Water Consumption AND Water Demand

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• Average Day Demand
• Maximum Day Demand
• Maximum Hour Demand
For the Sizing of : Reservoir or Storage Tank
: Transfer Pump
: Hydropneumatic Pressure System
Water Consumption vs. Water Demand

• Water Consumption is • Water Demand is the

the amount of water sum of water
consumed by all consumption and
residents, institutions, unaccounted for
etc. when provided with water*.
water service facilities.
• Unaccounted for water –the
amount of water losses thru
leakages and pilferages

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Water Demand

• Knowledge of the
quantity of water
needed to satisfy the
requirement of the
building or community
is necessary in the
design of any water
supply system.

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Water Consumption

• Oftentimes, water is 4. Cost of water to

utilized mainly for consumers
domestic consumption 5. Habits and manner of
which is affected by: usage of the consumers
6. Climate
1. Size of population
7. Livestock, poultry, hogs
and other animals being
2. Standard of living of raised by the residents
the consumers 8. Plants and gardens being
3. Quality and quantity of maintained by the
water available residents
Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu
Estimated Water Consumption
Average Human Water Consumption Breakdown of Water Usage(per capita/day)
Use Consumption in Use % 120 liter 150 liter
Consumption Consumption
Rural Area Kitchen 15% 18 liters 22.50 liters
1. Public Faucet 60 Drinking 5% 6 7.50
Shower 10% 12 15
2. Individual Household 100
Connection Laundry 20% 24 30
3. Combined Public 80 Toilet Flush 40% 48 60
Faucets & some
Household Connection Others: 10% 12 15
Suburban Area 120 Carwash,
Urban Area 150 gardens

TOTAL 100% 120 liters 150 liters

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Other Water Usage According to the Type of Building
Building Type Consumption in Building Type Consumption in
liters/capita/day liters/capita/day
Airports (per Passenger) 11 -19 Restaurants
Apartments (per resident) 151 • with toilets (per patron) 26 - 38
Boardinghouses (per boarder) 150 – 189 • without toilets (per patron) 9 - 11
Factories (per person/shift) 57 - 132
• with bar / cocktail (add’l) 8
Hotels with T & B (twin sharing) 227
Schools (per student)
Hotels w/o T & B (per person) 189
• with gym, canteen, shower 95
Hospitals (per bed) 946 - 1514
• with canteen only 76
Institutional Building (per 284 - 473
person) • w/o gym, canteen, shower 57
Large Residential Houses (per 189 - 284
resident) Auditorium (per seat) 19

Stores (per toilet room) 151

Office (per person/shift) 57

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Average Daily Livestock Consumption
Animal Consumption in
Each Milk Cow 133
Each Steer or Dry Cow 45
Each Horse 45
Each Hog 15
Each Sheep 8
Each 100 Chickens 15

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Leakages and Pilferages

• In addition to domestic
consumption, allowance
should be made for
leakages and pilferages.
• Ideally, this should not
be more than 15% of
the total water sent to
the distribution system.

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Design Criteria
• The objectives of the design
• Design criteria include:
criteria are to establish
goals such that if the criteria 1. Design population
are met, consumers will 2. Design period (when
receive water at reasonable applicable)
quantities and cost.
• However, during the 3. Demand factors
planning process, it may be a. Average Day Demand
necessary to modify the b. Maximum Day
criteria to accommodate Demand
special requirements of the
c. Maximum Hour
(Peak Hour) Demand
Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu
• Stated mathematically:
Design Population Pp = 1.15 x P

• Design Population is Based on 3% annual increase of

population for the design period of 5
the number of years: (0.03 x 5 = 0.15)
individuals of the
building or area to be
served within the Pp = Projected
design period. population at the end of
• The design population is the design period
equal to the present
population multiplied P = Present population
by 1.15.
Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu
Design Period
• The effective life of the • The design periods
project is dependent recommended for the
upon the size and following appurtenances
source of the water are:
supply, the life span of 1. Pumps : 5 years*
pumps, pipelines, and 2. Wells, pipelines: 5 years *
storage tanks. This may 3. Storage Tanks: 5 years*
also include the * The life of the system may last up to
availability of funds to 20 years
finance the project
Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu
Demand Factor: Average Day Demand

• Average Day Demand is the sum of the daily

water demands in one year divided by the
number of days of that year.
• The Formula is:
Average Day Demand = Design Population x Water Consumption Rate

• Use the value in Average Day Demand in the

design of the Reservoir or Storage Tank

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Demand Factor: Maximum Day Demand
• Maximum Day Demand is the day with the highest
water demand. Usually, this occurs during dry
season generally on a Monday.
• The formula is:

Maximum Day Demand = 1.30 x Average Day Demand

• The value from the Maximum Day Demand is used in

determining the minimum pump capacity. (Except in
Hydropneumatic Pressure System)
Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu
Demand Factor: Maximum Hour Demand
• Maximum Hour Demand or Peak Hour
Demand is any hour of the day when the
water demand is at its maximum. In most
places this occurs early morning at 7 or 8.
• The formula is
If the Design Population is less than 600 persons:

MHD = (3 x Average Day Demand) ÷ Time*

If the Design Population is more than 600 persons:

MHD *Time
= (2.5 x Average Day Demand) ÷ Time*
= Duration of Usage
Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu
• Maximum Hour Demand is used in:
1. Estimating the diameter of transmission
and distribution mains.

