Reflection Grid
Reflection Grid
Our focus in creativity for the opening sequence was to Creativity was used in production as we Our creativity during post production
Creativity base our work around the style of film-noir. This was
more of an original idea in comparison to thriller of the
spontaneously decided to change our
shots according to the cameras quality
was mainly to do with the our sound as
we made it from nothing but also
current time period. and to make the narrative clearer because we had not planned it in an
Our characters were against the level of creativity as through a technical point of view. For earlier stage but only had a vague idea
they were conventional with the genre of a thriller. example, we changed a shot of both of what to do.
The genre of a romantic thriller was not a popular one characters into a single shot of them This was done well according to our
each other to convey the loneliness feedback of the final work therefore
amongst the common one but was effective towards
our target audience. between them as they are no longer this stage of creativity was successful.
The digital technology we took advantage of during this Digital technology at this stage included Digital technology was widely used in
Similar tests we studied were phonebooth and one- Similar texts of this thriller genre mixed While the editing stage, we used
Texts noir style film which would be Max Payne. equipment but we do feel as if this was
a good representation of darkness and
the use of codes to convey the
convention. For example, in our final
sadness through the work using lighting work the falshback is saturated to
techniques and a noir style therefore convey the flashback and appeal to a
making it easily representative of this happier audience in comparsion to the
genre. dark noir style audience.
Our shots changed from pre-productions plan and shot The main appeal we had during this The appeal we had during post-