Centrifuge Power Point

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What is Centrifuge ???

Centrifuge is designed to use the centrifugal force genereted in rotational movement to separate the constitutive elements of a mixture

Function of Centrifuge ...

Use to separating solids suspended to separated component of blood

Calibration of Centrifuge
Calibration is performed by measuring the speed centrifuges per minute and time. Refrigerated centrifuge in addition to the calibration on rpm and time also need to calibrate the temperature.

Calibration of timers
Set centrifuges at a frequently used example

5 minutes. Run the tool and run it in conjunction with the stopwatch. At the time of centrifuges to stop, turn off the stopwatch, stopwatchrecord the time indicated. Repeat several times, calculate the average The ticker is still acceptable if the deviation of the mean value of not more than 10%.

Calibration rpm Tachometer mechanical

End of the cable attached to the

motor coil inside, while the other end connected to the meter. Set centrifuged at certain rpm, then run. Note the rpm is indicated by a meter on tachometer. Repeat several times, calculate the average.

Electric tachometer
Place the magnet around the coil, causing a flow of

electricity whenthe tool is run. Set centrifuged at certain rpm. Arising electricity will drive the meter. Note the rpm is indicated by a meter on the tachometer. Repeat several times, calculate the average.

Operation Principles
The centrifuge uses centrifugal force (the force

generated when an object rotates around a single point). Centrifuges represent a practical application of Newtons law of motion.

General purpose centrifuge

The model is usually a tabletop Designed for separation of urine samples.

Micro Centrifuge

Microtubes volume range 0,5-2,0 mL rotated special microtubes at high speed

Speciality Centrifuge

uses for specific purpose kind ; microhematocrit centrifuge and blood bank centrifuge

How to use of centrifuge???

Before starting the centrifuge,make sure that the

lid during the last centrifuge Check the cleanliness of room,clean up all spills immediately. Always doing universal precautions (biohazard) Balance the load centrifuge before use Use the shield and the right tube Play a sample with a lid attached Use spesial tube to the centrifuge

Routine Maintenance
Routine maintenance required by a centrifuge depends on multiple factors, such as : The incorporated technology Usage intensity Training of users Quality of the electrical feed and environmental conditions.

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