All Electric Ship

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The key takeaways are that electric propulsion systems are becoming more common on ships, especially large passenger vessels, and involve converting mechanical energy to electrical energy and back using generators, motors, and power converters. Higher efficiencies and flexibility are advantages over conventional diesel engines.

The main components of an electric propulsion system are electric generators to produce power, electric motors to convert power to mechanical motion for propulsion, and power converters to transform electricity between AC and DC and vary voltage and frequency for control. Additional components include switchboards for distribution and control systems.

Common types of electric generators include DC generators and AC generators. Common types of electric motors include driving motors, synchronous motors, and positioning motors. Permanent magnets are increasingly being used to improve efficiency. Power converters are also used for transformation between electrical forms.

All Electric Propulsion System

HV voltage generation, conversion ,

transformation and distribution in ship
Marine Electrical System
 Maritime electric systems include power generation, distribution and
control, and consumption of electric power on supply- service- and
fishing vessels as well as offshore installations.
 Electric propulsion has increased especially for vessels with several
power consumers, for example cruise ships, floating production systems,
supply- and service vessels.
 Maritime electric systems are autonomous power systems. The prime
movers, including diesel engines, gas- and steam turbines, are integral
parts of the systems.
 The power consumers are large compared with the total capacity of the
system, as for example thruster and propulsion systems for DP
operated vessels, drilling systems, HVAC systems on board ship
Marine Electrical System
 The overall power train efficiency with DEP is around 87-90%.
Use of permanent magnets in electric generators and motors as
well as general advances in semiconductor technology may
improve this figure to around 92-95% in the near future. Electrical
transmission will consist of three basic energy conversions:
 From (rotating) mechanical energy into electrical energy: E-
 From electrical energy into (rotating) mechanical energy: E-motor
 Some form of fixed or controlled electrical conversion in
between: power converter
Systematic overview of existing

 Mechanical ==> Electrical: E-Generators

 - DC Generators
 - AC Generators


 Electrical ==> Mechanical: E-motors

 - Driving motors
 - Synchronous Motor
 - Positioning motors

Power converters
Electrical ==> Electrical: power conversion or transformation
 - Fixed transformers
 - Controlled converters
 - Static converters
 -Inverter
Structure of a combined power plant for
Electric Propulsion System (AES)
 Electric propulsion of ships has been know for a long time to human
 Dynamic changes in human discovery has given several up and down in
 Recent time have seen a a lot of Passenger ships being built with all
electric system for various advantage that over the conventional prime
 Early large passenger vessels employed the turboelectric system which
involves the use of variable speed, and therefore variable frequency, turbo-
generator sets for the supply of electric power to the propulsion motors
directly coupled to the propeller shafts. Where, the generator/motor system
was acting as a speed reducing transmission system.
 Electric power for auxiliary ship services required the use of separate
constant frequency generator sets. System with generating sets to provide
power to both the propulsion system and ship ancillary services.
 However fixed voltage and frequency system are suitable to satisfy the
requirements of the ship service loads.
Marine Electrical System
Electric Propulsion System
 Other complication associated with earlier systems is difficulties in using multiple
motor per shaft when required propulsion power was beyond the capacity of a
single d.c. motor .
 Developments in high power static converter equipment have – presented a very
convenient means of providing variable speed a.c. and d.c. drives at the largest
ratings likely to be required in a marine propulsion system.
 The electric propulsion of ships requires electric motors to drive the propellers and
generator sets to supply the electric power. It may seem rather illogical to use
electric generators, switchgear and motors between the prime-movers (e.g. diesel
engines) and propeller when a gearbox or length of shaft could be all that is
 In the light of the above, hybrid of gas turbine or Diesel with electric couple with
dual fuelling that include natural gas, is explorable option for existing vessels, all
electric ship using natural gas is also a good option.
 Currently there is interesting development for new ship need exploration on
technologies to improve integrated full electric propulsion with advanced power
management systems:
 Improved converter and power electronics technology
 Improved generators and motors
Electric Propulsion System (AES)

 The AES give widespread electrification of auxiliaries and the

opportunity to use upgradeable and flexible layouts. It will include a low
risk, cost effective and comprehensive Platform Management System
that has a standardized Human-Computer Interface supportable for its
entire service life and the goal to be an Environmentally Sound Ship.
 The fit into the goals of the Environmentally Sound Ship where :
freedom of operation in MARPOL special and restricted areas;
unrestricted littoral operations; port independence; minimum onboard
storage of waste and reduced manpower whilst reducing cost of
ownership and port reception costs.
 the also promise potential for replacing the current traditional systems
used in steering gear, fin stabilizers with compact, power-dense
 They also offer potentials for possible use of electric valve actuators
that will simplify system architectures systematic integration of upper
deck to machinery.
Power generation

