Bio Metrics

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Presented By:
Anushree Maheshwari
Naureen Broca
Nivedita Mudbhatkal
Anuja Upadhye
•Introduction of Biometric system
•Working of Biometric system
•Types of Biometric system
i. Fingerprint
ii. Palm vein
iii. Signature
iv. Voice
v. DNA
vi. Iris
•Application Areas of Biometric system
•Limitations of Biometric system
What is Biometrics???
"Biometric" come from the Greek words "bio" (life) and
"metric" (to measure). Biometrics are technologies used
for measuring and analyzing a person's unique
Biometric devices normally consist of 3

•a scanner / reader

•a piece of software

•a database
Types Of Biometric System
o Fingerprint

o Palm Vein

o Signature

o Voice

o Gait

o Iris
Fingerprint Biometric
Minutia points
3 main patterns
2 Algorithms:
1. Minutia Matching
2. Pattern Matching
Benefits and issues with Fingerprinting
Benefits: Issues:
Easy to use Minutia points can
Cheap get effected by cuts.
Small size People with no

Low power minutia.

People accused
wrongly on basis of
Behavioral approach
Measure and analyze Physical activity of
signing- stroke, pressure and speed.

 Less invasive
 Easy to copy image but difficult to mimick it
 Low error rates
Palm-vein Biometric system

Patternunique to individual
Secure method of authentication
Hand is exposed to infrared rays
Vein pattern is verified against registered pattern
Not dangerous
Not susceptible to minor traumas
Benefits and applications

Difficult to forge
Contactless, hygienic and non-invasive
Highly accurate
Capable of 1:1 and 1:many matching

Security systems
Log-in control
Banking and financial sector
Iris Biometrics
This is how the eye looks….
 Highly accurate: There is no known case of a false
acceptance for iris recognition

 Not intrusive and hygienic - no physical contact required.

The user must hold still while the scan is taking place.
Voice Biometrics
Voice Biometrics
Voices are unique to each person (including
twins), and cannot be exactly replicated.
How does this work?
 The voiceprint generated upon enrolment is
characterized by the vocal tract, which is a unique a
physiological trait.

 A cold does not affect the vocal tract, so there will be no

adverse affect on accuracy levels.

 Only extreme vocal conditions such as laryngitis will

prevent the user from using the system.
 Ability to use existing telephones

 Can be automated, and coupled with speech recognition


 Low perceived invasiveness

• High false non-matching rates.
Example of Voice Biometrics
 The first speech recognizer appeared in 1952 and
consisted of a device for the recognition of single
spoken digits.

 Anotherearly device was the IBM Shoebox, exhibited at

the 1964 New York World's Fair.
GAIT Recognition
How does this work?
How does this work?
Familiarizing the way people walk combined
with biometrics, has lead to the development
of gait recognition as a form of biometric

Acquisition of images portraying an

individual’s gait can be done easily in public
areas, with simple instrumentation, and does
not require the cooperation or even awareness
of the individual under observation.
Best suited to scenarios where the databases are
likely to be very large
Images can be captured without the awareness of
the person under observation

• Several factors that cause variations in gait,
include footwear, terrain, fatigue, and injury

•Images can be captured without the awareness

of the person under observation
Applications :

Law Of Enforcement:-

Law enforcement is the

collective term for
professionals who are
dedicated to upholding
and enforcing the laws
in a given jurisdiction
Airport Security:-

ID cards
Access Control:-
Presenting fake biometrics.
Tampering with the biometric feature
Attacking the Channel.
Corrupting the matcher.
To increase security levels and protect
their data.
The verification can be duplicated which
can be nearly eliminated.
It is not the eventual choice because of
privacy issues.

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