Comparative Police System-A

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1. In Singapore, basic and advance training for

recruits and national service was provided at the
police academy.
a. Outstanding officer b. Selective officer
c. Selected officers d. Special officers

2. The basic training for all officials was conducted

at the ___
a. Police Team academy b. Pinoy Dream academy
c. Home team academy d. National academy
3. In Singapore it is used throughout the police force
although some ranks may be unique to specific
Standard rank b. Standard manning level
Standard uniform level d. NOTA

4. It is the science and art of investigating and

comparing the police system of nations. It covers the
study of police organizations, trainings and methods
of policing of various nations.
a. Comparative police system b. Comparative
c. Comparative justice d. All of these
5. It involves the study and description of one
country’s law, criminal procedure, or justice process.
a. International Criminal Justiceb. Transnational
c. Comparative criminal justice d. Both a and c

6. It is a subfield of the study of criminal justice that

compares justice systems worldwide.
a. International criminal justice b. Transnational
c. Comparative criminal justice d. All of these
7. Pertains to all forms of policing that transgress
national borders.
a. Transnational policing b. Global policing
c. Centralized policing d. Comparative police

8. Indicate those types of policing that are formally

directed by institutions usually responsible for
international affairs.
a. International policing b. Global policing
c. Centralized policing d. Transnational policing
9. Indicate those forms of policing that are fully
global in scope.
a. International policing b. Global policing
c. Centralized policing d. Transnational policing

10. Simply means there is only one police force that

is recognized and operates entire a certain country.
a. International policing b. Global policing
c. Centralized policing d. Transnational policing
11. Police administrations and operations are independent
from one state to another. It is more applicable to
countries with federal government.
a. Centralized policing b. Decentralized policing
c. Comparative policing d. All of these

12. A process of interaction and integration among the

people, companies, and governments of different nations,
a process driven by international trade and investment and
aided by information technology.
a. Comparative policing system b. Globalization
c. Transnational policing d. Comparative justice
13. Explains that people alertness to crime is
heightened, so they report more crime to the police
and also demand the police become more effective
in solving crime problems.
a. Alertness theory b. Migration theory
c. Economic theory d. Both b and c

14. Crime is a result of unrestrained migration and

overpopulation in urban areas such as ghettos and
a. Alertness theory b. Migration theory
c. Opportunity theory d. Modernization theory
15. Along with higher standard of living, victims
become more careless of their belongings and
opportunities for committing of crime multiply.
a. Demographic theory b. Migration theory
c. Deprivation theory d. Opportunity theory

16. Greater numbers of children are being born,

because as these baby booms grow up, delinquent
subcultures develop out of the adolescent identity
a. Demographic theory b. Migration theory
c. Anomie theory d. Alertness theory
17. Progress comes along with rising expectations,
and people at the bottom develop unrealistic
expectations while people at the top do not see
themselves rising fast enough.
a. Anomie theory b. Deprivation theory
c. Frustration theory d. Strain theory

18. Sees the problem as society becoming too

a. Modernization theory b. Deprivation theory
c. Anomie theory d. Economic theory
19. Suggest that progressive lifestyles and norms
result in the disintegration of older norms that once
held people together.
a. Economic theory b. Anomie theory
c. Alertness theory d. None of these

20. Comes from the French word terrorisme which

a. Terrorism b. Terrorista
c. Tourist d. Tourism
21. Latin verb terreō meaning?
a. I frighten b. Scaring
c. Frightening d. Either a or c

22. Any act "intended to cause death or serious

bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants.
a. National terrorist b. Terrorism
c. Transnational terrorist d. Both b and c
23. Sued to define almost all illegal acts of violence
committed for political purpose by clandestine
a. National Terrorist b. Transnational terrorist
c. Global terrorist d. All of these

24. Terrorist who are controlled by and whose

actions represent the national interest of a sovereign
a. National terrorist b. Transnational terrorist
c. Global terrorist d. All of these
25. The “Human Security Act of 2007.”
a. RA 7293 b,. RA 8551
c. RA 6975 d. RA 9372

26. It is a global illicit trade involving the

cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale
of substances which are subject to drug
prohibition laws.
a. Money launderingb. Human Trafficking
c. Smuggling d. Drug Trafficking
27. Practice of disguising illegally obtained funds so
that they may seem legal.
a. Money laundering b. Placement
c. Layering d. Integration