2. Estimating the minimum pump capacity in

Hydropneumatic Pressure System.

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Example: Proposed 10 Storey
Office Building
Total Useable Floor Area: 10,000 square meters

Determine the:
1. Average Day Demand
2. Maximum Day Demand
3. Maximum Hour Demand
Solve for:
1. Capacity of Overhead Storage Tank, if the Gravity System is to be used.
2. Capacity of Transfer Pump
3. Capacity of Booster Pump and Pressure Tank, if the Hydropneumatic
Pressure System is to be used.

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Sample Calculations: Office Building
1. Design Population 3. Duration of Usage
If the population is not given Use 9 hours or 540 minutes of usage
or known, determine the per day.
gross floor area of the
building and use the
4. Maximum Hour Demand
occupant load of 11 square Use: (3 x Ave. Day Demand)÷Time,
meters per person. if the population is less than 600.
2. Daily Water Use: ( 2.5 x Ave. Day Demand)÷Time,
if the population is more than 600.
Use 75

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Step 1. Solving for the Step 3. Solving for Maximum
Design Population (Pp). Day Demand (MDD).
Pp = 1.15 (10,000m² ÷ 11m²/person) MDD = 1.3 x Average Day Demand
Pp = 1046 person
= 1.3 x 78,450 liters
MDD = 101,985 liters/day
Step 2. Solving for Average
Day Demand (AVD). Step 4. Solving for Maximum
AVD = 1046 person x lpd Hour Demand (MHD).
AVD = 78,450 liters/day MHD = (2.5 x Ave. Day Demand)÷Time
= (2.5 x 78,450 liters)÷540 min
MHD = 363.19 liters/minute

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• Average Day Demand:78,450 liters/day

• Maximum Day Demand: 101,985 liters/day

• Maximum Hour demand: 363.19

or 6.05 liters/second

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Design of Storage Tanks or Reservoirs
Capacity. To a great extent Sizing the Capacity of the
depends upon the water Storage Tank (Cst).
demand. Also, provision should
be made to cover the demand a. Maximum
during normal breakdown or Cst = Ave. Day Demand x 1.03*
maintenance. As a “Rule of
Thumb”, the storage tank
b. Minimum
volume (except in a
hydropneumatic pressure Cst = (0.25 x Ave. Day Demand)1.03*
system) should be at least equal
to one-fourth (1/4) of daily * Accounts to losses due to
water demand of the evaporation

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Sizing of Storage Tank for a 10 Storey Office
• Maximum Capacity
Cst = (78,450 liters/day) 1.03
Cst = 80,803.5 liters
say 81,000 liters

• Minimum Capacity
Cst = (0.25 x 78,450) 1.03
Cst = 20,200.90 liters
say 21,000 liters

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Calculate the Pump Capacity

For this example, the values are:

Step 1. Solving for Rate of
Pump Setting: 3.00
Flow (Q). meters
Q = Maximum Day Demand Tank Elevation: 40.00 meters
Q = 101,985 liters/day x 1 day/9 Friction Loss: 10.63 meters
hours x 1 hour/3600 seconds Therefore: TDH = 54.00 meters
Q = 3.15 liters/second Step 3. Calculate the
Water Horsepower
Step 2. Calculate the (WHP).
Pump Total Dynamic
WHP = (Q x TDH) ÷ 75
Head (TDH). = (3.15 x 54.00)÷ 75
TDH = Pump Setting + Tank WHP = 2.27 Hp
Elevation + Friction Loss

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Calculate the Pump Capacity
Step 4. Calculate the • Pump Specifications;
Brake Horsepower Q = 3.15 lps
(BHP). TDH = 45 meters
BHP = WHP ÷ pump efficiency*
BHP = 4 Hp
* assume at 40 %to 60%
BHP = 1.89 ÷ 0.60
BHP = 3.15 Hp
use 4 Hp

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Calculate the Booster Pump
(For Hydropneumatic Pressure System)
For this example, the values are:
Step 1. Solve for the Rate Static Height: 34.00 m
of Flow (Q). Discharge Pressure Desired: 28.00 m
Friction loss: 12. 00 m
Q = Maximum Hour Demand Therefore: TDH = 74.00 meters
Q = 6.05 liters/second Step 4. Calculate for WHP.
Step 2. Calculate for the WHP = (6.05 x 74) ÷ 75
TDH. WHP = 5.97 Hp
TDH = Static Height in meters + Step 5. Calculate for BHP.
Discharge Pressure Desired + BHP = WHP ÷ pump efficiency
Friction Loss in meters
= 5.97 ÷ 0.60
BHP = 9.95 Hp
Use 10 Hp
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Q = 6.05 lps
0.36 m³/minute

