Chapter 7 - Destructive and Non Destructive Testing of Material

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Chapter 7

Destructive and non-destructive

testing of material
Material Science (M)
DME 1173/ DPE 1173
Prepared by:
Pn. Zainon Sharmila Shamsuddin
Why are metals tested ?
Ensure quality
Test properties
Prevent failure in use
Make informed choices in using materials

Factor of Safety is the ratio comparing the
actual stress on a material and the safe
useable stress.
Two forms of testing
Mechanical tests the material may be
physically tested to destruction. Will normally
specify a value for properties such as strength,
hardness, toughness,etc
Non-destructive tests (NDT) samples or
finished articles are tested before being used.
Hardness is the ability to withstand dents or

Hardness testing machine
The indenter is pressed
into the metal
Softer materials leave a
deeper indentation

Brinell hardness test
Uses ball indentor.
Cannot be used for thin
Ball may deform on very
hard materials
Surface area of
indentation is measured.
Vickers hardness test
Uses square pyramid
Accurate results.
Measures length of
diagonal on indentation.
Rockwell hardness tests
Gives direct reading.
Rockwell B (ball) used for
soft materials.
Rockwell C (cone) uses
diamond cone for hard
Flexible, quick and easy to
Impact Tests
Toughness of metals is the ability to withstand
shock load and impact. It will not fracture
when twisted.
Izod test
Strikes at 167 Joules.
Test specimen is held
Notch faces striker.
Charpy impact test
Strikes form higher
position with 300 Joules.
Test specimen is held
Notch faces away form
Tensile Testing
Uses an extensometer to apply measured
force to an test specimen. The amount of
extension can be measured and graphed.
Variables such as strain, stress, elasticity,
tensile strength, ductility and shear strength
can be gauged.
Test specimens can be round or flat.
Producing graphs
Two basic graphs:
Load extension graph.
Stress strain graph.
Load - extension graph for low carbon steel
Tensile Strength

Tensile strength = Maximum Load
Cross section area

Maximum load is the highest point on the graph.

Often called Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS)
When a weight is hung from a piece of lead
and left for a number of days the lead will
stretch. This is said to be creep. Problems with
creep increase when the materials are subject
to high temperature or the materials
themselves have low melting points such as
lead. Creep can cause materials to fail at a
stress well below there tensile strength.
Fatigue is due to the repeated loading and unloading.
When a material is subjected to a force acting in different directions at
different times it can cause cracking. In time this causes the material
to fail at a load that is much less than its tensile strength, this is
fatigue failure. Vibration for example is a serious cause of fatigue

Fatigue can be prevented with good design practice.
1. A smooth surface finish reduces the chance of surface cracking.
2. Sharp corners should be avoided.
3. Corrosion should be avoided as this can cause fatigue cracks.

Non-destructive testing (NDT)
Why use NDT?
Components are not destroyed
Can test for internal flaws
Useful for valuable components
Can test components that are in use

Penetrant testing
Used for surface flaws.
The oil and chalk test is a traditional version of
this type of testing. Coloured dyes are now
Magnetic particle testing
Used for ferrous metals.
Detects flaws close to the surface of the material.
The component to be tested must first be magnetized.
Magnetic particles which can be dry or in solution are
sprinkled onto the test piece.
The particles stick to the magnetic field and flaws can be
inspected visually by examining the pattern to see if it
has been distorted.
The component must be demagnetized after testing.

Eddy current testing
Used for non-ferrous metals
A.C. current is passed through the coil.
The test piece is passed under the coil
causing secondary currents called eddy
currents to flow through the test piece. This
causes a magnetic field to flow in the test
The flaws are detected on an oscilloscope by
measuring a change in the magnetic field.
Ultrasonic testing
Ultrasonic Sound waves are bounced off the component and
back to a receiver. If there is a change in the time taken for
the wave to return this will show a flaw. This is similar to the
operation of a sonar on a ship.
1. The ultrasonic probe sends the sound wave through the piece.
2. The sound wave bounces of the piece and returns.
3. The results are then placed on the display screen in the form
of peaks.
4. Where the peaks fluctuate this will show a fault in the piece.
This is generally used to find internal flaws in large forgings,
castings and in weld inspections.
Radiography (X-ray) Testing

1. The x-ray are released by heating the cathode.
2. They are then accelerated by the D.C. current and
directed onto the piece by the tungsten anode.
3. The x-rays then pass through the test piece onto an
x-ray film which displays the results.
4. The x-rays cannot pass through the faults as easily
making them visible on the x-ray film.
This is a test generally used to find internal flaws in
materials. It is used to check the quality of welds, for
example, to find voids or cracks.

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