Consolidation Lecture

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• The process, involving a gradual compression

occurring simultaneously with a flow of water out
of the mass and with a gradual transfer of the
applied pressure from the pore water to the
mineral skeleton is called consolidation.
• The process opposite to consolidation is called
swelling, which involves an increase in the water
content due to an increase in the volume of the

Consolidation may be due to one or more of the
following factors:

1. External static loads from structures.

2. Self-weight of the soil such as recently placed fills.
3. Lowering of the ground water table.
The total compression of a saturated clay strata under
excess effective pressure may be considered as the sum

1. Immediate compression,
2. Primary consolidation, and
3. Secondary compression.
• The portion of the settlement of a structure which occurs
more or less simultaneously with the applied loads is
referred to as the initial or immediate settlement. This
settlement is due to the immediate compression of the soil
layer under un-drained condition and is calculated by
assuming the soil mass to behave as an elastic soil.

• If the rate of compression of the soil layer is controlled

solely by the resistance of the flow of water under the
induced hydraulic gradients, the process is referred to as
primary consolidation.

The portion of the settlement that is due to
the primary consolidation is called primary
consolidation settlement or compression.

At the present time the only theory of

practical value for estimating time-dependent
settlement due to volume changes, that is
under primary consolidation is the one-
dimensional theory.
• The third part of the settlement is due to
secondary consolidation or compression of the
clay layer. This compression is supposed to start
after the primary consolidation ceases, that is after
the excess pore water pressure approaches zero.

• It is often assumed that secondary compression

proceeds linearly with the logarithm of time.
However, a satisfactory treatment of this
phenomenon has not been formulated for
computing settlement under this category.
•For the vast majority of practical settlement
problems, it is sufficient to consider that both
seepage and strains take place in one direction only;
this usually being vertical.
•One-dimensional consolidation specifically occurs
when there is no lateral strain, e.g. in the oedometer
test. One-dimensional consolidation can be assumed
to be occurring under wide foundations.

•A simple one-dimensional consolidation model

consists of rectilinear element of soil subject to
vertical changes in loading and through which
vertical (only) seepage flow is taking place.
•There are three variables:

•the excess pore pressure (u)

•the depth of the element in the layer (z)
•the time elapsed since application of the loading (t)

• The total stress on the element is assumed to remain


•The coefficient of volume compressibility (mv) is

assumed to be constant.

•The coefficient of permeability (k) for vertical flow is

assumed to be constant.
• Used to measure consolidation of saturated clay water
• Also called Oedometer.
• The soil sample is contained in the brass ring between two
porous stones about 1.25 cm thick. by means of the porous
stones water has free access to and from both surfaces of
the specimen.
• The compressive load is applied to the specimen through a
piston, either by means of a hanger and dead weights or by
a system of levers. The compression is measured on a dial
• At the bottom of the soil sample the water expelled from the soil
flows through the filter stone into the water container. At the top, a
well-jacket filled with water is placed around the stone in order to
prevent excessive evaporation from the sample during the test.

• Water from the sample also flows into the jacket through the upper
filter stone. The soil sample is kept submerged in a saturated
condition during the test.
• Loads are applied in steps in such a way that the successive
load intensity, p, is twice the preceding one. The load
intensities commonly used being 1/4, 1/2,1, 2,4, 8, and 16
tons/ft2 (25, 50,100,200,400, 800 and 1600 kN/m2).

• Each load is allowed to stand until compression has

practically ceased (no longer than 24 hours). The dial
readings are taken at elapsed times of 1/4, 1/2, 1,2,4, 8,15,
30, 60, 120, 240, 480 and 1440 minutes from the time the
new increment of load is put on the sample (or at elapsed
times as per requirements).
• Sandy samples are compressed in a relatively short time as
compared to clay samples and the use of one day duration
is common for the latter.
After the greatest load required for the test has been
applied to the soil sample, the load is removed in
decrements to provide data for plotting the expansion
curve of the soil in order to learn its elastic properties
and magnitudes of plastic or permanent deformations.
The following data should also be obtained:

•Moisture content and weight of the soil sample before the

commencement of the test.
•Moisture content and weight of the sample after completion
of the test.
•The specific gravity of the solids.
•The temperature of the room where the test is conducted
The pressure-void ratio curve can be obtained if the void ratio of the
sample at the end of each increment of load is determined. Accurate
determinations of void ratio are essential and may be computed from
the following data:

•The cross-sectional area of the sample A, which is the same as that of the brass ring.
•The specific gravity, Gs, of the solids.
•The dry weight, Ws, of the soil sample.
•The sample thickness, h, at any stage of the test.

Let Vs = volume of the solids in the sample where

If “e” is the void ratio of the sample, then
hs is a constant and only h is a variable which decreases with increment
load. If the thickness h of the sample is known at any stage of the test,
the void ratio at all the stages of the test may be determined.

The equilibrium void ratio at the end of any load increment may be
determined by the change of void ratio method:
Change of Void-Ratio Method
• In one-dimensional compression the change in height ∆h per unit of original
height h equals the change in volume ∆V per unit of original volume V.
For constant area.

Determining The Preconsolidation Pressure (Pc)
Cassagrande Graphical Method

Void Ratio
5 6

Po Pc Log P
OCR = Pc/Po
OCR = 1 Normally Consolidated
OCR > 1 Over Consolidated
OCR > 4 Heavily Over Consolidated

By: Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D., P.E.

Consolidation Settlement
Normally Loading Unloading
Consolidated Soil
Sand Sand Hsand Sand 2 Hsand
1 1

H clay/2 Dp
p Hclay H clay/2 
Dpp Hclay

Sand Sand Sand

Void Ratio Void Ratio

Void Ratio
P P



Po Po + Dp
P Log P
Po Po + Dp
P Log P
Po Log P

Cc H log(po +p)
Sultimate = H =
1 + eo Po

Po = sand . Hsand + (clay - water ) . Hclay/2

By: Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D., P.E.

Re loading
with Heavy Load

2 Hsand 2


H clay/2 
Dpp 2
Hclay H clay/2
Dp 2 Hclay

V oid Ratio The soil become V oid Ratio Dp

P2 2

P Dp



Po Po + Dp
P Log P Po Pc Po + Dp
P22 Log P

Cs H log Pc Cc H log (Po + P2 )

Sultimate = H =
1 + eo
( ) +
1 + eo Pc
By: Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D., P.E.
• Problem. A recently completed fill was 32.8 ft thick and
its initial average void ratio was 1.0. The fill was loaded
on the surface by constructing an embankment covering
a large area of the fill. Some months after the
embankment was constructed, measurements of the fill
indicated an average void ratio of 0.8. Estimate the
compression of the fill.

• Problem. A soil sample has a compression index of 0.3. If
the void ratio e at a stress of 2940 Ib/ft2 is 0.5, compute
(i) the void ratio if the stress is increased to 4200 Ib/ft2,
and (ii) the settlement of a soil stratum 13 ft thick.

Settlement Causes

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