8207 DIS Learning Pauses

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8207 Delivering Information

learning pauses 1-13
Sanjiva Shankar Dubey

Source : IT Services business management Sanjiva Shankar Dubey,
PHI learning ISBN: 978-81-203-4531-7
Learning Pause 1

Plot various ITSE along the value chain,

TCS, Infosys, IBM, SAP, Accenture etc
What is advantage of moving up the value
Name any ITSE company which had made
acquisition to enhance its Services

IT Services business management Sanjiva Shankar Dubey,
PHI learning ISBN: 978-81-203-4531-7
Learning Pause 2
What are the key processes of an IT services enterprise?
Take any two process and draw input and outputs from
these processes
Describe the relationship with other groups in any IT
services company.
They should draw relationship to find which activity
will take which all inputs to produce which all outputs?

Is the ITSE selected by the group follow any of these

IT Services business management Sanjiva Shankar Dubey,
PHI learning ISBN: 978-81-203-4531-7
Learning Pause 3
What are the various strategies adopted by ITSE firms.
Explain each one of them in brief. Draw the strategic
analysis cube and diamond for any firm like Google, TCS or
Examine tech Mahindra , Google, Iflex or Wipro , and draw
the strategic analysis cube and diamond to examine its
What are the likely risk and reward for various strategies?
Name any ITSE company which has transformed from being
generic to hybrid strategy.

IT Services business management Sanjiva Shankar Dubey,
PHI learning ISBN: 978-81-203-4531-7
Read SALT 5.2
Write the answers to the questions of SALT 5.2

These questions are :

1. Why would a CIO take a decision to cancel a contract with an existing
2. Did a three hour conversation help CIO to firm up his idea of an ideal
3. Will this change be easy or risky, what way the principal consultant
should mitigate the risk?

SALT (Story And Learning Task) 5.1: People are the key in Services
Summer afternoon in Delhi are not the pleasant time to go out for customer meeting. By the time Principal Consultant parked his car in the
busy Bhadurafternoon in Delhi
Shah Jafar Marg are
andnot the pleasant
walked upto thetime to gotower,
express out forhecustomer meeting.
was drenched By theHe
in sweat. time Principal
needed Consultant
to cool down andparked
wantedhistocar in the
busy Bhadur
straight Shah Jafar
to the cafeteria Margup
to pick and walked
a bottle ofupto thesoft
chilled express tower, he was drenched in sweat. He needed to cool down and wanted to head
straight to the cafeteria to pick up a bottle of chilled soft drink.
From the corridor across the hall he saw his room has a small crowd, but he ignored and continued to walk towards the pantry.
Hello the corridor
we needacross the hall he A
you quickly. saw his room
young has acame
associate smallrunning
he ignored and continued to walk towards the pantry.
Hello sir we need you quickly. A young associate came running to him.
But I need chilled soft drink... I am thirsty... you know he chuckled... but what happened? he replied.
But I need chilled soft drink... I am thirsty... you know he chuckled... but what happened? he replied.
I will fetch that for you... the MD office has called 5 times since you were away and the her Secretary is holding line for you.. and she ran
will his
colathat for you...
drink. (Thosethewere
MD the
days has called
when 5 times
mobile sincehave
phones you were away and
not become the her Secretary is holding line for you.. and she ran
so ubiquitous.)
to fetch his
Professor, thecola
ABC drink. (Those
Power CIO were
wouldthe days
like when
to talk tomobile phonesApparently
you urgently. have not become so ubiquitous.)
the IT consulting and implementation they awarded to MNC
Professor, the ABC Power CIO would like to talk to you urgently. Apparently the
Consulting has run in rough weather. I met the ABC Power MD on a social gathering last night and IT consulting and
was sharing histhey awarded
plight of howtotheMNC
MNC has run
consulting teaminisrough weather.along
not working I metwith
the theirs.
ABC Power MD onslowly.
MD spoke a social
Shegathering last night
had nicknamed himandProfessor
he was sharing his habit
due to his plightofofexplaining
how the
MNC consulting team is not working
things in detail and grey hairs or both. along with theirs. MD spoke slowly. She had nicknamed him Professor due to his habit of explaining
things in detail and grey hairs or both.
Not an issue. I am back in the office with no desire to leave till the city cools down in the evening. Do ask him to call after an hour or so...
whatI am
do Iback in the
do we do...office with noisdesire
the contract with to leave
other till the what
company city cools down
way we caninhelp
the evening. Do ask him to call after an hour or so...
he added.
he said But what do I do we do... the contract is with other company what way we can help he added.
Professor dont worry about future. You just explain his questions the best you can and leave the rest to me and tomorrow! She laughed at
other end.dont worry about future. You just explain his questions the best you can and leave the rest to me and tomorrow! She laughed at
Bythe theother
he was half way though his chilled cola and 30 mails his secretary announced that the CIO of ABC Power was on the other end
By the time
waiting for him. he He
half way
her tothough histhe
transfer chilled colasignaled
call and and 30 mails his the
to close secretary
door. announced that the CIO of ABC Power was on the other end
Thewaiting for him. He had
CIO surprisingly asked
noher to transfer
technical the call
question and He
to ask. signaled to close the
was concerned door.the way the incumbent IT Service Company has staffed the
The CIO surprisingly had no technical question to ask. He was concerned
team. He was curious as to how he would have staffed his team in terms of skills, attitude about the way and
the incumbent
experience IT
if aService
similarCompany has staffed
project would have the
been He wastocurious
assigned his firm.as Talking
to how he would
ideal have itstaffed
situation was no hisbrainer
team intoterms of skills,
visualize why theattitude
ABCand experience
Power if a similar
was unhappy. It wasproject would
clear case of have
and switch which means the services firm puts different sets of people than the one who were paraded during the engagement cycle of bait
been assigned to his firm. Talking ideal situation it was no brainer to visualize why the ABC Power was unhappy. It was clear case of
and switch
selling whichcontract.
the services means the In services
addition firm putswanted
the CIO differentto sets
know of how
peoplethethan theteam
client one should
who were
staffparaded during
themselves as the
anyengagement cycle ofis
IT services project
nothing theco-creation
services contract.
of value Inby
addition the CIO
client and wantedprovider.
IT service to knowThe howdiscussion
the client went
team onshould
aboutstaff themselves
managing as any
change that IT
ITservices project is
project would
nothing but co-creation of value by
bring and what initiatives are needed, thereof. client and IT service provider. The discussion went on about managing change that IT project would
It bring
was past and6what initiatives
oclock when the areconversation
needed, thereof.was finished, full three hours. Luckily it was not on mobile phone else the call would have
It was past 6 oclock when the conversation
dropped ten times and battery would have gone was
now. Thefull three
sweet oldhours. Luckily
land line phoneit was
withnot on mobile
powerful phone
speaker andelse the call would
microphone workedhave
beautifully. ten times and battery would have gone by now. The sweet old land line phone with powerful speaker and microphone worked
At home late night he received a call from his boss that ABC Power has decided to cancel the contract of IT consulting and services with
At home
MNC late night
Consulting. he received
They now wanta to
from hisservices
their boss thatand
ABC Power
insist that has
the decided
the contract of IT
spoke must consulting
lead andAnd
the project. services with
I have no
MNC Consulting. They now want to seek their services and insist that the Principal whom CIO spoke must lead the project.
reasons to disagree, you plan for execution I will work the contract details with them and keep you in the loop she said. The principal And I have no
learning Pause 4
What are the 6 Ps of IT services?
Explainhow IT services marketing is different
as compared with other services.
Discussthe various IT Services Marketing
Explain one process each in brief with a
suitable diagram

