Module 1

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Aircraft Performance

Module 1
Where are we?

Module 1 : Introduction to aircraft performance, atmosphere

Module 2 : Aerodynamics, air data measurements
Module 3 : Weights / CG, engine performance, level flight
Module 4 : Turning flight, flight envelope
Module 5 : Climb and descent performance
Module 6 : Cruise and endurance
Module 7 : Payload-range, cost index
Module 8 : Take-off performance (1 of 2)
Module 9 : Take-off performance (2 of 2)
Module 10 : Enroute and landing performance
Module11 : Wet and contaminated runways
Module 12 : Impact of performance requirements on aircraft design

Introduction and atmosphere
Overview of aircraft performance
 General
 Certified versus non-certified data
 Certification versus operational regulations
 Role and responsibilities of the performance engineer –
working for an aircraft manufacturer

Introduction and atmosphere
 Performance is a branch of flight mechanics

• F = ma applied to the aircraft

• Consider the aircraft as a mass point

 Performance defines the operational capability of the aircraft

 Performance requirements ensure that the aircraft can be operated

safely, in particular in the event of an engine failure

 Performance can be measured and predicted

 Performance is a key factor for aircraft selection

• Very competitive market requires aircraft with good performance

• Speed, range, payload capability, airfield performance, …

Introduction and atmosphere
General (Cont’d)
 Performance has a direct impact on operating costs

• Fuel burn

• Flight time

 Performance generates profits - a priority for operators

• Payload and range capability translate into revenues

 The price of an aircraft is directly related to its performance as can be

seen in the next slide

Introduction and atmosphere
Introduction and atmosphere
General (Cont’d)
 Performance is a function of the following parameters

• Aircraft weight
• Aircraft geometry (defines aerodynamic characteristics)
• Engine thrust
• Atmospheric properties
• Flight conditions

 Performance is a very important consideration during the aircraft

design process

• Aircraft design has to meet specific Marketing Requirements

and Objectives (MR&O)
• Operational field performance
• Operational en route performance

Introduction and atmosphere
General (Cont’d)
Op. Field
Pressurization Performance
Situational Flight Envelope &
Awareness Placard Speeds

System Op. En route

Redundancy Performance

Weights & Stall &

Balance Speed Margins

Strength Low-speed &

Margins High-speed
Fatigue Flutter

Introduction and atmosphere
Certified versus non-certified performance data
 Performance data can be classified in two main categories :
certified and non-certified data

 Certified data :

• Approved by Transport Canada (TC) and other certification

• Contained in the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM)
• Based on FAR/JAR 25 requirements
• Mostly based on operation with one engine inoperative
• Sometimes referred to as operational field performance
• Defines performance levels that must be adhered to in order to
ensure safety
• Examples : stall speeds, take-off speeds and distances, climb
gradients, landing speeds, landing distances, …

Introduction and atmosphere
Certified versus non-certified performance data (Cont’d)

 Non-certified data :

• Data contained in Flight Planning and Cruise Control Manual

• Not approved by certification agencies
• Based on operation with all engines operating
• Sometimes referred to as operational en route or mission
• Used mainly for flight planning purposes, i.e. definition of the
mission flight profile (time, speed and altitude) and mission
fuel requirements
• Examples : range, rate of climb, maximum cruise speed, fuel
burn during all phases of flight (climb, cruise, descent,
holding), …

Introduction and atmosphere
Certification versus operational regulations

 Certification regulations (e.g. FAR Part 25 for large transport

category airplanes) define how certified AFM performance data
must be calculated

• Example : The landing speed as specified in the AFM must not

be less than 1.23 times the stall speed

 Operational regulations (e.g. FAR Part 121 for scheduled airline

service with large transport category airplanes) define how AFM
performance data must be used in order to define operational

• Example : For landing, the runway length available must not

be less than 1.67 times the landing distance specified in the

Introduction and atmosphere
Certification versus operational regulations (Cont’d)
FAR Regulations

Introduction and atmosphere
Role and Responsibilities of the Performance
Engineer working for an Aircraft Manufacturer

 Extensive involvement in all phases of aircraft life

• Development / Definition phase

• Certification - Entry Into Service (EIS)
• Operation

 Support of conceptual design studies

 Support of wind tunnel test programs
 Definition of preliminary performance models
 Support of flight tests
 Calculation of certified and non-certified performance data
 In-service support

Introduction and atmosphere
The atmosphere

 Introduction
 Standard atmosphere
 Non-standard day conditions
 Examples
 Altimeters
 Geometric altitude versus
pressure altitude
 Certified altitude-temperature
 Icing conditions