 A 2001 study concluded that fitting a Navy cruiser with more energy-
efficient electrical equipment could reduce the ship’s fuel use by 10% to
 Ship fuel use could be reduced by shifting to advanced turbine designs
such as an intercooled recuperated (ICR) turbine. Shifting to integrated
electric-drive propulsion can reduce a ship’s fuel use by 10% to 25%.
 There is Potential alternative hydrocarbon fuels Like biodiesel and
liquid hydrocarbon fuels made from coal
 Recent time has seen firms offering kite-assist systems to commercial
ship operators.
 Solar power might offer some potential for augmenting other forms of
shipboard power.
 Talking about the question now the electric propulsion , especially with
hybrid system offer the best answer to problem of energy
Power generation
 Integrated electric-drive system derived from a commercially available system that
has been installed on ships such as cruise ships requires a technology that is more
torque-dense (i.e., more power-dense) .
 Candidates for a more torque-dense technology include a permanent magnet motor
(PMM) and a high-temperature superconducting (HTS) synchronous motor.
 In addition, electric drive makes possible the use of new propeller/stern
configurations, such as a podded propulsion ... that can reduce ship fuel
consumption further due to their improved hydrodynamic efficiency
 Podded drives offer greater propulsion efficiency and increased space within the hull
by moving the propulsion motor outside the ships hull and placing it in a pod
suspended underneath the hull.
 Podded drives are also capable of azimuth improving ship maneuverability. Indeed,
podded drives have been widely adopted by the cruise ship community for these
 The motors being manufactured now are as large as 19.5 MW, and could provide
the total propulsion power.
Azipod drive unit
Comparison of propulsion plants
Weight of propulsion systems
Prime movers
Gas Turbines
 Gas turbine have been selected as the future prime mover primarily
because of their high power to weight ratio.
 4. Weight sensitive ship designs favor gas turbines and projected light
weight fuel cell power plants such as PEM.
 They also provide significant reduction in the amount of routine
maintenance required when compared with diesel generators.
 The other significant factor is the low emissions.

Diesel engine
 Diesel engines offer fuel costs savings of 50% if heavy fuels can be
used, and if emissions can be maintained at acceptable levels.
 Maintenance may include engine modifications such as dual fuel
capability for in-port use, water injection, and timing retard, and exhaust
treatment such as selected catalytic reduction and oxidation catalysts.
 Heavy fuel use also requires careful selection of cylinder material and
lube oil
 A gas turbine, also called a combustion turbine, is a rotary engine
that extracts energy from a flow of hot gas produced by combustion of
gas or fuel oil in a stream of compressed air.
 It has an upstream air compressor radial or axial flow mechanically
coupled to a downstream turbine and a combustion chamber in
 Energy is released when compressed air is mixed with fuel and ignited
in the combustor.
 The resulting gases are directed over the turbine's blades, spinning the
turbine, and, mechanically, powering the compressor.
 Finally, the gases are passed through a nozzle, generating additional
thrust by accelerating the hot exhaust gases by expansion back to
atmospheric pressure.

