Media Evolution

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Evolution Of

Media & Its

Origin Of Media

1. What Is Media?
2. Why is media soimportant?
What Is Media?
• The term media is defined as "one of the means
or channels of general communication in society,
as newspapers, radio, television etc."
• The beginning of human communication dates
back to ancient cave paintings, drawn maps and
First Printing
• Gutenberg was the first European to use the
impression in 1439.
• In the West, the first newspaper appeared even in
antiquity, under the command of Julius Caesar in ancient
Why is media soimportant?
• All media have their importance and usefulness. Themedia
• serve to keep us informed of currentissues.
• And the development of a better society throughan informed

public opinion.
• . The highest level media revolutions, doubts
are being the invention of paper, phones,
television, radio, computer and of course the
• Over time, the mass media has evolved
and the reaction of society and
accessibility to them.
Types of media
Printed media
Magazine and Comics
Electronic media
Mobile phones
Social media
Advantages of media

• People get the latest news in a very short time.

• People learn about different cultures.

• People get to bring out their hidden talents.

• Children can learn from different programs.

• People can communicate easily with each other.

• You can share your issues with community.

• Media can also be used for noble causes.

• Media create awareness among the people.

• It improves business reputation.

• It helps in business growth.

• Keep everyone up-to-date.

• Learning become easy.

Future Of Media
The way we consume media and
entertainment has changed dramatically in
recent years, with new technologies and
the meteoric rise of so-called over-the-top,
content revolutionizing the industry.
According to an 'American Marketing
Association' survey there are some
prediction about future of media.
Digital will inherit the world
TV Networks will soon feel
newspapers pain
Video, music, and digital “print” subscriptions
are climbing fast.

Native digital advertising will continue to

So here is the glimpse at the past
present and future of media….
Disadvantage Of Media
Half Truth
• The media nowadays is more interested in news that
would gather attention rather the news that actually
• Reports are often biased and does not show the actual
• Paid promotions also add on to this chaos
• Influence the youth mind.
• Most of the children have become victims of the
cyberbulling over the past.
• Since anyone can create a fake account and do
anything without being traced, it has become
quite easy for anyone to bully on the Internet.
• Threats, intimidation messages and rumors can
be sent to the masses to create discomfort and
chaos in the society
• The addictive part of the social media is very bad and
can disturb personal lives as well.
• The teenagers are the most affected by the addiction of
the social media.
• They get involved very extensively and are eventually
cut off from the society.
• It can also waste individual time that could have been
utilized by productive tasks and activities.
Glamorizes Drugs and Alcohol
• One of the disadvantages of the social media is
that people start to follow others who are wealthy
or drug addicted and share their views and
videos on the web.
• Which eventually inspires others to follow the
same and get addicted to the drugs and alcohol.
Careers In Media

• Journalism

• Production career in T.V

• Publisher for books, comics

• Digital Media

• Truth and

• Independence

• Accountability

• Humanity
Production career in T.V

• Preproduction

• Production

• Post Production

• Market for your book

• Core idea of your book

• How you get attention

Digital media

• Advertising Manager.

• Animator.

• Digital Imaging Manager.

• Digital Video Editor.

Media Now a days

• In today’s world , media has played significant role in

strengthening the society. It is considered as a mirror of
the modern society, infect, it is the media which keeps
the people updated and informed about what is
happening around them and the world. It tells about the
people who are divided geographically.
• The role of media has become one way of trading and
marketing of products and prejudices. The media
claimed to be governed by righteousness and equity, but
greed and self-aggrandizement has poisoned its virtues.
• Media is in charge of :
• a) Information
• b) Education
• c) Entertainment
• d) Correlation of parts of society
• e) Advertising
• Society is influenced by media in so many ways. It is the
media for the masses that helps them to get information
about a lot of things and also to form opinions and make
judgments regarding various issues! Everyone can draw
something from it.
• But situation of media now a days is totally opposite.
They are misusing peoples interest. As they know they
have power to play with people’s mind, they can change
you r point of view on particular subject.?
• Checkout following design which describes how media
now a days ruin the meaning of word “Media”
1) See what only matters
2) Pay and Publish
3) He is good cause he paid
4) Media vs. Reality
• 5) Because TRP matters
• 6) Why call it Newspaper instead call it Ad Paper
• 7) Be diplomatic & keep smiling
• 8) TRP is greater than Humanity

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