Programming Logic and Design

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The key takeaways are the four major computer operations, six phases of programming, flowchart representation of logic, variables, data types, procedural and object-oriented programming techniques.

The six phases of the programming process are: understand the problem, plan the logic, code the program, translate the program to machine language, test the program, deploy the program.

The two major programming techniques discussed are procedural programming and object-oriented programming.

PROGRAMMING LOGIC AND DESIGN ObJectives Understand computer components and operations Describe the steps involved in the

he programming process Describe the data hierarchy Understand how to use flowchart symbols and pseudocode statements Use and name variables Use a sentinel, or dummy value, to end a program Use a connector symbol Assign values to variables Recognize the proper format of assignment statements Describe data types Understand the evolution of programming techniques Understanding Computer Components and Operations Hardware and software: the two major components of any computer system Hardware: equipment, or devices Software: programs that contain instructions for the computer Four major operations in a computer: Input Processing Output Storage Input devices: allow data to enter the computer Mouse, keyboard, scanner Processing: working on the data; such as: Organizing data Checking data for accuracy Mathematical or other manipulations on data Central Processing Unit (CPU): hardware that performs the tasks Output devices: provide data to the user Printer, monitor, speakers Programming language: special language containing instructions for the computer Visual Basic, Java, C#, C++, COBOL Syntax: the rules governing word usage and punctuation in the language Machine language: a language that controls the computers on/off circuitry Compiler or interpreter: software that translates programming languages to machine language A program must be free of syntax errors to be run, or executed, on a computer To function properly, the logic must be correct Whats wrong with this logic for making a cake? Stir Add two eggs Add a gallon of gasoline Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes Add three cups of flour Logic errors, or semantic errors, are more difficult to locate than syntax errors Logic for multiplying a number by 2 (includes input, processing and output statements) Get input number Compute calculatedanswer as inputnumber times 2. Print calculated answer Two storage categories: internal and external Internal storage: Main memory, random access memory (RAM) Located inside the computer system Volatile: contents are lost when power goes down

External storage: Persistent: contents are relatively permanent Floppy drive, hard drive, flash media, magnetic tape Located outside the computer system Understanding the Programming Process Six programming phases: 1. Understand the problem 2. Plan the logic 3. Code the program 4. Use software to translate the program to machine language 5. Test the program 6. Deploy the program into production Understanding the problem: 1. May be the most difficult phase 2. Users may not be able to articulate their needs well 3. User needs may be changing frequently 4. Programmers may have to learn the users functional job tasks 5. Failure to understand the problem is the major cause of most project failures Planning the logic: 1. Plan the steps that the program will take 2. Use tools such as flowcharts and pseudocode 3. Flowchart: a pictorial representation of the logic steps 4. Pseudocode: English-like representation of the logic 5. Walk through the logic before coding by desk-checking the logic Coding the program: 1. Select the programming language 2. Write the instructions Using software to translate the program into machine language: 1. Programmers write instructions in English-like high-level languages 2. Compilers or interpreters change the programs into low-level machine language that can be executed 3. Syntax errors are identified by the compiler or interpreter

Testing the program: Execute it with sample data and check results Identify logic errors and correct them Choose test data carefully to exercise all branches of the logic

Putting the program into production Do this after testing is complete and all known errors have been corrected May require coordination with other related activities or software Understanding the Data Hierarchy Data hierarchy: ordering of data types by size Character: single symbol (letter, number, special symbol) A, 7, $ Field: group of characters forming a single data item Smith Record: a group of related fields Customer record containing name and address fields File: a group of related records Customer file, containing all customer records Database: collection of related files, called tables, that serve the information needs of the organization

Using Flowchart Symbols and Pseudocode Statements Flowchart: pictorial representation of the logic Pseudocode: English-like representation of the logic Example:

Flowchart input symbol:

Flowchart processing symbol

Flowchart output symbol:

Flowlines: Connect the steps Show the sequence of statements Have arrows to show the direction Terminal symbol (start/stop symbol): Shows the start and end points of the statements Lozenge shape

Back-pointing arrows show statements that will be repeated

Using and Naming Variables Variable: a memory location whose contents can vary; also called an identifier Each programming language has it own rules for naming identifiers, including: Legal characters Maximum length Use of upper or lower case Variable name must be a single word, but can be formed from several words rate, interestRate, interest_rate Choose meaningful names for variables Improves the readability and maintainability of code

Ending a Program by Using Sentinel Values Infinite loop: a sequence of statements that repeats forever with no escape Avoid infinite loops by testing for a predetermined value that means stop processing Decision: testing a value Flowchart decision symbol: a diamond shape, with two flowlines, one for Yes and one for No

Sentinel value (or dummy value) Does not represent real data Signal to stop Can be used with input from files or from users End-of-file (EOF) marker: Code stored in the file that marks the end of the data Usually used instead of a sentinel value for file input

Using the Connector Flowchart connector symbol: Marks a logic transfer to another location in the flowchart Transfer location can be on the same page or on another page On-page symbol: a circle with a number or letter to identify the matching transfer location Off-page symbol: a square with a pointed bottom, containing page number and a number of letter to identify the matching transfer location

Assigning Values to Variables Assignment statement: Assigns a value to a variable Variable must appear on the left side, value on the right side of the assignment operator Right side may be an expression that will be evaluated before storing the value in the variable Assignment operator: the equal sign (=) in most languages Variable: Memory location: has an address and a value Value (contents) is used for various operations Understanding Data Types Two basic data types: Text Numeric Numeric data stored by numeric variables Text data stored by string, text, or character variables Constants: Values that do not change while the program is running Have identifiers, and can be used like variables for calculations, but cannot be assigned new values Some programming languages implement several numeric data types, such as: Integer: whole numbers only Floating-point: fractional numeric values with decimal points Character or string data is represented as characters enclosed in quotation marks x, color Data types must be used appropriately

Understanding the Evolution of Programming Techniques Programming began in the 1940s, using memory addresses and machine code directly Higher level languages were developed to allow English-like instructions Older programs were monolithic, and ran from beginning to end Newer programs contain modules that can be combined to form programs Two major programming techniques: Procedural programming Object-oriented programming Procedural programming: focuses on the procedures that programmers create Object-oriented programming: focuses on objects that represent real-world things and their attributes and behaviors Both techniques employ reusable program modules Summary Four major computer operations: input, processing, output, and storage Six programming phases: understand the problem, plan the logic, code the program, translate the program to machine language, test the program, deploy the program Data hierarchy: character -> field -> record -> file -> database Flowchart: pictorial representation of program logic Variables: named memory locations that contain values Testing a value involves making a decision Assignment statements: store a value into a variable Assignment operator: the equal (=) sign in most languages Two major data types: text and numeric Procedural programming focuses on actions performed on data Object-oriented programming focuses on representing and manipulation objects

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