Succession Planning - PPT Slides
Succession Planning - PPT Slides
Succession Planning - PPT Slides
Succession Planning
Character Charisma Commitment Communication Competence Courage Discernment Focus Generosity Initiative Listening
Passion Positive Attitude Problem Solving Relationships Responsibility Security Self-Discipline Servanthood Teachability Vision
Positive Role models Sensitive and caring Mentors Simplify bureaucracy (KIS) Accept challenges for the future
An effective leader:
Is alive with spirit/enthusiasm Has passion during the time in office Makes the meetings useful, timely, and educational Asks the members what they want/need/expect from the Chapter Meets the needs of the members Sets an example that others may choose to follow
Circle of Leadership
Make Commitment to Leadership Continuity Evaluate & Reward
Strategic goal setting Laying a solid foundation Keep your eyes on the horizonbe forward thinking
Where are we going? How do we want to get there? Who will take us there?
Process Requirements Benefits
Focus Simplify
Having the right people in the right place at the right time An ongoing process of identifying and developing future leaders An opportunity to create standards for qualifications and competencies for future leaders Providing understanding to members of the potential leadership paths available and development needs
The purpose and need for succession planning Timeframe and commitment involved Resources available Vision and mission How it will support the strategic plan of the association
Succession Planning
Future Plans
Succession planning begins the moment you are elected Focus on your resources (members) Build on their strengths
Needs assessments
Assesses members feelings Remedy any past problems Plot successful future courses
Leaders create a comfortable environment for members Delegate and relinquish power to other members
Relinquishing will multiply members strengths Delegating builds confidence and encourages members to take risks
Pitfalls to Avoid
Lack of leadership Lack of communication Lack of understanding Making assumptions about future growth
What is it?
Structured, trusting relationship
Deliberate learning is a cornerstone Both failure and success are powerful teachers Leaders need to tell their stories Development matures over time Mentoring is a joint venture
Chapters need to provide leadership that mentors and attracts members Successful mentoring must be developed and managed Its an important responsibility for all members Theres no magic recipe, mentoring grows and evolves
Coach, guide, redirect, and teach Discourage complaints, encourage solutions Criticize privately, praise publicly
Tool to help develop and motivate an individual A focused and individualized approach to determine needs Member of Excellence criteria
Forward Thinking
Leave tracks Pave the way for those who will follow Leave things better than you found them Make things easier for those who will follow Share lessons learned
Thoughts to Remember
Leaders are energetic people who inspire others by example Leaders foster collaboration Leaders can make a positive difference in someones life
In Closing
Leaders develop a vision for moving members forward! Succession planning begins the moment you are elected! Mentoring new leaders will make your succession planning a success!
Succession Planning
Sources: Adapted from presentation done by Irene Karas, Past President, South Jersey Chapter IAAP (originally presented by Anita Reed Seminar Post-Convention Leadership Workshop on July 19, 2001). 2007-2008 AR-OK Leadership Training Presentation The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John C. Maxwell Systematic Succession Planning by Rebecca Luhn Wolfe, Ph.D. Succession Planning Basics by Christee Gabour Atwood Websites:;