 A steam turbine is a mechanical device that extracts thermal energy

from pressurized steam, and converts it into useful mechanical work.
Gas Turbine
Steam engine
 Combined gas turbine and gas
turbine (COGAG) is propulsion
system for ships using two
gas turbines connected to a single
propeller shaft.
 A gearbox and clutches allow either
of the turbines to drive the shaft or
both of them combined.
 Using one or two gas turbines has
the advantage of having two
different power settings.
 Since the fuel efficiency of a gas
turbine is best near its maximum
power level, a small gas turbine
running at its full speed is more
efficient compared to a twice as
powerful turbine running at half
speed, allowing more economic
transit at cruise speeds.
Diesel engine
Prime movers
Electric drive
 Electric drive transmissions have a higher specific fuel consumption, specific
weight and volume than mechanical drive systems, but has advantages in
arrangement which may compensate for these disadvantages.
 Advanced technology motors can be located very close to and on line with the
propulsors, at the extreme aft end of the ship, or in external pods.
 Electrical generator sets can be optimally spaced around the ship and
electrically connected. In the longer term, combined with fuel cells, SFC, specific
weight and volume are comparable with gas turbine and diesel prime movers for
direct drive systems.
Zone Concept :
 The concept of dividing future classes of ship into zones to maximize
survivability also extends to the power system.
 Each zone would be autonomous and include ventilation systems, cooling
systems, power distribution and other services which could be affected by
damage to another part of the ship.
 At least two supplies would be provided for all essential loads. Current classes,
using split generation and distribution, rely on the provision of normal and
alternative supplies via Automatic Change-Over Switches
Typical system with zoning
Fuel cell
 The fuel cell stack operates by utilizing electrochemical reactions between
an oxidant (air) and a fuel (hydrogen), with two electrodes separated by a
 The voltage of the fuel cell output can be controlled by a converter and it is
therefore able to connect to any point in the ship service or propulsion
distribution system.
 The fuel cell stack is modularity give redundancy advantage. It also has the
additional advantages of zero noxious emissions, and low thermal and
acoustic signatures.
 In the short term the fuel cell system is required to use marine diesel fuel.
Diesel fuel will require reforming within the fuel cell stack, or using an
external process, to produce a hydrogen rich gas which the fuel cell stack is
capable of processing.
 The reformer will clearly add both size, weight and complexity to the fuel cell
system. In the longer term technologies such as the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
(SOFC) are contenders, which are more forgiving of impurities and can use
a fuel available world-wide, either methanol or gasoline.
Storage option
 The technologies being assessed for energy storage include are
electro-chemical batteries (both conventional and advanced),
regenerative fuel cells (otherwise known as redox flow cells )
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) and
 Regenerative fuel cells store or release electrical energy by means of a
reversible electrochemical reaction between two salt solutions (the
electrolytes). The reaction occurs within an electrochemical cell.
 The cell has two compartments, one for each electrolyte, physically
separated by an ion-exchange membrane.
 In contrast to most types of battery system, the electrolytes flow into and
out of the cells and are transformed electrochemically inside the cells.
The power is therefore determined by the size of the cell but the
endurance is determined by the size of the two electrolyte tanks
Storage system
Prime movers

 All primemovers are potentially compliant with emerging emission

requirements, however, complexity for achieving compliance varies with
prime mover and fuel type.
 Diesels require the most attention to emissions control followed at some
distance by gas turbines, where ultra low emissions levels have been
achieved for land-based systems.
 Fuel cells emit the lowest levels of pollutants of all the primemovers
 Heavier fuel cell systems and diesels represent larger machinery and
structural weight.
 Fuel cells can be used as a prime mover in an Integrated Full Electric
Propulsion (IFEP) system providing DC electrical power output, and are
being developed as a replacement for diesel generators and gas turbine
Sail and solar power ship
Propulsion motor
 For efficient operation of propulsion motor there is a
requirement for a compact, power dense, rugged
electrical machine to be utilized for the propulsion
 For the full benefits of electric propulsion to be
realized the machine should also be efficient,
particularly at part load,
 In order to achieve suitable compact designs rare
earth permanent magnet materials may be required.
 The machine topologies available for PMM are
deemed to be those based on radial, axial and
transverse flux designs.
Power for LNG ships
 These alternatives are more economical and offer greater overall efficiency with
an added advantage of providing greater flexibility and redundancy
 Diesel plant also raises are inherited with problem of vibration on membrane
 LNG carrier it is necessary to understand the interaction between the structural
resonance that is excited by the diesel engine and the separate resonance that
is created within the membrane containment system interacting with LNG.
 The traditional application of gas fired boilers for steam turbine propulsion
systems is no longer the only available option for LNG Carriers,”
 Direct drive, slow speed diesel plants, coupled with an on-board liquefaction
plant to handle the cargo boil off, or 4 stroke medium speed diesel electric
propulsion or gas turbine with diesel electric drive appear to offer the greatest
operational efficiencies for the new designs of large LNG carriers.
Power generation for LNG ships
 Although slow or medium speed diesel engines have been selected for some of
the recent LNG carriers with dual fuel installation option that uses both gas boil-
off and ordinary bunkers.
 Variations of the dual fuel arrangements include:

