Saw Devices: Presented By:-Ashish Shavarna

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Presented by:- Ashish Shavarna

Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, JIIT

Outlines of Presentation:
• Introduction

• Problem Modeling

• SAW Resonators

• SAW Oscillators
• SGAW sensors utilize mechanical wave as sensing mechanism on the
piezoelectric substrate. Both direct & converse piezoelectric effect is
taken into consideration.
• SGAW sensors involve SAW & APM devices
– SAW device : wave propagate on the surface of substrate, waves have
longitudinal as well as shear component which can couple with the
medium placed in contact to the surface. Highly sensitive because
acoustic energy is confined within one wavelength.
– APM stand for acoustic plane mode, here energy of wave is confined
b/w upper & lower plate of the substrate. Therefore detection on
either side, preferably isolating the side containing IDT.

SAW sensor SH-APM sensor

Wave propagation

Rayleigh wave exhibits both longitudinal as well as transverse component,

which can be seen in the figure.
Problem Modeling

• Designing a high Q-SAW resonator

- Resonator Geometries & modes
- Resonator’s specifications
- Analytic method to design
- SAW resonator using layered structure

• Designing a Single-mode Fixed-Frequency SAW oscillator with high

spectral purity & frequency stability.
SAW Device
Components of SAW Devices

• IDT (Inter Digital Transducer)

SAW Resonator

• Prime requirement of surface wave resonator is an efficient reflector of

waves. Since, there is no practical localized mirror available for Surface
Waves; so E.A. Ash introduced the concept of reflection grating.

• With reflection grating, SAW resonator offers less insertion loss & high
quality factor .Loss mechanism that limits Q value includes SAW to BAW
conversion in gratings, resistive loss in electrodes & viscous damping in
• Centers of reflection in gratings are at the edges of grating elements while
in excited IDT, they are the mid finger position.
SAW Resonator
• Transducer geometries for one &two port resonator circuit:

• In grating reflector, scattering of SAW into bulk waves will result in increased
insertion losses.
• Power Handling capability of SAW resonators are limited because excessive
SAW power levels lead to a frequency shift of resonator &/or destructive
• Single mode operation can be achieved by reducing the rsonant spacing
between IDT to support only one mode within the width of grating stop band.
SAW Resonator

• For design of SAW Resonator:

- use of Scattering Matrix {S}
- Cavity Analysis
- Coupling of Modes (COM) Analysis

• One COM approach employing an unweighted 2X2 complex grating matrix

{G} , in conjunction with a 3X3 transducer matrix {T} and a transmission
line matrix {D}.

• Here, Grating Reflectors can also introduce undesirable transverse mode

responses which can be eliminated by use of tapered gratings.
SAW Oscillator

• They are finding increasing applications because of high spectral purity, large
fundamental frequency range, low power drain etc.
• Feedback system for an oscillator

• The oscillation frequency of SGAW oscillator delay line ,f n =n. v / L where L is the
acoustic path length, v is the phase velocity. Modification of the phase delay lines
can be measures as frequency shifts using the above equation.

• Although very precisely measures the acoustic wave velocity, but do not provide
any information about signal amplitude
SAW Oscillators

• SAW oscillators using high Q –Resonators yield the best stability

performance while SAW oscillators employing delay lines have stability
performances at higher frequencies ( > 1 GHz).
• The aging rate of SAW Resonator in SAW oscillator is a function of
operating power level.
• To reduce the effect of migration of the IDT at higher power level, we use
AlCu alloy film rather than pure Al in the IDT itself.
• Low phase-Noise performance can be achieved using high Q free running
SAW oscillator.
• An alternative of attaining low noise performance is by injection locking
an oscillator with poor phase noise to a low noise source.
• With the above implementation, the overall noise performance is entirely
that of the injection source
SAW Oscillator

• Source of noise in oscillator includes:

- White phase (f0 )
- Flicker phase (1/f)
- White frequency (1/f2)
- Flicker frequency (1/f3)

- Random Walk (1/f4)

• White & Flicker frequency are due to perturbations within the bandwidth
of the feedback loop caused by White & Flicker phase noise. Random Walk
noise generates long term aging.
• Most predominant noise in SAW devices is flicker phase one. However,
SAW resonators are invariably found to have 1/f2 also.
• The level of noise in Quartz resonator depends on transducer metallization
used as well as film stress

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