Ammonia: SCD-2006 HSE-P-AMP-00

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SCD- 2006


Upon completion of the lesson, participants will be able to:
Identify the characteristics of Ammonia. Identify the symptoms due to Ammonia Exposure List the PPE required during an Ammonia outbreak Identify Actions to be taken in case of exposure to high concentrations of Ammonia Identify action to be taken in case of an emergency due to Ammonia exposure.

SCD- 2006


Characteristics of Ammonia
At room temperature, Ammonia is a colorless, highly irritating gas with a pungent, suffocating odor. It is lighter than air and flammable. It is easily compressed and forms a clear, colorless liquid under pressure. Ammonia dissolves readily in water . Aqueous ammonia is commonly stored in pressurized containers, fitted with pressure-relief safety devices, and bears the label "Nonflammable Compressed Gas".

The extent of injury produced by exposure to ammonia depends on the duration of the exposure and the concentration of the gas or liquid.
Prolonged skin contact (more than a few minutes) can cause pain and corrosive injury

SCD- 2006


Routes of Exposure
Inhalation of ammonia may cause airway destruction resulting in
respiratory distress or failure. Asphyxiation may occur in poorly ventilated or enclosed.

Skin/Eye Contact. Even low airborne concentrations of ammonia may

produce rapid eye and nose irritation. Higher concentrations may cause severe eye injury. Contact with concentrated ammonia solutions, such as some industrial cleaners (25%), may cause serious corrosive injury, including skin burns, permanent eye damage, or blindness. The full extent of damage to the eyes may not be clear until up to 1 week after the injury is sustained. Contact with liquefied ammonia can cause frostbite injury

Ingestion of ammonia does not normally result in systemic poisoning;

it results in corrosive damage to the mouth, throat, and stomach.

SCD- 2006


Prevention Measures
Ventilation, local exhaust (at place of potential exposure). Use breathing protection. Keep containers, when not in immediate use, ALWAYS closed

Skin, Eyes
Protective gloves . Protective clothing . Face shield or eye protection in combination with breathing protection

Do not eat, drink, or smoke during work, ESPECIALLY when working with NH4OH

SCD- 2006


Pre-Hospital Management
Expose to fresh air, rest. Artificial respiration if the victim is not breathing, take to a doctor

Remove contaminated clothes. Rinse skin with plenty of water or shower, then take to a doctor

First rinse with plenty of water for several minutes (remove contact lenses if easily possible), then take to a doctor

Rinse Mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Give plenty of water to drink, then take to a doctor
SCD- 2006

General Requirements
When Ammonia is to be used in an operation
All personnel on the project are to attend all relevant HSE drills / meetings in order to act properly on hearing alarms. Wind indicators as wind socks, flags, will be placed on site to be easily seen by all personnel; at night wind indicators are to be lighted up. Emergency Assembly Points are to be determined and properly located on the project site in order to identify designated assembly areas. Each route leading to the Assembly Points should be always kept clear.

Personnel Protection Equipment (Self Contained Positive Pressure Breathing Apparatus, Automatic Positive Pressure Escape Breathing Apparatus) complete with relevant spare parts and accessories must be available.
SCD- 2006

Training Session
Ammonia Training session will enclose:
Briefing about the general layout of project, the location of breathing apparatus, the use of wind socks, the approach to each Assembly Area Use of Breathing apparatus and ancillary equipment, Combustible gas portable detection equipment, Escape Pack and Fire extinguishers

Actions to be taken in case of a leak or ammonia spill:

DO NOT PANIC Evacuate the area, use escape packs Evacuate to the Assembly Area

Personnel must be familiar with each instruction and procedure included in the Ammonia Project Procedure PP754 and Evacuation Procedure PP711
SCD- 2006

Operating procedure
When the alarm is sounded, all personnel evacuate and gather immediately in the appointed upwind Assembly area and wait for further instructions.

All personnel will evacuate the area by foot. No vehicles will be utilized and all vehicles and mechanical equipment will be shut down.

SCD- 2006


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