Business Correspondence

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Business correspondence is an instrument
of decision making in the business world.
Business Correspondence is a link
between people.
t helps to reinforce professional exchange
of ideas, opinion and information.
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unction of a Business Letter
To provide a convenient and inexpensive
means of communication without personal
To seek or give information
To furnish evidence of transaction entered
To provide a record for future reference
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ind of a Business Letter
Personal Letters
Non- Personal Letter
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Non Personal Letters
Business Letters
Enquiries and replies, orders, their
execution, credit and status enquiries,
complaint and adjustment, collection
Circulars letters, Sales letters
Bank correspondence, insurance
correspondence, import export
correspondence, agency correspondence.
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Business Letters
Application letter , interview letters,
reference letters ,letters of appointment,
confirmation letter, promotion letter,
retrenchment, resignation.
The correspondence of a company
secretary, correspondence with central
Letters to press
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Classification of Business Letters
Official Letters
Demi-official Letters
nternal Letters
orm Letters
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Official Letters
Official letters are written to government or
semi government bodies
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Demi-official Letters
Demi-official letters are official in purpose
but are addressed to a person by name.
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nternal Letters
nternal letters or memos are used both in
government offices and business houses
for internal communication
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orm Letters
orm letters are used for correspondence
of recurring or routine nature. They are
used in case of acknowledgements,
reminders, interviews ,notices,
appointments etc.
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Structure of Business Letter
Date line
Reference Line
nside Address
Attention Line
Opening or ntroductory Paragraph
Middle or Main Paragraph
Closing or Concluding Paragraph
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Structure of Business Letter
Complementary Close
Copy Distribution
Reference nitial
Post Script
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A business letter is generally typed on
printed letter head. This contains the
writer's full address, the telephone no. E-
mail, telegraphic address trademark,
registration no. establishment year.
Business letters usually have preprinted,
letterhead stationary which contains
this information. An address heading is
optional for informal letters.
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Date Line
The date may be written in any of the
following ways-
May 2010
16 May 2010
May 16, 2010
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Reference number
Reference number enables replies to be
linked with the earlier correspondence and
the letter reaches to the right person
without delay.
Example- Tata/sales/2010/56
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nside Address
The inside address contains the name and
address of the firm or the individual to whom the
letter is written. is makes the record for filling
purpose and also helps the outward clerk to
write the same address on the cover.
The chief Accounts Officer
Bharat Steel Tube Ltd.
Hans Bhawan
Connought Place
New Delhi
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Subject Line
The purpose of subject line is to let the
reader know immediately what the
message is about. Like reference and
attention line it saves time. The subject
can be written before as well as after
Subject- Supply of raw material
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Attention Line
To elicit prompt response sometime a
letter which is addresses to an
organization and company is marked to
the attention of a particular officer by name
or designation.
Attention: The sales officer
ind Attention: Mr. A..Mathur, Sales officer
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Salutation in a letter is like greeting a a
person when you met him.
Dear Sir
Dear Madam
Dear Mr. Seth
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The letter should open with expression of
pleasure, acknowledgment, or with reference to
the 'action' you have taken in response of the
reader's previous letter, if any
Many thanks for your order of 25
We thank for your enquiry.......
With reference to your letter no...
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Main Paragraph
This paragraph contains the subject matter
of the letter. t should be brief and to the
point, but care should be taken to see no
relevant details are omitted from it.
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CIosing Paragraph
The closing paragraph should be brief. t should
be like natural and logical outcome of the main
paragraph, motivating the reader to act. t may
take the polite wish, special thanks.
We look forward to our next meeting.
We thank you for your trouble
We hope to hear from you soon.
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Complementary Close
The complementary close is a courteous
leave taking, polite way of ending the
Yours Cordially
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f you enclose anything with the letter you
should indicate it against the enclosure
1. Catalogue
2. List of Dealers
3. Price List
4. Quotation
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Copy Distribution
f copy of the letter is to be sent to others
for their information, this is shown at the
bottom left side of the letter with name(s)
of the person to whom the copy is sent.
CC :
1.Mayor MC
2.Commissioner MC
3.Ward Member
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Reference nitial
t is now customary to put the initial of the
of the person dictating the letter and the
person typing it towards the end of the
letter near the left hand margin.
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Post Script
f we forget to mention some necessary
information in a letter, than we can add
one or two lines through "post script.
PS : New rates would be implemented
from 21 June 2010
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46-B Mathura Road
aridabad , Haryana
Your Ref: NTPC/PUR/2010/95
Our Ref :MREW/SALES/2010/72
The General Manager
National Thermal Power Corporation
Badarpur, Delhi
ind Attention: Shri S.C. Sharma, Asst Works Manager
Subject : Your order No.1245 dated 12 May 2010
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for your letter No. NTPC/PUR/2010/95 dated 12 May 2010. We are glad that you have sent an
order for the machine tools.
The work on your order would have started by now, but regret to say that two of our drawing accompanying the order
are not quite clear. These drawings are enclosed.
indly Send the fair copies of the drawing through a courier so that we may start the work without any delay.
With Regards.
( Mahesh Malhotra)
Enc l: Two Sheets of Drawings
Cc : Account Department
PS : 12 %Vat tax would be included on each order.
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