Chemistryproject On Alloy Extraction Class 12

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Class :


I wish to express my deep
gratitude and sincere thanks to the
Principal, Dr M.Barsaley, Greenfields
Public school for her encouragement and
for all the facilities that she provided for
this project work. I sincerely appreciate
this magnanimity by taking me into her
fold for which I shall remain indebted to
her. I extend my hearty thanks to
Mrs.Alka Tyagi, Chemistry teacher ,who
guided me to the successful completion
of this project. I take this opportunity to
express my deep sense of gratitude for
her invaluable guidance, constant
encouragement , immense motivation ,
which has sustained my efforts at all the
stages of this
project work
I cant forgot to offer my sincere thanks
to parents and also to my classmates
who helprd me to carry out this project
work successful and for their valuable
advice and support , which I received
from them time to time.

-: Certificate : Guided By :- Mrs. Alka Tyagi

Class :XII C3
Year :2011- 2012
Roll No :________________
School :Greenfields Public
Certified to be the bona fide work done
byMaster ______________ of class XII-C3 in
Chemistry Lab during the year 20112012.
Date :-________
Submitted for Central Board of
Examination held in Chemistry lab at
Public School.

-: INDEX :1-- Introduction

2-- Some Common Alloys
3-- Preparation of alloys
4-- Analysis of an alloy
5-- Experiment 1
to analyze a sample of brass
6-- Experiment 2
to analyze a sample of bronze
7-- Uses of Alloy
8-- Bibliography

An Alloy is a homogenous mixture of two or more metals or a nonmetal.
An alloy of mercury with another metal is called amalgam.

Alloys are usually harder than their components but very often less
ductile and less malleable. Thus the hardness of gold is increased by
addition of copper to it. The melting point of an alloy is always lower
than the melting points of the constituent metals. Other properties
such as reactivity towards atmospheric oxygen and moisture,
mechanical strength, ductility, colour etc. also under goes a change
when an alloy is made from its constituents (metals). This change of
properties is very useful and makes an alloy beneficial.
Some of the alloys along with their composition is given below.

1. Brass : It consists copper-50-90%.

Zinc. : 20-40%
and small amounts of tin, lead and iron.

2. Bronze : It consists copper 60-90%.

3. Tin : 5-35%
and also contains small amounts of lead, iron and zinc.
Duralumin : It consists A1 : 95%, Cu = 4%
Mn = 0.5%, Mg = 0.5%
4. Gun Metal : It consists copper 85 - 90%
5. Zinc. : 1-3%
6. Tin : 8-12%
The composition of alloys may differ slightly depending upon the
quality of the alloy though the main components remain the same.


Any alloy of mercuryis calledanamalgam.Most metals are
soluble in mercury,but some (suchasiron)are not. Amalgams are
commonly usedin dentalfillings because theyhave been relatively
cheap, easy to use,and durable.In addition, until recently,they
have been regardedassafe.Theyare made by mixing mercury
with silver ,copper ,tin , and othermetals. The mercury content of
dentalfillings hasrecently stirredcontroversy,basedon the
potentially harmful effects of mercury.
Mercury amalgams have also been usedin the process of mining
goldand silver, because of the ease with whichmercury
amalgamateswith them. In addition , thalliumamalgamis usedas
the liquid materialin thermometers, because it freezesat58C,whereas pure mercury freezesat -38C.

A decorative brass paperweight (left), along with zinc and copper
Brassis the term usedfor alloysof copper and zincin a solid
solution. It hasa yellow color, somewhatsimilartogold. It was
produced in prehistoric times, long before zinc wasdiscovered, by
melting copperwith calamine,a zinc ore.
The amount of zinc in brass variesfrom 5 to 45 percent, creating
a range of brasses, eachwith unique properties. By comparison,
bronzeis principally analloy of copperandtin.

Despite this distinction, some typesof brassesare calledbronzes.

Brass is relatively resistant to tarnishing and is oftenusedfor
decorative purposes. Its malleability and acoustic propertieshave
made it the metalof choiceformusical instrumentssuchasthe
trombone,tuba, trumpet, and euphonium. Althoughsaxophones
And harmonicasare made out of brass, the saxophone is a
woodwind instrument, and the harmonica, a freereed aero phone.
In organpipesdesignedas"reed" pipes, brass strips are usedas
the "reed."
Aluminummakesbrass strongerand more corrosion-resistant. It
forms a transparent, self-healing, protective layerof aluminum
oxide (Al2O3) on the surface.Tin hasa similareffect and finds its
use especially in seawaterapplications (navalbrasses).
Combinations of iron, aluminum, silicon, and manganesemake
resistant to wear and tear.

