Adaptive Filters-3

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Presented To:-

Presented BY:-

Ms. Priyanka Mishra

Ankit Sharma
Asstt. Professor
Electronics and communication

Electronics and communication

Defining an Adapter Filter
Block Diagram Of Adapter Filtering Problem
Adapter Filter Structure
Gradient Based Adaptive Filtering
The Mean square Error cost function
The Wiener Solution

In many Practical scenario it is observed
that we are required to filter a signal whose
exact frequency response is not known.
A solution to such problem is an adaptive
An adaptive filter is one which can
automatically design itself and can detect
system variation in time.

Defining an Adaptive Filter

An Adaptive filter is defined by four aspects:
The signal being processed by the filter.
The structure that defines how the output signal
of the filter is computed from its input signal.
The parameters within this structure that can be
iteratively changed to alter the filters inputoutput relationship.
The adaptive algorithm that describes how the
parameters are adjusted from one time instant to
the next.

Block Diagram of adaptive

Filtering Problem

Adaptive Filtering Problem

The error signal e(n) is calculated from the

desired response as shown in block diagram.
The error signal is fed into a procedure which
alters or adapt the parameters of the filter
from time n to time(n+1) in a well-defined
Thus as time increases the output signal or
actual responses y(n) is hoped to become
better and better match to the desired
response d (n).

Adaptive Filter Structure

Practical adaptive filtering

Problem 1
So far we are focusing on the desired response
d(n). However, it is quite obvious that in many
practical situation d(n) is not available.
To solve this problem d(n) must be estimated
from whatever signal is available to the input.
The fact that such schemes even work is a
tribute both to the ingenuity of the developers
of the algorithms and to the technology
maturity of the adaptive filtering field.

Practical adaptive filtering

Problem 2
It should also be recognised that the
relationship between x(n) and d(n) can vary
with time.
In this situation the adaptive filter must
continuously change its parameter values to
adapt the change.
This behavior is commonly referred to as

Gradient- Based Adaptive

Filtering Algorithms

The general form of an adaptive FIR filtering

algorithm is
G(.)= particular vector valued non-linear
(n)=Step size parameter
(n)=Vector of states

The Mean-Squared Error

Cost Function

The MSE cost Function (contd.)

The MSE Adaptive filters is useful for
adaptive FIR Filter because:

has a well-defined minimum with

respect to the parameters in W(n).
The parameters at this minimum minimizes
the power of the signal e(n), indicating that
y(n) has approached d(n).

is a smooth function of each

parameter of W(n),and differentiable w.r.t.
each of these parameters.

The Wiener Solution

The Method of Steepest


This procedure adjusts each parameter of

the system according to

For FIR Adaptive Filter This Relation Reduces


Other Implementation


There are various other methods also for implementation of

Adapter Filter.
The hardware or software implementation supporting
floating point arithmetic are less sever compared to those
supporting fixed point arithmetic.
The LMS Algorithm is well known for its robust performance
in the presence of finite precision error.
Therefore LMS algorithm can be easily implemented in
dedicated hardware using the general form of
implementation given by-



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