-diesel engine or gas turbine driven generators with one propulsion shafting system
and a liquefaction plant;
-diesel engine or gas turbine driven generators with two propulsion shafting systems
and a liquefaction plant;
-diesel engine or gas turbine driven generators with two azimuth thrusters and a
liquefaction plant.
 To date, slow speed diesel with re-liquefaction plant as well as a gas
combustion unit, and medium speed dual fuel diesel with gas combustion units,
are the preferred options for the new large LNG carriers recently ordered in
 It would appear that gas turbine with simple and combined cycles using heat
recovery units to drive steam turbo alternators are another alternative being
explored. Industry is currently developing the fuel gas systems for these gas
turbine options.
Power generation for LNG ships
 A dual fuel diesel-electric system uses forced boil-off from the cargo
tanks as the primary fuel and marine diesel oil as back-up fuel. The
arrangement can also be adapted to current LNG carrier designs.
 Shipbuilders and engine designers that are proponents of dual fuel
systems point out that a gas-electric propulsion plant is more compact
than the traditional steam turbine plant used for LNG carriers,
increasing cargo capacity within the same dimensioned hull.
 The IMO Gas Carrier Code requires two means of utilizing boil-off gas
on all LNG carriers. Conventional systems use the main boilers for
generating steam for propulsion. When this cannot be used, excess
steam is redirected to the condensers. Similar arrangements are
required for the diesel propulsion systems. Current industry proposals
for the alternative means of boil-off gas utilization are a liquefaction
plant or a gas combustion unit.
 Risk assessment methods are recommended for option selection
Power Distribution
 As the demand for electrical are 3.3 kV or 6.6 kV but 11 kV is
used on some offshore platforms and specialist oil/gas
production ships e.g on some FPSO (floating production, storage
and offloading) vessels.
 By generating electrical power at 6.6 kV instead of 440 V the
distribution and switching of power above about 6 MW becomes
more manageable.
 As for electrical Power increases on ships (particularly
passenger ferries, cruise liners, and specialist offshore vessels
and platforms) the supply current rating becomes too high at 440
 To reduce the size of both steady state and fault current levels, it
is necessary to increase the system voltage at high power
Component parts of an HV
 The component parts of an HV supply system are standard equipment
HV diesel generator sets feeding an HV main switchboard.
 Large power consumers such as thrusters, propulsion motors, air-
conditioning (A/C) compressors and HV transformers are fed directly
from the HV switchboard.
 An economical HV system must be simple to operate, reasonably priced
and require a minimum of maintenance over the life of the ship.
 Experience shows that a 9 MW system at 6.6 kV would be about 20%
more expensive for installation costs.
 The principal parts of a ships electrical system operated at HV would be
the main generators, HV switchboard, FV cables, HV transformers and
HV motors.
 An example of a high voltage power system is shown
Ship HV Voltage system
HV Systems
 In the example shown the HV generators form a central power station
for all of the ship's electrical services.
 On a large passenger ship with electric propulsion, each generator may
be rated at about 10 MW or more and producing 6.6 kV, 60 Hz three-
phase a.c. voltages.
 The principal consumers are the two synchronous a.c. propulsion
electric motors (PEMs) which may each demand 12 MW or more in the
full away condition.
 Each PEM has two stator windings supplied separately from the main
HV switchboard via transformers and frequency converters.
 In an emergency a PEM may therefore be operated as a half-motor with
a reduced power output. A few large induction motors are supplied at
6.6 kV from the main board with the circuit breaker acting as a direct-
on-line (DOL) starting switch.
Ship high voltage systems
These motors are:
o Two forward thrusters and one aft thruster, and
o Three air conditioning compressors

 Other main feeders supply the 440 V engine room sub-station (ER sub)
switchboard via step-down transformers.
 An interconnector cable links the ER sub to the emergency switchboard.
 Other 440 V sub-stations (accommodation,galley etc.) around the ship are
supplied from the ER sub.
 Some installations may feed the ships sub stations directly with HV and
step-down to 440 V locally.
 The PEM drives in this example are synchronous motors which require a
controlled low voltage excitation supply current to magnetise the rotor
 This supply is obtained from the HV switchboard via a step-down
transformer but an alternative arrangement would be to obtain the
excitation supply from the 440 V ER sub switchboard.
Ship high voltage systems
High Voltages solid state AC-DC-
AC conversion
Solid State Switching Principle
• The power systems engineers is interested in high voltages primarily for
power transmission, and secondly for testing of his equipment used in
power transmission in laboratory
• High voltage can be obtained locally from power generating plant
through the use of solid state
• In many testing laboratories, the primary source of power is at low
voltage (400 V three phase or 230 V single phase, at 50 Hz). From
which high voltage can be obtained
• On board ship the same technology can be used to use high voltage
• Laboratory test are aimed to design the required high voltage
 Since insulation is usually being tested, the impedances involved are
extremely high (order of M ohm and the currents small (less than an
 High voltage testing does not usually require high power.
 Thus special methods may be used which are not applicable when
generating high voltage in high power applications.
Solid State Switching Principle
 In the field of electrical eng. & applied physics, high voltages are required
for several applications As:
-a power supply (eg. hv dc) for the equipments such as electron microscope
and x-ray machine.
-Required for testing power apparatus – insulation testing.
-High impulse voltages are required for testing purposes to simulate over
voltages due to lightning and switching.
 Sometimes, high direct voltages are needed in insulation test on cables
and capacitors. Impulse generator charging units also require high dc
voltages of about 100-200kV.
 Normally for the generation of dc voltages of up to 100kV, electronics
valve rectifiers are used and the output currents are about 100mA. The
rectifier valves require special construction for cathode and filaments
since a high electrostatic field of several kV/cm exists between the anode
and cathode in the non-conduction period.
 The ac supply to the rectifier tubes maybe of power frequency or maybe
of audo frequency from an oscillator. The latter is used when a ripple of
very small magnitude is required without the use of costly filters to
smoothen the ripple.
Half and Full Wave Rectifier
 Rectifier circuits for producing high dc voltages from ac sources
a. Half-Wave
b. Full-Wave