28. It is also called as heavy soaping.

a. Integration b. Placement
c. Layering d. Immersion

29. It is also called as heavy soaping.

a. Integration b. Placement
c. Layering d. Immersion
30. Also called as spin dry.
a. Integration b. Placement
c. Layering d. Heavy soaping

31. It involves bank complicity, the mixing of

illicit with illicit funds, cash purchases and the
smuggling of currency to safe havens.
a. Placement b. Layering
c. Integration d. Money laundering
32. The process of disguising the trail to foil
a. Placement b. Layering
c. Integration d. Money laundering

33. The money is again available to the

criminal with its occupational and geographical
origin is hidden.
a. Placement b. Money Laundering
c. Integration d. Layering
34. It is the recruitment, transportation, transfer,
harboring, or receipt of persons by means of; threat
or use of force or other forms.
a. Abduction b. Human Trafficking
c. Smuggling d. Slavery

35. Any offense that is committed by a computer,

computer system, or computer network.
a. Human trafficking b. Cyber crime
c. Computer crimes d. Either b or c
36. Its Headquarters is located in Hague

37. Military police of the imperial Japanese army.

a. Kempeitai b. Tokeitai
c. Koban d. NOTA

38. Military police of the imperial Japanese navy

a. Kempeitai b. Tokeitai
c. Koban d. Tokko
39. A special higher police
a. Kempeitai b. Tokeitai
c. Koban d. Tokko

40. The highest rank in Singapore police system

a. General b. Commissioner of police
c. Deputy general d. 4 star general

41. The lowest rank of Singapore police system.

a. PO1 b. Constable
c. Private d. NOTA
42. Thailand national department is also known
as –
a. Thai police b. Pha thai police
c. Royal Thai force d. Royal Thai police

43. The RHKPF continuous to use similar ranks

and insignia to those police ranks like the –
a. British police force b. U.K police force
c. French police force d. NOTA
44. A researcher visits another country.
a. Sapari b. Safari method
c. Sapari method d. Saffari

45. The use of violence and threat to intimidate

or coerce for political purposes.
a. Terrorism b. Transnational crime
c. International terrorist d. Translational crime
46. Police officer in RMP normally wear a ____ with
a bush jacket.
a. Full blue uniform b. Full brown uniform
c. Whole khaki uniform d. Full beige unform

47. It is the worlds oldest profession.

a. Pornography b. Prostitution
c. Both a and b d. NOTA

48. It is the cyber prevention act of 2012.

a. RA 10022 b. RA 10028
c. RA 10158 d. RA 10175
49. IP address stands for?
a. Internet protocol address b. Both c and d
c. Internet precision address d. NONE

50. ISP stands for?

a. Internet service purce b. Internet service
c. NONE d. All of these

51. Interpol was founded in Vienna in?

a. 1993 b. 1923
c. 1933 d. 1943
52. Who is the current president of Interpol.
a. Ronald Nobes b. Nobuyaki Kawai
c. Either a or b’ d. NOTA

53. Who is the former Filipino president of

a. Teudolo Natividad b. Jolly R. Bugarin
c. Capt. Crame d. Delfin lorenzana
54. It is the systematic use of terror.
a. Terrorisme b. Terrorism
c. None d. All of these

55. It is an act practice of providing sexual service to

another person in return for payment.
a. Pornography b. Prostitution
c. Sexual slavery d. None

56. Nature that seek a rest in provisional arrest.

a. Red b. Blue
c. Purple d. Black
57. On this system there is only one police force in a
a. Centralized police system b. Centralized
c. Decentralized policing d. NOTA

58. It indicates those form of policing that are fully

global in scope.
a. International policing b. Transnational policig
c. Global policing d. NOTA
59. Thailand national police department known as –
a. Royal police b. Royal thai police
c. Royal Thailand police d. NOTA

60. Highest rank in singapor police force.

a. Commissioner b. Commission General
c. Commission Police d. NOTA

61. Lowest rank in Malaysian Police.

a. Constable b. Private
c. Both a and b d. NOTA
62. Myanmar police force is fully known as –
a. People police force b. Peoples police
c. Royal police force d. NOTA

63. Highest rank in Australian federal police –

a. Federal police b. Federal agent
c. All of these d. NOTA

64. In what year Interpol is conceptualize

a. 1920 b. 1930
c. 1940 d. 1950
65. UNODC stands for –
a. United nations for drugs and crime
b. UN drug and cyber crime
c. Both a and b

66. Interpol headquarters is located at –

a. Lyon france
b. Lion france
c. Lione Franz
d. Layon Francz
67. It is the study of social occurrences of
a. Comparative b. Comparative police
c. Comparative criminology d. NOTA

