Presentation SSI

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Provide all-

of individual

Increase the Provide

participation opportunities
of to enhance
stakeholders GOALS OF individual
SCHOOL Produce a
thinking and
Democratize teaching-litetate
education workforce and
apply technology
in teaching and
1. High Investment Fee For Government
- spend a lot on electronic facilities
- legal use of software
- maintanence for facilities is high
- repair fees

2. Lack of Training
- Not all the teachers are tech savvy
- Hire technician for training
- Some do not have formal learning to use
3. Lack of awareness about Smart School

• They feel Smart School are same with normal

• Does not know much about Smart School
• Many people assumed that Smart School was
school for smart students only
• Parents are not involved in this project
4. Smart school facilities was found to be
• Some teachers are not keen on using the courseware
- lack of ICT knowledge
- not comfortable with the use of hardware and
- prefer traditional way of teaching
- a waste of time
• Software used in school and MOE is causing problem
- cannot key in data using school’s computer
- the processor takes longer time and slow
- hardware is out of date
-lack of knowledge that cause damage of computer
• The design of the courseware does not
accommodate for student’s with differing needs
and learning abilities.
• Courseware leaks proper guidelines to use.

5. Lacks of technological infrastructure

and teaching materials in school in rural
• Limited internet connection
• Limitation of infrastructure, such as
computer labs
• Shortage of computer
6. Time constraint

• Student’s Perspective
– Unfamiliar with the technology used
– slow internet connectivity

• Teacher’s Perspective
– The time taken to set up the computer devise take
a lot of time
– Have difficulty to finish the entire syllabus.
7. Teacher’s issue

• Had difficulty to adapt new instructional technology

because were used to traditional method
• Lack of skill and techniques

8. Management and Administration

• need strong professional administrators and teachers
who can articulate school goals clearly, lead teaching
at the school, and elicit strong parental and
community support to full-fill its objective.

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