Bronzerefers to a broadrange of copper alloys, usually with tin
asthe main additive,but sometimeswith otherelement ssuchas
phosphorus,manganese,aluminum, or silicon. Typically,bronze is
about 60 percent copperand 40 percent tin. The use of bronze
wasparticularly significant for early civilizations, leading to the
name "Bronze Age." Tools, weapons,
armor, and building materials suchasdecorative tileswere made
of bronze,as theywere found to be harderand more durable
thantheir stone and copperpredecessors.

In early use,the naturalimpurity arsenicsometimescreateda

superior natural
alloy,called"arsenical bronze."
Though not asstrong assteel, bronze is superior to ironin nearly
every application. Bronze develops a patina (a green coating on
the exposedsurface), but it doesnot oxidize beyond the surface.
It is considerably less brittle thaniron and hasa lowercasting
temperature.Severalbronze alloysresist corrosion(especially by
seawater) and metalfatigue betterthansteel; theyalso conduct
Heat andelectricitybetterthanmost steels.
Bronze hasmyriadusesin industry.It is widely usedtodayfor
springs, bearings, bushings, and similarfittings, and is particularly
common in the bearings of small electric motors. It is also widely
usedfor cast metalsculptureand is the most popularmetalfor
top-quality bells and cymbals.
Commercialbronze,otherwise known asbrass, is 90 percent
copperand 10 percent zinc.It contains no tin

Preparation of Alloys
Alloys are prepared from the techniques of fusion, compression or
simultaneous electro - deposition. Generally the components are
mixed together in proper properties in a fuse clay crucible, melted
and stirred with a piece of charcoal to avoid oxidation. The molten
mixture is now allowed to cool. When an alloy is obtained e.g. brass
is prepared by above melted.

Analysis of an alloy
The complete analysis of an alloy involves two steps.
1. Qualitative Analysis :
This involves identification of the components of the alloys.

2. Quantitative Analysis :
This involves determination of the components of the alloy. It
involves the separation of the components from the alloy
quantitatively followed by determination of percentage of each
component volumetrically or gravimetrically.
In this project we will carry out qualitative analysis only.

Objectives of Project :
In this project, our aim is to know the various metals present in the
given sample of alloy.

Experiment -1
To analyze a sample of brass

: To analyze a sample of brass qualitativ

Requirements : China dish, test-tube funnel, filter paper and common laboratory

Theory :
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. with the following.

Composition :
Cu = 60-90% and Zn. = 10-40%.
Thus Cu and Zn. form the main constituents of brass. Both these metals dissolved in 50% of
nitric acid due to formation of nitrates which are soluble.
3 Cu + 8HNO3(Dil) 3 Cu (NO3)2 + 2NO + 4H2O
Cu + 8H+ + 2NO3 3 Cu+2 + 2NO + 4H2O
4Zn + 10HNO3(Dil) 4 Zn (NO2)2 + N2O + 5H2O
4Zn + 2NO3 + 10H+ 4 Zn+2 + N2O + 5H2O
The solution is boiled to expel the oxides of nitrogen and the resulting solution is tested for
Cu2+ and Zn+2ions.

Procedure :
1. Place a small piece of brass in a china dish and heat this with minimum
quantity of 50% HNO3so as to dissolve the piece completely.

2. Continue heating the solution till a dry solid residue is obtained.

3. Dissolve the solid residue in dil. HCl and filter. Add distilled water to the

4. Pass H2S gas through the filtrate. A black precipitate of copper sulphide
is obtained. Separate the black ppt. and keep the filtrate for the test of
Zn+2 ions Dissolve black ppt. by heating them with 50% HNO3. To this
solution add ammonium hydroxide solution. Appearance of deep blue
coloration in the solution shows the presence of copper ions in the solution.

5. To test Zn+2 ions, boil the filtrate to remove H2S gas, then add solid
NH4Cl to this and heat to dissolve NH4Cl. Add excess of NH4OH so that a
solution is ammoniacal. Now pass H2S gas through this ammoniacal
solution. Dirty white or grey precipitation indicate zinc. Separate the
precipitates and dissolve it in minimum amount of dil. HCl. Boil to expel H 2S
gas and add potassium Ferro cyanide solution, white or bluish white ppt.
confirm Zn+2ions in the solution.