o The rectifier can be an electron tube or a solid state devices.

Nowadays, single electron tubes are available for peak inverse
voltages up to 250kV and semiconductor or solid state diodes up
to 250kV.

o For higher voltages, several units are to be used in series. When a

number of units are used in series, transient voltage distribution
along each unit becomes non-uniform and special care should be
taken to make the distribution uniform.
Vin V out

Half Wave Rectifier


Mean Load Voltage or Average Value of half wave output


to t1 t2


Full wave Rectifier Circuit

figure 1.7 : Full-wave rectifier circuit


to t1 t2

Mean Load Voltage or Average Voltage Full-wave output

Voltage Multiplier Circuits

 Both full-wave as well as half-wave circuits can

produce a maximum direct voltage corresponding to
the peak value of the alternating voltage.
 When higher voltages are required voltage multiplier
circuits are used. The common circuits are the
voltage double circuit
 Used for higher voltages.
 Generate very high dc voltage from single supply
transformer by extending the simple voltage doubler
Types of high voltages;

 High d.c. voltages

 High a.c. voltages of power frequency
 High a.c. voltages of high frequency
 High transient or impulse voltages of very short
 duration - lightning overvoltages
 Transient voltages of longer duration – switching
 surges
 The voltage doubler circuit
makes use of the positive and
the negative half cycles to
charge two different capacitors.
These are then connected in
series aiding to obtain double
the direct voltage output. Figure
shows a voltage doubler circuit.

 In this case, the transformer will

be of small rating that for the
same direct voltage rating with
only simple rectification. Further
for the same direct voltage
output the peak inverse voltage
of the diodes will be halved.
Voltage doubler circuit
High Alternating Voltages
 Required in laboratories and a.c. tests as well as for the
 circuit of high d.c. and impulse voltage.
 Test transformer are generally used.
 Single transformer test units are made for high alternating voltages up
to about 200 kV.
 However, for high voltages to reduce the cost (insulation cost
increases rapidly with voltage) and make transportation easier, a
cascade arrangement of several transformers is used.
 For higher voltage requirement, series connection or cascading of the
several identical units of transformer is applied.
Cascade arrangement of transformers
1600 kV, 9.6 MVA Cascaded Power Transformer
Cascade arrangement of transformers
 A typical cascade arrangement of transformers used to obtain up to
300 kV from three units each rated at 100 kV insulation. The low
voltage winding is connected to the primary of the first transformer,
and this is connected to the transformer tank which is earthed.
 One end of the high voltage winding is also earthed through the
 The high voltage end and a tapping near this end is taken out at the
top of the transformer through a bushing, and forms the primary of
the second transformer.
 One end of this winding is connected to the tank of the second
transformer to maintain the tank at high voltage.
 The secondary of this transformer too has one end connected to
the tank and at the other end the next cascaded transformer is fed.
Cascade arrangement of transformers
 This cascade arrangement can be continued further if a still
higher voltage is required.
 In the cascade arrangement shown, each transformer needs only
to be insulated for 100 kV, and hence the transformer can be
relatively small. If a 300 kV transformer had to be used instead,
the size would be massive. High voltage transformers for testing
purposes are designed purposely to have a poor regulation.
 This is to ensure that when the secondary of the transformer is
short circuited (as will commonly happen in flash-over tests of
insulation), the current would not increase to too high a value and
to reduce the cost. In practice, an additional series resistance
(commonly a water resistance) is also used in such cases to limit
the current and prevent possible damage to the transformer.
Cascade arrangement of transformers

