise Library Lincoln County Library



ATTACHMENT G Clark County Department of Air Quality Consultation


Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management

Lewis Wallenmeyer Director

Sheryl K. Parker, Environmental Analysis Project Manager, HQ ACC/A7PS Stephen Deyo, Assistant Planning Manager, Clark County DAQEM Carbon Monoxide Conformity for Nellis AFB August 25, 2009

Dear Ms. Parker, After internal discussions, the Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management (DAQEM) has determined not to require Nellis Air Force Base to conduct local air quality modeling as part of its general conformity analysis for Carbon Monoxide (CO) for its proposed F-35 project. DAQEM utilized a 1-kilometer grid spacing over the entire Las Vegas Valley in its UAM modeling analysis of the 8-hour, 9 ppm CO standard. This modeling, which included emissions from the F-35 project, has already been submitted to EPA as part of DAQEMs CO Maintenance Plan. In that analysis, no modeled area within the Valley is in excess of the standard. In addition, no receptor grid near Nellis Air Force Base is greater than 5 ppm. The emissions of the F-35 project are a very small portion of the CO emissions inventory for the Las Vegas Valley, and there is no indication that additional modeling or hot-spot analysis is necessary. The technical support document of DAQEMs CO Maintenance Plan is available on our Web site: http://www.accessclarkcounty.com/depts/daqem/aq/planning/Documents/CO/COSIP2008/CO_MaintenacePlan TechnicalSupportDocument.pdf Please note figure 3-3 on page 3-5 in particular for predicted 8-hour maximum CO concentrations (ppm) in the Las Vegas Valley, inclusive of area controlled by Nellis Air Force Base. Please contact me if you have any questions. Stephen Deyo Assistant Planning Manager DAQEM (702) 455-1675

From: To: Subject: Date:

Parker, Sheryl K Civ USAF HQ AF ACC/A7PS Rose, Kathy L; Hoffman, Charee FW: Nellis AFB F-35 Beddown and Weapons School Draft General Conformity Determination Monday, March 08, 2010 9:37:55 AM

These were the EPA comments on the draft conformity determination. -----Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:59 PM To: Parker, Sheryl K Civ USAF HQ AF ACC/A7PS Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Nellis AFB F-35 Beddown and Weapons School Draft General Conformity Determination Hi Sheryl - Thanks for the inquiry about our input on the general conformity proposed determination. If you received any public comments and would like to discuss those or our thoughts below, please let us know. We'd be glad to assist. Regards, John (1) ES-3 identifies a maintenance plan requirement where there is none, i.e., absent a redesignation request, which is also not a requirement. A nonattainment area may stay nonattainment as long as it wants. However, section 175A of the Act does require a maintenance plan when a State decides to request redesignation to attainment. The subject sentence [need cite] could be revised as follows: "DAQEM and the State of Nevada have issued a commitment to include the NOx emissions in the maintenance implementation plan that DAQEM and the State intend to must submit pursuant to the provisions of 42 U.S.C. (section) 7505a in connection with a redesignation to attainment request under 42 U.S.C. (section) 7407(d)." (2) We note that the Air Force's reliance on the state's commitment to submit a SIP revision (effective upon the date of the final conformity determination) will trigger an 18-month deadline for submittal of a SIP revision, which is anticipated to be an 8-hour ozone maintenance plan. No suggested edit. (3) a. Noting that year 2022 is the highest PM emissions year, we expect that fugitive dust emissions (which would be highest in 2013) take into account control measures, whereas aircraft PM emissions (which would be highest in 2022) are uncontrolled. The conformity determination should clarify and confirm this, if correct. b. We couldn't confirm that fugitive dust emissions from tire wear and re-entrained road dust (construction worker vehicle trips and project-related commute trips), and fugitive emissions from tire wear from aircraft landings were included in emissions estimates. We suggest either adding such analysis or explaining how it is already included, if that is the case. If, for example, tire wear emissions and re-entrained road dust are not included in your MOBILE modeling results, these emissions should be estimated and added to the MOBILE results. PM numbers would certainly increase, but we do not anticipate the increase would be so large as to cause de minimis levels for PM to be exceeded. c. The General Conformity determination should identify the Clark

County rules to which the project would be subject and that can thus be relied upon to reduce construction-related PM and VOC emissions. These rules include Clark County Air Pollution Regulations Section 94 Permitting and Dust Control for Construction Activities, and Section 60.4 - Cutback Asphalts. (4) On page 22, the GC determination cites 40 CFR 51.858 as the criterion for determining conformity for CO. To the contrary, we understand the Air Force would be relying on 40 CFR 93.158(a)(4)(ii) and related Clark County DAQEM CO (areawide) modeling results from the submitted (but not yet approved) CO Maintenance Plan. If correct, then DAQEM's email (dated 8/21/09 from S. Deyo to Sheryl Parker) documenting the decision by DAQEM not to require the Air Force to conduct local CO modeling but to rely on DAQEM's own areawide CO modeling should be included along with the commitment letters at the back of the report.




The following tables provide details on baseline and projected NTTR sortie-operations and Nellis AFB airfield operations.. Table B-1 summarizes sortie-operations for the two MOAs and four restricted areas. It compares low-use and high-use scenarios for both baseline and projected conditions. Tables B-2 and B-3 provide a breakdown of baseline sortie-operations by aircraft type and within subdivisions of the airspace units. Table B-3 shows the high-end (300,000 sortie-operations). These data reflect conditions described in the beddown EIS for the F-22 at Nellis AFB in 1999. Tables B-4 and B-5 provide a breakdown of projected sortie-operations by aircraft type and within subdivision of the airspace units. Table B-4 depicts the lower end of the range (251,840 sortie-operations). Table B-2 shows the high-end (351,840 sortie-operations). Table B-6 outlines projected Nellis AFB airfield operations by aircraft and Table B-7 presents the type and number of operations on the flight tracks.

Table B-1 Projected Sortie-Operations Within the Airspace Under the Proposed Action Baseline Projected Percent Change F-35 Sortie200,000 300,000 251,840+ 351,840+ 251,840+ 351,840+ Operations Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Desert MOA 51,224 76,170 15,480 66,704 91,650 30% 20% Reveille MOA 14,038 20,912 4,270 18,308 25,181 30% 20% R-4806 30,134 44,135 4,322 34,456 48,457 14% 10% R-4807 74,128 112,122 19,683 93,810 131,804 27% 18% R-4808 12,952 20,007 3,368 16,321 23,376 26% 17% R-4809 17,524 26,655 4,717 22,242 31,372 27% 18% Total 200,000 300,000 51,840 251,840 351,840 26% 17%

Appendix B Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS


Appendix B Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Appendix B Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS


Appendix B Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Appendix B Final, May 2011




Introduction Appendix C provides a general noise primer to educate the reader on what constitutes noise, how it is measured, and the studies that were used in support of how and why noise is modeled. Noise is generally described as unwanted sound. Unwanted sound can be based on objective effects (such as hearing loss or damage to structures) or subjective judgments (community annoyance). Noise analysis thus requires a combination of physical measurement of sound, physical and physiological effects, plus psycho- and socio-acoustic effects. Section C1.0 of this appendix describes how sound is measured and summarizes noise impacts in terms of community acceptability and land use compatibility. Section C2.0 gives detailed descriptions of the effects of noise that lead to the impact guidelines presented in Section C1.0. Section C3.0 provides a description of the specific methods used to predict aircraft noise, including a detailed description of sonic booms.

Appendix C Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS

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Appendix C Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Table of Contents
C1.0 NOISE DESCRIPTORS AND IMPACT ................................................................................. C-3 C1.1 Quantifying Sound .......................................................................................................... C-3 C1.2 Noise Metrics .................................................................................................................. C-6 C1.2.1 Maximum Sound Level .................................................................................. C-6 C1.2.2 Peak Sound Level ........................................................................................... C-7 C1.2.3 Sound Exposure Level .................................................................................... C-7 C1.2.4 Equivalent Sound Level.................................................................................. C-8 C1.2.5 Day-Night Average Sound Level ................................................................... C-9 C1.2.6 Onset-Adjusted Monthly Day-Night Average Sound Level........................... C-9 C1.3 Noise Impact ................................................................................................................. C-10 C1.3.1 Community Reaction .................................................................................... C-10 C1.3.2 Land Use Compatibility................................................................................ C-13 NOISE EFFECTS .................................................................................................................... C-17 C2.1 Nonauditory Health Effects .......................................................................................... C-17 C2.2 Annoyance .................................................................................................................... C-18 C2.3 Speech Interference....................................................................................................... C-19 C2.4 Sleep Disturbance ......................................................................................................... C-21 C2.5 Noise-Induced Hearing Impairment ............................................................................. C-23 C2.5.1 Hearing Loss and Aircraft Noise .................................................................. C-25 C2.5.2 Nonauditory Health Effects .......................................................................... C-27 C2.5.3 Performance Effects ..................................................................................... C-30 C2.5.4 Noise Effects on Children............................................................................. C-30 C2.5.5 Effects on Learning and Cognitive Abilities ................................................ C-30 C2.5.6 Health Effects ............................................................................................... C-32 C2.6 Noise Effects on Domestic Animals and Wildlife ........................................................ C-33 C2.6.1 Domestic Animals ........................................................................................ C-35 C2.6.2 Wildlife ......................................................................................................... C-38 C2.6.3 Mammals ...................................................................................................... C-39 C2.6.4 Birds ............................................................................................................. C-41 C2.6.5 Raptors.......................................................................................................... C-43 C2.6.6 Migratory Waterfowl .................................................................................... C-45 C2.6.7 Wading and Shore Birds ............................................................................... C-46 C2.6.8 Fish, Reptiles, and Amphibians .................................................................... C-48 C2.6.9 Summary....................................................................................................... C-48 C2.7 Noise Effects on Property Values ................................................................................. C-49 C2.8 Noise Effects on Structures........................................................................................... C-50 C2.8.1 Subsonic Aircraft Noise................................................................................ C-50 C2.8.2 Sonic Booms ................................................................................................. C-51


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS C2.9 Noise Effects on Terrain ............................................................................................... C-52 C2.9.1 Subsonic Aircraft Noise................................................................................ C-52 C2.9.2 Sonic Booms ................................................................................................. C-52 C2.10 Noise Effects on Historical and Archeological Sites .................................................... C-53


NOISE MODELING ............................................................................................................... C-53 C3.1 Subsonic Aircraft Noise ................................................................................................ C-53 C3.2 Sonic Booms ................................................................................................................. C-54 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... C-58 List of Tables


Table C-1 Table C-2 Table C-3 Table C-4 Table C-5 Table C-6 Table C-7

Representative Maximum Sound Levels (L max ) ............................................................. C-6 Representative Sound Exposure Levels (SEL) ............................................................... C-8 Relation Between Annoyance, DNL, and CDNL ......................................................... C-12 Land Use Compatibility, Noise Exposure, and Accident Potential .............................. C-14 Indoor Noise Level Criteria Based on Speech Intelligibility ........................................ C-21 Average NIPTS and 10th Percentile NIPTS as a Function of DNL .............................. C-24 Possible Damage to Structures from Sonic Booms ...................................................... C-51 List of Figures

Figure C-1 Figure C-2 Figure C-3 Figure C-4 Figure C-5 Figure C-6 Figure C-7 Figure C-8 Figure C-9

Typical A-Weighted Sound Levels of Common Sounds ................................................ C-7 Community Surveys of Noise Annoyance .................................................................... C-10 Response of Communities to Noise; Comparison of Original and Current Curve Fits ........................................................................................................ C-11 Probability of Arousal or Behavioral Awakenings in Terms of Sound Exposure Levels ................................................................................................ C-23 Sonic Boom Generation of Evolution to N-Wave ........................................................ C-54 Sonic Boom Carpet in Steady Flight ............................................................................ C-55 Complex Sonic Boom Pattern for Full Mission ............................................................ C-55 Supersonic Flight Tracks in Supersonic Air Combat Training Airspace...................... C-57 Elliptical CDNL Contours in Supersonic Air Combat Training Airspace.................... C-57


Appendix C Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS C1.0 NOISE DESCRIPTORS AND IMPACT

Aircraft operating in military airspace generate two types of sound. One is subsonic noise, which is continuous sound generated by the aircrafts engines and also by air flowing over the aircraft itself. The other is sonic booms (where authorized for supersonic), which are transient impulsive sounds generated during supersonic flight. These are quantified in different ways. Section 1.1 describes the characteristics which are used to describe sound. Section 1.2 describes the specific noise metrics used for noise impact analysis. Section 1.3 describes how environmental impact and land use compatibility are judged in terms of these quantities. C1.1 Quantifying Sound

Measurement and perception of sound involve two basic physical characteristics: amplitude and frequency. Amplitude is a measure of the strength of the sound and is directly measured in terms of the pressure of a sound wave. Because sound pressure varies in time, various types of pressure averages are usually used. Frequency, commonly perceived as pitch, is the number of times per second the sound causes air molecules to oscillate. Frequency is measured in units of cycles per second, or hertz (Hz). Amplitude. The loudest sounds the human ear can comfortably hear have acoustic energy one trillion times the acoustic energy of sounds the ear can barely detect. Because of this vast range, attempts to represent sound amplitude by pressure are generally unwieldy. Sound is, therefore, usually represented on a logarithmic scale with a unit called the decibel (dB). Sound measured on the decibel scale is referred to as a sound level. The threshold of human hearing is approximately 0 dB, and the threshold of discomfort or pain is around 120 dB. Because of the logarithmic nature of the decibel scale, sounds levels do not add and subtract directly and are somewhat cumbersome to handle mathematically. However, some simple rules of thumb are useful in dealing with sound levels. First, if a sounds intensity is doubled, the sound level increases by 3 dB, regardless of the initial sound level. Thus, for example: 60 dB + 60 dB = 63 dB, and 80 dB + 80 dB = 83 dB. The total sound level produced by two sounds of different levels is usually only slightly more than the higher of the two. For example: 60.0 dB + 70.0 dB = 70.4 dB.
Appendix C Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Because the addition of sound levels behaves differently than that of ordinary numbers, such addition is often referred to as decibel addition or energy addition. The latter term arises from the fact that the combination of decibel values consists of first converting each decibel value to its corresponding acoustic energy, then adding the energies using the normal rules of addition, and finally converting the total energy back to its decibel equivalent. The difference in dB between two sounds represents the ratio of the amplitudes of those two sounds. Because human senses tend to be proportional (i.e., detect whether one sound is twice as big as another) rather than absolute (i.e., detect whether one sound is a given number of pressure units bigger than another), the decibel scale correlates well with human response. Under laboratory conditions, differences in sound level of 1 dB can be detected by the human ear. In the community, the smallest change in average noise level that can be detected is about 3 dB. A change in sound level of about 10 dB is usually perceived by the average person as a doubling (or halving) of the sounds loudness, and this relation holds true for loud sounds and for quieter sounds. A decrease in sound level of 10 dB actually represents a 90 percent decrease in sound intensity but only a 50 percent decrease in perceived loudness because of the nonlinear response of the human ear (similar to most human senses). The one exception to the exclusive use of levels, rather than physical pressure units, to quantify sound is in the case of sonic booms. As described in Section 3.2, sonic booms are coherent waves with specific characteristics. There is a long-standing tradition of describing individual sonic booms by the amplitude of the shock waves, in pounds per square foot (psf). This is particularly relevant when assessing structural effects as opposed to loudness or cumulative community response. In this environmental analysis, sonic booms are quantified by either dB or psf, as appropriate for the particular impact being assessed. Frequency. The normal human ear can hear frequencies from about 20 Hz to about 20,000 Hz. It is most sensitive to sounds in the 1,000 to 4,000 Hz range. When measuring community response to noise, it is common to adjust the frequency content of the measured sound to correspond to the frequency sensitivity of the human ear. This adjustment is called A-weighting (American National Standards Institute 1988). Sound levels that have been so adjusted are referred to as A-weighted sound levels. The audible quality of high thrust engines in modern military combat aircraft can be somewhat different than other aircraft, including (at high throttle settings) the characteristic nonlinear crackle of high thrust engines. The spectral characteristics of various noises are accounted for by A-weighting, which approximates the response of the human ear but does not necessarily account for quality. There are other, more detailed, weighting factors that have been applied to sounds. In the 1950s and 1960s, when noise from civilian jet aircraft became an issue, substantial research was performed to determine what characteristics of jet noise were a problem. The metrics Perceived Noise Level and Effective Perceived
C-4 Appendix C Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Noise Level were developed. These accounted for nonlinear behavior of hearing and the importance of low frequencies at high levels, and for many years airport/airbase noise contours were presented in terms of Noise Exposure Forecast, which was based on Perceived Noise Level and Effective Perceived Noise Level. In the 1970s, however, it was realized that the primary intrusive aspect of aircraft noise was the high noise level, a factor which is well represented by A-weighted levels and day-night average sound level (DNL). The refinement of Perceived Noise Level, Effective Perceived Noise Level, and Noise Exposure Forecast was not significant in protecting the public from noise. There has been continuing research on noise metrics and the importance of sound quality, sponsored by the Department of Defense (DoD) for military aircraft noise and by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for civil aircraft noise. The metric L dnmr , which is described later and accounts for the increased annoyance of rapid onset rate of sound, is a product of this long-term research. The amplitude of A-weighted sound levels is measured in dB. It is common for some noise analysts to denote the unit of A-weighted sounds by dBA. As long as the use of A-weighting is understood, there is no difference between dB or dBA: it is only important that the use of A-weighting be made clear. In this environmental analysis, A-weighted sound levels are reported as dB. A-weighting is appropriate for continuous sounds, which are perceived by the ear. Impulsive sounds, such as sonic booms, are perceived by more than just the ear. When experienced indoors, there can be secondary noise from rattling of the building. Vibrations may also be felt. C-weighting (American National Standards Institute 1988) is applied to such sounds. This is a frequency weighting that is relatively flat over the range of human hearing (about 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz) that rolls off above 5,000 Hz and below 50 Hz. In this study, C-weighted sound levels are used for the assessment of sonic booms and other impulsive sounds. As with A-weighting, the unit is dB, but dBC is sometimes used for clarity. In this study, sound levels are reported in both A-weighting and C-weighting dBs, and C-weighted metrics are denoted when used. Time Averaging. Sound pressure of a continuous sound varies greatly with time, so it is customary to deal with sound levels that represent averages over time. Levels presented as instantaneous (i.e., as might be read from the display of a sound level meter) are based on averages of sound energy over either 1/8 second (fast) or 1 second (slow). The formal definitions of fast and slow levels are somewhat complex, with details that are important to the makers and users of instrumentation. They may, however, be thought of as levels corresponding to the root-mean-square sound pressure measured over the 1/8-second or 1-second periods. The most common uses of the fast or slow sound level in environmental analysis is in the discussion of the maximum sound level that occurs from the action, and in discussions of typical sound levels. Figure C-1 is a chart of A-weighted sound levels from typical sounds. Some (air conditioner, vacuum
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS cleaner) are continuous sounds whose levels are constant for some time. Some (automobile, heavy truck) are the maximum sound during a vehicle passby. Some (urban daytime, urban nighttime) are averages over some extended period. A variety of noise metrics have been developed to describe noise over different time periods. These are described in Section 1.2. C1.2 Noise Metrics

C1.2.1 Maximum Sound Level The highest A-weighted sound level measured during a single event in which the sound level changes value as time goes on (e.g., an aircraft overflight) is called the maximum A-weighted sound level or maximum sound level, for short. It is usually abbreviated by ALM, L max , or L Amax . The maximum sound level is important in judging the interference caused by a noise event with conversation, TV or radio listening, sleeping, or other common activities. Table C-1 reflects L max values for typical aircraft associated with this assessment operating at the indicated flight profiles and power settings. Table C-1. Representative Maximum Sound Levels (L max )

Aircraft (engine type) A-10A B-1 F-15 (P220) F-16 (P229) F-22 A-10A B-1 F-15 (P220) F-16 (P229) F-22

L max Values (in dBA) At Varying Distances (In Feet) Power Power Setting Unit 500 1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 Takeoff/Departure Operations (at 300 knots airspeed) 6200 NF 99.9 91.7 82.2 68.2 57.8 97.5% RPM 126.5 118.3 109.9 98.3 88.7 90% NC 111.4 104.3 96.6 85 74.7 93% NC 113.7 106.2 98.1 86.1 75.7 100% ETR 119.7 112.4 104.6 93 82.9 Landing/Arrival Operations (at 160 knots airspeed) 5225 NF 97 88.9 78.8 60.2 46.4 90% RPM 98.8 91.9 84.5 72.8 62 75% NC 88.5 81.6 74.3 63.2 53.4 83.5% NC 92.6 85.5 77.8 66.1 55.6 43% ETR 111.3 103.9 95.9 83.9 73.1

Engine Unit of Power: RPMRevolutions Per Minute; ETREngine Thrust Ratio; NCEngine Core RPM; and NFEngine Fan RPM. Source: SELCalc2 (Flyover Noise Calculator), Using Noisemap 6/7 and Maximum Omega10 Result as the defaults.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Figure C-1 Typical A-Weighted Sound Levels of Common Sounds

Source: Derived from the Handbook of Noise Control, Harris 1979, FICAN 1997

C1.2.2 Peak Sound Level For impulsive sounds, the true instantaneous sound pressure is of interest. For sonic booms, this is the peak pressure of the shock wave, as described in Section 3.2 of this appendix. This pressure is usually presented in physical units of pounds per square foot. Sometimes it is represented on the decibel scale, with symbol Lpk. Peak sound levels do not use either A or C weighting. C1.2.3 Sound Exposure Level Individual time-varying noise events have two main characteristics: a sound level that changes throughout the event and a period of time during which the event is heard. Although the maximum sound
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS level, described above, provides some measure of the intrusiveness of the event, it alone does not completely describe the total event. The period of time during which the sound is heard is also significant. The Sound Exposure Level (abbreviated SEL or L AE for A-weighted sounds) combines both of these characteristics into a single metric. SEL is a composite metric that represents both the intensity of a sound and its duration. Mathematically, the mean square sound pressure is computed over the duration of the event, then multiplied by the duration in seconds, and the resultant product is turned into a sound level. It does not directly represent the sound level heard at any given time, but rather provides a measure of the net impact of the entire acoustic event. It has been well established in the scientific community that SEL measures this impact much more reliably than just the maximum sound level. Table C-2 shows SEL values corresponding to the aircraft and power settings reflected in Table C-1. Table C-2. Representative Sound Exposure Levels (SEL)
Aircraft (engine type) A-10A B-1 F-15 (P220) F-16 (P229) F-22 A-10A B-1 F-15 (P220) F-16 (P229) F-22 Power Setting Power Unit

SEL Values (in dBA) At Varying Distances (In Feet) 500 1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 Takeoff/Departure Operations (at 300 knots airspeed) 6200 NF 102.6 96.2 88.5 76.9 68.3 97.5% RPM 129.5 123.1 116.5 107.3 99.3 90% NC 117.3 112 106.1 97 88.4 93% NC 116.5 110.8 104.6 95 86.3 100% ETR 124.2 118.7 112.7 103.5 95.2 Landing/Arrival Operations (at 160 knots airspeed) 5225 NF 97.9 91.5 83.3 67 55 90% RPM 103.4 98.3 92.7 83.4 74.4 75% NC 94.2 89.2 83.6 74.9 66.9 83.5% NC 97.4 92.1 86.3 76.9 68.2 43% ETR 114.9 109.3 103.1 93.5 84.5

Source: SELCalc2 (Flyover Noise Calculator), Using NoiseMap 6/7 and Maximum Omega10 Result as the defaults. Notes:Engine Unit of Power: RPMRevolutions Per Minute; ETREngine Thrust Ratio; NCEngine Core RPM; and NF Engine Fan RPM.

Because the SEL and the maximum sound level are both used to describe single events, there is sometimes confusion between the two, so the specific metric used should be clearly stated. SEL can be computed for C-weighted levels (appropriate for impulsive sounds), and the results denoted CSEL or L CE . SEL for A-weighted sound is sometimes denoted ASEL. Within this study, SEL is used for A-weighted sounds and CSEL for C-weighted. C1.2.4 Equivalent Sound Level For longer periods of time, total sound is represented by the equivalent continuous sound pressure level (L eq ). L eq is the average sound level over some time period (often an hour or a day, but any explicit time


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS span can be specified), with the averaging being done on the same energy basis as used for SEL. SEL and L eq are closely related, with L eq being SEL over some time period normalized by that time. Just as SEL has proven to be a good measure of the noise impact of a single event, L eq has been established to be a good measure of the impact of a series of events during a given time period. Also, while Leq is defined as an average, it is effectively a sum over that time period and is, thus, a measure of the cumulative impact of noise. C1.2.5 Day-Night Average Sound Level Noise tends to be more intrusive at night than during the day. This effect is accounted for by applying a 10 dB penalty to events that occur after 10 pm and before 7 am. If L eq is computed over a 24-hour period with this nighttime penalty applied, the result is the DNL. DNL is the community noise metric recommended by the USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA] 1974) and has been adopted by most federal agencies (Federal Interagency Committee on Noise 1992). It has been well established that DNL correlates well with long-term community response to noise (Schultz 1978; Finegold et al. 1994). This correlation is presented in Section 1.3 of this appendix. DNL accounts for the total, or cumulative, noise impact at a given location, and for this reason is often referred to as a cumulative metric. It was noted earlier that, for impulsive sounds, such as sonic booms, C-weighting is more appropriate than A-weighting. The day-night average sound level computed with C-weighting is denoted CDNL or L Cdn . This procedure has been standardized, and impact interpretive criteria similar to those for DNL have been developed (Committee on Hearing, Bioacoustics and Biomechanics 1981). C1.2.6 Onset-Adjusted Monthly Day-Night Average Sound Level Aircraft operations in military training airspace generate a noise environment somewhat different from other community noise environments. Overflights are sporadic, occurring at random times and varying from day to day and week to week. This situation differs from most community noise environments, in which noise tends to be continuous or patterned. Individual military overflight events also differ from typical community noise events in that noise from a low-altitude, high-airspeed flyover can have a rather sudden onset. To represent these differences, the conventional DNL metric is adjusted to account for the surprise effect of the sudden onset of aircraft noise events on humans (Plotkin et al. 1987; Stusnick et al. 1992; Stusnick et al. 1993). For aircraft exhibiting a rate of increase in sound level (called onset rate) of from 15 to 150 dB per second, an adjustment or penalty ranging from 0 to 11 dB is added to the normal SEL. Onset rates above 150 dB per second require an 11 dB penalty, while onset rates below 15 dB per second
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS require no adjustment. The DNL is then determined in the same manner as for conventional aircraft noise events and is designated as Onset-Rate Adjusted Day-Night Average Sound Level (abbreviated L dnmr ). Because of the irregular occurrences of aircraft operations, the number of average daily operations is determined by using the calendar month with the highest number of operations. The monthly average is denoted L dnmr . Noise levels are calculated the same way for both DNL and L dnmr . L dnmr is interpreted by the same criteria as used for DNL. 1.3 Noise Impact

C1.3.1 Community Reaction Studies of long-term community annoyance to numerous types of environmental noise show that DNL correlates well with the annoyance. Schultz (1978) showed a consistent relationship between DNL and annoyance. Shultzs original curve fit (Figure C-2) shows that there is a remarkable consistency in results of attitudinal surveys which relate the percentages of groups of people who express various degrees of annoyance when exposed to different DNL.

Figure C-2 Community Surveys of Noise Annoyance

Source: Schultz 1978


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Another study has reaffirmed this relationship (Fidell et al. 1991). Figure C-3 (Federal Interagency Committee on Noise 1992) shows an updated form of the curve fit (Finegold et al. 1994) in comparison with the original. The updated fit, which does not differ substantially from the original, is the current preferred form. In general, correlation coefficients of 0.85 to 0.95 are found between the percentages of groups of people highly annoyed and the level of average noise exposure. The correlation coefficients for the annoyance of individuals are relatively low, however, on the order of 0.5 or less. This is not surprising, considering the varying personal factors that influence the manner in which individuals react to noise. Nevertheless, findings substantiate that community annoyance to aircraft noise is represented quite reliably using DNL.

Figure C-3 Response of Communities to Noise; Comparison of Original (Schultz 1978) and Current (Finegold et al. 1994) Curve Fits As noted earlier for SEL, DNL does not represent the sound level heard at any particular time, but rather represents the total sound exposure. DNL accounts for the sound level of individual noise events, the duration of those events, and the number of events. Its use is endorsed by the scientific community (American National Standards Institute 1980, 1988, 2005; USEPA 1974; Federal Interagency Committee on Urban Noise 1980; Federal Interagency Committee on Noise 1992).
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS While DNL is the best metric for quantitatively assessing cumulative noise impact, it does not lend itself to intuitive interpretation by non-experts. Accordingly, it is common for environmental noise analyses to include other metrics for illustrative purposes. A general indication of the noise environment can be presented by noting the maximum sound levels which can occur and the number of times per day noise events will be loud enough to be heard. Use of other metrics as supplements to DNL has been endorsed by federal agencies (Federal Interagency Committee on Noise 1992). The Schultz curve is generally applied to annual average DNL. In Section 1.2, L dnmr was described and presented as being appropriate for quantifying noise in military airspace. The Schultz curve is used with L dnmr as the noise metric. L dnmr is always equal to or greater than DNL, so impact is generally higher than would have been predicted if the onset rate and busiest-month adjustments were not accounted for. There are several points of interest in the noise-annoyance relation. The first is DNL of 65 dB. This is a level most commonly used for noise planning purposes and represents a compromise between community impact and the need for activities like aviation which do cause noise. Areas exposed to DNL above 65 dB are generally not considered suitable for residential use. The second is DNL of 55 dB, which was identified by USEPA as a level ...requisite to protect the public health and welfare with an adequate margin of safety, (USEPA 1974) which is essentially a level below which adverse impact is not expected. The third is DNL of 75 dB. This is the lowest level at which adverse health effects could be credible (USEPA 1974). The very high annoyance levels correlated with DNL of 75 dB make such areas unsuitable for residential land use. Sonic boom exposure is measured by C-weighting, with the corresponding cumulative metric being CDNL. Correlation between CDNL and annoyance has been established, based on community reaction to impulsive sounds (Committee on Hearing, Bioacoustics and Biomechanics 1981). Values of the C-weighted equivalent to the Schultz curve are different than that of the Schultz curve itself. Table C-3 shows the relation between annoyance, DNL, and CDNL. Table C-3. Relation Between Annoyance, DNL and CDNL DNL % Highly Annoyed CDNL 45 0.83 42 50 1.66 46 55 3.31 51 60 6.48 56 65 12.29 60 70 22.10 65

Interpretation of CDNL from impulsive noise is accomplished by using the CDNL versus annoyance values in Table C-3. CDNL can be interpreted in terms of an equivalent annoyance DNL. For


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS example, CDNL of 52, 61, and 69 dB are equivalent to DNL of 55, 65, and 75 dB, respectively. If both continuous and impulsive noise occurs in the same area, impacts are assessed separately for each. C1.3.2 Land Use Compatibility As noted above, the inherent variability between individuals makes it impossible to predict accurately how any individual will react to a given noise event. Nevertheless, when a community is considered as a whole, its overall reaction to noise can be represented with a high degree of confidence. As described above, the best noise exposure metric for this correlation is the DNL or L dnmr for military overflights. Impulsive noise can be assessed by relating CDNL to an equivalent annoyance DNL, as outlined in Section 1.3.1. In June 1980, an ad hoc Federal Interagency Committee on Urban Noise published guidelines (Federal Interagency Committee on Urban Noise 1980) relating DNL to compatible land uses. This committee was composed of representatives from DoD, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development; USEPA; and the Veterans Administration. Since the issuance of these guidelines, federal agencies have generally adopted these guidelines for their noise analyses. Following the lead of the committee, DoD and FAA adopted the concept of land-use compatibility as the accepted measure of aircraft noise effect. The FAA included the committees guidelines in the Federal Aviation Regulations (United States Department of Transportation 1984). These guidelines are reprinted in Table C-4, along with the explanatory notes included in the regulation. Although these guidelines are not mandatory (note the footnote * in the table), they provide the best means for determining noise impact in airport communities. In general, residential land uses normally are not compatible with outdoor DNL values above 65 dB, and the extent of land areas and populations exposed to DNL of 65 dB and higher provides the best means for assessing the noise impacts of alternative aircraft actions. In some cases a change in noise level, rather than an absolute threshold, may be a more appropriate measure of impact.

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Table C-4. Land Use Compatibility, Noise Exposure, and Accident Potential
Land Use SLUCM No. 10 11 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.21 11.22 11.31 11.32 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Name Residential Household units Single units; detached Single units; semidetached Singe units; attached row Two units; side-by-side Two units; one above the other Apartments; walk up Apartments; elevator Group quarters Residential hotels Mobile home parks or courts Transient lodgings Other residential Manufacturing Food and kindred products; manufacturing Textile mill products; manufacturing Apparel and other finished products made from fabrics, leather, and similar materials; manufacturing Lumber and wood products (except furniture); manufacturing Furniture and fixtures; manufacturing Paper and allied products; manufacturing Printing, publishing, and allied industries Chemicals and allied products; manufacturing Petroleum refining and related industries Manufacturing Rubber and misc. plastic products, manufacturing Stone, clay and glass products; manufacturing Primary metal industries Fabricated metal products; manufacturing Professional, scientific, and controlling instruments; photographic and optical goods; watches and clocks; manufacturing Miscellaneous manufacturing Transportation, communications, and utilities Railroad, rapid rail transit, and street railroad transportation Motor vehicle transportation Aircraft transportation Marine craft transportation Highway and street right-of-way Automobile parking Communications Utilities Other transportation communications and utilities Trade Wholesale trade Retail trade-building materials, hardware and farm equipment Retail trade-general merchandise Accident Potential Zones Clear APZ APZ II Zone I Noise Zones 65-69 dB 70-74 dB 75-79 dB 80+ dB

N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N3 N N N2

N N N N N N N N N N N N N2 N2 N Y2 Y2 Y2 Y2 N N N2 N2 N2 N2 N Y2 Y4 Y Y4 Y4 Y Y4 Y4 Y4 Y4 Y2 Y2 N2

Y1 N N N N N N N N N N N1 Y Y N2 Y Y Y Y N2 N N2 Y Y Y N2 Y2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y2

A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 N A11 A11 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

B11 B11 B11 B11 B11 B11 B11 B11 B11 N B11 B11 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 A Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 Y12 A15 Y A15 Y12 Y12 A

N N N N N N N N N N C11 N Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 B Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 Y13 B15 Y12 B15 Y13 Y13 B

N N N N N N N N N N N N Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 N Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 Y14 N Y13 N Y14 Y14 N


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table C-4. Land Use Compatibility, Noise Exposure, and Accident Potential
Land Use SLUCM No. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 62.4 63 64 65 65.1 65.1 66 67 68 69 70 71 71.2 72 72.1 72.11 72.2 73 74 75 76 79 Name Retail trade-food Retail trade-automotive, marine craft, aircraft and accessories Retail trade-apparel and accessories Retail trade-furniture, home furnishings and equipment Retail trade-eating and drinking establishments Other retail trade Services Finance, insurance, and real estate services Personal services Cemeteries Business services Repair services Professional services Hospitals, nursing homes Other medical facilities Contract construction services Governmental services Educational services Miscellaneous services Cultural, entertainment and recreational Cultural activities (including churches) Nature exhibits Public assembly Auditoriums, concert halls Outdoor music shell, amphitheatres Outdoor sports arenas, spectator sports Amusements Recreational activities (including golf courses, riding stables, water recreation) Resorts and group camps Parks Other cultural, entertainment, and recreation Accident Potential Zones Clear APZ APZ II Zone I 2 2 N N Y2 N2 N N
2 2

Noise Zones 65-69 dB Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A* Y Y Y* A* Y A* Y* Y A N Y17 Y Y* Y* Y* Y* 70-74 dB A A A A A A A A Y12 A Y12 A B* A A A* B* A B* N N B N Y17 Y A* Y* Y* Y* 75-79 dB B B B B B B B B Y13 B Y13 B N B B B* N B N N N N N N N B* N N N 80+ dB N N N N N N N N Y14,2,1 N Y14 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N

N2 N
2 2

Y2 Y Y
2 2 2

N N N N N N N N N N N N6 N N N N N N N N N NY N N N9

N N2 N N Y7 Y8 Y2 N N N Y6 N N N2 N Y2 N N N N N Y8,9,10 N Y8 Y9

N Y2 Y6 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y Y6 N N Y Y6 N Y2 N2 Y N N N N Y8 Y N Y8 Y9

80 81 81.5 to 81.7 82

Resources production and extraction Agriculture (except livestock) Livestock farming and animal breeding Agricultural related activities

Y16 N N

Y Y Y5


Y18 Y18 Y18

Y19 Y19 Y19

Y20 Y20 N

Y20,21 Y20,21 N

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Table C-4. Land Use Compatibility, Noise Exposure, and Accident Potential
Land Use SLUCM No. Name Accident Potential Zones Clear APZ APZ II Zone I Noise Zones 65-69 dB 70-74 dB 75-79 dB 80+ dB

80 83 84 85 89

Resources production and extraction Forestry activities and related services Fishing activities and related services Mining activities and related services Other resources production and extraction

N5 N5 N N

Y Y5 Y5 Y5


Y18 Y Y Y

Y19 Y Y Y

Y20 Y Y Y

Y20,21 Y Y Y

Legend: SLUCM = Standard Land Use Coding Manual, U.S. Department of Transportation Y = Yes; land use and related structures are compatible without restriction. N = No; land use and related structures are not compatible and should be prohibited. A, B, or C = Land use and related structures generally compatible; measures to achieve Noise Level Reduction of A (25 db), B (30 db), or C (35 db) should be incorporated into the design and construction of structures. A*, B*, or C* = Land use generally compatible with Noise Level Reduction. However, measures to achieve an overall noise level reduction do not necessarily solve noise difficulties and additional evaluation is warranted. See appropriate footnotes. * = The designation of these uses as compatible in this zone reflects individual federal agency and program consideration of general cost and feasibility factors, as well as past community experiences and program objectives. Localities, when evaluating the application of these guidelines to specific situations, may have different concerns or goals to consider. Notes: 1 Suggested maximum density of 1-2 dwelling units per acre possibly increased under a Planned Unit Development where maximum lot coverage is less than 20 percent. 2 Within each land use category, uses exist where further definition may be needed due to the variation of densities in people and structures. Shopping malls and shopping centers are considered incompatible in any APZ. 3 The placing of structures, buildings, or above ground utility lines in the clear zone is subject to severe restrictions. In a majority of the clear zones, these items are prohibited. See AFI 32-7063 and AFI 32-1026 for specific guidance. 4 No passenger terminals and no major above ground transmission lines in APZ I. 5 Factors to be considered: labor intensity, structural coverage, explosive characteristics, and air pollution. 6 Low-intensity office uses only. Meeting places, auditoriums, etc., are not recommended. 7 Excludes chapels. 8 Facilities must be low intensity. 9 Clubhouse not recommended. 10 Areas for gatherings of people are not recommended. 11a Although local conditions may require residential use, it is discouraged in DNL 65-69 dB and strongly discouraged in DNL 70-74 dB. An evaluation should be conducted prior to approvals, indicating that a demonstrated community need for residential use would not be met if development were prohibited in these zones, and that there are no viable alternative locations. 11b Where the community determines the residential uses must be allowed, measures to achieve outdoor to indoor NLR for DNL 65-69 dB and DNL 70-74 dB should be incorporated into building codes and considered in individual approvals. 11c NLR criteria will not eliminate outdoor noise problems. However, building location and site planning, and design and use of berms and barriers can help mitigate outdoor exposure, particularly from near ground level sources. Measures that reduce outdoor noise should be used whenever practical in preference to measures which only protect interior spaces. 12 Measures to achieve the same NLR as required for facilities in the DNL 65-69 dB range must be incorporated into the design and construction of portions of these buildings where the public is received, office areas, noise sensitive areas, or where the normal noise level is low. 13 Measures to achieve the same NLR as required for facilities in the DNL 70-74 dB range must be incorporated into the design and construction of portions of these buildings where the public is received, office areas, noise sensitive areas, or where the normal noise level is low. 14 Measures to achieve the same NLR as required for facilities in the DNL 75-79 dB range must be incorporated into the design and construction of portions of these buildings where the public is received, office areas, noise sensitive areas, or where the normal noise level is low. 15 If noise sensitive, use indicated NLR; if not, the use is compatible. 16 No buildings. 17 Land use is compatible provided special sound reinforcement systems are installed. 18 Residential buildings require the same NLR required for facilities in the DNL 65-69 dB range. 19 Residential buildings require the same NLR required for facilities in the DNL 70-74 dB range. 20 Residential buildings are not permitted. 21 Land use is not recommended. If the community decides the use is necessary, hearing protection devices should be worn by personnel.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS C2.0 NOISE EFFECTS

The discussion in Section C1.3 presents the global effect of noise on communities. The following sections describe particular noise effects. C2.1 Nonauditory Health Effects

Nonauditory health effects of long-term noise exposure, where noise may act as a risk factor, have not been found to occur at levels below those protective against noise-induced hearing loss, described above. Most studies attempting to clarify such health effects have found that noise exposure levels established for hearing protection will also protect against any potential nonauditory health effects, at least in workplace conditions. The best scientific summary of these findings is contained in the lead paper at the National Institutes of Health Conference on Noise and Hearing Loss, held on January 2224, 1990, in Washington, D.C., which states The nonauditory effects of chronic noise exposure, when noise is suspected to act as one of the risk factors in the development of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and other nervous disorders, have never been proven to occur as chronic manifestations at levels below these criteria (an average of 75 dBA for complete protection against hearing loss for an eight-hour day) (von Gierke 1990; parenthetical wording added for clarification). At the International Congress (1988) on Noise as a Public Health Problem, most studies attempting to clarify such health effects did not find them at levels below the criteria protective of noise-induced hearing loss; and even above these criteria, results regarding such health effects were ambiguous. Consequently, it can be concluded that establishing and enforcing exposure levels protecting against noise-induced hearing loss would not only solve the noise-induced hearing loss problem but also any potential nonauditory health effects in the work place. Although these findings were directed specifically at noise effects in the work place, they are equally applicable to aircraft noise effects in the community environment. Research studies regarding the nonauditory health effects of aircraft noise are ambiguous, at best, and often contradictory. Yet, even those studies which purport to find such health effects use time-average noise levels of 75 dB and higher for their research. For example, in an often-quoted paper, two University of California at Los Angeles researchers found a relation between aircraft noise levels under the approach path to Los Angeles International Airport and increased mortality rates among the exposed residents by using an average noise exposure level greater than 75 dB for the noise-exposed population (Meecham and Shaw 1979). Nevertheless, three other University of California at Los Angeles professors analyzed those same data and found no relation between noise exposure and mortality rates (Frerichs et al. 1980).

