Dao 35

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DAO 35

Lugod, Cyril Benedict V.

DAO 35

Administrative Order No. 35

pursuant to provisions of Sec. 6 of PD
984 (Pollution Control Decree of 1976)
revised effluent regulations of 1990
revision and amendments of the effluent
regulations of 1982
it concerns all industrial and municipal
wastewater effluents


measure of approximate quantity

of dissolved oxygen needed by bacteria
to stabilize organic matter in the
Coastal Water- open body of water along
the coastline up to the 200-m isobath or
3-km distance, whichever is farther
Effluent- any wastewater in its natural
state issuing from a plant


Zone- place where effluent

discharge from a source mixes with the
receiving body of water
Strong Water- wastewater whose initial
BOD value before treatment is equal or
greater than 3000mg/L

Heavy Metals and Toxic


as Class A, B, C, D, SA, SB, SC,

and SD depending on the values of the
following parameters

Conventional and Other Pollutants

Affecting Aesthetics and Oxygen Demand

as Class A, B, C, D, SA, SB, SC,

and SD depending on the values of the
following parameters

Effluent Standards for BOD for

Strong Industrial Wastes

strong industrial wastewaters with

high BOD and where the receiving body
of water is Class C, D, SC, and SD, these
rules and regulations apply

Mixing Zone Requirements


designated uses of the receiving

body of water shall not be significantly
it shall not include an existing drinking
water intake
it shall not create a barrier of migration
of aquatic life

Mixing Zone Requirements


shall not include a nursery area of

indigenous aquatic life, shellfish farm,
tourist zone, and national marine parks
length should be as short as possible
and its width shall preferably be not
more than half the width of the

Mixing Zone Requirements


discharging hot effluents from power

plants, ore milling, and similar generators of
large volume of liquid wastes, the
permissible size of the mixing zone shall be
determined through modelling taking into
consideration the size, hydraulic and
hydrological data of the receiving body, and
the design of the wastewater outfall
it must not be used as a substitute for
wastewater treatment facility


industrial or domestic sewage

effluents shall be discharged into Class
AA and SA waters
no new industrial plant with high waste
load potential shall discharge into a
body of water where dilution capacity
during dry weather is insufficient to
maintain prescribed water quality


person shall discharge wholly or

partially untreated industrial effluents
into bodies of water



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