3.6 The Turning Effect of A Force

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6 The turning effect of a force

Stunning act
What conditions must be
satisfied so that the
performers can stabilize
themselves as shown in the
1. no net force
2. no net torque
1 Torques
Force can turn a rigid body (fixed shape
and size) about a point.
e.g. opening a door or a window
Turning effect of a force about a point
depends on:
- Magnitude of the force
- perpendicular distance of the
force from the turning point
Experiment 3g
1 Attach a rubber sucker to
a door and hook a spring
balance to it. Apply a force
perpendicular to the door to
open it.
2 Repeat by reducing the
distance of the sucker from
the hinge.
Worksheet (Eng , Chi)
Answer (Eng , Chi)
The turning effect of a force about a point
is measured by the moment of force or
Moment of force
(or torque) about
a point
= force
distance from
the point
= F d
Turning point: pivot or fulcrum
Perpendicular distance between the force and
the pivot: moment arm
Moment is a vector.
Direction: clockwise or anticlockwise
Unit: N m
A force F acts on the same position at
different angles.
Different moment arms
Different moments
greatest moment smallest moment
Examples of torque in daily life:
Example 19
A boy pushes a door of width
80 cm with force 30 N.
Torque = ?
Torque = F d
= 30 0.8
= 24 N m (clockwise)
Torque = ?
Torque = F d
= 30 (0.8 sin 60)
= 20.8 N m (clockwise)
Alternative method:
Resolve F and use its component
perpendicular to the door to find the torque.
Torque = F d = (30 sin 60) 0.8
= 20.8 N m (clockwise)
30 sin 60
30 cos60
Check-point 8 Q1
A boy pushes a merry-go-
round as shown. What is
the torque provided by the
Torque = F d
= 15 2.2
= 33 N m (clockwise)
Check-point 8 Q2
A force F acts on a rigid body
which turns about O.
Torque produced by F = ?
Magnitude of F = 20 N
Torque = F d
= 20 (0.1 sin 70)
= 1.88 N m (clockwise)
0.1 sin 70
Torque = F d
= (20 sin 70) 0.1
= 1.88 N m (clockwise)
20 sin70
20 cos70
2 Addition of torques
Adding torques in the same direction gives a
larger torque
Adding torques in the opposite direction
gives a smaller torque
a Couples
Parallel and opposite forces
cancel out each other.
The corkscrew does
not move / rotate.
Parallel and opposite forces do
not act in the same line.
The corkscrew rotate.
A couple forms when two equal and
opposite parallel forces apply to the same
body and do not act in the same line.
Note: Resultant force of a couple = 0
but resultant torque 0
Resultant torque:
= F d
d = perpendicular separation
Examples of couple in daily life:
Turning a steering
Turning the knob of a
capsule toy vending
Turning the handle
of a can opener
b Net torque
Net torque: sum of all torques acting on a
body about the same point
Net torque =
resultant torque

resultant torque
If a body does not rotate,
Net torque = 0
clockwise resultant torque anticlockwise resultant torque
Example 20
Force applied by A = 30 N
Force applied by B = 50 N
Two children, A and B, play with
a merry-go-round.
The diameter of the merry-
go-round is 1.8 m and the
children push at a right angle
to the radial hand bars.
(a) If both push in the clockwise direction,
net torque = ?
Net torque = 30 + 50
= 72 N m
Net torque is 72 N m (clockwise).
Take the clockwise direction as +ve.
(b) If B changes to the opposite direction,
net torque = ?
Net torque = 30 50
= 18 N m
Net torque is 18 N m (anticlockwise).
Take the clockwise direction as +ve.
Check-point 9 Q1
Net torque = ?
Moving direction = ?
Take the clockwise
direction as +ve.
Net torque = 30 0.3 20 0.5
= 1 N m
The rotator moves in ____________ direction.
3 Equilibrium of a rigid body
A rigid body remains at rest: equilibrium
Two conditions for equilibrium:
1 No net forceall forces acting on the
body are balanced.
2 No net torquethe sum of moments of
these forces about any point is zero, i.e.
resultant torque
resultant torque
Equilibrium in daily life:
Gymnast on a
balance beam
Measuring weight
by beam balance
performance on a
Example 21
A light horizontal metre rule is marked with
5 points which divide it into 4 equal sections.
Case 1:
Case 2:
Forces are acting on the rule in 2 ways:
(a) Find the net force and the net torque
about O and A in both cases.
Take the clockwise direction as +ve.
Case 1 Case 2
Net force
Net torque
about O
Net torque
about A
F = 5 5 = 0
F = 5 + 5 = 10
= 5 0.25 5 0.25
= 0
= 5 0.25 5 0.25
= 0
= 5 0.25 5 0.25
= 0
= 5 0.25 + 5 0.75
= 5 N m
(b) Which rule is in equilibrium?
Explain briefly.
The rule in Case 1.
There is no net force and no net torque
about any point.
Example 22
A and B :
1.5 m from the pivot
Mass of A = 30 kg
Mass of B = 28 kg
Mass of schoolbags = 10 kg
Assume: the plank of the see-saw is light.
on the pivot
(a) Where should the
schoolbags be placed
to restore the balance
of the see-saw?
A clockwise moment should be added.
Let d be the distance of schoolbag from
the pivot.
Take the clockwise direction as +ve.