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS As a second example, two other University of California at Los Angeles researchers used this same population near Los Angeles International Airport to show a higher rate of birth defects during the period of 1970 to 1972 when compared with a control group residing away from the airport (Jones and Tauscher 1978). Based on this report, a separate group at the United States Centers for Disease Control performed a more thorough study of populations near Atlantas Hartsfield International Airport for 1970 to 1972 and found no relation in their study of 17 identified categories of birth defects to aircraft noise levels above 65 dB (Edmonds 1979). In a review of health effects, prepared by a Committee of the Health Council of The Netherlands (Committee of the Health Council of the Netherlands 1996), analyzed currently available published information on this topic. The committee concluded that the threshold for possible long-term health effects was a 16-hour (6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) L eq of 70 dB. Projecting this to 24 hours and applying the 10 dB nighttime penalty used with DNL, this corresponds to DNL of about 75 dB. The study also affirmed the risk threshold for hearing loss, as discussed earlier. In summary, there is no scientific basis for a claim that potential health effects exist for aircraft timeaverage sound levels below 75 dB. C2.2 Annoyance

The primary effect of aircraft noise on exposed communities is one of annoyance. Noise annoyance is defined by the USEPA as any negative subjective reaction on the part of an individual or group (USEPA 1974). As noted in the discussion of DNL above, community annoyance is best measured by that metric. Because the USEPA Levels Document (USEPA 1974) identified DNL of 55 dB as . . . requisite to protect public health and welfare with an adequate margin of safety, it is commonly assumed that 55 dB should be adopted as a criterion for community noise analysis. From a noise exposure perspective, that would be an ideal selection. However, financial and technical resources are generally not available to achieve that goal. Most agencies have identified DNL of 65 dB as a criterion which protects those most impacted by noise, and which can often be achieved on a practical basis (Federal Interagency Committee on Noise 1992). This corresponds to about 12 percent of the exposed population being highly annoyed. Although DNL of 65 dB is widely used as a benchmark for significant noise impact, and is often an acceptable compromise, it is not a statutory limit, and it is appropriate to consider other thresholds in particular cases. In this analysis, no specific threshold is used. The noise in the affected environment is evaluated on the basis of the information presented in this appendix and in the body of the environmental analysis.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Community annoyance from sonic booms is based on CDNL, as discussed in Section 1.3. These effects are implicitly included in the equivalent annoyance CDNL values in Table C-3, since those were developed from actual community noise impact. C2.3 Speech Interference

Speech interference associated with aircraft noise is a primary cause of annoyance to individuals on the ground. The disruption of routine activities in the home, such as radio or television listening, telephone use, or family conversation, gives rise to frustration and irritation. The quality of speech communication is also important in classrooms, offices, and industrial settings and can cause fatigue and vocal strain in those who attempt to communicate over the noise. Research has shown that the use of the SEL metric will measure speech interference successfully, and that a SEL exceeding 65 dB will begin to interfere with speech communication. Classroom Criteria For listeners with normal hearing and fluency in the language, complete sentence intelligibility can be achieved when the signal-to-noise ratio (i.e., the difference between the speech level and the level of the interfering noise) is in the range 15 to 18 dB (Lazarus 1990). Both the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASLHA) recommend at least a 15-dB signal-to-noise ratio in classrooms, to ensure that children with hearing impairments and language disabilities are able to enjoy high speech intelligibility (ANSI 2002, AHSLA 1995). As such, provided that the average adult male or female voice registers a minimum of 50 dB L max in the rear of the classroom, the ANSI standard requires that the continuous background noise level indoors must not exceed a L eq of 35 dB (assumed to apply for the duration of school hours). The World Health Organization (WHO) reported for a speaker-to-listener distance of about 1 meter, empirical observations have shown that speech in relaxed conversations is 100 percent intelligible in background noise levels of about 35 dB, and speech can be fairly well understood in the presence of background levels of 45 dB. The WHO recommends a guideline value of 35 dB L eq for continuous background levels in classrooms during school hours (WHO 2000). Bradley suggests that in smaller rooms, where speech levels in the rear of the classroom are approximately 50 dB L max , steady-state noise levels above 35 dB L eq may interfere with the intelligibility of speech (Bradley 1993). For the purposes of determining eligibility for noise insulation funding, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidelines state that the design objective for a classroom environment is 45 dB L eq resulting from aircraft operations during normal school hours (FAA 1985). However, most aircraft noise is not continuous and consists of individual events where the sound level exceeds the background level for a limited time period as the aircraft flies over. Since speech interference in the presence of aircraft noise is essentially determined by the magnitude and frequency of individual aircraft flyover events, a time-averaged metric alone, such as L eq , is not necessarily appropriate when evaluating the overall
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS effects. In addition to the background level criteria described above, single-event criteria, which account for those sporadic intermittent outdoor noisy events, are also essential to specifying speech interference criteria. In 1984, a report to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey recommended utilizing the Speech Interference Level (SIL) metric for classroom noise criteria (Sharp and Plotkin 1984). This metric is based on the maximum sound levels in the frequency range (approximately 500 Hz to 2,000 Hz) that directly affects speech communication. The study identified an SIL (the average of the sound levels in the 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz octave-bands) of 45 dB as the desirable goal, which was estimated to provide 90 percent word intelligibility for the short time periods during aircraft over-flights. Although early classroom level criteria were defined in terms of SIL, the use and measurement of L max as the primary metric has since become more popular. Both metrics take into consideration the L max associated with intermittent noise events and can be related to existing background levels when determining speech interference percentages. An SIL of 45 dB is approximately equivalent to an A-weighted L max of 50 dB for aircraft noise (Wesler 1986). In 1998, a report also concluded that if an aircraft noise events indoor L max reached the speech level of 50 dB, 90 percent of the words would be understood by students seated throughout the classroom (Lind et al. 1998). Since intermittent aircraft noise does not appreciably disrupt classroom communication at lower levels and other times, the authors also adopted an indoor L max of 50 dB as the maximum singleevent level permissible in classrooms. Note that this limit was set based on students with normal hearing and no special needs; at-risk students may be adversely affected at lower sound levels. Bradley recommends SEL as a better indicator of indoor estimated speech interference in the presence of aircraft overflights (Bradley 1985). For acceptable speech communication using normal vocal efforts, Bradley suggests that the indoor SEL be no greater than 64 dB. He assumes a 26 dB outdoor to indoor noise reduction that equates to 90 dB SEL outdoors. Aircraft events producing outdoor SEL values greater than 90 dB would result in disruption to indoor speech communication. Bradleys work indicates that, for speakers talking with a casual vocal effort, 95 percent intelligibility would be achieved when indoor SEL values did not exceed 60 dB, which translates approximately to an Lmax of 50 dB. In the presence of intermittent noise events, ANSI states that the criteria for allowable background noise level can be relaxed since speech is impaired only for the short time when the aircraft noise is close to its maximum value. Consequently, they recommend when the background noise level of the noisiest hour is dominated by aircraft noise, the indoor criteria (35 dB L eq for continuous background noise) can be increased by 5 dB to an L eq of 40 dB, as long as the noise level does not exceed 40 dB for more than 10 percent of the noisiest hour (ANSI 2002).


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS The WHO does not recommend a specific indoor L max criterion for single-event noise, but does place a guideline value at L eq of 35 dB for overall background noise in the classroom. However, WHO does report that for communication distances beyond a few meters, speech interference starts at sound pressure levels below 50 dB for octave bands centered on the main speech frequencies at 500 Hz, 1 kHz, and 2 kHz (WHO 2000). One can infer this can be approximated by an L max value of 50 dB. The United Kingdom Department for Education and Skills (UKDFES) established in its classroom acoustics guide a 30-minute time-averaged metric [L eq (30min)] for background levels and LA1,30 min for intermittent noises, at thresholds of 30 to 35 dB and 55 dB, respectively. LA1,30 min represents the A-weighted sound level that is exceeded one percent of the time (in this case, during a 30 minute teaching session) and is generally equivalent to the L max metric (UKDFES 2003). In summary, as the previous section demonstrates, research indicates that it is not only important to consider the continuous background levels using time-averaged metrics, but also the intermittent events, using single-event metrics such as L max . Table C-5 provides a summary of the noise level criteria recommended in the scientific literature. Source
U.S. FAA (1985) Lind et al. (1998), Sharp and Plotkin (1984), Wesler (1986) WHO (1999) U.S. ANSI (2002) U.K. DFES (2003)

Table C-5. Indoor Noise Level Criteria Based on Speech Intelligibility Metric/Level (dB) Effects and Notes
L eq (during school hours) = 45 dB L max = 50 dB / SIL 45 L eq = 35 dB / Lmax = 50 dB L eq = 40 dB L eq (30min) = 30-35 dB / L max = 55 dB Federal assistance criteria for school sound insulation; supplemental single-event criteria may be used Single event level permissible in the classroom Assumes average speech level of 50 dB and recommends signal to noise ratio of 15 dB Based on Room Volume Acceptable background level for continuous noise/ relaxed criteria for intermittent noise in the classroom Minimum acceptable in classroom and most other learning environs

When considering intermittent noise caused by aircraft overflights, a review of the relevant scientific literature and international guidelines indicates that an appropriate criteria is a limit on indoor background noise levels of 35 to 40 dB L eq and a limit on single events of 50 dB L max . C2.4 Sleep Disturbance

Sleep interference is another source of annoyance associated with aircraft noise. This is especially true because of the intermittent nature and content of aircraft noise, which is more disturbing than continuous noise of equal energy and neutral meaning. Sleep interference may be measured in either of two ways. Arousal represents actual awakening from sleep, while a change in sleep stage represents a shift from one of four sleep stages to another stage of

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS lighter sleep without actual awakening. In general, arousal requires a somewhat higher noise level than does a change in sleep stage. An analysis sponsored by the Air Force summarized 21 published studies concerning the effects of noise on sleep (Pearsons et al. 1989). The analysis concluded that a lack of reliable in-home studies, combined with large differences among the results from the various laboratory studies, did not permit development of an acceptably accurate assessment procedure. The noise events used in the laboratory studies and in contrived in-home studies were presented at much higher rates of occurrence than would normally be experienced. None of the laboratory studies were of sufficiently long duration to determine any effects of habituation, such as that which would occur under normal community conditions. A recent extensive study of sleep interference in peoples own homes (Ollerhead 1992) showed very little disturbance from aircraft noise. There is some controversy associated with the recent studies, so a conservative approach should be taken in judging sleep interference. Based on older data, the USEPA identified an indoor DNL of 45 dB as necessary to protect against sleep interference (USEPA 1974). Assuming a very conservative structural noise insulation of 20 dB for typical dwelling units, this corresponds to an outdoor DNL of 65 dB as minimizing sleep interference. A 1984 publication reviewed the probability of arousal or behavioral awakening in terms of SEL (Kryter 1984). Figure C-4, extracted from Figure 10.37 of Kryter (1984), indicates that an indoor SEL of 65 dB or lower should awaken less than 5 percent of those exposed. These results do not include any habituation over time by sleeping subjects. Nevertheless, this provides a reasonable guideline for assessing sleep interference and corresponds to similar guidance for speech interference, as noted above.


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Figure C-4 Probability of Arousal or Behavioral Awakening in Terms of Sound Exposure Level

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS C2.5 Noise-Induced Hearing Impairment

Residents in surrounding communities express concerns regarding the effects of aircraft noise on hearing. This section provides a brief overview of hearing loss caused by noise exposure. The goal is to provide a sense of perspective as to how aircraft noise (as experienced on the ground) compares to other activities that are often linked with hearing loss. Hearing loss is generally interpreted as a decrease in the ears sensitivity or acuity to perceive sound; i.e. a shift in the hearing threshold to a higher level. This change can either be a Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS), or a Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS) (Berger 1995). TTS can result from exposure to loud noise over a given amount of time, yet the hearing loss is not necessarily permanent. An example of TTS might be a person attending a loud music concert. After the concert is over, the person may experience a threshold shift that may last several hours, depending upon the level and duration of exposure. While experiencing TTS, the person becomes less sensitive to low-level sounds, particularly at certain frequencies in the speech range (typically near 4,000 Hz). Normal hearing ability eventually returns, as long as the person has enough time to recover within a relatively quiet environment. PTS usually results from repeated exposure to high noise levels, where the ears are not given adequate time to recover from the strain and fatigue of exposure. A common example of PTS is the result of working in a loud environment such as a factory. It is important to note that a temporary shift (TTS) can eventually become permanent (PTS) over time with continuous exposure to high noise levels. Thus, even if the ear is given time to recover from TTS, repeated occurrence of TTS may eventually lead to permanent hearing loss. The point at which a Temporary Threshold Shift results in a Permanent Threshold Shift is difficult to identify and varies with a persons sensitivity. Considerable data on hearing loss have been collected and analyzed by the scientific/medical community. It has been well established that continuous exposure to high noise levels will damage human hearing (USEPA 1978). The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation of 1971 standardizes the limits on workplace noise exposure for protection from hearing loss as an average level of 90 dB over an 8-hour work period or 85 dB over a 16-hour period (the average level is based on a 5 dB decrease per doubling of exposure time) (DoL 1971). Even the most protective criterion (no measurable hearing loss for the most sensitive portion of the population at the ears most sensitive frequency, 4,000 Hz, after a 40-year exposure) is an average sound level of 70 dB over a 24-hour period. The USEPA established 75 dB for an 8-hour exposure and 70 dB for a 24-hour exposure as the average noise level standard requisite to protect 96 percent of the population from greater than a 5 dB PTS (USEPA 1978). The National Academy of Sciences Committee on Hearing, Bioacoustics, and Biomechanics identified 75 dB as the minimum level at which hearing loss may occur (CHABA 1977). Finally, the WHO has concluded that environmental and leisure-time noise below an L eq 24 value of 70
C-24 Appendix C Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS dB will not cause hearing loss in the large majority of the population, even after a lifetime of exposure (WHO 2000). C2.5.1 Hearing Loss and Aircraft Noise The 1982 USEPA Guidelines report specifically addresses the criteria and procedures for assessing the noise-induced hearing loss in terms of the Noise-Induced Permanent Threshold Shift (NIPTS), a quantity that defines the permanent change in hearing level, or threshold, caused by exposure to noise (USEPA 1982). This effect is also described as Potential Hearing Loss (PHL). Numerically, the NIPTS is the change in threshold averaged over the frequencies 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz that can be expected from daily exposure to noise over a normal working lifetime of 40 years, with the exposure beginning at an age of 20 years. A grand average of the NIPTS over time (40 years) and hearing sensitivity (10 to 90 percentiles of the exposed population) is termed the Average NIPTS, or Ave NIPTS for short. The Average Noise Induced Permanent Threshold Shift (Ave. NIPTS) that can be expected for noise exposure as measured by the DNL metric is given in Table C-6. Table C-6. Average NIPTS and 10th Percentile NIPTS as a Function of DNL
DNL 75-76 76-77 77-78 78-79 79-80 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 Ave. NIPTS dB* 1.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.5 6.0 7.0 7.5 8.5 9.5 10th Percentile NIPTS dB* 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0

Note: *Rounded to the nearest 0.5 dB.

For example, for a noise exposure of 80 dB DNL, the expected lifetime average value of NIPTS is 2.5 dB, or 6.0 dB for the 10th percentile. Characterizing the noise exposure in terms of DNL will usually overestimate the assessment of hearing loss risk as DNL includes a 10 dB weighting factor for aircraft operations occurring between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. If, however, flight operations between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. account for 5 percent or less of the total 24-hour operations, the overestimation is on the order of 1.5 dB.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS From a civilian airport perspective, the scientific community has concluded that there is little likelihood that the resulting noise exposure from aircraft noise could result in either a temporary or permanent hearing loss. Studies on community hearing loss from exposure to aircraft flyovers near airports showed that there is no danger, under normal circumstances, of hearing loss due to aircraft noise (Newman and Beattie 1985). The USEPA criterion (L eq 24 = 70 dBA) can be exceeded in some areas located near airports, but that is only the case outdoors. Inside a building, where people are more likely to spend most of their time, the average noise level will be much less than 70 dBA (Eldred and von Gierke 1993). Eldred and von Gierke also report that several studies in the U.S., Japan, and the U.K. have confirmed the predictions that the possibility for permanent hearing loss in communities, even under the most intense commercial take-off and landing patterns, is remote. With regard to military airbases, as individual aircraft noise levels are increasing with the introduction of new aircraft, a 2009 DoD policy directive requires that hearing loss risk be estimated for the at risk population, defined as the population exposed to DNL greater than or equal to 80 dB and higher (DoD 2009). Specifically, DoD components are directed to use the 80 Day-Night A-Weighted (DNL) noise contour to identify populations at the most risk of potential hearing loss. This does not preclude populations outside the 80 DNL contour, i.e. at lower exposure levels, from being at some degree of risk of hearing loss. However, the analysis should be restricted to populations within this contour area, including residents of on-base housing. The exposure of workers inside the base boundary area should be considered occupational and evaluated using the appropriate DoD component regulations for occupational noise exposure. With regard to military airspace activity, studies have shown conflicting results. A 1995 laboratory study measured changes in human hearing from noise representative of low-flying aircraft on MTRs (Nixon et al. 1993). The potential effects of aircraft flying along MTRs is of particular concern because of maximum overflight noise levels can exceed 115 dB, with rapid increases in noise levels exceeding 30 dB per second. In this study, participants were first subjected to four overflight noise exposures at Aweighted levels of 115 dB to 130 dB. Fifty percent of the subjects showed no change in hearing levels, 25 percent had a temporary 5 dB increase in sensitivity (the people could hear a 5 dB wider range of sound than before exposure), and 25 percent had a temporary 5 dB decrease in sensitivity (the people could hear a 5 dB narrower range of sound than before exposure). In the next phase, participants were subjected to a single overflight at a maximum level of 130 dB for eight successive exposures, separated by 90 seconds or until a temporary shift in hearing was observed. The temporary hearing threshold shifts showed an increase in sensitivity of up to 10 dB. In another study of 115 test subjects between 18 and 50 years old in 1999, temporary threshold shifts were measured after laboratory exposure to military low-altitude flight noise (Ising et al. 1999). According to the authors, the results indicate that repeated exposure to military low-altitude flight noise


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS with L max greater than 114 dB, especially if the noise level increases rapidly, may have the potential to cause noise induced hearing loss in humans. Aviation and typical community noise levels near airports are not comparable to the occupational or recreational noise exposures associated with hearing loss. Studies of aircraft noise levels associated with civilian airport activity have not definitively correlated permanent hearing impairment with aircraft activity. It is unlikely that airport neighbors will remain outside their homes 24 hours per day, so there is little likelihood of hearing loss below an average sound level of 75 dB DNL. Near military airbases, average noise levels above 75 dB may occur, and while new DoD policy dictates that NIPTS be evaluated, no research results to date have definitively related permanent hearing impairment to aviation noise. C2.5.2 Nonauditory Health Effects Studies have been conducted to determine whether correlations exist between noise exposure and cardiovascular problems, birth weight, and mortality rates. The nonauditory effect of noise on humans is not as easily substantiated as the effect on hearing. The results of studies conducted in the United States, primarily concentrating on cardiovascular response to noise, have been contradictory (Cantrell 1974). Cantrell concluded that the results of human and animal experiments show that average or intrusive noise can act as a stress-provoking stimulus. Prolonged stress is known to be a contributor to a number of health disorders. Kryter and Poza (1980) state, It is more likely that noise-related general ill-health effects are due to the psychological annoyance from the noise interfering with normal everyday behavior, than it is from the noise eliciting, because of its intensity, reflexive response in the autonomic or other physiological systems of the body. Psychological stresses may cause a physiological stress reaction that could result in impaired health. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and USEPA commissioned CHABA in 1981 to study whether established noise standards are adequate to protect against health disorders other than hearing defects. CHABAs conclusion was that: Evidence from available research reports is suggestive, but it does not provide definitive answers to the question of health effects, other than to the auditory system, of long-term exposure to noise. It seems prudent, therefore, in the absence of adequate knowledge as to whether or not noise can produce effects upon health other than damage to auditory system, either directly or mediated through stress, that insofar as feasible, an attempt should be made to obtain more critical evidence. Since the CHABA report, there have been further studies that suggest that noise exposure may cause hypertension and other stress-related effects in adults. Near an airport in Stockholm, Sweden, the prevalence of hypertension was reportedly greater among nearby residents who were exposed to energy averaged noise levels exceeding 55 dB and maximum noise levels exceeding 72 dB, particularly older
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS subjects and those not reporting impaired hearing ability (Rosenlund et al. 2001). A study of elderly volunteers who were exposed to simulated military low-altitude flight noise reported that blood pressure was raised by L max of 112 dB and high speed level increase (Michalak et al. 1990). Yet another study of subjects exposed to varying levels of military aircraft or road noise found no significant relationship between noise level and blood pressure (Pulles et al. 1990). The U.S. Department of the Navy prepared a programmatic Environmental Assessment (EA) for the continued use of nonexplosive ordnance on the Vieques Inner Range. Following the preparation of the EA, it was learned that research conducted by the University of Puerto Rico, Ponce School of Medicine, suggested that Vieques fishermen and their families were experiencing symptoms associated with vibroacoustic disease (VAD) (DoN 2002). The study alleged that exposure to noise and sound waves of large pressure amplitudes within lower frequency bands, associated with Navy training activitiesspecifically, air-to-ground bombing or naval fire supportwas related to a larger prevalence of heart anomalies within the Vieques fishermen and their families. The Ponce School of Medicine study compared the Vieques group with a group from Ponce Playa. A 1999 study conducted on Portuguese aircraft-manufacturing workers from a single factory reported effects of jet aircraft noise exposure that involved a wide range of symptoms and disorders, including the cardiac issues on which the Ponce School of Medicine study focused. The 1999 study identified these effects as VAD. Johns Hopkins University (JHU) conducted an independent review of the Ponce School of Medicine study, as well as the Portuguese aircraft workers study and other relevant scientific literature. Their findings concluded that VAD should not be accepted as a syndrome, given that exhaustive research across a number of populations has not yet been conducted. JHU also pointed out that the evidence supporting the existence of VAD comes largely from one group of investigators and that similar results would have to be replicated by other investigators. In short, JHU concluded that it had not been established that noise was the causal agent for the symptoms reported and no inference can be made as to the role of noise from naval gunfire in producing echocardiographic abnormalities (DoN 2002). Most studies of nonauditory health effects of long-term noise exposure have found that noise exposure levels established for hearing protection will also protect against any potential nonauditory health effects, at least in workplace conditions. One of the best scientific summaries of these findings is contained in the lead paper at the National Institutes of Health Conference on Noise and Hearing Loss, held on 22 to 24 January 1990 in Washington, D.C.: The nonauditory effects of chronic noise exposure, when noise is suspected to act as one of the risk factors in the development of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and other nervous disorders, have never been proven to occur as chronic manifestations at levels below these criteria (an average of 75 dBA for complete protection against hearing loss for an 8-hour day).
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At the 1988 International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, most studies attempting to clarify such health effects did not find them at levels below the criteria protective of noise-induced hearing loss, and even above these criteria, results regarding such health effects were ambiguous. Consequently, one comes to the conclusion that establishing and enforcing exposure levels protecting against noise-induced hearing loss would not only solve the noise-induced hearing loss problem, but also any potential nonauditory health effects in the work place (von Gierke 1990). Although these findings were specifically directed at noise effects in the workplace, they are equally applicable to aircraft noise effects in the community environment. Research studies regarding the nonauditory health effects of aircraft noise are ambiguous, at best, and often contradictory. Yet, even those studies that purport to find such health effects use time-average noise levels of 75 dB and higher for their research. For example, two UCLA researchers apparently found a relationship between aircraft noise levels under the approach path to Los Angeles International Airport and increased mortality rates among the exposed residents by using an average noise exposure level greater than 75 dB for the noise-exposed population (Meacham and Shaw 1979). Nevertheless, three other UCLA professors analyzed those same data and found no relationship between noise exposure and mortality rates (Frerichs et al. 1980). As a second example, two other UCLA researchers used this same population near LAX to show a higher rate of birth defects for 1970 to 1972 when compared with a control group residing away from the airport (Jones and Tauscher 1978). Based on this report, a separate group at the Center for Disease Control performed a more thorough study of populations near Atlantas Hartsfield International Airport for 1970 to 1972 and found no relationship in their study of 17 identified categories of birth defects to aircraft noise levels above 65 dB (Edmonds et al. 1979). In summary, there is no scientific basis for a claim that potential health effects exist for aircraft time average sound levels below 75 dB. The potential for noise to affect physiological health, such as the cardiovascular system, has been speculated; however, no unequivocal evidence exists to support such claims (Harris 1997). Conclusions drawn from a review of health effect studies involving military lowaltitude flight noise with its unusually high maximum levels and rapid rise in sound level have shown no increase in cardiovascular disease (Schwartze and Thompson 1993). Additional claims that are unsupported include flyover noise producing increased mortality rates and increases in cardiovascular death, aggravation of post-traumatic stress syndrome, increased stress, increases in admissions to mental hospitals, and adverse affects on pregnant women and the unborn fetus (Harris 1997).

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS C2.5.3 Performance Effects The effect of noise on the performance of activities or tasks has been the subject of many studies. Some of these studies have established links between continuous high noise levels and performance loss. Noise-induced performance losses are most frequently reported in studies employing noise levels in excess of 85 dB. Little change has been found in low-noise cases. It has been cited that moderate noise levels appear to act as a stressor for more sensitive individuals performing a difficult psychomotor task. While the results of research on the general effect of periodic aircraft noise on performance have yet to yield definitive criteria, several general trends have been noted including: A periodic intermittent noise is more likely to disrupt performance than a steady-state continuous noise of the same level. Flyover noise, due to its intermittent nature, might be more likely to disrupt performance than a steady-state noise of equal level. Noise is more inclined to affect the quality than the quantity of work. Noise is more likely to impair the performance of tasks that place extreme demands on the worker.

C2.5.4 Noise Effects on Children In response to noise-specific and other environmental studies, Executive Order 13045, Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks (1997), requires federal agencies to ensure that policies, programs, and activities address environmental health and safety risks to identify any disproportionate risks to children. A review of the scientific literature indicates that there has not been a tremendous amount of research in the area of aircraft noise effects on children. The research reviewed does suggest that environments with sustained high background noise can have variable effects, including noise effects on learning and cognitive abilities, and reports of various noise-related physiological changes. C2.5.5 Effects on Learning and Cognitive Abilities In 2002 ANSI refers to studies that suggest that loud and frequent background noise can affect the learning patterns of young children (ANSI 2002). ANSI provides discussion on the relationships between noise and learning, and stipulates design requirements and acoustical performance criteria for outdoor-toindoor noise isolation. School design is directed to be cognizant of, and responsive to surrounding land uses and the shielding of outdoor noise from the indoor environment. The ANSI acoustical performance criteria for schools include the requirement that the 1-hour-average background noise level shall not exceed 35 dBA in core learning spaces smaller than 20,000 cubic-feet and 40 dBA in core learning spaces with enclosed volumes exceeding 20,000 cubic-feet. This would require schools be constructed such that, in quiet neighborhoods indoor noise levels are lowered by 15 to 20 dBA relative to outdoor levels. In
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS schools near airports, indoor noise levels would have to be lowered by 35 to 45 dBA relative to outdoor levels (ANSI 2002). The studies referenced by ANSI to support the new standard are not specific to jet aircraft noise and the potential effects on children. However, there are references to studies that have shown that children in noisier classrooms scored lower on a variety of tests. Excessive background noise or reverberation within schools causes interferences of communication and can therefore create an acoustical barrier to learning (ANSI 2002). Studies have been performed that contribute to the body of evidence emphasizing the importance of communication by way of the spoken language to the development of cognitive skills. The ability to read, write, comprehend, and maintain attentiveness, are, in part, based upon whether teacher communication is consistently intelligible (ANSI 2002). Numerous studies have shown varying degrees of effects of noise on the reading comprehension, attentiveness, puzzle-solving, and memory/recall ability of children. It is generally accepted that young children are more susceptible than adults to the effects of background noise. Because of the developmental status of young children (linguistic, cognitive, and proficiency), barriers to hearing can cause interferences or disruptions in developmental evolution. Research on the impacts of aircraft noise, and noise in general, on the cognitive abilities of school-aged children has received more attention in the last 20 years. Several studies suggest that aircraft noise can affect the academic performance of schoolchildren. Although many factors could contribute to learning deficits in school-aged children (e.g., socioeconomic level, home environment, diet, sleep patterns), evidence exists that suggests that chronic exposure to high aircraft noise levels can impair learning. Specifically, elementary school children attending schools near New York Citys two airports demonstrated lower reading scores than children living farther away from the flight paths (Green et al. 1982). Researchers have found that tasks involving central processing and language comprehension (such as reading, attention, problem solving, and memory) appear to be the most affected by noise (Evans and Lepore 1993, Hygge 1994, and Evans et al. 1998). It has been demonstrated that chronic exposure of first- and second-grade children to aircraft noise can result in reading deficits and impaired speech perception (i.e., the ability to hear common, low-frequency [vowel] sounds but not high frequencies [consonants] in speech) (Evans and Maxwell 1997). The Evans and Maxwell (1997) study found that chronic exposure to aircraft noise resulted in reading deficits and impaired speech perception for first- and second-grade children. Other studies found that children residing near the Los Angeles International Airport had more difficulty solving cognitive problems and did not perform as well as children from quieter schools in puzzle-solving and attentiveness (Bronzaft 1997, Cohen et al. 1980). Children attending elementary schools in high aircraft noise areas near Londons Heathrow Airport demonstrated poorer reading comprehension and selective cognitive impairments (Haines et al. 2001a,b). Similarly, a 1994 study found that students exposed to aircraft noise
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS of approximately 76 dBA scored 20 percent lower on recall ability tests than students exposed to ambient noise of 42-44 dBA (Hygge 1994). Similar studies involving the testing of attention, memory, and reading comprehension of school children located near airports showed that their tests exhibited reduced performance results compared to those of similar groups of children who were located in quieter environments (Evans et al. 1998, Haines et al. 1998). The Haines and Stansfeld study indicated that there may be some long-term effects associated with exposure, as one-year follow-up testing still demonstrated lowered scores for children in higher noise schools (Haines et al. 2001a,b). In contrast, a 2002 study found that although children living near the old Munich airport scored lower in standardized reading and long-term memory tests than a control group, their performance on the same tests were equal to that of the control group once the airport was closed. (Hygge et al. 2002). Finally, although it is recognized that there are many factors that could contribute to learning deficits in school-aged children, there is increasing awareness that chronic exposure to high aircraft noise levels may impair learning. This awareness has led the WHO and a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) working group to conclude that daycare centers and schools should not be located near major sources of noise, such as highways, airports, and industrial sites (WHO 2000, NATO 2000). C2.5.6 Health Effects Physiological effects in children exposed to aircraft noise and the potential for health effects have also been the focus of limited investigation. Studies in the literature include examination of blood pressure levels, hormonal secretions, and hearing loss. As a measure of stress response to aircraft noise, authors have looked at blood pressure readings to monitor childrens health. Children who were chronically exposed to aircraft noise from a new airport near Munich, Germany, had modest (although significant) increases in blood pressure, significant increases in stress hormones, and a decline in quality of life (Evans et al. 1998). Children attending noisy schools had statistically significant average systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p<0.03). Systolic blood pressure means were 89.68 mm for children attending schools located in noisier environments compared to 86.77 mm for a control group. Similarly, diastolic blood pressure means for the noisier environment group were 47.84 mm and 45.16 for the control group (Cohen et al. 1980). Although the literature appears limited, studies focused on the wide range of potential effects of aircraft noise on school children have also investigated hormonal levels between groups of children exposed to aircraft noise compared to those in a control group. Specifically, two studies analyzed cortisol and urinary catecholamine levels in school children as measurements of stress response to aircraft noise (Haines et al. 2001b,c). In both instances, there were no differences between the aircraft-noise-exposed children and the control groups.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Other studies have reported hearing losses from exposure to aircraft noise. Noise-induced hearing loss was reportedly higher in children who attended a school located under a flight path near a Taiwan airport, as compared to children at another school far away (Chen et al. 1997). Another study reported that hearing ability was reduced significantly in individuals who lived near an airport and were frequently exposed to aircraft noise (Chen and Chen 1993). In that study, noise exposure near the airport was reportedly uniform, with DNL greater than 75 dB and maximum noise levels of about 87 dB during overflights. Conversely, several other studies that were reviewed reported no difference in hearing ability between children exposed to high levels of airport noise and children located in quieter areas (Fisch 1977, Andrus et al. 1975, Wu et al. 1995). C2.6 Noise Effects on Domestic Animals and Wildlife

Hearing is critical to an animals ability to react, compete, reproduce, hunt, forage, and survive in its environment. While the existing literature does include studies on possible effects of jet aircraft noise and sonic booms on wildlife, there appears to have been little concerted effort in developing quantitative comparisons of aircraft noise effects on normal auditory characteristics. Behavioral effects have been relatively well described, but the larger ecological context issues, and the potential for drawing conclusions regarding effects on populations, has not been well developed. The relationships between potential auditory/physiological effects and species interactions with their environments are not well understood. Manci et al. assert that the consequences that physiological effects may have on behavioral patterns are vital to understanding the long-term effects of noise on wildlife (1988). Questions regarding the effects (if any) on predator-prey interactions, reproductive success, and intra-inter specific behavior patterns remain. The following discussion provides an overview of the existing literature on noise effects (particularly jet aircraft noise) on animal species. The literature reviewed outlines those studies that have focused on the observations of the behavioral effects that jet aircraft and sonic booms have on animals. A great deal of research was conducted in the 1960s and 1970s on the effects of aircraft noise on the public and the potential for adverse ecological impacts. These studies were largely completed in response to the increase in air travel and the introduction of supersonic jet aircraft. According to Manci et al., the foundation of information created from that focus does not necessarily correlate or provide information specific to the impacts to wildlife in areas overflown by aircraft at supersonic speed or at low altitudes (1988). The abilities to hear sounds and noise and to communicate assist wildlife in maintaining group cohesiveness and survivorship. Social species communicate by transmitting calls of warning, introduction, and others that are subsequently related to an individuals or groups responsiveness.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Animal species differ greatly in their responses to noise. Noise effects on domestic animals and wildlife are classified as primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary effects are direct, physiological changes to the auditory system, and most likely include the masking of auditory signals. Masking is defined as the inability of an individual to hear important environmental signals that may arise from mates, predators, or prey. There is some potential that noise could disrupt a species ability to communicate or interfere with behavioral patterns (Manci et al. 1988). Although the effects are likely temporal, aircraft noise may cause masking of auditory signals within exposed faunal communities. Animals rely on hearing to avoid predators, obtain food, and communicate and attract other members of their species. Aircraft noise may mask or interfere with these functions. Other primary effects, such as ear drum rupture or temporary and permanent hearing threshold shifts, are not as likely given the subsonic noise levels produced by aircraft overflights. Secondary effects may include non-auditory effects such as stress and hypertension; behavioral modifications; interference with mating or reproduction; and impaired ability to obtain adequate food, cover, or water. Tertiary effects are the direct result of primary and secondary effects. These include population decline and habitat loss. Most of the effects of noise are mild enough to be undetectable as variables of change in population size or population growth against the background of normal variation (Bowles 1995). Other environmental variables (e.g., predators, weather, changing prey base, ground-based disturbance) also influence secondary and tertiary effects and confound the ability to identify the ultimate factor in limiting productivity of a certain nest, area, or region (Smith et al. 1988). Overall, the literature suggests that species differ in their response to various types, durations, and sources of noise (Manci et al. 1988). Many scientific studies have investigated the effects of aircraft noise on wildlife, and some have focused on wildlife flight due to noise. Apparently, animal responses to aircraft are influenced by many variables, including size, speed, proximity (both height above the ground and lateral distance), engine noise, color, flight profile, and radiated noise. The type of aircraft (e.g., fixed wing versus rotor-wing [helicopter]) and type of flight mission may also produce different levels of disturbance, with varying animal responses (Smith et al. 1988). Consequently, it is difficult to generalize animal responses to noise disturbances across species. One result of the 1988 Manci et al. literature review was the conclusion that, while behavioral observation studies were relatively limited, a general behavioral reaction in animals from exposure to aircraft noise is the startle response. The intensity and duration of the startle response appears to be dependent on which species is exposed, whether there is a group or an individual, and whether there have been previous exposures. Responses range from flight, trampling, stampeding, jumping, or running to movement of the head in the apparent direction of the noise source. Manci et al. reported that the literature indicated that avian species may be more sensitive to aircraft noise than mammals (1988).