 What is shown in the cascade transformer arrangement is the basic principle

involved. The actual arrangement could be different for practical reasons.
 In the cascade arrangement shown, each transformer needs only to be insulated
for 100 kV, and hence the transformer can be relatively small. If a 300 kV
transformer had to be used instead, the size would be massive. High voltage
transformers for testing purposes are designed purposely to have a poor
 This is to ensure that when the secondary of the transformer is short circuited
(as will commonly happen in flash-over tests of insulation), the current would not
increase to too high a value and to reduce the cost. In practice, an additional
series resistance (commonly a water resistance) is also used in such cases to
limit the current and prevent possible damage to the transformer.
 What is shown in the cascade transformer arrangement is the basic principle
involved. The actual arrangement could be different for practical reasons.
High D.C. Voltages

 Generation of high d.c. voltages is mainly

required in research work in the areas of pure
and applied physics.
 Needed in insulation test.
 Use rectifier circuit (diode) to convert a.c. to
 voltage. – vacuum rectifiers, semiconductor
Impulse High Voltage
 Impulse voltages (IVs) are required in hv tests to simulate the
stresses due to external and internal overvoltages, and also for
fundamental investigations of the breakdown mechanisms.
 Usually generated by discharging hv capacitors through switching
gaps onto a network of resistors and capacitors.
 In hv technology, a single, unipolar voltage is termed an impulse
 Rectangular and wedge-shaped IVs are normally used for basic
experiments while for testing purposes, double exponential IVs are
 Standard test of impulse voltages can be represented as double
exponential wave, and its mathematical equation is defined as
V = Vo [exp(-αt) – exp(-βt)]
Where α and β are constants of microsecond values.
Controlled Rectification
 The generated three power supply on a phase a.c. electrical ship
has a fixed voltage and frequency. This is generally at M0 V and
60 Hz but for high power demands it is likelv to be 6.6 kV and 60
 Speed control for a propulsion motor requires variable voltage for a
d.c. drive and variable frequency * voltage for an a.c. drive.
 The set bus-bar a.c. voltage must be converted by controlled
rectification (a.c.--d.c.) ind/or controlled inversion (d. c. * a. c. )' to
match the propulsion motor type.
 A basic rectifier uses semiconductor diodes which can only
conduct current in the direction of anode (A) to cathode (K) and
this is automatic when A is more positive than K.
 The diode turns-off automatically when its current falls to zero.
Hence, in –a single-phase a.c. circuit a single diode will conduct
only on every other half-cycle and this is called half-wave
Single-phase controlled
Controlled Rectification
 In this circuit an inductor coil (choke) smooth the d.c. load current even
though the d.c. voltage is severely chopped by the thyristor switching
 An alternative to the choke coil is to use a capacitor across the rectifier
output which smooths the d.c. voltage. Full wave controlled rectification
from a three-phase a.c. supply is achieved in a bridge Circuit with six
thyristors a shown
 Other single-phase circuits using a biased arrangement with two diodes
and a centre-tapped transformer will create full-wave rectification
Similarly, four diodes in a bridge formation will also produce a full-wave
d.c. voltage output.
 An equivalent three phase bridge requires six diodes for full-wave
operation. A diode, having only two terminals, cannot control the size of
the d.c. output from the rectifier.
 For controlled rectification it is necessary to use a set of three-terminal
devices such as thyristors (for high currents) or transistors (for low -
medium currents).
Three-phase controlled rectifier bridge circuit.
Three-phase controlled rectifier bridge circuit.
 A basic a.c.-d.c. control circuit using a thyristor switch is shown in the next
slide. Compared with a diode, a thyristor has an extra (control) terminal
called the gate (G).
 The thyristor will only conduct when the anode is positive with respect to
the cathode and a brief trigger voltage pulse is applied between gate and
cathode (gate must be more positive than cathode).
 Gate voltage pulses are provided by separate electronic circuit and the
pulse timing decides the switch-on point for the main (load) current. The
load current is therefore rectified to d.c. (by diode action) and controlled by
delayed switching.
 In this circuit an inductor coil (choke) smooth the d.c. load current even
though the d.c. voltage is severely chopped by the thyristor switching
 An alternative to the choke coil is to use a capacitor across the rectifier
output which smooths the d.c. voltage. Full wave controlled rectification
from a three-phase a.c. supply is achieved in a bridge Circuit with six
thyristors a shown
Three-phase controlled rectifier bridge circuit.
 The equivalent maximum d.c. voltage output is taken to be about 600 V
as it has a six-pulse ripple effect due to the three-phase input waveform.
 Controlled inversion process - A d.c. voltage can be inverted (switched)
repeatedly from positive to negative to form an alternating (u.c.) voltage
by using a set of thyristor (or transistor) switches. A controlled three-
phase thyristor bridge inverter is shown
 The inverter bridge circuit arrangement is exactly the same as that for
the rectifier. Here, the d.c. voltage is sequentially switched onto the
three output lines. The rate of switching determines the output
 For a.c. motor control, the line currents are directed into (and out of)
the windings to produce a rotating stator flux wave which interacts with
the rotor to produce torque.
 The processes of controlled rectification and inversion are used in
converters that are designed to match the drive motor.
Three-phase inverter circuit and a.c. synchronous motor
Converter Types
The principal types of motor control converters are:
- >a.c.-d.c. (controlled rectifier for d.c. motors) . a.c.-d.c.-a.c. (PWM for
induction motors)
- >a.c.- d.c.-a.c. (synchroconverter or synchronous motors) .
-> d.c.-a.c. (cycloconverter for synchronous motors)

