Morfologi Insecta New

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6 kaki
1 pasang antena
Kebanyakan dewasa bersayap


Mata tunggal Mata faset


Bibir atas Rahang atas Sungut labial Bibir bawah


Mata faset & Ocelli


Mata majemuk

head of queen European Hornet (Vespa crabro)

labrum The labrum is a simple fused sclerite, often called the upper lip, and moves longitudinally. mandibles The mandibles, or jaws, are highly sclerotized paired structures that move at right angles to the body. They are used for biting, chewing and severing food maxillae (plural maxilla) The maxillae are paired structures that can move at right angles to the body and possess segmented palps. labium The labium (often called the lower lip), is a fused structure that moves longitudinally and possesses a pair of segmented palps

Tabel Perbandingan Jenis Mulut

Tipe mulut


Dilengkapi dengan Dilengkapi dengan Dilengkapi rahang Dilengkapi dengan alat seperti belalai alat untuk yang panjang dan rahang atas dan panjang yang menjilat runcing bawah yang dapat digulung sangat kuat

Contoh serangga

Kupu-kupu, ngengat

Lalat rumah, lalat buah


Belalang, kumbang, semut

Fungsi utama: sebagai organ sensoris (penerima rangsangan). Beberapa rangsangan yang dapat dideteksi oleh antena serangga meliputi: Gerak dan orientasi, bau, suara, kelembaban, dan berbagai isyarat kimia. Antena sangat bervariasi di antara serangga, tetapi semua memiliki pola dasar yang sama.

Jenis-jenis antena
Aristate antennae are pouchlike with a lateral bristle. Examples: House and shore flies (order Diptera). Capitate antennae are abruptly clubbed at the end. Examples: Butterflies (order Lepidoptera).

Clavate antennae are gradually clubbed at the end. Examples: Carrion beetles (order Coleoptera). Filiform antennae have a thread-like shape. Examples: Ground and longhorned beetles (orderColeoptera), cockroaches (order Blattaria).

Geniculate antennae are hinged or bent like an elbow. Examples: Bees and ants (order Hymenoptera).

Lamellate or clubbed antennae end in nested plates. Examples: Scarab beetles (order Coleoptera).

Moniliform have a beadlike shape. Examples: Termites (order Isoptera).

Pectinate antennae have a comb-like shape. Examples: Fire-colored beetles and fireflies (orderColeoptera).

Plumose antennae have a feather-like shape. Examples: Moths (order Lepidoptera) and mosquitoes (order Diptera). Serrate antennae have a sawtoothed shape. Examples: Click beetles (order Coleoptera).

Setaceous antennae have a bristle-like shape. Examples: Dragonflies and damselflies (orderOdonata).



mesothorax metathorax

Sepasang sayap

Sepasang tungkai

Each segment consists of hardened plates, or sclerites. Dorsal sclerites are called nota (singular notum), lateral sclerites are called pleura (singular pleuron), and ventral sclerites are called sterna (singular sternum). The first segement of the prothorax is the pronotum.

Tidak bersayap (Apterygota) Bersayap (Pterygota)

Lepisma Saccharina


Ordo Collembola

Ordo Lepidopthera

Insects have evolved many variations of the wings, and an individual insect may posess more than one type of wing. Wing venation is a commonly used taxonomic character, especially at the family and species level.

Danaus eresimus

Jenis-jenis sayap
Membranous wings are thin and more or less transparent, but some are darkened. Examples: Dragonfiles and damselflies (order Odonata), lacewings (order Neuroptera), flies (order Diptera), bees and wasps (order Hymenoptera), termites (order Isoptera).
Halteres are an extreme modification among the order Diptera (true flies), in which the hind wings are reduced to mere nubs used for balance and direction during flight. Examples: All flies (order Diptera).
Order Diptera: Crane fly, Tipula oleracea

Order Coleoptera: Dung beetle, Heliocopris andersoni

Elytra (singular elytron) are the hardened, heavily sclerotized forewings of beetles and are modified to protect the hind wings when at rest. Examples: All beetles (order Coleoptera).

Order Hemiptera: Big-eyed bug, Geocoris sp.

A variation of the elytra is the hemelytra. The forewings of Hemipterans are said to be hemelytrous because they are hardened throughout the proximal two-thirds, while the distal portion is membranous. Unlike elytra, hemelytra function primarily as flight wings.

Tegmina (singular tegmen) are the leathery forewings of insects in the orders Orthoptera, Blattaria, and Mantodea. Like the elytra on beetles and the hemelytra on bugs, the tegmina help protect the delicate hind wings. Examples: Grasshoppers, crickets and katydids (order Orthoptera), Cockroaches (order Blattaria), Mantids (order Mantodea).

Order Orthoptera: Grasshopper, Dissosteira carolina, Order Blattaria: Smokybrown cockroach, Periplaneta fuliginosa,

Depan (foreleg)
Tengah (midleg) Belakang (hind leg)

Kursorial (berlari)

Fosorial (menggali)

Raptorial (mencengkram)

saltorial (melompat)

Tipe tungkai serangga

Natatorial (berenang)

Valanga nigricornis (belalang)

Stagmomantis carolina (belalang sembah)

Apis cerana (lebah madu)

Periplaneta australasiae (kecoa)

Hydrophilus triangularis (kumbang air)

Gryllotalpa africana (orong-orong)


The abdomen contains the reproductive organs and the majority of the organ systems. The dorsal and ventral abdominal segments are termed terga (singular tergum) and sterna (singular sternum), respectively. Spiracles usually can be found in the conjunctive tissue between the terga and sterna of abdominal segments 1-8. Reproductive structures are located on the 9th segment in males (including the aedeagus, or penis, and often a pair of claspers) and on the 8th and 9th abdominal segments in females (female external genitalia copulatory openings and ovipositor)


Tidak tahan kering, berpelampung

Tahan kering, Tidak berpelampug

Berbentuk rakit, tidak tahan kering





proboscis caput palpa foreleg thorax wing Vein Cu Vein 1A femur antenna


Abdominal terga midleg


Nyamuk Aedes aegypti berwarna hitam dengan belang-belang (loreng) putih pada seluruh tubuhnya

Membedakan nyamuk


Panjang palpa = panjang proboschis Antena berbulu lebat (tipe plumose)

Panjang palpa < panjang proboschis Antena tipe-pilose

Mulut lebih lemah

Mulut tipe penusuk-pengisap yang kuat

Betina Jantan Spermateca 3 buah (2 diatas, 1 dibawah) Cerci panjang

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