Ayush Chemistry Project

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NAME: Ayush Srivastava

SCHOOL :Kendriya
Vidyalaya,Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow ,I-Shift

1) Acknowledgement
2) Certificate
3) Introduction
4) Theory
5) Material Required
6) Procedure
7) Observation
8) Result
9) Bibliography
I wish to express my deep gratitude and
sincere thanks to the Principal , Dr C.B.P
Verma, for his encouragement and for all the
facilities that he provided for this project
work. I extend my hearty thanks to Jyotsana
Dwivedi ma’am, Chemistry teacher who
guided me to the successful completion of
this project. I take this opportunity to express
my deep sense of gratitude for her invaluable
guidance, constant encouragement, immense
motivation which has sustained my efforts at
all the stages of my project work.
I can’t forget to offer my sincere thanks to
parents and also my classmates who helped
me to carry out this project work successful
and for their valuable advice and support
which I received from them time to time.

This is to certify that the chemistry project titled ” to

test the presence of insecticides and pesticides in
fruits and vegetables” has been successfully
completed by Ayush Srivastava of class 12 B in partial
fulfillment of curriculum of CENTRAL BOARD OF
SECONDARY EDUCATION(CBSE) leading to the award
of annual examination in the year 2022-2023.This
work has been completed under the supervision of
Dr C.B.P. Verma, The Principal, Mrs.Jyotsana Dwivedi,
Subject Teacher and Mr.Jagdish Prasad ,The Lab

External Examiner Internal Examiner

To test the presence of insecticides
and pesticides in fruits and

In the past decade there has been

a tremendous increase in the
yields of various crops to meet the
demand of overgrowing
population, achieved by using
pesticides and insecticides. These
are chemicals that are sprayed
over crop to protect it from pests.
For example, DDT, BHC, zinc
phosphide, Mercuric chloride,
dinitrophenol, etc.
All pesticides are poisonous
chemicals and are used in small
quantities with care. Pesticides are
proven to be effective against
variety of insects, weeds and fungi
and are respectively called
insecticides, herbicides and
fungicides. Most of the pesticides
are non-biodegradable and remain
penetrated as such into plants,
fruits and vegetables . From plants
they transfer to animals , birds and
human beings who eat these
polluted fruits and vegetables.
Inside the body they get
accumulated and cause serious
health problems
These days preference is given
to biodegradable insecticides
like malathion. The presence of
Insecticides residues in even
raw samples of wheat, fish,
meat , butter etc. have aroused
the concern of agricultural
administrators, scientists and
health officials all over the world
to put a check over the use of
insecticides and to search for
non insecticidal means of pest
Nitrogen present in organic compounds
is detected by “Lassaigne's Test”. The
elements present in the compound are
converted from covalent form into the
ionic form by fusing the compound with
sodium metal. Following reaction take
Nitrogen present in organic compounds
is detected by “Lassaigne's Test”. The
elements present in the compound are
converted from covalent form into the
ionic form by fusing the compound with
sodium metal. Following reaction take
Cyanide of sodium so formed on sodium
fusion is extracted from the fused mass
by boiling it with distilled water. This
extract is known as sodium fusion
Material Required

Mortar Pestle beakers

Funnel glass Rod

China plate filter paper

Water Bath Tripod

Fusion tube Knife

Test tube Samples

Alcohol Sodium

Distilled water Ferric chloride

Ferrous sulphate crystals Dilute Sulphuric acid

1) TAKE different types of fruits and vegetables
and cut them into small pieces separately.

2) Transfer the cut pieces of various fruits and

vegetables into it separately and crush

3) Take different kinds for each kind of fruits

and vegetables and place the crushed fruits
and vegetables in these beakers and add
100 ml of alcohol to each of these.

4) Stir well and filter.

5) Collect the filtrate in separate china dishes,

evaporate the alcohol by heating the china
dishes one by one over a water bath and let
the residue dry in the oven.
6) Heat a small piece of sodium in a fusion
tube, till it melts.

7) Then add one of the above residues from

the china dish to this fusion tube and heat it
till red hot.

8) Drop the hot fusion tube in a china dish

containing about 10 ml of distilled water.

9) Break the tube and boil the contents of the

china dish for about 5 minutes.

10)Cool and filter the solution.

11)Collect the filtrate.

12)To the filtrate add 1 ml of freshly prepared

ferrous sulphate solution and warm the
13)Then add 2-3 drops of ferric chloride solution
and acidify with dilute HCl.

14)If a blue or green ppt. or coloration is obtained

it indicates the presence of nitrogen containing

15)Repeat the test of nitrogen for residues

obtained from other fruits and vegetables and
record the observation.

S.No Name of the fruit or Test for presence of Test for insecticide or
Vegetable nitrogen pesticide residue
(Positive or negative

1. Apple Positive Yes

2. Orange Positive Yes

3. Potato Positive Yes

4. Tomato Positive Yes

It is concluded that from the

above observations, that each
fruit or vegetable contains
nitrogenous insecticide or
pesticide residues in it.

We conclude, from the above

observations, that each fruit or
vegetable contains nitrogenous
insecticide or pesticide residues in
NCERT Chemistry- XII
Comprehensive Practical

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