Temperature, Tool Wear

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In plastic deformation in the cutting area, most of
the energy spent in converted into heat. (Almost
99% of the energy)
Temperature rise can be a problem for machining
steel and other tough metals. Can reduce strength
of the tool and create wear.
Dimensional change in the part can be a problem.
Can cause thermal cracks on the work piece.
Heat generation taken place in primary shear zone,
tool chip interface and tool tip rubbing against the
machined surface.
Approximate temp. at tool-chip:
Yf=flow stress, v=cutting speed, Pc=volumetric
specific heat of the work piece, K=thermal
1.2Y f vt0
Pc K
At high speed temperature rises.
Flank wear can also cause heat. Sharp tools tend to
reduce heat.
Temp. rise in maximum from tough materials with
low specific heat.
T V a f b
For simple turning:
V=velocity, f=feed of the tool.
For carbide: a=0.2 b=0.125
HSS: a=0.5 b=0.375

Large part of the heat goes away with the chip.

Temp proportional to friction on the chip interface.
Thermocouple- based on seebeck effect
Infrared photographic techniques-which
generates different colours for different
temperature values
Embedded thermocouples
Actual time or machining time given by the tool
between two successive grinds
Excludes the time involved in removing , regrinding
and resetting
Inversely affects the productive time and productivity
Helps in selection of proper tool optimizing
Cutting speed
Physical properties of work-piece
Area of cut
Ratio of feed to depth(f/d)
Shape and angles of tools
Tool materials and its heat treatments
Nature and quantity of coolants
Rigidity of tool , work and machine tool
Cutting speed has maximum influence on tool life
Taylors equation VTn=C; here V=m/min ,T =time
in min
Tool life vs. cutting speed is plotted on a log-log
graph. We can directly obtain n from it:
Range of n
High speed steel: 0.08 to 0.2
Carbides: 0.2 to 0.5
Ceramic: 0.5 to 0.7
Several curves are normally plotted. Each curve is a
condition of tool and cutting with different n and c.
Tool life curves are plotted with experimental data.

Log-log plot of cutting speed vs tool life.

S no Tool material work material

C.I Soft steel Medium Soft Hard

Steel bronze Bronze

1 W-base H.S.S 25-35 35-65 25-40 50-80 16-35

m/min m/min m/min m/min m/min

2 Co-base H.S.S 20 TO 30% greater than W-base H.S.S

3 Stellite 50% greater than w-base H.S.S

4 Carbide type 200 to 400% greater than W-base H.S.S

5 tantalum carbide 200 to 200 to 600% 400 to 600%

Maximum velocity varies inversely with area of cut
V=k/(A + b);where A=area of cut, k & b are constants
Increases tool life as the stress gets reduced on the tool
Typical relationship for turning of low carbon steel
with cemented carbide tool:
V=cutting speed in m/min
f=feed in mm/min
d=depth of cut in mm
T=tool life in min.
For the same cutting velocity , tool life decreases with
an increase in feed and depth of cut
Happens because of localized action of forces
generating compressive stresses and bending stresses
at the tool edge
Cutting force Fc =CFd^0.9f^0.8
Effect of rake angle
Cutting force decreases with increase in back rake
Negative rake has higher cutting force than positive
rake angle
Fc=Fscos(-)/cos(+- )
Large side rake angle produces chipping and and large
rake angle generates excessive heat or an excessive
wear and deformation in tool
Larger cutting edge results in better tool life but at very
high value results in chipping
Clearance angle for mild steel, tool: cemented
Cutting fluids reduce cutting forces

