Presentation On PH Measurement Technique
Presentation On PH Measurement Technique
Presentation On PH Measurement Technique
pH electrodes are electrochemical sensors. The sensor itself is similar to a battery. It generates a voltage output and has a useful service and shelf life. There are many types of pH electrodes used for different applications. The basic design of the electrode is as shown in the picture;
What is pH Electrode?
OFFSET - Theoretically, when electrode is placed in 7.00 buffer at 25C a pH electrode produces zero millivolts which the pH meter reads as 7.00 pH. The difference between these perfect readings and the electrode's actual reading is called the offset error. SPAN - A perfect pH electrode, at 25C produces 59.16mV per pH unit. The difference between this perfect reading and the electrode's actual reading is called the span error. These theoretical values are not always achieved, even with brand new electrodes. New pH electrode performance specifications should meet the following criteria: TYPICAL SPECIFICATION - Offset: 7.00 +/- 0.2 pH (+/12mV) SPAN: Better than 95%, i.e. between 56.2 and 59.2 mV
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