Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing

By P.Mahesh
What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a metapho used !y "e#hnology o $" %e&i#es #ompanies 'o the deli&ey
o' #omputing e(uiements as a se&i#e to a homogeneous #ommunity o' end)e#ipients.

"he tem cloud theoeti#ally signi'ies a!sta#tion o' te#hnology* esou#es and its lo#ation that ae
&ey &ital in !uilding integated #omputing in'astu#tue+in#luding net,o-s* systems .

Device and location independence

ena!le uses to a##ess systems using a ,e! !o,se
egadless o' thei lo#ation o ,hat de&i#e they ae using +e.g.* PC* mo!ile phone/.

Virtualization te#hnology allo,s se&es and stoage de&i#es to !e shaed and utili0ation
!e in#eased. 1ppli#ations #an !e easily migated 'om one physi#al se&e to anothe.

Reliability is impo&ed i' multiple edundant sites ae used* ,hi#h ma-es ,ell)designed
#loud #omputing suita!le 'o !usiness #ontinuity and disaste e#o&ey.

Scalability and 2lasti#ity &ia dynami# +3on)demand3/ po&isioning o' esou#es on a 'ine)
gained* sel')se&i#e !asis nea eal)time* ,ithout uses ha&ing to enginee 'o pea- loads.

Security :
#ould impo&e due to #entali0ation o' data* in#eased se#uity)'o#used esou#es*
%e#uity is o'ten as good as o !ette than othe taditional systems* in pat !e#ause
po&ides ae a!le to de&ote esou#es to sol&ing se#uity issues that many #ustomes
#annot a''od.
4o,e&e* the #omple5ity o' se#uity is geatly in#eased ,hen data is disti!uted o&e a
,ide aea o geate num!e o' de&i#es and in multi)tenant systems that ae !eing shaed
!y unelated uses.

Performance is monitoed* and #onsistent and loosely #oupled a#hite#tues ae

#onstu#ted using ,e! se&i#es as the system inte'a#e.

Maintenance o' #loud #omputing appli#ations is easie* !e#ause they do not need to !e
installed on ea#h use6s #ompute and #an !e a##essed 'om di''eent pla#es.
%e&i#e Models

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS

Platform as a Service (PaaS

Soft!are as a Service (SaaS

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS

$n this most !asi# #loud se&i#e model* #loud po&ides o''e #omputes 7 as physi#al o moe
o'ten as &itual ma#hines.

$aa% po&ides supply these esou#es on demand 'om thei lage pools installed in data

8o#al aea net,o-s in#luding $P addesses ae pat o' the o''e.


"o deploy thei appli#ations* #loud uses then install opeating system images on the
ma#hines as ,ell as thei appli#ation so't,ae.

$n this model* it is the #loud use ,ho is esponsi!le 'o pat#hing and maintaining the
opeating systems and appli#ation so't,ae.

Cloud po&ides typi#ally !ill $aa% se&i#es on a utility #omputing !asis* that is* #ost ,ill
e'le#t the amount o' esou#es allo#ated and #onsumed.
Soft!are as a Service (SaaS

$n this model* #loud po&ides install and opeate appli#ation so't,ae in the #loud and #loud
uses a##ess the so't,ae 'om #loud #lients.

"he #loud uses do not manage the #loud in'astu#tue and plat'om on ,hi#h the appli#ation is

"his eliminates the need to install and un the appli#ation on the #loud use6s o,n #omputes
simpli'ying maintenan#e and suppot.

What ma-es a #loud appli#ation di''eent 'om othe appli#ations is its elasti#ity
Platform as a Service (PaaS

$n the Paa% model* #loud po&ides deli&e a #omputing plat'om and9o solution sta#- typi#ally
in#luding opeating system* pogamming language e5e#ution en&ionment* data!ase* and ,e!

1ppli#ation de&elopes #an de&elop and un thei so't,ae solutions on a #loud plat'om ,ithout the
#ost and #omple5ity o' !uying and managing the undelying had,ae and so't,ae layes.
Cloud 1#hite#tue

8inea pogamming

8inea pogamming is an algoithmi# and #omputational tool ,hi#h #aptues the 'ist ode
e''e#ts o' &aious system paametes that should !e optimi0ed* and is essential to
engineeing optimi0ation.

$t has !een ,idely used in &aious engineeing dis#iplines that analy0e and optimi0e eal)
,old systems* su#h as pa#-et outing* 'lo, #ontol* po,e management o' data #entes*
1#hite#tue o' linea pogammig

:esign ;oals

"o ena!le se#ue and pa#ti#al outsou#ing o' 8P unde the a'oementioned model* ou
me#hanism design should a#hie&e the 'ollo,ing se#uity and pe'oman#e guaantees.

Correctness: 1ny #loud se&e that 'aith'ully 'ollo,s

the me#hanism must podu#e an output that #an !e
de#ypted and &ei'ied su##ess'ully !y the #ustome.

Soundness: <o #loud se&e #an geneate an in#oe#t output that #an !e de#ypted and
&ei'ied su##ess'ully !y the #ustome ,ith non)negligi!le po!a!ility.

Input"output privacy: <o sensiti&e in'omation 'om the #ustome=s pi&ate data #an !e
dei&ed !y the #loud se&e duing pe'oming the 8P #omputation.

#fficiency: "he lo#al #omputations done !y #ustome should !e su!stantially less than
sol&ing the oiginal 8P on his o,n. "he #omputation !uden on the #loud se&e should !e
,ithin the #ompaa!le time #omple5ity o' e5isting pa#ti#al algoithms sol&ing 8P po!lems.
"42 P>?P?%2: %C42M2%

Mechanism Design Framework

We popose to apply po!lem tans'omation 'o me#hanism design. "he geneal

'ame,o- is adopted 'om a genei# appoa#h * ,hile ou instantiation is #ompletely
di''eent and no&el.

$n this 'ame,o-* the po#ess on #loud se&e #an !e epesented !y algoithm Poo';en
and the po#ess on #ustome #an !e ogani0ed into thee algoithms +@ey;en*Po!2n#*

/ A B@C. This is a randomized key generation algorithm which takes a system
security parameter k, and returns a secret key K that is used later by customerto encrypt
the target LP problem.
Po!2n#+@*D/ A BD
C. This algorithm encrypts the input tuple into K with the secret key K.
According to problem transformation, the encrypted input K has the same form as , and
thus defines the problem to be solved in the cloud.

Poo';en+@/ A B+y*E/C. This algorithm augments a generic solver that solves the problem K
to produce both the output y and a proof . The output y later decrypts to !, and is used
later by the customer to verify the correctness of y or !.

>esult:e#+@* y* E/ A B5* C. This algorithm may choose to verify either y or ! via the proof
. "n any case,a correct output ! is produced by decrypting y using the secret K. The
algorithm outputs when the validation fails, indicating the cloud server was not
performing the computation faithfully.
"han- Fou

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