Compass Surveying

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Prismatic compass

Compass traversing:
Important Definition
True meridian: Line or plane passing

through geographical north pole and

geographical south pole

True meridian
True bearing

Magnetic meridian: When the magnetic

needle is suspended freely and balanced

properly, unaffected by magnetic
substances, it indicates a direction. This
direction is known as magnetic
meridian. The angle between the
magnetic meridian and a line is known
as magnetic bearing or simple bearing
of the line.

Magnetic bearing

Magnetic meridian

Arbitrary meridian: Convenient direction is assumed as a meridian.

Grid meridian: Sometimes for preparing a map some state agencies

assume several lines parallel to the true meridian for a particular

zone these lines are termed as grid meridian.
Designation of magnetic bearing
Whole circle bearing (WCB)
Quadrantal bearing (QB)

WCB: The magnetic bearing of a line measured clockwise from the North

Pole towards the line is known as WCB. Varies 0-360

Quadrantal Bearing: The magnetic bearing of a line measured

clockwise or anticlockwise from NP or SP (whichever is nearer to

the line) towards the east or west is known as QB. This system
consists of 4-quadrants NE, SE, NW, SW. The values lie between
QB of OA = N a E
Reduced Bearing: When the whole circle bearing of a line is
converted to quadrantal bearing it is termed as reduced bearing.
Fore and Back Bearing:

In WCB the difference between FB and BB should be exactly

Use the +ve sign when FB<180
Use the ve sign when FB> 180

Magnetic declination: The horizontal angle between the magnetic

meridian and true meridian is known as magnetic declination.

Dip of the magnetic needle: If the needle is perfectly balanced before

magnetisation, it does not remain in the balanced position after it is

magnetised. This is due to the magnetic influence of the earth. The needle
is found to be inclined towards the pole. This inclination of the needle
with the horizontal is known as dip of the magnetic needle.

Local Attraction
Method of correction for traverse:
First method: Sum of the interior angle should be equal to (2n-4) x

90. if not than distribute the total error equally to all interior angles of
the traverse. Then starting from unaffected line the bearings of all the
lines are corrected using corrected interior angles.

Second method: Unaffected line is first detected. Then, commencing

from the unaffected line, the bearing of other affected lines are
corrected by finding the amount of correction at each station.

Methods of traversing
Chain traversing:

15 m

15 m
Compass traversing: Fore bearings and back bearings between the

traverse leg are measured

Theodolite traversing: Horizontal angles between the traverse legs
are measured. The length of the traverse legs are measured by
chain/tape or by stadia method
Plane table traversing: Plane table is set at every traverse station in
clockwise and anticlockwise direction and the circuit is finally closed.
During traversing the sides of the traverse are plotted according to any
suitable scale.

Checks on traverse: Closed traverse

Check on closed traverse:
Sum of the measured interior angles (2n-4) x 90
Sum of the measured exterior angles (2n+4) x 90
The algebric sum of the deflection angles should be equal to

360. Right hand deflection is considered +ve, left hand

deflection ve
Check on linear measurement
The lines should be measured once each on two different days

(along opposite directions). Both measurement should tally.

Linear measurement should also be taken by the stadia
method. The measurement by chaining and stadia method
should tally.

Checks on traverse: Open


Taking cut-off lines: measured

the bearings and lengths of cut

off lines after plotting and tally
with actual values.

Taking an auxiliary point: Take P

permanent point as auxiliary

point measured bearings and
lengths of P from each traverse
point. If survey is accurate,
while plotting all the measured
bearing of P should meet at P.

Convert the following WCBs to QBs
(a) WCB of AB = 4530

(Ans 4530)
(b) WCB of BC = 12545

(Ans 180- 12545 = 54 15)

Fore bearing of the following lines are given. Find back bearing
AB=S 3030 E
BC=N 4030 W

The magnetic bearing of a line AB is 13530 what will be the true

bearing, if the declination is 515 W.




Included angle at A= 280-180-40=60

=FB of DA-180-FB of AB
Included angle at B= 40+180-70= 150
=FB of AB+180-FB of BC
Included angle at C= 70+180-210
=FB of BC+180-FB of CD

Formula: FB of previous line+/-180FB of next line

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