Unit II - Lesson 10 - HTML Frames
Unit II - Lesson 10 - HTML Frames
Modified by Marlon L. Lalaguna for his Computer Education Class S.Y. 2013-2014
2007 Prosoft Learning Corporation All rights reserved ITD 110 Web Page Design
Define frames and the purpose of the frameset document Use the <frameset> and <frame> tags Identify the purpose of the <noframes> tag Target links from one frame to another Specify default targets using the <base> tag Create borderless frames, and control margins and scrolling in frames Identify the purpose of inline frames
Columns Example
This frameset was created by the following code: <frameset cols="35%,65%"> </frameset>
Rows Example
This frameset was created by the following code: <frameset rows="180,*"> </frameset>
If a user clicks the Visit James link, the James page will open in the Authors frame
Base Target
A base target automatically sets a default target frame for all links in a page Created using the <base> tag Code: <base target="main" href="page.html"/> This code will cause all linked pages to open in the frame named Main The href attribute is optional
Inline Frames
Inserts an HTML or XHTML document inside another Also called "floating frames" Created with the <iframe> tag The browser reads the <iframe> tag from the file, then makes a separate request to the server for the embedded file