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS C2.6.1 Domestic Animals Although some studies report that the effects of aircraft noise on domestic animals is inconclusive, a majority of the literature reviewed indicates that domestic animals exhibit some behavioral responses to military overflights, but generally seem to habituate to the disturbances over a period of time. Mammals in particular appear to react to noise at sound levels higher than 90 dB, with responses including the startle response, freezing (i.e., becoming temporarily stationary), and fleeing from the sound source. Many studies on domestic animals suggest that some species appear to acclimate to some forms of sound disturbance (Manci et al. 1988). Some studies have reported primary and secondary effects including reduced milk production and rate of milk release, increased glucose concentrations, decreased levels of hemoglobin, increased heart rate, and a reduction in thyroid activity. These latter effects appear to represent a small percentage of the findings occurring in the existing literature. Some reviewers have indicated that earlier studies and claims by farmers linking adverse effects of aircraft noise on livestock did not necessarily provide clear-cut evidence of cause and effect (Cottereau 1978). In contrast, many studies conclude that there is no evidence that aircraft overflights affect feed intake, growth, or production rates in domestic animals. Cattle In response to concerns about overflight effects on pregnant cattle, milk production, and cattle safety, the U.S. Air Force prepared a handbook for environmental protection that summarizes the literature on the impacts of low-altitude flights on livestock (and poultry), and includes specific case studies conducted in numerous airspaces across the country. Adverse effects have been found in a few studies, but have not been reproduced in other similar studies. One such study, conducted in 1983, suggested that 2 of 10 cows in late pregnancy aborted after showing rising estrogen and falling progesterone levels. These increased hormonal levels were reported as being linked to 59 aircraft overflights. The remaining eight cows showed no changes in their blood concentrations and calved normally (U.S. Air Force 1994b). A similar study reported that abortions occurred in three out of five pregnant cattle after exposing them to flyovers by six different aircraft (U.S. Air Force 1994b). Another study suggested that feedlot cattle could stampede and injure themselves when exposed to low-level overflights (U.S. Air Force 1994b). A majority of the studies reviewed suggest that there is little or no effect of aircraft noise on cattle. Studies presenting adverse effects on domestic animals have been limited. A number of studies (Parker and Bayley 1960; Casady and Lehmann 1967; Kovalcik and Sottnik 1971) investigated the effects of jet aircraft noise and sonic booms on the milk production of dairy cows. Through the compilation and examination of milk production data from areas exposed to jet aircraft noise and sonic boom events, it

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS was determined that milk yields were not affected. This was particularly evident in those cows that had been previously exposed to jet aircraft noise. One study examined the causes of 1,763 abortions in Wisconsin dairy cattle over a one-year time period, and none were associated with aircraft disturbances (U.S. Air Force 1993). In 1987, Anderson contacted seven livestock operators for production data, and no effects of low-altitude and supersonic flights were noted. Three out of 43 cattle previously exposed to low-altitude flights showed a startle response to an F/A-18 aircraft flying overhead at 500 feet above ground level at 400 knots by running less than 10 meters. They resumed normal activity within one minute (U.S. Air Force 1994b). In 1983, Beyer found that helicopters caused more reaction than other low-aircraft overflights. A 1964 study also found that helicopters flying 30 to 60 feet overhead did not affect milk production and pregnancies of 44 cows and heifers (U.S. Air Force 1994b). Additionally, Beyer reported that five pregnant dairy cows in a pasture did not exhibit fright-flight tendencies or have their pregnancies disrupted after being overflown by 79 low-altitude helicopter flights and 4 low-altitude, subsonic jet aircraft flights (U.S. Air Force 1994b). A 1956 study found that the reactions of dairy and beef cattle to noise from low-altitude, subsonic aircraft were similar to those caused by paper blowing about, strange persons, or other moving objects (U.S. Air Force 1994b). In a report to Congress, the U. S. Forest Service concluded that evidence both from field studies of wild ungulates and laboratory studies of domestic stock indicate that the risks of damage are small (from aircraft approaches of 50 to 100 meters), as animals take care not to damage themselves (U.S. Forest Service 1992). If animals are overflown by aircraft at altitudes of 50 to 100 meters, there is no evidence that mothers and young are separated, that animals collide with obstructions (unless confined) or that they traverse dangerous ground at too high a rate. These varied study results suggest that, although the confining of cattle could magnify animal response to aircraft overflight, there is no proven cause-andeffect link between startling cattle from aircraft overflights and abortion rates or lower milk production. Horses Horses have also been observed to react to overflights of jet aircraft. Several of the studies reviewed reported a varied response of horses to low-altitude aircraft overflights. Observations made in 1966 and 1968 noted that horses galloped in response to jet flyovers (U.S. Air Force 1993). In 1995, Bowles cites Kruger and Erath as observing horses exhibiting intensive flight reactions, random movements, and biting/kicking behavior. However, no injuries or abortions occurred, and there was evidence that the mares adapted somewhat to the flyovers over the course of a month (U.S. Air Force 1994b). Although horses were observed noticing the overflights, it did not appear to affect either survivability or reproductive success. There was also some indication that habituation to these types of disturbances was occurring.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS LeBlanc et al. studied the effects of F-14 jet aircraft noise on pregnant mares (1991). They specifically focused on any changes in pregnancy success, behavior, cardiac function, hormonal production, and rate of habituation. Their findings reported observations of flight-fright reactions, which caused increases in heart rates and serum cortisol concentrations. The mares, however, did habituate to the noise. Levels of anxiety and mass body movements were the highest after initial exposure, with intensities of responses decreasing thereafter. There were no differences in pregnancy success when compared to a control group. Swine Generally, the literature findings for swine appear to be similar to those reported for cows and horses. While there are some effects from aircraft noise reported in the literature, these effects are minor. Studies of continuous noise exposure (i.e., 6 hours or 72 hours of constant exposure) reported influences on shortterm hormonal production and release. Additional constant exposure studies indicated the observation of stress reactions, hypertension, and electrolyte imbalances (Dufour 1980). A study by Bond et al. demonstrated no adverse effects on the feeding efficiency, weight gain, ear physiology, or thyroid and adrenal gland condition of pigs subjected to aircraft noise (1963). Observations of heart rate increase were recorded and it was noted that cessation of the noise resulted in the return to normal heart rates. Conception rates and offspring survivorship did not appear to be influenced by exposure to aircraft noise. Similarly, simulated aircraft noise at levels of 100 dB to 135 dB had only minor effects on the rate of feed utilization, weight gain, food intake, and reproduction rates of boars and sows exposed, and there were no injuries or inner ear changes observed (Manci et al. 1988; Gladwin et al. 1988). Domestic Fowl According to a 1994 position paper by the U.S. Air Force on effects of low-altitude overflights (below 1,000 feet) on domestic fowl, overflight activity has negligible effects (U.S. Air Force 1994a). The paper did recognize that given certain circumstances, adverse effects can be serious. Some of the effects can be panic reactions, reduced productivity, and effects on marketability (e.g., bruising of the meat caused during pile-up situations). The typical reaction of domestic fowl after exposure to sudden, intense noise is a short-term startle response. The reaction ceases as soon as the stimulus is ended, and within a few minutes all activity returns to normal. More severe responses are possible depending on the number of birds, the frequency of exposure, and environmental conditions. Large crowds of birds and birds not previously exposed are more likely to pile up in response to a noise stimulus (U.S. Air Force 1994a). According to studies and interviews with growers, it is typically the previously unexposed birds that incite panic crowding, and the tendency to do so is markedly reduced within five exposures to the stimulus (U.S. Air Force 1994a). This

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS suggests that the birds habituate relatively quickly. Egg productivity was not adversely affected by infrequent noise bursts, even at exposure levels as high as 120 to 130 dBA. Between 1956 and 1988, there were 100 recorded claims against the Navy for alleged damage to domestic fowl. The number of claims averaged three per year, with peak numbers of claims following publications of studies on the topic in the early 1960s (U.S. Air Force 1994a). Many of the claims were disproved or did not have sufficient supporting evidence. The claims were filed for the following alleged damages: 55 percent for panic reactions, 31 percent for decreased production, 6 percent for reduced hatchability, 6 percent for weight loss, and less than 1 percent for reduced fertility (U.S. Air Force 1994a). Turkeys The review of the existing literature suggests that there has not been a concerted or widespread effort to study the effects of aircraft noise on commercial turkeys. One study involving turkeys examined the differences between simulated versus actual overflight aircraft noise, turkey responses to the noise, weight gain, and evidence of habituation (Bowles et al. 1990a). Findings from the study suggested that turkeys habituated to jet aircraft noise quickly, that there were no growth rate differences between the experimental and control groups, and that there were some behavioral differences that increased the difficulty in handling individuals within the experimental group. Low-altitude overflights were shown to cause turkey flocks which were kept inside turkey houses to occasionally pile up and experience high mortality rates due to the aircraft noise and a variety of disturbances unrelated to aircraft (U.S. Air Force 1994a). C2.6.2 Wildlife Studies on the effects of overflights and sonic booms on wildlife have been focused mostly on avian species and ungulates such as caribou and bighorn sheep. Few studies have been conducted on marine mammals, small terrestrial mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and carnivorous mammals. Generally, species that live entirely below the surface of the water have also been ignored due to the fact they do not experience the same level of sound as terrestrial species (National Park Service 1994). Wild ungulates appear to be much more sensitive to noise disturbance than domestic livestock (Manci et al. 1988). This may be due to previous exposure to disturbances. One common factor appears to be that low-altitude flyovers seem to be more disruptive in terrain where there is little cover (Manci et al. 1988).


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS C2.6.3 Mammals Terrestrial Mammals Studies of terrestrial mammals have shown that noise levels of 120 dBA can damage mammals ears, and levels of 95 dBA can cause temporary loss of hearing acuity. Noise from aircraft has affected other large carnivores by causing changes in home ranges, foraging patterns, and breeding behavior. One study recommended that aircraft not be allowed to fly at altitudes below 2,000 feet above ground level over important grizzly and polar bear habitat (Dufour 1980). Wolves have been frightened by low-altitude flights that were 25 to 1,000 feet off the ground. However, wolves have been found to adapt to aircraft overflights and noise as long as they were not being hunted from aircraft (Dufour 1980). Wild ungulates (American bison, caribou, bighorn sheep) appear to be much more sensitive to noise disturbance than domestic livestock (Weisenberger et al. 1996). Behavioral reactions may be related to the past history of disturbances by such things as humans and aircraft. Common reactions of reindeer kept in an enclosure and exposed to aircraft noise disturbance were a slight startle response, raising of the head, pricking ears, and scenting of the air. Panic reactions and extensive changes in behavior of individual animals were not observed. Observations of caribou in Alaska exposed to fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters showed running and panic reactions occurred when overflights were at an altitude of 200 feet or less. The reactions decreased with increased altitude of overflights, and for overflights higher than 500 feet in altitude, the panic reactions stopped. Also, smaller groups reacted less strongly than larger groups. One negative effect of the running and avoidance behavior is increased expenditure of energy. For a 90-kilogram animal, the calculated expenditure due to aircraft harassment is 64 kilocalories per minute when running and 20 kilocalories per minute when walking. When conditions are favorable, this expenditure can be counteracted with increased feeding; however, during harsh winter conditions, this may not be possible. Incidental observations of wolves and bears exposed to fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters suggested that wolves were less disturbed than wild ungulates, while grizzly bears showed the greatest response of any animal species observed. It has been proven that low-altitude overflights do induce stress in animals. Increased heart rates, an indicator of excitement or stress, have been found in pronghorn antelope, elk, and bighorn sheep. These reactions occur naturally as a response to predation, so infrequent overflights may not, in and of themselves, be detrimental. However, flights at high frequencies over a long period of time may cause harmful effects. The consequences of this disturbance, while cumulative, are not additive. Aircraft disturbance may not cause obvious and serious health effects, but coupled with a harsh winter, it may have an adverse impact. Research has shown that stress induced by other types of disturbances produces long-term decreases in metabolism and hormone balances in wild ungulates.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Behavioral responses can range from mild to severe. Mild responses include head raising, body shifting, or turning to orient toward the aircraft. Moderate disturbance may be nervous behaviors, such as trotting a short distance. Escape is the typical severe response. Marine Mammals The physiological composition of the ear in aquatic and marine mammals exhibits adaptation to the aqueous environment. These differences (relative to terrestrial species) manifest themselves in the auricle and middle ear (Manci et al. 1988). Some mammals use echolocation to perceive objects in their surroundings and to determine the directions and locations of sound sources (Simmons 1983 in Manci et al. 1988). In 1980, the Acoustical Society of America held a workshop to assess the potential hazard of manmade noise associated with proposed Alaskan Arctic (North Slope-Outer Continental Shelf) petroleum operations on marine wildlife, and to prepare a research plan to secure the knowledge necessary for proper assessment of noise impacts (Acoustical Society of America 1980). Since 1980, it appears that research on the responses of aquatic mammals to aircraft noise and sonic booms has been limited. Research conducted on northern fur seals, sea lions, and ringed seals indicated that there are some differences in how various animal groups receive frequencies of sound. It was observed that these species exhibited varying intensities of a startle response to airborne noise, which was habituated over time. The rates of habituation appeared to vary with species, populations, and demographics (age, sex). Time of day of exposure was also a factor (Muyberg 1978 in Manci et al. 1988). Studies accomplished near the Channel Islands were conducted near the area where the space shuttle launches occur. It was found that there were some response differences between species relative to the loudness of sonic booms. Those booms that were between 80 and 89 dBA caused a greater intensity of startle reactions than lower-intensity booms at 72 to 79 dBA. However, the duration of the startle responses to louder sonic booms was shorter (Jehl and Cooper 1980 in Manci et al. 1988). Jehl and Cooper indicated that low-flying helicopters, loud boat noises, and humans were the most disturbing to pinnipeds (1980). According to the research, although the space launch and associated operational activity noises have not had a measurable effect on the pinniped population, it also suggests that there was a greater disturbance level exhibited during launch activities. There was a recommendation to continue observations for behavioral effects and to perform long-term population monitoring (Jehl and Cooper 1980). The continued presence of single or multiple noise sources could cause marine mammals to leave a preferred habitat. However, it does not appear likely that overflights could cause migration from suitable habitats because aircraft noise over water is mobile and would not persist over any particular area.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Aircraft noise, including supersonic noise, currently occurs in the overwater airspace of Eglin, Tyndall, and Langley Air Force Bases (AFBs) from sorties predominantly involving jet aircraft. Survey results reported in Davis et al. indicate that cetaceans (i.e., dolphins) occur under all of the Eglin and Tyndall marine airspace (2000). The continuing presence of dolphins indicates that aircraft noise does not discourage use of the area and apparently does not harm the locally occurring population. In a summary by the National Parks Service on the effects of noise on marine mammals, it was determined that gray whales and harbor porpoises showed no outward behavioral response to aircraft noise or overflights (1994). Bottlenose dolphins showed no obvious reaction in a study involving helicopter overflights at 1,200 to 1,800 feet above the water. They also did not show any reaction to survey aircraft unless the shadow of the aircraft passed over them, at which point there was some observed tendency to dive (Richardson et al. 1995). Other anthropogenic noises in the marine environment from ships and pleasure craft may have more of an effect on marine mammals than aircraft noise (U.S. Air Force 2000). The noise effects on cetaceans appear to be somewhat attenuated by the air/water interface. The cetacean fauna along the coast of California have been subjected to sonic booms from military aircraft for many years without apparent adverse effects (Tetra Tech Inc. 1997). Manatees appear relatively unresponsive to human-generated noise to the point that they are often suspected of being deaf to oncoming boats (although their hearing is actually similar to that of pinnipeds) (Bullock, et al. 1980). Little is known about the importance of acoustic communication to manatees, although they are known to produce at least ten different types of sounds and are thought to have sensitive hearing (Richardson et al. 1995). Manatees continue to occupy canals near Miami International Airport, which suggests that they have become habituated to human disturbance and noise (Metro-Dade County 1995). Manatees spend most of their time below the surface and do not startle readily, so no effect of aircraft overflights on manatees would be expected (Bowles et al. 1991b). C2.6.4 Birds Auditory research conducted on birds indicates that they fall between reptiles and mammals relative to hearing sensitivity. According to Dooling, within the range of 1,000 to 5,000 Hz, birds show a level of hearing sensitivity similar to that of the more sensitive mammals (1978). In contrast to mammals, bird sensitivity falls off at a greater rate with increasing and decreasing frequencies. Passive observations and studies examining aircraft bird strikes indicate that birds nest and forage near airports. Aircraft noise in the vicinity of commercial airports apparently does not inhibit bird presence and use. High-noise events (like a low-altitude aircraft overflight) may cause birds to engage in escape or avoidance behaviors, such as flushing from perches or nests (Ellis et al. 1991). These activities impose an energy cost on the birds that, over the long term, may affect survival or growth. In addition, the birds may spend less time engaged in necessary activities like feeding, preening, or caring for their young
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS because they spend time in noise-avoidance activity. However, the long-term significance of noiserelated impacts is less clear. Several studies on nesting raptors have indicated that birds become habituated to aircraft overflights and that long-term reproductive success is not affected (Grubb and King 1991; Ellis et al. 1991). Threshold noise levels for significant responses range from 62 dB for Pacific black brant to 85 dB for crested tern (Ward and Stehn 1990; Brown 1990). Songbirds were observed to become silent prior to the onset of a sonic boom event (F-111 jets), followed by raucous discordant cries. There was a return to normal singing within 10 seconds after the boom (Higgins 1974 in Manci et al. 1988). Ravens responded by emitting protestation calls, flapping their wings, and soaring. Manci et al. reported a reduction in reproductive success in some small territorial passerines (i.e., perching birds or songbirds) after exposure to low-altitude overflights (1988). However, it has been observed that passerines are not driven any great distance from a favored food source by a nonspecific disturbance, such as aircraft overflights (U.S. Forest Service 1992). Further study may be warranted. Another study, conducted cooperatively between the DoD and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), assessed the response of the red-cockaded woodpecker to a range of military training noise events, including artillery, small arms, helicopter, and maneuver noise (Pater et al. 1999). The project findings show that the red-cockaded woodpecker successfully acclimates to military noise events. Depending on the noise level, which ranged from innocuous to very loud, the birds responded by flushing from their nest cavities. When the noise source was closer and the noise level was higher, the number of flushes increased proportionately. In all cases, however, the birds returned to their nests within a relatively short period of time (usually within 12 minutes). Additionally, the noise exposure did not result in any mortality or statistically detectable changes in reproductive success (Pater et al. 1999). Redcockaded woodpeckers did not flush when artillery simulators were more than 122 meters away and SEL noise levels were 70 dBA. Lynch and Speake studied the effects of both real and simulated sonic booms on the nesting and brooding eastern wild turkey in Alabama (1978). Hens at four nest sites were subjected to between 8 and 11 combined real and simulated sonic booms. All tests elicited similar responses, including quick lifting of the head and apparent alertness for between 10 and 20 seconds. No apparent nest failure occurred as a result of the sonic booms. Twenty-one brood groups were also subjected to simulated sonic booms. Reactions varied slightly between groups, but the largest percentage of groups reacted by standing motionless after the initial blast. Upon the sound of the boom, the hens and poults fled until reaching the edge of the woods (approximately 4 to 8 meters). Afterward, the poults resumed feeding activities while the hens remained
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS alert for a short period of time (approximately 15 to 20 seconds). In no instances were poults abandoned, nor did they scatter and become lost. Every observation group returned to normal activities within a maximum of 30 seconds after a blast. B2.6.5 Raptors In a literature review of raptor responses to aircraft noise, Manci et al. found that most raptors did not show a negative response to overflights (1988). When negative responses were observed they were predominantly associated with rotor-winged aircraft or jet aircraft that were repeatedly passing within 0.5 mile of a nest. Ellis et al. performed a study to estimate the effects of low-level military jet aircraft and mid-to highaltitude sonic booms (both actual and simulated) on nesting peregrine falcons and seven other raptors (common black-hawk, Harris hawk, zone-tailed hawk, red-tailed hawk, golden eagle, prairie falcon, bald eagle) (1991). They observed responses to test stimuli, determined nest success for the year of the testing, and evaluated site occupancy the following year. Both long- and short-term effects were noted in the study. The results reported the successful fledging of young in 34 of 38 nest sites (all eight species) subjected to low-level flight and/or simulated sonic booms. Twenty-two of the test sites were revisited in the following year, and observations of pairs or lone birds were made at all but one nest. Nesting attempts were underway at 19 of 20 sites that were observed long enough to be certain of breeding activity. Re-occupancy and productivity rates were within or above expected values for self-sustaining populations. Short-term behavior responses were also noted. Overflights at a distance of 150 meters or less produced few significant responses and no severe responses. Typical responses included crouching or, very rarely, flushing from the perch site. Significant responses were most evident before egg laying and after young were well grown. Incubating or brooding adults never burst from the nest, thus preventing egg breaking or knocking chicks out of the nest. Jet passes and sonic booms often caused noticeable alarm; however, significant negative responses were rare and did not appear to limit productivity or re-occupancy. The locations of some of the nests may have caused some birds to be habituated to aircraft noise. There were some test sites located at distances far from zones of frequent military aircraft usage, and the test stimuli were often closer, louder, and more frequent than would be likely for a normal training situation. Manci et al. noted that a female northern harrier was observed hunting on a bombing range in Mississippi during bombing exercises (1988). The harrier was apparently unfazed by the exercises, even when a bomb exploded within 200 feet. In a similar case of habituation/non-disturbance, a study on the Florida snail-kite stated that the greatest reaction to overflights (approximately 98 dBA) was watching the aircraft fly by. No detrimental impacts to distribution, breeding success, or behavior were noted.
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Bald Eagle A study by Grubb and King on the reactions of the bald eagle to human disturbances showed that terrestrial disturbances elicited the greatest response, followed by aquatic (i.e., boats) and aerial disturbances (1991). The disturbance regime of the area where the study occurred was predominantly characterized by aircraft noise. The study found that pedestrians consistently caused responses that were greater in both frequency and duration. Helicopters elicited the highest level of aircraft-related responses. Aircraft disturbances, although the most common form of disturbance, resulted in the lowest levels of response. This low response level may have been due to habituation; however, flights less than 170 meters away caused reactions similar to other disturbance types. Ellis et al. showed that eagles typically respond to the proximity of a disturbance, such as a pedestrian or aircraft within 100 meters, rather than the noise level (1991). Fleischner and Weisberg stated that reactions of bald eagles to commercial jet flights, although minor (e.g., looking), were twice as likely to occur when the jets passed at a distance of 0.5 mile or less (1986). They also noted that helicopters were four times more likely to cause a reaction than a commercial jet and 20 times more likely to cause a reaction than a propeller plane. The USFWS advised Cannon AFB that flights at or below 2,000 feet above ground level from October 1 through March 1 could result in adverse impacts to wintering bald eagles (USFWS 1998). However, Fraser et al. suggested that raptors habituate to overflights rapidly, sometimes tolerating aircraft approaches of 65 feet or less (1985). Osprey A 1998 study by Trimper et al. in Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada focused on the reactions of nesting osprey to military overflights by CF-18 Hornets. Reactions varied from increased alertness and focused observation of planes to adjustments in incubation posture. No overt reactions (e.g., startle response, rapid nest departure) were observed as a result of an overflight. Young nestlings crouched as a result of any disturbance until they grew to 1 to 2 weeks prior to fledging. Helicopters, human presence, float planes, and other ospreys elicited the strongest reactions from nesting ospreys. These responses included flushing, agitation, and aggressive displays. Adult osprey showed high nest occupancy rates during incubation regardless of external influences. The osprey observed occasionally stared in the direction of the flight before it was audible to the observers. The birds may have been habituated to the noise of the flights; however, overflights were strictly controlled during the experimental period. Strong reactions to float planes and helicopter may have been due to the slower flight and therefore longer duration of visual stimuli rather than noise-related stimuli.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Red-Tailed Hawk Anderson et al. conducted a study that investigated the effects of low-level helicopter overflights on 35 red-tailed hawk nests (1989). Some of the nests had not been flown over prior to the study. The hawks that were nave (i.e., not previously exposed) to helicopter flights exhibited stronger avoidance behavior (nine of 17 birds flushed from their nests) than those that had experienced prior overflights. The overflights did not appear to affect nesting success in either study group. These findings were consistent with the belief that red-tailed hawks habituate to low-level air traffic, even during the nesting period. C2.6.6 Migratory Waterfowl A study of caged American black ducks was conducted by Fleming et al. in 1996. It was determined that noise had negligible energetic and physiologic effects on adult waterfowl. Measurements included body weight, behavior, heart rate, and enzymatic activity. Experiments also showed that adult ducks exposed to high noise events acclimated rapidly and showed no effects. The study also investigated the reproductive success of captive ducks, which indicated that duckling growth and survival rates at Piney Island, North Carolina were lower than those at a background location. In contrast, observations of several other reproductive indices (i.e., pair formation, nesting, egg production, and hatching success) showed no difference between Piney Island and the background location. Potential effects on wild duck populations may vary, as wild ducks at Piney Island have presumably acclimated to aircraft overflights. It was not demonstrated that noise was the cause of adverse impacts. A variety of other factors, such as weather conditions, drinking water and food availability and variability, disease, and natural variability in reproduction, could explain the observed effects. Fleming noted that drinking water conditions (particularly at Piney Island) deteriorated during the study, which could have affected the growth of young ducks. Further research would be necessary to determine the cause of any reproductive effects. Another study by Conomy et al. exposed previously unexposed ducks to 71 noise events per day that equaled or exceeded 80 dBA (1998). It was determined that the proportion of time black ducks reacted to aircraft activity and noise decreased from 38 percent to 6 percent in 17 days and remained stable at 5.8 percent thereafter. In the same study, the wood duck did not appear to habituate to aircraft disturbance. This supports the notion that animal response to aircraft noise is species-specific. Because a startle response to aircraft noise can result in flushing from nests, migrants and animals living in areas with high concentrations of predators would be the most vulnerable to experiencing effects of lowered birth rates and recruitment over time. Species that are subjected to infrequent overflights do not appear to habituate to overflight disturbance as readily.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Black brant studied in the Alaskan Peninsula were exposed to jets and propeller aircraft, helicopters, gunshots, people, boats, and various raptors. Jets accounted for 65 percent of all the disturbances. Humans, eagles, and boats caused a greater percentage of brant to take flight. There was markedly greater reaction to Bell-206-B helicopter flights than fixed wing, single-engine aircraft (Ward et al. 1986). The presence of humans and low-flying helicopters in the Mackenzie Valley North Slope area did not appear to affect the population density of Lapland longspurs, but the experimental group was shown to have reduced hatching and fledging success and higher nest abandonment. Human presence appeared to have a greater impact on the incubating behavior of the black brant, common eider, and Arctic tern than fixed-wing aircraft (Gunn and Livingston 1974). Gunn and Livingston found that waterfowl and seabirds in the Mackenzie Valley and North Slope of Alaska and Canada became acclimated to float plane disturbance over the course of three days (1974). Additionally, it was observed that potential predators (bald eagle) caused a number of birds to leave their nests. Non-breeding birds were observed to be more reactive than breeding birds. Waterfowl were affected by helicopter flights, while snow geese were disturbed by Cessna 185 flights. The geese flushed when the planes were under 1,000 feet, compared to higher flight elevations. An overall reduction in flock sizes was observed. It was recommended that aircraft flights be reduced in the vicinity of premigratory staging areas. Manci et al. reported that waterfowl were particularly disturbed by aircraft noise (1988). The most sensitive appeared to be snow geese. Canada geese and snow geese were thought to be more sensitive than other animals such as turkey vultures, coyotes, and raptors (Edwards et al. 1979). C2.6.7 Wading and Shore Birds Black et al. studied the effects of low-altitude (less than 500 feet above ground level) military training flights with sound levels from 55 to 100 dBA on wading bird colonies (i.e., great egret, snowy egret, tricolored heron, and little blue heron) (1984). The training flights involved three or four aircraft, which occurred once or twice per day. This study concluded that the reproductive activity--including nest success, nestling survival, and nestling chronology--was independent of F-16 overflights. Dependent variables were more strongly related to ecological factors, including location and physical characteristics of the colony and climatology. Another study on the effects of circling fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter overflights on wading bird colonies found that at altitudes of 195 to 390 feet, there was no reaction in nearly 75 percent of the 220 observations. Ninety percent displayed no reaction or merely looked toward the direction of the noise source. Another 6 percent stood up, 3 percent walked from the nest, and 2 percent flushed (but were without active nests) and returned within 5 minutes (Kushlan 1978). Apparently, non-nesting wading birds had a slightly higher incidence of reacting to overflights than nesting birds. Seagulls observed roosting near a colony of wading birds in another study remained at
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS their roosts when subsonic aircraft flew overhead (Burger 1981). Colony distribution appeared to be most directly correlated to available wetland community types and was found to be distributed randomly with respect to military training routes. These results suggest that wading bird species presence was most closely linked to habitat availability and that they were not affected by low-level military overflights (U.S. Air Force 2000). Burger studied the response of migrating shorebirds to human disturbance and found that shorebirds did not fly in response to aircraft overflights, but did flush in response to more localized intrusions (i.e., humans and dogs on the beach) (1986). Burger studied the effects of noise from JFK Airport in New York on herring gulls that nested less than 1 kilometer from the airport (1981). Noise levels over the nesting colony were 85 to 100 dBA on approach and 94 to 105 dBA on takeoff. Generally, there did not appear to be any prominent adverse effects of subsonic aircraft on nesting, although some birds flushed when a Concorde flew overhead and, when they returned, engaged in aggressive behavior. Groups of gulls tended to loaf in the area of the nesting colony, and these birds remained at the roost when the Concorde flew overhead. Up to 208 of the loafing gulls flew when supersonic aircraft flew overhead. These birds would circle around and immediately land in the loafing flock (U.S. Air Force 2000). In 1970, sonic booms were potentially linked to a mass hatch failure of Sooty Terns on the Dry Tortugas (Austin et al. 1970). The cause of the failure was not certain, but it was conjectured that sonic booms from military aircraft or an overgrowth of vegetation were factors. In the previous season, Sooties were observed to react to sonic booms by rising in a panic flight, circling over the island, and then usually settling down on their eggs again. Hatching that year was normal. Following the 1969 hatch failure, excess vegetation was cleared and measures were taken to reduce supersonic activity. The 1970 hatch appeared to proceed normally. A colony of Noddies on the same island hatched successfully in 1969, the year of the Sooty hatch failure. Subsequent laboratory tests of exposure of eggs to sonic booms and other impulsive noises (Bowles et al. 1991a; Bowles et al. 1994; Cottereau 1972; Cogger and Zegarra 1980) failed to show adverse effects on the hatching of eggs. A structural analysis (Ting et al. 2002) showed that, even under extraordinary circumstances, sonic booms would not damage an avian egg. Burger observed no effects of subsonic aircraft on herring gulls in the vicinity of JFK International Airport (1981). The Concorde aircraft did cause more nesting gulls to leave their nests (especially in areas of higher density of nests), causing the breakage of eggs and the scavenging of eggs by intruder prey. Clutch sizes were observed to be smaller in areas of higher-density nesting (presumably due to the greater tendency for panic flight) than in areas where there were fewer nests.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS C2.6.8 Fish, Reptiles, and Amphibians The effects of overflight noise on fish, reptiles, and amphibians have been poorly studied, but conclusions regarding their expected responses have involved speculation based upon known physiologies and behavioral traits of these taxa (Gladwin et al. 1988). Although fish do startle in response to low-flying aircraft noise, and probably to the shadows of aircraft, they have been found to habituate to the sound and overflights. Reptiles and amphibians that respond to low frequencies and those that respond to ground vibration, such as spadefoots (genus Scaphiopus), may be affected by noise. Limited information is available on the effects of short-duration noise events on reptiles. Dufour in 1980 and Manci et al. in 1988, summarized a few studies of reptile responses to noise. Some reptile species tested under laboratory conditions experienced at least temporary threshold shifts or hearing loss after exposure to 95 dB for several minutes. Crocodilians in general have the most highly developed hearing of all reptiles. Crocodile ears have lids that can be closed when the animal goes under water. These lids can reduce the noise intensity by 10 to 12 dB (Wever and Vernon 1957). On Homestead Air Reserve Station, Florida, two crocodilians (the American Alligator and the Spectacled Caiman) reside in wetlands and canals along the base runway suggesting that they can coexist with existing noise levels of an active runway including DNLs of 85 dB. C2.6.9 Summary Some physiological/behavioral responses such as increased hormonal production, increased heart rate, and reduction in milk production have been described in a small percentage of studies. A majority of the studies focusing on these types of effects have reported short-term or no effects. The relationships between physiological effects and how species interact with their environments have not been thoroughly studied. Therefore, the larger ecological context issues regarding physiological effects of jet aircraft noise (if any) and resulting behavioral pattern changes are not well understood. Animal species exhibit a wide variety of responses to noise. It is therefore difficult to generalize animal responses to noise disturbances or to draw inferences across species, as reactions to jet aircraft noise appear to be species-specific. Consequently, some animal species may be more sensitive than other species and/or may exhibit different forms or intensities of behavioral responses. For instance one study suggests that wood ducks appear to be more sensitive and more resistant to acclimation to jet aircraft noise than Canada geese. Similarly, wild ungulates seem to be more easily disturbed than domestic animals. The literature does suggest that common responses include the startle or fright response and, ultimately, habituation. It has been reported that the intensities and durations of the startle response decrease with the numbers and frequencies of exposures, suggesting no long-term adverse effects. The majority of the literature suggests that domestic animal species (cows, horses, chickens) and wildlife
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS species exhibit adaptation, acclimation, and habituation after repeated exposure to jet aircraft noise and sonic booms. Animal responses to aircraft noise appear to be somewhat dependent on, or influenced by, the size, shape, speed, proximity (vertical and horizontal), engine noise, color, and flight profile of planes. Helicopters also appear to induce greater intensities and durations of disturbance behavior as compared to fixed-wing aircraft. Some studies showed that animals that had been previously exposed to jet aircraft noise exhibited greater degrees of alarm and disturbance to other objects creating noise, such as boats, people, and objects blowing across the landscape. Other factors influencing response to jet aircraft noise may include wind direction, speed, and local air turbulence; landscape structures (i.e., amount and type of vegetative cover); and, in the case of bird species, whether the animals are in the incubation/nesting phase. C2.7 Noise Effects on Property Values

Property within a noise zone (or Accident Potential Zone) may be affected by the availability of federally guaranteed loans. According to U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and Veterans Administration (VA) guidance, sites are acceptable for program assistance, subsidy, or insurance for housing in noise zones of less than 65 dB DNL, and sites are conditionally acceptable with special approvals and noise attenuation in noise zones greater than 65 dB DNL. HUDs position is that noise is not the only determining factor for site acceptability, and properties should not be rejected only because of airport influences if there is evidence of acceptability within the market and if use of the dwelling is expected to continue. Similar to the Navys and Air Forces Air Installation Compatible Use Zone Program, HUD, FHA, and VA recommend sound attenuation for housing in the higher noise zones and written disclosures to all prospective buyers or lessees of property within a noise zone (or Accident Potential Zone). Newman and Beattie reviewed the literature to assess the effect of aircraft noise on property values (1985). One paper by Nelson, reviewed by Newman and Beattie, suggested a 1.8 to 2.3 percent decrease in property value per dB at three separate airports, while at another period of time, they found only a 0.8 percent devaluation per dB change in DNL (1978). However, Nelson also noted a decline in noise depreciation over time which was theorized to be due to either noise sensitive people being replaced by less sensitive people or the increase in commercial value of the property near airports; both ideas were supported by Crowley (1978). Ultimately, Newman and Beattie summarized that while an effect of noise was observed, noise is only one of the many factors that is part of a decision to move close to, or away from, an airport, but which is sometimes considered an advantage due to increased opportunities for employment or ready access to the airport itself. With all the issues associated with determining property

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS values, their reviews found that decreases in property values usually range from 0.5 to 2 percent per dB increase of cumulative noise exposure. More recently, Fidell et al. studied the influences of aircraft noise on actual sale prices of residential properties in the vicinity of two military facilities, and found that equations developed for one area to predict residential sale prices in areas unaffected by aircraft noise worked equally well when applied to predicting sale prices of homes in areas with aircraft noise in excess of 65 dB DNL (1996). Thus, the model worked equally well in predicting sale prices in areas with and without aircraft noise exposure. This indicates that aircraft noise had no meaningful effect on residential property values. In some cases, the average sale prices of noise exposed properties were somewhat higher than those elsewhere in the same area. In the vicinity of Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, Arizona, Fidell found the homes near the AFB were much older, smaller, and in poorer condition than homes elsewhere. These factors caused the equations developed for predicting sale prices in areas further away from the base to be inapplicable with those nearer the AFB. However, similar to other researchers, Fidell found that differences in sale prices between homes with and without aircraft noise were frequently due to factors other than noise itself C2.8 Noise Effects on Structures

C2.8.1 Subsonic Aircraft Noise Normally, the most sensitive components of a structure to airborne noise are the windows and, infrequently, the plastered walls and ceilings. An evaluation of the peak sound pressures impinging on the structure is normally sufficient to determine the possibility of damage. In general, at sound levels above 130 dB, there is the possibility of the excitation of structural component resonance. While certain frequencies (such as 30 Hz for window breakage) may be of more concern than other frequencies, conservatively, only sounds lasting more than one second above a sound level of 130 dB are potentially damaging to structural components (National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences 1977). A study directed specifically at low-altitude, high-speed aircraft showed that there is little probability of structural damage from such operations (Sutherland 1989). One finding in that study is that sound levels at damaging frequencies (e.g., 30 Hz for window breakage or 15 to 25 Hz for whole-house response) are rarely above 130 dB. Noise-induced structural vibration may also cause annoyance to dwelling occupants because of induced secondary vibrations, or rattle, of objects within the dwelling, such as hanging pictures, dishes, plaques, and bric-a-brac. Window panes may also vibrate noticeably when exposed to high levels of airborne noise, causing homeowners to fear breakage. In general, such noise-induced vibrations occur at sound levels above those considered normally incompatible with residential land use. Thus assessments of noise exposure levels for compatible land use should also be protective of noise-induced secondary vibrations.
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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS C2.8.2 Sonic Booms Sonic booms are commonly associated with structural damage. Most damage claims are for brittle objects, such as glass and plaster. Table C-7 summarizes the threshold of damage that might be expected at various overpressures. There is a large degree of variability in damage experience, and much damage depends on the pre-existing condition of a structure. Breakage data for glass, for example, spans a range of two to three orders of magnitude at a given overpressure. At 1 psf, the probability of a window breaking ranges from one in a billion (Sutherland 1990) to one in a million (Hershey and Higgins 1976). These damage rates are associated with a combination of boom load and glass condition. At 10 psf, the probability of breakage is between one in a hundred and one in a thousand. Laboratory tests of glass (White 1972) have shown that properly installed window glass will not break at overpressures below 10 psf, even when subjected to repeated booms, but in the real world glass is not in pristine condition. Table C-7. Possible Damage to Structures From Sonic Booms
Type of Damage Plaster Glass Roof Damage to outside walls Bric-a-brac Other Glass, plaster, roofs, ceilings Glass Plaster Roofs Walls (out) Walls (in) Greater than 10 Glass Plaster Ceilings Roofs Item Affected Fine cracks; extension of existing cracks; more in ceilings; over door frames; between some plaster boards. Rarely shattered; either partial or extension of existing. Slippage of existing loose tiles/slates; sometimes new cracking of old slates at nail hole. Existing cracks in stucco extended. Those carefully balanced or on edges can fall; fine glass, such as large goblets, can fall and break. Dust falls in chimneys. Failures show that would have been difficult to forecast in terms of their existing localized condition. Nominally in good condition. Regular failures within a population of well-installed glass; industrial as well as domestic greenhouses. Partial ceiling collapse of good plaster; complete collapse of very new, incompletely cured, or very old plaster. High probability rate of failure in nominally good state, slurry-wash; some chance of failures in tiles on modern roofs; light roofs (bungalow) or large area can move bodily. Old, free standing, in fairly good condition can collapse. Inside (party) walls known to move at 10 psf. Some good glass will fail regularly to sonic booms from the same direction. Glass with existing faults could shatter and fly. Large window frames move. Most plaster affected. Plaster boards displaced by nail popping. Most slate/slurry roofs affected, some badly; large roofs having good tile can be affected; some roofs bodily displaced causing gale-end and will-plate cracks; domestic chimneys dislodged if not in good condition.

