Bacterial Growth Requirement and Cultivation
Bacterial Growth Requirement and Cultivation
Bacterial Growth Requirement and Cultivation
Prepared by: Ma.Gladys Bautista
Bacterial Cell Growth
• In most prokaryotes, growth of an
individual cell continues until the cell
divides into two new cells, a process
called binary fission.
Binary Fission
Bacterial Cell Growth
• During the growth cycle all cellular
constituents increase in number such that
each daughter cell receives a complete
chromosome and sufficient copies of all
other macromolecules.
Bacterial Growth
• Growth- is the orderly increase of all
chemical constituents of the cell.
- a process that entails the replication
of all cellular structures, organelles and
protoplasmic components from the
nutrients present in the surrounding
Bacterial Cell Growth
• The time required for a complete growth
cycle in bacteria is highly variable and is
dependent on a number of factors, both
nutritional and genetic.
• E. coli- can complete the growth cycle in
about 20 minutes.
Bacterial Growth
• Generation or doubling time- the average
time required for an organism to double its
number . (E.coli- 20 minutes)
2 H 2 O2 2 H2 O + O2
Oxygen relationship of microorganisms
(a) Aerobic (b) Facultative anaerobe (c) Microaerophilic (d)Aerotolerant
(e) Anaerobes
Other Requirements
• F. Carbon dioxide – some organisms such
as Neisseria, Brucella require for growth a
higher concentration of carbon dioxide (3-
10%) These organisms are called
• G. Moisture – It serves as a solvent for
food and forms the major portion of
Physical Requirements
A. Temperature – every bacterium has an
optimal temperature, the temperature at
which the organism grows best.
1. Psychrophilic- cold loving-grows at 10-20C
2. Mesophilic- grows at 20-40C (most pathogens grow at
3. Thermophilic- heat loving- grows at 50-60C
Relationship of Temperature to Growth Rate
Physical Requirements
B. Hydrogen Ion Concentration- most
pathogenic bacteria have an optimal pH of
7.2 – 7.6
a. acidophiles- grows at pH 6.5 – 7.0
b. neutrophiles – grows at pH 7.5 – 8.0
c. alkalophiles- grows at pH 8.4 -.9.0
pH Requirements
Classification of bacteria based
on salt requirement
• Halophiles- have a specific requirement for
the sodium ion (3%)
• Mild halophile- 1-6%
• Moderate halophile – 6-15%
Effect of sodium ion concentration on growth of microorganisms of different salt
tolerances or requirements
The Bacterial Growth Curve
• This characteristic growth curve is obtained by
plotting the logarithm of the number of cells
against the time of growth.
1. Weighing
2. Dissolving- add the exact amount of solvent to
the ingredients and then dissolved by heating
3. Titration- adjustment to the right pH (pH 7.2)
4. Sterilization- autoclace 121C for 15 mins
5. Cool to approximately 50C
6. Distribute to individual petri dish