More effective at low speed due to proper adherence to

the tool-chip interface

Tool life is better in continuous cutting than in

intermittent cutting
Failure means tool cease to perform satisfactorily.
Technically it is known as chipping.
Wear means any process in which material is
removed from the tool surface I the form of very
small particles.
Wear gradual process
Types of wear are:
Flank wear, crater wear, notch wear
Micro-chipping or macro-chipping.
Large chipping can be caused by interrupted cutting,
sudden shock
Fatigue occurs in area with cracks.
Temperature failure:-at high temperature localized
phase transformation takes place
This gives rise to high residual stresses causing
appearance of crack on tool point.
When excessive growth of built of edge takes place
it breaks away with the underside of tool with it
When cutting force exceed the critical limit, small
portions of tool may chip off, or the entire tip may
o Abrasive action of hard particles in work material
o By plastic deformation
o Chemical decomposition of contact surface
o Diffusion between work and tool material
o Welding at asperities between work and tool
o Oxidation
o Electrochemical reactions
The chip flows across the rake face, resulting in severe
friction between the chip and rake face, and leaves a
scar on the rake face which usually parallels to the
major cutting edge.
Sharp increase in wear rate after the certain
temperature attributes to diffusion of atoms between
tool and chip materials which causes loss of tool
material from the face of the tool.
The crater wear can increase the working rake angle
and reduce the cutting force, but it will also weaken
the strength of the cutting edge.
Crater wear is affected by temperature and degree
of chemical affinity.

Temperature also effects the diffusion mechanism.

Plastic deformation can also occur.
Crater wear is most common in cutting ductile
materials which produces continuous chips.
Fig1.-crater wear and
wear depth KT and
width KB

Fig2.effect of cutting
speed V and cutting
time T on crater wear
depth KT
Is normally caused by:
Sliding of tool over work piece
Abrasion of hard particles
inclusion in the work piece.
Shearing of micro welds between
tool and work material.
Abrasion of fragments of built up
edge plowing against the
clearance face of the tool.
1. Initial (or Preliminary) wear region
Caused by micro-cracking, surface oxidation and
carbon loss layer, as well as micro-roughness at the
cutting tool tip in tool grinding (manufacturing).
2 Steady wear region
After the initial (or preliminary) wear (cutting
edge rounding), the micro-roughness isimproved,
in this region the wear size is proportional to the
cutting time. The wear rate is relatively constant.
3 Severe (or Ultimate or catastrophic) wear
When the wear size increases to a critical value,
the surface roughness of the machined surface
decreases, cutting force and temperature increase
rapidly, and the wear rate increases. Then the tool
loses its cutting ability.
oThe gashing (or grooving, gouging) at
the outer edge of the wear land is an
indication of a hard or abrasive skin on
the work material.
oSuch a skin may develop during the
first machine pass over a forging, casting
or hot-rolled workpiece.
oThis is a special type of combined flank
and rake face wear which occurs adjacent
to the point where the major cutting edge
intersects the work surface.
oIt is also common in machining of
materials with high work-hardening
characteristics, including many stainless
steels and heat-resistant nickel or
chromium alloys. In this case , the
previous machining operation leaves a
thin work-hardened skin.
The cutting forces are normally increased by wear of the tool.
Crater wear may, however, under certain circumstances, reduce forces by
effectively increasing the rake angle of the tool.
Clearance-face (flank or wear-land) wear and chipping almost invariably
increase the cutting forces due to increased rubbing forces.
The surface finish produced in a machining operation usually deteriorates
as the tool wears. This is particularly true of a tool worn by chipping and
generally the case for a tool with flank-land wear
there are circumstances in which a wear land may burnish (polish) the
workpiece and produce a good finish.
Flank wear influences the plan geometry of a tool; this may affect
the dimensions of the component produced in a machine with set
cutting tool position or it may influence the shape of the components
produced in an operation utilizing a form tool.
If tool wear is rapid, cylindrical turning could result in a tapered
A wear land increases the tendency of a tool to dynamic instability.
A cutting operation which is quite free of vibration when the tool is
sharp, may be subjected to an unacceptable chatter mode when the
tool wears.
The cutting edge completely fails
Visual inspection of flank wear
Run fingernail across the cutting edge
Change of sound
Chip become difficult to dispose
Degradation of surface finish
Increase in power consumption

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