Concrete Mix Design

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The key takeaways are that mix design is the process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and determining their relative proportions to produce concrete of required strength and durability economically. It also discusses different concrete grades and steps involved in mix design.

The process of mix design involves selecting suitable ingredients of concrete like cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water and determining their relative proportions with the objective of producing concrete of certain minimum strength and durability economically.

The different types of concrete grades mentioned are Ordinary Concrete (M10, M15, M20), Standard Concrete (M25-M55) and High Strength Concrete (M60-M80).

Concrete Mix Design

By : Dr.(Mrs) V. Tare
Prof. CE-AMD,S.G.S.I.T.S.,Indore
What is Mix Design ?
Process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and

determining their relative proportions with object of

producing concrete of certain minimum strength and

durability as economically as possible.


Strength of concrete depends upon strength of paste.

Permeability depends upon Quality and Continuity of

More dilute Paste greater spacing hence weaker will be

the ultimate paste structure. Quantity of water depends
upon the amount of paste so as little paste as possible
should be used hence important of grading.

Excess paste-greater cost, greater drying shrinkage,

greater susceptibility to percolation of water.
Concrete mix proportion should be such as to ensure the
workability of the fresh concrete and when concrete is
hardened it shall have the required strength, durability and
surface finish.

DMC (Design Mix Concrete)

NMC (Nominal Mix Concrete)

M20 nominal may be used with permission of engineer

in-charge and likely to consume more cement.
Information Required

Type of Mix CMC or NMC.


Type of cement

Max. Nominal size of Aggregate.

Min. cement content. (for DMC)

Max. w/c
Information Required


Exposure conditions

Max. temp of concrete at the time of placing

Method of placing

Degree of supervision
Special Features of IS 456-2000
The code includes the use of 10 types of cement
OPC,RHPC,PSC(Portland Slag Cement),PPC (fly ash
based),PPC (calcined clay based),HC (Hydrophobic
Cement), LHPC (Low Heat Portland Cement), SRPC
(Sulphate Resistance Portland Cement).

Aggregate should comply with IS 383.

For RCC 20 mm aggregate is mostly used, sometime 40

mm may be permitted.

Potable water should be used for making concrete.

Admixtures if used should comply with IS 9103.

Special Features of IS 456-2000

Min. grade of concrete should not be less than M20 for

RCC works.
M10,M15,M20- Ordinary Concrete.
M25-M55- Standard Concrete.
M60-M80- High Strength Concrete.

Flexural Strength= 0.7 X (fck)1/2

fck Cube Compressive Strength N/mm2

EC=5000 (fcom)1/2
Special Features of IS 456-2000
Thermal Expansion 0C (10-5)
Sand Stone=0.9-1.2
Lime Stone=0.6-0.9

Workability has been specified in terms of slumps


Durability clause has been enlarged.

Exposure-mild, moderate, severe, very severe,
Steps for Mix Design
Flexural strength of concrete is assumed which is to be
considered for calculating stress ratio in structural design
of pavement. It is 90 days flex. Strength.

28 days flexural strength, N/mm2=

90daysflexuralStrength( N / mm2 )

28 days compressive strength,N/mm2=

(28daysflexuralStrength) 2 N / mm2
Steps for Mix Design
The mean strength is estimated for which
the mix is to be designed by the equation
Smean= Smin+K X (SD)
Smin is obtained from step 3.
% of results K Himsworth Grade of Concrete Assumed SD
allowed to fall Constant as per IS
below min. 456-2000
0.1 3.09
M10 3.5
0.6 2.5 M15 3.5
1.0 2.33 M20 4.0
M25 4.0
2.5 1.96 M30 5.0
6.6 1.50 M35 5.0
M40 5.0
16.00 1.0 M45 5.0
M50 5.0
W/C is found from graph.

Degree of workability of the mix to be used in road work is


Max. size of aggregate to be used is decided.

Water in kg/m3 of concrete is obtained.

Steps for Mix Design
Cement content is calculated using
W/C = Water Content/ Cement Content.
The correct estimation of W/C and Water content is crucial
and decides the cement content and hence the cost.

Bulk volume of dry rodded coarse aggregate per unit

volume of concrete is obtained using table for given
values of maximum number of aggregates and F.M. of

Weight of Coarse Aggregate is found:

Bulk volume X Bulk density of dry rodded coarse
Steps for Mix Design
Absolute volume of cement, water and coarse aggregate
in cu.m are calculated.
Cement (C) = Cement Content, kg
3.15 *1000
Water Content, kg
Water (W) =
1 * 1000
Coarse Aggregate (CA) =

Coarse Aggregate Content, kg

SpecificGravityofcoarseaggrega te *1000
Steps for Mix Design

Absolute volume of sand per m3 of concrete

= 1- (volume of C,W,CA)

Weight of Sand = Absolute volume of sand X

Specific Gravity of sand X 1000

Weight of material per M3 of concrete are

Cement- Step 9
Sand Step 14
Coarse Aggregate Step 11
Water Step 8
Steps for Mix Design

Proportion C:S:CA / W/C by weight is reported.

Proportion by volume is computed considering 1 bag of 50

kg has 0.035 m3.
1429 * S 1429 * CA
1: BulkDensit yOfSand ( Loose) : BulkDensit yOfCA( Loose)

S and CA are by weight from Step 16.

Allowance for bulking, water absorption, moisture content,

evaporation are made in field.
Design Example
for M30 Concrete Mix Design
Concrete Grade= M30

Finess Modulus of FA =2.6

Workability = 30mm slump

MSA = 25 mm

Sp gr of CA,FA, Cement and Air=2.7, 2.6, 3.15, 0.001.

Unit wt. of dry rodded agg=1700 kg/m3.

Free moisture on sand = 2 %

WA = 1 %
Target Mean Strength = 30+1.64 X 4
=36.56 MPa

W/C = 0.48 by strength view point

0.5 by durability view point
Min W/C ratio =0.48

Water Content = 180 kg/m3

Air Content = 2%

Cement Content =180/0.48

=375 kg/m3
Bulk Volume of CA =0.69 X 1700
=1173 kg/m3

Absolute Volume of Cement = 375/3.15 X1000


Absolute Volume of Water =180/(1 X 1000)


Absolute Volume of CA = 1173/(2.7 X 1000)

= 0.434

Absolute Volume of Air = 2/(100 X 1000 X 0.001)

= 0.02
Absolute Volume of FA = 1- (0.119+0.18+0.434)
= 0.247
Weight of FA = 0.247 X 2.6 X 1000
=642 kg/m3
Proportions :

1: 1.7 :3.12 :0.48

Total free surface moisture in FA = 2/100 X 643

= 13
Wt. of FA in field =643 + 13
=656 kg/m3
Quantity of water absorbed by CA = 1/100 X 1173
Wt. of CA in field =1173-12
=1161 kg/m3
Quantity of Water in field = 180 (13-12)
=179 kg/m3

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