IT Services business management Sanjiva Shankar Dubey,
PHI learning ISBN: 978-81-203-4531-7
BDM as a Tool used by a Parallel for a BDM Used to
Mountaineer mountaineer
Binoculars Industry Research Spot opportunities
reports and trends earlier before the
Magnifying Qualification process Qualify opportunities,
Glass weeds out the
unproductive ones

Backpacks Intellectual capital Various presentation

of services and and solution
solution offerings approaches
Ice Axe Ability to engage and Soften the target,
present make quick inroads
with the client
Shovel Analysis of client Solution design
requirement and techniques
business needs
Compass Measure the Review of
direction opportunity

Table 6.1 drawing a parallel of ITSE BDM with a mountaineer

learning Pause 5
Whatare the key capabilities and skills
needed to be a good ITS BDM.
Howwill you compare an IT Services Business
Development person as a mountaineer?
What are some of the important Tips for
successful business development and traps
and pitfalls to be avoided. (read the chapter
from the book to fid them.

Learning Pause 6
Discuss the three typical IT services
What precautions will you take to write a
winning IT services sales proposal
Need for Building Trust in IT Services selling
Managing Internal competition
Entering a new account/new market
Managing Continuous sales relationship

IT Services business management Sanjiva Shankar Dubey,
PHI learning ISBN: 978-81-203-4531-7
Learning Pause 7
Discuss the major processes and sub
processes of IT services Delivery
Your firm has recently been awarded a
new service contract in large bank.
This bank already had an IT services
provider who was not selected for
continuation. Which process would be
the first process for successful delivery
at the initial stages and why?
IT Services business management Sanjiva Shankar Dubey,
PHI learning ISBN: 978-81-203-4531-7
Learning Pause 8
Discuss in the group why
What are the various gaps which if not taken care would
lead to service delivery issues ?
Examining Demings Philosophy to achieve IT Services

Continued Innovation is a hall mark of not only for

exceptional service quality but also will help competitive
differentiation of the firm. IT Service excellence not only
enhances the firms competitiveness and efficiency but also
increases its revenue and profits. .
Read and discuss case Study page 135

IT Services business management Sanjiva Shankar Dubey,
PHI learning ISBN: 978-81-203-4531-7
Learning pause 9

Why it is tough to measure performance of an ITSE?

Define mathematics of an ITSE performance target
setting. Set targets of a firm that wants to make a
revenue of 10 Million $ for average deal size of 500,000
and success rate of 1:10 ( conform leads to order). Make
other suitable assumptions for the ITSE firm.

Learning Pause 10

What are the characteristics of winning teams in IT
Services enterprises?
How ITSE teams are different than teams of other
How to manage Interface Zones of various team in a
typical ITSE?

Learning Pause 11

Why it is important to have innovation and knowledge

management processes for ITSE firms growth and
Using the framework of Nonaka & Takeuchi (1995)
describe the concept of learning spiral.
What are the sources of new learnings and how will you
tap them?

Learning Pause 12
Why ITSE must grow to remain its viable?

What are the factors that propel growth?

What are the stages of Growth for IT services

firm? Do you think it is an evolutionary cycle?
Learning Pause 13

Why it is difficult to predict future of IT services?

What are the four distinct themes to categorise and
understand the IT services trends?
What are the advantages and disadvantages for keeping a
watch of the future trends for ITSE and IT professional?


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