Understanding The Concepts of Chemical Elements

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Understanding the

Concept of the
Chemical Elements
Daltons Atomic Theory

John Dalton was an English chemist known for his

pioneering work in the development of the atomic theory.
In his theory, he proposed that elements differ due to the
mass of their atoms.

The postulates of Daltons atomic theory are:

1.All matter is composed of very small, indivisible
particles called atoms.
2.All atoms of a given element are identical in properties
and masses but differ from another elements.
3.Atoms cannot be created or destroyed.
4.Atoms of the same or different elements may combine
with each other in a fixed, whole number ratio.
5.Atoms may combine, separate, or rearrange in
chemical reactions.

The atomic theory had been revised over the years with
the discovery of isotopes, subatomic particles, and
nuclear reactions. However, Daltons atomic theory has
been widely recognized because it became the
foundation of the modern concept of the atom.
Dalton's Table of Elements

Dalton published his atomic theory in New System of

Chemical Philosophy. Back then, he needed to propose a
new set of standard symbols for chemical elements
because the Greeks' and alchemists' symbols for elements
were not supported by his theory. He first published his
table of elements according to increasing relative atomic
weights. The elements were hydrogen, carbon, oxygen,
nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus. He assumed that the
atomic weight of hydrogen was one, and calculated the
rest of the elements' atomic weights based on hydrogen.
After more experiments, he listed 20 elements with
different symbols and atomic weights.
Law of Multiple Proportions

In 1806, French chemist Joseph Proust published his

law of definite proportions. This law states that a
chemical compound is formed by elements in fixed
mass ratios. For example, carbon monoxide (CO) is
comprised of one carbon and one oxygen. By mass,
carbon monoxide can be described by the fixed
ratio of 12:16 (mass of carbon:mass of oxygen), and
simplified as 3:4.
Expanding on the work of Proust, Dalton developed the law of
multiple proportions. This law was based on Dalton's observations
of the reactions of atmospheric gases. It states that when two or
more elements can form multiple combinations, the ratio of the
elements in those compounds can be expressed in small, whole
numbers. For example, carbon and oxygen can combine to form
carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). In CO , the ratio of
carbon to oxygen is 1:1. It is a fixed ratio of whole numbers. In
CO2 , the fixed ratio is 1:2.

Dalton used this law to explain possible combinations of atoms. He

published seventeen compounds in the New System of Chemical
Philosophy. He listed the compounds as binary, ternary,
quaternary, quinquenary, sextenary, and septenary.
A binary compound is formed by two elements. For
example, two atoms of azote (nitrogen) may combine to
form a binary compound.

A ternary compound is formed by three atoms. For example,

when one atom of nitrogen combines with two atoms of
oxygen, then the resulting compound, nitrogen dioxide, is
Similarly, quarternary compounds are
made of four atoms; quinquenary are
made of five; sextenary are made of six;
and septenary are made of seven.

Daltons system of naming elements

and compounds were then replaced with
the chemical symbols and formulae by
Jons Berzelius. Berzelius symbols are
the ones we use today.



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