Stresses in Cylinder Wall

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There are two principal stresses in
engine cylinder
a. Circumferential hoop stress (c)
b. Longitudinal stress (l)
It is assumed that the stresses are
uniformly distributed over the wall
thickness. Considering equilibrium of
forces acting on the half portion of
cylinder of unit length.

Net stresses :Two principal stresses
the circumferential hoop stress ( c)
and longitudinal stress (l) are tensile
stresses and they act at right angles
to each other. Therefore net stresses
in these directions are reduced.
Consider the fig. (a)circumferential
stress. (b) longitudnal stress.

The net stresses are given by

(c)net = c - l
(l)net = l - c
c = apparent circumferential stress (N/mm^2)
l = apparent longitudnal stress (N/mm^2)
(c)net = net circumferential stress (N/mm^2)
(l)net = net longitudnal stress (N/mm^2)
The cylinder material is usually brittle such as cast iron. The
value of Poissions ratio is taken as 0.25.

= 0.25


Q. The cylinder of a four- stroke diesel engine has the following specifications:

Brake power=7.5KW
Speed=1400 rpm
Indicated mean effective pressure=0.35 Mpa Mechanical gas pressure=3.5 Mpa
Maximum gas pressure=3.5 Mpa
The cylinder liner and head are made of grey cast iron FG 260(Sut=260 N/mm2
and =
0.25).The studs are made of plain carbon steel 40C8 (Syt=380 N/mm2).The factor of
safety for all part is 6.
1.Bore and length of cylinder liner
2.Thickness of the cylinder liner
3.Thickness of the cylinder head
4.Size, number and pitch of studs
BP=7.5 KW= 7500 W N=1400 RPM pm= 0.35 Mpa =3.5 n/mm2
Fs=6 efficiency=80%=.8 For studs, Syt= 380 N/mm2 For cylinder liner and head, Sut=260


Step1. Bore and length of cylinder liner

Assumption: The ratio of stroke length to cylinder
diameter (l/D) is 1.5
D= cylinder bore (mm)
A=cross-sectional area of cylinder=(D2/4) (mm2)
L=length of stroke in m =(1.5D/1000) (m)
For a four - stroke engine,
n=N/2=1400/2=700 strokes/min
IP=BP/=7500/0.8=9375 W
D3=1948.84 * 103
D=124.9 mm or 125 mm
l=1.5D= 1.5 (125) =187.5 mm

The length of the stroke is 187.5 mm. There is clearance on both
sides of the stroke. Assuming the clearance as 15% of stroke length,
the length of the cylinder (L) is given by,
L= 1.15l= 1.15(187.5) =215.63 mm
L=216 mm

Step 2. Thickness of cylinder liner

The permissible tensile stress is given by,
t=Sut/fs=260/6=43.33 N/mm2
By linear interpolation, the reboring allowance C for (D=125
mm) is given by,
C=2.4 + (4-2.4)/(150-100)*(125-100) =3.2mm

The thickness of the cylinder is given by,

t=pmaxD/2t +C
= 3.5(125)/2(43.33) +3.2 =8.5 mm or 10 mm


Apparent stress:
Circumferential stress
c= pmax D/2t=3.5(125)/2(10) =21.88 N/mm2
(c < 43.33 n/mm2)
Longitudal stress
l =pmaxD^/(Do^2-d^2)=3.5/[(145^2)-(125^2)]
Net stresses:
Circumferential stress
(c)net= c - l= 21.88-0.25(10.13)
Longitudnal stress
(l )net= l - c = 10.13-0.25(21.88)=4.66N/mm2
STEP 3 : Thickness of cylinder head
The permissible stress for the cylinder head is given by ;
t = Sut/(fs)=260/6=43.33N/mm2

c = t =43.33N/mm2
th= D (kpmax/ c )^.5=125[.162(3.5)/43.33]
=14.3 or 15 mm
STEP 4: Number of studs
The number of studs should be from 5.25 to 6.5
It is assumed that there are six studs.
STEP 5: The permissible stress for the studs is given by,
t= Syt/fs= 380/6=63.33 N/mm2
Force acting on cylinder head = (/4)D2 pmax
= (/4) (125)2(3.5)= 42951.46 N
- eq a
Resisting force offered by all studs= (/4) dc2 z t

(/4) dc2 (6)(63.33) = 298.44 dc2

- eq b

Equating a and b
298.44 dc2 = 42951.46

or dc=12 mm

d = dc/.8 =12/.8 =15 mm

Step 6) Pitch of studs
Pitch circle diameter of studs (Dp) =D+3d
= 125 + 3(15) =170 mm
Pitch of the studs = () Dp/z= (170)/6=89.01 mm

Minimum pitch = 19 (d)^05 =73.59 mm
Maximum pitch= 28.5(d)^0.5 =110.38 mm

The pitch of the studs is 89.01 mm. It is within the llimits of 73.59 and 110.38
mm . Therefore, the pitch of the studs is satisfactory..

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