68. Its task is to compare and contrast and way

of responding to crime.
a. Comparative Criminal justice
b. Comparative police
c. Both a and b
69. It is the increasingly global relationship of
culture people and economic activity.
a. Globalized
b. Cultivation
c. Globalization

70. The law otherwise known as money

laundering act of the Philippines.
a. RA 9165 b. RA 9160
c. RA 9344 d. RA 6165
71. It is a crime against person that involves
a. Trafficking
b. Smuggling of human
c. Both a and B

72. It is the law called anti-trafficking of

persons act of 2003.
a. RA 9208 b. RA 9344
c. RA 9311 d. RA 9411
73. It is the practice of disguising illegally
sustained fund that they may seem legal.
a. Transfer
b. Palawan Express
c. Money Laundering

74. It is also called immersion.

a. Placement
b. Layering
c. Integration
75. It is also called spin dry.
a. Placement
b. Layering
c. Spin dry
d. Integration

76. Its main Headquarters is located at Hague

a. Europol b. Aseanpol
c. Crimpol d. Swimpol
77. Who appoint the directorate of eurolpol.
a. Council of European
b. Council of European union
c. Counsel of king
d. Both a and c

78. ASEANPOL stands for –

a. Asean police
b. Natural Police force of asean
c. Asean regional police
79. It is the MP of imperial Japanese navy.
a. Tokko
b. Kepeitai
c. Tokeitai
d. Koban

80. The Japanese counterpart of DILG.

a. Ministry of home affairs
b. Both c and d
c. Ministry of interior
81. Highest rank in Japanese police force.
a. Commissioner
b. General
c. Commissioner General
d. Director General

82. Lowest rank in Japanese Police force.

a. Constable
b. Private
c. Police officer
83. A process of interaction and integration among the
people, companies, and governments of different nations,
a process driven by international trade and investment and
aided by information technology.
a. Comparative policing system b. Globalization
c. Transnational policing d. Comparative justice

84. Explains that people alertness to crime is heightened,

so they report more crime to the police and also demand
the police become more effective in solving crime
a. Alertness theory b. Migration theory
c. Economic theory d. Both b and c
85. Crime is a result of unrestrained migration and
overpopulation in urban areas such as ghettos and
a. Alertness theory b. Migration theory
c. Opportunity theory d. Modernization theory

86. Along with higher standard of living, victims

become more careless of their belongings and
opportunities for committing of crime multiply.
a. Demographic theory
b. Migration theory
c. Deprivation theory
d. Opportunity theory
87. Greater numbers of children are being born,
because as these baby booms grow up, delinquent
subcultures develop out of the adolescent identity
a. Demographic theory b. Migration theory
c. Anomie theory d. Alertness theory

88. Progress comes along with rising expectations,

and people at the bottom develop unrealistic
expectations while people at the top do not see
themselves rising fast enough.
a. Anomie theory b. Deprivation theory
c. Frustration theory d. Strain theory
89. Sees the problem as society becoming too
a. Modernization theory b. Deprivation theory
c. Anomie theory d. Economic theory

90. Suggest that progressive lifestyles and

norms result in the disintegration of older
norms that once held people together.
a. Economic theory b. Anomie theory
c. Alertness theory d. None of these
91. Comes from the French word terrorisme
which means.
a. Terrorism
b. Terrorista
c. Tourist
d. Tourism

92. Latin verb terreō meaning?

a. I frighten b. Scaring
c. Frightening d. Either a or c
93. Any act "intended to cause death or
serious bodily harm to civilians or non-
a. National terrorist b. Terrorism
c. Transnational terrorist d. Both b and c

94. Sued to define almost all illegal

acts of violence committed for political purpose
by clandestine groups.
a. National Terrorist b. Transnational terrorist
c. Global terrorist d. All of these
95. Terrorist who are controlled by and whose
actions represent the national interest of a
sovereign state.
a. National terrorist b. Transnational terrorist
c. Global terrorist d. All of these

96. Crimes against person that usually involves

a. Trafficking b. Human trafficking
c. Smuggling d. Drug trafficking
97. How many countries does the UN have?
a. 193
b. 185
c. 203
d. 195

98. Highest rank in Taiwan police.

a. Police supervision
b. Police general
c. Both a and b
99. Lowest rank in the PNP.
a. PO1
b. Constable
c. Private
d. Police officer

100. The one who administer the PNP?

d. DOJ

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