Sonic Boom Overpressure Nominal (psf) 0.5 - 2

2-4 4 - 10

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table C-7. Possible Damage to Structures From Sonic Booms
Type of Damage Walls Bric-a-brac Source: Haber and Nakaki 1989 Item Affected Internal party walls can move even if carrying fittings such as hand basins or taps; secondary damage due to water leakage. Some nominally secure items can fall; e.g., large pictures, especially if fixed to party walls.

Sonic Boom Overpressure Nominal (psf)

Damage to plaster occurs at similar ranges to glass damage. Plaster has a compounding issue in that it will often crack due to shrinkage while curing, or from stresses as a structure settles, even in the absence of outside loads. Sonic boom damage to plaster often occurs when internal stresses are high from these factors. Some degree of damage to glass and plaster should thus be expected whenever there are sonic booms, but usually at the low rates noted above. In general, structural damage from sonic booms should be expected only for overpressures above 10 psf. C2.9 Noise Effects on Terrain

C2.9.1 Subsonic Aircraft Noise Members of the public often believe that noise from low-flying aircraft can cause avalanches or landslides by disturbing fragile soil or snow structures in mountainous areas. There are no known instances of such effects, and it is considered improbable that such effects will result from routine, subsonic aircraft operations. C2.9.2 Sonic Booms In contrast to subsonic noise, sonic booms are considered to be a potential trigger for snow avalanches. Avalanches are highly dependent on the physical status of the snow, and do occur spontaneously. They can be triggered by minor disturbances, and there are documented accounts of sonic booms triggering avalanches. Switzerland routinely restricts supersonic flight during avalanche season. Landslides are not an issue for sonic booms. There was one anecdotal report of a minor landslide from a sonic boom generated by the Space Shuttle during landing, but there is no credible mechanism or consistent pattern of reports.


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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS 2.10 Noise Effects on Historical and Archaeological Sites

Because of the potential for increased fragility of structural components of historical buildings and other historical sites, aircraft noise may affect such sites more severely than newer, modern structures. Again, there are few scientific studies of such effects to provide guidance for their assessment. One study involved the measurements of sound levels and structural vibration levels in a superbly restored plantation house, originally built in 1795, and now situated approximately 1,500 feet from the centerline at the departure end of Runway 19L at Washington Dulles International Airport. These measurements were made in connection with the proposed scheduled operation of the supersonic Concorde airplane at Dulles (Wesler 1977). There was special concern for the buildings windows, since roughly half of the 324 panes were original. No instances of structural damage were found. Interestingly, despite the high levels of noise during Concorde takeoffs, the induced structural vibration levels were actually less than those induced by touring groups and vacuum cleaning within the building itself. As noted above for the noise effects of noise-induced vibrations on normal structures, assessments of noise exposure levels for normally compatible land uses should also be protective of historic and archaeological sites. C3.0 C3.1 NOISE MODELING Subsonic Aircraft Noise

An aircraft in subsonic flight generally emits noise from two sources: the engines and flow noise around the airframe. Noise generation mechanisms are complex and, in practical models, the noise sources must be based on measured data. The Air Force has developed a series of computer models and aircraft noise databases for this purpose. The models include NOISEMAP (Moulton 1992) for noise around airbases, and MR_NMAP (Lucas and Calamia 1996) for use in MOAs, ranges, and low-level training routes. These models use the NOISEFILE database developed by the Air Force. NOISEFILE data includes SEL and L Amax as a function of speed and power setting for aircraft in straight flight. Noise from an individual aircraft is a time-varying continuous sound. It is first audible as the aircraft approaches, increases to a maximum when the aircraft is near its closest point, then diminishes as it departs. The noise depends on the speed and power setting of the aircraft and its trajectory. The models noted above divide the trajectory into segments whose noise can be computed from the data in NOISEFILE. The contributions from these segments are summed.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS MR_NMAP was used to compute noise levels in the airspace. The primary noise metric computed by MR_NMAP was L dnmr averaged over each airspace. Supporting routines from NOISEMAP were used to calculate SEL and L Amax for various flight altitudes and lateral offsets from a ground receiver position. C3.2 Sonic Booms

When an aircraft moves through the air, it pushes the air out of its way. At subsonic speeds, the displaced air forms a pressure wave that disperses rapidly. At supersonic speeds, the aircraft is moving too quickly for the wave to disperse, so it remains as a coherent wave. This wave is a sonic boom. When heard at the ground, a sonic boom consists of two shock waves (one associated with the forward part of the aircraft, the other with the rear part) of approximately equal strength and (for fighter aircraft) separated by 100 to 200 milliseconds. When plotted, this pair of shock waves and the expanding flow between them have the appearance of a capital letter N, so a sonic boom pressure wave is usually called an N-wave. An Nwave has a characteristic "bang-bang" sound that can be startling. Figure C-5 shows the generation and evolution of a sonic boom N-wave under the aircraft. Figure C-6 shows the sonic boom pattern for an aircraft in steady supersonic flight. The boom forms a cone that is said to sweep out a carpet under the flight track.

Figure C-5 Sonic Boom Generation and Evolution to N-Wave


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Figure C-6 Sonic Boom Carpet in Steady Flight The complete ground pattern of a sonic boom depends on the size, shape, speed, and trajectory of the aircraft. Even for a nominally steady mission, the aircraft must accelerate to supersonic speed at the start, decelerate back to subsonic speed at the end, and usually change altitude. Figure C-7 illustrates the complexity of a nominal full mission.

Figure C-7 Complex Sonic Boom Pattern for Full Mission

Appendix C Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS The Air Forces PCBoom4 computer program (Plotkin and Grandi 2002) can be used to compute the complete sonic boom footprint for a given single event, accounting for details of a particular maneuver. Supersonic operations for the proposed action and alternatives are, however, associated with air combat training, which cannot be described in the deterministic manner that PCBoom4 requires. Supersonic events occur as aircraft approach an engagement, break at the end, and maneuver for advantage during the engagement. Long time cumulative sonic boom exposure, CDNL, is meaningful for this kind of environment. Long-term sonic boom measurement projects have been conducted in four supersonic air combat training airspaces: White Sands, New Mexico (Plotkin et al. 1989); the eastern portion of the Goldwater Range, Arizona (Plotkin et al. 1992); the Elgin MOA at Nellis AFB, Nevada (Frampton et al. 1993); and the western portion of the Goldwater Range (Page et al. 1994). These studies included analysis of schedule and air combat maneuvering instrumentation data and supported development of the 1992 BOOMAP model (Plotkin et al. 1992). The current version of BOOMAP (Frampton et al. 1993; Plotkin 1996) incorporates results from all four studies. Because BOOMAP is directly based on long-term measurements, it implicitly accounts for such variables as maneuvers, statistical variations in operations, atmosphere effects, and other factors. Figure C-8 shows a sample of supersonic flight tracks measured in the air combat training airspace at White Sands (Plotkin et al. 1989). The tracks fall into an elliptical pattern aligned with preferred engagement directions in the airspace. Figure C-9 shows the CDNL contours that were fit to six months of measured booms in that airspace. The subsequent measurement programs refined the fit, and demonstrated that the elliptical maneuver area is related to the size and shape of the airspace (Frampton et al. 1993). BOOMAP quantifies the size and shape of CDNL contours, and also numbers of booms per day, in air combat training airspaces. That model was used for prediction of cumulative sonic boom exposure in this analysis.


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Figure C-8 Supersonic Flight Tracks in Supersonic Air Combat Training Airspace

Figure C-9 Elliptical CDNL Contours in Supersonic Air Combat Training Airspace

Appendix C Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS C4.0 REFERENCES

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Committee of the Health Council of the Netherlands (CHCN). 1996. Effects of Noise on Health. Noise/News International 4. September. Edmonds, L.D., P.M. Layde, and J.D. Erickson. 1979. Airport Noise and Teratogenesis. Archives of Environmental Health, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 243-247. Eldred, K, and H. von Gierke. 1993. Effects of Noise on People, Noise News International, 1(2), 67-89. June. Evans, G.W., and L. Maxwell. 1997. Chronic Noise Exposure and Reading Deficits: The Mediating Effects of Language Acquisition. Environment and Behavior, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 638-656. Evans, G.W., and S.J. Lepore. 1993. Nonauditory Effects of Noise on Children: A Critical Review. Childrens Environment, Vol. 10, pp. 31-51. Evans, G.W., M. Bullinger, and S. Hygge. 1998. Chronic Noise Exposure and Physiological Response: A Prospective Study of Children Living under Environmental Stress. Psychological Science, Vol. 9, pp. 75-77. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 1985. Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Handbook, Order No. 100.38. Federal Interagency Committee on Noise (FICON). 1992. Federal Agency Review of Selected Airport Noise Analysis Issues. Federal Interagency Committee on Noise. August. Federal Interagency Committee on Urban Noise (FICUN). 1980. Guidelines for Considering Noise in Land-Use Planning and Control. Federal Interagency Committee on Urban Noise. June. Fidell, S., Barger, D.S., and Schultz, T.J. 1991. Updating a Dosage-Effect Relationship for the Prevalence of Annoyance Due to General Transportation Noise. Journal of Acoustics Society of America., 89, 221-233. January. Finegold, L.S., C.S. Harris, and H.E. von Gierke. 1994. Community Annoyance and Sleep Disturbance: Updated Criteria for Assessing the Impacts of General Transportation Noise on People. In Noise Control Engineering Journal, Volume 42, Number 1. pp. 25-30. JanuaryFebruary. Fisch, L. 1977. Research Into Effects of Aircraft Noise on Hearing of Children in Exposed Residential Areas Around an Airport. Acoustics Letters, Vol. 1, pp. 42-43. Frampton, K.D., Lucas, M.J., and Cook, B. 1993. Modeling the Sonic Boom Noise Environment in Military Operating Areas. AIAA Paper 93-4432. Frerichs, R.R., B.L. Beeman, and A.H. Coulson. 1980. Los Angeles Airport Noise and Mortality: Faulty Analysis and Public Policy. Am. J. Public Health, Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 357-362. April. Green, K.B., B.S. Pasternack, and R.E. Shore. 1982. Effects of Aircraft Noise on Reading Ability of School-Age Children. Archives of Environmental Health, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 24-31. Haber, J. and D. Nakaki. 1989. Sonic Boom Damage to Conventional Structures. HSD-TR-89-April.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Haines, M.M., S.A. Stansfeld, R.F. Job, and B. Berglund. 1998. Chronic Aircraft Noise Exposure and Child Cognitive Performance and Stress. In Carter, N.L., and R.F. Job, eds., Proceedings of Noise as a Public Health Problem, Vol. 1, Sydney, Australia University of Sydney, pp. 329-335. Haines, M.M., S.A. Stansfeld, R.F. Job, B. Berglund, and J. Head. 2001a. A Follow-up Study of Effects of Chronic Aircraft Noise Exposure on Child Stress Responses and Cognition. International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 30, pp. 839-845. Haines, M.M., S.A. Stansfeld, R.F. Job, B. Berglund, and J. Head. 2001b. Chronic Aircraft Noise Exposure, Stress Responses, Mental Health and Cognitive Performance in School Children. Psychological Medicine, Vol. 31, pp.265-277. February. Haines, M.M., S.A. Stansfeld, S. Brentnall, J. Head, B. Berry, M. Jiggins, and S. Hygge. 2001c. The West London Schools Study: the Effects of Chronic Aircraft Noise Exposure on Child Health. Psychological Medicine, Vol. 31, pp. 1385-1396. November. Harris, C.M. (editor). 1979. Handbook of Noise Control. McGraw-Hill. Harris, C.S. 1997. The Effects of Noise on Health. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, AL/OE-TR-1997-0077. Hershey, R.L. and T.H. Higgins. 1976. Statistical Model of Sonic Boom Structural Damage. FAA-RD-76-87. July. Hygge, S. 1994. Classroom Experiments on the Effects of Aircraft, Road Traffic, Train and Verbal Noise Presented at 66 dBA L eq , and of Aircraft and Road Traffic Presented at 55 dBA L eq , on Long Term Recall and Recognition in Children Aged 12-14 Years. In Vallet, M., ed., Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Vol. 2, Arcueil, France: INRETS, pp. 531-538. Hygge, S., G.W. Evans, and M. Bullinger. 2002. A Prospective Study of Some Effects of Aircraft Noise on Cognitive Performance in School Children. Psychological Science Vol. 13, pp. 469-474. Ising, H., Z. Joachims, W. Babisch, and E. Rebentisch. 1999. Effects of Military Low-Altitude Flight Noise I Temporary Threshold Shift in Humans. Zeitschrift fur Audiologie (Germany), Volume 38, No. 4, pp. 118-127. Jones, F.N., and Tauscher, J. 1978. Residence Under an Airport Landing Pattern as a Factor in Teratism. Archives of Environmental Health, 10-12. January/February. Kryter, K.D. 1984. Physiological, Psychological, and Social Effects of Noise. NASA Reference Publication 1115, 446. July. Lazarus H. 1990. New Methods for Describing and Assessing Direct Speech Communication Under Disturbing Conditions, Environment International, 16: 373-392. Lind S.J., Pearsons K., and Fidell S. 1998. Sound Insulation Requirements for Mitigation of Aircraft Noise Impact on Highline School District Facilities, Volume I, BBN Systems and Technologies, BBN Report No. 8240.


Appendix C Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Lucas, M.J. and P.T. Calamia. 1996. Military Operations Area and Range Noise Model: NRNMAP Users Manual. Final. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio: AAMRL. A1/OE-MN-1996-0001. Lucas, M.J. and K. Plotkin. 1988. ROUTEMAP Model for Predicting Noise Exposure From Aircraft Operations on Military Training Routes. Final, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. AAMRL. AAMRL-TR-88-060. Meacham, W.C., and Shaw, N. 1979. Effects of Jet Noise on Mortality Rates. British J. Audiology, pp. 77-80. August. Michalak, R., H. Ising, and E. Rebentisch. 1990. Acute Circulatory Effects of Military Low-Altitude Flight Noise. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp. 365-372. Moulton, C.L. 1992. Air Force Procedure for Predicting Noise Around Airbases: Noise Exposure Model (NOISEMAP). Technical Report AL-TR-1992-59. National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences (NRC/NAS). 1977. Guidelines for Preparing Environmental Impact Statements on Noise. Committee on Hearing, Bioacoustics, and Biomechanics. Newman, J.S., and K.R. Beattie. 1985. Aviation Noise Effects. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration Report No. FAA-EE-85-2. Nixon, C.W., D.W. West, and N.K. Allen. 1993. Human Auditory Responses to Aircraft Flyover Noise. In Vallets, M., ed., Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Noise as a Public Problem, Vol. 2, Arcueil, France: INRETS. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 2000. The Effects of Noise from Weapons and Sonic Booms, and the Impact on Humans, Wildlife, Domestic Animals and Structures. Final Report of the Working Group Study Follow-up Program to the Pilot Study on Aircraft Noise, Report No. 241. June. Ollerhead, J.B., C.J. Jones, R.E. Cadoux, A. Woodley, B.J. Atkinson, J.A. Horne, F. Pankhurst, L. Reyner, K.I. Hume, F. Van, A. Watson, I.D. Diamond, P. Egger, D. Holmes, and J. McKean. 1992. Report of a Field Study of Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance. Commissioned by the United Kingdom (UK) Department of Transport for the 36th UK Department of Safety, Environment and Engineering, London, England: Civil Aviation Authority. December. Page, J.A., B.D. Schantz, R. Brown, K.J. Plotkin, and C.L. Moulton. 1994. Measurements of Sonic Booms Due to ACM Training in R2301 W of the Barry Goldwater Air Force Range. Wyle Research Report WR 94-11. Pearsons, K.S., Barber, D.S., and Tabachick, B.G. 1989. Analyses of the Predictability of NoiseInduced Sleep Disturbance. USAF Report HSD-TR-89-029. October. Plotkin, K.J. 1996. PCBoom3 Sonic Boom Prediction Model: Version 1.0c. Wyle Research Report WR 95-22C. May. Plotkin, K.J. and F. Grandi. 2002. Computer Models for Sonic Boom Analysis: PCBoom4, CABoom, BooMap, CORBoom, Wyle Research Report WR 02-11, June 2002.

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F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Plotkin, K.J., C.L. Moulton, V.R. Desai, and M.J. Lucas. 1992. Sonic Boom Environment under a Supersonic Military Operations Area, Journal of Aircraft 29(6): 1069-1072. Plotkin, K.J., L.C. Sutherland, and J.A. Molino. 1987. Environmental Noise Assessment for Military Aircraft Training Routes, Volume II: Recommended Noise Metric. Wyle Research Report WR 86-21. January. Plotkin, K.J., V.R. Desai, C.L. Moulton, M.J. Lucas, and R. Brown. 1989. Measurements of Sonic Booms due to ACM Training at White Sands Missile Range, Wyle Research Report WR 89-18. Pulles, M.P.J., W. Biesiot, and R. Stewart. 1990. Adverse Effects of Environmental Noise on Health : An Interdisciplinary Approach. Environment International, Vol. 16, pp. 437-445. Rosenlund, M., N. Berglind, G. Bluhm, L. Jarup, and G. Pershagen. 2001. Increased Prevalence of Hypertension in a Population Exposed to Aircraft Noise. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 769-773. December. Schultz, T.J. 1978. Synthesis of Social Surveys on Noise Annoyance. Journal of Acoustics Society of America, 64, 377405. August. Schwarze, S., and S.J. Thompson. 1993. Research on Non-Auditory Physiological Effects of Noise Since 1988: Review and Perspectives. In Vallets, M., ed., Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Noise as a Public Problem, Vol. 3, Arcueil, France: INRETS. Sharp, B.H., and Plotkin, K.J. 1984. Selection of Noise Criteria for School Classrooms, Wyle Research Technical Note TN 84-2 for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, October. Stusnick, E., D.A. Bradley, J.A. Molino, and G. DeMiranda. 1992. The Effect of Onset Rate on Aircraft Noise Annoyance. Volume 2: Rented Own-Home Experiment. Wyle Laboratories Research Report WR 92-3. March. Stusnick, E., D.A. Bradley, M.A. Bossi, and D.G. Rickert. 1993. The Effect of Onset Rate on Aircraft Noise Annoyance. Volume 3: Hybrid Own-Home Experiment. Wyle Laboratories Research Report WR 93-22. December. Sutherland, L. 1990. Assessment of Potential Structural Damage from Low Altitude Subsonic Aircraft. Wyle Laboratories Research Report WR 89-16. El Segundo, CA. Sutherland, L.C. 1990. "Effects of Sonic Boom on Structures," Lecture 3 of Sonic Boom: Prediction and Effects, AIAA Short Course, October 1990. United Kingdom Department for Education and Skills (UKDFES). 2003. Building Bulletin 93, Acoustic Design of Schools - A Design Guide, London: The Stationary Office. U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). 2009. Memorandum from the Under Secretary of Defense, Ashton B. Carter, re: Methodology for assessing Hearing Loss Risk and Impacts in DoD Environmental Impact Analysis, 16 June. U.S. Department of Labor (DoL). 1971. Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Occupational Noise Exposure, Standard No. 1910.95.


Appendix C Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS U.S. Department of the Navy (DoN). 2002. Supplement to Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Continued Use with Non-Explosive Ordnance of the Vieques Inner Range, to Include Training Operations Typical of Large Scale Exercises, Multiple Unit Level Training, and/or a Combination of Large Scale Exercises and Multiple Unit Level Training. March. United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). 1984. Airport Noise Compatibility Planning; Development of Submission of Airport Operators Noise Exposure Map and Noise Compatibility Program; Final Rule and Request for Comments. 14 CFR Parts 11 and 150, Federal Register 49(244): 18 December. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1972. Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect the Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Report 550/9-74-004. March. _____. 1978. Protective Noise Levels. Office of Noise Abatement and Control, Washington, D.C. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Report 550/9-79-100. November. _____. 1982. Guidelines for Noise Impact Analysis. USEPA Report 550/9-82-105. April. von Gierke, H.R. 1990. The Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Problem. NIH Consensus Development Conference on Noise and Hearing Loss. Washington, D.C. 22-24 January. Wesler, J.E. 1977. Concorde Operations At Dulles International Airport. NOISEXPO 77, Chicago, IL. March. _____. 1986. Priority Selection of Schools for Soundproofing, Wyle Research Technical Note TN 96-8 for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, October. White, R. 1972. Effects of Repetitive Sonic Booms on Glass Breakage. FAA Report FAA-RD-72-43. April. World Health Organization. 2000. Guidelines for Community Noise. Berglund, B., T. Lindvall, and D. Schwela, eds. Wu, Trong-Neng, J.S. Lai, C.Y. Shen, T.S Yu, and P.Y. Chang. 1995. Aircraft Noise, Hearing Ability, and Annoyance. Archives of Environmental Health, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 452-456. NovemberDecember.

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As described in section 3.4, air quality in a given location is described by the concentration of various pollutants in the atmosphere. The significance of the pollutant concentration is determined by comparing it to the federal and state ambient air quality standards. These standards (Table D-1) represent the maximum allowable atmospheric concentrations that may occur while ensuring protection of public health and welfare, with a reasonable margin of safety. The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Quality has adopted the NAAQS, with the following exceptions: 1) added 3-hour
sulfur dioxide as a primary standard (this is a secondary standard under the NAAQS), 2) added standards for visibility impairment and 3) included a 1-hour hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) concentration standard. The state ambient

air quality standards are also summarized in Table D-1.

Appendix D Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table D-1. National Ambient Air Quality Standards*
Ozone (O 3 )a Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2 ) Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 ) Particulate Matter (PM 10 )g Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) Lead (Pb) AVERAGING TIME 8 Hours 8 Hours 1 Hour 8 Hours 1 Hour Annual Arithmetic Mean 1 Hour Annual Arithmetic Mean 24 Hours 1 Hour 24 Hours Annual Arithmetic Meanh 24 Hoursi Quarterly Arithmetic Mean PRIMARY 0.075 ppma 0.08 ppmb 0.12 ppmc 9 ppm 35 ppm 53 ppbd 100 ppbe 0.03 ppm 0.14 ppm 75 ppbf 150 g/m3 15 g/m3 35 g/m3 1.5 g/m3 SECONDARY Same as Primary Same as Primary None Same as Primary None 3 hour/0.5 ppm None Same as Primary Same as Primary --Same as Primary

Source: USEPA 2010. Notes: *ppm = parts per million by volume, g/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter. a To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentrations measured at each monitor within an area over each year must not exceed 0.075 ppm. (effective May 27, 2008). b To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentrations measured at each monitor within an area over each year must not exceed 0.08 ppm. The 1997 standardand the implementation rules for that standardwill remain in place for implementation purposes as USEPA undertakes rulemaking to address the transition from the 1997 ozone standard to the 2008 ozone standard. USEPA is in the process of reconsidering these standards (set in March 2008). c USEPA revoked the 1-hour ozone standard in all areas, although some areas have continuing obligations under that standard ("anti-backsliding"). The standard is attained when the expected number of days per calendar year with maximum hourly average concentrations above 0.12 ppm is < 1. d The official level of the annual NO 2 standard is 0.053 ppm, equal to 53 ppb, which is shown here for the purpose of clearer comparison to the 1-hour standard. e To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the 98th percentile of the daily maximum 1-hour average at each monitor within an area must not exceed 100 ppb (effective January 22, 2010). f Final rule signed June 2, 2010. To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the 99th percentile of the daily maximum 1-hour average at each monitor within an area must not exceed 75 ppb. g Not to be exceeded more than once per year on average over 3 years. h To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the weighted annual mean PM2.5 concentrations from single or multiple community-oriented monitors must not exceed 15.0 g/m3. i To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the 98th percentile of 24-hour concentrations at each populationoriented monitor within an area must not exceed 35 g/m3 (effective December 17, 2006).

The air quality analysis in this EIS examined impacts from air emissions associated with the proposed action. As part of the analysis, emissions generated from construction/demolition, aircraft operation, aerospace ground equipment (AGE), motor vehicles, and other area (nonmobile) sources were examined for carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NO X ), sulfur dioxide (SO X ), ozone (in the form of volatile organic compounds VOCs), and particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ). Nellis AFB is located within the Las Vegas Valley of Clark County which is currently in nonattainment for three criteria pollutants: CO, PM 10 , and 8-hour ozone (the 1997 standard). More detailed discussion of attainment status are presented below in Section 3.4.1. Because the affected environment falls within areas of nonattainment, the analysis must include a review of criteria pollutant emissions to assess whether a conformity determination is needed. Airborne criteria pollutant emissions of lead (Pb) are not included in this evaluation because there are no known significant lead emissions sources in the region or associated with the proposed action.
D-2 Appendix D Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Construction Emissions Construction activities would generate both combustive emissions from heavy equipment use and fugitive dust from ground-disturbing activities. Fugitive dust would be generated during construction activities associated with building construction, demolition, and modification. These emissions would be greatest during site clearing and grading activities. Emission rates for fugitive dust were estimated using guidelines outlined in the Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) fugitive dust handbook (WRAP 2004). These guidelines were developed for use in western states and they assume standard dust mitigation best practices activities. After PM 10 is estimated, the fraction of fugitive dust emitted as PM 2.5 is calculated based on the most recent WRAP study (MRI 2005) that recommends the use of a fractional factor of 0.10. Construction for the proposed action would disturb approximately 36 acres between 2011 and 2016. Factors needed to derive the construction source emission rates were obtained from Median Life, Annual Activity, and Load Factor Values for Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling (USEPA 2004a); Exhaust and Crankcase Emission Factors for Nonroad Engine ModelingCompression-Ignition (USEPA 2004b); Nonroad Engine and Vehicle Emission StudyReport (USEPA 1991); Conversion Factors for Hydrocarbon Emission Components (USEPA 2005); Comparison of Asphalt Paving Emission Factors (CARB 2005); WRAP Fugitive Dust Handbook (WRAP 2006); Analysis of the Fine Fraction of Particulate Matter (MRI 2005); and Mobile 6.2. The analysis assumed that all construction equipment was manufactured before 2000. This approach provides a conservative value for emissions from proposed construction equipment, as the future equipment fleet would include a substantial amount of newer, lower-emitting equipment compared to pre2000 equipment. The analysis also inherently reduced PM 10 fugitive dust emissions from earth-moving activities by 50 percent as this control level is included in the emission factor itself. Diesel exhaust is a primary, well-documented source of PM 2.5 emissions. However, ratios of PM 10 to PM 2.5 in diesel exhaust are not yet published and therefore, for the purposes of this EIS, all PM emissions are equally distributed as PM 10 and PM 2.5 . Mobile source emissions were calculated for construction workers for each of the construction years using MOBILE6 modeling. This analysis assumed that no new construction jobs would be created under the proposed action, so no new commuting emissions to and from the base would be incurred within the regional area. This assumption is justified because of the rapid growth occurring in the Las Vegas Valley and the amount of construction to support this growth. These workers would be traveling somewhere in the Las Vegas Valley for their jobs so going to Nellis AFB would not introduce new emissions; therefore, the average mileage that was assumed for each worker was 4 miles. This amount accounts for on-base trips and driving during breaks. It was assumed that the speed of the vehicle would not exceed an average of 30 miles per hour.

Appendix D Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Mobile emissions from commuting Air Force personnel were also calculated for those years (using the MOBILE6 model) in which the additional personnel would come to the base (2013, 2018, and 2024) and assumed that only 87 percent of these additional personnel would commute to and from the base. This assumption is supported by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS 2001) which indicate that 87 percent of the U.S. population drives their car to and from work and by examination of Nellis AFB existing commuting personnel numbers. These calculations also assumed a round trip distance of 20 miles per day, at a rate not exceeding an average of 30 miles per hour (South Nevada Regional Transportation Commission 2007). Airfield and Airspace Operations Emissions for the F-35 aircraft engine (F-135) were calculated using data provided by the Joint Strike Force Program Office in charge of design and development of the F-35 aircraft. Karnes2 modeling parameters were applied for flight profiles and time in mode (e.g., minutes at taxi/idle, takeoff, departure, and approach). The aerospace ground equipment (AGE) emissions used the fighter aircraft AGE default equipment found in the Air Conformity Applicability Model (ACAM) 4.3 as a surrogate since this equipment is still in the research stage. Because the proposed action is scheduled to take place over several years, emissions were calculated for the years in which the F-35 would be phased into the Nellis AFB inventory and overlap with construction activities. This analysis used the best available data; however, when new operational aircraft and engine data are available the Air Force will re-evaluate emissions and determine whether substantial changes in this EISs conclusions would be required. If that is the case, this information will be supplemented to this EIS and disseminated to the public. Emission calculations within NTTR airspace used the number of F-35 projected operations below 7,000 feet AGL (refer to Table 4.4-4), calculated the percent contribution of these added aircraft to the regional emissions, and compared these emissions to the baseline number. For both Nellis AFB and NTTR, the upper limits of the mixing height varies from region to region based on daily temperature changes, amount of sunlight, winds, and other climatic factors. Emissions released above the mixing height become so widely dispersed before reaching ground level that any potential ground-level effects would not be measurable. Studies using National Weather Service stations throughout the U.S. (Holzworth 1972) provide a measure of the meteorological conditions to define mixing heights. For the areas encompassing Nellis AFB and NTTR, mixing heights average about 1,100 feet AGL in the morning and 8,000 feet AGL in the afternoon. Based on this pattern and coordination with the Clark County DAQEM, the average mixing height for the base and airspace is considered to be 7,000 feet AGL for this analysis. For the base airfield environment all 17,280 airfield operations were assumed to occur below 7,000 feel AGL and in NTTR airspace, 15,552 F-35 sortie-operations would
D-4 Appendix D Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS occur below 7,000 feet. Refer to the following pages to obtain specific data about aircraft power settings and assumptions, operational and construction emissions, as well as references.

Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management (DAQEM). 2004. Nevada Air Quality Designations Boundary Recommendations for the 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS for Clark County, Nevada. Las Vegas. July. Holzworth, G.C. 1972. Mixing Heights, Wind Speeds, and Potential for Urban Air Pollution Throughout the Contiguous United States. USEPA. Research Triangle Park, NC. Midwest Research Institute (MRI). 2005. MRI Analysis of the Fine Fraction of Particulate Matter in Fugitive Dust, conducted for the Western Governors Association Western Regional Air Partnership. Project No. 110397. October. United States Air Force (Air Force). 2005. U.S. Air Force Air Conformity Applicability Model (ACAM) Version 4.3. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence. Brooks AFB, TX. April. _____. 1999. Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the F-22 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown, Nellis AFB, Nevada. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2010. National Ambient Air Quality Standards. USEPA website at http://epa.gov/air/criteria.html. _____. 2004a. Median Life, Annual Activity, and Load Factor Values for Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling. EPA Report No. NR-005c. _____. 2004b. Exhaust and Crankcase Emission Factors for Nonroad Engine ModelingCompressionIgnition. EPA Report No. NR-009c. _____. April 2005. Conversion Factors for Hydrocarbon Emission Components. EPA 420-P-04-001, NR-002b. _____. 1991. Nonroad Engine and Vehicle Emission StudyReport. EPA 460/3-91-02. Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP). 2004. WRAP Fugitive Dust Handbook. November.

Appendix D Final, May 2011



2012 F35StaffCommute mi/day*** 20 days/yr 250 VOCs CO NOx lb/mi lb/mi lb/mi 0.0020227 0.0256063 0.0016325 SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 PM10 lb/mi 5.5776E05 CO2 lb/mi 0.9713 TonsPerYear VOCs lb/yr 1,953 0.98 CO lb/yr 24,728 12.36 NOx lb/yr 1,577 0.79 SOx lb/yr 17 0.01 PM10 lb/yr 54 0.03 CO2 lb/yr 937,984 468.99

mi/day*** 20 days/yr 250 VOCs lb/mi 0.0015041 CO lb/mi 0.021412 NOx lb/mi 0.0011304 SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 PM10 lb/mi 5.47852E05 CO2 lb/mi 0.93291474 TonsPerYear VOCs lb/yr 1,452 0.73 CO lb/yr 20,678 10.34 NOx lb/yr 1,092 0.55 SOx lb/yr 17 0.01 PM10 lb/yr 53 0.03 CO2 lb/yr 900,916 450.46 mi/day*** 20 days/yr 250 VOCs CO NOx lb/mi lb/mi lb/mi 0.0014021 0.0206294 0.0010351 SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 PM10 lb/mi 5.48942E05 CO2 lb/mi 0.93366256 TonsPerYear VOCs lb/yr 2,421 1.21 CO lb/yr 35,626 17.81 NOx lb/yr 1,787 0.89 SOx lb/yr 31 0.02 PM10 lb/yr 95 0.05 CO2 lb/yr 1,612,389 806.19 mi/day 20 days/yr 250 VOCs lb/mi 0.0013184 CO lb/mi 0.019996 NOx lb/mi 0.0009546 SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 PM10 lb/mi 5.46737E05 CO2 lb/mi 0.93366256 TonsPerYear VOCs lb/yr 2,274 1.14 CO lb/yr 34,493 17.25 NOx lb/yr 1,647 0.82 SOx lb/yr 31 0.02 PM10 lb/yr 94 0.05 CO2 lb/yr 1,610,568 805.28 mi/day 20 days/yr 250 VOCs CO NOx lb/mi lb/mi lb/mi 0.0012456 0.0194224 0.0009546 SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 PM10 lb/mi 5.46737E05 CO2 lb/mi 0.93388302 TonsPerYear VOCs lb/yr 2,149 1.07 CO lb/yr 33,504 16.75 NOx lb/yr 1,647 0.82 SOx lb/yr 31 0.02 PM10 lb/yr 94 0.05 CO2 lb/yr 1,610,948 805.47 mi/day 20 days/yr 250 VOCs lb/mi 0.0011872 CO lb/mi 0.018971 NOx lb/mi 0.0008256 SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 PM10 CO2 lb/mi lb/mi 5.46749E05 0.93388302 TonsPerYear VOCs lb/yr 2,048 1.02 CO lb/yr 32,725 16.36 NOx lb/yr 1,424 0.71 SOx lb/yr 31 0.02 PM10 lb/yr 94 0.05 CO2 lb/yr 1,610,948 805.47 mi/day 20 days/yr 250 VOCs lb/mi 0.0011343 CO lb/mi 0.018541 NOx lb/mi 0.0007771 SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 PM10 CO2 lb/mi lb/mi 5.46749E05 0.93388302 TonsPerYear VOCs lb/yr 1,957 0.98 CO lb/yr 31,983 15.99 NOx lb/yr 1,341 0.67 SOx lb/yr 31 0.02 PM10 lb/yr 94 0.05 CO2 lb/yr 1,610,948 805.47 mi/day 20 days/yr 250 VOCs CO NOx lb/mi lb/mi lb/mi 0.0009392 0.0182319 0.0010935 SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 PM10 lb/mi 5.50044E05 CO2 lb/mi 0.93388302 TonsPerYear VOCs lb/yr 1,620 0.81 CO lb/yr 31,450 15.73 NOx lb/yr 1,886 0.94 SOx lb/yr 31 0.02 PM10 lb/yr 95 0.05 CO2 lb/yr 1,610,948 805.47 mi/day 20 days/yr 250 VOCs CO NOx lb/mi lb/mi lb/mi 0.0008984 0.0180335 0.0007176 SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 PM10 lb/mi 5.48942E05 CO2 lb/mi 0.93289094 TonsPerYear VOCs lb/yr 1,610 0.81 CO lb/yr 32,320 16.16 NOx lb/yr 1,286 0.64 SOx lb/yr 32 0.02 PM10 lb/yr 98 0.05 CO2 lb/yr 1,671,927 835.96

#vehicles** 193

2013 F35StaffCommute

#vehicles** 193

2014 F35StaffCommute

#vehicles** 345

2015 F35StaffCommute

#vehicles 345

2016 F35StaffCommute

#vehicles 345

2017 F35StaffCommute

#vehicles 345

2018 F35StaffCommute

#vehicles 345

2019 F35StaffCommute

#vehicles 345

2020 F35StaffCommute

#vehicles 358


F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Appendix D Final, May 2011


F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

Constructionworkercommutesassume4milesperdayfortravelwithinNellisAFB,duringbreaks, andatlunchtime.AlsoassumedthattheseareexistingconstructionworkersinLasVegas, nonewadditionalworkerswouldberequiredthusnonewcommutingtoandfromworkwouldbeincurred.