TDH = 74 meters

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Calculate the Pressure Tank
(For Hydropneumatic Pressure System)
• Use the formula: Vstorage = (15 x 363.19 lpm) ÷ 24
Ctank = Vstorage ÷ f Vstorage = 226.99 liters
Ctank = capacity of pressure tank in
liters Ctank = 226.99 ÷ 0.31
Vstorage = (15Q) ÷ N Ctank = 732.23 liters
Q = Maximum Hour Demand in liter say 750 liters
per minute Refer to manufacturer’s Technical data to
N = Number of pump cycles per hour; specify commercially available pressure
use 12 cycles per pump/hour tank.
f = acceptance factor; assume 0.31

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207 kPa + 101.43 kPa
= 1-
345 kPa + 101.43 kPa

= 1 – 0.69

= 0.31

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Summary for Hydropneumatic pressure System

• Booster Pump (Dual System) • Pressure Tank

Q = 6.05 lps Capacity: 750 liters
TDH = 74.00 meters
BHP = 10 Hp

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Preliminary Estimated Water Requirements
for Other Building Types
Facility Liter/capita/day Usage in Hours
Office Building 75 8 to 9
Office Building with Restaurant 95 8 to 9
Housing 189 - 284 15
Classrooms 95 16.25
Dormitory w/o kitchenette 284 16.25
Dormitory with kitchenette 307 16.25
Luxury Hotels 492 11

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Estimated Water Requirements for Hospitals
Consumption Values
Consumption per Year 378,500 liters/bed/year
Consumption per Month 37,850 liters/bed/month
Consumption per Day 889.50 to 1,135.50 liters/bed/day
Peak Hourly Flow 114 liters/bed/day
Minimum Hourly Flow 11.40 liters/bed/hour
Peak Instantaneous Flow* (Peak Hourly Flow x 2) ÷ 60 minutes = _____ lpm
Average Instantaneous Flow Peak Instantaneous Flow ÷ 2 = _____ lpm
HVAC equipment & A. C. make-up See HVAC Department

Peak instantaneous flow plus HVAC water requirements and any large water demand
equipment (such as large laundry) should be used for sizing the water service and
pumping equipment.

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1. The Table in the preceding slide is based upon a general

hospital with kitchen, laundry and hydrotherapy facilities.
2. The water requirements for air conditioning are not included
in the table. Add A. C. requirements as given by the HVAC
3. Fire flow for sprinkler and standpipe are not included. Rate
of flow is generally from 1893 to 5,678 lpm.
4. Extremely high water demand equipment such as large
laundry and hydrotherapy facilities must be evaluated
separately in order to determine if special design is required.

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Example: Estimate the Water Requirements
for a 500 Bed General Hospital
Consumption Values
Consumption per Year 500 x 378,500 liters/bed/year =189,250,000 liters
Consumption per Month 500 x 37,850 liters/bed/month = 18,925,000 liters
Consumption per Day 500 x 1,135.50 liters/bed/day = 567,750 liters
Peak Hourly Flow 500 x 114 liters/bed/hr = 57,000 liters/hour
Minimum Hourly Flow 500 x 11.40 liters/bed/hour = 5,700 liters/hour
Peak Instantaneous Flow (57,000 x 2) ÷ 60 minutes = 1,900 lpm
Average Instantaneous Flow 1,900 ÷ 2 = 950 lpm
Total Liters per Day 567,750 liters
Total Average Rate 950 lpm + A. C. make-up
Total Peak Rate 1,900 lpm + A. C. make-up
Fire Flow 5678 lpm for 120 minutes = 681,360 liters

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Estimating Water Demand for Shopping
• Area Method: • Parking and Population Method:
a. Use 10 hour a. Number of Parking Areas x 3 turnovers/day
x 2 occupants/car = approximate number
usage per day.
of customers per day.
b. Use 4 liters b. Customers per day x 5 liters/customer/day
per square = water consumption for customers per
meter of gross day.
building area c. Number of employees x 76
for the daily liters/person/day = water consumption for
domestic employees per day.
water d. Customer load + Employee load = Total
consumption. domestic water consumption in liters/day.

Danilo V. Ravina New NAMPAP Cebu

Example: Assume a 50,000 square meter gross building area for a
shopping mall with 24,000 customers per day and 800 employees.

• Area Method: • Population Method:

Total Load = 50,000 sq.m. 24,000 customers x 5 l/p/d = 120,000 lpd
x 4 liters/sq.m./day +
800 employees x 76 l/p/d = 60,800 lpd
Total Load = 200,000 liters/day Total Load = 180,800 lpd

Use the higher figure of the Area Method: 200,000 liters/day

Average Rate = 200,000 ÷ (10 hours x 60 minutes/hour) = 333.33 lpm

Peak Rate = Average rate x 2 = 333.33 x 2 = 666.67 lpm

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End of Presentation

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God Bless Us All.

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