Introduction and atmosphere

 The atmosphere is one of the most important item affecting

the performance of an aircraft

• Influences lift, drag, airplane stability, thrust, fuel consumption

 It is important to have a good understanding of the


• Need mathematical models in order to calculate air pressure,

temperature and density

Introduction and atmosphere
Introduction (Cont’d)
 Large jet transport aircraft fly from Sea Level (SL) up to as
much as 51,000 ft (15.5 km)

 Air is a mixture of a number of gases

• Normal composition of clean, dry air (SL to 90 km) :78.10 % N2,
20.95 % O2, 0.93 % Ar, 0.02 % other gases
• Air can be considered as a uniform gas for aerodynamic
• Equation of state applies : p = ρgRT
p = pressure
ρ = density
g = gravitational acceleration = 32.174 ft/s2
R = gas constant = 96 ft / oK = 29.26 m/ oK
T = ABSOLUTE temperature (oK)

 Water vapor is present, but in varying amounts, usually

less than 1% at the earth’s surface
Introduction and atmosphere
Introduction (Cont’d)
 The sun is responsible for heating the atmosphere
• Only little energy is transferred directly from the sun to the air
• Sun heats the earth’s surface, which in turn heats the air
• Warm air near the surface rises, expands due to decreasing
pressure and is cooled
• An equilibrium is reached where no more reduction in
temperature occurs : the tropopause

 The region below the tropopause is the troposphere

 The region above the tropopause is the stratosphere

• Temperature is constant in the stratosphere

 Seasonal changes have an important effect on the

temperature, pressure and density of the air

Introduction and atmosphere
Introduction (Cont’d)

Variation of temperature with altitude - mean and

1 % extremes

Introduction and atmosphere
Standard atmosphere
 To provide a basis for estimating and comparing airplane and
engine performance, a standard atmosphere must be defined

 The International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) has been defined

by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

 ISA represents the average atmospheric conditions in North

America and Europe and it is based on the following
assumptions :
• Air is a perfect gas
• Air is dry
• Gravitational acceleration does not vary with altitude
• Hydrostatic equilibrium exists : dp = - ρg dh

Introduction and atmosphere
Standard atmosphere (Cont’d)
 ISA is based on standard values of SL density, pressure and
• Standard pressure at SL = po = 2116.22 lb/ft2
= 101.325 kPa (kN/m2 )
= 29.92 in Hg

• Standard temperature at SL = To = 15oC (288.15oK)

= 59oF (518.67oR)

• Standard density at SL = ρ o = 0.002377 slugs/ft3

= 1.225 kg/m3

• Slugs ???

1 lbf = 1 lbm x 32.174 ft/sec2

1 lbf = 1 slug x 1 ft/sec2
1 slug = 32.174 lbm
Introduction and atmosphere
Standard atmosphere (Cont’d)

p ρ T
 Equation of state leads to =
po ρ o To

 Can be written as δ = σ θ
• useful equation

 Pressure, density and temperature ratios

∀ δ = p/ po = air pressure / air pressure at SL standard day

∀ σ = ρ/ ρ o = air density / air density at SL standard day
∀ θ = T/ To = air temper. / air temper. at SL standard day

Introduction and atmosphere
Standard atmosphere (Cont’d)

 Variation of temperature in ISA is defined as follows

 ISA assumes a linear drop in temperature of approximately

2 oC per 1000 ft from SL to an altitude of 36,089 ft (11 km),
the tropopause

• T = To - λ h
λ = lapse rate = 0.0019812 oC/ft (0.003566 oR/ft or 6.5 oC/km)
h = altitude in ft

 ISA assumes a constant temperature at altitudes from

36,089 ft (11 km) to 65,617 ft (20 km), the stratosphere

• T = -56.50 oC or 216.65 oK

Introduction and atmosphere
Standard atmosphere (Cont’d)

Variation of temperature with altitude in the standard atmosphere

Introduction and atmosphere
Standard atmosphere (Cont’d)
 Variation of pressure and density in the
standard atmosphere
• The variation of pressure is determined
from the equation of state (p = ρgRT) and
from the integration of the hydrostatic
equation (dp = - ρg dh ) using appropriate
boundary conditions

• Unlike temperature, pressure continues to

decrease at altitudes above the tropopause

• Variation of pressure with altitude below

the tropopause is not the same as above
the tropopause due to the influence of
- different equations are used
Hydrostatic pressure
• Knowing pressure and temperature ratios,
the density ratio is derived from σ = δ / θ
Introduction and atmosphere
Standard atmosphere (Cont’d)
 Below the tropopause (SL - 36,089 ft):
• dp = - ρg dh (hydrostatic equation)
• p = ρgRT (equation of state)
• Dividing the two equations: dp/p = -dh / RT
• From T = To - λ h we can obtain dT = - λ dh or dh = -dT/ λ
• dp/p = dT/ λRT
• can be integrated between SL (subscript o) and an
altitude h :
• p/po = (T/To)1/ λR = (1- (λ/To)h) 1/ λR