EmissionFactorsderivedfromTables1and7inExhaustandCrankcaseEmissionFactorsforCompressionIgnitionEngines,USEPA2004. exceptforCO2EFs,whichwerederivedfromTableC1oftheMRR andCH4andN2OEfswhichalsousedataderivedfromTableC2oftheMRR(useofdieselasfuelisassumed). Dieselenginesconsumeabout1gallonperhourforevery18hpused 362,823 SF sqft CO2 lb 0.66 0.19 0.29 0.65 0.04 0.10 2 CH4 lb 0.03 0.09 0.07 0.27 0.20 0.02 1 CO2 CH4 lb 0.01 0.20 0.24 0.06 0.29 1 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.06 0 N2O lb 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.00 0 lb 0.13 0.04 0.06 0.13 0.01 0.02 CH4 N2O CO g/hphr 2.7 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 CO2 lb 16287.86 4679.85 7299.58 16015.49 1089.49 2383.26 47756 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 11 3 3 6 1 5 29 CO lb 45 13 14 21 3 19 116 NOx lb 141 41 33 41 4 60 320 SO2 lb 16 4 6 5 1 6 38 PM lb 7 2 3 4 0 3 19 8.33 AC



Appendix D Final, May 2011

#days 11 7 22 22 22 7 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 11,000 VOC g/hphr 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 #days 5 7 5 5 5 24 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 2 2 10 2 1 17 CO lb 2 9 7 41 6 4 68 NOx lb 4 27 21 126 13 5 195 SO2 lb 1 3 2 13 2 1 22 PM lb 0 1 1 6 1 0 10 lb 829.50 2166.60 1702.33 6685.50 4853.18 594.27 16831 #days 4 11 18 4 6 sqft CO g/hphr 2.7 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 CO2 lb 13326.43 6016.95 18580.74 40766.69 2773.24 3064.19 84528 CO2 CH4 lb 0.34 0.43 0.29 1.00 0.82 0.14 3 CO2 CH4 lb 0.12 1.28 3.07 0.85 1.82 7 1 lb 2971.33 31644.70 75981.95 21046.94 45164.27 176809 N2O lb 0.02 0.26 0.61 0.17 0.36 1 CH4 lb 0.54 0.24 0.75 1.65 0.11 0.12 3 N2O lb 0.07 0.09 0.06 0.20 0.16 0.03 1 N2O lb 0.11 0.05 0.15 0.33 0.02 0.02 CO lb 37 17 36 53 9 25 177 NOx lb 115 52 85 105 11 77 446 SO2 lb 13 6 14 13 2 8 56 PM lb 6 2 7 11 1 4 31 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 9 4 8 15 2 6 44 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 1 3 1 2 7 CO lb 1 5 12 3 5 25 NOx lb 2 15 27 9 31 84 SO2 lb 0 2 5 1 5 12 PM lb 0 1 2 0 2 5 lb 198.09 4902.70 5972.38 1361.86 7131.20 19566 #days 9 9 56 56 56 9 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 80,988 VOC g/hphr 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 #days 51 34 21 111 21 141 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 4 13 11 6 8 4 46 CO lb 16 53 43 25 27 22 186 NOx lb 39 165 134 78 53 28 496 SO2 lb 6 18 14 8 6 5 58 PM lb 3 8 6 4 6 2 29 lb 8460.87 10523.47 7149.77 24736.35 20383.35 3491.32 74745 #days 60 71 229 34 38 Hp 10 180 67 250 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 3 8 32 21 12 77 CO lb 19 32 147 85 30 313 NOx lb 24 99 348 264 195 931 SO2 lb 4 11 58 28 32 133 PM lb 2 5 29 13 10 59

ConstructThunderAircraftMaintenanceUnit Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Hr/day Dozer 1 4 Grader 1 4 Skidsteerloader 2 4 Backhoe/loader 1 6 Smalldieselengines 1 4 Dumptruck 8 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 4 6 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 6 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 2 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 1 8

Construct6BayF35Hangar/AircraftMaintenceUnit Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Hr/day Dozer 1 4 Grader 1 4 Skidsteerloader 2 4 Backhoe/loader 1 6 Smalldieselengines 1 4 Dumptruck 8 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 5 6 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 1 8 2

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 4 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 2 8


F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

9,551 sqft CO2 lb lb CH4 N2O

CO2 lb 0.03 0.20 0.17 0.09 0.08 0.02 1 CH4 lb 0.02 0.29 0.20 0.38 0.14 1 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.06 0.04 0.08 0.03 0 lb 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.00 CH4 N2O 1 0 #days 4 4 2 10 2 16 CO2 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 lb 663.60 4952.22 4085.58 2228.50 1941.27 396.18 14267 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 5 6 1 1 0 13 CO lb 1 20 25 2 3 2 53 NOx lb 3 62 77 7 5 3 157 SO2 lb 1 7 8 1 1 1 17 PM lb 0 3 4 0 1 0 8 #days 8 16 4 28 3 3,000 sqft CO2 CH4 lb 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.01 0.01 0 CO2 CH4 lb 0.01 0.05 0.08 0.03 0.01 0.01 0 CO2 CH4 lb 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.05 0 CO2 CH4 lb 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.14 0.01 0.02 0 CO2 CH4 lb 0.01 0.08 0.12 0.04 0.01 0.01 0 0 lb 248.85 1857.08 3064.19 1025.11 363.99 191.90 6751 N2O lb 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0 lb 668.55 1002.83 1526.27 3348.69 227.80 510.70 7285 N2O lb 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 PM g/hphr 0.722 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 1 1 1 0 1 4 CO lb 2 3 3 4 1 4 17 NOx lb 5 9 7 9 1 13 43 SO2 lb 1 1 1 1 0 1 5 PM lb 1 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 Hp 10 180 250 67 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.21 0.23 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.7 2.3655 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 8.38 5.5988 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.93 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 2 5 4 1 12 CO lb 2 7 20 18 2 50 NOx lb 3 22 62 43 15 146 SO2 lb 1 2 7 7 3 19 PM lb 0 1 3 4 1 9 lb 396.18 7131.20 4952.22 9290.37 3565.60 25336 #days 1 1 3 3 3 1 Hp 90 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.59 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 VOC g/hphr 0.99 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 CO g/hphr 3.49 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 NOx g/hphr 6.9 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.722 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 CO lb 2 2 2 3 0 3 11 NOx lb 3 6 5 6 1 9 28 SO2 lb 0 1 1 1 0 1 4 PM lb 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 lb 445.70 668.55 995.40 2183.93 148.57 340.47 4783 #days 1 1 1 3 1 5 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 1 3 0 0 0 5 CO lb 0 5 12 1 0 1 19 NOx lb 1 16 38 2 1 1 58 SO2 lb 0 2 4 0 0 0 6 PM lb 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 lb 165.90 1238.06 2042.79 668.55 242.66 123.81 4482 #days 1 1 1 2 1 4650 sqft #days 2 2 5 5 5 2 Hp 90 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.59 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 VOC g/hphr 0.99 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 CO g/hphr 3.49 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 NOx g/hphr 6.9 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 Hp 10 180 250 67 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.21 0.23 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.7 2.3655 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 8.38 5.5988 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.93 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 0 1 0 0 2 CO lb 0 0 5 1 1 8 NOx lb 0 1 16 3 5 25 SO2 lb 0 0 2 1 1 3 PM lb 0 0 1 0 0 1 lb 49.52 445.70 1238.06 663.60 1188.53 3585 #days 2 2 2 5 2 8 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 2 5 0 0 0 7 CO lb 0 8 19 1 0 1 29 NOx lb 1 23 58 3 1 2 88 SO2 lb 0 2 6 0 0 0 10 PM lb 0 1 3 0 0 0 4

ConstructAircraftWashrackAddition,1baytoBuilding271 Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Hr/day #days Dozer 1 4 2 Grader 1 4 2 Skidsteerloader 2 4 10 Backhoe/loader 1 6 10 Smalldieselengines 1 4 10 Dumptruck 8 1 2 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 0.12 0.05 0.13 0.29 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.01 lb 2961.43 1337.10 3317.99 7279.77 495.22 680.93 16072 VOC g/hphr 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 CO g/hphr 2.7 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 2 1 1 3 0 1 9 CO lb 8 4 6 10 2 6 35 NOx lb 26 12 15 19 2 17 90 SO2 lb 3 1 3 2 0 2 11 PM lb 1 1 1 2 0 1 6

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 4 6 1 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Concretetruck Skidsteerloader Crane

Number 2 1 4 2 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 4 8

ConstructMunitionsFacilityAdditionatBuilding10425 Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.)

Equipment Dozer Grader Skidsteerloader Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines Dumptruck

Number 1 1 2 1 1 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

Foundation(slab Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 4 6 1 2 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Concretetruck Skidsteerloader Crane

Number 2 1 4 2 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 4 8

FlightTestInstrumentationFacility Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Dozer 1 Grader 1 Skidsteerloader 2 Backhoe/loader 1 Smalldieselengines 1 Dumptruck 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 4 6 1 2 2

Appendix D Final, May 2011

F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

CO2 lb 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.04 0.07 0 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 lb CH4 N2O #days 2 2 2 3 2 Hp 10 180 250 67 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.21 0.23 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.3384 lb 74.28 668.55 1857.08 1028.58 1782.80 5411 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.7 2.3655 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 8.38 5.5988 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.93 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 0 2 0 0 3 CO lb 0 1 8 2 1 12 NOx lb 1 2 23 5 8 38 SO2 lb 0 0 2 1 1 5 PM lb 0 0 1 0 0 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Concretetruck Skidsteerloader Crane

Number 2 1 4 2 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 4 8

Construct25mmMunitionsStorageFacilityAdditionatM81 Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) CO2 lb 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.01 0.01 0 CH4 lb 0.01 0.05 0.08 0.03 0.01 0.01 0 CO2 CH4 lb 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.05 0 0 N2O lb 0 N2O lb 0 CH4 N2O lb #days 1 1 3 3 3 1 Hp 90 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.59 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 VOC g/hphr 0.99 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 lb 445.70 668.55 995.40 2183.93 148.57 340.47 4783 CO2 CO g/hphr 3.49 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 NOx g/hphr 6.9 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.722 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009

Appendix D Final, May 2011

3,000 sqft N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 CO lb 2 2 2 3 0 3 11 NOx lb 3 6 5 6 1 9 28 SO2 lb 0 1 1 1 0 1 4 PM lb 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 #days 1 1 1 3 1 5 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 1 3 0 0 0 5 CO lb 0 5 12 1 0 1 19 NOx lb 1 16 38 2 1 1 58 SO2 lb 0 2 4 0 0 0 6 PM lb 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 lb 165.90 1238.06 2042.79 668.55 242.66 123.81 4482 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 #days 1 1 1 2 1 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 #days 4 5 3 3 3 18 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 CO2 lb 16287.86 6685.50 9953.97 21839.30 1485.67 3745.12 59997 CO2 lb 663.60 1547.57 1021.40 4011.30 2911.91 445.70 10601 CO2 CH4 lb 0.01 0.14 0.17 0.19 0.29 1,000 sqft #days 1 1 3 3 3 1 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 VOC g/hphr 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 CO g/hphr 2.7 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 1 CO2 lb 1480.71 668.55 995.40 2183.93 148.57 340.47 5818 CH4 lb 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.01 0.01 0 0 N2O lb 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 CO lb 4 2 2 3 0 3 14 NOx lb 13 6 5 6 1 9 38 SO2 lb 1 1 1 1 0 1 5 PM lb 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 lb 148.57 3565.60 4313.39 4766.51 7131.20 19925 CH4 lb 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.16 0.12 0.02 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06 0 CH4 lb 0.66 0.27 0.40 0.88 0.06 0.15 2 N2O lb 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.00 0 N2O lb 0.13 0.05 0.08 0.18 0.01 0.03 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 11 5 4 8 1 8 37 CO lb 45 19 19 29 5 30 147 NOx lb 141 58 46 56 6 94 401 SO2 lb 16 6 8 7 1 10 48 PM lb 7 3 4 6 1 5 24 Hp 10 180 250 67 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.21 0.23 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.7 2.3655 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 8.38 5.5988 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.93 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 0 1 0 0 2 CO lb 0 0 5 1 1 8 NOx lb 0 1 16 3 5 25 SO2 lb 0 0 2 1 1 3 PM lb 0 0 1 0 0 1 lb 49.52 445.70 1238.06 663.60 1188.53 3585 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 #days 11 10 30 30 30 11 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 10,000 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 2 2 6 1 1 11 CO lb 1 6 6 24 4 3 45 NOx lb 3 19 19 75 8 4 128 SO2 lb 1 2 2 8 1 1 14 PM lb 0 1 1 4 1 0 7 #days 3 8 13 7 6 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 1 2 4 2 8 CO lb 1 4 8 14 5 32 NOx lb 1 11 20 45 31 108 SO2 lb 0 1 3 5 5 15 PM lb 0 1 2 2 2 6

Equipment Dozer Grader Skidsteerloader Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines Dumptruck

Number 1 1 2 1 1 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

Foundation(slab Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 4 6 1 2 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Concretetruck Skidsteerloader Crane

Number 2 1 4 2 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 4 8

ConstructMunitionsTrailerFacility Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Dozer 1 Grader 1 Skidsteerloader 2 Backhoe/loader 1 Smalldieselengines 1 Dumptruck 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 6 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 6 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 3 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 2 8

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

ConstructTwo(2)LoadingDocks Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Dozer 1 Grader 1 Skidsteerloader 2 Backhoe/loader 1 Smalldieselengines 1 Dumptruck 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1


F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

CO2 lb 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 lb CH4 N2O #days 1 1 1 1 1 1 3,000 sqft CO2 lb 0.12 0.05 0.09 0.21 0.01 0.03 1 0 lb 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.01 CH4 N2O Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 VOC g/hphr 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 lb 2961.43 1337.10 2322.59 5095.84 346.66 680.93 12745 CO g/hphr 2.7 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 2 1 1 2 0 1 7 CO lb 8 4 5 7 1 6 30 NOx lb 26 12 11 13 1 17 79 SO2 lb 3 1 2 2 0 2 10 PM lb 1 1 1 1 0 1 5 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 lb 165.90 309.51 340.47 222.85 970.64 24.76 2034 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 CO lb 0 1 3 0 1 0 6 NOx lb 1 4 9 1 3 0 17 SO2 lb 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 PM lb 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 8 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 1 8 2

CO2 CH4 lb 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.00 0 CO2 CH4 lb 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.03 0.10 0 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 #days 3 1 1 3 1 3 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 CO lb 1 2 2 1 1 0 7 NOx lb 2 5 5 2 3 1 18 SO2 lb 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 PM lb 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 lb 497.70 309.51 340.47 668.55 970.64 74.28 2861 #days 2 4 6 2 2 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 #days 8 10 6 6 6 36 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 CO2 lb 32575.72 13371.00 19907.93 43678.60 2971.33 7490.24 119995 CO2 lb 1327.20 3095.14 2042.79 8022.60 5823.81 891.40 21203 CO2 CH4 lb 0.01 0.29 0.35 0.39 0.58 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 2 CO2 lb 32575.72 13371.00 19907.93 43678.60 2971.33 7490.24 119995 CH4 lb 1.32 0.54 0.80 1.76 0.12 0.30 5 1 N2O lb 0.26 0.11 0.16 0.35 0.02 0.06 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 23 9 9 16 2 15 74 CO lb 91 37 39 57 9 61 294 NOx lb 282 116 91 113 12 188 801 SO2 lb 31 13 15 14 2 20 95 PM lb 14 6 8 12 1 9 49 0 lb 297.13 7131.20 8626.77 9533.03 14262.40 39851 CH4 lb 0.05 0.13 0.08 0.32 0.24 0.04 1 N2O lb 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.12 0 CH4 lb 1.32 0.54 0.80 1.76 0.12 0.30 5 N2O lb 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.01 1 N2O lb 0.26 0.11 0.16 0.35 0.02 0.06 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 23 9 9 16 2 15 74 CO lb 91 37 39 57 9 61 294 NOx lb 282 116 91 113 12 188 801 SO2 lb 31 13 15 14 2 20 95 PM lb 14 6 8 12 1 9 49 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 0 1 0 1 2 CO lb 1 1 4 1 2 8 NOx lb 1 3 9 4 10 27 SO2 lb 0 0 2 0 2 4 PM lb 0 0 1 0 1 2 lb 99.04 891.40 1990.79 680.93 2377.07 6039 #days 22 20 60 60 60 22 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 20,300 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 3 3 12 2 1 22 CO lb 3 13 12 49 8 6 89 NOx lb 6 39 38 151 15 7 256 SO2 lb 1 4 4 16 2 1 28 PM lb 1 2 2 7 2 1 14 #days 6 16 26 14 12 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 2 4 7 4 17 CO lb 2 7 17 29 9 64 NOx lb 2 22 40 90 62 216 SO2 lb 0 2 7 10 10 29 PM lb 0 1 3 4 3 12 #days 22 20 60 60 60 22 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 20,000 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7

ConstructPrecisionGuidedMissileBayAdditionatBuilding10439 Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Hr/day #days Dozer 1 4 2 Grader 1 4 2 2 4 7 Skidsteerloader Backhoe/loader 1 6 7 Smalldieselengines 1 4 7 Dumptruck 8 1 2

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 5 5 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 1 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 2 1

Hr/day 4 1 4 1 8

422TestEvaluationSquadronOperationsFacility Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Hr/day Dozer 1 4 Grader 1 4 Skidsteerloader 2 4 Backhoe/loader 1 6 Smalldieselengines 1 4 Dumptruck 8 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 6 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 6 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 3 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 2 8

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

FlightSimulatorFacility Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Dozer 1 Grader 1 Skidsteerloader 2 Backhoe/loader 1 Smalldieselengines 1 Dumptruck 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

Appendix D Final, May 2011

F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

CO2 lb 0.05 0.13 0.08 0.32 0.24 0.04 1 CH4 lb 0.01 0.29 0.35 0.39 0.58 2 0 lb 0.00 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.12 N2O 0 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.01 lb CH4 N2O #days 8 10 6 6 6 36 CO2 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 lb 1327.20 3095.14 2042.79 8022.60 5823.81 891.40 21203 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 3 3 12 2 1 22 CO lb 3 13 12 49 8 6 89 NOx lb 6 39 38 151 15 7 256 SO2 lb 1 4 4 16 2 1 28 PM lb 1 2 2 7 2 1 14

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 6 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 6 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane #days 6 16 26 14 12 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 lb 297.13 7131.20 8626.77 9533.03 14262.40 39851

Appendix D Final, May 2011

VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 2 4 7 4 17 CO lb 2 7 17 29 9 64 NOx lb 2 22 40 90 62 216 SO2 lb 0 2 7 10 10 29 PM lb 0 1 3 4 3 12 CO2 CH4 lb 0.05 0.01 0.04 0.11 0.05 0.04 0 0 N2O lb 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 #days 2 2 2 3 3 5 5213 145 0.04 15 180,678 SF #days 89 89 5 Hp 90 67 120 CO g/hphr 3.49 2.3655 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 6.9 5.5988 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.722 0.473 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 ft 3 lb/ft lb/ton lb

Number 2 1 2 3 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 2 8

Constructparkingareas Hp 135 30 107 250 180 25 LF 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.21 0.21 0.43 NOx g/hphr 8.38 6.9 8.38 8.38 8.38 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 1.00 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.8 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.9 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 1 1 3 0 2 8 CO lb 4 3 3 11 1 12 34 NOx lb 12 4 9 35 4 15 79 SO2 lb 1 1 1 4 0 3 10 PM lb 1 0 0 2 0 3 6

Equipment Grader Roller Paver Concretetruck Deliverytruck Smalldieselengines

Number 1 2 1 4 1 4

Hr/day 4 4 4 3 2 6

15,656 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 1.8 5 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.7628 4.1127

lb 1337.10 297.13 1059.78 2785.63 1337.10 928.54 7,745

Volumeofhotmixasphalt AveragedensityofHMA CARBEFforHMA VOCemissionsfromHMApaving


CO2 lb 79334.60 59060.20 5942.67 144,337 CO2

CH4 lb 3.20 2.39 0.24 6 CH4 lb 1.72 1.17 1.38 4

N2O lb 0.64 0.48 0.05 1 N2O lb 0.34 0.23 0.28 1

Equipment Dozer Skidsteerloader Crane

Number 2 3 3

Hr/day 8 8 8

6324 tonsofdebris 486 truckloads VOC LF g/hphr 0.59 0.99 0.23 0.5213 0.43 0.3384 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 165 38 5 207 CO lb 582 172 12 765

NOx lb 1,150 406 77 1,634

SO2 lb 155 67 13 235

PM lb 120 34 4 159

Equipment Backhoe/loader Skidsteerloader Dumptruck 0.21 0.23 0.21

Number 8 8 32

Hr/day 14 14 4

#days 25 25 25

Hp 98 67 275

VOC g/hphr 0.99 0.5213 0.68

CO g/hphr 3.49 2.3655 2.7

NOx g/hphr 6.9 5.5988 8.38

SO2 g/hphr 0.85 0.93 0.89

PM g/hphr 0.722 0.473 0.402

CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29

CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009

N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal

VOC lb 126 50 277 452

CO lb 443 225 1,100 1,768

NOx lb 877 533 3,414 4,823

SO2 lb 108 88 363 559

PM lb 92 45 164 300

lb 42465.31 29032.40 34046.53 105,544

Trucktransportofdebristodisposalsite CO2 lb 44,928 VOC lb/mi 0.00373 CO lb/mi 0.01446 NOx lb/mi 0.05 SOx lb/mi 0.00004 PM 10 lb/mi 0.00231 PM 2.5 lb/mi 0.00204 CO2 lb/mi 3.12 ROG lb 54 CO lb 208 NOx lb 679 SOx lb 1 PM 10 lb 33 PM 2.5 lb 29

Equipment Trucks

Number 16

#days 30

TripLength 30

ConstructionWorkerPOVs VOC lb/mi CO lb/mi NOx lb/mi PM lb/mi CO2

2011 4

Number 540

#days 250

TripLength 4




0.001787368 0.02357804 0.001358 0.001625882 0.02233796 0.0012423

SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 1.8078E05

5.48942E05 5.4784E05

CO2 lb/mi 0.9328909 0.9332216

VOC lb 965.18 561.90

CO lb 12732.14 7720.00

NOx lb 733.33 429.33

SOx lb 9.76 6.25

PM lb 29.64 18.93

lb 503761 322521

PM 10 tons/acre/mo 0.42 PM 10 Total 2.8 PM 2.5/PM 10 Ratio 0.1 PM2.5 Total 0.3

acres 1.0

daysof disturbance 200

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

2011AnnualTotalinTons 2012AnnualTotalinTons

VOC 0.88 0.55

CO 7.90 4.88

NOx 4.52 2.98

SO2 0.49 0.33

PM 10 1.96 1.31

PM 2.5 0.45 1.31

CO2 643.60 513.03

CH4 0.02 0.01

N2O 0.00 0.00

MetricTons/yr CO2e 585 466


F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

74,000 SF CO2 lb 0.66 0.27 0.40 0.88 0.06 0.15 2 CH4 lb 0.54 1.35 0.74 2.92 2.12 0.37 8 CH4 lb 0.03 0.65 0.80 0.83 1.15 3 1 lb 742.83 16045.20 19907.93 20427.92 28524.80 85649 N2O lb 0.01 0.13 0.16 0.17 0.23 2 N2O lb 0.11 0.27 0.15 0.58 0.42 0.07 0 0.13 0.05 0.08 0.18 0.01 0.03 lb lb 16287.86 6685.50 9953.97 21839.30 1485.67 3745.12 59997 CO2 lb 13437.86 33427.50 18385.13 72203.40 52414.32 9037.81 198906 CO2 CH4 N2O 1.70 AC



#days 81 108 54 54 54 365 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 6 34 28 110 19 11 208 CO lb 26 135 111 437 68 57 835 NOx lb 62 419 346 1358 135 72 2392 SO2 lb 10 45 37 144 17 13 265 PM lb 5 20 17 65 14 6 127 #days 15 36 60 30 24 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 4 9 16 7 36 CO lb 5 16 39 62 19 140 NOx lb 6 50 91 192 123 463 SO2 lb 1 5 15 20 20 62 PM lb 1 2 8 9 6 26 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 sqft CO g/hphr 2.7 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 CO2 lb 7403.57 2005.65 2986.19 6551.79 445.70 1021.40 20414 CO2 lb 1493.10 1857.08 2042.79 4011.30 5823.81 792.36 16020 CO2 lb 495.22 5348.40 12608.36 4333.19 11885.33 34671 CH4 lb 0.02 0.22 0.51 0.18 0.48 1 0 CH4 lb 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.03 1 N2O lb 0.00 0.04 0.10 0.04 0.10 0 CH4 lb 0.30 0.08 0.12 0.26 0.02 0.04 1 N2O lb 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.01 0 N2O lb 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.01 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 5 1 1 2 0 2 13 CO lb 21 6 6 9 1 8 50 NOx lb 64 17 14 17 2 26 139 SO2 lb 7 2 2 2 0 3 16 PM lb 3 1 1 2 0 1 8 #days 5 3 9 9 9 3 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 20,000 VOC g/hphr 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 #days 9 6 6 18 6 32 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 4 3 1 2 1 12 CO lb 3 15 12 4 8 5 47 NOx lb 7 47 38 13 15 6 126 SO2 lb 1 5 4 1 2 1 14 PM lb 1 2 2 1 2 1 7 #days 10 12 38 7 10 Hp 10 180 67 250 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 1 5 4 3 15 CO lb 3 5 24 18 8 58 NOx lb 4 17 58 54 51 184 SO2 lb 1 2 10 6 8 26 PM lb 0 1 5 3 3 11 sqft CO g/hphr 2.7 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 CO2 lb 1480.71 668.55 1990.79 4367.86 297.13 340.47 9146 CO2 lb 331.80 1547.57 680.93 2674.20 1941.27 272.37 7448 CH4 lb 0.01 0.06 0.03 0.11 0.08 0.01 0 0 CH4 lb 0.06 0.03 0.08 0.18 0.01 0.01 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00 0 N2O lb 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 #days 1 1 6 6 6 1 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 9,000 VOC g/hphr 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 sqft N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 0 1 2 0 1 5 CO lb 4 2 4 6 1 3 19 NOx lb 13 6 9 11 1 9 49 SO2 lb 1 1 2 1 0 1 6 PM lb 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 #days 2 5 2 2 2 11 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 2 1 4 1 0 8 CO lb 1 6 4 16 3 2 31 NOx lb 2 19 13 50 5 2 91 SO2 lb 0 2 1 5 1 0 10 PM lb 0 1 1 2 1 0 5

ConstructAerospaceGroundEquipmentComplex Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Hr/day Dozer 1 4 Grader 1 4 Skidsteerloader 2 4 Backhoe/loader 1 6 Smalldieselengines 1 4 Dumptruck 8 1 #days 11 10 30 30 30 11 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 VOC lb 11 5 4 8 1 8 37 CO lb 45 19 19 29 5 30 147 NOx lb 141 58 46 56 6 94 401 SO2 lb 16 6 8 7 1 10 48 PM lb 7 3 4 6 1 5 24

45,000 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7

sqft N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 6 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 6 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 3 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 2 8

ConstructTestOperationsBuilding Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Dozer 1 Grader 1 Skidsteerloader 2 Backhoe/loader 1 Smalldieselengines 1 Dumptruck 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 8 6 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 1 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 4 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 2 8

ConstructEngineShopAddition Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Dozer 1 Grader 1 Skidsteerloader 2 Backhoe/loader 1 Smalldieselengines 1 Dumptruck 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 6 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 6 8 2

Appendix D Final, May 2011

F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

CO2 lb 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.01 0.24 0 0 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.05 lb 99.04 2228.50 2322.59 340.47 5942.67 10933 lb CH4 N2O #days 2 5 7 1 5 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 1 1 0 2 3 CO lb 1 2 5 1 4 12 NOx lb 1 7 11 2 26 46 SO2 lb 0 1 2 0 4 7 PM lb 0 0 1 0 1 3

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 2 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 1 8

PM 10 tons/acre/mo 0.42

acres 1.0

daysof disturbance 50

PM 10 Total 0.7

PM 2.5/PM 10 Ratio 0.1

PM2.5 Total 0.1

ConstructionWorkerPOVs CO2 lb 165180

Appendix D Final, May 2011

VOC lb/mi 0.00 CO lb/mi 0.02 NOx lb/mi 0.00 SOx lb/mi 0.00 PM lb/mi 0.00 CO2 lb/mi 0.93 VOC lb 287.8 CO lb 3953.8 NOx lb 219.9 SOx lb 3.2 PM lb 9.7 2012AnnualTotalinTons VOC 0.31 CO 2.65 NOx 2.06 SO2 0.23 PM 10 0.81 PM 2.5 0.18 CO2 304.18 CH4 0.01 N2O 0.00 MetricTons/yr CO2e 277 247,886 SF sqft CO g/hphr 2.7 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 CO2 lb 2961.43 1337.10 1658.99 3639.88 247.61 680.93 10526 CO2 lb 1658.99 4023.68 3404.65 13371.00 9706.36 990.44 33155 CO2 lb 148.57 3565.60 4313.39 1021.40 5942.67 14992 CO2 lb 41045.40 16847.46 25084.00 55035.04 3743.88 9437.70 151193 #days 10.08 12.6 7.56 7.56 7.56 45.36 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 CO2 lb 1672.27 3899.88 2573.92 10108.48 7338.00 1123.16 26716 CO2 CH4 lb 0.02 0.36 0.44 0.49 0.73 2 0 lb 374.39 8985.31 10869.73 12011.62 17970.62 50212 CH4 lb 0.07 0.16 0.10 0.41 0.30 0.05 1 N2O lb 0.00 0.07 0.09 0.10 0.15 0 CH4 lb 1.66 0.68 1.01 2.22 0.15 0.38 6 N2O lb 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.08 0.06 0.01 1 N2O lb 0.33 0.14 0.20 0.44 0.03 0.08 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 29 12 11 20 2 19 93 CO lb 114 47 49 72 12 76 370 NOx lb 355 146 115 142 15 237 1010 SO2 lb 39 16 19 17 3 25 120 PM lb 17 7 10 15 1 11 61 CH4 lb 0.01 0.14 0.17 0.04 0.24 1 0 CH4 lb 0.07 0.16 0.14 0.54 0.39 0.04 1 N2O lb 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.05 0 CH4 lb 0.12 0.05 0.07 0.15 0.01 0.03 0 N2O lb 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.11 0.08 0.01 0 N2O lb 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 2 1 1 1 0 1 7 CO lb 8 4 3 5 1 6 26 NOx lb 26 12 8 9 1 17 72 SO2 lb 3 1 1 1 0 2 9 PM lb 1 1 1 1 0 1 4 5.69 AC #days 2 2 5 5 5 2 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 10,000 VOC g/hphr 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 #days 10 13 10 10 10 40 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 4 3 20 4 1 33 CO lb 3 16 14 81 13 6 133 NOx lb 8 50 43 251 25 8 385 SO2 lb 1 5 5 27 3 1 42 PM lb 1 2 2 12 3 1 20 #days 3 8 13 3 5 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 1 2 1 2 5 CO lb 1 4 8 2 4 19 NOx lb 1 11 20 6 26 64 SO2 lb 0 1 3 1 4 10 PM lb 0 1 2 0 1 4 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 #days 27.72 25.2 75.6 75.6 75.6 27.72 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 25,285 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 4 4 15 3 1 28 CO lb 3 16 16 61 10 7 112 NOx lb 8 49 48 190 19 9 323 SO2 lb 1 5 5 20 2 2 36 PM lb 1 2 2 9 2 1 17 #days 7.56 20.16 32.76 17.64 15.12 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 2 5 9 5 21 CO lb 2 9 21 36 12 81 NOx lb 3 28 50 113 78 272 SO2 lb 1 3 8 12 13 37 PM lb 0 1 4 5 4 15

Number 177

#days 250

TripLength 4



WeaponsSchoolAdditionatBldg282 Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Dozer 1 Grader 1 Skidsteerloader 2 Backhoe/loader 1 Smalldieselengines 1 Dumptruck 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 4 6 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 6 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 2 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 1 8

AlternateMissionEquipmentStorageFacility Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Hr/day Dozer 1 4 1 4 Grader Skidsteerloader 2 4 Backhoe/loader 1 6 Smalldieselengines 1 4 Dumptruck 8 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 6 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 6 8 2

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 3 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 2 8


F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

CO2 lb 1.07 0.44 0.66 1.44 0.10 0.25 4 CH4 lb 0.04 0.10 0.07 0.26 0.19 0.03 1 CH4 lb 0.01 0.23 0.28 0.31 0.47 1 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.09 0 lb 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.01 N2O 1 0.21 0.09 0.13 0.29 0.02 0.05 lb CH4 N2O #days 17.93 16.3 48.9 48.9 48.9 17.93 CO2 #days 6.52 8.15 4.89 4.89 4.89 29.34 CO2 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 lb 1081.66 2522.54 1664.88 6538.42 4746.41 726.49 17280 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 3 3 10 2 1 18 CO lb 2 10 10 40 6 5 73 NOx lb 5 32 31 123 12 6 209 SO2 lb 1 3 3 13 2 1 23 PM lb 0 2 2 6 1 0 11 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 16,300 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 lb 26549.21 10897.37 16224.97 35598.06 2421.64 6104.54 97796 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 19 8 7 13 1 12 60 CO lb 74 30 31 46 8 49 239 NOx lb 230 94 74 92 10 153 653 SO2 lb 26 10 12 11 2 16 78 PM lb 11 5 6 10 1 7 40

FuelCellHangarAddition Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Dozer 1 Grader 1 Skidsteerloader 2 Backhoe/loader 1 Smalldieselengines 1 Dumptruck 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

#days 4.89 13.04 21.19 11.41 9.78 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 1 3 6 3 14 CO lb 2 6 14 24 8 52 NOx lb 2 18 32 73 50 176 SO2 lb 0 2 5 8 8 24 PM lb 0 1 3 4 2 10 lb 242.16 5811.93 7030.82 7769.42 11623.86 32478 CO2 CH4 lb 0.24 0.11 0.19 0.41 0.03 0.06 1 0 N2O lb 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.01 0.01 #days 4 4 14 14 14 4 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 6,000 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 4 2 2 4 0 3 15 CO lb 17 7 9 13 2 11 59 NOx lb 51 23 21 26 3 34 159 SO2 lb 6 3 4 3 0 4 19 PM lb 2 1 2 3 0 2 10 lb 5922.86 2674.20 4645.18 10191.67 693.31 1361.86 25489 CO2 CH4 lb 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.01 0 CO2 CH4 lb 0.01 0.07 0.16 0.06 0.19 0 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.04 0 N2O lb 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 #days 6 2 2 6 2 6 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 1 1 0 1 0 3 CO lb 2 3 3 1 3 1 13 NOx lb 5 10 11 4 5 1 35 SO2 lb 1 1 1 0 1 0 4 PM lb 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 lb 995.40 619.03 680.93 1337.10 1941.27 148.57 5722 #days 4 8 12 4 4 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 0 2 1 1 4 CO lb 1 2 8 3 3 17 NOx lb 2 6 18 9 21 55 SO2 lb 0 1 3 1 3 8 PM lb 0 0 2 0 1 3 lb 198.09 1782.80 3981.59 1361.86 4754.13 12078 CO2 lb 4679.85 1039.97 7418.43 14856.67 7131.20 5942.67 41069 CH4 lb 0.19 0.04 0.30 0.60 0.29 0.24 2 0 N2O lb 0.04 0.01 0.06 0.12 0.06 0.05 #days 7 7 7 16 16 32 ft lb/ft3 lb/ton lb

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 6 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 6 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 3 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 2 8

MunitionsMaintenanceFacility Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Dozer 1 Grader 1 Skidsteerloader 2 Backhoe/loader 1 Smalldieselengines 1 Dumptruck 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 5 5 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 1 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 2 1

Hr/day 4 1 4 1 8

ConstructParkingAreas Hp 135 30 107 250 180 25 LF 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.21 0.21 0.43 NOx g/hphr 8.38 6.9 8.38 8.38 8.38 8.5 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 1.00 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.93

Equipment Grader Roller Paver Concretetruck Deliverytruck Smalldieselengines 63,270 145 0.04 183

Number 1 2 1 4 1 4

Hr/day 4 4 8 3 2 6

190,301 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 1.8 5 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 1.7 5

PM g/hphr 0.402 0.8 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.9

CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29

CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009

N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal

VOC lb 3 4 5 15 2 31 60

CO lb 13 11 21 60 7 91 203

NOx lb 41 15 65 186 22 155 484

SO2 lb 4 2 7 20 2 17 53

PM lb 2 2 3 9 1 16 33

Volumeofhotmixasphalt AveragedensityofHMA CARBEFforHMA VOCemissionsfromHMApaving

Pavement Marking 4"SolidLine= 1.3 lb/gal

2,000 LF 215 ft/gal


F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Appendix D Final, May 2011

PM 10 Total 1.9 PM 2.5/PM 10 Ratio 0.1 PM2.5 Total 0.2

VOC lb 12

PM 10 tons/acre/mo 0.42

acres 1.0

daysof disturbance 136

F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

CO2 lb 159715 75135


2013 2014

Number 214 214

#days 200 94

TripLength 4 4

VOC lb/mi 0.001504078 0.001402116

CO NOx lb/mi lb/mi 0.021412037 0.0011304 0.020629409 0.00103505

SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 1.8078E05

PM lb/mi 5.47852E05 5.48942E05

CO2 lb/mi 0.9329147 0.9337728

VOC lb 257.5 112.8

CO lb 3665.7 1659.9

NOx lb 193.5 83.3

SOx lb 3.1 1.5

PM lb 9.4 4.4

CH4 0.01 0.00

2013AnnualTotalinTons 2014AnnualTotalinTons 23.15 CO2 lb 0.60 0.24 0.40 0.88 0.06 0.14 2 CO2 lb 1327.20 12380.56 10213.96 4902.70 970.64 866.64 29795 CO2 lb 990.44 5348.40 19907.93 30641.88 5942.67 62831 CH4 lb 0.04 0.22 0.80 1.24 0.24 3 1 CH4 lb 0.05 0.50 0.41 0.20 0.04 0.04 1 N2O lb 0.01 0.04 0.16 0.25 0.05 0 N2O lb 0.01 0.10 0.08 0.04 0.01 0.01 0 lb 14807.14 6016.95 9953.97 21839.30 1485.67 3404.65 57508 CH4 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb 0.12 0.05 0.08 0.18 0.01 0.03 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 10 4 4 8 1 7 35 CO lb 41 17 19 29 5 28 138 NOx lb 128 52 46 56 6 85 374 SO2 lb 14 6 8 7 1 9 45 PM lb 6 2 4 6 1 4 23 AC

