Principles of Leadership
Principles of Leadership
Principles of Leadership
Scope of Presentation:
A. Introduction
B. Definitions
C. Presentation of contents:
1. Leadership versus Management
2. Leadership Traits
3. Functions of Leadership
4. 4 seats of Variables
5. Leadership Principles of C. PNP
6. The Five (5) Styles of Leadership
7. Who is a Leader
8. What is the Personality of a leader
Prepared by:
Police Senior Superintendent (DSC) (B.S. CH.E)
Forensic Chemical Officer
A. Introduction:
The Phenomenon of leadership has been investigated by
social scientists for a number of years. Most of the studies
have directed attention to the leaders characteristics and
behavior. In recent years, however, researchers have
become interested in the group and other organizational
influences that affect the leader and his success. Good
leadership involves responsibility to the welfare of the
group, which means that some people will get angry at his
actions and decision. It is inevitable, if you are honorable.
Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity
you will avoid the tough decisions, you will avoid
confronting the people who need to be confronted, and you
will avoid offering differential rewards based on differential
performance because some people might get upset.
B. Definitions:
Leadership The process of influence on a group, in a
particular situation, at a given point in time, and in a specific
set of circumstances that stimulate people to strive willingly to
attain organizational objectives, giving them the experience to
attain the common objectives, and satisfaction with the type of
leadership provided.
- The knack of getting people to follow you and
do willingly the things you want them to do.
- The process of persuasion and example by
which an individual induces a group to take action that is in
accordance with the leaders purpose, or the shared purpose of
- The ability to make followers want to achieve
high goals, rather than simply boss people around.
C. Presentation of Contents:
1. Leadership versus Management
Warren Bennis, a leadership guru, differentiates leader
from manager by saying a leader is one who do the right
thing while the manager do things right.
The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long
range perspective.
The manager has his eye always on the bottom line; the
leader has his eye on the horizon.
Skillfully applies scientific management and artful
leadership to accomplish assignments.
Management: A Science and an Art
Management is a science. Knowledge about it has been
2. Leadership Traits:
Honest - Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your
actions. Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust.
Competent - Base your actions on reason and moral
principles. Do not make decisions based on childlike emotional
desires or feelings.
Forward-looking - Set goals and have a vision of the
future. The vision must be owned throughout the organization.
Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it.
They habitually pick priorities stemming from their basic values.
3. Functions of Leadership
Renders Service A leader uses his superior knowledge
of how to achieve organizational objectives in order to serve,
not to be served.
and operate, as much as possible, by persuasion and broadscale individual motivation of people. He will revert if
necessary to the autocratic style, but prefers to avoid this.
Some term him a sell-type leader who uses a large variety
and degree of persuasion tactics, ranging from simple
explanation of the reasons for an order to full scale bargaining
with people. He will usually relate his organizational goals to
the personal individual needs and aspirations of his people.
Such a leader retains his authority in that he knows and will
insist on a particular course of action, but he provides somelimited-freedom to his people in that he permits them to react,
question, raise objections, discuss, and even argue their side
of the issue.
4. The Participative Leader openly invites his people to
participate or share decisions, policy-making, and operation
methods. He is either a democratic or a consultative leader.
7. Who is a Leader:
1. If you do not know or do not understand, Ask ? Do not
pretend you know everything.
2. If a thing needs to be done and you do not see any one
doing it, there are only two things you have to do;
a. Do it yourself. or
b. Ask the proper person who suppose to do it.
3. If, after speaking your piece, a decision is made which does
not conform to your wish, accept it and move on.
4. When you assure your responsibility, that means you have
to do your homework.
5. Do not make agreements if you think you cannot keep them.
6. Treat others you would like them to become and you would
like yourself to be treated.
7. In conflict management, remember that there are always
three side: your side , this side and the right side.