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Week 8 Blog

This weekly journal entry discusses the student's filming process for their music video production. They filmed introduction and performance scenes over two days. They have since been editing the footage based on their pre-production planning. This planning helped make filming and editing more efficient. They discuss some issues like people interrupting shots but overcoming them by changing locations. The student feels their location choices suit the narrative of the music video by contrasting a rundown area with a grand manor house. They are happy with the footage captured and ready to continue editing using skills developed throughout the year.

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Week 8 Blog

This weekly journal entry discusses the student's filming process for their music video production. They filmed introduction and performance scenes over two days. They have since been editing the footage based on their pre-production planning. This planning helped make filming and editing more efficient. They discuss some issues like people interrupting shots but overcoming them by changing locations. The student feels their location choices suit the narrative of the music video by contrasting a rundown area with a grand manor house. They are happy with the footage captured and ready to continue editing using skills developed throughout the year.

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This is where you think about your FMP learning journey and development.
Don’t simply describe what you did - consider what you have learnt and how this has benefitted
your project. What do you need to improve?



Week Eight – Filming


What practical work have you done This week I have filmed all of my music video and have begun
this week - and how helpful was your to edit it. The first day of filming I filmed the introduction to the
earlier planning? music video in which the character is living in poverty and selling
drugs. Then during the second day of filming I filmed all of the
performance parts of the video in which the actor lip synced
the lyrics and danced. For the rest of the week I have been
editing this footage to make it into a music video. Planning
everything previously has been very helpful as it has meant that I
have things to follow when filming and editing, helping me to
get things done much faster as I didn’t have to make things up
on the spot. It has also made the production better and feel
more consistent throughout as I could visualise the whole thing
whilst planning. For example, creating a story board helped me
to film efficiently as I knew exactly what I was meant to film,
including what the actor is meant to do and what shots and
angles I should be using. Creating a shooting script has made
my editing much easier as I know exactly what part of the song
goes with what part of the video and what actions, allowing me
to edit at a much faster rate. Creating a prop list, equipment list
and crew list allowed me to understand what I needed to bring
to each shoot beforehand, as well as who was filming what on
each day. As well as this, creating location recces and
arranging transport meant that everyone could get to the
required locations easily, and the hazard plan meant that no
one got hurt.

How will this be useful to you as your My planning will allow me to continue to work at a fast rate as I
production process continues will know exactly what to edit with what part of the video. It will
mean that I won’t have to think of ideas on the spot because it
will already be planned out for me. This will mean that I can
create everything based on what I’ve already decided so that I
can make everything at a faster rate. It will also mean that the
things I create will be a higher quality because I would have
already put lots of thought into it.

Upload behind the scenes pictures

and videos and comment on what
they show

This behind the scene photo shows me talking to the actor

telling him what to do for this shot. It also shows him looking at his
phone learning the lyrics to this part of the song.

This is a photo of the actor practising his lines so that he knows

what to say in the next scene. It also shows the first scene that I
filmed at.

What issues did you encounter whilst One issue I encountered when filming was people walking past
out filming and how did you when filming and ruining the shots. To avoid this problem, we
overcome them? would look out for people nearby and if there were any then
we’d stop filming for until they walked past. If an area became
particularly busy then we moved to a different area. Another
problem when filming was the fact that the lighting was
inconsistent because I was filming outdoors with natural lighting.
To overcome this, I changed some of the brightness settings
when editing.

How suitable do you feel your I feel that the locations I chose were very suitable as they
locations were for your filming? helped to clearly show the two different lifestyles that the
character was living, as well as emphasise the narrative of the
story. The setting I chose to film at was a rundown carpark in the
middle of a busy town centre. The car park is completely
concrete and covered in graffiti, litter and broken windows,
which creates the idea that it is a dodgy, poverty-struck place.
This helps to show that, at the start of the video, the character is
living a bad life in poverty and a rough area. This setting has
been contrasted with the second location I filmed at. The
second location was a National Trust manor house. This location
is suitable as it shows how the characters life has changed
massively after making music and is now rich, which is the
narrative of my video. The setting has huge gardens and
driveways, a water fountain, statues and big manor house with
a grand clock tower. This all suggests that the rapper is wealthy
and the brighter colours also imply that he is now happy.

How have you made use of the I have used many filming techniques as well as editing
technical skills you have developed so techniques that I have learnt this year during the making of my
far this year? production. When filming I have utilised

Having reviewed your footage, are I am very happy with everything that I have captured and do
you happy with what you have not need to film anything else or reshoot anything.
captured and does anything need

Are you ready to edit? If not, how far I have already began to edit.
behind are you?

What work do you need to complete I have no work to complete outside of lesson.
outside of lessons to stay on track?

High Grade Tips

Practical Skills & Presentation

● ‘Considered and capable demonstration of processes’ – very detailed documentation of your
production process - such as still images, and annotated Screenshots of your specific production
and editing process – including ‘what’ and ‘why’, not just ‘how’
● ‘skills and knowledge used to develop alternative ideas’ – evidence of different ideas developed
for more than one version of your Media product

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