VOC 0.32 0.15

CO 2.31 1.05

NOx 1.42 0.67

SO2 0.16 0.08

PM 10 1.99 1.94

PM 2.5 0.27 0.23

CO2 256.22 162.85

N2O 0.00 0.00

MetricTons/yr CO2e 233 148

Appendix D Final, May 2011

#days 10 9 30 30 30 10 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 11,018 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7 #days 8 10 5 22 1 35 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 13 16 1 0 1 30 CO lb 3 50 62 5 1 5 121 NOx lb 6 155 192 15 3 7 371 SO2 lb 1 16 20 2 0 1 40 PM lb 1 7 9 1 0 1 18 #days 20 12 60 15 5 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal CO2 lb 11845.72 3342.75 4976.98 10919.65 742.83 1702.33 33530 CO2 lb 3317.99 4023.68 2723.72 9805.40 7765.08 1238.06 28874 CO2 lb 1039.97 11142.50 28534.70 9285.42 17828.00 67831 CO g/hphr 2.7 2.7 2.3655 3.49 4.1127 2.7 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 CO2 lb 4442.14 2005.65 3649.79 8007.74 544.74 1021.40 19671 CO2 lb 1327.20 2785.63 1702.33 6685.50 4853.18 594.27 17948 CH4 lb 0.05 0.11 0.07 0.27 0.20 0.02 1 0 CH4 lb 0.18 0.08 0.15 0.32 0.02 0.04 1 N2O lb 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.00 0 N2O lb 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.01 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 3 1 2 3 0 2 11 CO lb 12 6 7 10 2 8 45 NOx lb 38 17 17 21 2 26 121 SO2 lb 4 2 3 3 0 3 15 PM lb 2 1 1 2 0 1 8 CH4 lb 0.04 0.45 1.15 0.38 0.72 3 1 CH4 lb 0.13 0.16 0.11 0.40 0.31 0.05 1 N2O lb 0.01 0.09 0.23 0.08 0.14 0 CH4 lb 0.48 0.14 0.20 0.44 0.03 0.07 1 N2O lb 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.08 0.06 0.01 0 N2O lb 0.10 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.01 0.01 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 8 2 2 4 0 3 21 CO lb 33 9 10 14 2 14 82 NOx lb 103 29 23 28 3 43 228 SO2 lb 11 3 4 3 1 5 27 PM lb 5 1 2 3 0 2 13 VOC lb 1 1 9 47 2 59 CO lb 6 5 39 186 4 240 NOx lb 8 17 91 576 26 718 SO2 lb 1 2 15 61 4 84 PM lb 1 1 8 28 1 38 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 31,000 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7 #days 20 13 8 44 8 50 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 5 4 2 3 1 18 CO lb 6 20 17 10 10 8 71 NOx lb 15 63 51 31 20 10 190 SO2 lb 3 7 5 3 2 2 22 PM lb 1 3 2 1 2 1 11 #days 21 25 86 15 15 Hp 10 180 67 250 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 3 12 9 5 30 CO lb 7 11 55 38 12 122 NOx lb 8 35 131 116 77 368 SO2 lb 1 4 22 12 13 52 PM lb 1 2 11 6 4 23 sqft #days 3 3 11 11 11 3 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 15,800 VOC g/hphr 0.68 0.68 0.5213 0.99 0.7628 0.68 #days 8 9 5 5 5 24 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 3 3 10 2 1 19 CO lb 3 11 12 41 6 4 76 NOx lb 6 35 37 126 13 5 221 SO2 lb 1 4 4 13 2 1 24 PM lb 1 2 2 6 1 0 12



1,008,547 SF

ConstructLowObservablesCompositeAddition Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Hr/day Dozer 1 4 Grader 1 4 Skidsteerloader 2 4 Backhoe/loader 1 6 Smalldieselengines 1 4 Dumptruck 8 1

Foundation Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 4 6 1 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 6 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 6 8

Construct4BayF35Hangar/StrikeAircraftMaintenanceUnitBuilding Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Hr/day #days Dozer 1 4 8 Grader 1 4 5 Skidsteerloader 2 4 15 Backhoe/loader 1 6 15 Smalldieselengines 1 4 15 Dumptruck 8 1 5

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 5 6 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 1 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 4 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 2 8

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

LowObservableCorrosion/Wash3BayHangar Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Hr/day Dozer 1 4 Grader 1 4 Skidsteerloader 2 4 Backhoe/loader 1 6 Smalldieselengines 1 4 Dumptruck 8 1


Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 7 6 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 6 8 2

F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

CO2 lb 0.01 0.22 0.27 0.15 0.38 1 0 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.08 lb 297.13 5348.40 6635.98 3745.12 9508.27 25535 lb CH4 N2O #days 6 12 20 11 8 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 1 3 2 2 9 CO lb 2 5 13 8 6 34 NOx lb 2 17 30 23 41 114 SO2 lb 0 2 5 2 7 17 PM lb 0 1 3 1 2 7

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 2 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 1 8

CO2 lb 0.18 0.08 0.23 0.50 0.03 0.04 1 CH4 lb 0.04 0.10 0.08 0.22 0.24 0.03 1 CO2 lb 247.61 4902.70 5640.58 12256.75 9508.27 32556 CH4 lb 0.01 0.20 0.23 0.50 0.38 1 0 N2O lb 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.10 0.08 0 lb 995.40 2476.11 2042.79 5348.40 5823.81 643.79 17330 N2O lb 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.01 0 lb 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.01 0.01 lb 4442.14 2005.65 5640.58 12375.60 841.88 1021.40 26327 CO2 CH4 N2O NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 3 1 2 5 0 2 14 CO lb 12 6 11 16 3 8 56 NOx lb 38 17 26 32 3 26 143 SO2 lb 4 2 4 4 1 3 18 PM lb 2 1 2 3 0 1 10 #days 3 3 17 17 17 3 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 15,000 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7 #days 6 8 6 4 6 26 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 0 3 2 8 2 1 16 CO lb 2 10 8 32 8 4 64 NOx lb 5 31 26 101 15 5 182 SO2 lb 1 3 3 11 2 1 20 PM lb 0 1 1 5 2 0 10 #days 5 11 17 9 8 Hp 10 180 67 275 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal CO2 lb 5922.86 2674.20 9290.37 20383.35 1386.62 1361.86 41019 CO2 lb 2322.59 11142.50 18385.13 6462.65 2911.91 1287.58 42512 CO2 lb 742.83 8468.30 20239.73 7428.33 10696.80 47576 CO2 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.722 0.402 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 58 134 59 22 344 616 CO lb 231 471 235 116 1364 2417 lb 41460.00 120358.81 28079.10 12281.51 42217.69 244397 CO2 lb 41143.06 27237.22 5617.68 6462.65 120358.81 200819 CH4 lb 1.66 1.10 0.23 0.26 4.86 8 2 CH4 lb 1.67 4.86 1.13 0.50 1.71 10 N2O lb 0.33 0.22 0.05 0.05 0.97 2 CH4 lb 0.03 0.34 0.82 0.30 0.43 2 N2O lb 0.33 0.97 0.23 0.10 0.34 0 CH4 lb 0.09 0.45 0.74 0.26 0.12 0.05 2 N2O lb 0.01 0.07 0.16 0.06 0.09 0 CH4 lb 0.24 0.11 0.38 0.82 0.06 0.06 2 N2O lb 0.02 0.09 0.15 0.05 0.02 0.01 0 N2O lb 0.05 0.02 0.08 0.16 0.01 0.01 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 4 2 4 8 1 3 21 CO lb 17 7 18 27 4 11 84 NOx lb 51 23 43 53 6 34 209 SO2 lb 6 3 7 6 1 4 26 PM lb 2 1 4 6 0 2 15 VOC lb 0 1 2 9 2 16 CO lb 2 5 11 37 6 61 NOx lb 2 15 26 115 41 200 SO2 lb 0 2 4 12 7 25 PM lb 0 1 2 6 2 11 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 #days 4 4 28 28 28 4 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 40,000 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7 #days 14 9 9 29 3 52 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 11 28 2 1 2 45 CO lb 5 45 111 7 4 8 179 NOx lb 11 140 346 20 8 10 534 SO2 lb 2 15 37 2 1 2 58 PM lb 1 7 17 1 1 1 27 #days 15 19 61 6 9 11.4 acres #days 14 124 21 124 124 Hp 299 98 135 10 275 LF 0.58 0.21 0.58 0.43 0.21 NOx g/hphr 8.38 6.9 8.38 5.2298 8.38 495,140 sqft CO VOC g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.99 3.49 0.68 2.7 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7 Hp 10 180 67 250 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 2 9 8 3 22 CO lb 5 9 39 30 7 90 NOx lb 6 27 93 93 46 265 NOx lb 718 932 729 148 4234 6760 SO2 lb 1 3 15 10 8 37 SO2 lb 80 115 81 26 450 751 PM lb 1 1 8 4 2 16 PM lb 34 97 35 13 203 383 #days 124 88 33 29 124 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 35 166 3 3 89 297 CO lb 159 660 11 13 314 1158 NOx lb 377 2048 35 41 621 3123 SO2 lb 63 218 4 4 77 365 PM lb 32 98 2 2 65 199

ConstructWeaponsReleaseBuilding Siteprep(grading,drainage,utilitiesetc.) Equipment Number Dozer 1 Grader 1 Skidsteerloader 2 Backhoe/loader 1 Smalldieselengines 1 Dumptruck 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 4 6 1 2

Hr/day 2 1 1 6 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Dumptruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 3 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 4 8

ConstructPartsStore Equipment Dozer Grader Skidsteerloader Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines Dumptruck

Number 1 1 2 1 1 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 4 6 1 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 4 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 4 8

ConstructEastRamp Siteprep(grading,compacting,drainage,etc.) Equipment Number Hr/day Dozer 2 8 Backhoe/loader 3 8 Grader 3 8 Smalldieselengines 3 8 Dumptruck(12CY) 32 1

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Appendix D Final, May 2011

Concreteapronconstruction Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck(9CY) Dumptruck(12CY) Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader

Number 4 24 2 2 2

Hr/day 4 1 0.5 1 8

F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

167,322 sqft CO2 lb 0.60 1.76 0.40 0.43 0.18 0.62 4 CH4 lb 0.60 0.40 0.08 0.10 0.24 1.76 3 1 lb 0.12 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.35 N2O 1 0.12 0.35 0.08 0.09 0.04 0.12 lb 14807.14 43678.60 9953.97 10696.80 4457.00 15320.94 98914 CO2 lb 14930.95 9904.44 2042.79 2451.35 5942.67 43678.60 78951 lb CH4 N2O #days 5 45 30 8 45 45 Hp 299 98 67 135 10 275 LF 0.58 0.21 0.23 0.58 0.43 0.21 VOC g/hphr 0.68 0.99 0.5213 0.68 0.7628 0.68 CO g/hphr 2.7 3.49 2.3655 2.7 4.1127 2.7 NOx g/hphr 8.38 6.9 5.5988 8.38 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.722 0.473 0.402 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 21 49 4 23 8 125 229 CO lb 83 171 19 89 42 495 899 NOx lb 256 338 46 278 54 1536 2508 SO2 lb 28 42 8 31 10 163 281 PM lb 12 35 4 13 5 74 143

ConstructLiveOrdnanceLoadingAreaExpansion Siteprep(grading,compacting,drainage,etc.) Equipment Number Hr/day Dozer 2 8 Backhoe/loader 3 8 Skidsteerloader 2 4 Grader 3 8 Smalldieselengines 3 8 Dumptruck(12CY) 32 1

Appendix D Final, May 2011

#days 45 32 12 11 32 45 Hp 67 250 275 180 25 98 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 0.21 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 1.7 0.99 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 5 3.49 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 8.5 6.9 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.93 0.85 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.9 0.722 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal CO2 lb 7403.57 3342.75 11612.96 25479.18 1733.28 1702.33 51274 CO2 lb 2820.29 13618.61 22470.71 8022.60 3882.54 1287.58 52102 CO2 lb 940.92 10696.80 25216.72 8666.39 13073.87 58595 CH4 lb 0.04 0.43 1.02 0.35 0.53 2 0 CH4 lb 0.11 0.55 0.91 0.32 0.16 0.05 2 N2O lb 0.01 0.09 0.20 0.07 0.11 0 CH4 lb 0.30 0.14 0.47 1.03 0.07 0.07 2 N2O lb 0.02 0.11 0.18 0.06 0.03 0.01 0 N2O lb 0.06 0.03 0.09 0.21 0.01 0.01 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.402 0.473 0.722 0.4474 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 5 2 5 9 1 3 26 CO lb 21 9 23 33 5 14 105 NOx lb 64 29 53 66 7 43 262 SO2 lb 7 3 9 8 1 5 33 PM lb 3 1 4 7 1 2 18 VOC lb 13 60 1 1 31 32 139 CO lb 58 240 4 5 91 114 512 NOx lb 137 745 13 15 155 225 1290 SO2 lb 23 79 1 2 17 28 150 PM lb 12 36 1 1 16 24 89 NOx g/hphr 8.38 8.38 5.5988 6.9 5.2298 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.85 0.93 0.89 #days 5 5 35 35 35 5 Hp 299 135 67 98 10 275 LF 0.58 0.58 0.23 0.21 0.43 0.21 50,250 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.5213 2.3655 0.99 3.49 0.7628 4.1127 0.68 2.7 #days 17 11 11 36 4 52 Hp 67 250 275 180 98 10 LF 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.5213 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.99 0.7628 CO g/hphr 2.3655 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.49 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 5.5988 8.38 8.38 8.38 6.9 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.473 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.722 0.4474 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 14 34 2 1 2 54 CO lb 5 55 136 8 5 8 218 NOx lb 13 171 423 25 10 10 652 SO2 lb 2 18 45 3 1 2 71 PM lb 1 8 20 1 1 1 33 #days 19 24 76 7 11 Hp 10 180 67 250 120 LF 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.43 VOC g/hphr 0.7628 0.68 0.5213 0.68 0.3384 CO g/hphr 4.1127 2.7 2.3655 2.7 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 5.2298 8.38 5.5988 8.38 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.4474 0.402 0.473 0.402 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 1 3 11 9 3 27 CO lb 6 11 49 35 9 109 NOx lb 8 34 116 109 57 322 SO2 lb 1 4 19 12 9 45 PM lb 1 2 10 5 3 20 CO2 lb 4679.85 1039.97 7418.43 14856.67 7131.20 5571.25 40697 CH4 lb 0.19 0.04 0.30 0.60 0.29 0.23 2 0 N2O lb 0.04 0.01 0.06 0.12 0.06 0.05 #days 7 7 7 16 16 30 Hp 135 30 107 250 180 25 LF 0.58 0.59 0.59 0.21 0.21 0.43 96,486 sqft VOC CO g/hphr g/hphr 0.68 2.7 1.8 5 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.68 2.7 0.7628 4.1127 NOx g/hphr 8.38 6.9 8.38 8.38 8.38 5.2298 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 1.00 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.402 0.8 0.402 0.402 0.402 0.9 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 3 4 5 15 2 13 42 CO lb 13 11 21 60 7 70 182 NOx lb 41 15 65 186 22 89 419 SO2 lb 4 2 7 20 2 16 52 PM lb 2 2 3 9 1 15 32 145 lb/ft3 0.04 lb/ton 29 lb 1.3 lb/gal 65,722 SF #days 42 42 8 Hp 90 67 120 CO g/hphr 3.49 2.3655 0.8667 CO2 lb 37438.80 27871.11 9508.27 74,818 CO2 lb 48531.78 33179.89 34046.53 115,758 CH4 lb 1.96 1.34 1.38 5 1 CH4 lb 1.51 1.13 0.38 3 N2O lb 0.39 0.27 0.28 1 N2O lb 0.30 0.23 0.08 2300 tonsofdebris 177 truckloads VOC LF g/hphr 0.59 0.99 0.23 0.5213 0.43 0.3384 NOx g/hphr 6.9 5.5988 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.722 0.473 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 117 12 2 131 CO lb 412 54 6 472 NOx lb 814 128 41 983 SO2 lb 110 21 7 138 PM lb 85 11 2 98 #days 50 50 50 0.21 0.23 0.21 Hp 98 67 275 VOC g/hphr 0.99 0.5213 0.68 CO g/hphr 3.49 2.3655 2.7 NOx g/hphr 6.9 5.5988 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.722 0.473 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 36 14 69 119 CO lb 127 64 275 466 NOx lb 250 152 854 1,256 SO2 lb 31 25 91 147 PM lb 26 13 41 80

Concreteapronconstruction Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck(9CY) Dumptruck(12CY) Deliverytruck Smalldieselengines Backhoe/loader

Number 4 24 2 2 4 2

Hr/day 4 1 0.5 1 6 8

FuelCellHangar Equipment Dozer Grader Skidsteerloader Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines Dumptruck

Number 1 1 2 1 1 8

Hr/day 4 4 4 6 4 1

Foundation(slab) Equipment Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Dumptruck Deliverytruck Backhoe/loader Smalldieselengines

Number 2 4 6 1 1 2

Hr/day 2 4 6 1 8 2

Structure Equipment Smalldieselengines Deliverytruck Skidsteerloader Concretetruck Crane

Number 2 1 2 4 1

Hr/day 4 2 4 4 8


Equipment Grader Roller Paver Concretetruck Deliverytruck Smalldieselengines

Number 1 2 1 4 1 4

Hr/day 4 4 8 3 2 6

10,000 ft

AveragedensityofHMA CARBEFforHMA VOCemissionsfromHMApaving

Pavement Marking 4"SolidLine=

900 LF 215 ft/gal


VOC lb 5


Equipment Dozer Skidsteerloader Crane

Number 3 2 1

Hr/day 8 8 8

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Equipment Backhoe/loader Skidsteerloader Dumptruck

Number 2 2 8

Hr/day 8 8 2


F-35 Beddown Construction Air Emissions

CO2 lb 16,454 ROG lb/mi 0.00070 CO lb/mi 0.00206 NOx lb/mi 0.01 SOx lb/mi 0.00003 PM lb/mi 0.00027 CO2 lb/mi 3.11625 ROG lb 4 CO lb 11 NOx lb 45 SOx lb 0 PM lb 1


Equipment Trucks

Number 8

#days 22

TripLength 30

DemolishBldgs258and250 CO2 lb 0.72 0.54 0.05 1 CH4 lb 0.75 0.52 0.61 2 0 N2O lb 0.15 0.10 0.12 0 0.14 0.11 0.01 lb 17828.00 13271.96 1188.53 32,288 CO2 lb 18684.73 12774.26 14980.47 46,439 lb CH4 N2O #days 20 20 1 Hp 90 67 120 CO g/hphr 3.49 2.3655 0.8667 NOx g/hphr 6.9 5.5988 5.6523 SO2 g/hphr 0.93 0.93 0.93 PM g/hphr 0.722 0.473 0.2799 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 19 6 0 25 CO lb 65 26 1 92 NOx lb 129 61 5 195 SO2 lb 17 10 1 28 PM lb 14 5 0 19

20,809 SF #days 11 11 11 Hp 98 67 275 LF 0.21 0.23 0.21 VOC g/hphr 0.99 0.5213 0.68 CO g/hphr 3.49 2.3655 2.7 NOx g/hphr 6.9 5.5988 8.38 SO2 g/hphr 0.85 0.93 0.89 PM g/hphr 0.722 0.473 0.402 CO2 lb/gal 22.29 22.29 22.29 CH4 lb/gal 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 N2O lb/gal 0.00018 0.00018 0.00018 Subtotal VOC lb 14 5 30 50 CO lb 49 25 121 195 NOx lb 96 59 376 531 SO2 lb 12 10 40 61 PM lb 10 5 18 33 CO2 lb 5,235 ROG lb/mi 0.00070 CO lb/mi 0.00206 NOx lb/mi 0.01 SOx lb/mi 0.00003 PM lb/mi 0.00027 CO2 lb/mi 3.11625 ROG lb 1 CO lb 3 NOx lb 14 SOx lb 0 PM lb 0 PM 10 Total 6.0 PM 2.5/PM 10 Ratio 0.1 PM2.5 Total 0.6 CO2 lb 466886.4 466831.3 466941.5 VOC lb/mi 0.001402116 0.001318371 0.001245591 CO NOx lb/mi lb/mi 0.020629409 0.00103505 0.019996032 0.00095461 0.019422399 0.00095459 SOx lb/mi 1.8078E05 1.8078E05 1.8078E05 PM lb/mi 5.48942E05 5.46737E05 5.46737E05 CO2 lb/mi 0.9337728 0.9336626 0.933883 VOC lb 701.1 659.2 622.8 CO lb 10314.7 9998.0 9711.2 NOx lb 517.5 477.3 477.3 SOx lb 9.0 9.0 9.0 PM lb 27.4 27.3 27.3 2014AnnualTotalinTons 2015AnnualTotalinTons 2016AnnualTotalinTons VOC 0.71 0.69 0.67 CO 6.53 6.37 6.23 NOx 3.99 3.97 3.97 SO2 0.44 0.44 0.44 PM 10 2.22 2.22 2.22 PM 2.5 0.44 0.44 0.44 CO2 508.60 508.57 508.62 CH4 0.01 0.01 0.01 N2O 0.00 0.00 0.00 MetricTons/yr CO2e 462 462 462

Equipment Dozer Skidsteerloader Crane

Number 1 2 1

Hr/day 8 8 8

728 tonsofdebris 56 truckloads VOC LF g/hphr 0.59 0.99 0.23 0.5213 0.43 0.3384

Equipment Backhoe/loader Skidsteerloader Dumptruck

Number 2 2 8

Hr/day 14 14 4


Equipment Trucks

Number 8

#days 7

TripLength 30

PM 10 tons/acre/mo 0.42

acres 1.5

daysof disturbance 285


2014 2015 2016

Number 500 500 500

#days 250 250 250

TripLength 4 4 4

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Appendix D Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

F35BeddownAircraftOperationEmissions* Tons/Year NOx MetricTons/Year CO2e

FourF35Aircraft: 20122014 Aircraft AGE Total ElevenF35Aircraft: 20152016 Aircraft AGE Total ThirteenF35Aircraft: 2017 Aircraft AGE Total TwentyeightF35Aircraft: 2018 Aircraft AGE Total ThirtytwoF35Aircraft: 2019 Aircraft AGE Total ThirtysixF35Aircraft: 2020 Aircraft AGE Total






0.67 0.34 1.01

8.00 4.05 12.05

18.67 2.06 20.73

0.67 0.16 0.83

5.33 0.11 5.44

5.17 0.10 5.28

12,693 698 13,390

1.83 0.94 2.77

22.92 11.15 34.06

50.42 5.67 56.08

2.75 0.44 3.19

15.58 0.29 15.88

15.12 0.28 15.40

34,905 1,918 36,824

2.17 2.21 4.38

54.17 26.35 80.51

119.17 13.39 132.56

6.50 1.04 7.54

36.83 0.69 37.53

35.73 0.67 36.40

41,252 2,267 43,519

4.67 2.38 7.05

58.33 28.37 86.71

128.33 14.42 142.75

7.00 1.12 8.12

39.67 0.75 40.41

38.48 0.72 39.20

88,850 4,883 93,733

5.33 2.72 8.05

66.67 32.43 99.09

146.67 16.48 163.15

7.11 1.28 8.39

44.44 0.85 45.30

43.11 0.83 43.94

101,543 5,581 107,123

6.00 3.06 9.06

75.00 36.48 111.48

165.00 18.54 183.54

8.00 1.44 9.44

50.00 0.96 50.96

48.5 0.93 49.43

114,235 6,278 120,514

*EmissionsintonsfromAGEperyearwerecalculatedusingthefighteraircraftdefaultsintheAirForceConformityApplicabilityModel(ACAM) 4.3.3(AirForce2005).SpecificAGEhavenotbeencreatedforthisnewaircraft,norhavethemaintenanceandsurfacerepairneedsbeenidentified therefore,thisrepresentsthebestavailabledataavailableatthistimeforcalculatingAGEemissionsastheyareassociatedwiththeF35. EmissionsfortheF35aircraftF135enginewerecalculatedusingdataprovidedbytheJointStrikeForceProgramOffice(October2007)incharge ofdesignanddevelopmentoftheF35aircraft.Becausetheaircraftisstillintheresearchstageandnooperationalaircraftand/orengineshave beenbuilt,theemissionsarebasedontheoneresearchengineinoperationatthetimeofthisEISanalysis.Ifapplicable,newairemissions calculationswillbeevaluatedoncetheoperatingenginesarebroughtintoproductionandbeingused.


PM2.5calculatedas97%ofPM10emissions,inaccordancewithEPAOTAQ/OAQPSguidance,CommercialMarine,Airports,andTrainsApproach , EPADocket#OAR200300531696.

Appendix D Final, May 2011


F135 Engine Assumptions

POW_SET_NO 2 4 1 5 3 3 ID IN MI 1 3 4 20 15 15 Idle Intermediate70% Intermediate 8.81 264.66 1567.58 1.72 11.58 21.24 POW_ SET_ TEST AB AP NOX_LBHR 588.95 68.6 SOX_ LBHR 3 71.92 5.09 CO_ LBHR 1286.59 6.5 36.77 8.66 11.31 POW_ SET_ TEST_NO 5 2 POW_ SET_TEST _PERC 5 45 WORD_ POW_ SET AB5 Approach VOC_ LBHR 14.38 1.23 2.8 1.84 3.26 PM_ LBHR 91.9 28.91 13.57 46.59 59.47

PleasenotethatalldataisascompleteaspossibleasofthepublicationofthisEIS.TheAirForcerecognizesthatthesedatareflectthetestengine;however assoonasnewemissionsdataareavailable,theAirForcewillanalyzethemtodeterminewhethertheywillimpactconformity.Ifthefindingssubstantiallychange theconclusionsreachedinthisdocument,newinformationwillbesupplementedandmadeavailabletothepublic.



POWER_AC_MODE Takeoff Approach


Taxi/Idleout Taxi/Idlein * Climbout

Sources :


F135NOx,CO,andHC(i.e.,VOCs)emissionsequationsarecurvefitfromGraves2002."JSFEngineEmissions",PowerPointpresentationmadetotheJSFProgramOffice,4November2002.PMEIsfromAESO2000 04.AircraftEnvironmentalSupportOffice(AESO).EstimatedParticulateEmissionIndexesfortheJSFF119VariantEngine,Draft,AESOMemoReport200004,Rev.A,NodatefiletransmittedviaemailfromLyn CofferviaJeanHawkinstoFlintWebbdatedAugust27,2002.

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

SO2emissionsassumes0.045percentsulfurcontentofthefuelbyweightbasedonO'Brien,RobertJ.andWade,MarkD.,"AirEmissionsInventoryGuidanceDocumentforMobileSourcesatAirForceInstallations", publishedbytheAirForceInstituteforEnvironment,SafetyandOccupationalHealthRiskAnalysis(AFIERA),RiskAnalysisDirectorate,EnvironmentalAnalysisDivision,IERARSBRSR20010010,January2002which reportsthedatatobe"Basedonaveragevaluesfromthereporttitled"SurveyofJetFuelsAircraftSupportCenter,19901996." 4 APUNOx,CO,andHCemissionsfromBobalik,JohnM.,"IPPEmissions",emailtoFlintWebbViaJimMcCartney(JPOPTMSPOC)andJeanHawkins(JSFEnvironmental,SafetyandHealthTeamLead),September9, 2002.PMemissionsfromAircraftEnvironmentalSupportOffice(AESO)."AircraftEmissionEstimates:F/A18LandingandTakeoffCycleandInFrame,MaintenanceTestingUsingJP5",AESOMemorandumReportNo. 9815,RevisionE,November2002. 5 CO,HC,andNOxemissionindicesabove50,000lb/hraretakenequaltothosegivenfortheF119PW100atpowersettingAB5fromWade,MarkD.(AFIERA/RSEQ),(F119PW100.xls)spreadsheetemailedtoFlint WebbviaCapt.PaulJ.Benarchzyk(ASC/FBM)andLt.ChadF.Schroeder(ASC/FBJ),January10,2002.Specificindicesareproprietaryinformationandnotavailableforpublicreview.

Appendix D Final, May 2011

1 F35=

480 LTOs

Appendix D Final, May 2011

HP 18.4 18.4 118 67 86 73 165 180 148 97 6.5 125 22.4 180 155 Hr/LTO 0.33 2 0.1 1 1.3 1.5 0.15 0.6 0.33 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 0.33 0.33 FFR gal/hr 1.09 1.09 6.29 3.3 4.45 4.45 6.47 4.45 6.47 2.52 0.39 4.92 0.62 8.57 8.57 CO2 3703 22445 6476 33977 59562 68726 9992 27490 21983 12973 2008 25328 25534 29118 29118 189.2 % Load 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 CO2 lb/gal 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 21.45 CH4 lb/gal 0.0010 0.0010 0.0056 0.0029 0.0040 0.0040 0.0058 0.0040 0.0058 0.0022 0.0003 0.0044 0.0006 0.0076 0.0076 N2O lb/gal 0.0002 0.0002 0.0011 0.0006 0.0008 0.0008 0.0012 0.0008 0.0012 0.0004 0.0001 0.0009 0.0001 0.0015 0.0015 Emissionsinlb/yr CH4 N2O 0 0 1 0 2 0 5 1 11 2 13 3 3 1 5 1 6 1 1 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 10 2 10 2 0.04 0.01


MC1A MC11 DieselACTugNarrow MJ40 DieselBaggageTug DieselCargoLoader DieselDeIcer DieselFuelTruck A/AM32A86 MJ11 H1 MJT/TTU228 NF2 AM32A60A AM32A95

Compressor Compressor ACTug Bomblift

Generator HydraulicTestStand Heater HydraulicTestStand LightCart StartCart StartCart

CO2e 3,717 22,530 6,617 34,363 60,476 69,780 10,215 27,912 22,473 13,086 2,010 25,758 25,589 29,978 29,978 174 (metrictons)











F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS




GHGEmissionsfromoneF35ALTOCycle EmissionsperOperation,lbs/op TotalNumberof Operations 1 1 1 1 1 CO2 4,134 3,569 1070 665 5,086 CO2 2.0672 1.7847 0.5352 0.3325 2.5430 7.26 CH4 0.00009 0.00007 0.00002 0.00001 0.00011 0.00030 N2O 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00002 0.00006

TotalEmissions MetricTons/Year Tons/Year CO2e 1.88 1.62 0.49 0.30 2.31 6.61

CH4 0.1712 0.1478 0.0443 0.0275 0.2106

Typeof Operation Idle/TaxiOut MilitaryTakeOff StraightInArrival TowerPattern Idle/TaxiIn N2O 0.0337 0.0291 0.0087 0.0054 0.0415

LTOcycleincludesoperationaltypesidentifiedintable;profilesfromHillAFB. CarbondioxideemissionsarebasedonTableC1oftheMandatoryGreenhouseGasReportingRule. 3 NitrousOxideandMethaneemissionsarebasedonTableC2oftheMandatoryGreenhouseGasReportingRule. 480 LTOcyclesperyear:


4 Aircraft 34,905 41,252 88,850 101,543 114,235

CO2e 12,693

11 Aircraft

13 Aircraft

28 Aircraft

32 Aircraft

F-35 Force Development and Weapons School Beddown EIS

36 Aircraft

Appendix D Final, May 2011


The following provides a list of all state and federally listed plant species potentially found within the NTTR (Lincoln and Nye Counties). These lists include the common and scientific names, state and federal rankings, and brief description of potential habitat where the species in commonly found. Table E-1 Special Status Plant Species Known or Likely to Occur on NTTR Common Name Regulatory Status (Scientific Name)

Amphibians Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) Birds Greater Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Southwester willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) Yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) Fishes Ash Meadows Amargosa pupfish (Cyprindodon nevadensis mionectes Ash Meadows speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus nevadensis) Big Spring spinedance (Lepidomeda mollispinis pratensis) Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprindodon diabolis) Hiko White River springfish (Crenichthys baileyi grandis) Lahontan cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkia henshawi) Pahranagat roundtail chub (Gila robusta jordani) Railroad Valley springfish (Crenichthys nevadae) Warm Springs pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis pectoralis) White River spinedace (Lepidomeda albivallis) White River springfish (Crenichthys baileyi baileyi) Invertebrates Ash Meadows naucorid (Ambrysus amargosus) Appendix E Final, May 2011

C E* C

E* E* T* E* E* T* E* T* E* E* E*



F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Table E-1 Special Status Plant Species Known or Likely to Occur on NTTR Common Name Regulatory Status (Scientific Name)
E* T* T* T* T* T* C T* T*

Plants Amargosa niterwort (Nitrophila mohavensis) Ash Meadows blazing star (Mentzelia leucophylla) Ash Meadows gumplant (Grindelia fraxinopratensis) Ash Meadows ivesia (mousetail) (Ivesia eremica) Ash Meadows milkvetch (Astragalus phoenix) Ash Meadows sunray (Enceliopsis nudicaulis var. corrugate) Las Vegas Buckwheat (Eriogonum corymbosum var. nilesii) Spring-loving centaury (Centaurium namophilum) Ute Ladys tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) Reptiles Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)
Source: USFWS 2011.


C=State species of concern E= Endangered T=Threatened *Also Federally listed


Appendix E Final, May 2011



Prepared for: Headquarters, Air Combat Command Langley AFB, VA

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACAM ACC AFB AGE BAQ BTS CAAA CARB CCHD CFR CO DAQEM EF F FDE FY hp LF g/m3 MRI NAAQS NEPA NO 2 NO x O3 Pb PM 2.5 PM 10 POV ppm SIP SO 2 SO x USEPA VOCs WRAP WS Air Conformity Applicability Model Air Combat Command Air Force Base Aerospace Ground Equipment Bureau of Air Quality Bureau of Transportation Statistics Clean Air Act Amendments California Air Resources Board Clark County Health Department Code of Federal Regulations Carbon Monoxide Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management Emission Factor Degrees Fahrenheit Force Development Evaluation Fiscal Year Horsepower Load Factor micrograms per cubic meter Midwest Research Institute National Ambient Air Quality Standards National Environmental Policy Act Nitrogen Dioxide Nitrogen Oxide Ozone Lead Particulate Matter less than 2.5 microns Particulate Matter less than 10 microns Privately-Owned Vehicles Parts per million State Implementation Plan Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur Oxides U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Volatile Organic Compounds Western Regional Air Partnership Weapons School

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... F-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... F-5 1.1 Air Quality and Criteria Air Pollutants ............................................................................ F-5 1.2 Air Quality Designations ................................................................................................. F-7 1.2.1 Federal Requirements ......................................................................................... F-7 1.2.2 State Requirements ............................................................................................. F-7 1.3 General Conformity Determination Process .................................................................... F-9 1.3.1 Applicability ....................................................................................................... F-9 1.3.2 Analysis ............................................................................................................ F-11 1.3.3 Procedures......................................................................................................... F-11 2.0 THE F-35 BEDDOWN PROPOSAL AT NELLIS AFB, NV............................................... F-12 2.1 Proposed Action Location.............................................................................................. F-12 2.2 Proposed Action Description ......................................................................................... F-12 2.3 Elements of the Proposed Action Impacting Air Quality .............................................. F-14 EXISTING REGIONAL AIR QUALITY ............................................................................. F-15 3.1 Meteorological Conditions............................................................................................. F-15 3.2 Existing Air Quality Attainment Status ......................................................................... F-15 3.3 Regional Baseline Emissions ......................................................................................... F-16 GENERAL CONFORMITY DETERMINATION............................................................... F-17 4.1 Conformance Procedures ............................................................................................... F-20 4.2 Emissions Calculations .................................................................................................. F-21 4.2.1 Construction/Demolition .................................................................................. F-21 4.2.2 Aircraft Operations ........................................................................................... F-22 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................. F-22 REGULATORY ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. F-23 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ F-24 FINDING OF CONFORMITY .............................................................................................. F-24 DISTRIBUTION LIST ............................................................................................................ F-25 REFERENCES......................................................................................................................... F-26 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT B Comments and Responses for the Dr aft Conformity Deter mination Cor r espondence



5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

Appendix F Final, May 2011


Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 National Ambient Air Quality Standards ............................................................................... F-7 De Minimis Levels for Criteria Pollutants in Nonattainment Areas by Designation...................................................................................................................... F-10 De Minimis Levels for Criteria Pollutants in Maintenance Areas by Designation...................................................................................................................... F-10 Proposed F-35 Beddown Schedule....................................................................................... F-13 Proposed Construction and Demolition Actions for the F-35 Beddown .............................. F-13 Criteria Pollutant De Minimis Emission Rates Applicable to Las Vegas Valley, NV ......................................................................................................... F-16 Summary of Baseline Emissions at Nellis AFB ................................................................... F-17 Projected Pollutant Emissions from Combined Construction, Commuting, and Aircraft Operations Compared to Significance Thresholds ........................................... F-19 Maximum (FY20) Projected Action Emissions Compared to De Minimis Thresholds and 2005 Regional Emissions............................................................................ F-22 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Nellis AFB and Clark County, Nevada .................................................................................. F-6


Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB

Proposed Action The Air Force proposes to base (beddown) 36 F-35 fighter aircraft at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), Nevada. These aircraft would be assigned to the Force Development Evaluation (FDE) program and Weapons School (WS) at Nellis AFB. As of March 2011, the Air Force anticipates that the first four F35s would arrive for FDE program beddown in 2012; in 2015 F-35s would begin to arrive to support the WS beddown. These aircraft would remain at Nellis AFB into the foreseeable future since the requirements for the FDE program and WS remain as long as the Air Force retains the F-35. These aircraft would remain at Nellis AFB into the foreseeable future since the requirements for the FDE program and WS remain as long as the Air Force retains the F-35. To support this beddown, 412 personnel would be added to the base from 2012 to 2020, new facilities would be built, and existing buildings and infrastructure altered, renovated, or demolished. These construction-related activities would disturb about 36 acres of land between 2011 and 2016. Differences Between the Draft and Final Conformity Determination While this Final Determination is, in large part, the same as the Draft, it reflects consideration of comments received during the public comment period and includes factual corrections, improvements, and/or modifications to the analyses presented in the Draft. Modifications include updated proposed construction projects and start dates, as well as a revised timeframe for the F-35 beddown. Also modified in the Final Determination are air quality evaluations. Emissions were updated to reflect changes in proposed construction projects and their start dates as well as the revised F-35 beddown phasing. None of the modifications resulted in substantive changes to the proposed action and the conclusions presented in this Final Determination remain consistent with those presented in the Draft. Conformity Background Air quality in a given location is described by the concentration of various pollutants in the atmosphere. The significance of the pollutant concentration is determined by comparing it to the federal and state ambient air quality standards. The Clean Air Act and subsequent amendments (CAAA) established National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six criteria pollutants: 1) ozone (O 3 ), 2) carbon monoxide (CO), 3) nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), 4) sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), 5) particulate matter (PM) less than 10 and 2.5 micrometers (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ), and 6) lead (Pb). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has classified a portion of the Las Vegas Valley area as in nonattainment for subpart 1 (basic) for 8-hour ozone and its precursor pollutants, nitrogen oxide (NO x ) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as well as in maintenance status for PM 10 and CO. According to the CAAA general conformity rule, a federal agency (in this case the Air Force) must assess
Appendix F Final, May 2011 F-1

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB whether their proposed action would contribute to the further degradation of air quality or prevent attainment of air quality standards in areas that are in nonattainment. Nellis AFB proposes to implement a major federal action that would contribute to regional air emissions within the Las Vegas Valley, an area that is in nonattainment or maintenance status for three criteria pollutants. The Air Force, therefore, conducted this review to document whether the Nellis AFB proposed action to beddown 36 F-35 aircraft meets the conformity rule. There are two main components to this documentation of conformity: 1) an applicability analysis to determine whether a conformity determination is required and, if it is, 2) a conformity determination to evaluate whether the action conforms to the State Implementation Plans (SIPs). Under the 2003 U.S. Air Force Conformity Guide, proposed action emissions must be below de minimis levels for nonattainment pollutants to be exempt from a formal conformity determination. Proposed actions that exceed these thresholds in any given year must undergo a detailed analysis and a formal conformity determination is required. Existing Conditions Air emissions at Nellis AFB are primarily generated from mobile sources (i.e., vehicles and aircraft) and equipment found in maintenance shops, boilers, and paint booths. Nellis AFB contributes less than 1 percent for any of the NAAQS criteria pollutants; thus, all regional contributions by the base remain well below the 10 percent significance threshold. Applicability Analysis Approach, Results, and Conclusion Approach. In accordance with the CAAA and the 2003 U.S. Air Force Air Conformity Guide, the incremental increase in emissions above existing conditions was considered and includes reasonable foreseeable direct and indirect emissions. Emissions data were based on the expected number, type, and duration of aircraft operations within the airspace at Nellis AFB and include construction and demolition activities, workers commuting, construction equipment transportation, as well as Air Force personnel commuting. Total emissions were calculated based on current best estimates of construction timeframes and aircraft and personnel arrivals at the base. Results. Following calculations for emissions from 2012 through 2020, it was determined that Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20) would represent the maximum amount of emissions, in any given year, generated under the proposed action by aircraft, aircraft ground equipment, and commuting personnel. These totals are presented in the table below and then compared to de minimis thresholds; the projected percent contribution to the regional air quality has also been calculated.


Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB

Maximum (FY20) Projected Action Emissions Compared to De Minimis Thresholds and 2005 Regional Emissions (Tons) VOCs NO x CO PM 10 Clark County 2005 Emissions 43,980 73,360 306,425 46,717 Proposed Action FY20 Emissions 9.87 184.18 127.64 51.01 De minimis Threshold 100 100 100 70 Percent Regional Contribution 0.02 0.25 0.04 0.11 Regionally, emissions would represent less than 1 percent of the regional contribution for any of the pollutants of concern in the year anticipated to incur the most pollutant emissionsFY20. Conclusion Based on this evaluation of the emissions associated with implementation of this proposed action (both construction and F-35 operations), the estimated emissions rates of NO x and CO would exceed the 100 tons per year applicability threshold in Clark County, Nevada. In FY20, emissions of NO x and CO would exceed the thresholds by 84.18 and 27.64 tons per year, respectively. As shown in the table above, these project emissions would represent less than 10 percent of the area emissions of these nonattainment pollutants, and would, therefore, not be subject to general conformity requirements based upon regional significance. General Conformity Determination While the Las Valley may have exceeded federal CO air quality standards on a seasonal basis, the USEPA determined in 2005 that it was in attainment. Therefore, in 2008 the County submitted to USEPA a CO Maintenance Plan and requested a formal redesignation (CC DAQEM 2008a); in September 2010 USEPA approved the Plan and request for redesignation (75 Federal Register [FR] 59090, USEPA 2010a). In terms of PM 10 status, USEPA determined in August 2010 that the Las Vegas Valley had reached attainment of this criteria pollutant by the applicable date of December 31, 2006 (75 FR 45485, USEPA 2010b). This determination was not a redesignation because the USEPA has not approved an applicable PM 10 Maintenance Plan; therefore, the Valley remains in serious nonattainment until Nevada meets the CAA requirements for redesignation of the Valley to attainment (75 FR 45485, USEPA 2010b). For ozone, in June 2007 the USEPA determined that areas classified as in nonattainment under Subpart 1 (which applies to the Las Vegas Valley) would not be required to demonstrate attainment in 2007 (CC DAQEM 2008b). This action obligated Clark County to develop an early progress plan that contains motor vehicle emission budgets to address the ozone standards in advance of a complete attainment demonstration. Progress is demonstrated if projected emissions by June 15, 2009 attainment date (2008 ozone season) are less than emissions in the 2002 base year (CC DAQEM 2008). Clark County (as a revision to the states ozone SIP) submitted their Ozone Early Progress Plan to USEPA in July 2008 and in May 2009 the USEPA found that the emissions budgets contained therein were adequate
Appendix F Final, May 2011 F-3

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB to demonstrate progress towards attainment (74 FR 22738, USEPA 2009). In March 2011, Clark County submitted to USEPA the Ozone Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan (CC DAQEM 2011). Upon USEPA approval, emissions goals contained therein will be regulated by the County. According to the Plan, F-35 and AGE specific emissions have been accounted for in their 2015 and 2022 ozone maintenance goals (CC DAQEM 2011). In the Plans Section 4.0, Tables 4-3 and 4-4, all F-35 operational and AGE emissions are accounted for in terms of CO, NO x , and VOCs (precursor pollutants of ozone). Finding of Conformity The Air Force has reviewed and evaluated the documentation and has determined that conformity may be determined through compliance with Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 93.158 (a) (5) (i)(B) and Title 40 CFR Part 93.158(a)(4)(ii). Public and Agency Involvement The Draft General Conformity Determination was made available for public and agency review for 30 days. A notice of Availability was published in the Las Vegas Review Journal on December 10, 2009 requesting any comments on the draft document be submitted no later than January 8, 2010. The Air Force received three comment letters via U.S. Mail and one set of comments via email. Attachment A provides copies of the comments received and Air Force responses to comments, where applicable.


Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB 1.0 INTRODUCTION

According to the Clean Air Act and subsequent amendments (CAAA), any federal agency (in this case the Air Force) must assess whether their proposed action would contribute to the further degradation of air quality or prevent attainment of air quality standards. The Air Force proposes to implement a major federal action that would contribute to regional air emissions within the Las Vegas Valley (Figure 1), an area that is in nonattainment for three criteria pollutants. 1.1 Air Quality and Criteria Air Pollutants

Air quality in a given location is described by the concentration of various pollutants in the atmosphere. The significance of the pollutant concentration is determined by comparing it to the federal and state ambient air quality standards. The CAAA established National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six criteria pollutants: 1) ozone (O 3 ), 2) carbon monoxide (CO), 3) nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), 4) sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), 5) particulate matter (PM) less than 10 and 2.5 micrometers (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ), and 6) lead (Pb). These standards represent the maximum allowable atmospheric concentrations that may occur while ensuring protection of public health and welfare, with a reasonable margin of safety. The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Quality has adopted the NAAQS, with the following exceptions and additions: 1) the state annual SO 2 standard is more stringent than the national standard, 2) added an 8-hour CO standard specific to elevations greater than 5,000 feet above mean sea level, and 3) added standards for visibility impairment and 1-hour hydrogen sulfide concentrations. Two types of NAAQS have been established for these criteria air pollutants: primary and secondary standards (or concentrations). Primary ambient air quality standards are designed to protect public health with an adequate margin of safety. Secondary standards are designed to protect public welfare-related values including property, materials, and plant and animal life. The maximum primary and secondary standards of criteria pollutants are listed in Table 1. Criteria pollutants affecting air quality in a given region can be characterized as being emitted from either stationary or mobile sources. Examples of stationary sources include smokestacks from boilers, engine testing, and chemical processing operations such as paint booths. Mobile sources of emissions include those from aircraft, cars, trucks, trains, and ships. Air quality within a region is a function of the stationary and mobile sources, amount of pollutants emitted, size and topography of the air basin, and prevailing meteorological conditions.

Appendix F Final, May 2011


Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB

Figure 1 Nellis AFB and Clark County, Nevada

F-6 Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB Table 1. National Ambient Air Quality Standards*
Ozone (O 3 )a Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2 ) Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 ) Particulate Matter (PM 10 )g Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) Lead (Pb)
Source: USEPA 2010. Notes: *ppm = parts per million by volume, g/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter.

AVERAGING TIME 8 Hours 8 Hours 1 Hour 8 Hours 1 Hour Annual Arithmetic Mean 1 Hour Annual Arithmetic Mean 24 Hours 1 Hour 24 Hours Annual Arithmetic Meanh 24 Hoursi Quarterly Arithmetic Mean

PRIMARY 0.075 ppma 0.08 ppmb 0.12 ppmc 9 ppm 35 ppm 53 ppbd 100 ppbe 0.03 ppm 0.14 ppm 75 ppbf 150 g/m3 15 g/m3 35 g/m3 1.5 g/m3

SECONDARY Same as Primary Same as Primary None Same as Primary None 3 hour/0.5 ppm None Same as Primary Same as Primary --Same as Primary

To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentrations measured at each monitor within an area over each year must not exceed 0.075 ppm. (effective May 27, 2008).

To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentrations measured at each monitor within an area over each year must not exceed 0.08 ppm. The 1997 standardand the implementation rules for that standardwill remain in place for implementation purposes as USEPA undertakes rulemaking to address the transition from the 1997 ozone standard to the 2008 ozone standard. USEPA is in the process of reconsidering these standards (set in March 2008).

USEPA revoked the 1-hour ozone standard in all areas, although some areas have continuing obligations under that standard ("anti-backsliding"). The standard is attained when the expected number of days per calendar year with maximum hourly average concentrations above 0.12 ppm is < 1.

The official level of the annual NO 2 standard is 0.053 ppm, equal to 53 ppb, which is shown here for the purpose of clearer comparison to the 1-hour standard.

To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the 98th percentile of the daily maximum 1-hour average at each monitor within an area must not exceed 100 ppb (effective January 22, 2010).

Final rule signed June 2, 2010. To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the 99th percentile of the daily maximum 1-hour average at each monitor within an area must not exceed 75 ppb.
g h

Not to be exceeded more than once per year on average over 3 years.

To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the weighted annual mean PM2.5 concentrations from single or multiple community-oriented monitors must not exceed 15.0 g/m3. i To attain this standard, the 3-year average of the 98th percentile of 24-hour concentrations at each populationoriented monitor within an area must not exceed 35 g/m3 (effective December 17, 2006).

Negative impacts to human health from these criteria pollutants can include, but are not limited to the following: at low concentrations, CO can cause fatigue in healthy people and chest pain in people with heart disease; at higher concentrations, vision and coordination can be impaired and create headaches, dizziness, confusion, and nausea; O 3 (or smog) in the lower atmosphere can damage lung tissue and affect respiratory function; volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxide (NO x ) are precursors of O 3 ;

Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB VOCs contribute to acid rain formation, deteriorate water quality, and introduce particulates into the air obscuring the visual landscape; and exposure to particulates can damage both lungs and the heart; the NAAQS regulate two sizes fine particles of 2.5 micrometers or smaller and typically found in smoke and haze, and larger particles, such as dust, at 10 micrometers in diameter (USEPA 2007). Air Quality Designations


The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) designates an area as in attainment when it complies with the NAAQS. Areas that violate these ambient air quality standards are designated as nonattainment areas. Areas that have improved air quality from nonattainment to attainment are designated as attainment/maintenance areas. Areas that lack monitoring data to demonstrate attainment or nonattainment status are designated as unclassified and are treated as attainment areas for regulatory purposes. Varying levels of nonattainment have been established for O 3 , CO, and PM 10 to indicate the severity of the air quality problem (i.e., the classifications run from moderate to serious for CO and PM 10 and from marginal to extreme for O 3 ). 1.2.1 Federal Requirements

The CAAA requires that each state develop a State Implementation Plan (SIP). A SIP provides for the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of the NAAQS; defines emission limitations; and identifies control measures to attain and maintain the NAAQS. Nellis AFB is located within the Las Vegas Valley of Clark County which is currently in nonattainment or maintenance status for three criteria pollutants: CO, PM 10 , and 8-hour ozone (the 1997 standard and includes its precursors NO x and VOCs). The Clean Air Act Section 176(c) (General Conformity Rule) is applicable to the proposed action at Nellis AFB because Clark County is in nonattainment for three criteria pollutants. The intent of this conformity rule is to ensure that federal actions do not adversely affect the timely attainment of air quality standards in areas of nonattainment or maintenance. The Air Force, therefore, is conducting this analysis to document whether the proposed action to beddown 36 F-35 aircraft at Nellis AFB would adversely impact regional air quality. There are two main components to this documentation: 1) an applicability analysis to determine whether a conformity determination is required and, if it is, 2) a conformity determination to evaluate whether the action conforms to the applicable SIPs and/or Maintenance Plans (Air Force 2003). 1.2.2 State Requirements

As indicated above, the CAAA requires each state to develop, adopt, and implement a SIP to achieve, maintain, and enforce federal air quality standards throughout the state. SIPs are developed on a
F-8 Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB pollutant-by-pollutant basis whenever one or more air quality standards are violated. Nevada Division of Environmental Protection is responsible for the preservation, protection, and improvement of the States air resources. In 2001, the Governor of Nevada assigned authority for air quality matters in Clark County to the Clark County Board of Commissioners. In July 2001, the Clark County Commission created the Clark County DAQEM as the governing agency for air quality planning and regulatory programs. Further discussion of specific requirements, developed by the State of Nevada to address ambient air quality in Clark County, is found in Section 3.2. The Clark County rules to which the Air Force would rely upon to reduce construction-related PM and VOC emissions include Clark County Air Pollution Regulations Section 94 - Permitting and Dust Control for Construction Activities and Section 60.4 - Cutback Asphalts. 1.3 General Conformity Determination Process

The General Conformity Rule consists of three major parts: applicability, analysis, and procedure. These three parts are described in the following sections. 1.3.1 Applicability

Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas The General Conformity Rule applies to federal actions occurring in geographic regions designated as nonattainment for criteria pollutants or areas designated as maintenance areas. A nonattainment area consists of a region that fails to meet (or that contributes to ambient air quality in a nearby area that does not meet) the national primary or secondary ambient air quality standard for the pollutant (refer to Table 1). A maintenance area represents a redesignated nonattainment area that has achieved attainment of the national primary ambient air quality standard. As was previously identified, Nellis AFB is located in the Las Vegas Valley, an area of nonattainment for criteria pollutants. De Minimis Emissions Levels The General Conformity Rule established threshold (or de minimis) levels of emissions to focus conformity requirements on those federal actions with the potential to produce significant air quality impacts. With the exception of lead, the de minimis levels are based on the CAAAs major stationary source definitions for the criteria pollutants (and precursor criteria pollutants) and vary by the severity of the nonattainment area. The USEPAs implementing regulation requires a conformity applicability analysis for nonattainment or maintenance area criteria pollutants to identify whether the annual total of direct and indirect emissions equals or exceeds the annual de minimis levels. Tables 2 and 3 list the de minimis levels by criteria pollutant, applicable to federal actions in nonattainment and maintenance areas, respectively. As noted above, the area encompassing Nellis AFB remains in nonattainment for CO, PM 10 , and O 3 .

Appendix F Final, May 2011


Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB

Table 2. De Minimis Levels for Criteria Pollutants in Nonattainment Areas by Designation (Tons/Year) Pollutant Designation Tons/Year Serious Nonattainment 50 Severe Nonattainment 25 O3* Extreme Nonattainment 10 Other nonattainment areas outside of ozone transport region 100 Marginal/Moderate nonattainment areas inside ozone transport region 50/100 CO All nonattainment areas 100 SO 2 ** All nonattainment areas 100 Pb All nonattainment areas 25 NO 2 All nonattainment areas 100 PM Moderate Nonattainment (PM 10 ) 100 Serious Nonattainment (PM 10 ) 70 Nonattainment (PM 2.5 ) 100
Source: 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 51.853. Notes: * Includes precursors: VOCs or NO x . **Sulfur dioxide is often reported as sulfur oxides (SO x ).

Table 3. De Minimis Levels for Criteria Pollutants in Maintenance Areas by Designation (Tons/Year) Pollutant Designation Tons/Year Ozone (NO x ) All maintenance areas 100 Maintenance areas inside of an ozone transport region 50 Ozone (VOCs) Maintenance areas outside of an ozone transport region 100 CO All maintenance areas 100 SO 2 All maintenance areas 100 Pb All maintenance areas 25 NO 2 All maintenance areas 100 PM 10 and PM 2.5 All maintenance areas 100
Source: 40 CFR Part 51.853.

Regional Significance A federal action that does not equal or exceed these de minimis criteria pollutant thresholds may still be subject to a general conformity determination. The General Conformity Rule applies if a federal action is considered to be regionally significant, or represent 10 percent or more of a nonattainment or maintenance areas emissions inventory for that pollutant. Exemptions and Presumptions The final rule contains exemptions from the General Conformity process. Certain federal actions are deemed by the USEPA to conform because of the thorough air quality analysis required to comply with other statutory requirements. Examples of these actions include those subject to the New Source Review program and remedial activities under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and


Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB Liability Act. Other federal actions that are exempt from the conformity process include those actions that would result in no increase in emissions, or an increase in emissions that is clearly de minimis. Examples include continuing or recurring activities, routine maintenance and repair, administrative and planning actions, land transfers, and routine movement of mobile assets. A federal agency can establish its own presumptions of conformity through separate rulemaking actions. Section 176(c) of the CAAA does not specifically exempt any activity, thus a separate analysis would need to show that the activity presumed to conform has no impacts to air quality. Based on this analysis, a federal agency can document that certain types of future actions would be de minimis. 1.3.2 Analysis

A conformity analysis for the federal action examines the impacts of the direct and indirect emissions from mobile and stationary sources. Indirect emissions are those emissions of a criteria pollutant or its precursors that are caused by the federal action but may occur later in time and/or may be farther removed in distance from the action itself but are still reasonably foreseeable; and the federal agency can control and will maintain control over the indirect action due to a continuing program responsibility of the federal agency. Reasonably foreseeable emissions are projected future indirect emissions that are identified at the time the conformity determination is made and the location of such emissions is known and the emissions are quantifiable, as described and documented by the federal agency based on its own information and after reviewing any information presented to the federal agency. The conformity determination procedure is detailed in 40 CFR Part 93.158-159. The analysis is based upon the latest planning assumptions, the latest emission estimation techniques, applicable air quality models, databases, and other requirements of the USEPA, and on the total of direct and indirect emissions from the action(s). Finally, a formal general conformity determination must provide for mitigation measures and undertake a thorough public notification process. Exempt actions are not required to go through this process. 1.3.3 Procedure

Procedural requirements of the General Conformity Rule allow for public review of the federal agencys conformity determination. Although the conformity determination is a federal responsibility, state and local air agencies are provided notification and their expertise is consulted. The federal agency must provide a 30-day notice of the federal action and draft conformity determination to the appropriate USEPA Region (Region IX for Clark County), and state (Nevada Division of Environmental Protection), and local air control agencies (Clark County DAQEM). The federal agency must also make the determination available to the public to allow opportunity for review and comment (40 CFR 93.156).

Appendix F Final, May 2011


Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB The Draft General Conformity Determination was made available for public and agency review for 30 days. A notice of Availability was published in the Las Vegas Review Journal on December 10, 2009 requesting any comments on the draft document be submitted no later than January 8, 2010. The Air Force received three comment letters via U.S. Mail and one set of comments via email. Section 9.0 provides agency distribution; Attachment A provides copies of the comments received and Air Force responses to comments, where applicable. 2.0 THE F-35 BEDDOWN PROPOSAL AT NELLIS AFB, NV

Differences Between the Draft and Final Conformity Determination. While this Final Determination is, in large part, the same as the Draft, it reflects consideration of comments received during the public comment period and includes factual corrections, improvements, and/or modifications to the analyses presented in the Draft. Modifications included updated proposed construction projects and their start dates, as well as a revised timeframe for the F-35 beddown. Air quality emissions were re-evaluated; however, none of the modifications resulted in substantive changes to the conclusions presented in the Draft Determination and remain consistent with those presented here in this Final Determination. 2.1 Proposed Action Location

Nellis AFB, located in the southeast corner of the state of Nevada in Clark County, lies adjacent to the city of North Las Vegas. The unincorporated town of Sunrise Manor and undeveloped portions of Clark County surround the majority of the base, although open space dominates to the northeast. The area west of Nellis AFB supports commercial and industrial uses along Las Vegas Boulevard. Directly south and southwest of the base, a mixture of industrial, commercial, and residential land uses dominate the area. The base, covering over 14,000 acres, is the center for Air Combat Command (ACC) training and testing activities conducted at Nevada Test and Training Range, with the base providing logistical and organizational support for aircraft operations, force development evaluation, weapons school training, and general administrative responsibility for personnel, equipment, and infrastructure. The mission of Nellis AFB is to provide realistic combat training involving every type of aircraft in the Air Force inventory. It also supports test and evaluation programs and weapons schools for all Air Force fighter aircraft: A-10s, F-15C/Ds, F-15Es, F-16s, and F-22As. 2.2 Proposed Action Description

The Air Force proposes to base 36 F-35 fighter aircraft at Nellis AFB between 2012 and 2020. The aircraft would be assigned to the Force Development Evaluation (FDE) program and Weapons School (WS) at Nellis AFB. For further detail of the proposed action, please visit the ACC website at www.accplanning.org to download the Environmental Impact Statement associated with this proposal.
Appendix F Final, May 2011


Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB Table 4 presents the major milestones of the aircraft beddown schedule, while this schedule differs from that presented in the 2009 Draft Conformity analysis, the end result of 36 F-35 aircraft has not altered. Table 4. Proposed F-35 Beddown Schedule Baseline 2012 2015 2017 2018 0 4 +2 (6) 6 +6 (12) 0 0 1 +6 (7) +9 (16) 0 4 11 13 28 113 113 113 113 113 113 119 124 126 141

Aircraft F-35 (FDE) F-35 (WS) Total F-35 Nellis AFB Based Aircraft* Total

2019 12 +4 (20) 32 113 145

2020 12 +4 (24) 36 113 149

* Nellis AFB assigned aircraft include HH-60, A-10, F-15C, F-15E, F-16, and F-22A.

As of March 2011, the Air Force anticipates that the first four F-35s would arrive for FDE program beddown in 2012; in 2015 F-35s would begin to arrive to support the WS beddown. These aircraft would remain at Nellis AFB into the foreseeable future since the requirements for the FDE program and WS remain as long as the Air Force retains the F-35. Operationally, the 36 F-35s would conduct a maximum of 17,280 annual airfield operations by 2020 (an airfield operation represents the single movement or individual portion of a flight in the base airfield environment such as one takeoff, one landing, or one transit of the airport traffic area). Between 2011 and 2014, the proposed F-35 beddown would require construction of new facilities and alteration and demolition of existing facilities; disturbing about 36 acres. No construction projects related to this beddown are planned after 2016. Table 5 summarizes the anticipated construction, demolition, and renovation to support the proposed F-35 beddown at Nellis AFB. It also presents the anticipated sequence of infrastructure changes over the period from 2011 through 2014. Since publication of the 2009 Draft Conformity analysis, four projects have been removed from the proposed action: FY09 airfield pavement, FY10 munitions igloo, FY11 airfield pavement, and FY13 munitions igloo. Other project changes include sliding the construction start dates and addition of seven new facilities (highlighted in gray). While the list below reflects proposed construction/demolition as of March 2011, it is anticipated that these projects may be changed, start dates moved, or additional projects identified as the beddown progresses. If this occurs, the appropriate NEPA documentation will be undertaken to assess potential impacts.
Table 5. Proposed Construction and Demolition Actions for the F-35 Beddown Area Start Date Project Base Area (square feet) Year A-10 Thunder Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU) 11,000 B FY11 6-Bay F-35 Hangar/AMU 80,988 B FY11 Aircraft Washrack Addition, 1-bay to Building 271 9,551 B FY11 B10425 Munitions Facility Addition at Building 10425 3,000 MSA FY11 25-mm Munitions Storage Facility Addition at M81 3,000 MSA FY11 Munitions Trailer Facility 10,000 MSA FY11 2 MSA Loading Docks 1,000 MSA FY11 Precision-Guided Missile Bay Addition at Building 10439 3,000 MSA FY11 Parking/landscape areas 15,656 B FY11 Appendix F Final, May 2011
Demolish Building # 265, 268, 269


Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB
Table 5. Proposed Construction and Demolition Actions for the F-35 Beddown Area Start Date Project Base Area (square feet) Year Flight Test Instrumentation Facility 4,650 B FY11 422 Test Evaluation Squadron Operations Facility 20,300 B FY11 Flight Simulator Facility 20,000 B FY11 FY11 Subtotal 182,145 Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) Complex 45,000 A FY12 Engine Shop Addition 9,000 C FY12 53 WG Test Squadron Operations Building 20,000 C FY12 FY12 Subtotal 74,000 Parking/landscape areas 190,301 B FY13 Weapons School Addition at Building 282 10,000 B FY13 Alternate Mission Equipment Storage Facility 25,285 A FY13 Fuel Cell Hangar Addition 16,300 B FY13 Munitions Maintenance Facility Addition 6,000 MSA FY13 FY13 Subtotal 247,886 Weapons Release Building 15,000 B FY14 Parts Store 40,000 B FY14 East Ramp/Airfield Pavement 495,140 D FY14 Live Ordnance Loading Area (LOLA) Expansion 167,322 D FY14 Bomb Build-Up Pad 30,000 MSA FY14 Low Observables (L/O) Composite Addition 11,018 B FY14 4-Bay F-35 Hangar/Strike AMU 31,000 B FY14 L/O Corrosion/Wash 3-Bay Hangar 15,800 B FY14 Parking/landscape areas 96,486 B FY14 Fuel Cell Hangar 50,250 B FY14 FY14 Subtotal 952,016 Total 1,572,829

Demolish Building #

441 413, 415

258 250

Personnel positions at Nellis AFB would be increased by a total of 412 by completion of the beddown in 2020. Personnel changes begin in 2012 with a total of 222 personnel being added at the base to support the FDE program in years 2012 and 2016. In 2014, before the start of the WS program, another 175 personnel would be added. In 2020, an additional 15 personnel would arrive at which point personnel positions at Nellis AFB would peak. The F-35 FDE and WS personnel would constitute a 3.4 percent increase in overall 2006 base personnel levels of 12,284. 2.3 Elements of the Proposed Action Impacting Air Quality

The following elements, associated with the F-35 FDE and WS beddown, would contribute emissions and have the potential to impact air quality: F-35 aircraft operations and maintenance activities within the base boundaries and in airspace above Nellis AFB; construction, alteration, and demolition that would disturb 36 acres over the 6-year construction period; and the additional 412 personnel.


Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB For purposes of this F-35 beddown conformity determination, emissions were modeled in 2012, 2015, and 2016, when aircraft operations, construction/demolition activities, and additional commuting personnel would coincide and from 2017 through 2020, when the beddown comprises additional F-35 and personnel. 3.0 3.1 EXISTING REGIONAL AIR QUALITY Meteorological Conditions

Nellis AFB is located in the Mojave Desert, with a climate marked with hot summers, mild winters, abundant year-round sunshine, and very little rainfall. High temperatures in the 90-degrees Fahrenheit (F) range are common in the months of May, June, and September and temperatures normally exceed 100F most days in the months of July and August, with very low humidity, frequently under 10 percent. Winters are cool and windy, with the majority of Las Vegas annual 4.49 inches of rainfall coming from January to March. Winter daytime highs are normally around 60F with nighttime lows typically around 40F. The Sierra Nevada mountain range stretches along Nevadas western border thereby interrupting the prevailing easterly flow of storm systems, resulting in a rain shadow, and thus limiting the amount of precipitation within the Las Vegas Valley. Typically, as much as 75 percent of Nevada's precipitation falls during the winter. Showers occur less frequently in the spring and autumn. July through September, the Mexican Monsoon, often brings enough moisture from the Gulf of California and into the southwest to create afternoon and evening thunderstorms. Although winter snow is usually visible from December to May on the mountains surrounding Las Vegas, it rarely snows in the city itself. The scarcity of surface water resources is attributed to a dry regional climate characterized by low precipitation, high evaporation, low humidity, and wide extremes in daily temperatures. Average precipitation depends mainly on elevation and ranges from 4 inches on the desert floor to 16 inches in the mountains. With the exception of locally intense thunderstorms, that can produce flash flooding, much of the warm-weather precipitation is lost to the atmosphere through evaporation and transpiration. Flash floods produce high peak flows over short periods of time. 3.2 Existing Air Quality Attainment Status

Clark County, including Las Vegas, was designated in Subpart 1 (Basic) nonattainment of the 8-hour ozone standard on September 13, 2004 (USEPA ND). In June 2007 the USEPA determined that areas found in classified nonattainment under Subpart 1 (which applies to the Las Vegas Valley) would not be required to demonstrate attainment in 2007. This action has obligated Clark County to develop an early progress plan that contains motor vehicle emission budgets that address the ozone standards in advance of
Appendix F Final, May 2011 F-15

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB a complete attainment demonstration. Progress is demonstrated if projected emissions by June 15, 2009 attainment date (2008 ozone season) are less than emissions in the 2002 base year. Clark County (as a revision to the states ozone SIP) submitted their Ozone Early Progress Plan to USEPA in July 2008 and in May 2009 the USEPA found that the emissions budgets contained therein were adequate to demonstrate progress towards attainment (74 Federal Register [FR] 22738). In March 2011, Clark County submitted to the USEPA their Request for Ozone Redesignation and Maintenance Plan (or Plan). Upon USEPA approval of the Plan, the emissions goals contained therein will be regulated by the County. In January 1993, the Las Vegas Valley was designated a serious nonattainment area for PM 10 and in June 2001 submitted its SIP to USEPA for approval (CCHD 2001). In May 2004, USEPA approved the Clark County PM 10 SIP and by so doing approved a series of rules adopted by the Clark County DAQEM that control fugitive dust sources, including disturbed vacant lots, construction sites, unpaved roads, paved roads, and unpaved parking lots (Clark County 2005). In December 2006, the USEPA approved the Clark County portion of the Nevada PM 10 SIP. In August 2010, USEPA determined that the Las Vegas Valley had reached attainment of this criteria pollutant by the applicable date of December 31, 2006 (75 FR 45485). This determination was not a redesignation because the USEPA has not approved an applicable PM 10 Maintenance Plan; therefore, the Valley remains in serious nonattainment until Nevada meets the CAA requirements for redesignation of the Valley to attainment (75 FR 45485). The Las Vegas Valley was also designated a serious nonattainment area for CO in November 1997. CO is a colorless, odorless gas created from the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline, oil, or wood. Automobiles produce 85 percent of the valley's CO emissions. The County submitted a SIP to control CO in August 2000 (CCHD 2000) and the SIP was approved by USEPA in October 2004. Clark County submitted a revised CO SIP in October 2005, to update CO emissions budgets using the latest model (MOBILE 6) approved by USEPA for transportation conformity determinations. USEPA published approval of the revision in September 2006. In 2008 the county submitted a CO Maintenance Plan and formal request for formal redesignation to USEPA (CC DAQEM 2008a). In September 2010 USEPA approved the Plan and request for redesignation (75 FR 59090). Under the U.S. Air Force Conformity Guide (Air Force 2003), emissions must be below de minimis levels for pollutants in nonattainment to be exempt from a formal conformity determination. Proposed actions that exceed these thresholds in any given year must undergo a detailed analysis and a formal conformity determination is required. De minimis thresholds for the NAAQS nonattainment pollutants in the Las Vegas Valley are listed in Table 6.


Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB

Table 6. Criteria Pollutant De Minimis Emission Rates Applicable to Las Vegas Valley, NV1 Tons/Year VOCs NO x CO PM 10 100 100 100 703
Source: 40 CFR Part 51.853 and 40 CFR Part 93.153.


Regional Baseline Emissions

Air emissions at Nellis AFB are primarily generated from mobile sources (i.e., vehicles and aircraft), equipment found in maintenance shops, boilers, and paint booths. As demonstrated in Table 7, Nellis AFB contributes minimal amounts (less than 1 percent) of criteria pollutants in Clark County. Rather, vehicle traffic and construction outside of the base account for most of the emissions. Thus, all regional contributions by the base remain well below 10 percent significance level. Table 7. Summary of Baseline Emissions at Nellis AFB Tons/Year Source VOCs CO NO x Ground-Based1 13.42 13.50 29.63 Aircraft2 318 928 444 Total 331.4 941.5 473.6 Clark County3 43,980 306,425 73,360 Nellis AFB Percent Contribution 0.7 0.3 0.6

SO 2 1.10 345 346.1 52,782 0.6

PM 10 14.4 26 40.4 46,717 0.1

Sources: Air Force 2009, Air Force 1999, and USEPA 2011. Note: 1Ground-based emissions derived from 2009 Air Emissions Inventory (AEI) at Nellis AFB. 2 Aircraft emissions derived from F-22A Beddown EIS (most recent evaluation of mobile sources). 3 2005 county emissions retrieved from USEPA Air Data website.

The total annual CO emissions at Nellis AFB represent about 0.7 percent of total CO emissions for Clark County. PM 10 emissions account for about 0.1 percent and both VOCs and NO x (ozone precursors) represent less than 1 percent of the total Clark County contribution. Under 2009 conditions, none of these pollutants represents a significant regional contribution generated by Nellis AFB. 4.0 GENERAL CONFORMITY DETERMINATION

In accordance with 40 CFR Part 93, Subpart B, 40 CFR Part 51, Subpart W and the 2003 U.S. Air Force Conformity Guide, the incremental increase in emissions above the existing conditions was considered and includes reasonable foreseeable direct and indirect emissions. Appendix D of this EIS provides the specific input used to determine total emissions for this proposal. These data were based on the expected number, type, and duration of aircraft operations within the airspace at Nellis AFB. These data also include construction and demolition activities, workers commuting, construction equipment

Appendix F Final, May 2011


Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB transportation, as well as additional Air Force personnel commuting. Total emissions for each year were calculated based on current best estimates of construction timeframes and aircraft arrivals to the base. The analysis assumed that all construction equipment was manufactured before 2000. The analysis also inherently reduced PM 10 fugitive dust emissions from earth-moving activities by 50 percent as this control level is included in the emission factor itself. Emission factors for fugitive dust were estimated using guidelines outlined in the Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) fugitive dust handbook (WRAP 2004). These guidelines were developed for use in western states and they assume standard dust mitigation best practices activities of 50 percent from wetting; Nellis AFB would mitigate fugitive dust emissions through use of WRAP soil wetting guidelines. After PM 10 is estimated, the fraction of fugitive dust emitted as PM 2.5 is estimated, and the most recent WRAP study (MRI 2005) recommends the use of a fractional factor of 0.10 to estimate the PM 2.5 portion of the PM 10 . Specific ratios of PM 10 to PM 2.5 in diesel exhaust are not yet published, therefore, for purposes of these calculations PM emissions have been equally distributed between PM 10 and PM 2.5. Construction, demolition, and/or renovation emissions were estimated based upon the total square footage associated with each project and the assumed timeline for these activities, extending from 2011 through 2016. Approximately 36 acres would be disturbed over that time period. Emissions for the F-35 aircraft engine (F-135) were calculated using data provided by the Joint Strike Fighter Program Office in charge of design and development of the F-35 aircraft. In terms of maintenance, the Air Force also used the F-16 aerospace ground equipment (AGE) as a surrogate since F-35 equipment is still in the research stage. The AGE emissions were obtained using the default settings for the F-16 AGE surrogates in the Air Force Conformity Applicability Model (ACAM) 4.3.3. Because the proposed action is scheduled to take place over several years, emissions were calculated for the years in which the F-35 would be phased into the Nellis AFB inventory and overlap with construction activities. Mobile source emissions were calculated for construction workers for each of the construction years using MOBILE6 modeling. This analysis assumed that no new construction jobs would be created under the proposed action, so no new commuting emissions to and from the base would be incurred within the regional area. This assumption is justified because it is highly probable that these workers would be traveling somewhere in the Las Vegas Valley for their jobs, so going to Nellis AFB would not introduce new emissions; the average mileage that was assumed for each worker was 4 miles to account for on-base trips and driving during breaks. It was assumed that the speed of the vehicle would not exceed an average of 30 miles per hour.


Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB Using MOBILE6 modeling, emissions from commuting Air Force personnel were also calculated for those years in which the additional personnel would come to the base (2012, 2017, and 2022) and assumed that only 87 percent of these additional personnel would commute to and from the base. This assumption is supported by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS 2001) which indicate that 87 percent of the U.S. population drives their car to and from work. These calculations also assumed a round trip distance of 20 miles per day, at a rate not exceeding an average of 30 miles per hour (South Nevada Regional Transportation Commission 2007). Table 8 presents these emissions and Appendix D of the EIS provides the supporting documentation for these totals. Table 8. Projected Pollutant Emissions from Combined Construction, Commuting, and Aircraft Operations Compared to Significance Thresholds Tons/Year Year/Emission Source VOCs CO NO x SO 2 PM 10 PM 2.5 2012 Aircraft 0.67 8.00 18.67 0.67 5.33 5.17 AGE 0.34 4.05 2.06 0.16 0.11 0.10 *Commuting Personnel 0.98 12.36 0.79 0.01 0.03 0.03 Construction 0.86 7.53 5.04 0.55 2.12 1.49 Total 2.85 31.94 26.56 1.39 7.59 6.79 2015 Aircraft 1.83 22.92 50.42 2.75 15.58 15.12 AGE 0.94 11.15 5.67 0.44 0.29 0.28 *Commuting Personnel 1.14 17.25 0.82 0.02 0.05 0.05 Construction 0.69 6.37 3.97 0.44 2.22 0.44 Total 4.60 57.69 60.88 3.65 18.14 15.89 2016 Aircraft 1.83 22.92 50.42 2.75 15.58 15.12 AGE 0.94 11.15 5.67 0.44 0.29 0.28 *Commuting Personnel 1.07 16.75 0.82 0.02 0.05 0.05 Construction 0.67 6.23 3.97 0.44 2.22 0.44 Total 4.51 57.05 60.88 3.65 18.14 15.89 2017 Aircraft 2.17 54.17 119.17 6.50 36.83 35.73 AGE 2.21 26.35 13.39 1.04 0.69 0.67 *Commuting Personnel 1.02 16.36 0.71 0.02 0.05 0.05 Total 5.40 96.88 133.27 7.56 37.57 36.45 2018 Aircraft 4.67 58.33 128.33 7.00 39.67 38.48 AGE 2.38 28.37 14.42 1.12 0.75 0.72 *Commuting Personnel 0.98 15.99 0.67 0.02 0.05 0.05 Total 8.03 102.69 143.42 8.14 40.47 39.25 2019 Aircraft 5.33 66.67 146.67 7.11 44.44 43.11 AGE 2.72 32.43 16.48 1.28 0.85 0.83 *Commuting Personnel 0.81 15.73 0.94 0.02 0.05 0.05 Total 8.86 114.83 164.09 8.41 45.34 43.99
Appendix F Final, May 2011


Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB Table 8. Projected Pollutant Emissions from Combined Construction, Commuting, and Aircraft Operations Compared to Significance Thresholds Tons/Year Year/Emission Source VOCs CO NO x SO 2 PM 10 PM 2.5 2020 Aircraft 6.00 75.00 165.00 8.00 50.00 48.5 AGE 3.06 36.48 18.54 1.44 0.96 0.93 *Commuting Personnel 0.81 16.16 0.64 0.02 0.05 0.05 Total 9.87 127.64 184.18 9.46 51.01 49.48 De minimis Threshold 100 100 100 70 Major Source Threshold 250 250 Proposed GHG Threshold 25,000
Note: *Commuting emissions decrease over the years (even with same number of commuters) because each year emissions improve as newer cars replace older cars.