Result :
The given sample of brass contains copper and zinc. metals as the
main constituents.

Experiment -2
To analyze a sample of bronze

: To analyze a sample of bronze qualitativ

Requirements : China dish, test-tube funnel, filter paper and
common laboratory reagents.
Theory :
Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin with the following.
Composition :
Cu = 88-96% and Sn. = 4-12%.
Thus copper and zinc. form the main constituents of bronze. Both
these metals dissolved in nitric acid.
3 Cu + 8H+ + 2NO3 3 Cu2+ + 2NO + 4H2O
4Sn + NO3 + 10 H+ 4 Sn+2 + NH4+ + 3H2O
(Cold and Dil. Acid)
Sn + 4NO3 + 4H+ H2Sn O3+ 2NO2+ H2O
(Conc. acid) (Metastannic Acid)
Excess of nitric acid is removed by heating the solution. The
resulting solution now would contain Cu+2 ions and metastannic
acid. This solution is acidified with dil. HCl and H 2S gas is passed
when the sulphides of copper and tin are formed.
Cu+2 + S2-CuS (Black ppt.)
H2SnO3+ 2H2S SnS2 (Black ppt.) + 3H2O
The sulphides are separated by boiling the ppt. with yellow
ammonium sulphide when SnS2goes into solution as thiostannate
where as CuS is not affected.
SnS2+ (NH4)2S (NH4)2 SnS2(Soluble)
Ammonium thiostannate.
CuS + (NH4)2S CuS (Unaffected)
Black ppt.
The soluble black ppt. is tested for Cu+2 ions and the solution is
tested for Sn2+ions as in elementary qualitative analysis.

Procedure :
1. Take about 1g. of small pieces of bronze in a china dish and add
to it 5-10 ml. of dil. HNO3.
2. Heat the contents slowly to dissolve copper and tin completely
and then boil the contents to a paste to remove excess of HNO 3. All
this is carried out in cup board.
3. Dissolve this dry mass in distilled water containing HCl (1:1) to
get a clear solution.
4. Transfer the solution in a test tube and pass H2S in excess i.e. till
the precipitation is complete. Filter and reject the filtrate.
5. Take the black ppt. in a test tube and add to it 2-3 ml. of yellow
ammonium sulphide and heat. Filter the contents. Black residue is
tested for Cu+2 ions and filtrate is tested for Sn+2ions.
6. Analysis of black residue :
Transfer a little of the black ppt. into a test tube. Add to it 2-3 ml. of
50%. HNO3 and boil the contents of the tube. A light blue or green
sol. indicates the presence of Cu+2. Divide this sol. into two parts.
(a) To one part add excess of NH4OH a deep blue coloration
confirms the presence of Cu+2ions.
(b) Acidify the second part with acetic acid and add K4 [Fe (CN)6]
i.e. potassium ferrocyanide solution. A reddish brown ppt. confirms
the presence of Cu+2ions.
7. Analysis of filtrate :
Boil the filtrate with 1 ml. of dil. HCl. A yellow ppt. is obtained.
Dissolve in 1 ml. conc. HCl. To this solution add 0.5 g. of zinc. dust
and boil it for 2-3 minutes. Filter and to filtrate add 1-2 ml. of
mercuric chloride solution. A white ppt. turning grey on standing
confirms the presence of Sn+4ions.

Result :
The given sample of bronze contains - Cu and Sn as the main

USES OF ALLOYS :i) To modify chemical reactivity :When sodium is used as reducing agent it is too reactive to be used
but its allay with mercury, called sodium amalgam can be safely
used as reducing agent.

ii) To increase hardness :Hardness of gold is increased by adding copper to it. Also zinc is
added to copper to make copper hard in form of brass.

iii) To increase tensile strength :Nickeloy, an alloy of Nickel (1%), Copper (4%) and aluminium (95%)
has high tensile strength.

iv) To lower the melting point :Solder metal which is an alloy of Sn(30%) and Pb(70%) has very
less meting point as compared to melting points of Sn and Pb.

v) To modify the colour :Aluminium bronze an alloy of Cu and Al has beautiful golden colour.

vi) To resist corrosion:Iron gets rusted and corroded. Its corrosion takes place with time
but stainless steel, an alloy of iron and carbon get not rusted the
composition of stainless steel is :
Iron - 98%
Carbon - 2%

Bibliography :-

1. XII class Chemistry NCERT Books

3.XII class Chemistry Practical Book
4.Photos from Google images.
5.More Information from Wikipedia..


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