These are examined below:

a.c.- d.c. converter
 This is a three phase a.c. controlled rectification circuit for a d.c. motor
 Two converters of different power ratings are generally used for the
separate control of the armature current and the field current which
produces the magnetic flux .
 Some systems may have a fixed field current which means that the field
supply only requires an uncontrolled diode bridge
Converter Types
 Shaft rotation can be achieved by reversing either the field current or
the armature current direction.
 Ship applications for such a drive would include cable-laying, offshore
drilling, diving and supply, ocean survey and submarines.

a.c.- d.c.-a.c. PWM converter

 This type of converter is used for induction motor drives and uses
transistors as the switching devices.
 Unlike thyristors, a transistor can be turned on and off by a control
signal and at a high switching rate (e.g. at 20 kHz in a PWM converter).
 The input rectifier stage is not controlled so is simpler and cheaper but
the converter will not be ablg to allow power from the motor load to be
regenerated back into the mains supply during a braking operation.
Controlled rectification converter and d.c.
PWM converter and a.c. induction motor
Converter Types
 From a 440 Y a.c. supply, the rectified d.c. (link) voltage will be
smoothed by the capacitor to approximately 600 V.
 The d.c. voltage is chopped into variablewidth, but constant
level, voltage pulses in the computer controlled inverter section
using IGBTs (insulated gate bipolar transistors).
 This process is called pulse width modulation or PWM. By
varying the pulse widths and polarity of the d.c. voltage it is
possible to generate an averaged sinusoidal ac. output over a
wide range of frequencies typically 0.5-120Hz.
 Due to the smoothing effect of the motor inductance, the motor
currents appear to be nearly sinusoidal in shape.
 By sequentially directing the currents into the three stator
windings, a reversible rotating magnetic field is produced with its
speed set by the output frequency of the PWM converter.
Converter Types
 Accurate control of shaft torque, acceleration time and resistive braking
are a few of the many operational parameters that can be programmed
into the VSD,usually via a hand-held unit.

 The VSD can be closelv tuned to the connected motor drive to achieve
optimum control and protection limits for the overall drive.

 Speed regulation against load changes is very good and can be made
very precise by the addition of feedback from a shaft speed encoder.