Conformance Procedures

The following steps were used to determine air quality conformance: Step 1: Response: Is the action located in an air quality nonattainment or maintenance area? Yes, the proposed action occurs in areas designated as subpart 1 (basic) nonattainment for the 8-hour ozone standard, serious nonattainment for PM 10 , and serious nonattainment for CO.

Step 2: Do the actions result in the emission of criteria pollutants? Response: Yes, the proposed action involves use of vehicles, machinery and other equipment that generate air contaminants, including ozone precursors (NO x and VOCs), as well as PM 10 and CO. The proposed action would primarily involve the use of diesel-powered construction equipment and military aircraft. Step 3: Response: Step 4: Response: Step 5: Response: Step 6: Response: Are the actions or portion of the actions exempt from conformity requirements? No. Are the actions presumed to conform? No. No presumed to conform categories exist at this time. Are the direct emissions associated with the actions reasonably foreseeable? Yes, the F-35 beddown has been publicly announced and NEPA evaluations are on-going. Are the indirect emissions associated with the actions reasonably foreseeable? Yes. Aircraft, equipment, and commuting emissions would continue into the future but would not exceed those emissions presented in 2022.
Appendix F Final, May 2011


Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB

Step 7: Response:

Can the indirect emissions associated with the actions be practically controlled due to continuing program responsibilities? Yes, emissions from surface painting; metal plating, welding, and degreasing operations; incinerators; as well as heating and power production can be practically controlled through existing Nellis AFB air emissions control programs. Determination of total emissions. The emissions from the proposed action were calculated and are presented in Section 5.0. Are the total emissions from the actions below de minimis levels? No. In 2022 the total emissions for the proposed action exceed de minimis rates for NO x and CO as specified in the General Conformity Rule. The Air Force has consulted with Clark County DAQEM and following modeling done by Clark County, it was determined that no measurable differences at any Clark County monitor in future design values, exceed the 84-parts per billion 8-hour ozone standard (see Attachment B, DAQEM 2008). In addition, DAQEM indicated that any ozone modeling that DAQEM may incorporate in the 1997 8-hour ozone SIP submittal will include emissions from the F-35 project (Attachment B). In regards to CO, DAQEM has included the F-35 emissions in their modeling and has determined that there are no exceedances (DAQEM 2008). The results and conclusion are presented in Sections 5.0 and 7.0, respectively. Are the actions regionally significant? No.

Step 8: Response: Step 9: Response:

Step 10: Response: 4.2 4.2.1

Emissions Calculations Construction/Demolition

The facility construction and demolition areas of disturbance were derived from military construction project data forms that provide the specifics (e.g., size, infrastructure, parking, and landscaping) for each facility (Air Force VD). Construction equipment engine emissions were calculated as follows: Engine Emissions (Total) = Emission Factor (EF) (ton/hp-hr) x Engine Power (hp) x Load Factor (LF) x # vehicle/equipment x Work-day x Project Duration EF = average engine emissions of pollutant per unit of use (ton/hp-hr) LF = typical load factor (e.g., 79 percent) Work-day = operational time/day (e.g., 8 hours) Project Duration = total number of work-days (e.g., 20 days)

Appendix F Final, May 2011


Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB

Factors for construction source emission rates were derived from Median Life, Annual Activity, and Load Factor Values for Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling (USEPA 2004a); Exhaust and Crankcase Emission Factors for Nonroad Engine ModelingCompression-Ignition (USEPA 2004b); Nonroad Engine and Vehicle Emission StudyReport (USEPA 1991); Conversion Factors for Hydrocarbon Emission Components (USEPA 2005); Comparison of Asphalt Paving Emission Factors (CARB 2005); WRAP Fugitive Dust Handbook (WRAP 2006); Analysis of the Fine Fraction of Particulate Matter (MRI 2005); and Mobile 6.2. Vehicle emissions calculations for construction workers and Air Force personnel commuting in privatelyowned vehicles (POVs) employed EMFAC 2002 (v2.2) Emission Factors (On-Road) (CARB 2002). The analysis estimated emission rates for fugitive dust using guidelines outlined in the WRAP fugitive dust handbook (WRAP 2004). These guidelines, developed for use in western states, assume standard dust mitigation best practices activities. After estimating PM 10 , the fraction of fugitive dust emitted as PM 2.5 was calculated based on the most recent WRAP study (MRI 2005) that recommends the use of a fractional factor of 0.10 to estimate the PM 2.5 portion of PM 10 . Emissions calculations for all sources can be found in Appendix D of this EIS. 4.2.2 Aircraft Operations

Aircraft emission estimates for the F-35 aircraft were prepared using data provided by the Air Force. Emission factors used in the analysis derive from engine test operations and are provided in Appendix D of this EIS. 5.0 RESULTS

To assess whether a conformity determination was required, the year in which the maximum amount of emissions would be generated (i.e., FY24) was used, these totals were then compared to de minimis thresholds, and the projected percent contribution to the regional air quality calculated (Table 9). Table 9. Maximum (FY20) Projected Action Emissions Compared to De Minimis Thresholds and 2005 Regional Emissions (Tons) VOCs NO x CO PM 10 Clark County 2005 Emissions 43,980 73,360 306,425 46,717 Proposed Action FY20 F-35 Emissions8 9.06 183.54 111.48 50.96 De minimis Threshold 100 100 100 70 Percent Regional Contribution 0.02 0.25 0.04 0.11
*Note: This includes aircraft and AGE emissions.

Regionally, emissions would represent less than 1 percent of the regional contribution for any of the pollutants of concern in the year anticipated to incur the most pollutant emissionsFY20. In terms of de
F-22 Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB minimis levels, they are exceeded in FY20 for CO and NO x . Consultation with DAQEM and their subsequent modeling indicated that no exceedances of CO would occur to preclude meeting CO standards in the SIP. For NO x , a precursor ozone pollutant, DAQEM also determined that future design values are still below the 84-parts per billion 8-hour ozone standard when F-35 emissions are included (DAQEM 2008). 6.0 REGULATORY ANALYSIS

Under the provisions of CAA 176(c) [42 USC 7506(c)] as implemented by 40 CFR Part 93, Subpart B; 40 CFR Part 51, Subpart W; 32 CFR 989.30 and Air Force Instruction 32-7040, the Air Force is required to make a positive conformity determination for the proposed action before any part of the action may be implemented. SAF/IEE is the lowest ranking designated official to make conformity determinations for Air Force and this authority is not delegable below SAF/IEE (Air Force Instruction 32-7040, Paragraph 2.4.3). As noted earlier, there are six criteria pollutants for which conformity must be analyzed for the proposed action. The criteria pollutants are: 1) ozone (O 3 ), 2) carbon monoxide (CO), 3) nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), 4) sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), 5) particulate matter (PM) less than 10 and 2.5 micrometers (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ), and 6) lead (Pb). No conformity determination must be made for SO 2, NO 2, PM 10 or PM 2.5 or Pb since the emissions from the proposed action are for a criteria pollutant where conformity is not required, or the proposed emissions are de minimis. With respect to CO, Clark County DAQEM has informed the Air Force (Attachment B) that it included emissions from this F-35 project in its area-wide modeling that has already been submitted to USEPA as part of DAQEMs Maintenance Plan for CO. DAQEM observed that the F-35 projects emissions are very small in proportion to the total CO emissions inventory in the Las Vegas Valley, and concluded that no additional local air quality modeling or hot-spot analysis is necessary. Therefore, a positive conformity determination for CO may be made on this basis in accordance with 40 CFR Part 93.158(a)(4)(ii). For ozone, there is no SIP budget since USEPA has not implemented regulations to mandate SIP submittals from 26 different areas (74 FR 2944, January 16, 2009) and several of these areas, including Las Vegas, with a proposed Marginal non-attainment status have since reached attainment. As mentioned above, Clark County DAQEM has submitted the Clark County Ozone Request for Redesignation and Maintenance Plan (or Plan). F-35 and AGE specific emissions have been accounted for in the 2015 and 2022 ozone maintenance goals (CC DAQEM 2011). In Section 4.0 of the Plan, Tables 4-3 and 4-4, all F-35 operational and AGE emissions are accounted for in terms of CO, NO x , and VOCs (precursor pollutants of ozone). In 2020, total ozone emissions would not exceed those identified in this Plan and therefore a positive determination was made by the Air Force.
Appendix F Final, May 2011 F-23

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB Clark County has issued a commitment in this Plan to include the emissions described in this conformity analysis and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement issued in March 2008 in accordance with 40 CFR Part 93.158(a)(5)(i)(B). Federal agencies are authorized to make a conformity determination based on this commitment. Clark County has followed USEPA guidance which allows the county to make such a commitment notwithstanding the fact that there is no SIP in place. (General Conformity Qs & As, p. 2, Bubbling Activities, Q &A 1, October 19, 1994. 7.0 CONCLUSION

Based on this evaluation of the emissions associated with implementation of this proposed action (both construction and F-35 operations), in FY20 the estimated emissions rates of NO x and CO would exceed the 100 tons per year applicability threshold in Clark County, NV by 83.54 and 11.48 tons per year, respectively. As shown in Table 9, these project emissions would represent less than 10 percent of the area emissions of these nonattainment pollutants, and would, therefore, not be subject to general conformity requirements based upon regional significance. 8.0 FINDING OF CONFORMITY

The Air Force has reviewed and evaluated the documentation. The Air Force may issue a positive conformity determination for the proposed action in accordance with 40 CFR 93.158 (a)(5)(i)(B) for the NO x emissions analyzed in the proposed action. The Air Force may also issue a positive conformity determination for the CO emissions based on 40 CFR 93.158(a)(4)(ii).


Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB 9.0 DISTRIBUTION LIST

The Draft General Conformity Determination was sent to the following agencies: Mr. Wayne Nastri Regional Administrator USEPA, Region IX 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Mr. Willie R. Taylor Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance U.S. Department f the Interior Main Interior Building (MS2342) 1849 C Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20240 Ms. Leo Drozdoff Administrator Nevada Division of Environmental Protection 901 South Stewart Street, Suite 4002 Carson City, NV 89701 Mr. Larry Brown Chairman Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada 600 s. Grand Central Pkwy., Ste 350 Las Vegas, NV 89106 Mr. Lewis Wallenmeyer Director Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, 1st Floor Las Vegas, NV 89155

Appendix F Final, May 2011


Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB 10.0 REFERENCES

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). 2001. Distribution of Trips by Mode of Transportation. http://www.bts.gov/publications/highlights_of_the_2001_national_household_travel_survey/htm/ table_a10.html. California Air Resources Board (CARB). 2005. Comparison of Asphalt Paving Emission Factors. _____. 2002. Emission Factors (On-Road) EMFAC version 2.2. September. Clark County. 2005. Air Quality Regulations. December. Clark County Health Department (CCHD). 2001. PM 10 State Implementation Plan, Las Vegas, NV. June. _____. 2000. Carbon Monoxide State Implementation Plan, Las Vegas, NV. August. Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management (DAQEM). 2008. F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB Consultation Letter. November. _____. 2007. Clark County Ozone Redesignation Request to USEPA. Las Vegas, NV. June. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Protection of the Environment, Chapter I, Environmental Protection Agency, Subchapter C, Air Programs: Part 50, National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards; and Part 93, Subpart B, Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions to State or Federal Implementation Plans. Midwest Research Institute (MRI). 2005. Analysis of the Fine Fraction of Particulate Matter in Fugitive Dust, conducted for the Western Governors Association Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP). Project No. 110397. October. U.S. Air Force (Air Force). 2009. Nellis AFB Air Emissions Inventory. Nellis AFB, NV. _____. 2008. Draft F-35 FDE and WS Beddown Environmental Impact Statement. Air Combat Command, Langley AFB, VA. March. _____. 2006. Nellis Air Force Base 2005 Annual Emission Inventory. March.


Appendix F Final, May 2011

Final General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB _____. 2005. U.S. Air Force Air Conformity Applicability Model (ACAM) Version 4.3. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence. Brooks AFB, TX. April. _____. 2003. U.S. Air Force Conformity Guide. Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Environmental Division (USAF/ILEV). Washington, DC. August. _____. 1999. F-22 Force Development Evaluation and Weapon School Beddown, Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Headquarters ACC, Langley AFB, VA. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2005 Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties Tier Emissions Reports Generated from the USEPA Website at http://www.epa.gov/air/data/. Accessed February. _____. 2010. National Ambient Air Quality Standards. USEPA website at http://www.epa.gov/cgibin/broker?_service=data&_debug=0&_program=dataprog.dw_do_all_emis_2005.sas&pol=225 &stfips=32. _____. 2007. Information on pollutant impacts to health from the USEPA website at Http://www.epa.gov/air/urbanair/6poll.html. _____. 2004a. Median Life, Annual Activity, and Load Factor Values for Nonroad Engine Emissions Modeling. Report No. NR-005c. April. _____. 2004b. Exhaust and Crankcase Emission Factors for Nonroad Engine ModelingCompressionIgnition. Report No. NR-009c. April. _____. 1991. Nonroad Engine and Vehicle Emission Study. Report No. 460/3-91-02. November. _____. No Date (ND). Criteria Pollutant Green Book, http://www.epa.gov/oar/oaqps/greenbk/. Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP). 2004. WRAP Fugitive Dust Handbook. November.

Appendix F Final, May 2011



From: To: Subject: Date:

Parker, Sheryl K Civ USAF HQ AF ACC/A7PS Rose, Kathy L; Hoffman, Charee FW: Nellis AFB F-35 Beddown and Weapons School Draft General Conformity Determination Monday, March 08, 2010 9:37:55 AM

These were the EPA comments on the draft conformity determination. -----Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 7:59 PM To: Parker, Sheryl K Civ USAF HQ AF ACC/A7PS Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Nellis AFB F-35 Beddown and Weapons School Draft General Conformity Determination Hi Sheryl - Thanks for the inquiry about our input on the general conformity proposed determination. If you received any public comments and would like to discuss those or our thoughts below, please let us know. We'd be glad to assist. Regards, John (1) ES-3 identifies a maintenance plan requirement where there is none, i.e., absent a redesignation request, which is also not a requirement. A nonattainment area may stay nonattainment as long as it wants. However, section 175A of the Act does require a maintenance plan when a State decides to request redesignation to attainment. The subject sentence [need cite] could be revised as follows: "DAQEM and the State of Nevada have issued a commitment to include the NOx emissions in the maintenance implementation plan that DAQEM and the State intend to must submit pursuant to the provisions of 42 U.S.C. (section) 7505a in connection with a redesignation to attainment request under 42 U.S.C. (section) 7407(d)." (2) We note that the Air Force's reliance on the state's commitment to submit a SIP revision (effective upon the date of the final conformity determination) will trigger an 18-month deadline for submittal of a SIP revision, which is anticipated to be an 8-hour ozone maintenance plan. No suggested edit. (3) a. Noting that year 2022 is the highest PM emissions year, we expect that fugitive dust emissions (which would be highest in 2013) take into account control measures, whereas aircraft PM emissions (which would be highest in 2022) are uncontrolled. The conformity determination should clarify and confirm this, if correct. b. We couldn't confirm that fugitive dust emissions from tire wear and re-entrained road dust (construction worker vehicle trips and project-related commute trips), and fugitive emissions from tire wear from aircraft landings were included in emissions estimates. We suggest either adding such analysis or explaining how it is already included, if that is the case. If, for example, tire wear emissions and re-entrained road dust are not included in your MOBILE modeling results, these emissions should be estimated and added to the MOBILE results. PM numbers would certainly increase, but we do not anticipate the increase would be so large as to cause de minimis levels for PM to be exceeded. c. The General Conformity determination should identify the Clark

County rules to which the project would be subject and that can thus be relied upon to reduce construction-related PM and VOC emissions. These rules include Clark County Air Pollution Regulations Section 94 Permitting and Dust Control for Construction Activities, and Section 60.4 - Cutback Asphalts. (4) On page 22, the GC determination cites 40 CFR 51.858 as the criterion for determining conformity for CO. To the contrary, we understand the Air Force would be relying on 40 CFR 93.158(a)(4)(ii) and related Clark County DAQEM CO (areawide) modeling results from the submitted (but not yet approved) CO Maintenance Plan. If correct, then DAQEM's email (dated 8/21/09 from S. Deyo to Sheryl Parker) documenting the decision by DAQEM not to require the Air Force to conduct local CO modeling but to rely on DAQEM's own areawide CO modeling should be included along with the commitment letters at the back of the report.

Draft General Conformity Determination for the Proposed F-35 Beddown at Nellis AFB, NV Comment/Response Table
USEPA Comment (1) ES-3 identifies a maintenance plan requirement where there is none, i.e., absent a redesignation request, which is also not a requirement. A nonattainment area may stay nonattainment as long as it wants. However, section 175A of the Act does require a maintenance plan when a State decides to request redesignation to attainment. The subject sentence [need cite] could be revised as follows: "DAQEM and the State of Nevada have issued a commitment to include the NOx emissions in the maintenance implementation plan that DAQEM and the State intend to must submit pursuant to the provisions of 42 U.S.C. (section) 7505a in connection with a redesignation to attainment request under 42 U.S.C. (section) 7407(d)." (2) We note that the Air Force's reliance on the state's commitment to submit a SIP revision (effective upon the date of the final conformity determination) will trigger an 18-month deadline for submittal of a SIP revision, which is anticipated to be an 8hour ozone maintenance plan. No suggested edit. (3) a. Noting that year 2022 is the highest PM emissions year, we expect that fugitive dust emissions (which would be highest in 2013) take into account control measures, whereas aircraft PM emissions (which would be highest in 2022) are uncontrolled. The conformity determination should clarify and confirm this, if correct. b. We couldn't confirm that fugitive dust emissions from tire wear and re-entrained road dust (construction worker vehicle trips and project-related commute trips), and fugitive emissions from tire wear from aircraft landings were included in emissions estimates. We suggest either adding such analysis or explaining how it is already included, if that is the case. If, for example, tire wear emissions and re-entrained road dust are not included in your MOBILE modeling results, these emissions should be estimated and added to the MOBILE results. PM numbers would certainly increase, but we do not anticipate the increase would be so large as to cause de minimis levels for PM to be exceeded. c. The General Conformity determination should identify the Clark County rules to which the project would be subject and that can thus be relied upon to reduce construction-related PM and VOC emissions. These rules include Clark County Air Pollution Regulations Section 94 - Permitting and Dust Control for Construction Activities, and Section 60.4 - Cutback Asphalts. (4) On page 22, the GC determination cites 40 CFR 51.858 as the criterion for determining conformity for CO. To the contrary, we understand the Air Force would be relying on 40 CFR 93.158(a)(4)(ii) and related Clark County DAQEM CO (area wide) modeling results from the submitted (but not yet approved) CO Maintenance Plan. If correct, then DAQEM's email (dated 8/21/09 from S. Deyo to Sheryl Parker) documenting the decision by DAQEM not to require the Air Force to conduct local CO modeling but to rely on DAQEM's own area wide CO modeling should be included along with the commitment letters at the back of the report. The Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management reviewed the Draft General Conformity Determination, and we concur with the finding of conformity. On behalf of the Nevada Environmental Coalition, Inc., the NEC finds the document informative, thorough, and well done. On that basis, we have no objections or questions regarding the Draft Conformity Determination. Concerning the issue of basing up to 36 F-35A aircraft at Nellis Air Base, will have much more to do with noise than with the Clean Air Act. Granted, air quality is very important and will certainly come into play here, as it should! Response This sentence has been revised as reflected in the Final General Conformity Determination.


No edits made.



A statement has been added to page 16 indicating that Nellis AFB would mitigate fugitive dust emissions using WRAP soil wetting guidelines. Available air emission models (i.e., ACAM MOBILE 6.2 and EDMS do not calculate for tire/brake emissions.



DAQEM Nevada Environmental Coalition, Inc. Private Citizen

A sentence was added to this effect on page 5 in section 1.2.2 addressing State Requirements. Text has been revised on pages 23-24 to reflect the correct basis for the positive CO general conformity determination; the relevant correspondence has been included in Appendix B. Thank you for your comment. Thank you for your comment. Thank you for your comment.



Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management

Lewis Wallenmeyer Director

Sheryl K. Parker, Environmental Analysis Project Manager, HQ ACC/A7PS Stephen Deyo, Assistant Planning Manager, Clark County DAQEM Carbon Monoxide Conformity for Nellis AFB August 25, 2009

Dear Ms. Parker, After internal discussions, the Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management (DAQEM) has determined not to require Nellis Air Force Base to conduct local air quality modeling as part of its general conformity analysis for Carbon Monoxide (CO) for its proposed F-35 project. DAQEM utilized a 1-kilometer grid spacing over the entire Las Vegas Valley in its UAM modeling analysis of the 8-hour, 9 ppm CO standard. This modeling, which included emissions from the F-35 project, has already been submitted to EPA as part of DAQEMs CO Maintenance Plan. In that analysis, no modeled area within the Valley is in excess of the standard. In addition, no receptor grid near Nellis Air Force Base is greater than 5 ppm. The emissions of the F-35 project are a very small portion of the CO emissions inventory for the Las Vegas Valley, and there is no indication that additional modeling or hot-spot analysis is necessary. The technical support document of DAQEMs CO Maintenance Plan is available on our Web site: http://www.accessclarkcounty.com/depts/daqem/aq/planning/Documents/CO/COSIP2008/CO_MaintenacePlan TechnicalSupportDocument.pdf Please note figure 3-3 on page 3-5 in particular for predicted 8-hour maximum CO concentrations (ppm) in the Las Vegas Valley, inclusive of area controlled by Nellis Air Force Base. Please contact me if you have any questions. Stephen Deyo Assistant Planning Manager DAQEM (702) 455-1675




This section contains comments on the draft EIS and responses to those comments. Comments were received from the general public, agencies, and the Consolidated Group of Tribes during the comment period that began on April 4, 2008 and ended on May 19, 2008. In accordance with NEPA, public and agency comments were reviewed and incorporated into the EIS. These public and agency comments will be used by the decisionmaker in determining whether or not to implement the Proposed Action.



Comments on the Draft EIS were generated through written correspondence during the public comment period. The following process was used for reviewing and responding to these comments: All comment letters and testimony were reviewed and assigned a unique number. Within each comment letter or testimony, substantive comments were identified and bracketed. These bracketed comments were then reviewed by appropriate staff or resources specialists and provided an individual response. Three guidelines were used for determining substantive comments. 1. The proposed action, alternatives, or other components of the proposal were questioned. 2. The methodology of the analysis or results was questioned. 3. The use, adequacy, and/or accuracy of data were questioned. The individual bracketed comments were assigned a response code corresponding to a specific response. These responses (and codes) were organized in numerical order. The responses to comments appear in the response section of this volume. Due to their similarity, some comments were assigned the same response.



All comments letters were given a response number. Response numbers are printed next to one or more bracketed areas in the left margin of the comment letters. Because of the limited number of comments, responses were not grouped by resource area. However, they are generally ordered by public, agency, and Consolidated Group of Tribes comments. Responses are found in the response section following the comments.

Appendix G Final, May 2011




F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS

Response to Comments
Comment/ Letter # Response # Response Official notification of the F-35 FDE WS draft EIS public comment period began with publication of the Notice of Availability on April 4, 2008 in the Federal Register. Advertisements were placed in the Las Vegas Review Journal/Sun Times, Lincoln County Record, and Pahrump Valley Times providing times, dates, and locations of the meetings, two weeks prior to the first meeting. The Alamo public hearing was held on April 28, 2008 at the Lincoln County Annex. Discussion of zoning and land use relative to the F-35 Beddown can be found in Sections 3.6 and 4.6, Land Use. Caliente and areas to its north underlie the Desert MOA. This airspace has been used for military training since the 1950s. During the 1990s, airspace use in the area averaged approximately 13,000 sortie-operations, including supersonic flight, per year. In 1999, these same noise and overflight conditions would have applied. The Air Force considers each damage claim on a case-by-case basis. Air Force regulations provide an established process through which damage claims can be submitted, investigated, and resolved. The floor of the MOA is, indeed, 100 feet AGL in the portion of the MOA you describe. This altitude authorization has been in place since well before 1999. Please note also that a supersonic waiver is in place for the MOA, allowing supersonic flight operatioins down to 5,000 feet AGL. However, as described on page 3-7 of the EIS, all pilots operating in the airspace must adhere to FAA rules that require all aircraft to avoid persons, vehicles, and structures by 500 feet. The minimum altitude for supersonic flight in this area is 30,000 feet MSL, or about 25,000 feet AGL. Since the overlying airspace is used for supersonic flight, sonic booms in the area do occur as described in Sections 3.3 and 4.3 of the EIS. With the beddown of the F-35, the area under discussion near Caliente would likely experience 1 additional sonic boom per month as discussed in the EIS. Combat training may require a pilot to make aggressive maneuvers at low altitude. This may be misinterpreted as an attempt to harass livestock on the ground, however, it is the pilot executing combat training maneuvers designed to help the pilot survive engagements with enemy weapon systems. However, purposely harassing livestock is not acceptable. Whenever a citizen notes an aircrew breaking flight rules, the Air Force encourages you to note your location, exact time, and nature of the incident and report it to the Nellis AFB Public Affairs Office. All responses to comments are presented herein, in accordance with NEPA and CEQ regulations.















Appendix GResponses Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Comment/ Letter # Response # Response If the proposal were to become a reality, the Air Force would update its current AICUZ Report to reflect the F-35 beddown and after the aircraft have settled into their flight profiles. Until that time, the current EIS contours will be used as interim AICUZ contours. Nellis AFB would continue to work closely with Clark County. The EIS thoroughly analyzed the potential for disproportionate adverse impacts on minority and low-income populations. As presented in Section 4.8, the percentage of minority populations affected by noise levels of 65 dB DNL and greater would decrease from 74 to 73 percent. Low-income populations affected would decrease from 18 to 16 percent. The existing distribution of minority and low-income populations in the census block areas surrounding Nellis AFB already exceed county averages of 38 and 12 percent, respectively. Also, growth in the affect minority populations occurred since 2000 even though the noise contours did not change. The Air Force, specifically Nellis AFB, has worked with and continues to work with governments and communities surrounding the base. Over the years, Nellis AFB has addressed the encroachment by these communities through implementing noise abatement procedures listed on page 3-22. In addition, as described on pages 3-18, Nellis AFB has consistently used the AICUZ program to provide public involvement on noise issues, information on noise attenuation to the public and local governments, and information on soundproofing and other mitigation measures. As described in Sections 3.6 and 4.6, Land Use, increases in housing, population, and sensitive receptors affected by aircraft noise derive primarily from encroachment outside the control of Nellis AFB and contrary to recommendations made by the Air Forces AICUZ studies. The recreation areas under the MOAs are administered by state and federal agencies, not the Air Force. The Air Force and Nellis AFB regularly consult and coordinate with these agencies on numerous issues, and use those efforts as a means of informing the public. In addition, Nellis AFB Public Affairs provides the opportunity for members of the public to contact the base to air issuesabout noise. Since the agencies that administer these lands (e.g., BLM) have not noted any problems with lack of information to the public about these issues, no additional public outreach is contemplated by the Air Force at this time. The Air Force is a leader in Environmental Management and committed to elimination or reduction of waste, including the practices mandated in E.O. 13148. All such practices will be, as feasible, incorporated into the design, construction, and operation of facilities.












Appendix GResponses Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Comment/ Letter # Response # Response The Air Force is committed to continuing to work with the City of North Las Vegas and other municipalities to limit the effects of aircraft noise resulting from the beddown. As new information is developed, and system related issues are learned, better planning and noise information will be used to improve noise management at and around the base. The figure referenced in the comment depicts overall Clark County noise environ contours used specifically for land use and zoning. This information is derived directly from Clark County and is used for consistency across all affected communities. For comparability purposes, the EIS used this standardized land use information. The EIS, in Sections 3.6 and 4.6, were amended to recognize the issue of growth raised by North Las Vegas. In addition, the EIS notes the variation of land use planning between Clark County and the City of North Las Vegas. The analysis was updated to reflect the data available from the 2010 U.S. Census. This source is used to ensure consistency across the various locations and to support the evaluations in Socioeconomics as well as the Environmental Justice sections. Nellis AFB works closely with Clark County and adjacent communities through its active Air Installation Compatible Use Zone program. Refer to page 3-18 for discussion of this program. The EIS thoroughly examines air quality emissions potentially resulting from the beddown in Section 4.4.1. See especially discussion following Table 4.4-2 and the consultation undertaken with Clark Countys Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management. Appendix F also provides detail on the conformity applicability analysis for this proposal. The emissions would remain in conformity with all applicable laws, regulations, and plans. No sensitive species would be adversely affected based on the analysis presented in the EIS, please refer to Section 4.10.1. Thank you for the comment. Since receipt of this comment, the County has submitted its Ozone Redesignation and Maintenance Plan to USEPA. Discussion on this topic was revised to reflect the current status. It can be found on pages 4-19 and 4-20. This information was incorporated into the EIS in Section 2.4.2 on pg. 2-37. The EIS was revised to indicate that the Grand Canyon lies 97 km from Nellis AFB and this condition was evaluated in Section 3.4.1, page 3-39. Thank you for the comment; evaluation of the potential effects to cultural and traditional resources are found in Section 4.11.1. Recognition of the CGTO was added to Section 7.0Persons and Agencies Contacted.











0007 0008

A-11 A-12

0008 0008 0009 0010

A-13 A-14 A-15 CGTO-1

Appendix GResponses Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Comment/ Letter # 0010 Response # CGTO-2 Response The recommendation was taken and further clarification of the CGTO and DRC was inserted on page 3-91 of the EIS. Information on public involvement and opportunities for meeting over the multiyear process was addressed in Section 2.4.3 of the EIS. Thank you for the comment. Nellis AFB undertakes this government-to-government relationship through its active Native American Program, as referenced at page 3-94. Criteria for selecting schools for study included assessed distances from NTTR. This includes the Duckwater, Timbisha, and Moapa schools. The Las Vegas Paiute School is in a noise environment well below the 65 dB DNL threshold for analysis. Similarly, the Duckwater, Timbisha and Moapa schools are far enough away as to not be affected by subsonic or supersonic noise originating from NTTR. The term Traditional Cultural Resources was changed to Traditional Cultural Properties (TCP) in the final EIS. Since 1997, Nellis AFB has been in the process of utilizing professional archaeologists and Native Americans to systematically characterize the seven mountain ranges on NTTR. Any TCP designation will be a combined effort between Nellis AFB and the tribes. Nellis AFB and Native Americans are currently characterizing the fifth mountain range. The Air Force has encouraged bases to initiate a variety of studies to assess impacts to cultural properties. A study was conducted as part of investigations in Civet Cat Canyon on the NTTR at a large rock art site and historic ranching complex, and a rock art locality in an overflight zone. Native Americans were participants on the field crew and the document was reviewed by the DRC. The research team did not obtain any evidence of impacts from noise. Nellis AFB continues to encourage the tribes to assist in initiating studies in other zones. The noise section addresses health affects for all people. Specific issues about how noise is perceived for special use areas (e.g., sacred areas, wilderness areas, critical habitat, etc) are discussed under land use, Section 4.6.1, starting on page 4-29. Cultural and perception impacts are relative to the populace affected by the action. In this case the Air Force used standard Air Force noise programs to model F-35 sound levels; these include evaluation of the generally accepted notion of annoyance. It should be noted that all F-35 activities on the NTTR occur in areas already overflown by numerous aircraft and the sonic booms and noise impacts are only increased slightly for all receptors under the NTTR. Near the airfield, school parks and other culturally sensitive areas have been analyzed. Class B, C, and E/HAP categories were defined in the EIS on page 3-43. Thank you for the comment. The map in this section was revised to include the location of tribal lands. Thank you for the comment. The map in this section was revised to include the location of tribal lands.
Appendix GResponses Final, May 2011













0010 0010 0010



F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Comment/ Letter # 0010 Response # CGTO-12 Response Thank you for the comment. The text in the EIS in Section 3.5.1 clearly delineates the differences between BASH and other sources of aircraft mishaps. Due to their unexpected nature, the location of the mishaps is unpredictable. The Environmental Management Flight is notified following mishaps. The Nellis AFB Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (2006) provides a process for the Cultural Resources Manager to notify the tribes through a five-person committee following an assessment of potential impacts to cultural resources. The installation of wind farms relative to their impact to F-35 operations is addressed in the EIS. Proposals involving the locations of windmills should be brought to the attention of the appropriate land manager; generally under NTTR the BLM or the USFS are the land managers where the wind farms are likely to be proposed. In 2005, Nellis AFB concurred with a formal recommendation by the CGTO that any wind farm proposal in which Nellis AFB is a party that the tribes be invited for consultation. Nellis AFB continues to concur. No tribal lands fall under the MOAs and therefore are not included in this section. The figure in this section was revised to show the location of tribal lands and their proximity to the airspace. Thank you for your comment. The designation of ACECs under NTTR is the purview of the BLM, as the lead agency. Consequently, discussions should be conducted directly with the appropriate BLM district office. Nellis AFB maintains its commitment to continue to involve tribes in all federal actions in which Nellis AFB is a party. These areas are currently impacted by aircraft noise and assessments indicate that the proposed action would only negligibly increase noise in these areas. Studies indicate that aircraft noise generated by this action would be minor relative to the existing impacts. Determination of tribally designated Wilderness Areas or Wilderness Study Areas is beyond the scope of this document. The text was revised to state that only bighorn sheep are hunted in the DNWR for a few weeks in December and in the Stonewall Range for a few weeks in November. No other hunting or recreational activities are allowed on the withdrawn portion of NTTR. Under the MOAs, hunting for big horn sheep, deer, elk, etc. occurs throughout the area. The Caliente Framework Plan is no longer referenced in the EIS. However, all current conditions applicable to cultural resources are presented in Section 3.11 and they evaluated for impacts in 4.11. The figure in this section was revised to show the location of tribal lands and their proximity to the airspace. The text in this section was revised to recognize location of tribal lands and their proximity to the airspace.















0010 0010 0010


Appendix GResponses Final, May 2011


F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Comment/ Letter # 0010 Response # CGTO-23 Response Studies indicate that the F-35 would not affect socioeconomics for areas outside of Clark County. The only activity associated with the proposal consists of intermittently flying over areas already exposed to such operations from numerous other aircraft. The analysis provided in this EIS analyzes the availability of housing for the influx of personnel attributed to the beddown of the F-35. Since it is unlikely that military or civilian personnel working on the F-35 would move into tribal housing, this topic was not addressed in the document. Impact Aid to American Indian Children would not be part of this proposal. Thank you for your comment. While it is true that the Las Vegas Paiute qualify under the definition of a low-income or minority population relative to environmental justice, the impacts associated with the proposal would not reach the Las Vegas Paiute reservation lands and therefore are not addressed. The EIS text limits the discussion of soils and water resources to Nellis AFB because at the NTTR, there would be no ground activities to affect these resources. As such, the condition of soils and water resources would remain similar to current conditions as a result of the beddown and operation of the F-35. The Air Force makes the determinations and asks for concurrence from the SHPO. The EIS now indicates eligibility is determined in consultation with the SHPO (Section 3.11) and a concurrence letter from SHPO provided in Appendix A. The text was modified on page 3-91 to reflect affiliation of the DRC and the CGTO, and that they review a number of different types of documents. The EIS clearly differentiates discussions of Nellis AFB (Section 3.11.1) and NTTR (Section 3.11.2). The quarry site has not been formally determined as a TCP. Page 2-39 outlines government-to-government consultation and the public involvement process. As demonstrated in Appendix A, Attachment D, letters were sent to 49 Tribal representatives, including the CTGO, prior to scoping. These letters asked the Tribes for comments and provided the times and locations for all scoping meetings. The text in Sections 3.11 and 4.11 was changed to state Traditional Cultural Properties or TCP. No tribal lands underlie the MOAs and therefore were not addressed in the EIS. Text was added in Section 2.3.2 to clarify that there will be no increase of personnel at NTTR; therefore, this was not addressed in Section 4.7-1. No personnel would be added under the MOAs in NTTR. Evaluation of military and civilian personnel was included in the EIS in Section 4.7.1.



0010 0010














0010 0010 0010





Appendix GResponses Final, May 2011

F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown EIS Comment/ Letter # 0010 Response # CGTO-37 Response Section 4.7 evaluates the potential impacts to housing by the incoming personnel. Tribal housing would not be affected or change as a result of this action. Section 4.7 evaluates potential impacts to schools by the incoming personnel. Tribal schools or population demand on the tribal schools would not be affected as a result of this action. Minority and low-income populations are considered under Environmental Justice, E.O. 12898 (see Section 3.7 for the methodology). Environmental Justice impacts are determined first; then the population is evaluated. Since the tribal communities would not be impacted by the proposal, there was no need for further analyses regarding Environmental Justice. A mitigation plan would not be required because the construction would avoid cultural sites on base. No construction occurs under the MOA as a result of this action; therefore, no mitigation measures are needed. As stated in Section 4.11.1, pg. 4-47, if an unanticipated discovery of archaeological materials occurs during construction, then an investigation and evaluation will be conducted according to procedures in 36 CFR Part 60 and the Nellis AFB ICRMP. The section was renamed Traditional Cultural Properties. The EIS does include and has included detailed discussion of NTTR and MOA areas under separate header in the same section of 4.11. Gypsum Cave is not on NTTR or under MOA airspace projected for use by the F-35. It is over 40 miles east of the base and would remain unaffected by subsonic or supersonic noise from Air Force operations. The impacts associated with the proposed action would not overlap lands administered by BIA, and therefore are not within the affected environment of this EIS. The Air Force has considered and evaluated the information provided by the DRC and has concluded the statement in the EIS is still accurate. Tribal communities are not located under the identified MOAs, consequently they would not be impacted by the proposed action. The economic development of any enterprise, including those by Tribal entities would not be affected by the proposal. The proposed action would not affect current policies regarding access to sacred areas. Section 4.11.1 details the lack of noise-induced impacts to fragile buildings (including prehistoric adobes) and other resources. The noise appendix (Appendix C, see especially Section C2.0, Noise Effects and C3.0, Noise Modeling) also demonstrates that aircraft noise would not affect rocks or terrain, so it can be anticipated that no impacts to petroglyphs would occur.











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Appendix GResponses Final, May 2011


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