θ = 1 - 6.87535 x 10-6 h (note : h in ft)

δ = (1 - 6.87535 x 10-6 h)5.2559
δ = θ 5.2559
σ = θ 4.2559 Introduction and atmosphere
Standard atmosphere (Cont’d)
 Above the tropopause (36,089 ft - 65,617 ft):
• Since T is constant, dp/p = -dh / RT can be integrated directly
between the tropopause (subscript tr) and an altitude h:

• ln (p/ptr) = -(h-htr)/RTtr

• p/ptr = e -((h- htr)/RTtr)

• From equations on previous page, ptr = 0.22336 po

θ = 0.7519
δ = 0.22336 e -((h-36089)/20806)
σ = 0.29707 e -((h-36089)/20806)

Introduction and atmosphere
Standard atmosphere (Cont’d)

 The equations developed on the last two pages are valid for
standard atmosphere only

 A table can be made to summarize parameters of the

standard atmosphere as a function of altitude

 Airplane and engine manufacturers have adopted the

international standard and are using it for all engineering
and performance analyses

 A simplified ISA table is presented on the next page

Introduction and atmosphere
Standard atmosphere (Cont’d)

Pressure altitude Temperature Temperature Pressure ratio Density ratio

(ft) (o C) ratio δ σ
0 15 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
5000 5.1 0.9656 0.8321 0.8616
10000 -4.8 0.9313 0.6875 0.7383
15000 -14.7 0.8969 0.5641 0.6293
20000 -24.6 0.8626 0.4595 0.5326
25000 -34.5 0.8282 0.3711 0.4480
30000 -44.4 0.7939 0.2969 0.3741
35000 -54.3 0.7595 0.2353 0.3098
36089 -56.5 0.7519 0.2233 0.2971
40000 -56.5 0.7519 0.1851 0.2462

Atmospheric properties – ISA conditions

Introduction and atmosphere
Non-standard day conditions
 Major reason for defining ISA is to permit performance and
operation to be stated in forms which may be compared

• Performance data may be presented for ISA temperature

conditions or for deviations from ISA temperature conditions

• At any geometric or tapeline altitude, measured pressure may

be different than the standard value

• Pressure altitude (hp) is the altitude corresponding to a given

pressure in the standard atmosphere – hp is used as THE
reference when defining temperature deviations from ISA

• Knowing pressure altitude (i.e. pressure) and temperature

deviation from ISA (i.e.temperature), density can be calculated
and, therefore, atmospheric properties are fully defined

Introduction and atmosphere
Non-standard day conditions (Cont’d)

 Pressure altitude can be derived from ambient pressure or

δ using equations defining the standard atmosphere

• Below 36,089 ft : hp = (1 - δ 1/5.2559)/6.87535 x 10-6 (ft)

• Above 36,089 ft : hp = 36089 - 20806 ln(4.477 δ) (ft)

 Temperature ratio can differ from ISA at any pressure

altitude but is always calculated as
∀ θ = T/ To

 Density can also differ from standard conditions but can be

derived from
∀ σ=δ/θ

Introduction and atmosphere
Non-standard day conditions (Cont’d)
 Example 1: Calculate δ, hp, deviation from ISA, θ, σ and ρ for
ambient conditions of 35 oC and 84.31 kPa

∀ δ = p/ po = 84.31 / 101.325 = 0.8321

• From standard atmosphere table, δ = 0.8321 at an altitude of

5,000 ft. Therefore, pressure altitude hp is equal to 5,000 ft.

• From standard atmosphere table, standard temperature at

5,000 ft is equal to 5.1 oC . Deviation from ISA is 35 – 5.1 = 29.9
C or ISA + 29.9
- Note : unless stated otherwise, deviations from ISA are in
∀ θ = T/ To = (273.15oK + 35 oK) / 288.15oK = 1.0694

∀ σ = δ / θ = 0.8321 / 1.0694 = 0.7781

∀ ρ = σ ρ o = 0.7781 x 0.002377 = 0.001850 slugs / ft3

Introduction and atmosphere
Non-standard day conditions (Cont’d)
 Example 2: Using basic equations, define atmospheric
properties at a pressure altitude of 35,000 ft under ISA + 20
• Equations for altitude < 36,089 ft apply