 VSDs, being digitally controlled, can be easily networked to other

computer devices e.g. programmable logic controllers (PLCs) for overall
control of a complex process.
Converter Types
a.c.*d.c.+a.c. synchroconverter
 This type of convert is used for large a.c. synchronous motor
drives (called a synchrodrive) and I is applied very successfully
to marine electric propulsion.
 A synchroconverter has controlled rectifier and inverter stages
which both rely on natural turn-off (line commutation) for the
thyristors by the three phase a.c. voltages at either end of the
 Between the rectification and inversion stages is a current-
smoothing reactor coil forming the d.c. link.
 An operational similarity exists between a svnchrodrive and a
d.c. motor drive. DC link synchroconverter and a dc motor drive.
Synchroconverter circuit.
Inverter current switching
Converter Types
 This view considers the rectifier stage as a controlled d.c. supply
and the inverter/synchronous motor combination as a d.c. motor.
with the switching inverter acting as a static commutator.
 The combination of controlled rectifier and d.c. link is considered
to be a current source for the inverter whose task is then to
sequentially direct blocks of the current into the motor windings
 The size of the d.c. current is set by the controlled switching of
the rectifier thyristors.
 Motor supply frequency (and hence its speed) is set by the rate
of inverter switching.
 The six inverter thyristors provide six current pulses per cycle
(known as a six-pulse converter)
Converter Types
 A simplified understanding of synchroconverter control is that the
current source (controlled rectification stage) provides the
required motor torque and the inverter stage controls the
required speed.
 To provide the motor e.m.f. which is necessary for natural
commutation of the inverter thyristors, the synchronous motor
must have rotation and magnetic flux in its rotor poles.
 During normal running, the synchronous motor is operated with a
power factor of about 0.9 leading (by field excitation control) to
assist the line commutation of the inverter thyristors.
 The d.c. rotor field excitation is obtained from a separate
controlled thvristor rectification circuit.
Converter Types
 As the supply (network) and machine bridges
are identical and are both connected to a
three-phase a.c. voltage source, there roles
can be switched into reverse.
 This is useful to allow the regeneration motor
power back into the mains power supply
which provides an electric braking torque
during a crash stop of the ship.
Cycloconverter circuit and output
voltage waveform.
Converter Types
a.c.- a.c. cycloconverter
 While a synchroconverter is able to provide an output frequency
range typically up to twice that of the mains input (e.g. up to 120
Hz), a cycloconverter is restricted to a much lower range.
 This is limited to less than one thtird of the supply frequency (e.g.
up to 20 Hz) which is due to the way in which this type of
converter produces the a.c. output voltage waveform.
 Ship ropulsion shaft speeds are typically in the range of 0-145
rev/min which can easily be achieved by the low frequency output
range of a cycloconverter to a multi-pole synchronous motor.
 Power regeneration from the motor back into the main power
supply is available. A conventional three phase converter from
a.c. to d.c. can be controlled so that the average output voltage
can be increased and decreased from zero to maximum within a
half-cycle period of he sinusoidal a.c. input.
Converter Types
 By connecting two similar converters back-to-back in each line an a.c.
output frequency is obtained.
 The switching pattern for the thyristors varies over the frequency range
which requires a complex computer program for converter control.
 The corresponding current waveform shape (not shown) will be more
sinusoidal due to the smoothing effect of motor and line inductance.
 The output voltage has ripple content which gets as the output
frequency it is this feature that limits useful frequency.
 There is no connection between the three motor windings because the
line converters have to be isolated from each other to operate correctly
to obtain line commutation (natural) switching of the thvristors.
 The converters may be directly supplied from the HV line but it is more
usual to interpose step-down transformers. This reduces the motor
voltage and its required insulation level while also providing additional
line impedance to limit the size of prospective fault current and
harmonic voltage distortion at the main supply bus-bar.
Twin Shaft EL Propulsion
FPSO Electrical system Layout
Shuttle Tanker Electrical System Layout
Shuttle Tanker Electrical Line Diagram
Drill Ship Electrical System Layout
The future
 Propulsion of ships by help of standard diesel engines usually
gives a non-optimal utilization of the energy.
 Today an increased use of diesel electrical propulsion of
ships can be seen. New power electronics and electrical
machines will be developed for propulsion and thrusters, as
well as other application on board.
 Knowledge has to be developed about how such large motor
drives will influence the autonomous power systems on-
 Even development of new integrated electrical systems for
replacement of hydraulic systems (top-side as well as sub-
sea) are becoming areas of need.
Typical system of all electrical
 Generator sets complete with prime movers and engine controls
 HV/LV Switchboards, distribution systems and group starter boards
 Propulsion and thruster motors complete with power electronic
variable speed drives
 Power conversion equipment
 Shaft braking
 Power factor correction and harmonic filters
 (as necessary)
 Power management
 Machinery control and surveillance
 Dynamic positioning and joystick control
 Machinery control room and bridge consoles
 Setting to work and commissioning
 Operator training
Future electrical ship
 Future HV ships systems at sea may require voltages up to 13.8
kV to minimize fault levels
 It is therefore essential that all Marine Engineering personnel are
trained in safe working practices for these voltages.
 The Electrical officers of the near future must be fully trained to
carry out maintenance and defect rectification on Medium
Voltage (MV) systems.
 This will mean a considerable increase in the electrical content of
all training.
 Training will also need to be given to non-technical personnel to
ensure everybody is aware of the dangers of these higher
Available systems

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