28 9.81 1.5 + 10 9.81 d = 30 9.81 1.5
d = 0.3 m
The schoolbag should be at 0.3 m on the
right of the pivot.
resultant torque
resultant torque
(b) Find the supporting force R on the
plank by the pivot.
No net force
R = W
+ W
+ W
= 30 9.81 + 28 9.81 + 10 9.81
= 667.1 N
Check-point 10 Q1
(For Q1-2)
The figure shows a balance in equilibrium.
Now put a 3-kg mass at A and a 2-kg mass
on the other side to keep the balance in
Check-point 10 Q1
After adding these 2 masses, by how much
does the supporting force at B increases?
Increase in R = increase in weight
= 2 9.81 + 3 9.81
= 49.1 N
Check-point 10 Q2
Suggest where we should put the 2-kg mass.
Take the clockwise direction as +ve.
Let d be the distance of the 2-kg mass from B.
In equilibrium,

2 9.81 d = 3 9.81 0.5
d = 0.75 m
(to the right of B )
resultant torque
resultant torque
4 Centre of gravity
Could we hold a coin or a rule with only one
Is it possible to hold anything by supporting
it at one point?
centre of gravity (c.g.)
Every rigid body has a fixed point on which
its weight seems to act.
Once the line of supporting force passes
through the c.g.,
the weight and supporting force
produce no torque
c.g. must be somewhere on these lines
Experiment 3h
1 Freely cut a shape out of cardboard.
2 Suspend the shape and a
piece of string from a
point near the edge.
Mark the strings position
on the cardboard.
3 Repeat with another point.
The c.g. of the shape is at the
intersection of the 2 markings on the
4 Support the cardboard at its c.g. with
a pencil. Repeat with another shape.
video ,
worksheet (Eng , Chi)
answer (Eng , Chi)
A body is in equilibrium when being
supported at its c.g.
Position of c.g. affects the stability of a body.
net F = 0 net F = 0 net F = 0
net = 0
net 0 net = 0
Try bending over with your legs against a wall.
Is it possible?
It is not possible.
When you bend over, the
line of action of the
weight acts outside the
base of your feet and you
topple over.
If not leaning against the all, your upper
body may bend a little backward so that
the CG lies within the base of your feet.
Example 23
Is it easier for the stunt
rider to keep balance on
the wire with or without a
passenger sitting below?
Explain briefly.
The c.g. of the rider alone is
above the wire.
When the rider falls slightly
his weight provides a torque that
will tip him over further
very difficult to keep the c.g. right
above the wire to maintain balance
The c.g. of the rider and
passenger together is below
the wire.
When they fall slightly
their weight provides a torque that
can turn them back to equilibrium
easier to maintain balance
Example 24
A worker stands in the
middle of a suspended
working platform.
Width of platform = 3 m
c.g. of platform is in its middle.
Mass of worker = 70 kg
Mass of platform = 500 kg
(a) Tension in each wire
at the end of the
platform = ?
In equilibrium:
Net torque about A = 0
70 9.81 1.5 + 500 9.81 1.5 = T
= 2796 N
Net force = 0
+ 2796 = 70 9.81 + 500 9.81
= 2796 N
Tension in each wire is 2796 N.
(b) The worker walks
towards B by 1 m.
New tension = ?
In equilibrium:
Net torque about A = 0
70 9.81 (1.5 + 1) + 500 9.81 1.5
= T
= 3024.8 N
Net force = 0
+ 3024.8 = 70 9.81 + 500 9.81
= 2566.9 N
Tension in wire connected to A is 2566.9 N
and that to B is 3024.8 N.
Check-point 11 Q1
Wooden plank:
4 m long, weight of 100 N, c.g. in its middle
800 N, 1 m from one end of the plank
(For Q1-2)
Check-point 11 Q1
Find X by considering
the moment about B.
Take moment about B.
In equilibrium,
X 4 = 800 3 + 100 2
X = 650 N
Check-point 11 Q2
Find Y by considering
the net force acting
on the plank.
Net force = 0
650 + Y = 800 + 100
Y = 250 N
Example 25
A windsurfer slowly
pulls up the sail of
weight 80 N by using
a rope.
When the sailor applies a force T to the rope,
the sail stops moving and lays horizontally at
80 N
(a) Find T if the c.g. of the sail is 2 m from
the joint.
Take moment about
the joint.
Clockwise moment = anticlockwise moment
T (2.5 sin 30
)= 80 2
T = 128 N
2.5 sin 30

(b) The windsurfer finally pulls the sail up.
A wind starts blowing perpendicularly
to the sail and exert a force of 40 N
on each m
of the sail.
(i) Find the total force that the wind
exerts on the sail if the sail is 7 m

Total force = 40 7
= 280 N
(ii) If the windsurfer turns the sail by 15,
what is the force that the wind exerts on
the sail ?
Resolve the force of wind.
Force exerted on the sail
= component of force to the sail
= 280 cos 15

= 270 N
Force exerted
on the sail
Practice 3.6
Article on p.183
Handed on xx/09/12
A greater gravitational force will act on the
object with greater mass.
Concept traps (p. 169)
gravitational force = m g
A pair of action-and-reaction forces must
act on two different bodies.
Concept traps (p. 169)
Even when the net force acting on an object
is zero, the object may not be at rest.
Concept traps (p. 169)
e.g. if it is initially moving
The turning effect of a force about a point
depends on the magnitude of the force and
the distance between the turning point and
the point where the force acts on.
Concept traps (p. 169)
The turning effect of a force about a point
depends on the magnitude of the force and
the perpendicular distance between the
turning point and the point where the force
acts on.
If the net force acting on a body is zero, the
body is in equilibrium.
Concept traps (p. 169)
Net force = 0
Net torque = 0
Persistent misconceptions about
motion and force (p.184)

Answers on p.362
Revision 3
M.C. 1 17
Q. 1 - 24
Handed on xx/xx/12

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