Green Building Plumbing: Mohammed Athar Mansury Farjana Priyanka Sengar Mohammed Waseem Reza
Green Building Plumbing: Mohammed Athar Mansury Farjana Priyanka Sengar Mohammed Waseem Reza
Green Building Plumbing: Mohammed Athar Mansury Farjana Priyanka Sengar Mohammed Waseem Reza
In India, a warming climate is drying up lakes and rivers, while rapid urbanisation and water pollution are putting
enormous pressure on the quantity and quality of surface and ground water. The country’s fragile agricultural
system still depends primarily on rainfall and a bad monsoon season can wreck havoc on the national economy.
Water conservation is a key element of any strategy that aims to alleviate the water scarcity crisis in
India. With rainfall patterns changing almost every year, the Indian government has started looking at means to
revive the traditional systems of water harvesting in the country. Given that these methods are simple and eco-
friendly for the most part, they are not just highly effective for the people who rely on them but they are also good
for the environment.
History tells us that both floods and droughts were regular occurrence in ancient India. Perhaps this is
why every region in the country has its own traditional water harvesting techniques that reflect the geographical
peculiarities and cultural uniqueness of the regions. The basic concept underlying all these techniques is that rain
should be harvested whenever and wherever it falls.
Drawing upon centuries of experience, Indians continued to build structures to catch, hold and store
monsoon rainwater for the dry seasons to come. These traditional techniques, though less popular today, are still
in use and efficient. Here is a brief account of the unique water conservation systems prevalent in India and the
communities who have practised them for decades before the debate on climate change even existed.
There are some traditional methods and techniques which clearly states that water conservation is one of ancient
practices in India :
• Jhalara
• Talab /Bandhi
• Bawari
• Taanka
• Ahar Pynes
• Johads
• Panam Keni
• Khadin
• Kund
• Baoli
• Bhandara Phad
• Zing
• Kuhls
• Bamboo Drip Irrigation
• Eri etc
Baoli Kund
WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS 1 For communities with
Water Supply for Residences A minimum of 70 to 100 litres per population up to 20 000
head per day may be considered adequate for domestic needs and without flushing system
of urban communities, apart from non domestic needs as
flushing requirements. As a general rule the following rates per
(a) water supply through 40 lphd (
capita per day may be considered minimum for domestic and
standpost Min )
non domestic needs:
Out of the 150 to 200 litres per head per day, 45 litres per head (b) water supply through house 70 to 100
per day may be taken for flushing requirements and the service connection lphd
remaining quantity for other domestic purposes.
Dwellings with individual conveniences shall have at least the 2 For communities with 100 to 150
following fitments: population 20 000 to lphd
One bath room provided with a tap, 100,000 together with full
One water-closet, and flushing system
One nahani or sink either in the floor or raised from the floor with a 3 For communities with 150 to 200
tap. population above 100 000 lphd
Where only one water-closet is provided in a dwelling, the bath and together with full flushing
water-closet shall be separately accommodated. system
NOTE - Water-closets, unless otherwise indicated, shall be of
Indian style ( squatting type ).
S No. Type of Building Consumption/Day/
Dwellings without individual 1 Factories where bathrooms are required to be 45 per head
conveniences shall have the provided
following fitments: 2 Factories where no bath rooms are required to 30 per head
a) One water tap with draining be provided
arrangement in each tenement, 3 Hospital ( including laundry) 340 per head
b) One water-closet and one bath (a) Number of beds not exceeding 100 :
for every two tenements, and (b) Number of beds exceeding 100 450 per head
c) Water taps in common bath
rooms. 4 Nurses’ homes and medical quarters 135 per head
5 Hostels 135 per head
6 Hotel 180 per head
Significant water and energy savings (up to 40 percent) can be realized by improving
the design of plumbing systems. These savings are easily attainable, and simply
involve some preplanning and deliberate design techniques. Beyond energy and water
savings, there are also measurable benefits of careful design and installation of
plumbing systems, including:
1. Reduce:
Reducing the amount of waste you produce is the best way to
help the environment. There are lots of ways to do this. For
→ Buy products that don’t have too much packaging. Some
products are wrapped in many layers of plastic and paperboard
even though they don’t need to be. You can also look for things
that are packed in materials that don’t require a lot of energy or
resources to produce. Some products will put that information
right on their labels.
