Rise of Hitler Powerpoint
Rise of Hitler Powerpoint
Rise of Hitler Powerpoint
Hitler soon organized the Nazi Party. Nazi= National Socialist German Workers He organized his supporters into fight squads, or storm troopers and began attacking political enemies. Hitler was arrested for treason when he attempted to seize control of Munich. While in prison he wrote his book, Mein Kampf, or my struggle.
Mein Kampf
Within his book, Hitler discussed extreme nationalism, racism, and antiSemitism He proclaimed that Germany belonged to the Aryan race (light-skinned) Considers Jews ethnic outsiders Believed Judaism was not a religion but a race Defined anyone with Jewish grandparents as Jewish
Hitler believed that Germany could be revived if they persecuted nonAryans He also felt Germany needed a strong leader, or Fuhrer He was determined to become that leader The Nazi Party appealed to veterans, workers, lower middle class, small town Germans, and business people. Hitler promised these people he would end reparations, create jobs, and defy the Treaty of Versailles.
Nazi Germany
Once Hitler became Chancellor he organized the Third Reich Hitler felt the First Reich was Germany under the Holy Roman Empire The Second Reich was Germany under Bismarck The Third Reich was when the German race would dominate EUROPE Third Reich= official name of Nazi Party for its regime in Germany; held power from 19331945. Hitler began to reject the Treaty of Versailles by rearming Germany and unite Germany and Austria. Hitler established the SS and the Gestapo The SS was to enforce the message of Hitler The Gestapo was to drive out any opposition
Nuremberg Laws
Established in 1935 Deprived and severely restricted German Jews. Jews were forbidden to: o Marry non-Jews o teach or attend German schools and universities o hold government jobs o practice law or medicine o publish books
November 7, 1938, a young Jew shot and wounded a German diplomat in Paris. Hitler used this to stage and attack on German Jews. This attack became known as Kristallnacht or night of broken glass. Nazi-led mobs attacked Jewish communities all over Germany and Austria.
Hitler Youth
Hitler established the Hitler Youth in order to ensure the future of the Nazi party In passionate speeches Hitler spewed his message of racism. Hitler Youth pledged absolute loyalty and took physical fitness tests to prepare for war. School courses and textbooks were written to reflect Nazi racial views.