∀ δ = (1 - 6.87535 x 10-6 x 35,000)5.2559 = 0.2353

• p = δ po = 0.2353 x 2116.22 = 498.0 lb / ft2

• Tstd = To - λ h = 15 - 0.0019812x35000 = -54.35 oC or 218.8 oK

• T at ISA+20 = -54.35 + 20 = -34.35 oC or 238.8 oK

∀ θ = 238.8 / 288.15 = 0.8287

∀ σ = δ / θ = 0.2353 / 0.8287 = 0.2839

∀ ρ = σ ρ o = 0.2839 x 0.002377 = 0.000675 slugs/ft3

Introduction and atmosphere
 An altimeter is a device that measures ambient pressure
and converts it into an altitude

 In transport category airplanes, altitude is measured and

calculated as follows
• Pressure is measured with a pressure transducer
• The Air Data Computer (ADC) converts pressure into an
altitude using basic altitude-pressure relationships
• The resulting altitude is displayed to the flight crew

 In smaller airplanes, altitude is obtained from mechanical

• Pressure acting on an aneroid assembly moves levers and
gears so as to indicate the corresponding altitude to the crew

Introduction and atmosphere
Altimeters (Cont’d)
 Altimeters can be adjusted with a trim knob to set reference
• The barometric correction (QNH or altimeter setting) is a bias that
allows to correct altimeter indications for non-standard pressure
• When the proper barometric correction is set by the pilot, the
altimeter displays an altitude indication which is close to geometric
or true altitude
• The altimeter reads pressure altitude when properly calibrated and
set to 29.92 inches of mercury (I.e. po , standard conditions)

 Calculation of altitude is based on hp plus a term reflecting the

barometric correction QNH
h = hp + (QNH – po)(∂h/ ∂p)
h = hp + (QNH – 29.92)[924.9(1–6.87535 x 10-6 hp) -4.2561]
hp = h + 145442 [1- (QNH/ po)0.19026]

Introduction and atmosphere
Altimeters (Cont’d)
 Regulations require that altimeters be manually set with a
barometric correction during flight below 18,000 ft
• Barometric correction allows a reasonable correlation between
pressure altitude and geometric altitude during take-off, flight
below 18,000 ft and landing
• Barometric correction must be readjusted as the flight
 Altimeters are set to 29.92 in Hg during flight above 18,000
• Altitude is calculated based on ISA definitions, I.e. pressure
altitude is displayed
• Allows aircraft to cruise at flight levels calculated on the same
• Essential to maintain a safe vertical separation between
aircraft flying at different altitudes
• Pressure altitudes are defined as Flight Levels
• For example, FL 210 and FL 350 correspond to pressure
altitudes of 21,000 ft and 35,000 ft respectively

Introduction and atmosphere
Geometric Altitude Versus Pressure Altitude
 Relationship between change in geometric altitude and
change in pressure altitude follows from :
• dh / dp = - RT/p
• For temperature > ISA, geometric altitude is greater than hp
• For temperature < ISA, geometric altitude is lower than hp

Pressure altitude ∆
Geometric altitude ∆
Geometric altitude ∆
Geometric altitude
(ft) ISA ISA + 20 ISA – 20
(ft) (ft) (ft)
0 0 0 0
500 500 535 465
1000 1000 1070 930
1500 1500 1605 1395
2000 2000 2140 1860

Use of pressure altitude for vertical navigation may result in

collision with obstacles on a cold day !

Introduction and atmosphere
Certified altitude- temperature envelope
 Airplanes are certified to operate in a defined pressure
altitude - temperature envelope
 The airplane, including all systems, must be designed to
operate normally within the certified envelope
 Take-off and landing limits
• Pressure altitude limits range typically from -1000 ft to 10,000 ft
• This limit can be increased to 13,000 - 14,000 ft in order to allow
operation at very high airfields such as Lhasa (11,700 ft), La Paz
(13,200 ft) or Bangda (14,200 ft)
• Temperature limits range typically from -40 oC to ISA + 35 (50 oC
at SL)
• Cold-weather testing is also required in order to demonstrate
proper airplane operation in extremely cold conditions
 Maximum certified altitude
• Performance (ceiling) and systems (pressurization)

Introduction and atmosphere
Certified altitude- temperature envelope

Introduction and atmosphere
Icing conditions
 Icing conditions may be present when
• The air contains moisture such as clouds, fog, rain, snow
• AND temperature is close to or below the freezing point
 Operation in icing conditions is an important part of the
airplane certification process
• Icing certification is optional for the airplane manufacturer but
it is essential for most large airplanes
• Flight in icing conditions is prohibited if airplane is not
certified for operation in icing conditions
 Icing has a major impact on airplane operation and
• Ice protection systems must be operated
• Engine thrust may be significantly reduced
• Ice may accumulate on non-protected surfaces (drag and
weight increase)
• Several accidents have been attributed to icing conditions

Introduction and atmosphere

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