Acids and Alkalis

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Presented by: Ms. Lubna Erum

15/10/2013 1

Learning Objectives:
Define an acid and an alkali Describe Properties of Acid and alkali State uses of acids and alkalis. Difference between weak and strong acids. How Acid mix with alkali to Neutralise and form salt and water. Describe indicator paper and its effect on acid and alkali. pH scale use to identify the acidity and alkalinity of a substance.

Acids and bases

When a substance dissolves in water it makes a solution.

Solutions can be sorted by whether they are: acid, alkali or neutral.

Acids in our lives

There are many acids present in our everyday lives.

Lemon juice contains citric acid, and vinegar contains ethanoic acid. Some strong acids are hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid and nitric acid. Some weak acids are ethanoic acid, citric acid and carbonic acid.

1. Acids have a sour taste. 2. Acids turn litmus solution red and turn blue litmus paper red. 3. Acids have pH numbers less than 7 4. Acids react with metals, forming hydrogen and a salt 5. Acids react with carbonates, forming a salt, water and carbon dioxide 6. Acids react with alkalis, forming a salt and water 7. Acids react with metal oxides, forming salt and water
15/10/2013 6

Acids Affect Indicators

Blue litmus paper turns red in contact with an acid.

Reaction of Acids with metals and carbonates.

Metal + Acid
magnesium + hydrochloric acid

Salt + Hydrogen
magnesium chloride + hydrogen

Acid + Carbonate
sulphuric acid + copper carbonate

Salt + Water + Carbon dioxide

copper sulphate + water + carbon dioxide

Effects of Acid Rain on Marble

(calcium carbonate)

George Washington: BEFORE

George Washington: AFTER

Calcium carbonate+ sulphuric acid Calcium sulphate + carbon dioxide + water



Alkalis are present in many cleaning substances in use in our homes. Kitchen cleaners are alkaline because they contain ammonia or sodium hydroxide, which attack grease. The PH of alkali is grater than 7.

Calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide are strong alkalis. The most recognisable and common weak alkali is ammonia.

Bases Affect Indicators

Red litmus paper turns blue in contact with a base.

Phenolphthalein turns purple in a base.

Many everyday substances are alkalis. Alkali are the base which are soluble in water. They feel soapy. They are corrosive. They turn red Litmus paper blue. Alkalis react with acids and neutralise them.

Examples of Bases
Sodium hydroxide (lye), NaOH Potassium hydroxide, KOH Magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2 Calcium hydroxide (lime), Ca(OH)2 What do you notice about all these bases?

Uses of base in daily life

Sodium hydroxide soaps, detergents, bleaching agents Magnesium hydroxide toothpaste Ammonia- fertilizers

Acids and alkalis react with each other. The alkali cancels out the acid in the reaction. This is called neutralisation.

A salt is made when acid react with base .

Bases Neutralize Acids

Milk of Magnesia contains magnesium hydroxide, which neutralizes stomach acid, Hydrochloric acid.

How do scientists test for acids and basic solutions?



Scientist can test a substance to see whether it is acidic or basic (alkalis) by using an indicator.

Indicators help you find out whether a solution is acidic or not.

They are the substances which change colour in acid or alkaline solutions.

Different indicators change to different colours.

Litmus Test

Litmus is red in an acid. Litmus is blue in an alkali.

pH is actually a measurement of the concentration of hydrogen, H+ in a solution The higher the concentration of the H+ ions, the lower the pH value, and more acidic the solution is The higher the concentration of the OH ions, the higher the pH value and the more alkaline solution the solution is.

pH Scale



Q. Give differences between:

Sour in taste Turns blue litmus red React with metals forming hydrogen gas React carbonates forming carbon dioxide gas. In methyl orange turns red In phenolphthalein turns transparent Universal indicator colour range (red to yellow) pH value (0-6) Neutralizes alkalis

Bitter in taste Turns red litmus blue Does not react with metals Does not react with carbonates In methyl orange turns yellow In phenolphthalein turns pink Universal indicator colour range (blue to violet) Ph value (8-14) Neutralizes acids

Q. Draw a table to show:

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