Environmental Concerns

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Each country in the World has its own identity
and are divided into many isolated units on
the basis of languages, religions, political
The rapid and remarkable scientific and
technological progress has broken down the
old barriers and brought countries and people
closer to one another

Concept of Interdependence
One World-No country can live in isolation
any more. We are dependent on each other.
Interdependence is a precondition and the key
to survival ,peace and progress in this new
No Nation is wholly self sufficient. We need to
buy what we do not have and sell what we
have in abundance. Trade is the necessary
condition for survival and sustenance

Nations have to cooperate with each other
They have to share waters of common rivers, share
responsibility in dealing with problems like drugs, terrorism
,pollution ,etc
What affects one, affects all
Thus we must, work together to attain development and
progress on mankind.
As a Global community we must dream together and work
together towards that great goal of international peace and
security, friendship and understanding , progress and
Thus our future lies in interdependence, mutual co
ordination and active cooperation

Major Challenges that confront the world today
Environmental degradation
Overpopulation and poverty
War and disarmament
These are global issues that call for Global concern,
cooperation and coordination

Exploitation, misuse and subsequent
deterioration of natural environment
Earth provides us with beautiful gifts and an
environment which includes plants, animals ,
air , water, soil, temperature and light which
creates and sustains life on it
Life which is totally dependent on the
environment, will become extinct if natures
unique gifts are improperly exploited and
abused. Environmental degradation will bring
disaster in human life

Major threats to the environment and balance
of nature are:
Global environmental changes
Exploitation and depletion of natural
Disasters- man-made and natural

There are four types of environmental
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Land Pollution
Noise Pollution

Causes of Air Pollution
Rapid industrialization and urbanization have caused
massive pollution of the environment
Discharges from heavy industries have polluted the
atmosphere. Acid rain ( rain polluted with sulphuric
acid) has caused extensive damage to trees
Industries use large amount of fossil fuel.
Huge amount of gases emitted from industry act like
the glass roof of a greenhouse, trapping and increasing
the heat of the sun. this is known as the green House
effect It has led to global warming i.e., uncontrollable
warming of the earth's atmosphere

Consequences of Green house effect:
i. Melting of the ice caps at the poles
causes a rise in the sea level and
widespread flooding
ii. Rapid increase in temperature
in Africa and parts of Asia making
them too hot for people to live in
iii. Scientists have discovered large holes in the earths
protective ozone layer. The unfiltered radiation from
the sun has exposed people to the risks of skin cancer
iv. Nuclear plants are a major threat to the environment.
There is a constant risks of radioactive leaks and a
major accidents. Radiation causes cancer, particularly
blood cancer. Nuclear tests also pollute the air

Fumes from different types of motor vehicles
such as cars, scooters, buses, trucks, etc pollute
the atmosphere and cause respiratory diseases
like asthma and bronchitis
Burning of fuel for domestic purposes , rotting
garbage and burning of solid waste also pollutes
the air.
Agricultural activities like clearing of forests by
burning and spraying of pesticides pollute the air,
especially in rural areas
Deforestation is the cause of air pollution
Bad smell ( foul odour) of rotten garbage, toilets ,
drains and various pollutants from industries
pollute the air

Causes of Water Pollution
Discharge of effluents and chemical waste from heavy
industries pollutes rivers, lakes and the sea.
In 1975, all the great lakes of North America were
described as dead as they were so heavily polluted that
no fish could survive in them
In large cities, sewage is disposed in seas
Oil tankers and Oil Spills contaminate Oceans and seas
In India ,people bathe themselves and their cattle,
wash clothes, etc in rivers and ponds. Water pollution
harms marine life and causes serious illness among
those who drink polluted water

Land pollution
Uncontrolled use of Chemical fertilizers and
Widespread deforestation
Elimination of natural predators and useful
bacteria (that help in decomposition)leads to
an increase in harmful insects. Various toxic
pesticides are used to control these pests and
causes land pollution

Causes of Noise Pollution
Noise Pollution can have harmful effects on both
our body and mind depending on the level and
duration of the noise
3 sources of noise pollution are:
1. Traffic and transport(road ,railway and air)
2. Factories-drilling, cutting, crushing, grinding
3. Machines and gadgets at home and in the
neighborhood-generators, water pumps,
washing machines, television, radio,etc
In 2000, the Indian government notified the
Noise Regulation Rules under the Environment
(Protection) Act of 1986
The rule-
regulates noise levels in industrial ,commercial
and residential Zones
Establishes silence zones near schools ,hospitals,
States that no public address system can be used
in the open after 10pm and before 6 am

The steady growth rate of the human population
causes rapid depletion of the worlds natural resources
The depletion of earths resources has created serious
ecological imbalance
To extend agricultural land and accommodate and feed
the growing population, trees have been cut down and
forests have been cleared
Thus the rapid growth must be checked in order to
conserve natural resources for future generations

Global Environment changes
Pollution transcends national boundaries
It is our duty to conserve and preserve our
mother Earth for future generations
Every section of society must protect the
The Fundamental Duties in the Constitution of
India make it bounden duty of every citizen to
protect and safeguard our environment

Exploitation and Depletion of Natural Resources
The rapid industrialization began to exhaust the natural resources
of the world ,e.g. fuel and raw materials
Fossil fuels- coal, oil and gas cannot be replaced
Raw materials like tin, lead, copper,etc are non-renewable
More than 50 % of the worlds rainforests have been cut down for
timber. Various species of animals have lost their natural habitat
The supply of phosphates (used for fertilizers) is nearing exhaustion
The farmlands are decreasing due to spread of industries and
The quality of land has suffered due to soil erosion caused by

Steps to conserve our Environment
Use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)-pollutes much
less than Diesel
Avoid using toxic paints on idols and immersing in
water bodies
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
The EARTH SUMMITS adopted global action plans to
maintain between the conservation of environment
and industrial development
The Vienna Convention was adopted by countries in
March 1985 for the protection of the Ozone layer

In 1987, the Montral Protocol on Substances
that deplete the Ozone Layer was adopted
The Kyoto Protocol is an international
agreement to reduce the greenhouse gas
An increasing awreness across globe gives us a
hope that we can work together to save our

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