→ Instead of buying something you’re not going to use very often,
see if you can borrow it from someone. Cars use a large amount
of energy and cause pollution. Some ways to reduce the
environmental damage caused by cars include carpooling with
friends, walking, taking the bus, or riding your bike instead of
2. Reuse:
→ Bring cloth sacks to the store with you instead of
taking home new paper or plastic bags. You can use
these sacks again and again. You’ll be saving some
trees! Plastic containers and reusable lunch bags are
great ways to take your lunch to school without creating
→ Coffee cans, shoeboxes, plastic food containers,
and other types of containers people throw away can
be used to store things or can become fun arts and
crafts projects. Use your imagination!
3. Recycle:
Many of the things we use every day, like paper bags, soda cans,
and milk cartons, are made out of materials that can be recycled.
In some towns you can leave your recyclables in bins outside your
home, and a truck will come and collect them regularly. Other towns
have recycling centres where you can drop off the materials you’ve
collected. Things like paper and plastic grocery bags, and plastic and
aluminium cans and bottles can often be brought to the grocery store
for recycling. Whatever your system is, it’s important to remember to
rinse out and sort your recyclables!
Recycled items are put through a process that makes it possible to
create new products out of the materials from
the old ones. Some materials such as aluminium and glass can be
recycled indefinitely, as the process does not affect their structure.
Other materials, such as paper, require a mixture of waste and raw
material to manufacture a new product.
3. Recycle:
Many of the things we use every day, like paper bags, soda cans,
and milk cartons, are made out of materials that can be recycled.
In some towns you can leave your recyclables in bins outside your
home, and a truck will come and collect them regularly. Other towns
have recycling centres where you can drop off the materials you’ve
collected. Things like paper and plastic grocery bags, and plastic and
aluminium cans and bottles can often be brought to the grocery store
for recycling. Whatever your system is, it’s important to remember to
rinse out and sort your recyclables!
Recycled items are put through a process that makes it possible to
create new products out of the materials from
the old ones. Some materials such as aluminium and glass can be
recycled indefinitely, as the process does not affect their structure.
Other materials, such as paper, require a mixture of waste and raw
material to manufacture a new product.
4. Recover:
After collection, the residual waste is disposed of (either
through landfill or incineration), the recyclables are
remanufactured and/or energy is recovered (if energy is
recovered from waste it is classed as recovery rather than
disposal). To recover is a new technology that prepares and
treats waste materials in order to generate energy. The
energy produced by this special method is used as power.
Energy can be recovered from waste either by direct waste
incineration (typically mass burn incineration plants, taking
unsorted waste) or by using waste as a fuel substitute
(either directly or as a “refuse derived fuel”).
5. Replace:
To substitute a thing that is broken or inefficient or lost
or no longer working for another. To put in the place of
another and switch seemingly equivalent items that can
be interchanged:
→ Use water-based paints instead of solvent-based
→ Use durable items instead of one-off disposable items
(e.g. replace paper/plastic cups with mugs/glasses),
→ Replace paper towels with hand-dryers or cloth
Theory and Practice
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) is a plastic material frequently used for water service to the home from
the main, swimming pools, and sprinkler drain systems. PVC contains phthalates, which are
controversial in terms of long-term health effects, particularly in infant exposure. Although it’s unclear
whether the use of PVC piping can increase human exposure to phthalates to a significant degree,
PVC has other issues. Lead is sometimes used as a hardening agent in PVC during the
manufacturing process. On the positive side, Chlorinated PVC (CPVC) offers better corrosion
resistance in situations with high acid water.
• Theory and Practice
Copper is one of the most commonly used piping materials
because of its availability and durability. Copper can corrode in
the presence of high acid water and like PVC, may contain lead.
States like California and Vermont have dramatically lowered
the lead permissible in plumbing fittings down to 0.25 percent